FRIDAY XOILTS"a DECZSfEEE 1. 122 iaJw2cy a lui ja w uft . - zx ifcfi awsajEia fca .c . j-ewetSas: cxaxaBra ia Wasi- ;Xi ttna. He t a maxioaEfcl ea m ita fr whaasa- ar re fart iT-r ti tfrr xx ex Uit artsEsiBec ia nacl ana. u. x sr i rt. mry zxxrrzj a i-Jr3 sxvs ge a- sxi xe xaaaa .. M . ."ytJF a x W jrr. 2 nui ti h& ax! atas - ;'fcsg rai 'scsxiaa rs tie eexxtry -n jrwxxi aixexjiis ia stas svx. His ks-r ia irerrs r3 j"as ; gasrli. " ' ' --- isjtxg xrttatT.f". PassSfaEy XXr a. it:. xk t34rw. xx5 a tut- aZiararisav. yrxxxx xe We fsr-ie. x bi if TSie a Us 4 - Sasaed ZaXj x3 3ttcj s? : : Ti? 2 jaajsjgjcy is tf MabKiStl t 2L '", j l lraiiritf-f . Sk is tiax ta-re La. a max -a res wbr si jri vWfnlwr afi sl:i ima a aa&t&arjr s5a - tmm BtATtXMAX rm80(i CJCnslXT 'zj-z ika Ei .,- " if- 5 is saail4. xas bea ctJitw t t'rizg tie B t ! ibfc lli 1 C ti 1 SA iXhk UyeJ f ojf ttTTr tT a : itos : ; : o,, x t t,-i: i. fci.-et ix Lc lifts . J. Xicrks W&rfiuem. A. t&mm j3t dsw FnoJc Wtfrjtl .' . 3-a- Orri t4T f-x EciihBn! jrtrx -rr tZ- 3IrfX XA-i !s rx 1 ftrjpi w-rwr fctaaeJUrt; ri, sex . ti- i k a ksxs -w-fcx xe ssti- ltis i Sta, Zvl lis u-a i a iri pa- i-.2.:itxjrr. Exlifixr tjrf csf :i fJ isfafrr S2ri it ft ...rr jrsrtexrr xx ixstT isi f JsmKTtftm OSere. Tl Crci'afa L37tAst, SIS Js 2tn2&xs. il l Bacf7 Eitrr, lit fBLZEKX, XtB , xxt V-er tx 3 t.t cSwerrixg z r-xt tt 1st uj err. j tr f-rciilx r.f-?2 e-rtrs JOeliciatxsi 7 ZrtSrrmri x O TxG5e is ,fTr. GrtMX. u w&emut Zm xxzzxs r-s-t rif j-recxsjsx im xLis xs-ttt- He XJ-s tex ibtt xrCMS- OTT OOrCfJ ' 1 V crsr xixt tx Axtrxx 5xs- Grr-wnr 3Lxx ' : x?5riA,-4 r ti 3Cxx- r Z WATCH 0w2 LSTZZZZTS 2171 WZ BUT 50 CHIPS ra'-trrr Snr ti rort . la df!iJif v liL . f&li tiri KJKJkl --fcrt i tL Nr Ees fix :tT. t tl sia! ix re a ti ixjc: irrag rrr l i: s ix -Lii 'xxtrr ttrrx Tr.rx n iiir. Ax - fc'T.r,- -v -.r v yrxx. x2xii tax 3 rf tx-rirt5rtr? wxii x-b3?w txi-? fr:x.-r irfrttix-iorLf vlkl -r-?r s?-:t x5-?4 sy it grtax r retire rxrxl rsfxstr'. IN TINS IK LOAVES OVE LAW FOE ML tx i "TStS s&tKpy to rr-. r&er: sure?. r-cr?T rr-sjErr xxi slex i-r-: x-? i -f ! - T5t- rxia. Brt4X&as3 j " " X'- - , Ti Ors-Tr-k Ttr Tir, ' J rni. rtfi- ctix ix?xf ti Xf r rx.i 5n r ixi t&5- rrfcts rx'H siti c,l? er-iTe -rhi frWrTT' rtltr titi tits vi fc-r- raiirr -j.- rrix'xk 2ixx " : Willi. tle jx3S1 isd aSittry driti' f tie eviirs - . ; s-ir A t-. rt 3TXK SXk i rretx jftr a tie JiktL Kxll sc&ie try ar lV-rtae2.t cf Bus. We tUt trii rf tl' Itr2iae!i I ed cid ispt f t ill ttiit a Iw n w wis, we -arAii zxttoia aufco ?tts li-e nr A tL- Xer ctt aLa3 prviatt rtaigisra jrrCJhka Eixritie frc, 5 Tb Fr?i .ax txf a ia.j pmwsliw 2x4 luwMTt. ?' 5T-xf ti Viirt is ti "We are iir'ejaataiatii i fcpls-f lj r4r tL 2Cr Frii?- Vet trrxi . f.-wz. Et. We ref xzd V be dnva ix tii -rvnex tx. Lil . . Tt fi7l t,f 7-1 --ri it xs xlr, al tie Pardtzirlec s vrrr ilex? ii t 1st Tl AaTaa rdedisatSCT e02rlr5.t -w-Iti tr iv?i?ti v wa-wt. Tfcy Err? tit , ix&tj hi the Xear Eat asee -ar refsual oi tU- Ar'-SLLfcx k- ; ixi a jos tkirt ii 5 !J. We 21 look enrer tie bwMn ,f ti vt Loidr is I 't x5 a axr. ; tfce fcs-ff faxoe, vateb tie rsa f tLe erd, ttt x gzmWmg I"11" tr s&c-re Has izt- - m done vita r aai igx Ssterasta, tit vL'l ?-r tso tUp. tai ia tfee irsria i FkSadelpfcia Ieder. Wr rraxtrf f22 fratciSse. That U Katiijrif ,T1 ii rvoeur axi tetter. ! It profrea Tl' Frxitiaa' ar ysrsja3 t ? It idjeaUs a atifr5r cf sr atlcivr. Ve rxlltrt tk tieir laisw. fcni I5ct Jt la XWt envui'k. It ttaj Ui ab it&. tt ti- dTtJ6r are xary xVrt Certxr i uif vEea tie VxuUd State wLr lar a knrr t& ti unx cf tie wwil We are a tart A ti 1 irl.l ir i 4 eaeape tie ecroaeqaeseea f WMr aiid asutak jej artere And we wiaficaaj eoodade liat e 2 pitvirr tie part i i wwa vara wt pnvvU m ererr tit jrM f,r tL ir. TTT" ?x-k-L2 ixrxa crrps- Itr.x? aH CExxiss li.?r teair. iaa xrr STrREtttjA, z 2t3 rtrrS:ir2 it it J4:J!- jX3- as x yra m.U xi u-s ca 5 trti tSxrr frre t: serss f 1 Fcr Cwsbs ad Ceiia, fkad. A3 asaj PaJsii r.rrr.r.rr; PCKTRHOC -nearer linn k Sar m .t-, it iarx K hrl ftrr KJT per THE FlfTHEFTS WIFE FUTURE DATES ' Tl. tl i xT-3 f ' TUM ver tl Txrjee -xt Co-reraor UnU kaa aatttle4 Sesatw Xelrrr WE !klsi tf tx4ils tier xUler a KteU trt y is tl aO- ata rler Eat tt ssclDer r& la4 xJaeraUr t9 xit ta tt fck ta4r rftk r- t M. Xx JUcW Tiev TVfi fa a xstrressrat a toot x aara Goveraer CrotWk f xicaaa a?wat a rau ne : ? eaaa . lir jrer el erf a3 j isaafsaaa. 6f tbea -roiia tfe KravWrka xx4 Or-f ratier xxxrrr BI3 Faraaxa cr t'a a4l Vaititctwa, Watea car j CtarUe Cxaa. Bat. a r twwi v3 trrt- f ti trss4 rf the tisset. ft i aate tlSr atraaerrte. Tier etrtTliixe tiat o x&asr f t, w23 raiae to ta tare tS&ea tkmoOT eal ata atay t tia a ue sax& Ux3 ax4iarxa. Ttr ar un cf ts yAf I-.-? 1.. li Si Itwisn. Lmr I rrii sf - - ' uoaa ay toon H. suTLar l; Joix. :lixs tiat aosetluxz tu ITK3I i rur ' wcax ! THE FUN BOX Open the lid a&d Lacgn T a tool alea I atr!l. Wlara4 taa aaaUk. aawl crerx tlaaa yoa rtrnM yea lMr year aa4," eesasUla'sd ti BUUitrOX. rre:r.- ail tt teabr to lob Bar. "corgis to Ktool fta year tae so esrty, Lxk at roar trxiir, &be tow xir aa clean j P? taaxily f hi 1i3 eat fill iC JK ' . J mxt, tuvrt4 joaaay, nta aia airtidar.- rtre at ter -iti a -abocs. EaiT trrc,sc- icia was waittea ox ti at ni lt ttat Ktixrr olj Mr.! tt atrase to tx wood. ti Wix4w xa a tempi I xtra , tie Iajtiaa. ciaiixj tr ca, j-irxr &ra,' fB354 Dfbcrah. "l Uw; E3 too. Lha ro amaUas earlr tairj xsora-? a eoaM to ro tax. sfe teg. ax-i t eaco fcark earrr-ax wast walk a &rTir, aa tboarl wkat looked !:ke two or tkree.j tae diiat 2rniir rw iarxa t a ktti piez tL kox Foflawtag Ordera Taa dosactie adeaee teacher wasted aovB plaau mad a of taa aoys waff called ot of fcia claaa to ro after tbeat. Tlack a coaatc." waraed taa teacber. "to aa eaara tberra ripe." TT toya raasa back sal baad cd her taa mack. "I plecbcd a wbola bar fa I. . be aaaoaaccd jtlee-ally. "llere' yoar mooay back." &airpamaabla "iUn'm a booa.- aald the yoaat alemaa. "tbat yoa caa'i afford to be arltbovt.- . "I brer read," aaawered ' tha froapect. "Welt, toy It for the ebndrea o rra afaale. aad aa orpbaa." "Well." aald tbe aalesmaa dea Xerately, -doa't yoa erer seed a alee beary book to throw at year do there?" V , I The Cavraiaa Writer "Tbare'a one thing to be thank ful for, aigbed the wrUer la tbe atone age, , .wlra had almost enough stories sent back to boiJ tay boase. , k ... . ' Aecoaatfag for It , 'Ton oaght' to be aabamed oil Tbe Arasy Male Uttlt Brother kokiag at tbe aebra la the zoo): -Oh. looktt the raaJe with aJi the aerrke atr!pea: ftptak Spaa ftpaak Father: -Bobby, if yoa bad a little more pak ta yoa I talci yoa woald ataad a lot better fa yoar cIxm. Now io row know what spank ur . Bobby: "Tea. tlr. It s the past artlci?I of saaak. ' S-,; " ) & J, Aad here Tbe fleaaoai Why f -Mother." reouurk4ed liUle Elaie. TX wuh we bad a real baby so ! oald wheel It around ia ray go cart," "How sweet, dear. What made yoa think of taatr "Well, yoa aee, tbe dolls are aL way getting broken when, tie bSgy tips orer." THE SHORT STOUT. JR. Iler Tfaaakarglviax Gift Tbaaksgiring: without tar key!" rrrpeated Deborah with trembling lips. . ? ,:: It roar father were well eaoagb to go banting, it woald be different. sfgfced her mother. "ToTtey. toTtey," wailfcd Baby tbe ia all, rm sare. we barea't aay." She pat oa her wrapt, anad'fed ap Baby Joha. and got oat the rade sled ber father bad made for theax. Away she tradged aero the taow. paBlag tie yoaarster oa th sled. She bad made op her mind to atk Mr. Winalow i! he wouldn't let thera haie a tar- bey. proTidhig they paid for It in crops later oa. The Winslow botise was tbe only other cabin on that part of the frontier. Deborah had to make ber way throagh a stretch of snow-blanketed woods, so. tear ing the sled behind, she had tc go part of tbe way alone. She was walking along swiftly, wbec saddeelr she aaw, peeping oat from behind a rock ia the path ahead at her. a shining feather. She caaght her breath so q sick ly it hart, for she knew aery well tbe trouble a feather meant. Tbe rettlera bad sot been bothered by Indians for some time, bat were erer oa the look oat for trouble. Her first thoagbt was to tarn back aad raa aa fast aa sbe eoald. bat that might mean bringing tbe xi il eoald pretesd axe didx" ee the sarage at all. There wsi a cbaace tbat be woaid I el ber go by- As she ca cio to the store b noticed a Ihtl trail t blooi cro tie rsow. Tie saTage mart be woaxded. Sbe hesitated a little, aid tLea west on. Th feathers resxaiaed motioaleas. ba? there seemed something peealiar aboat the way they stack oat. She stole anoxber glaaee. fearfsl-Ir- Then she baa boldly a a to the stone. There oa the groatd lay a deai tarkey. Soat one bad erideaxlj shot him. bat he tad got away oaly to die later la tie woods. 1 -Baby Joba!" sbe cried. nrX niar back down tbe saow-eoTerei path. l re foaad oar Thaaksgit Sag dinaer!" PICTURE PUZZLE I What lOworrJi treat MIKI ii'lktse 5am tetter art ' ? heref aawmr 1m yratarJajr ifVuamm,'avtr- ' i i j 1 Globe Uoderwear at - : - : . :.t Attractive ' Prices Globe csdenrear is est to lit tiebon littriray a ttHcrcrij an csderwaxcsesL Tbe fabric is IrsiitetJ tbe Becesszry vHlb. Tbca carefully processed audi sbrcnk drwa to err, A Gfcbe gi i i if ;,t rttzizi tbe size rarketi, no mtrtrr bew bisj tines it is lrasbedL Osbe ir- Bfrft Rprrr ear er wf rtarww Trer KftTi frfr jitir. Tliw r r- ' ia n ce&plete ranety el styles b oil ireiibts of fabrics. w IFomen's tnion Suits Women's Union Suits omens Union Suits High r-eck. lyzg kTe isd -V lerrib, cipkteJT eoTerir.? the boj. This gzrz&zt i freferred tx rarj wrrren of jrtoi tarte. This is a. practkal gawrsaect. Also to l had ia Dutth reck, tlboTr sleeves. xe Z& Prk&i a Furt . Tbese fIis hive bssd tcP. low t3c i sjeereess t,r3 2i3e Jerxth, tlsD is gripe .Vryh. Hxj thzt eca fxrtAbie eltrrkftr. Sses S t -ti - ' PrincC a szit Is ltlr $15 S1.98 In part wx in suk Dutch bard Axvd I'jw slesrvfcless, elbow zsd wooL seek, lor.- Children's Union Suits In a jreerf grace of ffOc arid woci, I3tcb reck, ellxra ieeTe, a k3 kr-gth. Sixes 3 to 14 yers Priced skeves. Sixes ?A to 45. Pnced $2.25to$7.50 $20 to $3.50 Blisses Union Suits For ar12, 14, 15 Tears. Hade with a assas's rtyfe seat, de fjesi fa- tie girl who co k-rs" tksres a crtp sea. Finifhed arid shaped saze aa a woman's 5"ait- Priced A Slt 1 A t l ip "TI $1.48 The Following Numbers at Greatly Reduced Prices To Close Out At a special price. Worsen "s wool anion sail, ixt cation. At a special price Women's wool "union suits, part cotton, fine quality underwear, xnade to fit, bodice and band top, three quarter length, good light win ter weight. Regulajd TQ ?2-25 value. Special .a) left Qadmoor To Close Out At a special price -s- ers wool union suits, pan cotton. This is a good heavy arinter weight, prfect fitting, bodice asd baBd top, knee length. Sold regularly at $23. Special $1.98 Children's Union Suits :: Knit of sdted cirbrf yara, extra weU made, cf very good qaiity, nke azj wAra for win ter wear. Onrr ia sixes 2. 4, 6 12. 14. 16. Regular QQ valse. Special Oa7C I a i tXSl 3JZrt R Screed Pure Thrtzi HEEL mcicaung Sxe cfzrzti 5c5e ad Ice Extra Special Price on Silk Hose Closing out at less than one-tiiird and one-half price-Extra good quality-Odd lots-Pure thread Silk Women's Wool Heather Extra Good Quality An exceptional buy for the woman who demands a bargain that is of good quality; pure thread silk hose, plain, fancy. Lace embroidered and satin rib. Every one Is stylih and desirable and will make splendid Christmas gifts. Black brown and price a pair $1.48 $1.98 $2.98 VERY 6 Thread H0Se fj SPECIAL $139 iV rasnioned leg and seamless sole with pyramid heeL Some call it the pointer heeL Excellent wearing quality. Colors are black and brown. Mixtures ODD LOTS PURE SLUC Hose. These hose are bound to p.eAse. They are fashkcahSe and sensible. Colors ar. famwn K?a. tan i . . gray. Keguur 51.75 vaiae. Very special 1139 ChiltTs Heather Hose With farjcy cuff top, adl wool gh rib, Eegalar $1.75 value. SPECIAL pair . 4 State Sc. rtlaa4 SOk Sbe? S AUnr Sc.