The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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i 1
'4 .
Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Pbone Automatic
. 611-93
LThe Associated Press is exclusirely enUtled to the use for publi-
,1cm of all newt dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and also the local news published herein.
4. J. Hendricks ...
Stephen A. Stone . . .
Ralph OloTer
Fnu.k Jaskoaki . . .
Business Office, 23
Circulation Department, 583
Job Department, 583
Society Editor, 106
Entered at the Poatoffice in Salem,
Editor Statesman:
The incoming legis:ature and.
the new state administration
might take a few ideas from a
successful and well managed local
government like the city of Sa
lem, Salem school district and
the county ;of Marion. Many
parts of the state will call us
mossbacks because we have uni
formly voted down tax-boosting
propositions, but Salem Is today
the most prosperous Inland city
in the west. It has a greater and
more prosperous future, and is
growing faster than any town of
20,000 this side of the Rocky
mountains. We can all take pride
in the local records as shown in
the following figures gathered In
half an hour yesterday from the
three departments referred to.
Salem city governemnt acts un
der general budget law of state
and all officials are under bond,
but the aldermen are under the
provisions of a charter enacted by
the people in December, 1909,
which has never been repealed:
"Any councilman voting to
Incur Indebtedness In excess
.of the amount estimated ' or
authorized (in the budget)
shall, upon trial and convic
tion, be declared guilty of a
.misdemeanor and shall be
punished by a fine of not less
than ! $100 nor more than
$500 and shall forfeit his of
fice." Under the provisions of the
supreme court decisions a char
ter enactment takes precedence
over a state ' law. This section
. has had the desired influence to
keep down deficits. There has
been some shifting of unused
funds, but no direct deficits cre
ated: in any department since that
wasi enacted. It has also kept
down levies and operating expen
ses, jthe average city levy for the
past; five years standing at 13 1-5
4' ichoox.
Copyright, 1922, AssoclAted Editor
Paint-Brush Presents
A recipe box for mother will
please her so much more if some
of your owta ork has gone in
to thm malting of it. The little
cabinet at the len of , the pic
ture is Just an ordinary wooden
file box for. recipe cards. It is
tinore attractlv and much han
dler than a, cook book.
This, as well as the other
gifts, is palntedl vith i enamelac
or sealing wax paints. ' The seal
ing wax painljs you can J; make
yourself by 1 buying sealing wax
sticks In yellow blue, black and
white. . Break each stick into
three or four pieces, place in
a small cup, and cover with de
natured alcohol. Let the mix
ture stand overnight and by
moraine th paints are ready to
use. Make thejra the right thick.
ness by adding a mtie more ai
conoi. i . .
For the cabinet, use the blue
rinr nr rreeh . enameiac. un
thU nalnt the fflttle white- apron
ed chef with puffy white cap
and a big yellow plum pudding
It you do not) draw very well,
. ri from a magazine a small fg-
are with cookis cap and apron.
I Place It on tie box while the
paint Is still wet. and when the
box haa dried paint over the lit
tie figure carefully wun oiac
'-V "Von might bake -for mother
r-r f.--t n broil fcard and knife
Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
Oregon, as second class matter
mills, and this in spite of wages
and salaries of officials and city
employes and labor having gone
up 50 per cent ove. the war
period. There is a bonding debt
for bridges across the "Willam
ette, city hall and lewers, of
about $350,000, but the city is
kept on a cash basis and does
not owe a dollar and has money
to run until April 1, when new
taxes come in. New street con
struction, paving and grading,
sewers and alleys are done by the
street department at cost to the
owners, with 20 per cent added
for overhead administration, such
as engineers, collecting, book
keeping, etc. Bridges are built
by the same department a4, cost
of labor and material. Bids are
taken on all supplies and ma
chinery for all department and
awarded to the Jowtst responsible
bidder. City h3s paid off debt in
It might Interest you to know
that our school district la on a
cash basis. It operates under the
general budget law and cannot
exceed Its appropriations over C
per cent without a vote of the
people. The clerk-treasurer, one
official. Is under bonds. It has
a bonded debt of $104,275, hav
ing paid off $45,000 in ten years
besides building new school
houses. Two years ago the dis
trict had $75,000 floating debt
and today it has $40,009 surplus
cash on hand, and without' ex
ceeding the 6 per cent limitation
plans to pay off $10,000 a year
of bonded debt. New school
houses are built without bond
issues but by spreading the levy
for the same over three years.
The district is growing fast and
to relieve the suburban schools
$100,000 may be spent on two
wings for the high school, $50,000
to double the capacity xf the Gar-
The Biggest Little Paper la the World
decorated with a butterfly and
daisy design in white, yellow,
and black. A yellow border is
painted around the edge of the
board. White butterfly edged in
black, and yellow daisies with
black centers are painted on, as
shown in the picture above. Cut
outs can be pasted ori and col
ored, as suggested for ,; the re
cipe box. . The handle tot the
knife is painted yellow,- and the
design is painted in blue and
Make Over a Crumb Tray
A white enameled crumb travj
may be oeauutuuy maae over
with your paints. The edge jf
the handle is painted black. The
petals should be yellow edged:
with black, with the centers
If you had to buy any of these
hand-painted gifts, they would
cost more than most girls can
make their pocketbooks cover at
Christmastime, but if you like
to work with paint's you can
make dainty presents with very
litle expense. . The sealing wa,x
costs about' eight cents a stick,
and the articles to be painted
can be purchased at any variety
store.-...; . . . '
(Next week: A Dresser Set.)
finE shortstoryTjr.1
All my life I have wanted an
field school, and $350,000 for a
new Washington junior high
Marion county has been on a
cash basis for 20 years and has
never exceeded the budget limit
but once, and then it was sued
and had to refund. Taxes for
strictly county purposes have not
been raised in ten years and sal
aries have not been raised but
once, the county judge getting
$1800 instead of $1500. Pauper
expenses feeble-minded expenses
and costs of wages and material
have gone up nearly 100 per cent
since 1913. The only bonded debt
was voted by the people. $850,
000 for market roads. The coun
ty spends $600,000 a year on
roads. The school districts In
Marion county owe $301,895
bonded debt June 19, 1922, but
no Increase in past year. This
county does a great deal of con
struction work by the county, and
only contracts when contractors
can do it cheaper. For instance,
gravel and road building material
is let to the lowest bidder on ad
vertised specifications. All office
supplies are also advertised for
and let to the lowest bidder. The
county officials have cement min
ers and other road building equip
ment built in local plants, and
say they can get better products.
They bought ten Federal trucks
by advertising for bids, and found
the price was. cut down so the
manufacturers tried to . get out
of supplying the trucks. Buffalo
The Statesman is proud to print the above communica
tion, t
It shows that, while we are growing and expanding in
every material way, and keeping up to date in every progres
sive particular, we are keeping our feet on the ground
Keeping in condition to continue the growth.
We can confidently invite new people and new capital in
the hands of men of vision and initiative and genius, to come
and participate in the safe development of the surrounding
country of wonderful resources and possibilities the coun
try of diversity the land of opportunity and in the solid
rearing here of a greater and ever greater Salem, supDlviner
the manufacturing, marketing,
facilities of the potentially nchest district of this state,
this nation, or of this world.
Even a Republican ought to be
able to be thankful the last Thurs
day of November. Everything
might be a lot worse. Los An
geles Times. J
Premier Mussolini writes that
he hopes for the best of feeling
between the United States and
Italy. They all coddle up to Un
cle Sam. - 'fggg
"I should hate to give up the
West for the White House," said
ex-Secretary McAdoo the other
day, but he had his fingers cross
ed when he said It. Exchange.
Barney Baruch says there is no
need of a third party, but that he
intends remain a Democrat. It
allowance. Dad is rather strict
and old-fashioned, though, and
he said he would rather I'd come
to him when I wanted money.
He really is a dear and almost
always gives me what I ask for.
but just the same I thought it
would be nicer to have.- an al
lowance, so this fall I brought
up the subject again.
I was surprised when mother
took my part. "Yes, Charles,"
she said, "now that Jeannette Is
in high school I believe it would
be a good thing to give her an
, "All right," Dada agreed. "I
guess maybe she is old enough
now. I'll give her five dollars
a week."
I thought Dad was very gen
erous. I knew I had never ask
ed for that much spending mon
ey in a week. "But, you'll have
to save it and buy all your
Christmas presents yourself," he
"Oh. of course," I criM, "why
I can buy my own clothes on
$20 a month."
Dad only said. "We'll see,"
and loked at mother. He paid
me my first week's allowance
right away. I had never had a
whole five dollar bill to spend
in any way I choose before. I
called up Lillian and we decid
ed to go down town. Lillian
atked her father for the price
of a movie she doesn't have an
allowance yet.
I was feeling so rich that 1
told her I would treat her. Then
I bought some candy and nuts,
and, as Lillian still had the men.
ey her father had given her and
I had more than I knew what
to do with, we decided we would
go out to the park for a little
while. I was surprised when we
left the park to discover that
I had only two dollars and fif
teen cents left. A poor cripple
as on the corner, so I gave
him the fifteen cents and went
home with iust $2.00.
- That would have kept me go
ing perfectly well for the re3t
of the week, but the very next
day .Miss Clark announced that
we would, have to have a - ttw
h8torybooki and the price'
$2.05. T told" mother.
. ana 1
Pitts road rollers are the only
kind used. When buying they
found that while they could buy
them for $3250 some other cities
were paying as high a? $3500, on
the theory that this firm would
not cut its price. Generally
speaking this county has not been
able to draw specifications so that
in taking bids the lowest bidder
was apt to supply inferior machinery.
We are very proud of our city.
school and county governments.
In the city we hare raised salar
ies, and also with school teach
ers, but in the county, with one
exception, we are paying the same
as we were ten years ago. We
have not had to shove taxes up,
because increasing valuations in
city and county have taken care
of some of it. For its conserva
tive policies our city and county
are reaping the harvest and are
very prosperous.- The state gov
ernment and the legislature have
boosted taxes and the people have
voted new taxes, but Marion coun
ty is called mossback because we
have voted down all such propo
eisions except market roads.
There is a great deal af building
going on, a great deal more in
prospect. We are an open shop
town, carpenters and mechanics
exact the scale from the state and
on public work, but all other work
is done at all kinds of wages,
based more on the skill of the
workers than on union rules.
shipping, banking and other
must be admitted that Barney has
done fairly well in that role.
It is claimed there Is enough
energy falling on one square mile
of the Sahara desert to operate
every machine in the world today.
Which Sahara do the scientists
mean, the one in Africa or the
one in these dear old United
States? Exchange.
A number of statesmen who
are in their graves butwho . as
sisted in the births of third par
ties have turned over several
times since the announcement of
Senator Borah that there ought
to be a third party in this CQun
Edited by John H. Millar
vaid that was what my allow
ance was for. 1 didn't know
what to do. Lillian offered to
lend me the nickle until next
week, so I didn't have to ask
Last night dad said, "Jesnette
you haven't been going to the
movies as often as usual this
week, havo you?"
I said that I had decided that
was spending too much money
on shows.
"Well," he said, "I guess it's
a good thing to pive a Eirl an
allowance, after all. It teachei
her to save."
! Below is na-rnft
he CtuVArcn's poe
aind one o5 his potm$
1 ,vr
Xorember 27. 28 and 2 Mron coun
ty tacher' institute, Salem.
Xinlr 30 ThnkyiT.Bf dinner at
Salem Height Community bs.l.
llwember 2. Saturday Baiaar. fit.
Paul a Cfcorch. 56o Cfc.mekel.
I--raitr 14. 15 and 16 Marian
jouutv corn ahow.
L-i"emlr 1.!. TaeaJay School budget
nesting at Oigii aciiool.
lceii-or IV and 15. Friday and Sat
nrday Mfetioj of fruit jrowera at
Ufieaiber 3. Sundiy Elka annua!
memorial aerrie.
lei ea.ter a. x riday Reunion of Com
pany M.
l-ou-.l'er 25. Monday Chriitmaa.
December 31. Sunlay :ki "Hid
. ni,;ht r'olH.a." Grand theater.
'January 8. Monday Inautrat:on o.
doernor elect WaUer M. Pierre.
January o. Alunday Legulatur meeta.
Develop the flax industry at the
Oregon penitentiary, and it will
cease to be a penitentiary. It will
be a reformatory of the best and
most modern type.
The vaudeville season will open
with a rush in Chicago the com
ing spring Jim Ham Lewis is
coming back from Europe to make
the race for mayor.
Why do not those congressmen
who are pure pig iron from the
thorax up, who stand on their
hind legs and yelp against the
administration ship subsidy bill,
get up one of their own or get
some pupil from one of the Wash
ington grade schools who has
sense enough for the task, to do
so? If the voters of the congress
sional districts claiming these var
mints are satisfied with their an
tics they are surely patient and
long suffering. If the bunch
making the motions of statesmen
in the capitol at Washington have
not sense enough, or patriotism
enough, or vision enough, to keep
the Stars and Stripes from being
driven from the seven seas, there
should surely be a new deal of
the political deck. And it would
not matter much about its tags.
Anything would be better than a
crowd who would permit the sac
rifice of what .ships the United
States now has, and refuse to en
act legislation that would guar
antee the building and operation
of still more ships in our present
pitiful merchant marine. '
The idle men alone at the Ore
gon penitentiary, walking around
in the bull pen for exercise, are
capable of earning enough money
to pay the expenses of the whole
institution, in the making of
twine from flax fiber for the use
of the fishermen on the Columbia
river, for their nets and the
fishermen are crying for pure Or
egon flax fiber twine for theu
nets. While supporting the in
stitution, these now idle men
ought to be receiving wages of
25 cents to $1 a day, for the ben
efit of their people on the out
side, or for a stake for themselves
when released;, and at the same
time learning habits of industry
and the principles of most useful
trades, thrpugh which they may
when their terms shall have ex
pired become of great value in
developing on the outside the
greatest industry in Oregon the
linen industry; for that is what
it is bound to become; and the
sooner the better. The men who
are now idle do not want to be
idle. They are willing to work.
They are mostly young and strong
and willing to be industrious. It
is a crime, a ten-fold crime, to
keep them In idleness. Especially
when all the above may be ac
complished without a cent of cost
to the taxpayers but, on the con
trary, with great reliefl to the
taxpayers. g
The soviet government in Rus
sia "has an ingenious plan for
stabilizing the ruble and reducing
the national obligations. With
out saying anything to anybody
the printers of the paper rubles
havo been leaving off the last ci
pher on the larger notes. The
former 1,000,000-ruble note is
really but for 100,000 rubles. The
people don't know the diffesence
The man who sells you a pair of
shoestrings will take a note for
100,000 rubles in careless confi
dence that it is one of the 1,000,-000-rubIe
bills to which he is
accustomed. This is a part of
the new financial program of the
soviet regime. The government
is reducing its indebtedness by the
ingenious process of knocking off
the ciphers. ( RT they ran kep
this up they may be able to re
duce the obligation to $4. By that
time Trotzky can pay it.
A baby was born in Minnesota
the other day with the heart on
the right side. This kid may run
for president some day on a
League of Nations platform. Ex
change. In Southern California It la
possible to spoon in the public
parks the whole year round. This
makes a strong appeal to tfce
young tourists from" the east
Los Angelea Times."
Thanksgiving is 1
"W S N
But better late than never.
Do you remember when Oregon
had two Thanksgiving days?
President Cleveland named the
fourth Thursday In November and
Governor Pennoyer of Oregon
named the fifth and last. There
were five Thursdays in November
of that year. Some fortunate
ones had turkey and cranberry i
sauce twice. But turkeys were j
cheaper in those good old days.
- S
The wise child is already tell
ing what it really needs for Christ
mas. S
Recipe for cooking the Thanks
giving turkey first get your tur
key, etc,
If a Salem friend understands
the situation at Doom. Mrs. Ho
henzollern is the kaisrin and
William is the gaiser out.
Ambassador Harvey says that
women have no souls, but who is
bold enough to intimate that men
have wings?
The way it is now, 130 to 200
men are supported by the taxpay
uniy pure virgijpL
in Gold Seal BoSts!
Do you know what pure virgin virgin rubber is? It is new;
lively, elastic rubber that has never been used or worked J
before. T t
Since the seventies we have been making Gold Seal boots from this
wonderful, resilient and springy rubber. We use a special process of .
manufacture a process that has never been duplicated. Our boots
have indeed stood the test of time.
Gold Seal boots never look "all tuckered out." Their surface is never
honeycombed with the little cracks which are the forerunners of
big cracks. Gold Seal boots are crack
You can feel and see that Gold
Seal rubber footwear is good
It's as easy to tell there's ?
no shoddy, reclaimed rub
ber or substitutes in Gold
Seal boots as it is to tell
the difference between a
cheap scratch pad and
smoothly-finished book
paper. You can just feel
the quality!
Goodyear Gold Seal boots will
outwear ordinary boots. You
will .find them in good stores
all up and down the Pacific
Coast in various weights and
heights. Those who are out
of doors wear Gold Seal oiled
clothing, too.
We arc the original and only
Portland and San Francisco
No connection with any other firm
using the name "Qoodyear"
E0LI SBl-i(ol(olB :
Authorised since the 705 to
Watch papers for important announcement
Salem's Leading Department Store
lit. " .
NOVEMBER 29. 1922
ers in sheer Idleness at the Oregon
penitentiary. The way It will be
when the flax Industry is properly
developed, the men will work and
earn wages and support the who'e
institution. This is no Idle dream.
It will come to pass if the indus-
! try is allowed to function. And
jthe Industry will pay for its ma
ichinery and tools, too. to the last
! nn nla ii n s ciirnlus that
V tr 1 1 1 , w " . tr c
will mount ever higher.
Raspberries. Slogan subject for
tomorrow. Important. If you can
help the Slogan editor, do so. To
With the abolition, except un
der certain conditions, of army
.kMa - ,
T" if 1 7
1 nere it only one gen- lv I ,
uine QoU Seal label fAVSk - V iv. I
It is your guarantee tA Vil -JVa-V J
of pure virgin rubber. Kt I j
Look for iu J ''N
JkJfJ- W ife a
Jm ' (ml m ik
T-7M.1-L A"' it. ... m. .u ... " 1 :
use the name of Charles Qoodyea, nvcntor of wJcantinS
This store will be
closed all day
miuiu auau . note a
clump la the demand f . . "
utenaats commissions. - '
It used to be that th
lliau naa vu me JUBlp flOdg.
ing the bicycle, now It la tfc tat
moving automobile. Bat that ..'
k M a a f Ant ah. V
long time ago. -
: ,
An expert is experimenting OB
the production of teaunrkaa
chickens. They ouaht tn v.
the thing in the tornmrtn w.n
USf neuralgic sdatk
pains, headache,' biciache tad
all other aches are quickly
lieved by
Dr- Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
v,uiuiin nt dangerous habit
forming drugs. Why don't yp
try them? ' v
Ask your druggist r