The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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The womk of St, Panl's Epis
copal ch arch will opn the! an
nual bazaar j at the church. Satur
day booth jwlll be presided over
by prominent members of the
Junior Guild who hare been work
ing on the articles which will be
on sale for everal weeks.
The womn of the First Con
gregational Church will give their
bazaar December 9 In the parlors
of the church. The Women's
Union and the Junior Bazaar club
-will be In charge.
Miss Maxijne Buren is spending
the Thanksgiving holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max O.
Several Salem teachers, super
visors , and department heads
spent the et.rly part of the week
in Portland jvisitiog schools there.
Among thosp making such Tisits
were Miss Cjoniford Ilurd, play
ground supervisor; Mrs. Eula
Creech, home economics at Wash
ington; Miss Etta White, physical
education; and Miss Qretchen
Kramer, music at Lincoln.
The local
trip by automobile and visited at
Instructors made the
and Lincoln High
The American Association of
". University; Women will meet to-
moowr rat o'clock In the receiv
ing hospital; pf tha Sute hospital
for the clinic which Dr. L. F. Grif-
flth will conduct for their infor
mation! regarding problems of
mental diseases and pablic inter-
- est. Limited room has made
necessary the limiting of those at
tending to members, according to
those in charge. -
The Progressive Woman's clui
of Salem Heights will hold its
Salem Height Improvement
club, at community hall.
Woman's Alliance of Unitarian
church, with Mrs. C. A. Huston,
20 South 23rd street.
West Circle of Jason Lee Aid
soefrty, with Mrs. Ruth Dennison.
A. A. U. W. at State hospital,
W. R. C. at armory.
' . - - . . ? i . : . i .j
traveled 60 yards oerore u siop-:-winim unu.
cimtimss itihnTA all ben a dependable as
traveled b yams wioit 41 mujj- ; - mmi itiu. . rum. - j , -
nod and hf averaKe was close changed bands almost magicaliy jthe calendar. Zeller in particu-
ho 40 vards Zeller did not have for other reasons. In one caHlar will be missed, a? one of the
as manv chances -Tor end runs'I'Uget Sound tried a torward pa5 ; fastrtt backs in the northwest
; ' . . . t.-u.t ihi cmi ih miKi !ndrtructiale
as usnai. tecau.e ol the ti avy on a nri uo. mm .... .... .
ifield and partlv became the vis- ball. Then Willamette tr.ej a p!aer in the history or U a
' it'ne ends rer- too danger, 'like play on its very first down : met!?. He has btu th one no
1 ..... 1 I-.-. Ki i.-vncr r 11 11
He received most of the time for and lost the uau. aias piu
forward parses and threw ae.u- jr.ilcr Make Cmmi I'.un jout oi the air and ttie
ratelv an,! aenerallv with sw- , .v ... f y-i!er itrad.tlon win nng- r .an m
t ' ' III' ?""'. r.imv... .
nec Tha P.iiirr-af n:)!nr PS me . .. ... . i t : .. . r.n. Mimiir.
iwas moch ahead of that of the
i 1 lait eva
1 " - tn
I A pass, however, brought the
j . . i . 1 lt'si .
Score is 8 to 0, But Some
Spectators Think Zel
ler Crossed Line
got the ball and made a fine r"-j
yard run throag-h at least 40 of j
fht onnosinc Dlayer. It lookeu,
regular meeting at the Commun-
1 . l 11 1. : r a . ' t 1-
nj nan, resinning ai i. o cliock. ;
and all women in the neighbor- j
hood are invited to attend.
Mrs. Fred Browning has charge,
of the program for the afternoon.
Mrs. Alice Thompson spVnt
Thanksgiving at her home in the
Waldo Hills.
COLLEGE, Corvallis. Nov. 30.
(Special) A traveling exhibit of
art students' work from Pratt In
stitute of Brooklyn, New York,
and from the Rhode Island school
of design, Is now on display In
pencil, charcoal, and pastel, cast
and architectural drawings, photo
graphs of sculptural work are in
cluded in the general art exhibit.
Applied arts are illustrated by
problems in textile designs and
woven fabrics made from original
design, woodblock printing, and
photographs of jewelry and silver
smithing. The exhibit was obtained
through the American Federation
of Arts, the only national associa
tion organized fn the interests of
art. During the season 1921 and
1922, 52 exhibits valued at ap
proximately $355,000 were sens
out by the federation and shown
270 times In 33 states.
The condition of John Wanna
maker. who has been ill at his
home here several weeks, was
reported tonight by his physicians
as having assumed a grave aspect.
'rl, ADQattsDoIiSnG Powdop
-that a big can at a low cost many times results in
.bakings that are unfit for food.
- lack f proper leavening strength means failure
end disappointment on bakekiay.
-Ttthat one cent's worth of inferior Baking Powder many
; times ruins one dollar's worth of other ingredients.
that millions depend on
in n n.nn
'0 V 4 7 71
not because of quanti
ty but on account of quali
ty not because of price
but by reason of results.
That is why the sale of
Calumet is 2X times
es much as that of
any ; other baking
Buy it try it never fail
to use it i
A pound can of Calomel
contains fall 16 ounce.
Some baking powder
come in 12 ounce instead
of 16 ounce can. Be
euro yoa get a pound
when you want it.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
- ; Plain and novelty handkerchiefs for women.
' Dainty bordered, sheer fine quality hand
kerchiefs in pink, blue, lavender, rose, green, etc., fast
r j
Also plain white cambric dainty embroidered de
signs in one corner.
10cto59c Each
Buy them by the piece or fancy boxes.
& CO.
Commercial and Court Streets
The Willamette Bearcats lo-t
their last chance at football for
1922. whn the umpire said that
"Fat" Zeiler had steDoed out ol
bounds in one of the greatest
runs tnrougb a broken field ever
I'ulled off on Sweetland field.
The Statesman and others who
were rignt at hand, credit hun
with a touchdown. But not eve;j
that would have saved the tfm
from losing the game, for their
ortDonents had alreadr . scored
eight points, and there wasn't
time for another kick-off and
score. It would not be good
Fportsmanship to talk too strong
ly about losing a game on a mis
taken decision so the official
word stands. The official score
was 8 to 0.
Weight Count Strongly
Willamette was clearly out
weiehed. about as the llearcats
outweighed the Salem Indian.
Wefght is like money in the
bank, or sandwiches in the
nocket on a lone tramp. In a
muddy field. Games, however.
are not scheduled on a handicap
basis. You win or you lose,
after making the match, and the
fact that a team can capture
and train behemoths or cave-men
or thunderbolts Is to its credit
the only qualification is that
thev must be able to wear
clothes and look like human be
ings. This Is no crfticlsm of
the visitine players. They were
clean sportsmen, who look like
etudents as well as football play
ers, and they certainly played the
game to a llnish. But they cer
tainly were a lot the larger. They
should have made the score nig
ger, with the breaks and the
handicap of weight.
Patton Kicking Good
Patton kicked the best game
in his history. One of his punts
A pass, however, brought the Jjke a touchdown to follow, but j getter Sewage SVSteiTl
,de?eat of the local team. !l--a!tPr failing ,D ga;n yardag- in j e MppHpri at Pullman
;lr.mette had the ball to within xhrf plays a failure in pans:; IS iMccUca at rUIIUIlII
jlu yards of the PugTt Sound h baU lost 20 yard. Vu?et , ,. x.
i i t - -...,. .. . .-i.i n . -. pri lAUV Wash.. Nov. 30
" . . , v, . ( f . . r ! p ii i i till - -
rtewns, and a io-vard punt took j Pullman must spend approximate
. ... -i ' u- tfiiiii) r.-r an n1eiiiate san-
t far rinwri rlns to Ific VISilois .- -
!ed the ball and ran so yarcs : soai
eers, who have completed an ex
tensive survey of the local situa-J
p-nal and- a nass wa tried to
make the touchdown. Parker
for Pueet Sound goal, intercept
litarv sewaee svstem. accoraing
tor a touchdown. Some gooa ,,..-., . f ,s'io the estimate of Green ana
interfere saved him from ' Eearcalg- laved thejr last gamej Green. Spokane consulting engin
tl vesterdav. The passing of these
PumbleM ar Numerous ! K ,
. . thn sterling players Is a real
m7""e " a ;oo5" ma'ny i sorrow ,. WtlU,net. for ,W K. The W,n tt. -.-
fumbles. Willamette was usual
ly m-re successful in recovering:
the ball. The bad passing to thei
Puget Sound fullback probably!
spoiled several good punts. He
was kicking almost as well as
Patton when he did get the ball.
Tioth sides kicked a great deal; !
many times on the first down.j
when there was no danger. The;
catching and running back o
punts was gtod on both sids. j
The Willamette ends had rather
the best of getting down the
field and stopping the running
In general the visitors played
th more (formidable line-bucking
game, though they were held for
four downs fully as often a
were the Bearcats. The ball is
qM mt nlA timers to have:
changed hands on four downs.
often'T in this game than J"
any other game ever played on
Ing engineers has been approved
by tne runman city rouncu.
Because Washington State col-
fi. ... 1 v.. ma . 1 . M V w i
state will be asked to contribute
a part of the cost of installing a
modern sewage system, accord
ing to present plans. Contingent
upon the vote of Pullman resid
ents at a special election, it is
planned to raise the balance of
the amount necessary through the
ale of improvement bonds.
The specifications submitted
to the city council call for a sys
tem including an adequate chlor
enation plant; three contact filter
beds, with crushed rock filter
medium; a septic tank and other
necessary apparatus. The plans
were approved by the state board
of health prior to being submit
ted to the city council.
The plans also call ror deepen-
of the South Palouse" river b?j
orre . iui tvm age piSBl JJJ
' c 1 . - A I
Many ft people fear ordinary npBi
for redneinif their weight. Hr i an
extraordinary method. Extraordinary b
ctOM irhila perfectly harmles no diet
inf or exerfine re necessary. Maraola
Preieriptioa Tablet aro made exactly in
accordance with the famous Marmola Pre
scription. Yon reduce afadily and easily,
with no 111 effecta. Procure them from
your drofgit at one dollar for a ease
or tend price direct to the Marmola
Company, 4612 Woodward Avenue, De
troit, Mich.
1 1
I : - .:!
m w 1
1 S for our l l
I l iu 1: Biff Pace VTVStrZKSfFttim .TffTa
mm m . - -ii.- am tm m . . mi
H ( V J . . . .., "I
Get Mere Early
- - - " I
For Two DaysToday and SaturdayWe Will
t 41
"0 1 o) n fjE3 -
As a Climax to Our Wonderful
For Men and Women
Hundreds of Pairs of HUGHGRADE SHOE
Determined to Clear Our Stock of MSI Broken Lines, weNove
llgn)ir'(dl Qlt& ini$:lFDi?meF IPfIgq
100 Pairs Ladies'
High-Grade Shoes
Black; brown and colored kid cloth top shoes.
French heels, all sizes.
40 Pairs that were $10.00 pair... 33 pairs that were
$11.00 pair... 25 Pairs that were $12.00 pair
Friday and Saturday's Price, Pair
Ladies' New Oxfords
Black or Brown, new round toe, low heels. Bought
purposely for street wear and priced special at, pair
House Slippers
Felt Slipper Comfy Shoes
$2.00 Misses' Slippers
$2.00 Ladies' Slippers
$2.50 Men's Slippers ;
Boys' Shoes
$5.00 Boy Scouts $3.93
$6.00 High Tops, sizes 11 to 2 $3.95
$7.00 High jTops, sizes 2J j to 6 ..... $4.95
r ...... . , - " - ' , . .
150 Pairs Ladies
High-Grade Shoes
Left from Our Sale
Kid, calf and patent leather. Turn or welt soles.
Low or high heels. All sizes in the lot.
35 pairs that were $10.00. 40 pairs that were
$12.00. 38 pairs that were $15.00. 37 pairs that were
Men's Dress Oxfords
Black or brown calf oxfords, suitable for winter
wear. Extremely comfortable. Regular $10.00 to
Patronize Our Repair Department
Our repair department is equipped with the
latest machinery and npw in charge of one of the j
best mechanics on the coast. Prompt deliveries j
and reasonable prices. Guaranteed. Try our new j
60 Pairs Men's '
Black & Brown Dress Shoes
Taken from our regular stock to sell Friday1 and
20 pairs that were $8.00. 20 pairs that were $9.00,
on ani . ;in nn
Ladies' Slippers and Pumps
Kid and patent calf. High or military heels. AD
sizes. Regular $8.00 and $10.00 values. Special Friday ,
and Saturday. " . .....
Men's Vork Shoes
Dayton make. Brown high top farm shoes hook lace. , '
$12.00 shoe, 12 in. top -,..$7.95 j
$15.00 shoe, 16 in. top . ;
$15.00 shoe, 18 in. top . . ..$95