1 THE OREftON STATESMAN. SAI.EM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1922 f, 7 (''.- t a s . f - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF a? Inmate Escape's Rjobert Gardiner, confined) to the j Oregon state hospital since 1903, made his escape late yes terday j afternoon, according to word receJTedfrom the hospital authorities. Ife was a trusty at the I time of his escape and was spoken of as mild In disposition. He has been afflicted with tuber cular troubles tor some time and It is thought made his way to 1 U He was described as 60 years old, weighing mbbut' 180 "pounds, of ,7 dark complexion, with dark hair. Ji He. .was dressed ' In a dark coat and hat and was wearing one of , . the prison, shirts. , . man, 15 years old, left Corrallis he collided with another car yes at 10 o'clock last night In com-iterday, minor damages resulting pany with two other boys. Heito each car. Th drivei of tha was wanted at Corrallis for petty other car was not identified. stealing. He was described as about 5 feet 5 Inches in height, j Teachers nine eyes ana wearing a dark suit We will eive Ton snecial atten- in neea oi pressing and tan shoes I tlon today. Morris Optical Co Physicians Sue A suit for professional services rendered was filed in the circuit court yesterday by Drs. R. H. White and E. E. Fisher against Phoebe H. Payne. The complaint states that serrices to the extent of $175 were performed April 7, 1919, in the interest of the de- m is IB BAILIFF employers liability act for person- a resolution spproTing the stand k'an as "a menace which taken by Mayor Hylan in ordering scourgea w,u..u Police Commissioner Enright to 'this country, has at. last reacnea drive the Ku Klux Klan from the the city of New York and ii en clty. I deaToring to work haTOC and dis- The resolution described the ja?ter in our midst." '' t Ail Drug Stores , , Will close Thursday at 1 p. m. for the balance of the day. Adr. Young Thief Escapes A letter was! received yesterday at the Salem j police department stating that John Harold Gold- oiled. He was said to hare had no money. fendant but that no part of the Salem Ex-Service Man SllC- bill was or has since been paid cee(jS perry H. Raymond :JntPrpt frnm Anrll 7. 1919. HI Nl&ll VUUI I 303 Oregon Bldg. Adr. Flake's For potted plants. Phone 656. AdT. 273 SUte. Report Accident J. F. Cassidy reported that hile driving north on the Al bany road last night he was struck by another car driven by Charles D. McDermott of Albany, who was traveling south. Dam- Bicycle Brought A Crusader bicycle was brought into the police station yesterday. I ages were reported very light. It was found by Rev. H. D. Cham, bers in front of St. Pant's Epis copal church. For Loans G. W. Laflar, 417 Oregon Bldg. Legal Blanks- Get them at The Statesman of fice. Cata'og on application. -Adv. Millwrights Wanted Oregon Paper Co. -Adv. Teachers We will give you special atten tion today. Morris Optical Co.. 303 Oregon Bldg. AdT. Another Collision It. J. Miller of 1205 North Nineteenth street, reported that NEW; Theodore Roberts the finest stage "The Old Cst TODAY actor on , the or screen in .rfSJIE The old stage success Homestead" includes George Fawcett land T. Rby Barnes iSee The Bag Cyclone 'Timothy's Quest" Held Over One More Day ABSOLUTELY YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE IT Conduct Disorderly- John Moulet of McMinnville was arrested here last night on a charge of disorderly conduct. He is being held for investigation. Make Mother Thankful With a bird and cage. Flake, 273 State, has one she will love. AdT. Attorneys Adniitetl Charles Clifton, coming to Ore gon from Boise, Idaho, and Na than S. Lee, coming to this state from San Francisco, were both admitted to the practice of law in Oregon on probation by the supreme court yesterday, on the strength of certificates from Ida- bo and California respectively Clifton will practice in Port-Jwas convicted of murder in land and Lee in Cottage Grove A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Ad?. Accident Near Asylum O. W. White of 609 North Front street, reported to the po lice that while, driving north on the feeble minded school road yesterday he collided with anoth er car moving south. Slight dam age to both cars was reported. Teachers We will give you special atten tion today. Morris Optical Co., 303 Oregon Bldg. Adv. Sleeping Quarters Provided Those registered at the police station last night were G. C. Tul i ley, Fred Miller, Harry Brown. Louis Phillips, Thomas Brose and J. C. Davis. The Fairaiount Dairy- Has a good supply of fancy whipping cream for the Thanks giving trade. Place your order today by telephone, .725; leave a note for the driver, or call at the store, 910 South Commercial street, which will be open all day tomorrow. Two deliveries daily. AdT. Bazaar Planned The American War Mothers are planning to hold a fency work and cooked food sale about December 9, according to those in charge. They are asking any who can to assist them in furnishing articles and food for sale at this time, High Pressure Steam Boiler "FT? &Yi f Vi nrconrtwor vArtlo 1 type, for sale at a bargain. See J1 f th,e regn J?'9 fP"al Clinic Plans Made The American Association of University Women will meet Sat urday at 2 o'clock in the recep tion room at the receiving hospi it at The Gray Belle. AdT. mm Special Thanksgiving, Dinner $1.25 Plate V '.i ob served 12 to 8 p. m. wt-rurr t Olympia Oyster Cocktail Chilled Hearts of Celery En Branch Ripe Olives f - Chicken a la Printaniere .V'V' ' Consomme Royal . " y. m v m 1 A "XT' T1 'Jb uet oi UiDgiisn ooie au vm rsianc : Pomme De Tarre Lattice Filet of Mignon En Casserole Stuffed Young Turkey with Cranberry Sance Roast Milk Fed Chicken with Celery Dressing Prime Ribs of Young Steer Au Jus Whipped Cream Potatoes f :q Buttered Petit Peas' Waldorf Salad with Whipped Cream Hot Mince, Apple "and Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding With Hard and Brandy Sauce y. Ice Cream TWi Tassp. ' rem fours Will Work on Holiday The state highway department will establish a precedent at the capitol tomorrow, ThanksgiTing day, when it will keep officials and employes at work for half the day. It is believed that no other department will be open at any time during the day. Firm Dissolv Resolutions of dlsolution were filed yesterday with the state corporation department by the Bridal Veil Lumbering company of Portland. Piano' Playing 12 LESSONS 12 Beginners or Advanced Teaching the Latest Pouplar Songs. Present this ad before Dec. 1st, it is goon for one trial lesson free to new stu dents only." Low rates. Easy terms. Waterman Piano School Room 3 McCornack Bldg. (Over Millers) for the clinic and talk which Dr. L. F. Griffith will give on "Public Interest in Psyciatria, or the Study of Mental Diseases." It la announced that attendance at the clinic will be limited to members of the association and those who intend to become members of the association at this time. Miss Flora Case, chairman of the pro gram committee, has announced that all must be prompt because of the nature of the clinic and the time necessary. AUiale, Chef V . ,. ..... - " ' I LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business 7 Off ice Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. TWO THINGS THAT GO WITH EVERY COAL ORDER good coal and right prices. We emphasize it! It is these very essential features that haTe caused our business to In crease to such an extent. It you're not a customer now an order will make you one. Shall we send it today? LARMEK TBAN8FER Phone 030 RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State St. Cot. Front St. Phone 937 Hardwood Floors Floor Work of all Kinds Oak and Maple Flooring Sold Pierce, The Floor Man Phone 609 FOR GIFTS THAT LAST HARTMAN BROS. Diamonds, "Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Phone 1255, Salem, Oregon Aw! Cheer Up Our line of Christmas toys are now on display and never in our memory wouia a uuimut yuwwoC ov happiness for the tiny. tots. .Doughton & Marcus 286 N. Commercial Phone 639 . Tf ltii nardware we have it not the biggest hardware " but the best SAVE $ $ $ by buying your nardware and furniture at The Capital Hard ware & Furniture Co., 285 No. Commercial St Phone 947. Library Closed ine baiem puDiic iiorary, as well as other public buildings, will be closed all day tomorrow because of ThanksgiTing. The children's sbortstory hour will be held as usual on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, according to Miss Flora Case, city librar ian. FUNEItALS Perry H. Raymond, who for about 14 years has been bailif. of the state supreme court, re signed yesterday because of ili health. Allan Jones, son of Mrs Blanche M. Jones of Salem and of the late Charles H. Jones, a. appointed in his place. Mr. Jones is an ex-serTice man and is at present employed witt the state industrial accident com mission. For seTeral years ht was employed by the state lib rary. The supreme court yesterday denied a petition for rehearing iL the case of Husted Walters, wht the first degree and sentenced tc death for the murder of Jerome Palmer, a Portland police officer X The crime was committed November 17, 1920, and Walters following his conviction in Port land, was sentenced to be exe cuted February 10, 1921. An ap peal to the supreme court stayed the executions. Walters is now confined at the state penitentiary and it will be necessary to take him back to Multnomah county to be resentenced. The following opinions nanaea aown Dy the supreme court yesterday: Mary M. Deniff, vs. Charles R Mccormick & Co., a corporation appellant; appeal from Multno mah county; action to recover damages alleged to have been sus tained by plaintiff while travel ling as passenger on steamship Willamette from San Francisco to Portland. Opinion by Justice Mc Court. Judge H. H. Belt reversed and case remanded. In the matter of the estates of George H. Bethel and Elizabeth Bethel, both deceased; Helen Bethel Pomeroy, et al, appellants, vs. Ralph R. Pomeroy. adminis trator; appeal from Coos county; motion to dismiss appeal over ruled by Justice McCourt. Ed Smith and Silas Smith, ap pellants, vs. Frank Cameron, et al; appeal from Jackson county; suit arising out of attempt to ex ercise power of eminent domain. Opinion by Justice Harris. Judge F. M. Calkins affirmed. Henry Bobell, appellant, vs. Peter Wagenaar, administrator of estate of Charley Dennis; appeal from Lincoln county; action in ejectment; opinion by Justice Rand. Judge G. F. Skipworth affirmed. M. M. Spratt, vs. Brown Petzel Lumber company, appellant; ap peal from Marion county; suit to foreclose three liens. Opinion by Justice Rand. Judge G. G. Bing ham reversed and case remanded Allie Whitechurch, appellant. vs. u. p. Mutzig. appeal irom Multnomah county; action under al injury. Opinion by Justice Mc- Bride. Judge John McCourt af firmed. , H. E. Kelty, ts. C. T. Fisher and S. O. Pressler, administrators of estate of George Westley Sy- ron, appellants; appeal from Ike county; appeal from judgments for $300. Opinion by Justice Mc-! Bride. Judge Charles F. Stone reversed acid case remanded. j David Fletcher, vs. Lena Yates. ! et al, appellants, appeal from j Washington county, suit to reco?- er money. Opinion by Chief Jus-; tice Burnett. Judge George R. Bagley reversed and case remanded. PERSONAL Paul Fuchs from Mt. Angel was in the city for a time yesterday. He is engaged in the real estate business there and reports that business is picking up. W. A. Eberly of Katalla, Alas ka, is in Salem visiting at the home t)f his son. 1010 North Fifth street. The son is assist- int state forester. D. E. Fletcher of Independ- i ence, representative-elect from Polk county, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Hylan Would Drive Ku Klux Klan from New York ROTH'S. 'Quality Grocers" Without a doubt we "have the finest showiai of Thanks- ' giving dinner specialties ever shown la Salem. We have made strenuous efforts to pet the verv best to be had as most house wives wish to get away irom th- everyday bill of tare o this one day. : ' ' Cluster Raisins Clusters by the pound Clusters, packages .je. Clusters, extra fancy, package t.'W r - r, wh mi , in r.na stunea aiiv i A v. v " for gifts 5 lb. layer Figs - 3 lb. box pulled Figs Layer Fips. by the pound Camel package Datfs . J-'ard Dates, by the pound Stuffed Dates, pound Packages stuffed Dates fl.OO fl.50 .91.50 iSOc .15c ...400 ,TSe . S3c and 75c NEW YORK, Nov. 29. The board of aldermen today adopted We made this lot 1. 2 and 4 dou Richard & Robbins Hum P Vv'.d'n Fruit Cakes two months aro. t.o thfy arc well ared. nd cak is. :wr pound T 1, J, 3 i.nJ 4 lb. cans Fruits Defective Eyesight Is at all times a hindrance to those who are afflicted with it. In these days of hurry and bustle none but those who are in perfect condition can expect to keep their place on the ladder to suc cess Why labor under the han dicap jof poor eyesight when a few moments spent In our office will enable us to cor rect the defect. MORRIS OPTICAL tX. 501-6 Oregon Bldg. Oregon's Largest Optica) Institution Phc-ue 239 tor appointment SALEM. OREGON Florida grape fruit Arizona grape fruit Oranges, dozen Cape Cod Cranberries, lo. Oregon Cranberries, lb. , Casctaba?, lb. . s ....... . ............15c ........ 10c . . . .t5c and 75c . ..10c: 2 lbs 03C 23ct 2 lb. 45c ..Be Apples Spitzenbergs. per box . . . Northern Spys, per box . Jonathan, per box Starks" Delicious, per box ....... MAS 1J5 . . XI .25 .2 and 1r2 Vegetables Tomatoes, green peppers, celery, celery hearts, cucumbers, hpad Irttuce, artichokes, squash, pie pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, parlsey. Turkeys and Geese The best corn-fed turkeys we could buy. They ore all young birds, from 10 to 20 pounds each. Yonn rw C to 10 pounds. Frys and chickens to roast. Roth Grocery Co. Phone your orders early when possible. ITione 1885-6-7 No charge for Je'iTcry The Day The funeral of Mike Becker, who died Sunday, will be held to day from Rigdon's chapel at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in City View cemetery. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH ! The funeral of Earl W. Perk ins will be held today at 10:30 from Rigdon's chapel. Burial will be in City View cemetery. Apply Cream in Nostrils Open Up Air Passages. To Webb & Clough Leading Fuccral Directors Expert Emb aimers I Rigdon & Son's MORTUARY Unequal ed Service Ah! What relief! Your clog ged nostrils open right up, the air passages of your bead are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mu cous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antisep tic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air pas sage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant re lief. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh suf ferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. Adv. Capital Junk Co. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. "We pay fall ralae. 215 Center Street Phone 893 Coughs Are unnecessary if our cough syrup is u,sed. Coughs Are embarrassing you and to others. to Coughs Are relieved after the first dose. Schaefer's Drug Store 135 N. Com1 Phone 197 "Try the 'Penslar' Drug Store first." Stein bock Junk Co. Is always in the market for all kinds of Jim, Rags, Rubber, Sacks, SPECIAL, Pa per 40c per hundred, Magazines 60c per hundred, bundled. We also buy and sell used furniture. Top cash prices paid. I Shone 523. 402 N. Com'! How Would.You Spend $50.00 for Christmas? Salem's Leading Merchants Are going to help you solve this problem, and earn the $50.00. For the solction see Page 3, Second Section. With the "Easter of the Fall" looming on the horizon, this store presents an in-; teresting scene of activity. The holiday spirit pervades our entire store. Every ; sort of merchandise for personal adornment as well as for the home is represented in a wide range of styles and qualities; Alia ?rs for which the .men and women; of this city will be duly thankful. , ..,.,.,,,sAarfl3i ; THE END OF OUR BIG THREE DAY v MM! 111 With more price reductions on more articles you wUi want ?ndt:ctd for making thlr. big day one of the happiest of all times. THE i STORE OPEN TONIGHT TILL 7 P. M. CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY THANKSGIVING r FREE DELIVERIES with orders oi $2.00 or more in any department in