THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNINGL NOVEMBER 29, 1922 pacific highway in Garage Owners Accused of Using Patron's Car By MARGUERITE GLEESO? Christmas Seals will be placed oa sale within a fews days la Marion county,, according to Mrs. Fred H. Thompson, chairman for the county. The Salem Woman's club Is In charge of the sale in Marion county. Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger will have charge of the city sales, Mrs. . John Carson will be In charge of the county, sales and other towns ia Marion county. Mrs. Thonip- ton will hare charge of the booth : tales la Salem", jk. booth will be Opened next Monday at the. Post ' efflce while booths will be opened later in the different stores and -places of bbstnesA. fi; tl,(.; Tho coramltue of which. rs. Thompson Is chairman is Compos ted of Mrs. Croyer Bellinger. Mrs. - John Carson, Mrs. Ray Suiith, Mrs. Floyd Utter and Mrs. Mor ton Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben P. Boise :Srere hosts last night for the iHerry-Co-Ronnd club. Five hun dred was played during the even lag &nd the hostesses served dainty refreshments following the card game. ' j ? Mrs. R. J. Foirsythe from fteligh, Neb., is a guest at the , tome of the L. II. Suter family. The Foisythe family are consider ing moving' to Salem- from Ne braska where they are located on iraneh.: Mrs. N. Tartar of Corvallis was guest of her daughter Miss Lena elle Tartar last night. Mrs. , tartar attended the muslcale Wren by Miss Tartar last night. Hiss Tartar will Igq to Corvallis for the week-end holjday Thurs day to return Sunday evening. ' Miss Lena .Belle Tartar sang a delightful program at a muslcale . last night In the First Congrega tional church. Miss Tartar's Clear, deep-toned contralto was at tti best. The program was ar- south on the Linn county. Half mile of paving on Munl?r creek on tht Pacific Mfciiway tv miles north of Albany in Liun county. Sven and four-tt-nths riils of rocking from Sandy to Ch rry viile ion th Mount Hood loop in West society, son. CLUB CALENDAR Friday Circle of Jason Lee Aid with Mrs. Ruth Denni- A. A. clink:. W. R. U. Saturday W. at State Hospital. C. at armory. Speaks Reveries Gartner Love la Mine store over Thanksgiving the wk end. Entries in the "oldest doll" can test are Lorraine Hogg. Mrs E. Neicherk, Mrs. E. B. Ander son, Mrs. Pauline McCandy, Mrs. J. E. CrothTs, Mrs. F. Cash man. :lrs. O. E. Woodington. Katie Ceinhart. Mrs. E. Crothers, Ellen! Tower, Mrs. Alice Little. Lulu Wolfe. Hannah Slattery. P. M. Whitnert, Etta Savage Gleason.j Margaret Xunn, Mrs. C. A. Rob- Lowell on the Willamette highway I he bad stored his car in fhe Val- ertson, C. P. Tharp, Duna Hart. I in Lane county. ! ley Motor company's garage but Alice Cumingham. Mrs A. E.i Four and one-tenths miles Edmundson. Mrs. lola Gleason. 1 grading and rocking from Gold Mrs. W. A. Rund, Mrs. C. C.ison to Cheshire on the Will m- Grabenhorst. Mrs. Charles Meier! mette vallev-Florence highway in Jr., Mrs. Elsie Dunn. Mrs. Jean 'Lane county. E. Day, Mrs. Estelle Gabbert, i The two last named projects) Mrs. O. 11. Bowman, Edith Ol- j will be paid for by Lan? county, Ren, Ruth Burgess, Mrs. W. II. but the state will let the con Stousloff, Mrs. C. T. Bauman. i tracts and supervise the vork. Clackamas county. Eight and seiren-terths of grad ing and rocking from Gjshen to Briefs were submitted in the justice court yesterday ty attor neys in the cane of W. J. Wairuth against the Valley Motor com pany and the case luspended pending a decision reached by Judge G. E. nruh at a later date. The plaintiff contended thaf of i that when he called for it a short time ago it refused to go and was later found to be in a very much run-down condition. Wilrath ac cused trn alley piple of tam pering with the car and brought suit acainst them for expense in curred in repairs as well as Tor value of time lost when the' car i could not be operated. j The defendant claimed that j none of its men had ever tarn- pered with the car. Canvass of Vote Awaits i Presence of Governor i Official canvass of the ballots cst in Oregon on November 7 apt a it the presence of a governor at Salem. i Governor Olcott is in the east and will not return for a month. ; Senator Roy W. Ritner or Pendleton is acting governor in Lis place by viTtue of haying ben president of the state sen ate of 1921, but Senator Ritner ' jf- has not yet put in an appear auce here. Monday. He was , expected CHICHESTERJPILLS wluu MRAki ruXa, $SO BY CRIGGSIS HIHjpEKE I A concert of old-tlmo songs will be a featuro at the armory next week, December 7. Favor ite old tunes of other years will be sung by a group of four solo artists assisted by a string orches tra of three pieces. A song lead er, John C. Henderson, will load the audience in the singing or old songs which are especially enjoy ed for such occasions. Solo artists include Stewart McQuIre, baritone soloist at the Sixth Christian Science church in Portland; Migs Genevieve Gilbert, former soprano soloist with the Trinity church in Portland; Ma dame Rose-Friedle-Cianelli, con tralto soloist at St. Mary's cathe dral, Portland; Leonard J. Brady, lyric tenor. The Telephone male quartet of Portland, Hal Youhe. first tenor- Ottilia Bevik, Mildred Denton Denman. second tenor: Dorothy Livesly, Jan Ferris Atebett, baritone; Mark Daniels, second bass. The Harpar-Worden Trio (for merly Metropolitan Trio); Miss Jean Harper, pianist; Miss Helen Harper, violinist; Miss Elsie Ray Worden. 'cellist. poll Show Draws Many-Visitors Ruth Buckner, Mrs. H. Chad wick, Rose Dickinson, Maxine Glover, Virginia 1'uxe, Dorothy C.clfins, Mrs. L. I!. Green, C. A. Dowd, John Evans, A. E. Huch estein, Mrs. J. W. Kellis. Mrs. Grace Layman. Floyd Hastry, fc.lua May Harmon. Other entries for the show were Minnie Kink, Freda Spitz bart, Theresa Torns, Hazel Iorns. Eva Klink, Marjorie Marcus. Neva Stolzherss, Mary White, Jeanette Lucille Brown, Lolita and Lorita Robinson. Duna Hart, Ruth Halvorsen, Muzetta Mills. Mari I'.reckhumer, Jeanette Scott, Gretta Haybes, Donald Scott, Marjorie Moir. Lottie Elizabeth Holcotnb, Frederick Edmundson, Ruth Runde, Rachel Howard. Vael Rogers, Bertha Babcock, Ruth Carlson, Kathleen Heleman, Smith, Morgan, Georgia Krepald, Grace Carlson, Esther Price, Maxine Myers. Iola Kopp, Marjorie Crittendon, Eloise Wright, Helen Florence Weidr mer, Harriet Hinsdale, Evelyn Young, Virginia Page, Ruth E. Chapman, William Morgan, Jean ette Sykes, Audrey Mock, Claud ia Settlemeir, Katherine Helmer, Margaret Turner, Pauline and Rosalind Hull. 2000 Students See Oregon Eleven off for Seattle EUGENE. Or., Nov. 29. Two thousand students accompanied the University of Oregon football team to the Southern Pacific sta tion this afternoon and held a big rally prior to the depatrure of the players for Seattle to play against University of Washington Thursday. Quite a number of the members of the faculty and stud ents accompanied the team and these, together with Oregon alum ni in Seattle, will form a rooting section at the game. Thanks giving Specia ranged in live groups including for the oldest doll toth the older and more modern I this group "gives amDers The numbers were taosen with special reference to Hiss Tartar's clear, contralto voice and were particularly pleasing Assisting Miss Tartar were Mrs. 'Alice Thompson, at the piano; Prof.iT.iS. Roberts, organ; and rme winners in Miller's Mer cantile company's first annual aoil show will be made known today. The entries totaled lis or wnich 51 were in one class One doll in ner age as 56 years while others range all the way down from this high mark, Priscilla Fry. little More Highways Stated for Early Improvement of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry, has a group of dolls entered "for exhibit onlv n-hinh shows the J)elbert Moore,, played the violin I native costume of many foreign lands. Another special group Is of French dolls displayed by Dor othy White. This exhibit too is not entered in competition. Hundreds of persona have vis ited the exhibit rooms In the store to see the doll show. The prize winning dolls will be dis played in the windows of the Highway Improvement totaling 25.5 miles is tentatively listed by the state highway department for the receiving of bids at a meet ing in Portland on December 13. The projects are: One mile of paving in the city of Rainier on the lower Columbia daughter river highway, in Columbia coun ty. Two and three-tenths miles of paving irom - Driver s crossing SAME PRICE over 30 years 25 unccs fr 25 MS BAKING jfYte POWDER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED II Fl - - -.6.. ;... 1 The Brunswick Phono and 6 Double Records graph Faced $104H 50 $6.00 Per M onth bllgato. t The program given by Miss Tartar was as follows: JPergolesl (1710-1736) .... Nina Pessard (1S45) Farewell at Morn frani (181&-1892) ,In Autumn I ... i . . .-. DedicaUon Sandel (1686-1759) , .Care Selve ... ....... . (Come Beloved) ' f peaks .... ... Under the Stars Clarke . . . The Blind Ploughman 'Iscboff Goodnight, Sweet ... .... j Dreams v& . , . ff i tAl. StaJil m i t ... CIS FOR ' . ' Kies CORRECT CLOTHES at CORRECT PRICES o IV 1 A Eating too much meat may clog ?? ! Kidneys, then the Most folks forget that the kid neys, like the bowels, get slug slsh and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region. tsevere ? headaches. rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stom- ach, sleeplessness and all sorts of " 'Madder disorders. ji' You ? simply must, keep your ! kldnevs active and clean, and the ; taoment you feel an ache or, pain ia the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any Wd dru-store -ier, .tak a Ublespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days asd your kidneys will then act c fine. This famous .salts is made Irom the acid of grapes and lemon 3alce, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys nd stimulate them to normal ac tivity. It also helps neutralize ' tke acids In the urine so it no ionger irritates, thus helping to ' relieve bladder disorders. Mjad Salts is harmless; inexpen- iwe; makes a delightful effer - esscent lithia water dring which i rerybody should take now and ; taen to help keep their kidneys tlean. t ' A well-known local druggist . "ys ha sells lots of Jad Salts to , folks who believe In trying to cor rect kidney trouble while it - is I $25 to $45 There's a feeling of personal pride which ev ery critical man possesses when he buys correct clothes at correct prices. Here you'll get clothes "made that reflect good style, good workmanship and all-wool fabrics. We call your particular attention toour $35 line, with two trousers, which embraces a line of fabrics that is worthy of a high er price. Made to your special order they offer you more value than you ever received in recent years. Scotch Woolen Mills . .. 426 State Street 'foiiirlmmt 312 DEPARTMENT STOKES Practical Gifts Our store ia filled with practical gifts for every member of the family at prices that will make your Christmas money go far ther. Popular Fiction Copyrighted Editions To meet the large Christmas demand for popular novels by the best known authors we are offering a large collection of copyrighted works at the unusual price of 69c Haas? Candy For Christmas The Ace is The Place Exclusive agents MADAME Now is the time to drop a gentle hint tJ husband, son or brother that you would ap preciate one of our ivory pieces for Xmas. Our Display is Complete Brewer Drug Co. 405 Court Street That Boy Will enjoy one of our COASTER WAGONS Ray L Farmer Hardware Co. "Our Hardware Wears' VAlli 1 get your candy dir ect from Factory. Always frh and low price. HAZEL CAXDY FACTORY Hazel Candy Factory Commercial & Miller Streets Christmas Club Check How Would You Spend $50 for Christmas? Salem's Leading Merchants are going to give J50 in prizes for tuo best answers to me apove question. Trizes to be awarded in the following manner: Best answer $20 Club Check Second answer $15 Club Check Third answer $ 5 Club Check Next five answers $2 Club Check Chocks will be given at the office of the Statesman December 22. or will be mailed to you if requested and will be good for fave value at ony one of the firms ad vertising in this column. Names of winners will be published in this column either December 21 or 22, or both. All answers must be n the postoffice or delivered at this office not later thtn ) a. m., December 20. This will assure fairness to ail contestants. In your answers to the above question you are to magine you are buying presepts for father, mother, big brother (age 20), big sister (age 18), little brother (age 8), little sister (age 6), and one other person grandma, prandpa, or a friend. Then you must buy something for him" or for "her." That makes 8 in all. The presents selected need not be articles appearing in this column, but they must be from firms whose ads. appear here perhaps sometuing you ve seen on a per sonal shopping trip. Watch these ads. closely, they appear Sunday, Wed nesday, Friday of each week until Christmas, and arrange your list to the best advantage. Write your letter plainly, on one side of your paper. and tell in your own way what you would buy with $o0 for the family that is suggested here. Address all answers to Christmas Contest Editor, care The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Photos of yourself made at Mrs. Trover's Gift Shop. Sittings Made Night or Day 103 X. Liberty St. $2.00 now Secures a Bicycle for your' boy this Christmas. Call in and let us explain our plan no obligation to buy. Harry W. Scott "The Cycle Man" 147 So. Com'l CHOOSE "If IS" Gift The Xmas Shop for Men . The Newest in Hats, Shirts, Pajamas, Gloves, Neckwear, Etc., at Popular Prices WATCH OUR WINDOWS THE MAN'S SHOP 7m. A. Zosel 416 State St Ellis E. Cooley FltOM A MAVS STORE Where you'll find all the preferences, tastes and fancies of a man, embodied in the various "Haberdasheries for Him." NECKWEAR GLOVES SILK MUFFLERS SILK SHIFTS UNDERWEAR . KNIT COATS JEWELRY INITIAL BELTS ETC., ETC. Sold Exclusively at the SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE C. P. Bishop, Prop. A CHRISTMAS BOOKSTORE One cannot make a mistake in giving a book Here are the four greatest books in print: : i Story of Mankind -Outline of Science Boston Cook Book Bible. There's always place and time for a good book Xmas Cards and Seals on display The Commercial Book Store 103 X. Commercial DOLLS, TOYS Tree . decorations and no tions are all on display at Salem Variety Store 132 No. Commercial The Toughest Turkey is rendered tender and palatable if cooked in one of our roasters and carved with one of our Winchester Carving Sets. SALEM HARDWARE CO. "The Winchester Store" 35 Years In the Leather Business Watch our Windows for Displays of Charming and Useful Gifts of Leather F. E. Shafer 170 So. Commercial Furs For Every Occasion Hudson Seal Coats, Skunk Capes and Scarfs, Fox Chokers in all the latest shades. ;; West Fur Co. 521 Court St. The Universal Vacuum Will aid you in making a clean sweep of your Xmas shopping. Archie Fleener 414 Court St. Only trouble. Adv. i: .. . n. w . . , , - -