8 THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OBEGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 29, 1922 coifBs .-: ' : pessimistic American Insistence of Open Door Policy Affects Calm of Meet LAUSANNE, Nor. 82. (By the AMocUted , Press.) A spirit of uncertainty and "a note of pessi mism are apparent in the Near Eaat conference, yet the chief delegations bare pointed out that the work of the conference was 1 steadily continuing and the vari ous delegates were gradually and helpfully getting a closer under standing of one another's views. Gloom Apparent The gloom has been due to a variety of causes, most of which ' are outside the conference itself. Reports of French precautionary preparations for the occupation of Ruhr, rumors that the Brussels reparations conference would be postponed, the announcement that the, revolutionary tribunals at Athens had condemned the lead ers! to death and the Insistent claim that the Mosul oil dispute was seriously holding up the work of the frontier commission, all , hare contributed to make Lau- sanse oneasy- Furthermore, doubts as to the exact role Russia will play at the conference hare excited appre - fceneions. The Russians hare an nounced their actlye support of the Turks In all Turkish claims, and by some are expected to plead the Turkish cause as If It were their own. To what extent they will be able to participate in the conference still remains In doubt tonight. American Policy Affects England and France seem de . termined not to permit more than a discussion of the Straits, hot it is reported that actual discus sion on the Russian peittion is held up until the Italian dele gates hear from Premier Musso lini, who has been advocating great freedom of speech at Lau ' sanne..-'. . r ; t American official Intervention -insistence upon the open door policy In the Near East contin ues to affect the calm of the con ference. It appears especially to hare afforded a great moral sup port to -the Turks in their general demand for treatment on a basis of equity. . Turks Welcome Americans Turkey will .be glad to make a general treaty with the United States, and will be happy to be gin negotiation at any time. Ismet Pasha Informed the Associated Press tonight. The representative of the Kem. alist government has not yet be gunany treaty pour ' parlors with Ambassador Child, but said he stood ready .to Inaugurate an ex . change of views at the first avail able moment. "We should' have a new trat dealing with commercial and con sular matters." he continued. "I hope, above all, that American will not worry about the future of educational 'and philanthropic Institutions in Turkey. We want them to stay, and have no inten tion of adopting laws which would embarrass the continuance of the admirable American altruistic work among our people." Court Said Fair Ismet seemed anxious over the American attitude 'toward the American attitude toward the Turkish demands for abolition ot the capitulation, saving". "We Wish to establish our own courts and try all cases. Foreign- ers may be assured they will get a fair trial. We have heard that Americans and others . object to our courts, as founded on the re ligious tenets of Mohammed. This Is not true. Religion is one thing to our country, law, another, and the law will be fairly and honest ; ly administered. . Armistice Still la Force Ismet Pasha objected in Near East conference to refareno to the Mudros armistice (signed i oj me auies and Turkey In 1918) and insisted that the Mudania ar mistice,! relating to the Turko Greek war, was regarded by the Kemallsts as the only one under which they were operating. This brought a protest from Lord Cur son, who said that Great Britain ; certainly 'regarded the armistice which the Turks made at the end of the great war as tm in force, and could not accept the sugges tion that . mention be made only : of the armistice negotiated at the end of the recent fighting between Greece and Turkey. Moslem Want Reparations - ., ,Thls difference arose at the af ternoon session, when Turkish fin ancial and economic questions were under consideration. Ismet Pasha and former Premier Venl xelos engaged in a ions; discus sion of the claims Turkey and Greece have against eaca other. Ismet Insisted upon repraatlons from Greece for the losses suf fered by Turkey when, as he put it. the Greeks retreated recently and destroyed the Smyrna area. Execution News Stirring The news of the executions of the ministers at Athens r caused TT?at cUemcnj 'among ft? Rele gates to the Lausanne conference tonight. Former Premier Veni zelos of Greece denied himself to the newspapermen. The other Greek delegates said that without official information they were un able to say whether the executions would have any effect on the po sition of the Greek delegation. nie SERVED TO KIW1I1S rhat boys they figure that to send the lads to the nenitentiarv would be Baptismal Service to Be At First Christian Church The special services conducted! by Dr. F. Betts under the Chris tion and Missionary Alliance, that have been going on the past two weeks in the W. C. T. U. hall, are expected to close Thurs day evening with a baptismal service in the First Chirstian church. Center and High streets. The Christian church people have loaned their church to the Alliance for the baptismal ser vice. There will be preaching by Dr. Betts at this Thanksgiv ing and baptismal service. The public is invited. There are two services- a day, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in the W. C. T. U. hall. The ser vices have been marked through out with a spirit of fervor and praise, and have been fruitful. Some have entered the Christian life. Some have ben healed of physicist ills. The Alliance will be in the W. C. T. U. hall from this on. Dr. F. Beth is being urged to remain over Sunday. SUNNYSIDE Helene Gregg entertained a number of her girl friends from Salem over the wek-end with a house party. Sam Newby is confined to his home on account of sickness. ' Esther Heckart had the misfor. tune to fall at schol Wednesday and break her arm. She is get ting along well. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Chandler visited relatives in this neighbor hood Sunday. Earnest Pearson. has been on the sick list for about a wek. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hastings were in Salem Saturday. Mis Grace Chandler spent last Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandler made a trip to Salem last Satur day. W. D. Edwards was In Salem Thursday. time to an explanation of the school needs. The cottage system, he showed, brings to the boys the one thin? that most of them need mere than anything else real home In fluences. A man and wife, to be I ralner and mother to the bovs. lads of the school would be a Superintendent KllSer Of jmost ol whom come from orphan- moral crime and they are left Rnvc' 9rhnnl npakpr st i- divorced or broken up homes. : sometimes to grow up unchecked I V opedKCl U and t0 care f0r them lQ fm&u iQ tneir own 1013 rather than LUnCheOn lUSSOay 'home groups., he holds to be the. send them to the congregate i only possible way to bring the school. Yet to put them into cot- I boys to social normalcy. The tage gToups and give them home The first Thanksgiving turkey ! present collective or congregate influences would in many cases dinner of the year, so far as local ; 8Tstem' with aI1 the J"8 111 one . bring them back to normality and wa.si Heterogenous neap, ne cnar- save tnem to society. acterizes. as the surest way to ruin good boys and to make bad j A physician in the middle west ones worse. j has discovered what he calls "fa- Superintendent Kaser said that ; tigue intoxication." Just what there would immediately be a ; sort of hooch is necessary to pro large increase in the number of ; duce the result is not known. boys in the school if they coaid j World Champion Wrestler "! and Former Champ to Meet that need segregation, bat i ST. LULIS. J40., -s. -Ed "Strangler" Lewis. world"s divided, 75 per cent to the and 25 per cent to the loser wronVi to send them to corrupt "heavyweight wrestling champion. ; decmg the IHtle. homeless. ont-oMuck and Stanislaus Zbysxko. former ipionsh Ip bel L It was an .w v., k. . chamDion. were signed to mwt insthat a purse oi a championship match here De-j cember 14. it was announced to night. The conditions of the. , match provide for a bout to thej The Standard Oil of New finish with two out of three falls j sey apologises for keepiar u deciding the owner of the chain-j stock dividend down to 40 Jt nounced cent, mis musi oe a stmre would be real grief to the stockholders. chronology reports, was that served to the Kiwanis club Tues day noon at the Marion. White meat and brown, genuine old col onial stuffing and gravy, pumpkin pie, new-fangled ripe olives, po tatoes mashed white as snow, and cranberry sauce and lettuce leaves, all were on the bill of fare. It took a longer time than usu al to dine; and hardly a word was said except "Please pass things!" until It was all over. The club passed a vote of thanks to Manager Pierce for his thought fulness. Those who couldn't speak made signs, and it was absolute ly unanimous. Albert Gille presented two vo- cal numbers, "Life's Perfect Pro- j mise" and "Thank God for Gar- j dens," with Miss Findley as ac companist, that were finely ren dered and received with genuine enthusiasm. W. L. Kuser, superintendent of the Oregon boys training school, was the speaker of the day on the, general topics of "Boys." Because of the approaching ses sion of the state legislature, that is expected to take up the ques tion' of a new building site for the proposed new boys' school, Mr. Kuser devoted much of his f 1 Ladies' Handkerchiefs Plain and novelty handkerchiefs for women. Dainty colored, bordered, sheer fine quality hand kerchiefs in pink, blue, lavender, rose, green, etc., fast colors. Also plain white cambric dainty embroidered de signs in one corner. 10c to 59c Each Buy them by the piece or fancy boxes. GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets ' " " ' " ' 4" '' ' - i' -s if -t( i J s,., HATH vtt&Kn . Yoa haye always longed for a pleasanter kitchen for the opportunity to get through with your work earlier in the day. Here is the chance to satisfy that longing. This wonderful one-week sale gives you the opor tunity to put in your kitchen the greatest labor-saving de vice of the times and to do it under the most favorable of conditions, on the easiest bf terms. If you have ever wanted freedom from your most trying household drudgery don't fail to come in for a Hoosier demonstration this week. Come even if you have no intention of buying just to see this great woman-saving convenience. SPEC I AL This Week Only The special conditions prevailing during this sale have never been equalled in any kitchen cabinet offering with which we are familiar. Note these six big reasons for buying your HOOSIER now. 1 2 3 4 5 A payment as low as $1.00 puts the complete HOOSIER in your home. You pay the balance in deferred payments of convenient amounts. No extra charges for these easy terms or for the FREE cutlery. The low 1922 price prevails. Your cabinet delivered on receipt of your intial payment, under the factory guarantee "Money Back if Not De lighted." A FREE set of Dexter Domestic Science eurtery worth $7.50 included with each HOOSIER beaut v. TO URCHASER.S This $7.50 sot OF DEXTER CUTLERY As an extra inducement to buy your HOOSIER during this big demonstration sale, we will give you FREE with your HOOSIER beauty the com plete Dexter Domestic Science Kitchen Set. This set has the unqualified endorsement of such em inent authorities as Good Housekeeping Institute, Hiss Alice Brady, Mr3. Christine Fredericks and many others. These tools fit compartments in a special cutlery drawer that slides forward with HOOSt ER'S extending table-top making it easy to get at each tool even when the work table 13 extended! You can furnish your home for y from our Exchange Department C. S. HAMILTON Good Furniture Trade in your used goods as part payment on new. W saving hhim wwwaU. stfm j j 20 Skaggs Stores In Oregon Is the accomplishment that SKAGGS UNITED STORES have achiev ed since their entrance into this State, covering a period of less than 18 months. This success is only made possible thru the confidence of these thou sands of Oregonians, who' are sharing the Savings resulting from our enormous purchases. SKAGGS PRICES appeal to these conservative people who desire to SAVE SENSIBLY. v - California Washington Nevada SKAGGS "MONEY SAVING PRICES" Idaho Utah Wyoming t-t : DRIFTED SNOW By the sack $1.99 By thebbl 7.75 DEL MONTE FLOUR A high grade Hardwheat blend By the sack ....i $1.75 SNOWDRIFT The Popular Shortening 4-lb. can 70c 8- lb. can $1.38 CEREALS Shredded Wheat, pkg ltic Rolled Oats, 3-Ib pkg. .. 25c 9- lb. bag Eastern Buckwheat 65c 9- lb. bag Fischer's Pancake Flour 65c SYRUP 10- Ib. pail Dark Karo 59c 10-lb. pail Light Karo .. . ...65c 5-lb. can SKAGGS Maple and Cane .... $1.49 10-Ib. can Teagarden....$1.10 Qt can 100 Pure Maple Sap , 89c CANNED VEGETABLES 10 cans Standard Corn 98c 8 cans Utah Peas .98c 2 cans Fancy Maine Corn 35c Dozen cans $1.95 5 cans Lilly of Valley and Country Gntleman White Cora 98c 6 cans Tender Sweet Peas 88c Wonderful value 2 cans Small Tender Lilly of Valley Peas 49c 12 cans .$2.65 3 cans No. 2Vz Solid Pack Tomatoes ,50c 3 tall cans Minced Clams ... 5 9c 2 cans Fancy Shrimp 35c Libby's Super Large Can Ripe.... Olives 25c SOAP WASHPOWDERS 22bars Crystal White.$ 1:00 25 bars White Wonder, Easy Day or Van Hoeten...l$1.00 JO bars Fels Naptha .8c 7 bars Ivory 50c 2 large Seafoam.. 45c 1 3 cans Old Dutch ,25c 3 cans Swift,s Sunbright....l5c Thanksgiving Suggestions 2 qts. Fancy Eastern Cran- berries ...C40c Citron, per lb. .......5 9c Orange and Lemon Peel, lb. 35c' 2 lbs. best grade Mince Meat r --T" 45c Large Sweet Oranges, doz. 65c Cluster After Dinner Raisins, package . 25c 4 pkgs. 15-oz. Seedless Raisins .... ....J ..... .....59c 5 lbs. Seedless Raisins (bulk) for 73c 2 lbs. Muschel Rabins....... .33c (with seeds) 2 lbs. Fancy Walnuts ..58c 2 lbs. New Crop Brarils..38c 2 lbs. Fflberts ......45c . 3 pkgs. Bronze Dates 45c 2 lbs. Roasted P. Nuts.......J25c 2 lbs. best Creamery Butter '98c 3 lbs. Gem Nut. 70c FEDERAL MILK A well known brand 10 Tall Cans .... .......... ...;98c COFFEE 5-Ib.M.J.B $1.93 3-lb.M.J.B 1.19 Bl2-lb. Golden West. c Mb. Golden West 40c 3-lb. Skaggs Blend ... :...$1.10 Skaggs Meat Market Has grown in accordance with our grocery department By the hundreds of customers that we serve daily, wc know that the people in Salem appreciate SWIFT'S GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS at reasonable prices. To try our meats will prove the superior taste and quality that can only be found in first grade steer beef. TURKEYS-GEESE You will have a large supply to chocse from at lower prices. 'Orders today. Start Thanksgiving by serving Swift's Premium Bacon, Ham or Brookfield Little Pig Sausages for breakfast ' ' ' PREMIUM HAM Whole or Half, per lb ; 3QC Brookfield Sausage, per lb 33c Bacon Squares, per lb igc FREE DELIVERY $3.00 orders (sugar excepted) Three is no charge for delivery of meats with grocery orders. C0.D. orders gladly sent out Phone 478, Salem, Oregon. OREGON LOCATIONS: Portland (13 stores), Salem, Hillsboro, mciuranvuie, lorvauis, ine Ualles, Bend, La Grande.