' CIECTXLATIOS Arcrart for OetoUr, 1022: Sunday nly or ran cut or uxum m4 1wW Is .5709 1iIy anil 8nndv mi Average for tix moatba andiDf October 81, 1922: KundT only 374 Daily atul 8aadajr 6485 The Oregon Statesman;;,' mnun SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1922 PRICE: FIVE" CENTS. eET) c1 I o) I 0 r.?slJ7.fE, ,nAn aa rn rn clemenceau PAYS LINCOLN HIGH TRIBUTE Acclaims "One of Greatest Men That Ever Lived" Gettysburg Speech Then Quoted. THOUSANDS GREET TIGER AT STATION Is Shown Through Home of Famous President Many Honors Are Accoraea SPRINGFIELD. 111., Not. 30. Georges Clemenceau bared bis ' m . a . m agea neaa ai tne lomo 01 ab hamj Lincola today and paid trib ute to him as "one of the great est men that ever lived." "After the Terr appropriate and moving words I hare beard, I hardly dare say more," he said. "Don't believe I came here ,tp try to consecrate such a memory." I Gettysburg" - Quoted """Quoting from Lincoln's Gettys- j the .words of Lincoln, rather to be consecrated, that what remained to him of his life might be de voted to the service of mankind. "I came in souvenir of the val iant! men who fell on the fields of France In the same cause for which be was murdered aqd that we are going to try to go in the path of freedom he opened," Clemenceau continued. "Here i am a. nrivate citizen, no more t nun m.ti'v oi.aer .wiia iuh'iiiw.iu do his duty, hoping to be not like! Lincoln, but to be as nearly like him as I can. Wreath Laid f "Let us say no more. Here be fore one of the greatest men that ever lived, all jmy heart goes out to America, and the great man she produced. "j v Before he spoke, bareheaded in the cold mist beneath the leaden skies that overhung Oak! Ridge cemetery, the j Tiger entered the marbled hall beneath the tall, plain Lincoln shaft, and laid a wream on we sarcopnagus u neath which the martyred Lin coln lay. - lie said no word, stood motion, less! for a momint, laid the wreath and walked silently out At the end of his speech Clemenceau was asked by former United States Senator Lawrence Sherman, mas ter of ceremonies, to dedicate an other, wreath as his tribute to a dead soldier of the Rainbow dl- if iOBUU TiwM. ihhw . I Lincoln Home Visited "This is my tribute to the Am erican soldier ,t Clemenceau said, Placing UIS J11U1U vu tuo n Mr, Sherman then announced that it was to be laid on the grave of Otis Scott Humphrey, son of the late Federal Judge J. Otis Humph rey, who died last night; of pneu monia. Humphrey will be bunea tomorrow In Oak Ridge In the shadow of the Lincoln shaft. The Tieer'a train reached Springfield from Chicago at 3 o'clock. DesDite the . inclement weather, a crowd pf several thou sand persons greeted him at the station.' He was driven to Lincoln's old home, where! he was shown through the house by Mrs. Mary Edwards BroVn. whose grand- mother was a sister of Lincoln's wife. i She presented him with a pen . I made f roin wood from the floor " nf TJnrr.li.' old home and showed . him, among other things, the sora on which Lincoln courted his wife. ' "'Ha!" exclaljmed the Tiger with a Bmlle. . j Taken to Belle Room Then she showed him a little (Continued en page I.) ""THE WEATHER OREGON Friday, probably rain or snow. LOCAL WEATHER (Thursday) Maximum temperature, 38. Minimum temperature, 32. River, 4.10 foot below normal, level; raising. ' Rainfall,. .18 Inch.; Atmosphere.! cloudy, v : Wind, north. I , - - HENRY ALMOST TAKES COLD HIGH DIVE Freak Accident Occurs When Ford Crashes Into Rail ing Nearly Goes Over Police make a record of luky accident number 333,4.'G. An "almost serious" miHhap oc curred on the mill bridge lfcated on north Church street in the 700 block last night about 9:15. Two men, according to witnesses, were driving north across the bridge when they skidded and crashed into the wooden railing on the left Bide. Tbe stream at this point is about 10 feet deep. Or dinarily a wet bath and submerg ed car would have resulted. But it was a Ford. The front wheels, hood and axle crashed through the railing and hung perilously close over the water. But tho railing held and prevented the light car from trying a high dive. The names of the men were not learned. According to police records the car is registered in the name of M. C. Pettys, route 1. Occupants, Uninjured, Are Pinned Under Car Acci dent Unavoidable COTTAGE GROVE. Ore., Nov. 28 (Special to the Statesman) A Bulck sport model roadster bearing license number 115982 and owned by the Drager. Fruit company of Salem . skidded over the bank on the Pacific highway two miles north of this city Tues day morning about 10 o'clock, turning completely around and landing upside down in the ditch beside the road without injury to any of the three occupants. The car was driven by Fred Drager of Salem, accompanied by his wife and son. The Dragers were on their way from Roseburg to Salem. Mrs. Drager had a slight cut above her right eye and the boy a small cut on one finger, while the car has a badly smashed top, broken windshield and broken radiator cap. The Dragers caught the next train north at Saginaw and their car is here in Nelson's garage being put in repairs. Eye-witnesses to the accident said that the Salem car, traveling not more than 25 miles an hour. was following the Cottage Grove- Eugene stage north when the stage stopped to let some passen gers off at Saginaw. The driver of the roadster threw on the brakes suddenly to avoid running into the stage and to avert a col lision with a team coming from the north. In doing so the sud den force caused the roadster to turn across the highway and skid into the ditch on the east side of the road. In going over the em bankment it turned around facing the south and landed with all four wheels in the air and the occu pants pinned underneath. They were extricated from the wreck and the car righted by bystanders. First Flurry of Snow Seen in Salem Yesterday Salem and Portland had their first snow flurries of the season yesterday, but the ground , was not whitened here nor elsewhere In western Oregon. East of the mountains there was a consider able mantle on the ground. Far mers of Umatilla and Union coun ties were encouraged because of the prospect of protection the snow will give their crops already in the ground. Charitable Institutions Observe Thanksgiving Day PORTLAND, May 30. Thanks rivinz day was observed here with services in most churches. Charitable institutions generally served their inmates with Turkey and the things that go with it A dinner to newsboys was a tea' ture at a large downtown hotel. Holiday crowds thronged the theatres In the afternoon and ev DRAGER FAMILY IN AUTO CRASH ening. ' '" I ' - '4 ' .', i ' POUGE USE GUNS AGAINST ANGRY MOB, 4 RIOTERS DEAD MEXICO CITY, Nov. 30. (By the Associated Press) At least four persons were killed and a dozjn injured tonight when the police used machine guns against a band of demon strators who attempted to invade the city hall in pro test against the alleged negligence of the aldermen in con nection with the water famine in the city. Two machine gun volleys were fired by the police the first over the heads of the crowd and the last into it. The demonstrators, numbering several thousand, first stormed the municipal building, then attempted to break in the doors ; whereupon the police fired several volley3, dispers ing them. The fire department , as usual, aided the police. All of the stores in the neighborhood of the city hall were closed thi3 afternoon in anticipation of the demonstra tions. The newspapers are continuing their attacks on the aldermen and demanding their resignations. ILK IIP 1 CENT Salem Distributors Attribute Raise to Cost of Grain and Other Feed Rising costs of grain and hay are reflected in increased prices on milk of 1 cent a quart quoted this morning by Salem milk dis tributors. Effective December 1 quarts will retail at 13 cents, pints at 8 cents and gallons at 40 cents in stead of 35 cents in bulk. There will also.be a slight in crease in cream prices, amount ing to 1 cent per half pint on table cream and 2 cents for half pint on whipping cream. Since last August the price of dairy feeds has increased from 50 to 75 per cent. Two Reels of Comedy Film and Hickman-Bessey Drama Presented One might almost rejoice to be in the penitentiary, under a good rainproof roof and with a Thanks giving dinner and a drama and a moving picture show, on such a day as yesterday. The 470 in mates certainly had things brought to them in an easy-to-en- joy manner. Frank Bligh took out two reels of comedy film, and the Hickman- Bessey players who have been at the Bligh part of this week. They put on "Tbe Girl of the Fly ing X," a western comedy that made a tremendous hit with the audience. The players them selves are: Guy Hickman, Jack Bessey, Chancey Southern, Vir ginia Stanton, Nea Hughes and Bert Hughes, with Helen Root as pianist. They have a grand piano at the auditorium, and they have real music there. Following the show, which was staged in the forenoon, the guests stayed for dinner with the prison officials. The orchestra of eight pieces played during the dinner, as good an orchestra as anybody wants to hear. The Bligh is already looking for a good comedy film to present for the Christmas holiday. Rumor American Troops on Rhine to Go Home Soon COBLENZ, Nov. 30. Notwith standing the fact that no' offi cial information to the effect has been received here, a rumor that tbe American troops on the Rhine are soon going home was again circulated today. While anxiously awaiting definite news, the soldiers did not allow their anxiety to Interfere with their celebration of Thanksgiving. Races, two football games and a 'boxing match, 'together with the usual holiday dinners, fig ured in the ; day's program, 1 MACHINE ME! GOES FOR CHARITY Over $200 Raised in Salem Churches at Thanksgiv ing Services More than $200 was contrib uted for charity yesterday at the Thanksgiving services held by Sa lem churches. More than $100 was contribut ed for the Salem Associated chari ties at the union services held at the First Christian church One hundred and six dollars was contributed by the German speaking Protestant churches at a union service held at the Center Street Methodist church. This is to be divided equally between the Near East relief and aid for Rus sia. W. F. Wedel of the Salem Deaconess hospital, talked on con ditions in Russia, following the address by Rev. J. J. Lucas. No services were held at St. Joseph's Catholic church because Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor, was unexpectedly called to Portland by the serious illness of his brother. Because the call came so late, he was unable to arrange for a sub stitute. He returned to Salem last night, his brother being con sidered temporarily out of dan ger. n sighed Endowment Workers Must Continue to Raise About $22,000 Every Day A little better than $812,000 had been definitely pledged for the Willamette endowment and building campaign up to Thurs day night. This does not include anything 3ave the pledges signed np and in the office of the cam paign committee. More than $32,000 was reported in on Wed nesday. There is still a long way to go, however. With only 20 days left for the completion of the pro gram, which closes December 20, there is still $438,000 to raise, or almost $22,000 a day. This is the busiest season of the cam paign, it having been planned from the first to make the last three weeks the real clean-up period of the year. The state has been closely or ganized for this intensive effort, In Salem, two teams, with 40 men in all, are to take the field. under the command of "Generals" Paul Wallace and Henry E. Mor ris. These two men have been so successful in managing such drives, that they were easily the choice of the university commit tee. The committees are to meet every noon for consultation, be ginning Monday. All the subscriptions are being made contingent to the securing of the whole endowment. None is collectable until all the money is subscribed, and it it fails by December 20. it fails utterly. MH PROGRAM FOR FARMER'S AID IS COMPLETE Conference Composed of Harding, Secretary and 18 Senators to Give Plan to Congress. IS CONSOLIDATION OF NUMEROUS PLANS Would Utilize Farm Loan Board More Liberal Credits Proposed WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. (By the Associated Press) The new administration program for imme diate financial relief to farmers was formulated and practically perfected today at a conference between President Harding, Sec retary Wallace and IS Republican senators headed by Senator Wat won of Indinaa. It will be put before congress at once and pressed with the full force of the administration. Broadly the plans bring together in one ad ministration measure the approv ed portions of various relief measures already pending in con gress and contain also provisions to make the intended relief avail able to the small farmer as well as to the large cattle raisers and grain growers. The conference was arranged by Senator Watson who has been making an active survey of the question of relief. It was pre ceded by a series of conference between Secretary Wallace and department of agriculture experts. Farm Loans Utilized Today President Harding kept his Thanksgiving dinner waiting while he heard the perfected pro gram outlined and gave his gen eral approval. The plan proposes to utilize the federal farm loan board as the agency through which relief is to be given. The details of the fin ancing have been practically worked out. The general pur pose is larger and more liberal credits and cheaper interest rates. The opinion of those participating in the conference was that while the war finance corporation had been of great value in alleviating the distressed condition of agri culture, its loans, because of cer tain limitations, did not reach down to the average small farmer who raises a few cattle or has small quantities of grain to market-. By using the federal farm loan board as the agency to carry out the plan of financing, the ad ministration plans propose to make the government relief avail able dijectly to the small farmers who need it. Program Approved The whole subject of farm re lief work was discussed exhaust ively but the marketing problem was touched upon only in a gener al way. The general opinion at the conference was that to extend the program now to include so complex and much controverted a subject as cooperative marketing would only serve to delay the Im mediate object of relief. The president was told that the press ing need was to provide at once financial aid to the thousand of farmers who face mortgage fore closures because they are unable to dispose of their cattle and crops without tremendous losses. All the senators present gave approval to the program and pledged their support for its im mediate consideration in congress. Sinker Sheik is Pride of Oregon University EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 30. The University of Oregon has its "Shiek." and is proud of it. How ever said "Shiek" didn't gain his popularity by winning the hearts of the fair co-eds. He gained it by his culinary art. Oregon's "Sinker Shiek," some times known as Roland Arne of Portland, last year conceived the idea of earning his way through the university by frying dough nuts. , Between January 1 and June 16 last year, Arne fried 60,000 doughnuts and sold them to University of Oregon students and other Eugene residents. He found the business so successful that he resumed it again this year when he returned to the univer sity to continue his studies. PAIR SEEK EACH OTHER MANY HOURS Thanksgiving Day Rather Tiresome One for Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkins A balky Ford and an absent minded wife almost made Thanks giving a very "thankless occas ion for George Wilkins of 674 North Church street yesterday. Wilkins. who had been tinker ing with a stubborn Ford car during the early part of the morn ing, sent Mi s. Wilkins to a nearby filling station with instructions to return a quart measure. Mrs. Wilkins, however, who is a new arrival here and vho had joined her husband in the city only a short time before, forgot to make a note of the house number and cross street. As the minutes ticked into hours and still no wife reappeared Wilkins began to get anxious. Finally in desperation he called the police station.The police knew nothing and bad heard nothing concerning the whereabouts of Mrs. Wilkins. So Wilkins put on his hiking shoes and started on a pedestrlal tour of the city in quest of her. Meanwhile Mrs. Wilkins had been taking an involuntary three hour stroll arouud the city. She had seen every place of interest but her own family doorstep. About 1:30 in the afternoon, by patient and diligent inquiry 3he managed to get back to "home sweet home" ahead of her hus band who was still looking the city over. Wilkins is glad enough to get his wife back but henceforth he avows she must at least learn the way to the police station. AT 1 M. C. A. Hundreds Gather for Athlet ic Demonstrations and Musical Program An "Open house" program was given at the Y. M. C. A. Thanks giving night, attended by hund reds of boys and scores of par ents. And there wore scores of girls, too. It was a family affair for everybody interested in boys. The Mothers' club received the guests at 7:30 in the lobby. At 8 o'clock the athletics began up in the gymnasium, with R. R. Boardman putting the boys through a number of class exer cises and games. One of these games was "cage ball," for which he chose 25 boys from the audi ence for each team, and showed how large numbers can play in single game3 if properly directed. Lion Tamers Win Two interesting basketball games followed. In the first, Du ane Kirk's Lion Tamers tamed Ivan Kafoury's Thunderbolts 8 to 4 in a spirited contest. The Night Juniors, runder the com mand of Stuart Kibbe, won a hair-line victory over Jerome Hansen's Day Juniors with a score of 15 to 14. They were tied at the end of the regular play ing period and agreed to an extra five minutes, during which the Nights secured the one needed point. In the girls' swimming races, which followed the gymnasium games, eight races were put on with a number of very creditable performances. During the pastf year -a large number of Salem girls have learned to swim in the Y pool and at the summer play ground, and they put on an ex hibition of skill and endurance that would please any audience. Swimming Tricks Shown A good exhibition of towing and of all the holds and methods used in life saving was put on by Miss Fay Handricksen of the state house, assisted by Miss Dill of the Y. W. C. A. After the games were over the program in the lobby was begun. Otto Paulus was the director, with Edwin Socolofsky as the song leader. A piano solo by Paul Lee, and some songs by Kenneth Allen, the phenomenal boy singer of Salem, were much appreciated by the audience. OPEN MEMBERfM SERVED IfHOUSEiUffi WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Representative Jarhe3 R. Mann, of Illinois, died at his home here tonight after a brief illness. , ' - .. Mr. Mann, who has served for a quarter pf a century as a member of the house, was stricken a week ago. Pneumonb developed, his condition became desperate and the end came at 11:15 o'clock. He was C5 years old. With him at the end were Mrs. Mann and the physicians. It was said that although he had recently passed two restless nights, his condition did not definitely develop for worse until 1 o'clock this afternoon. He rallied slightly at 6 o'clock, but again suffered a relapse and sank rapidly. The end was peaceful. S ADMITS GUILT Attorney for Murderer Would Sell Post Intelligencer Confession 4 Mr. Coyle said that Warden J.- W. Pace o( the state peniten tiary at Walla Walla where Ma- honey is to be banged at day break, had reported to him over the telephone that Mahoney had made a real confession of the crime. Would Sell Confcwsion The statement or Mrs. John- sen, purporting to confess made in an effort to save her brother's life was handfed to the acting governor this afternoon as he left the University ef Washing ton stadium after watching a football game between the Uni versity of Washington and Ore gon. Lee Johnston, atorney for Ma heney, tonight made a vain ef fort to sell to the Seattle Post Intelligencer (for $2,000 a manu script that he said was a con fession by his client. This is believed to be the confession on which Mr. Pace based his report to Mr. Coyle. - Mr. Pace told Mr. Coyle, said the acting gov ernor,, that he had read the statement. letter guoted After considering the state ments, Acting Governor Coyle said: "It is at a time like this when a man's strength is tested. 1 am doing what I believe is right." "Whether the manuscript of fered by Johnston contained a direct confession of the killing cannot b stated," said the Post- Intelligencer after the negotia tions with Johnston. Johnston according to the newspaper, made his offer in the following form: "If Mahoney has written di rect admission that he killed Kate Mahoney, and tells exactly what happened during the forty eight hours before and after her death, would such a confession be worth $2,000?" F Man Taken by Police is Be lieved One of Gang Who Killed Policeman CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 30. A man giving the name at Frank W. Willis, 28, said to be the fourth member of the gang which early Tuesday, shot two police men, one fatally in Columbus, was captured by Cleveland po lice today and charged with first degree murder. Willis denies he was In Columbus or that he was implicated in the shootings. Jewish Convention is Assembled in Portland PORTLAND, Nov. 30. The annual far western conference of the Menorah association opened here today with representatives present from eight colleges and universities.. . The organization is Jewish. - Following the -opening exercises the session was adjourn ed until -tomorrow. : DIIRTH in cn 'EE OF CENTURY DIE No plans were made, for the funeral tonight. Mr.. Mann Is sur vived only by the widow. Tit veteran legislator, an ardent ad vocate of the shipping bill, tent word to house leaders early ta thi week and again yesterday that while he was ill he would go tc the capital and help in the ffght If needed. He was urged to stay at home .though none of nig friends realized that his condition was serious. One.'of his col leagues. Representative" Sabalh. Democrat, Illinois. against th bill, was paired with him, and so Mr. Mann was recorded in the vote. ' - ' . Health was Good Only last week, Mr. Mann an nounced he would not be a can didate for speaker. In the next congress in answer to repo.ta that his selection for the office woult' be urged by several members. IJ was then apparently In excellent health, He war the leader of tut Republican as the minority party ia tb bouse ' from the C 2nd t 5th congretKet. " ' v Relative of Millionaire 0i! Magnate Is Strickerr v by Pneumonia NEW YORK, Nor. JO.wil- liam Goodsel Rockefeller, spa of the late William Rockefeller a fid nephew ol John D. Rockefeller, died of pneumonia at his New York home today. He was iTfor. mer treasurer o,f the Standard Oil company of New York. That Mr. Rockefeller had been seriously ill was not. .generally known. He was stricken last Monday afternoon after he bad gone from his offices, complain ing that he felt slightly 111. He was born in New York in 1870, was graduated from Yale and in 1892 was married to Elsie Stillman, daughter of . the late capitalist. i In 189$, Mr. Rockefeller be came treasurer of the Standard Oil company of New York which office be resigned in 1911 to en gage In banking and other finan cial enterprises. State Institutions: Serve Fine Thanksgiving Dinners ' i .I - Prisoners at the state peniten tiary and inmates of the state hos pital for the Insane enjoyed their annual Thanksgiving ' programs and dinners. At the prison a theatrical entertainment was given, yesterday forenoon by Frank Bligh last night . and a musical program was given at the hospital. Tbe dinntr menu at th state prison was: ;r Chicken, 350 pounds; dressing, 80 pounds; mashed potatoes, 20 C pounds; sweet potatoes,: 20 C pounds; cranberries, 80 poanda ; celery, 100 bunches;, soup, 0 gal lons; cake, 100 pounds; 12' pumpkin pies; salad, 100 pounds; sweet corn, 25 gallons; pickles 10 gallons; peach sauce. 2 5 gal lons; cofree, 43 gallons; ', bread 200 pounds. - J'0 " At the state hospital 20CC pounds of chicken was 'served and an elaborate menu of plur. pudding,! mince pies, squash pk and other 'delicacies, that;; pica, the insane wards of the state.