at I FlTE flKirfSTIN QT & I "trM" 1 1 M W V Tym arr,ai "" vmem a.vs-rvr n-tvn - .mam ' T ' r , astasia ran. ominM. tn,rwn t fillJJAl 31UKii IIS ULLLAlbLK 1, VJZZ 1 . .. J.- r- ? rf i J i i 'I i 4 ; O.mairrrn xDVKBTtBIMXKTI Par taeartioa :t kre tnsaruoa 6m twk (lis laaortioaa) Qu eaoatk 20r as months' en tract, pr me. 16 - months' contract, par mo. 3e tflauaraas for aay advertises ste NORWICH UNION ' flRS INSURANCE 80CIETT W. H. Burgbardt, Jr. i Accident Agent 871 tata 8t MONEY TO LOAN Ob Real Estate i T.I K. FORD " (Orer Ladd ft Bush Bank) NEW TODAY' TOR SALE METTED GtM AXn niTR. rr bank potatoes. 75e i per hundred. raon , TOU CAX'T AFFORD NOT TO CARRY insurance when rates are no low. 1 yon ara not now covered come in to day od get protection. Standley & Volar, art- Phone 347, BuU Bnnic Bid. I 15-A 4- MILES 8ALEM. HALP MILE ; una ntciaim 10 pavement; Hilverton . i- war; l a cultivated, bal. second growth " fir: springs, running wat. r; fin toil, 2S0n- term a. Harria fl-Ji V .l y 1943 J. f EMPLOYMENT FEMALE wanted work bt djt oa plain win, fbona 904 l If CAPABLE WOMAN WAK1T8 TO KEEP - bonis in ai motherless nolne. 220 Koons Ht., BilTerton, Oregon. - MAXB AJTO rSHALk VAirriD -f ucn and womis to t take arm Danar aubscrtotiona. A rwJ . aronoattioa to the ria-at dmdIi idaru. tho PaoifM Homestead, AUaMainaa Bids. ' ftaleas. Ora. , SAX8MV WASTED . 6AI F.KMEN EXCKnTOXAI. OPPOR tnaitr. Hnatlers' earnlara Lie Wr tm Met leery Calendar Factory. Washing PERSONAL ' OCT MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL L - k. i . i i nt . . . t r " kk" puuuueu. rrvs ior stamp. virreaponaeni. loiaao, ynio. FOR SALE BIRDS, PETS AND TLOWERS -f- f BKE OUR SEW ElIIPMENT OK POT- J m plant. They ara priced right. E. B. Hake, birds, Ilowors, pats, 27 4 mt i LIVESTOCK j TOH SALE A SPLENDID SPAS OF I ; sy uaraa, 1800 poands each. ; Will ; sen oa time to reaponiabfe party. John A. Scott, 32 S Oregon j Bldg. i UOfiS rOB BALE BROOD SOWS whk or without plgs-l Also pigs just weaned. Will sell on! time or let on hares to responsible i party. Juo. H. vcott, Oregon JBidg. riAJTOS I ? USED CHICKERINa SKASTD. TM flrtOn i saapa. Will give aom terms. U. U Ut Fnraitnra Co. ! St 1 - - I J. . 1 1 t. : .u.ui ' pwh wit o emA. rricv tiuv. Urnis. H. L. Stiff rarattare Uo Ma ale daparUaaai. ' r FARM PATER If TOU WANT TO BIT THE BEST farm pacer, eead lSe to tba Pacific r . uaaaostead. Batons, Oregon, for a three aseatka' trial aabacrtptioa. Mention m- i thin A-' ( . POCLTSV 100 t TEAR. OLD S. O. WHITE LEO Korn Haas, $1 aacli. W. A. - Ford, UBaUlUk, Oragoa. I I POULTBTMEN 8EKD ElOHT TWO aaat stamps far apocial three month trial for tha bast and oldest jonraal la tha vast. Tha articles and aJear ttaenieata ara of apoctal iotoreat to the poultry Breeder ol tne Dortawest Northwaat Poultry JoarnaL ail Com . mereia) street. SeJein, Oregon. WOOD WOOU FOR 8 A LI, ! LA RUE SECOND growth. Call 1467. I ; BEST GRADE MILL ! WOOD 4 FOOT v n iv-nci, I rviuu, evenverj. enable prire. . fred E. Walia, 05 8 Caarea. Pkoao 1848. laSOEXXJUTBOTS , CIDER AND SN'OW APPLES DELIVER ed daily. D Ruble, phone 1-F14. FOB SALE OL4 nEWSPAPBSAS. lu eat a bandla. Circnlstioa dopart ant. Oregoa Statesman. UMMER LUOQAOa REDUCED WALL paper raataaata. piaster walinoard. Valret stair carpet, . 11.15. Eadnr aac bleb rrsda bouse paint Kalso- aiiaa. l6e poaaA Cotton aaattraaaao. 18.60. 8teel springs B.0O. n Bnrea. IT? V. Conmerclal St FUIJ.ER BRUSHES i LOCAL REPRJC- aeataUee, Urlmes. ia7J. n!RrSTM3 RIFTS AND XMAS 8PF. rial radiant! refledt tha beauty of . the Ynletide spirit. I 8(lect them nw . for later delivery, r Flower in the Bottle P-rfnm Bhon, 115 N. Liberty. fOR BALE ITALIAN! PRUNES FROM Red Kill orchard (guaranteed): 10! V t 13e par lb.; &0JWa at 101 60!70 e. Preceesed aad packed to. lb. boxes (2 lb.; gross); or in . arigiaal condition Jal' 100 in. bcs If le oar lb. Cash with each nrrter . . dw. Dencer. R. .! Dos 156. Silen: Ore. . "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad eleeea other Oregon ooaga. toothat with a flae eaHeeiMt of patriot i Bf. aer4 aoan ad aiaay old time israrit I ALL FOB S (Bpectal prieeo in auntlty loa . Eananiell aJan'able for eel nialty adaptable tor eekAeX. esaas it or boma tagiBf. j Bead for ' The Western Songster T paoa now la its third odltiea. Published by nuroent teachers MONTHLY IIM rVtramerelai St! talaia. Ore FOR RENT APARTMENT t. FOR RENT FURlNISH ED APART - ments and garage at 1133 Center St (t PURNtSHED APAKTllENT FOB RENT ewi norva uwmeniw. HOUSES U FOB RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE AT 16CO BUte. Inquire 1983 Mate. ROOMS Iron RENT TWfk HOUSEKEEPING IXATS ' FOR RENT FURNISHED PLAT AT asAIA , Ferre street. ISO a . tnontk 'j Pnnae 33. or apply at 8tateamaa bimaess offlea. WANTED aCSCEIXANErrrrs WASTED FURNITURE, TOOLiB, .ET0, WANTED afUCEXLAXEOTJS WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS. MA chin err atAek et a.-ul . mTl or aeU oa eommiaaioa. Phoaa 611. wooflry. ti aurtioaser. NTED TO Rl T uni'ctuAi r .n. a 1 uvyLll WAaAJT g" J g ;''ur Vaoia. Biisveiiaoaoua articles- IF YOU HAVE ARorti ith r-x, . n ...... . . . ji in. n one potatoes. e,n bsndle them il ang.a Bro. Saieiu, Oregon. WASTED EVEKTTH1NS IN RAJID the capital hardware 2MS LUiiuiu OO. Conmereiel 8t Pawn. 47 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIOHKEa AUCTIONEER OF FARM AND PER- aunai property. Q. Sstterlee. 180 N. Contmvrcial 8t.. room 21, oeer People's Lash Store. Residence phone 121 l i. Office phone 430. AUCTIONEER F. . WOOUBI, THE Teeievs. rnraitara, real estate aee '' Phone Sit for aale daiea Re. 1810 if. Summer. COU J. b. GABLE ACCT10NIER. arm ana nt, ,ie. loo b. High. Phone 1446. ACETTLE2TB WELDING IE22 8TEEL' BRASS, ALUMINUM vxe-waa rtaaliag Co r.J7 Court Auto Directory AUTOafBn.EE THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH M" i4i i (Mart. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN R. D. BARTON EX DE BATTERIES rarer ana generator work. 171 8. Commercial. PRESTO LITE BA1TEBT SERVICE Biaima. expert batterr aad elettrf-al work. Farri Bros. Phuae ISO a. 418 Court AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROC oim snooting. ai a. mga. Phoa TTRES AND AOCE8SORXES USED PARTS I I TO H OFF MIEE'S m recking tlonsa 434 Kortb OomnerriaL Psoas 531 Bid CLE 8 AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAM 81) EN DAYTON BICY riwm ana rera inns HH7 Court. HARRY W. SCOTT "Tho Cycle Maa' 147 8. Cora'l. Phone 68 USED AUTOS OLESON'S At:TO EXCHANGE USED cars, bought. Mild or sold on commis sion. Dsilv or monthly storage. RAD7ATOH k r UNDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODTES, made or repaired J. a Balr, 444 Parry. REPAI3 SHOP W B. AUTO REPAIR SHOP WE also do all kinds of repairing. Saws filed, scissors, knires and lawnmowers ground. Soldering work done. Old stores made new. Antoa stored l. day or month. We will sell or trade yoor used ear for you. Bring it in to as. ah work guaranteed. 175 X. Commercial. In fear of Neimerei - Drug Storr. Phone 107. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING RELIANCE AUO PAINTING CO.. Stat St., cor. Front. Colonel J. Olm stead, mgr. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MO, torcycle. 1910 model, three !"' Good condition. Price $75. I'.V n 1174-J. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND RUG WEAVINO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Phons before 9 a. m. 34-F21. CANDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE SHOP "jrtST Candy." Strictlr homsmsae. 131 8. Commercial. OARPExa AVMD FXOTT BUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOV wear fluff tag made oat of old ear pets, any length or width i dsir W also re-fit re-sew aad aise earpaw Fsather renorsting aad mattreae steaai lag aad remaking. 8s lent Csrpei Clean tag aad Fluff Rag Works Pboa 1154. ELECTRICIANS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONK Building. Psoos 1300. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO Phone 1934. SS3 N Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEf trieal machine repairing, eoatraeting - 837 Court. Phone 48. ARCHIE FLEEKER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring b hour or eoatraet. Bsti aaateo fornishel. Pboao 980. 414 Coart St. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COrjWTY FARM LOA aeaoelattor' Ha win" to loea at SH percent. W. D. Smith, secretary -treae aror 101 Aal-n Bank of Cotowore. FARM LOANS 3 YEARS PER CENT KO'COMMISSION. A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Mnonle Temple, Salani, Or. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F C R N A C cleaning. F. Counctlmsn. Phono 177. CO TEAK FARM (.OnHl ON RURA' ' credit plaa. pro psytneat prorisioB a) lowed We will fiaaaea yon for lea rata of interest than aay firm oa tb eoaat. Private money tm losa oa either easy o 'aoan try property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Bulldtnc ' CHI" PHT1I01AN HUM CUKF.8 ANY EirOW tieeae K-a 8 H St. hnn !- DRUG ITOREB K. NETMEYER "JUST DBUOS. ' 175 N Cejmercia street, phoaa 11 4RFWKR DRUG CO. 405 XUB' CLEANERS AND DYERS PICK. N. SPAN CLEANERS AN I Here. S44 State. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAONKTIC ME t LINO DR. A. L Frants. 'ir- i d ebroair diaeas Phone 780. ..'. 44 Breymaa Block. TURN ACES SEAGROVF FOR FURNACES 198 8 12th atreet. FURNITURE STOBES QIF.8E FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lest money. 7 court Phoae 464, , PEOPLE'S FURNTTTTRa; m nvr and aeeoad hand fuTBltur. Ill A uoa BUSINESS CARDS FLORISTS lct rLuwus and floral pieces. Delivery. C. F. Breithaapt (iorwt, 13a North Liberty atreet. Pnoae s0 Ladies' Wearing Apparel DEE8SMAKXNQ Mf-EN'CER OOltSETM TO ORDER Dreaaoisking Larne faltr. MeCor nark Bdg. HSM3TITCH1K0 SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleating, buttons, stamping aad aedle work. fit Ur.oa Bldg. Phone 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER REM STITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, orer Mil ler e store Phone 117. itiLumi HATS FROM II UP MRS. 0. Griaua 419 Court atreev HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATE AND OommareiaL Phono 680. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN COST. I 60c ap 43 State. LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MAYER. HIGH CLASS I AD1ES tailoring; long coats, snta and drci Room 7, McCormack Bldg. Phone i'J2. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. 326 State 8t Phone 938.. Diatribating forwarding aad storage oar pociaity. Get our raws Wt MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold gooJa. Oar specialty is piano aad furniture oioftng. We also make couatrjf trips. V. s handle the best coal aad wood. Call oa oa for prices. We give good measure, good quality aad good serriea Larmer Transfer Go. Phone pan LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. PboOr 3b. Oldeet largest best. Established 1009 CAPITAL CITY STEAM L.AUNDRY quality work, prompt semce. 1864 Broadway Phone 165 TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Loaf order Will' Mnsie 8 to re TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LIVES J. W. Psrker. Gea-ral Manager Central Stage Terminal 8alm, Urogwn SALEM 8ILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Tertaiaal: 7 a. is, 11 a.m.. 5 p m Leaves Silvertoa. New Stand: 8 a.m 1 p.m., 6 p.m. Salem-Independ-nce-Monmouth Dieiaioa leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 am. 9 am. II a.m. S p.m. p.m Leaves Monmouth. Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m., 1 p.m 6:15 pa. Leaves Independence, Bearer Hotel: 8:30 am. 10 am. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:80. Wa make connections at Salem to .11 parte of the valley. Extra trip by appointment. J W. PARKER, General Mgr SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second-hand furniture. Tools and junk, 320 N. Com'l. Phono 493. WANTED EVfcavx lUXSQ IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Beet prices psid. Cap ital Exchange. 143 N. Commercial. Phoae 116 W. SCAVENGERS SO09 SCAVENGER SERVICE ( Suc cessor to Neal Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable ratea. Phones: Office 529, residence 2058. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE fnae nf all kinds removed Oesapoola ilesned. Phons 167 or 1595W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING -T0VES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year experience. Depot National feaca, siies 26 to 38 inches high. Palate, oil and varnishes, etc, Wgan v-rry and hop h'raks. Salem fence and tove Works. 350 Oonrt atreet. Phoae MEDICAL VI 01 NT A IN BALM COUGH REMEDY PW 41 7-W. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTKH Steam Boiler, valcaaiser and tuo- Elatea. Perry 0. Campbell. 17 N iberty. rl. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GatIND era and welders. Automotive service 490 Ferry. Phone 864. MEN'S STORE ED. CHASTA IN CLOTHING CO. SUITS t mmA kimiiIi ITa mv atairar it rtava. 305 Stste St. MACHINISTS WEOHTER SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Haald cylinder grinding service. Phoaa 561-845 Far ry. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 489 Ferry. BIN BIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOI sney, 4tc; puffed ri'e 3t- rwwt'-. 30c; fried aood:, 60. 1B9 8. Lib arty. MUSIO STORES 1E0. 0 WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, tewing machine, sheet m-ist' sad piano st'idiea. Repairing phono rrapha and sewiaa maehjiuee- 48V State. Baleen MUSICAL SAI.EM CONSERVATORT OF MTJ8T0 All braaehea taught, diplomas granted John R Sit, Director. 1387 Court Plwae 2 HAG AND JAZZ PIANO P'4TTNO -IX leeaoaa guaranteed. Watermae System. F. B Clark. Mgr.. MeOor nark Bldg. VARIETY STORES ALEM VARIETY 8TORR. IAS h Commercial. Phone 1277. WATEN UI.KM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office. 801 Rout Com'l. 81 Tea P" cent dieeonnt oa domestic flat rate paid in advance. No dedaetioaa for aboearo or aay cause aaleea aater it hnt off your preailsa WOOD SAWS OOD 8AWING PHONE 1181 CITY country. Ed. Sproed. RESTAURANTS 1UB RETAURANT MOfT REASON abl prico Johnaoa-Barry. 153 8 Hirh PIANOS BADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR FW Victor or Brunswick, H. L. Stiff Far aitur Co. Muaie Dept. tHERMAN CLAY CO., PIANOS ateinwsr Dna-Art and other. Monro a Masic Hons. 415 Court street aad Masonic Temple. NURSERIES utuni rTT iiv TRFFS 8MALI fralta oraameaUla Capital City Nur sery Co, 42S leregon Piag. ruoue u. FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A SALES vard at Cherry City orn. oe Ferry Street. Tree ready lor pisni i. See me before buying. Phon lltO-M. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO. JOB . printing. Masonic Temple. Read ,lhe CiassitieU BUSINESS CARDS rLUMBoro PLC M BIN O REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phoaa 1197 J Shop. 137 Caioa atreet. A. L. Godfrey. LODGE DIRECTORY L.llTtD 8PAN18H WAR VETERANS. Caaip &. Armory. First, third kesMts PROFESSIONAL CHIROFODIBT DR. GEORGE . ti.NtK, FOOT 8PEC laiiat. uuUern e)uipu.eBt , ar- aee a-ad to order. Roww A, Patwa Bxlg. Phone HST. DR. S F. SCOTT, S. C, GRADCATE of the Netioaal Unieersity of 8eienco Chicago. Scientific Chiropody. Suite Sol 303 Masonic Temple. Phone 640 for appoiataieBs. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 8. R. SMITH, CHI HOl'ttACT UK. 832 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 664. DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHI ROPRACTOR. 475 8. OommerciaL Hours ltf to 12; 1 to 5. Phon 1415. DBS. SCOTT A StX)FIELD. P. S. C. Chiropractors. 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 828-R. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO.--8uite 801 Ora gon builaiug. 0LASSES FITTED BT Tne BOW OP ttcsl Co., 325 Stste street, uppostte ljidH A Bush Bank. 'Lse Quality Proven Hhur one." NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS UR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic disease. 415 Oregoa Bldg. Phono 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL 206 U. 3. Bank Bldg. OR FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 756, 3034 J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa and Sorgeoa Kirksville graduate, 404-405 C. S. National Bank Bid. Phone, office 919: rea. 614. DR JOHN L, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phytirun and Surgeon, 408 404 Ora gun Bldg. Phone, office, 1894; re. F5 BKUhEN ARCH IS AND OTHER DE formities of tha foot eorrected without lots of time from your ocenpetioa. Drs. White Marahaa 0. 8. Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DE?ntABLE CLOSE IN acreage by owner. Glenn Adams. Phone FOUR ROOM MODERN NED BUNOA lew. Everything perfect. $2300 with 500 down. 0nr North 16th. FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE IN North Sslem. Price V!400 . 8300 cash balance terms. Krueger Oregon Bide. Phone 217. NEARLY NEW 7-KOOM BUNGALOW. Fruit and nuta. Xic borne. 1 block to street car. JJ00. 91000 cash. f25 a evonth: might trade for a ranch. a!o 817,000 stock of a-.erchandite and building for sal-. Would take some trada in or around Salem. M, J, Hunt Ladd k Bush BWn. Worth While W have a splendid buy in a 6 room house, near paved street. AH in good condition. Price $1700. $300 pish, balance $25 p-r month. We have some choice buildings lots at very rea sonable prio . No one can give yoa better rates oil insurance, than in sures than we can. . Mills & Copley 331 1-2 State Street Trading Specialty Portland income and residence property la exchange for farms, orchards and land in the Valley. Come and see tts, we may do you a service. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Ststi St. A. W. ESTES REALTY CO. WISH TO snnounre to their friends, clients sud the public that they have moved from the Patton building to 416 Oregon building. Specializing on "Inside Property," Mr. Moison, formfrly with L. A. Harford, has charge of this de psrtment snd will be pleased to h.ive old clients ss well ss new ones fill smd sea him. A. W. Estes has charge o4 the exchange department with bun dreds of properties throughout the e.,t snd Middle West to exchange See him for trades. Special Good 5-room modern house on paved stre-t, close in, for $25. terms. We have 2 acres with good buildings, 9 acres of bearing prunes, 4 acres of lKan!errii-f, on good road; all stock and machinery; for $6500. This i a snap. W'll take home iu S!tui ut over $4000. Thomason 331 i State Street. 5 ROOM COTTAG?., BASEMENT. BATH. light, oa Union street, will be offered for on week at $2500. 800 rash; easy terms on bslsnce. f-Room strictly modern house in East Salem $5000.00. I room house in two apartments, near high school, rents for 835 a month. $100": easy t-rms Winnie Pettyjohn 331V State St. ANDERSON A RUPERT Buecaasors to l.sflsr k Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406-7 oregoa Bldg. GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE. BEARING fruit tree, good location. $1700. N-w modern bungslow, good location. I2800. 40 sere farm on paced high way seven miles out: good land, run ning water, new buildings : price right; will take a house ss psvuient. Room ing house flGOO. or wi'l trade foi horn Good enr to trsde for house. Good lot to trade for car. Small new house to trade for car. Good lot $!OU. Hout for rent. F. L. Wood 541 State St. HOME SEEK KltS ATTENTION WE have one of the best little 20 acre farms in the valley, all .ndrr cultiva tmn and in crop, coir 3 room house, barn, good well water. 3 acres in freit ami brriea; on good road, neir O E. Electric station and paved highwuy. The owner is here from California for a few days snd put the pric-j doen to sell quick. $."0i down. Price15if. Childs & Bechtel 510 State Street Good Buys 10 acres of plow Isnd rloso ia on Silver ton Road. Price $2100; terms. 35 acres all plow land. house, barn. Price $3700, cash. 45 acre with mod rn 10 room house, good barn. 36 acres plow land, 8 mile out. Price $7f.oo, cash. 80 acres, 60 nnder plow, buildings, all stock snd machinery. Price S9000. $4000 federal loan, balance cash. For bargains, sea ns. Reel Eetate and Fir I nun ranee. M U i2r-cUU4 X. r 375 Stat, suu 8. Bab Bidg REAL ESTATE FIVE ROOM PRACTICALLY NEW bungalow .at 102o North Cottage, owa er leaving tte c;ty. or.ij $2550. $700 cash, balance easy trrmi. Socoiofiky. 341 State. Best Buys and Exchanges Five-rooru modern bungalow, garasre. at l2kNorth Cottage. J2550. $7.00 cash, balance easy terms. 1 rooci bungalow. $150 j ; eaa. bl ance $25 monthly. S rijm mod rn o w l-jnjralo. $2750 take light car. tjtlan-e easy trn.s. 40 acres. 20 in fruit, modern 7 room bun gaiow, 4 isiles of Saiem. will take stocii ranch or grsin isrin. price i'-O. 009. 20 acres, 13 acres in fruit, mil! house. barn, 3 12 mils out. 70'JU, mill take fcoi. m fo.-tiaiiu nut evi-r 30S acre fine dairy in Linn eoaaty, w.ll exchange for ranch in Salem vicinity. Want 13700 loan on well improved ranch. Socolofsky 341 State. Business Corner Well located .at reasonable price today. A beautiful home, modern in every d -tail Close in. 8500. S.x room bouse for rent. $25 a mon;h Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. Cottage. Auction Sale My - 2 12 rrc farm, Moc, machinery an.l houMhold farn ture, at my home, - miiCA from Sinetu city limits .on the bottom road to tlojs Training School, on Tue:dy. l)ec. 5, li22. commencing a ,t lo o'clock a .m. ,&U th following . K.-irm of 22 1 2 a--r". 20 aces 111 cultivation, 2 12 aires timber, 1 1 2 acres family fruit snd strawberries 5 rcom house with electric his, bcrn 40x20 fe t, garage and rhuT:en coops, good well of water, barn is arranged for da;ry purposes, place all well woven wire fenced. Stuck, farm mach'nery. fnrn:ture: 5 goo, cows, some giving milk, some coming fr-sh. 1 young culf, 3 horses, 2 good workers, .1 single driv er, 1 young calf, 50 chickens, 2 wag ons. 1 4 -sect ion barrow, 1 cream separator, 1 hay rake, 1 feed cutter, loo egg incubaior ami brooder, top bua-g. some grain, 1 plow. 1 set work har a ss, hay and straw in barn; two bed sieads, 2 spring, 2 muttresv-- drese 1 leather Davenport, 1 rocker, one range stove. 1 heater, t darge dining tab!--, G chhirs, 1 kitchen eabiM-t, one Singer sewing .inehiue, '1 wash tub. 1 washing machine, cren'n ans, 15 sacks good potatoes, fruit jar, dishes, milk pails, smale-toola aid o'.her arti cles. Free lunch at noon bring your cups. Terms: On personsi property, is ch. On farm, suiuhl-; terms, announced day of sale. Geo. Sitterlee, miction e r, Phone 430, It. l. Soolofsky, agt.. Phone 970. Crist Schaper. owner. FOR RENt FARMS FOR RENT 200 ACRE FARM WITH approximately 125 acres in cultivation. Inquire John H. McNary. Salem. NOTICL OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington. D. 'V, November 6, 1922. Notice is hereby givn that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9. 1916 ( 39 Stet. 218). and the instructions of the Secretary jf the In terior of September 15. 1917 (4G L. D. 447), she timber on th following lauds will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m. on Decem ber 10, 1922, at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lesa than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pruchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent, thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited st time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within t n years. Bids will be received from citizens nd corporsfions orgsnized under tbe lews of the United States or any State. Territory or District thereof only. Upon application of a ualifid purchaser, the timber en sny legal subdivision will be offered separate ly before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 N.. R 3 W.. Sec. 1. N. E. N. E. 4, yellow fir 440 M.; N. W. N..E. Vt, yellow fir 140 M.; none of the yellow fir on these tract to be sold fur less than $2.25 per M. T. 5 N.. R. 6 W., Sec. 35. N. E. 4 N. E. K, )ellow fir, 1250 M., rd eedsr 50 M.; N. W. 4 N E. red fir. 1350 M.. yellow fir 250 M., red c-dar 50 M.; 8. E. M N. E. . yellow fir. 2425 M., red cedar 150 M.; 8. W. hi N. E. hi. red fir 275 M., vellow fir 860 M.. red cedar 25 M., : N. E. 8. E. 4. yellow fir. 1390 M.; N W. U S. E.t. red fir. 575 M.. vellow fir 275 M., red cedar 50 M.; S. E. Vi S. E. Vs. red fir 100 M., y. How fir 0 M.; 0. W. 4 S. E. red fir S75 M., yellow fir 400 M.. red cedsr 50 M.j none of the fir or cedar on this area to be sold for less than $2.25 per M. T. 9 S., R. 3 E.. Sec. 23, 8. E. M S. V. V. red fir S20 M. ; none ot th fir on this tract to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. GEO. R. WICKHAM. Acting Commistiouer, General Land Office Big Two-Months Carnival of Sports to Be Inaugurated January First MONTREAL. Que.. Dec. 1. Montreal- is planning to don its gala attire for the carnival of winter sports to be inaugurated January 1 and continue unin terruptedly for two months. It is expected to attract visitors from all parts of Canada, the United States and the Brit'sn Isles. The event will be staged by the city of Montreal, local civic so cieties, sports clubs, athletic as sociations and the Canadian rail roads. Lord Byng. governor general and Lady Byng are on the program to open the snowy levels. Montreal formerly held such carnivals annually but the cus tom several years ago was aban doned. Elborate , preparations are being made. The program will include snow-shoe and skat ing races, ski-ing contests, hock ey games, cirl'ng bonspiels, and other intere ting events in which amateur and pn f ess'onal athle tes and sportsmen will compete for international trophies and championships. , A new toooggan Incline with six long chutes ia being built on Mount Royal, the forest- crowned heiKht that dominates the city and the St. Lawrence. Fxneditions Into the deen woods to the north, along the frozen Uf " i...nrA and to historic places have been planned. H CARNIVAL 111 huh soon . STSTE IS University of Southern Cali fornia Takes Game by 41 to 5 Score TOURNAMENT of p n v STADIUM. PASADENA. Cal.. ' Not. 30. The University of Southern California's 'ootball team showed its greatest offen siYe strength of th season today when it overwhelmed Washing tan State college's gridiron ma chine, 41 to 3 in one of the closing games q: the Pacific con- lerence season. The Trojans hoped to better, .their chances of being selected to represent the- west against' WASH TROUNCED Penn State here Jan. 1 by rolling Diamond, for Astoria, fated as up a large, score. Except in the the fUr ot the seacoast team, is latter part of the final period, j Hnderstood to be the same Dlam U. S. C. gained almost at will.ond who helped brlrjg the Astorl- using a large assortment ot p.. The r end runs and forward pas- ses wer?s particularly effective. Itaker Three Touchdown Quarterback Harold Gallowav of the Trojans was the most brilliant player on the Tild. Roy ("Bullet") Baker scored three touchdowns. Baker and Gordon Campbe'l repeatedly thrilled the S.000 spectators w'th long end runs. Halfback Vern Hickey was the only Cougar to make substan tial gains. Punting hoiiors between Cap tain Dunton of the Cougars and Galloway were cvon. The Tro jan made wide openings In the Cougar line whenever asked. Scoring was started by the Coug ars early in the f'rst period when Vern Hickey kicked a field goal from the 43-yard l!ne. about 15 yards from the fide line, IT. S. C. retaliating soon a'ter. start ing' a march from midf'eld. flak ier and Kinicaia gaining inrousn the lino and Galloway and Camp bell advancing around the ends. On first down Baker took tho ball over from the six inch I'ne. In this instance and following the Trojan's two succeeding touch downs in the first haj', Hawkins added the extra points. First is Disastrous The Trojans second touchdown came shortly oeiore tne end 01 the first period Bullet" Baker skirting right end tot" the score. Baker scored another touchdown soon a Aer the second period opened when he sneaked off left tackle and went 26 yards, i lacing the ball squarely beneath the goal posts. The Coug?rs kici.od nearly every time they had possession of thp ball and made consecu tive gains bu; cm;?. Thoir briof, n.arch, ifeafirut ; a 27-yard g-tin by Hickey, s.oppol when Camp bell intercept- I Hickey s pass op ;h-- V. S. C. 3 )-yar; line. Less than five minutes a'ter U. S. C. had kicked off which opened rhe second half, R'drl'e, giant Trojan fullback, went over iho Washington State lin; and Captain Calland kicked goal. Otto Anderson paved the way lor another Trojan touchdown with long end runs, one af them for 30 yards. Otto Anderson went through right tackle for the fifth score and Calland again kicked goal. Iineup and Summary Washington State U. S. C. Sanberg LE Mileton Shannon LT ..Anderson Meeker .... LG. Calland (Cap.) P.urkes Durrwachter . Dunton (Cap.) Tryggvi V. Davis Slater ...... Zaep .el Hickey C ... . . . RG . RT . RE QK .11 LI1B . Rii . . KB . . .Lindlcy .Hawkins .Newmon .Phythian Galloway . . . . Baker . .Kincaid . Campbell Ik-tails of (same Score by periods W. S. C 3 o 0 o 3 IJ. S. C H 7 H 6 41 Washington State scoring Goal from field, Hickey. U. S. C. scor'ng Touchdowns, Baker 3; Riddle, Otto Anderson. Campbe.1. Points from try after touch downs. Hawkins 3; Calland 2. Officials: Referee. Sam Moy tr, Franklin and Marshall: Um pire. Glenn Whittle. Northwest ern; Field judge, none; Head linesman, Foley. Ohio Wesleyan. Tme of periods, 13 minute pach. .substitutes: W. S. C. TriRgve tor Sandberg; Kramer for Tryg gvi; Alexander tor Zaeptel; Wheeler for Slater; Wetzel for Wheeler; Crow for Davis. U. S. C. Bmmons for Phjth-ir.n- Boce for Emmons; Riddle foe liakpr: Wavahan for Gallo wav; Otto Anderson for Kin rairl- Baker for Otto Anderson; Blair for N. Anderson; Lahy or Riddle: K'ncaid for Waya i rttimiv for Calland; Bra- mons for Hoke; Galloway Kincaid. for West Viminia Undefeated For First Time in History MORGANTOWN. W. VA.. Nov. 30. For the first time in its football history, which reaches back to 1891. West Virg'nia uni versity has played through a season without a defeat, as a result of today's victory ovr Washington and Jefferson col lege. 14 to 0. There was no in the first hal. In the third period. West Virginia acor pd a touch doarr on a double pass. A lorwara pass ovr iu eoal line in the last penoa scored tte second touchdown. i s m LOSES 10 T Heavier Opponents and Strong, Cold Wind Too Much for Locals Disaster reached out with Us clammy caws and clutched the galen h!8h whool team by the neck and the leg. tor a IS to defeat at Astoria yesterday. Maybe It waa too cold for the inlanders. The wind was de scribed as fit to pierce them clear to the marrow, snd they were we'l outweighed to boot. The As toria fsh-eaters must have built up some colossal physiques, lor the Salem team . is heavier than the Willamette Bearcats, and ranks hisr for a hirh school team . UD almost to the .tate cnam. . f. Kaev-,hH tnttrn. ament last winter. Lilligren and Post, at the two halfback posi tions, and Harris at center were stars for Salem, and Relnhart, who went in for Patterson in the last ouarter, played the game of his life. Salem will lose mo?t of this year's team by graduation. There will not be more than three of the regular first team left over for seed for next year. Salem has lost only one other game this year, that with Cor vallis, 3 to 0, three weeks ago. It has been felt that if the two teams could have met again when the Salem boys met Eugene last Saturday, the result would have been reversed. But the Astoria game was lost with no alibi, to a heavier, welt trained team that had the goods. The, Astorians have the championship in their own district, and have just clean- Led up about the best there was outside as well. Colgate Eleven Defeats Columbia nUiversity 59-6 NEW ' YORK. Nov. 30. Dis playing a powerful, bewildering running attack, Colgate's eleven overwhelmed Columbia 59 to 6. The Maroons rushed over a touch down in the first few minutes of play and after a brief offensive by Columbia in the second quarter, the upstaters turned the contest into a rout. It was the final game of the season for both teams and marked the retirement as roach at Columbia of Frank J. (Buck) O'Neill who has resigned. W. ROCKEFELLER- DIES NEW YORK. Nov. 30 William Goodsel Rockefeller, son of the late. William Rockefeller and the nephew of- John D. Rockefeller, died of pneumonia at his New York home today. He was a for mer treasurer of the Standard Oil company of New York. NORTH BEND WIXS EUGENE, Ore.. Nov. 30. "North Bend high school tbta after noon defeated Eugene high school at football in a game at North Bend 6 to 0. SL Mary's high school ot Eugene 53, Harrisburg High school 0. GRAND STAND COLLAPSES WICHITA. Kas.. Not, 30. Scores ot spectators at the Friends Fairmont football game were In juredtoday when a portion of the grand stand collapsed. A few were removed to hospitals with serious injuries. The collapse oc curred when the crowd rose when Friends scored a touchdown. New Milk Prices MILK . w Gallons (bulk) Quarts Pints Table Cream Gallons Quarts Pints Half Pints Quarter Pints Whipping Cream Gallons Quarts Pints Half Pints Quarter Pints Skim Milk Gallons (bulk) Quarts Monthly Milk Rates lor Pint Daily Quart Daily Pints Daily 2 Quarts Daily 5 Pints Daily T m 3 Quarts Daily - 7 Pints Daily .....;. 4 Quarts Daily - FAIRM0UNT DAIRY MEAD0WLAWN DAIRY OLYMPIC US I1T PORTLAND Defeat is Turned Into Vic tory in Last Fifty-Five . Seconds of Play PORTLAND. Nor. SO. Hht San Franciaco Olympic ciub looi ball eleven turned defeat Into vic tory In the last & acconda ot play in tha same with the Multnomah club here today with a IS-yard pass in the last minute, netting: the Olympic eleTen the winning touchdown. The final scoro was 15 to in favor ot tbe Saa Fran cisco clubmen. - i "i- JJultnomata scored a safety for two points in the first three min utes of play when the Olympic ciub Quarter caught a pant on his own live-yard line - ana was thrown back of his own goal Una by a Winged M player. Tb Winged M ' eleven counted nevei points in the second period on av long pA5s Smith to Pelouse and a goal kick by Steers, Just before the close of the first halt Olym pic club with a series of Una smashes aided by two offside pen alties pushed over for a touch down. The goal kick, tailed. The visiting clubmen opened up in the last few minutes ot play and put over a forward pas that sent the ball over the goal line. Lineup and summary: : . Multnomah Position Olympic-. Rose . . . lert end . Von Schmidt Bush . ,..left tackle Daly Butler . . . left gnard . . . Pierce Stewart . . . center ... Latham Johnson .. right guard . . Majors Holden right tackle King Peiouse . . right end ... Smith C. Smith .quarterback. Bradahaw Steers., left halfback.. Williams Briggs.. right halfback . ;.Ryau Moran .... fullback ... Patrick? Substitutes; Multnomah, How ard for Rose; Ritley for 8tewart; Brandenberg for Briggs; Work- man for Moran; Rlneliart tor Smith; Briggs for Brandenburg; Jacoberger for Steers; Strachart for Hale; Rose for Howard; Stewart for Risley; Butler , for Busch. Olympic; Houser for Von Schmidt; Patrick tor Bradshaw. Officials: Sam Dolan, referee; Bill Mulligan, umpire; Dudley Clark, head linesman. ( Time of quarters, IS minutes. William Hohenxollern has taken up astronomy. He ought to be quite an expert In that lin he has been seeing, stars ever since the beginning the the" World war.. '. . ' .- : I SALEM MARKETS tAXEM MARKETS Price quoted ar wholesale eni prirea received by farmers, Ko retai price are given except as noted. No. 1 wheat $1.1 Ka a wheat $1.08. ' No. S Red wheat, sacked. $1,17, Cbeet hay $17. Oat hay $20. Clover bat. baled, $11. EGGS, BUTTER AND BTTTEEFAT Eggf, retail, 63e. Or amry butter 49. 50; Butierfat, delivered. 4Se. Milk. $2.85 ewt. POULTRY Old roosters' 8e. Broiler 15. " Hens, light, 12e. Hens, heavy, le. PORK.' MUTTON' AHTJ BEET -Hog .top, 14 Vfc 015c. Iresed bog 14e. Top veal, dressed, 18c Steor 1K313M. Cow, SQlOe. f raUTTi ; Banaaas lie. lemons $11(31?. . 4 Kave orange $8.S9 California grapef rail $4. Plnrda grapefruit, $70$. ' Empir rrapee I0 lb. ' Cranberries $4.50 boa. - ? lates. $(1.75. Jap orange $150 btiodlo. , ' HUTS Walnut 20 lb. Filbert jo lb. , , Almonds 2Se. Braai( 15 lb. VEGETABLES Cs all Dower $3.60. Head lettuce $4 crate. Tiweetoe SO Its), j-'" Effective Today RETAIL .40c 1 13c 8c $2.30 64d 32c :. 163 ;. 9c ....$3.00 .23c 12c .....l-c . 7c Uninterrupted Service ..$20 :.3.90 ... ........$6.10 , .......$7.70 ...,.$9.90 ........ $11.20 .$1350 .$14X0'