The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Male Quartette Will
Hal. Young", First (Tenor
Denton Denman, Second Tenor
(CenUnued (rompas 1.)
the other elements that modify or
change the course j of erenta.
School history must jeach nation
allam, bat the hero history is an
essential foe the young and a his
tory based on economics wonld be
premature and haraful at this
'age, V - , ;j .,
The speaker holds that the his
tory for the elementary, schools
should be more yital, more-biographical;
for, the' high, school,
mora of a pVoblem of functioning
with lifer rather than with tho
structure the chronological bones
ofTact; and ; the gebeaJL. reader
should concelre tifstry at teach-!
lng how to life In the present by
the light the- past
V. Teaching as Profession '
Dr. II. D. Sheldon spoke also
on 'WhenuWHl IIgh.- School
Teaching, be a Profession?" He
presented a broad, coimprehensire,
basis for the the prospective
teacher to consider, with the con
ditions, both good and bad, as
they appear, , Many lot the prob
lems are up to the keacher Indi
Tidaally' In the "matter of prepar
ation "and an air of permanence,
professional pride and the social
esteem that Is a partial reward
for the work. More agitation
against" the short . term ' contract
system that makes teachers nom
ads was suggested for the, public
good. .) -. ).; ,l .
Dr.'-Carl O. Doney; of Willam
ette -dosed the day wilth a powers
fuUaddren on "Half-Born Men,"
pplying it to those t "who. ome
Into lire In a debilitated state and
nerer get out of lt4 Not more
thaa-ene-iperson In seven has the
mental ability to go creditably
tnjJu'h college, according to his
fibres, and the average mental
age of all the draft men exam
ined was tfdund ; to ,be onljr i
yeirs. Hi teU that It is lip to
teachers so to prepare theni
icres thalt they can mpan their
Btitngth, courage and anibitiotu
There j1s always the 'possibil
ity, ahead of a better eelf," he
eald, 'Tulnk about irour career;
drem "ofj. It, work i towards it;
and it shall be that you come
up lout of; the lerel bf half-born
folk, into) the , fulness and free
dom of ully born men and wo
men." ( ' ;; j ; Y. ,
The institute is to close this
atetnoon, after the following pro
gram for the day: -
StOO aJ m. General Session:
music, Lena Belle TarUr, direc-
J.OT4 f i
Just the moment you apply
Medtho-Stilphur to,, an, itching,
burning or broken Out skin, the
itching stops and healing begins',
says a noted skin specialist. This
sulphur preparation, made Into a
pleasant cold cream, gives such a
quick relief, even to fiery ecze
ma, that' nothing has ever been
Xouad to take its placet
! Because of Its germ destroying
properties, it quickly subdues, the
itching cools the irritation and
heals the I eczema right up, leav
ing a clear, smooth akin in place
t ugly eruptions, rash, pimples
!r roughness,
j Yptt not litre to wait 'for
Tiprorement It culckly shows
i'ou can get a little Jar of Rowle's
entho-Salphur at any drug store
i - " . i
? i iw s 4-r- , r y pi-'''
1-y A :Vi f rT:r V' - 1
! : V r xUt -
i t '''' ?
: . ' ,
" - i h. 4 1 -
Sing December 7
Ferris Abbett, Baritone
Mark Daniels, Second Bass
9:30 i. m. Address, "Reading,
Thinking, Learning," Dr. Carl
Qregg Doney.
10:15 a. m. Recess.
10:30 a. m. Departments:
Primary; "Story Work," Flora
M Case; intermediate, "Music,"
Gretchen Kraemer; advanced,
"Entertainment Material," Kath
arine Arbuthnot; high school,
"Social Health and High School
Instruction," Dr. Fred Strickler;
art. "The Handling of Water
Colors," Alabama Brenton.
11:15 a. m. Recess.
11:20 a. m. General sesion,
address, "Education the FulfuU-
ment of the Hope of Democracy,"
President J. S. Landers.
1:00. p. m. General session;
music, Lena .Belle Tartar,
1:18 p. m. Address, "Waste,"
Dr. U. G. Dubach,
2:00 p. - m. County division
Oregon State Teachers' associa
tion, B. T. Youel," president.
; PLEASE 1096
Play Fairly Good as Satire,
and Very Good Just
As Entertainment
Kolb and Dill, with their perfor
mance entitled "Now and Then"
are without doubt working two
shifts. The production is appar
ently anti-prohibition propaganda,
put over in the form of reasonably
elever satire and, with most of the
players, very clever acting.
The play seems to be an at
tempt to discredit prohibition and
generate sentiment in favor of
some form of letting down the
bar? to legalized liquor traffic.
; But regardless of the spectator's
sentiments on the wet and dry is
sue, the production is a good eve
ning's entertainment. It was not
as snappy, some were heard to say
as the Kolb and Dill production
of last year, and the orchestra did
not receive the praise that it has
In the vast. It goes without say
ing that Kolh and Dill themselves
lived np to their reputation asj
among meaoremost or American
comedians. A first class actor Is
John Fee who "played the part of
"Bum" or J. Pitney Brown, who
was "all wet." May Cloy as Katie
Wagner did a first rate part in
the role of daughter and sweet
heart, and so did Julia Blanc as
Fritzie Wagner, the "middle-aged
flapper." . i
The big shows have "come
back" In Salem. There will be no
more half or third capacity hous
es, for a time at least, with thoh
theater management bringing in
talent of the class seen with the
Kolb and Dill company last night.
The expense Incurred in bring
ing the big shows to Salem should
in turn bring a big patronage.
PORTLAND. Or.. Not. 28.
Butter: Prints extras 48c; cubes
45c; prime firsts 4 4c. uBterfat,
Portland delivery: No 1 sour
cream 49c.
Potatoes, burin nrice locals
BQ to 65c; selling price 75 to
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 28. Wheat
unchanged to v 14 d higher. De
cember 10s 4d; March 9s 8 1-2 d
May. 9s 5 3-8d. lf ..
Playing One
Scene from "Timothy's Quest"
Theodore Roberts, world's
best character man, in "The
Old Homestead.' a superb
special, with George Fawcett
and all stars, and most real
istic cyclone scene ever pic
"Timothy's Quest." one day
wore. Don't miss it.
Hickman Bessen Company,
presenting ''The Circus Girl."
William' Duncan in fTbteSi
lent Vow."
Coming tomorrow, two big
features, Harold ' Lloyd in
"Grandma's Boy," and Kath
erine McDonald In "Her So
cial Value."
Marcia Manon essays in "The
Women He Loved" a role differ
ent from any with which she has
hitherto been identified. It is
that of a Russian peasant wo
man who migrates to America
with her husband and quickly
adopts the ways of the new coun
try, even to the extent of desert
ing her husband for on Vho
seems able to give her more mon
ey. What happens to her, as
well as to her husband, and more
particularly to the child she takes
with her provides a story in which
smiles and tears play a large part.
At the Liberty today.
"I do tope," says T. Roy Barnes
who plays Happy Jack the tramp
In "The Old Homestead," a Para
mount picture coming to the Or
egon theater today, "that I will
not be required to train an ele
phant or a kangaroo for my next
picture. I had to adopt and edu
cate a dog for this part and grew
so fond of him that I can't bear
to part with him. And I really
have no place ta keep any ele
phants or other wild animals at
my house."
John M. Stahl has woven many
dramatic elements with masterly
skill in the production of 'One
Clear Call," which will be the
feature at the Liberty theater
next -week. Behind the spectacu
lar incidents is a story of grip
ping human interest with the
pathetic heart appeal that has
been equalled only by the tra
ditional stage classics, such as
"The Music Master" or "Uncle
Tom's Cabin."
The Hickman Bessey Stock
company, presenting "The Circus
Girl," a four-act comedy drama
at the Bligh theater tonight and
tomorrow. Thanksgiving day the
company will play a special mat
inee and two shows in the eve
"The Silent Vow," a William
Duncan picture which will be
shown at the Bligh theater to-
Something To Be Thankful For
"Grandma's Boy"
"The King of Laughter's" Greatest Comedy
Brought back at request of hundreds of people
that want to see it again and hundreds that
missed it and
Katherine McDonald
More Pay
day, Is a story of the Royal Can
adian Northwest Mounted Police,
with the consequent wild but
beautiful backgrounds of the Can
adian snow country, and is chock
fall of spectacular and daring"
scenes, presenting Mr. Duncan in
the type of role in which he is
thoroughly at home.
No motion picture character
player is better suited to portray
the old village grouch and tight
wad than Otto Hoffman, who has
just such a role in "Confidence,"
a Universal attraction starring
Herbert Rawlinaon. At the Bligh
theater Sunday and Monday.
The Grand theater is offering
a big double feature for Thanks
giving day. Harold Lloyd In his
greatest laugh show, "Grandma's
Boy," and Katherine McDonald
in "Her Social Value." These
two big attractions will be shown
at regular Grand motion picture
prices. Lloyd's comedy is one
that can be enjoyed two or three
times. It is something that every
one should see, and it has been
brought back for the one day en
gagement at the request of hun
dreds of motion picture fans.
David Belasco's production of
Avery Hopwood's famous comedy,
"The Gold Diggers," will be seen
for the first time in this city at
the Grand theater on Monday
night, December 4. The play ran
for two years in New York and
for one year in Chicago, and as
there is and has been but one
company appearing in it, the play
goers of thla city have not had
opportunity heretofore to witness
this delightful product of Mr.
Hopwood's wit and Mr. Belasco's
stagecraft The production i&
said to be characteristic of both
of these geniuses of the theater
at their best, and the company,
which is headed by Gertrude Van
derbilt, is made up of players of
the first rank. The organization
includes Charles Hammond, Dave
Glasaford, Thomas. M. ' Reynolds,
Day Mansion, Harry Alexander,
Richard W. Haines, Harry D.
Shook, Walter Hagerty. Lorraine
"The Circus
Wm. Duncan
"The Silent
Social Value"
Lally, Winifred Barry, Cora Wil
liams. Daisy Rndd. Ursule Hall
ande, Edna Bennett. Katherine
Walsh. Marguerite Austin. Locile
j Adams. Sally Bergman and oth
i ere.
At the Grand theater on Mon
day evening. December 4. the
playgoins public of this city will
have for the first time an oppor
tunity to see Avery Hopwood's
new celebrated comedy "The Gold
Diggers." -which, after two years
in New York and one year in
Chicago, is now embarked upon
a transcontinental tour. The
large company is headed by Ger
trude Vanderbilt, who made a
distinguished success in the lead
ing role during the long run in
Chicago, and among the other
players are a number of young
actreases whose beauty and dra
matic ability have made them
notable figures on the New York
Archie Sanford Accidentally
Shot While Hunting on
Island Sunday
Funeral services were held at
2 o'clock yesterday efternoon for
14-year-old Archie Sanford of
Salem who was accidentally shot
and fatally wounded last Sunday
afternoon by a companion while
the two were hunting south of
the city limits on Brown's island.
Young Sanford died at the Dea
coness hospital Sunday evening.
Investigation showed the shoot
ing to have been accidental, it
being understood that he and
Rollert Tnrley Tiad been crawling
tbrongh the underbrush when the
latter'a gun was accidentally dis
charged, the trigger having
caught in nearby brush. Sanford
was in the lead.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter C. Sanford, 506 South
Nineteenth street.
(Con tinned from page 1.)
creased demand for municipal
bonds. Some time in the near fu
ture the city "will again call for
bids on 1922 concrete sidewalk
bonds and it Is expected that these
bonds will also sell at a good pre
NEW YORK, Not. 28. Evap
orated apples dull; prunes steady,
apricots choice, scarce; peaches
George Fawcett, Harrison Ford,
Bucket Session for Salem
School District Set for
December 12
Tuesday night's meeting of the
Salem school board was summed
up as ' exactly nothing" by mem
bers of the board, after the meet
ing closed. It was as calm as a
cow chewing her cud at the close
of a perfect summer day. after
the flies have gone to roost.
And still it was a real meeting.
The official report of the portable
school building at the Washing
ton sohool last night showed that
the district had saved $175 cash
by re jet-tins the advertised bids
for construction and building the
structure by day labor.
The board voted to have Super
intendent George Hug check up
on student activities. The board
favors giving the students much
responsibility, but also would see
tliat they have any nefded offic
ial assistance. It was shown
that many other sctiools have fac
ulty manager for athletics or
forensics and other important
student body activities. Salem
has given the students a wide
A request was read from the
Dallas school board, asking for a
general meeting of the larger
To Be Held One
More Day
NOVEMBER 29. 1922
schools, to discuss salaries, etiid
ent .activities, the hiring oC.teach
ers who break contracts with oth
er schools, and several other ex
ecutive board subjects. The Sa
lem board Instructed the clerk to
write that after the program is
made out by -the proponents of
the meeting Salem can then aay
jut what can be done from this
end of the line.
The annual budget meeting Is
to be held on December 1, the
semi-monthly meeting two weeks
from last night.
Reported by Union Abstract
O. A. Chase and wife to C. C.
Hall and wife, part Lots 8, 9,
and 10, in Block 13. Yew Park
Annex. Salem. $10.
D. A. Dinsmoor and wife to
Viola L. Moyer, Lot 9. Block -1,
Willamette addition to Salem.
Oregon. $t0.
G. R ,Rodgers and wife to
Leo N. Childs, Ixt 4. Block 3,
Oak Lodge addition to Salem,
Oregon, $1.
M. J. Beach and wire to Beu
lah Lewis, one acre in J. Cooley
claim, 5-1-W., $500.
Fannie M. Hyett to L. D. Mc
Kee, part Lot 7. Mill addition to
Silverton, Oregon, $3C00.
Dora II. Breeve to Artilla J.
Chance, land in 9-1-W.. $900.
Wheat cash No. 1 northern 1.17
1-4 a 1.24 1-4. December 1.15
1-4 May 1.14 7-8.
Don't PJJbog
Presents ,
Avery. HoVwooVTamoSi-
! Comedy f , '
Same distinguished Belasco
company after two solid years
Lyceum Theatre, New York; 5
months Powers' Theatre,. Chi
cago. .
How to Secure Ticket by Mall
Address letters, checks, post
office money orders to Grand
TlinfrA. IhiIau orlf IyY ..e.a1
stamped envelope to help ln-
- r . a
sure saie return.
Price, Including War Tax-
Entire Lower Floor . . . .92.75
First 2 rows Balcony ..$2.73
Next 2 rows Balcony . .92.00
Gallery l.O0
f ?
Today, Thursday and
A Great
See the Great Windstorm
the biggest ever screened
Harold Windus
Playing "Keep the Home
Fires Burning' on the
3 IfeJ