The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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No Realtors Hmiag
No meeting of the Marlon
County Realtors' was held Thurs
day because of the Thanksgiving
holiday. The regular program of
Thursday noon meetings will be
resumed next week, however.
President Clark , of the King's
Products company la to speak at
an early meeting of the associa
tion and several other good things
are in sight for presentation on
other dates. v. '
Boy onr Fnrnitor
; At Stiffs auction sale, 1:30
t Saturday, act.
.TUHlng Xear Tloeeburg 'i 7
Airs. xu. a. nnoten : ana lour
children ,are vlsltine thl
with her parents and other rela
tives near Roseburg. Mr. Itho
ten left last week for a visit at
the old Rhoten family home In
Iowa, and he will also take in the
international fat stock show at
Chicago before his return.
Tonight OnJy
Harold .; Lloyd in "Grandma's
Boy" at the Grand. Two fea
tures. Adv..
Anto Company Movi
The Western Auto SuddIt com
pany announces that they will be
in their new location next Satur
day, in the Derby block, corner
oi court and High.
Students Entertained-
The two or three hundred Wil
lamette students who did not get
to go to their out-of-town homes
for the Thanksgiving vacation,
held their celebration at Waller
hall Thursday night. An infor
mal program of games, with one
or two musical and literary num
bers, was put on. Cooke Pattou
and. Frank Wagan of Salem gave
a demonstration of malic t that
brought down the house." Wafers
and ice cream wefe served to the
guests, from the student ; body
Jack's Cafe
163 S. Com. St. A good place to
eat. Tables and counter. Adv.
Vernon Pickens Injured
Vernon Pickens, living uear
Gervais, was brought to the Wil
lamette sanitarium Thursday for
surgical treatment, v. lie .was put
ting tiown bay to tbd horses
when he slipped from 'the hay
stack and fell on a pitchfork.
His injuries are painful, but said
to be not serious. "
Classes in War ,ywn-
, And Paper- Flower Making
Saturday until 9:00 p. m. No
charge. Commercial Bank Store.
Floor Is Laid
A new floor was laid in the
state school of automotive en
gineering this week by Lee Eyer
ly and Mr. Milsom and their crew
of students. Following the com
pletion of the Job, all went out
for a special dinner at the White
House restaurant.
For potted plants. 273 State.
Phone 656. Adv.
Wheel Claimed
S. P. McCracken of 425 North
Church street claimed the Cru
sader bicycle which wis found by
the police a few days ago.
A action Sale
Stiff's 2nd hand store, Saturday
1:30 p.m. Adv.
Theodore Roberts
-V7 -v ,,:' v. 7, ,
' ; The Finest
Character "Actor in the
"The Old Homestead
V r
Whatever you do, don't
mis3 this film,' See the
Great Cyclone Scene"
Two Big Features
"The Isle of Doubt"
George Fawcetf
and '
Wyndham Standing
i and
Ruth Roland
"The Timber Queen"
Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry and Silverware.
Phone 1255, Salem, Oregon
Piano Playing
12 LESSONS 12 ,
Beginners or Advanced
Teaching the Latest Pouplar
Songs. Present this ad before
Dec. 1st, U is gootl for one
trial lesson free to new stu
dents only. Low urates. .Easy
terms. ' - '"-'
Waterman. Piano School
Room 8 HcCornack Bidg.
(Over Millers)
Junli Go.
Is always in the market
for all kinds of
Junk, Rags, Rubber,
Sacks, SPECIAL, Pa
per 40c per hundred,
Magazines 60c per
hundred, bundled
We also buy and sell
used furniture.
Top cash prices paid.
Shone 523. 402 N. Com'l
V Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
: m
; V
L ; i '
: fi- -
. r "
good coal and right prices.
We emphasise it! It la thee
ry essential features that
have caused our business to In
crease to such an extent. If
you're not a customer now an
order will make you one. ShaU
we send It toaayi
Phone 030
Aw! Cheer Up
Our line of Christmas toys are now on display and
never in our memory would a dollar purchase so much
happiness for the tiny tots. . r : f
; iDoughtoh & Marcus
, - 28G N. Commercial Phone "639
If it's hardware we have it not the biggest hardware
but the best
: 1
Seal Sale Starts Soon
Mrs. Fred H. Thomison or the
Salern Woman's club is chairman
of tbe Marion county Christmas
stal salf-a. A booth will be main
tained in the postoffice and in
several of the larger stores as well
as the banks. Mrs. John Carson
will have charge of the rural dis
tricts of Marion and the other
towns outside of Salem.
Two Collide
O. A. Xeal of 631 Chamber of
Commerce building, Portland,
collided with a car at Chemeketa
and Summer streets yesterday.
Minor damage resulted.
New Blercbandise
As 'well as used at Stiffs auc
tion sale, Saturday, 1:30 p. m.
inty 't
Veterans to Meet
The Marion County Veterans
association will hold its annual
December meeting In McCornack
hall Thursday, December 7. The
business meeting on the morning
will be followed by a program in
tbo afternoon.
Unusual Rooks Displayed
A number of Czecho-Slovakian
picture books are on display at
the public library. While the
stories which accompany the pic
tures are in a foreign language,
the books are attracting consider
able attention.
tbe biggest business houses of
town there are four banks In
the schedule, besides others of
various kinds. In thelr weekly
met tinea they have given to tbe
word some of tbe most remark
able illustrations of oratory as
itif is spoken without prepara
tion, and they are -naving more
fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Liquor Ixx-at
James Robertson was arrested
yesterday for having intoxicating
liquor in bis possession. Roy
Jones was arrested yesterday
evening on a charge of drunken
ness and disorderly conduct.
Iiuick Called For J
A Buick car which was found in
the 200 block on North Cottage
street by the police a few days
ago was owned and called for by
J. F. Singer of Shaniska.
High Pressure Steam Boiler
Eight horsepower, yertical
type, for sale at a bargain. See
it at The Gray Belle. AdT.
Bed Poled Out
In the contest for beds at the
police station late yesterday the
following were winners: Jamas
Mullen, J. C. Lee, Charles Warren
and Milton Hyson.
nounces , that it is going to be
bard to become acjl: mated to tfce
Oregon winter weather after the
stay in the milder climate of Cal
Dinner Is Served
Mrs. C. T. Bayes. assisted b
Mrs. Cannon, entertained a party
of 14 at a Thanksgiving dinner
Thursday at the Bayes home.
1247 Ferry street. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Both.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cannon, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. McCarter of Port
land. Miss Leila Parks, Miss
Juanita Brady, Wayne Parks and
Leslie Cook. The .turkey served
at the dinner was one of the prite
winners in the Statesman contest.
Artisans TTVi
And your (friends are request
ed to attend the Cadet Dance,
Saturday evening, December 2,
at McCornack hall. No admis
sion. Adv.
A Classified Au
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Tonight Only 6
Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's
Boy" at the Grand. Two fea
tures. Adv. " '
Salem Is Topic
The topic for the oratorical
class at the Y tonight is "Selling
Salem to the World." The speak
ers are to tell the world jnstwhat
If anything is the matter with
Salem, and how to cure It. The
class is composed of 25 Salem
men, representing a number of
A Two Feature Bill
"Grandma's Boy"
Katherine McDonald
Her Social Value"
Holster Called For
An Overland roadster which
was thought lost and put into
storage by the police was cal!ed
for by Walter Zosel of 9 20 Mill
street yesterday.
Disorderly Conduct
Fred Moran waa arrested by
the police yesterday on a disor
derly conduct charge.
The Largest
Auction sale at Stiff's, 1:30 p. m.
Saturday. Adv.
Ordeal is Painful
Louis C. Priem, an employe of
the Portland Railway Light &
Power company received two
crushed fingers Wednesday when
his hand was caught in a don
key engine. Unable to extricate
his hand Mr. Priem directed
other employes how to take the
engine apart - so that he might
get loose. He went to a sur
geon after the accident and the
fingers were amputated.
Legal Blanks ,
Get them at The Statesman; of
fice. Catalog on application.
Hugh R. Robertson & Co.
Member American Institute of
Accountants. Accountants: Audit
ors: Income Tax Service,
Portland, Ore., and Minneapolis,
Minn. ! 4fi
Address: 1517 Teon Bldg.
Portland, Ore.
For school children. Bates
very moderate.
The Little Lady's Store
1090 Center St. Cor. 12th
Buys and Sells New and Second
Hand Furniture, Tools, Machinery
and all kinds of JUNK. Highest
cash prices paid.
320 X. Commercial Phone 492
Tall Suit. Orercoatt. SluK. ite. Wt
carry an A-l Una kt half prieca.
Wl alao bay all kindi t clothing
83 X. Commercial
PfcOB 1S68-W
SAVE $ $ $
by buying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 235 No.
Commercial St Phone 947.
Thanksgiving 1922
Finds you ambitious, an
xious to get ahead, but
unable to take a position
because of lack of train
ing. Thanksgiving 1923
Only a year ahead, will
find you started on your
business career if you
use your time to advan
tage in preparing for the
place just ahead.
A year in our school will
train you and help you to
realize your ambition.
Start at once.
Write, call or phone for
Capital Business College
Salem, Oregon
Should Remove Debris
W. S: Low, Salem street com
missioner, declares that the peo
ple of the city should clean up
the debris that follows In the
wake of a wood pile that, Is, jre,
moved from the street. Sawdust
or other matter that is left from
the wood is washed into the sew.
ers by the rain and cause much
trouble by clogging sewers and
causing distress in many parts
of the city.
Kells WUI Report
Secretary Kells of the Salem
Y. M. C. A. U to make his report
of his recent trip to the inter
national convention at Atlantic
City today noon at the local di
rectors' dinner. Mr. Kells has
enough important material gath
ered up to keep the directors
there foiv a whole week, if they
wi.l stay to hear it all.
Miss G. Young, nurse at a lo
cal hospital, spent Thanksgiv
ing in Portland as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Lylw McCroskey
of Stayton spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. McCroskey's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCroskey,
in Salem
I. B. Sandburn, former river
boat captain from Portland was
In Salem yesterday finding out
the prospect of establishing a
steam boat line from Portland
to Salem.
A. A. Hall, formerly of Sa
lem, and C. W. Barrick, formerly
of Independence, were visitors in
Salem Wednesday. Both are now
living in TillamooK.
The cold gray dawn
of the morning after.
Hope you have not that dark j
brown taste in your mouth.
' Put a knife to thy throat if
thou be a man given to appetite.
Talking of th great canning
industry, did you know that suc
cess comes in cans, and failure
in cant's?
There will be two holidays
with Christmas. And the New
Year day. They come on Mon
days. If President Harding succeeds
in jamming the ship subsidy hill
through, he will have accomplish
ed the biggest thing in his ad
ministration. "a S
There is the largest crop ever
of tourists in southern California.
That would be a good place to
broadcast the advantage of Ore
gon. California has no section
that has the diversity of the coun
try surrounding Salem. No sec
tion that can produce so many
things commercially upon which
there is what amounts to a fran
chise. s s
The convicts in the Oregon pen
itentiary will be glad to know that
there is a movement on foot to
give them all work; and work of
a kind that will finally provide
wages for all of them.
tor yet. though one is to be in
stalled In the building later in the;
jfear 1J3. Tae rooms are fine
nd light, better eren than the
present ruarters, and the parti
tions ara bein arranged so that
the various divisions of the de
iartmet will have the proper
facilities for their work.
F. N Derby has the completed
plans for turning the whole build
ing into offices. "There will be
M offices in all on the second and
third floors. An elevator will be
stalled, skylights added, and the
iplace will be made into the finest
kind of office apartments. It
will be one of the birgest jobs of
rebuilding undertaken in Salem
for a long time. Mr. Derby at
one time contemplated making it
an apartment house, for residence
use, but the growing demand for
office room, and the close proxim
ity to the business part of the city,
has changed the plans, and it will
be a business block entirely.
For Loans See
G. W. Laflar, 417 Oregon Bldg.
Auto Accident Reported
II. M. Buell of route 1 while
driving west on Court street at
Liberty yesterday collided with
another car travelling north.
Only light damage resulted.
Prison Road Accident
Jud Cup of 170 Court street
while driving east on the prison
road yesterday collided with a
car driven by Ward Jones which
was traveling west on the same
road. Cup was cut about the face
and his lower limbs, but no fur
ther damage resulted.
Sirs. Alden Returns '
Mrs. George H. Alden has re
turned from Berkeley, Cal., where
she has been visiting for the last
two months with her daughter.
Mis Margaret Alden. She an-
Funeral Xotlce
Funeral services for James E.
Mann will be held Monday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock from the
Rigdon mortuary.
' Webb & Clough
Leading Faeeral
J Expert Embalmers
Rigdon & Son's
Unequaled Service
Capital Junk
All kinds of junk and
second-hand goods. We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
. Phone 398
MARION Clyde J. Gardner,
Medford; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. El
liott, K. D. Dufur, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. McDonald, Portland; Mrs.
G. Wood, Astoria; S. D. Temper,
Anacortes, Wn.; J. D. Bird,
Marshfield; H. G. McCallister,
Gooding. Idaho.
-L BLIGH Miss Marie Vinzel
bexg, Boring; F. R. Coburn, J. O.
Densmore, Eugene; W. B. Nell,
Dallas; A. S. Zlener, Kelso; Har
vey Klmink, Lafe Sing, Amity;
Abe Bennet, Eugene; E. Johnson,
TERMINAL Victor M. Trask,
D. Patterson, Corvallis; Allhea
Morin, McMinnvllle; A. C. Cum
mins, Silverton.
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
You feel fine in a few moments.
Your cold In head or catarrh
will be gone. Your clogged nos
trils will open. The air passages
of your head will clear and you
can breathe freely. No more
dullness, headache; no hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharges or
dryness; no struggling for breath
at night.
Tell your druggist you want
a small' -bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm. Apply a little of this fra
grant, antiseptic cream in your
nostrils, let it penetrate through
every air passage .of the head;
ecothe and heal the swollen, in
flamed mucous membrane, and
relief comes instantly.
It la iust what every cold and
.atorrh anfferer needs. Don't
stay stuffed-up and miserable.
Do You Drive
A Car?
Eyestrain may very
easily be aggravated by
driving a car. The at
tempt to focus the. eyes
on objects which you are
passing rapidly irritates
the already strained eyes.
Don't give up the car
but have your eyes at
tended to.
101-6 Oregon Bids.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 for appointment
Highway Department Pro
cures Temporary Quart
ers in Derby Building
Because the state house isn't
large enough to care for both the
regular business of the state and
the business of the legislature.
the state highway department is
to be shunted out of its quarters
in the capitol and has to find its
own home down town. It has
found the place, in the Derby
building at Court and High
streets, and, it is to take posses
sion December 4, which will be
Monday of next week.
The third floor, fronting on the
two streets, is to be turned over
to the highway department for
three months. There la no eleva
Sons of Masons Aided
In University Careers
EUGENE. Ore.. Nov. 30. The
Oregon grand lodge of Masons
recently set aside $2000 which
is now available for loans In sums
not to exceed S3O0 to University
of Oregon students"; whose par
eats arw Masons, accong to
John McGregor, president ct the
Craftsmen's club. University of
Oregon Masonic organization.
According to McGregor, the
fond Is a permanent one and will
be available for the use of .Univer
sity of Oregon students of all
future time, as well at those of
the present generation.
Apply Sulphur aa Told When
Your Skin Break Oat
sfny breaking out of the akin
Q(it ace, neck, arms or body is
overcome quickest by applytnf
Menlho-Sulphur. The . ,pmples
seem to dry right up and go
away, declares a noted kin spe
cialist. ,
Nothing has ever been found
to take the place of sulphur at a
pimple remover. It Is harmless
and Inexpensive. Just ask any
druggist for a small jar of Row
les Mentho-Sulphur and use It
I ke cold cream. Adv.
fife W
A lighted match to a good oil
heater and your room is soon
flooded with a warm, happy heat.
How convenient 1 No furnace to
stoke and coax along, no ashes to
bother about. And, if you burn
Pearl Oil, no smoke, dirt nor odor.
1 1
Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined'
by a special process developed by
the Standard Oil Company.
Get it in bulk from dealers every
where. Order by name Pearl OS.
Salem as a Trading
You will find more good stocks of
merchandise, food supplies and stocks of
all kinds in Salem than in many cities
twice its size.
Competition is keen and prices are down to a
close margin of profit: and this is the time of the
year to shop the city thoroughly before you do
your buying.
This Store Specializes on
Feminine Wear and Articles
6f use for Women, Misses
and Children
Holiday Goods, Leather Goods, Toilet Arti
cles, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets,
Dolls, Christmas Cards and hundreds of articles
for that Christmas Gift '
if :i-
Quality, Merchandise. Popular Price
" Where it Pays to Pay As You Go 9