The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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. Awr for October, 122 :
a4 lkn ta
MrV- ad rUr CVaHf '
Nearly erybear rraaa
The Oregon Statesman
niiaay enif u
Daily Mt Hundar
Arer( for nlxi montU ending
f-m 1 I lata.
SuDday only 5874
, - iMuily and Boptsr .:...."..5.45
t ) a-ii- r iiniirnTii I
U Charges Against Attorn
jeyr.Gen.eral Are Listed by
Representative Files
With Committee.
fry. " - - ' J
taft, Gompers, Wickersham
; and Many Other witnes
ses to be "Called
i I WASHINQTON, Dec. 1. Four
teen aoeclf Ic chances in his de-
' , mand for impeachment of Attor
,ney General Harry M. Daugherty,
were made by Representative Kel-
ler, Republican, . Minnesota, In
statement formally filed today
with the house Judiciary commit
tee. t
Meeting Called
- ; The statement was made at the
request of the committee and It is
expected that committee members
tvUl discuss It Informally tomor
row. A meeting already has been
.called for December 4, t con
aider the Daugherty charges.
Mr. Keller indicated that he
could call, among other witnes
ses. Chief Justice Taft, former
president: George W. Wicker
i sham, former attorney general
, under Taft; Samuel ; Combers
(president of the American Feder
ation of Labor, , and Guy uyster,
Mr. Gompers secretary, i Mr. K1
J ler declined to name other wit
n esses, saying he did not propose
' i to have them-'-subjeeted .to. the
; surveillance ot the detective bur
eau of the department of Justice.
Proof Declared lleady '
j "Nor do I propose," he : said
f"that witnesses i shall be terror
ised, browbeaten, driven or coerc
ied, or inveigled out of the Juris
. In his letter to Chairman Vol
stead of the judiciary committee,
i Mr. Keller said; the specifications
;iia aneioaed "set out and I . am
! I prepared to prove that the said
.? Daugherty is guilty of misconauci
i in office, highly prejudicial to the
sof his discretionary powers;
wilful and repeated violations of
h la oath of office, and ot high
4 ; crimes and dlsdemeanors In 14
: particulars, each one of which is
supported by numerous instanc
- es." ( '
1 J. fhanrea Made
, "If anv of these 14" specif ica-
, tions against the said Harry M.
t sf Daugherty can be said to be more
- - Important than; any other,? 'said
.Vt t Mr. Keller, "it is that group of
K-i specifications that relates, to the
. -refusal or neglect of the said
: -;.c Harry M. Daugherty to enforce
jthe anti-trust laws of the United
States of America."
t Briefly summarized, the ,"14
particulars" arel as follows; 1
: t "1 Attempt I to paralyse and
destroy .the efforts and activities
? of the federal trade commission
.1 In its attempts to suppress and
... . m I . . .
laws: by continued and deliberate
i refusal to prosecute such vlola-
: tions. - ,,
' Refused to Prosecute
, "2 Refusal jto prosecute the
i tiniitioni at the anti-trust laws
tnat wera caiiea w - n aneuuwu
l .v- Vn.V attta inlnt IPe
, VJ lue new mv. - - - o
lslative committee on housing.
.; 3 Refusal' to prosecute the
violation of the antl'trust laws
i that were called to his attention
by the United States senate com-
i mittnn on reconstruction and
Tr-housing .
Hi "Failure and refusal to en-
i if force the statutes of . the United
t States passed by congress for the
(Continued cn page C)
OREGON Saturday, f fair . In
east. portion, unsettled and
occasionally threatening In
west portion, , .
Maximum . temperature, 42.
Minimum temperature, 35.
River. foot below normal
level. Falling. ;
Rainfall, .06 lnclu
Atmosphere, cloudy,
Wind, south. ; -
City Marshal Mof fitt Believes
Sane Man Hasn't a Fight
ing Chance Any More
Its getting so that even the
ail isn't a safe plate to live any
more, according to Veraen Mot
fit, city rnarshall.
Every once in awhile the chief
stataes, some railbird is Kicn a
bed or a night sentence who
springs a "surprise" party in the
middle of the night. For Instance
not long ago In the wee small
hours a night sergeant was
startled by a big commotion in the
Jail. He rushed out and found
all the unfortunates clustered in
one corner of the room, vhiie in
thrower wa "doinz his stuff.-
The chief believes that in these
days of speed maniacs, wood al
cohol and bedroom murders its
getting next to impossible to dis
tinguish the safe and sane human
from the "49 percent sane" type.
Federal Troops Are Held in
Readiness Demonstra
tions Are Few
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 1. (By
the Associated Press.) The fed
eral troops were held in barracks
today in anticipation of another I
demonstration simitar to that of
Thursday night, when 17 persons
were killed and more than 60 In
jured in consequence of the police
tiring upon a mob which was at
tempting to storm the city hall
in anger over the shortage ot
Labor Strikes 1
The confederation of labor,
which staged lat night's parade
of protest against the aldermen,
held an extended meeting this
morning and immediately called
on its adherents to strike as a
sign of mourning tor eight of itsTice of black troops In the war
members' who were killed during
the disturbances. The strike will
continue until tomorrow noon.
The radical elements which com
prised the bulk of the demonstra
tions Thursday night assumed a
defiant attitude today. Small
groups of them appeared in vari
ous sections of the city and shout
ed Invectives against the city ad
ministration. It was not consid
ered unlikely that tonight would
see a repetition of the disorders.
The killing of their comrades has-
aroused the labor organizations to
a high pitch of resentment.
ommittment Papers for
Observation Signed by
Judge Righeimer
CHICAGO, Dec. 1. A test to
determine the sanity of John P.
Tiernan, former Notre Dame uni
versity law instructor, was order
ed by County Judge
on the petition of Mrs. Frances
Pulaski, sister ot Mrs. Tiernan.
Upon a statement made by Dr.
James W. Hall, alienist, that
Tiernan is mentally unsound, and
the charge made by. Mrs. Pulaski
that the . professor had "hypnot-
ized" his wife and "prevented her
from carrying out her own will,"
Judge Righeimer . signed papers
. a. A, a. V
ror Tiernan s commuuitui w i
.nnt t,9vchorathic hosni-
tai for observation. Deputies
were then sent to search ror ner-
nan, who tame to Chicago today
with. his wife following the auc-
tioning off of their household ef-1 tant city and town in western Or
fects in South Bend. egon gathered here tWs after
NEW AIRrliAJVE tiueu
new naval airpiane cauun. iter FresDytenan cnurcn oi rort
designed for launching planes I ana delivered the main address
Into the air directly from the deck
of a battleship, was tried out orrent-rtned b- the y. m. C.-A
Los Angeles and at San Diego to-
day with entirely satisfactory re-
suits, it waa announced at raictic
fleet headquarters here. ,
IN ST. pms
Elaborate Preparations for
Protection in Parade Are
Made by Bluecoats
Many Watch House.
ciemenceau DeeDlv Touched
bY Rose Bouquet .Sent by
Negro Citizens
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 1. (By the
Associated Press.) St. Louis was
gaily bedecked in French and Am
erican flags tonight, to do honor
to Georges Ciemenceau, Tiger of
France, who arrived here this
morning on his good-will-for-France
tour of Aemrica.
For miles through the business
section, where he will ride in. a
parade in the morning prior to
his address at 2 o'clock in the
Odeon, every trolley wire support
had been draped from sidewalk
to sidewalk with the red, white
and blue of the two- republics he
hopes to weld closer.
Guarded by Police
But Ciemenceau, resting at the
country home of Joseph Pulitzer,
publisher of the St. Louis Post
Dispatch, was under heavy guard.
Blue coated policemen with riot
guns on their shoulders walked
post about the house,
Inside two
plain clothes men kept vigil.
Chief of Police O'Brein insisted
the precautions were merely the
usual ones. Elaborate police ar
I rangements ' are being made for
tomorrow's parade.
Ciemenceau spent . almost the
entire day in the Pulitzer home
Mr. and Mrs. Pulitzer took him
for a two hour ride along the
Mississippi river. This diversion
and a little walk about Pulitzer's
estate were his only activities,
Xegr-os Send Bouquet
The Tiger's defense of the ser
In connection with his controversy
with Senator Hitchcock, about
presence of negros on the Rhine1,
brought a reaction this afternoon
that pleased him greatly.
Not long after his arrival, del
egates of the negro citizens' com
mittee of St. Louis called at the
Pulitzer liome and left him a
huge bouquet of American Beauty
The card read:
"In honor and esteem of your
life of service to your own peo
ple, and for your noble sentiment
fearlessly expressed as to the mer
itorious service rendered by ne
gro troops.
"Vive la France."
Early Riser
"Splendid; I am deepljr touch
ed," the Tiger said, when Louis
Lefevre, his secretary showed him
the bouquet and read the card.
He retired shortly after 8 p. m.,
planning to rise about 4 a. m. and
put the finishing touches on his
Harding Plans to Give
Annual Message in Person
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Presi
dent Harding will deliver in per-
I son jjjg annua.i message to con
gress on its reconvening in regu
lar session, it was stated offici
ally today at the White House.
No intimation was riven, however.
of the 8UDjecta which would be
discussed, it merely being said
that the executive -would deliver
tne me88age "sometime next
jnn n-,,- MAM ui
400 Boys from Western
Oregon Gather in Eugene
EUGENE, Or., Dec. 1. Four
hundred boys from every impor-
noon for the annual three-days'
conference. A big banquet was
held tonight and afterward Dr.
fc. h. Pence, pastor of West m in-
tj,6 visiting delegates are being
tne fraternities ot the University
of Oregon, and at the homes of
EDgeDe . regiments.
Marriage Licenses Offered
Fcr 39 Cents Special Week
end Rates Only 9 Cents
DEIS MOINES, la.. Dec. 1. It
was bargain day on marriage
licenses in KIngsley today, ac
cording to reports received here.
Three couples, taking advan
tage of Mayor Wormley's special .
offer, were married for 39 cents, i
the popular bargain price, j
All the merchants in the town
were offering a general bargain
day, and the mayor joined in the
The bargain will continue to
morrow. Old maids and bacne-
ors who will admit their eligibil
ity in this classification will be
united by the mayor for the spe
cial week-end price of 9 cents to-
Becker Indicted, Believed' to
Have Buried Wife Alive"
in Quicklime
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Abra
ham Becker, taxicab chauffeur,
was indicted today for the murder
of his wife, Jennie who, authori
ties believe, was buried alive in a
quicklime-filled grave from which
her body was taken Wednesday.
The official theory th t the
woman was buried alive was
formed after the report of Dr.
KaKrl Dennard, assistant medical
examiner f Bronx county .bad
been submitted to the district at
torney. Dr. Dennard said that
while she had been dealt a heavy
blow on the head, it was of a
nature that would have stunned
her and not ended her life.
Her bands and feet had been
bound and a coat had been placed
over her face. The body bore
other evidences, he reported, that
the woman had regained con
sciousness in tlte grave in a va
cant lot and then fought against
Ruben Norkin, a welder, who
led the district attorney to the
grave and asserted Becker bad
told him she was buried there,
was held in $10,000 bil && a ma
terial witness.
pusses nr
Sarah J, Morris, Patient at
State Insane Hospital for
Thirty-Six Years
Sarah J. Morris, 85 years old,
who had been an inmate of the
state hospital for the insane for
36 years, died at that instltu
tion yesterday.
Sha was committed from In
She came to Oregon in IS 47,
but the hospital authorities dc
not know from what stato.
An effort that so far has been
unsuccessful is being made to lo
cate friends or relatives.
32 Million in Victory
Notes Retired to Date
treasury has retired $32,000,000
in victory notes since the call for
the redemption of part of that
Issue went out July 26, Secretary
Mellon announced tonight in a
statement in which he called at
tention of holders ot such securi
ties that interest on them would
increase (December 1. Vlafeory
notes affected by the call include
those bearing the - distinguishing
lettters A, B, C, D, E and F, pre
fixed to the serial numbers.
Several hundred million dollars
of the notes called for redemption
are still outstanding, according to
Mr. Mellon.
Improvement in the condition of
John Wanamaker, ill at his home
with a heavy cold, was reported
(tonight by - his physicians.
Unanimously Declare Pur
pose to "Drive Out Spec
ial Privilege and Govern
ment Control."
Dealing With Presidential
Possibilities and Poli
tics Tabooed
other unofficial "bloc" in con
gress was born today when Pro
gressives, Republicans and Dem
ocrats, called Into session by Sen
ator LaFollette, Republican, Wis
consin and Representative Hud
dleston, Democrat, formed a Pro
gressive group for promotion of
progressive legislation during the
present and the next congress.
Politics Banned
About 40 senators, represen
tative and members-elect meet
ing behind closed doors in the
senate agricultural committee
room adopted resolutions unani
mously declaring their purpose
to drive special privilege out
qf control of government," and
outlining a general program ot
iberal legislation.
Politics were declared to be
banned and it was announced
officially that no third party
movement was contemplated. He
puDiicans, uemocrats and a
Farmer-Laborite joined in the
conference which was declared
to be bi-partisan and legislative.
but not political.
Next Meeting Open
Organization of the new bloc
which is similar to the unoffi
cial senate farm bloc and in
eludes many of the latter's mem
bers, is to be followed by two
open meeting's tomorrow of pro
gressives from all parts of the
country. Between 100 and 200
are expected for a morning meet
ing and the progressive confer
ence will close tomorrow night
with a dinper, for which accom
modations for 800 have been
made. The speakers at the din
ner, it is announced, will include
Samuel Untermyer, New York aV
torney. Senator LaFollette and
former Senator Bristow of Kan Tne morning meeting win
be an "open forum" for exposi
tion of progresslsm and the
speakers will be Samuel Gompert
a? the American Federation oi
Labor; Governor Blaine of Wis
consin and Senator LaFollette.
Norris to Preside
The coneressioral bloc's reso
lutions today pledged memoers
to cooperate in behalf of pro
gressive legislation to be brought
forth bv committees of the bloc
during the present and next con
gress. A general program an
nounced includes as subjects ag
licultures labor, railroads, tax
ation. shipping, natural resour
ces, direct primaries, corrupt
practices act and constitutional
amendments, to abolish the elec
toral onlleee and obtain earlier
meetings of congresses.
Senator Norris, Republican
Nebraska, was chosen to preside
over today's conference and Sen
ator Woodruff, Republican
Michigan, was named secretary
but election o permanent of
fleers was deferred.
Borah Favor
Legislative purposes of the
bloc were emphasized by speak
ers today. Senator LaFollette
said that politics ora third party
movement were not involved
7hile Senator Borah, Republican,
Idaho, expressed his "complete
sympathy" with the movement if
designed to obtain progressive
legislation. He declared, now-
ever, against dealing with po
litical subjects or presidential
Mreanization of the new bloc
included appointment of a com
mittee on committees to spe
cialize in various legislative sub
iects. An- advisory committee
composed of two members of
each nartv from the senate and
house also was decided upon
The question d? holding weekly
or monthly regular meetings was
discussed but no decision was
reached on this question.
Business a Stranger to Him
Judge Hates to Have
Star's Salary Rubbed In
NEW YORK. Dec. 1. Rudolph
Valentino, moving picture star,
accompanied by his wife, appear
ed today In the appellate division
of the supreme court to appeal
from an injunction which re
strains him from acting for any
one save the Famous Players
Lasky corporation.
"Your honor," said Louis Mar
shall, attorney for the corpora
tion, "this man may enjoy a larg
er Income under his contract than
nine supreme court justices."
"Yes, yes," Justice John Proc
tor Clarke interrupted, "but you
needn't rub that in."
Attorney Marshall contended
that Valentino is to receive un
der his contract, a total of $325,-
000 as salary for three years.
His present salary, the corpora
tion's counsel stated, is $1,250
Valentino's own attorney de
scribed him as a "young man who
was unable to speak English when
he arrived here eight months
prior to making the present con
tract." The attorney added that
the actor was "wholly unfamiliar
with the salaries paid to moving
picture stars and with business
Remarks Between Mann and
Attorney for Union Pac
ific Wax Sarcastic
WASHINGTON,, Dec. 1.- Rep
resentative California business
men continued today to present
argument before the interstate
commerce commission In support
of the Southern Pacific railroad's
application to retain control of
the Central Pacific system, which
it has been ordered by the su
preme court to relinquish. Em
ployes of the road also were heard
asking the commission to main
tain the present merger until It
works out consolidation plans for
railroads generally.
Scandrett Sarcastic
Exchanges between Seth Mann,
speaking for the San Francisco
Chamber of Commerce, and H. A.
Scandrett, counsel lor the Union
Pacific, which is urging enforce
ment of the separation order, re
sulted when Mr. Mann declared
the transportation act of 1920
authorized continuance of the uni
fied operation of the roads. Mr.
Scandrett expressed the opinion
that this was a "rather free ren
dering" of the law, and he de
manded to know when the Cham
ber of Commerce "began rallying
the business interests of Califor
nia around the Southern Pacific
To Affect Workmen
There was no rallying, Mr.
Mann reported, but there was a
"delightful" response of public
opinion to the idea of maintain
ing the two systems in consoli
dation, i
L. L. Sanford. general chair
man of the Southern Pacific sys
tern, for the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers, declared the
separation proposal was a menace
to the security in employment and
seniority of train service employes
all over the unified system. He
was promptly questioned by Ed
gar E. Clark, former chairman of
the interstate commerce commis
sion, who ds appearing at the
hearing In behalf of the Union
Pacific Engineers and other
trainmen, especially those old in
service, would find themselves
perhaps out of work and certain
ly obliged to undertake less de
sirable duties should the systems
be separated, Mr. Sanford con
tended. Lamp Said to Have
Caused College Fire
WINNIPEG. Dec. 1. The fire
which destroyed St, Boniface col
lege last Saturday with a loss of
ten lives, may have started from a
lighted lamp left by students in
a locker in one of the buildings,
it was indicated in testimony
taken today at the provincial fire
commissioner's investigation of
the tragedy.
20 BLOds mm
NEW BERN. N. al)ec.
Fire, which raged uncontrolled for 11, hours today in the
wt-Mern section oi ew Bern, destroyed property valued at
nearly $2,000,000 including more than 500 mUenrM. rrmt
of thm occupied by negroes, an overall factory, two- churches,
several stores, a tobacco warehouse and other structures in
an area of more than 20 blocks. A number of Dersons were
injured but none, it was said, was in a serious condition. No
fatalities were reported. The fire had been brought under
control tonight.
Executive . Committee Ap
pointed to Conduct Local
Willamette Campaign
An Imposing executive commit
tee has been named and organ
ized for the Willamette university
campaign which really opens in
Salem on Monday. Dec. 4. The
university hopes practically to
end the campaign this week. It
will, if the subscriptions come In
fast and big enough.
John H. McNary is executive
chairman; with him will be Paul
Wallace. Dr. H. E. Morris, Rev.
Ward Willis Long, Mayor George
Halvorsen, Edward Chastaln, Roy
Shields. Dr. Carl G. Doney, J. C
Perry, Mrs. LaMoine Clark, W. I.
Staley, Mrs. W I, StUey, Dr. B.
L. Steeves, . William Eatress. Dr.
E. E. Fisher. T. B. Kay C. P.
Bishop and Dr. M. C Flndley.
Two "Armies" Organized
The committee and the army of
workers will meet every noon for
luncheon at the Marlon. Besides
the executive committee, t!ire
are two "armies," commanded by
Dr. H. E. Morris and Paul Wal
lace. Each army with 10 cap
tains and each captain having one
or two men under his command.
All these"workers will bevln on
the dally dinners, whn fha suc
cesses and failures will be told
and plans laid for waking the
work more effective.
On Tuesday the Kiwanis club
will be guests of the Willamette
campaign committee. On Wed
nesday, it is expected that (the
Rotarians will likewise be receiv
ed. These will be good fellow
ship dinners in wholesale quan
tities, that are expected to bring
out a wealth of interest and en
thusiasm for Willamette, one of
the best investments the city has
ever made. .
Investment Good Business
Salem is expected to "come
through" -with approximately
1250,000 for the campaign. The
figures show that the city receives
every year much more cash than
that from the university and. its
students. The bigger endowment
is expected to double the attend
ance within the next three years,
which should much more than
double tne revenues because of
the cumulative business effect of
all such advertising and citizen-
snip. Tne university presents ;is
cause as a business investment.
ine neid captains in the two
armies and their workers will be
made known Monday. The two
generals , are hoping that anyone
who wants to do some community
boosting i will volunteer for the
week's work.
Barnum Bailey Giant
Dies, Cause Indigestion
BRIDGEPORT, Conn Dec. 1.
Word was received here today
of the death yesterday in New
York of George Auger, circus
giant with Barnem and Bailey
and Ringling Brothers' show for
a number of years. : He was seven
feet Beven inches tall, weighed
360 pounds. He was born in
Cardiff, Wales, 40 years ago.
Death was caused by indigestion
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Dec 1.
Fifteen pouches and ' sacks of
mail were consumed today, by
fire that started on a combination
mail and passenger car on the
Alaska railroad at Curry, -120
miles north of here.
1. (Bv th Assncifttiwv
Another fire, which, caused
damage estimated at f250,000 at
the Roper Lumber company's taw
mill on the opposite aide ot town
was in progress when the larger
blaxe began and delayed response
to the new call, while. a high wind
spread the names rapidly, among
the frame dwellings. Apparatue
from four nearby cities, aided In
fighting the flames. The vacant
space occupied by ; the Cedar
Grove cemetery served to-retard
the advance of the fire toward the
business section, and, It Yeered to
the north and swept down. In the
direction of the union station, de
stroying all buildings, oa Pasteur
street The flames then spread
along the river until, they .were
checked by several vacant lots.
' Many Homeless ,
New Bern tonight turned Its at
tention to caring tor, jthe . home
less, estimated at more than 1200.
Empty warehonses., churches, the
T. M C. A., . and .scores of. resi
dences were opened to the .vic
tims, but la spite ot, this,, man
had to spend the night in th
open. ;- ., ' ,:;r'" - i',.,r
Railroad traffic ' through Uj
city wa suspended,, because ot
heat-warped track, and lelstranh
J communication was demoralized
for some time. ' .
Nerve Holds Like Steel Until
the Last Is Jocular in
Face of Death
WALLA WALLA, Wash... Dec.
1. ?ril be with yon la a couple
of minutes, boys!
With these? . his last words.
Jocularly . flung at guards who
stood wilting to take him . to the
gallows, James E. Mahoney. con
victed and self-confessed slayer of
his aged. bride In Seattle,. April,
1921, went to his death; at the
state penitentiary at daybreak!
this morning. The' .trap, : was
sprung at 7:02 a. nW death being;
pronounced . six , minutes, later.
Only those" connected .with the
fulfillment of the. death penalty
were present at the actual hang
ing. . .. , ''
When asked at the last moment
by Warden John W. Pace . If he
wished to make any statement,
Mahoney remained .silent-.. He
mounted the scaffold and stood
there until assisted. . . ,u .
The condemned man called for
toast and coffee for his final
breakfast, but when brought, did
not consume it.
Public Barred
His last hours were spent with
Father- Stephen Buckley, local
priest, who. before going with May
honey on the scaffold, administer
ed the last rites ot the Catholic
church. Arrangements are being
made tonight to ship the body to
Snohomish, Wash., where it will
be interred In the family plot.
Pursuant to wishes of Mahoney's
relatives, the public were not per
mitted to view the remains. .
How Would Toa Spend
$50.00 for Christmas? 1
Salem's Leading ;
. Merchants :
Are going to help yon
solve this problem, ' and
earn the $50.00.
For the solution see Page 3,