CIBCTJXATIOJI Average for October, 1022: Sunday only 5700 Daily and Sunday 5343 Average for lis month ending October 31. 1922: Sunday only 5874 Daily and Sunday 5485 or tex citt or aad alarvaaro ts Marios and Folk Cewatlaa Nvariy venrfcotfr two The Oregon Statesman SEVEKTY-SECOND YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1922 PRICE: FIVE CENTS oa0 s1 u u czf) cr a""" m . ' CLEHCEflO BEES U.S.TD HELP FRIGE French Statesman Declares That Extinction Faces His Country Unless Quick Aid Is Given. GERMANS SAID TO . BE HIDING GUNS Chicago Audience Told That i Teutons Teach' Hatred I In Schoolhouses CHICAGO, Nov. 28. (By the Associated Press) Standing with : outspread arms before an audi ence that packed the auditorium, 1 Georges Clemenceau today plead- fed with America to save France from possible extinction. I Patiently seeking to explain f sway the charges of militarism land Imperialism brought against 3 his country, the old Tiger de clared that France sought only peace, but that war was being ;f forced upon her. t Must Have Aid f "If France does! not get the , help that she needs," be declared, la emotion-laden tones, "she may J perhaps disappear. J Athens was a-j democracy, Tery great ana very 'fine. But she disappeared. And if France were to disappear I be- ' lleve ' that some day the people - would begin to look around and ask If something had not disap peared that had brought life to the world." j - , Must First Be War The aged premier's audience hang on his every word, Inter- i rupting him twice to drive him behind a device which would car ry hla weak voice through the big 'house; He was Interrupted by frequent outbursts; of applause. Clemenceau took for his text ' the epitaph tfthat i he read last week on Grant's tomb In New York "Let us have peace.' 'Since the world has been," he continued "It has always been the : feeling in every man's heart that he wanted peace. j But General - Grant, when he sppke those fam ous words knew very well that before there could be peace there t must be war. Must Convince Others - "It is a great pity that war 'S so cruel; that it brings with it bloodshed and things we hardly ' dare think of now.j Nevertheless that was a really i beautiful and ."'Inspiring time when men were ready to rive their lives for a "great cause; when they were f ready io die for a world a world which ! represented the finest and 'most (exquisite part of human ' heart and thought.. i" "But that is done. The war ,i Is over. Peace has arisen. It is " ' now our mission to reason with and convince others. We must approach' autocratic power in i some way or other and convince Z them (that power that it should get behind our cause." Germans Still Menace Asserting France! had been con tinually called militarists and im l perlalistic, the Tiger declared be tihad determined to: give some or Iticial figures to show why France ' felt that she must maintain f .large could j safety ' Great : He army at least until she obtain guarantees of her from the United States and Britain repeated first the figures he had nreviouslyi given concern "!lng France's war losses in killed and wounded and in devastation Jot her homes; factories and mines. Then j he plunged; into the sub ' jject of arms and munitions, which i'he declared had been hidden away in Germany for the next war. ,-'j!f "I j have said, Ion very good : authority and in this I have .been criticised that almost every (Continued on page 3.) THE WEATHER OREGON cloudy. . Wednesday Local Maximum, 38 degrees. Minimum, 34 degrees. River, 6 feet, falling. , Rainfall, 03 inches. Atmosphere, cloudy. Wind, south. FIREMAN FINDS WAY TO BEAT FATHER TIME Yakima Man Takes Masonic Degrees in Walla Walla via the Aeroplane Glide WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 28. J. O. Lloyd, locomotive fire man of Yakima, found the happy medium "twlxt duty and frater nal ambition wbfen confronted with the perplexing problem of being forced to stay on shift in Yakima until 1 o'clock this af ternoon and being present here at 7:30 p. m. this evening to receive his ninth and tenth degree Ma- Bonry rituals. Lloyd solved the puzzle by liter ally taking a "filer." After corn completing his ralroad duties for the day. he shaved, cleaned up and hopped aboard a plane, ar riving here with three and one- half hours to spare. HALL MURDER ES Grand Jury Announces No Indictment Can be Return- ictment Can be Retu ed Widow Pleased SOMERVILLE, N. J., Nov. 28. -(By the Associated Press) For reasons which seem to them sufficient and controlling the grand Jury took no action in the Hall-Mills murder case and laid the matter over. This does not mean "necessarily that the matter cannot be taken up again by this or a subsequent grand jury." Drama Mysterious With these words Forman Gibbs of the Somerset county grand jury late today made known the fact that no Indictment had been returned in one of the most mystifying murder dramas that has faced the country in many years. Outside the jury room some one else was awaiting the decision. It was Mrs. Frances Noel Hall, the rector's widow, who had rushed to the court house this morning in the hope of appearing before the grand jury and ho had not been granted access. She received the decision as she has received all other devel opments In this case stoically with sea trace of emotion. s. Hall Gratified Attorney Pfelffer, representing Mrs. Hall, would make no state ment at the courthouse but later at the Hall home in New Bruns wick he said: "Mrs. Hall is gratified at the grand jury decision. I suppose the officials will continue the work and I most certainly hope they do." State troopers and detectives tonight had received no orders. Belief was expressed that tomor row they would be instructed as to whether they were to push the inquiry further. Street Committee Given Authority to Build Walk DALLAS, Or., Nov. 28. (Spe cial to The Statesman.) The street committee of the Dallas city council has been given au thority to construct a sidewalk on the Demlck hill, north, of the city. The old sidewalk was de molished when the fill was made two years ago, and the grade was cut down preparatory to laying hard surface pavement on the' hill and since that time the people of North Dallas have had to use the roadway as a sidewalk. The new walk will be started immedi ately and will be constructed to conform to the fence recently placed on the hill and curve, by the county court. It will be five feet wide and of heavy construc tion. -When completed the rails will be painted white, like the jailing on the fence on both sides of the road. PACKING RULES FAVORED TAKIMA, Wash., Nov. 28. Fruit growers of the Wapato dis trict, meeting in Wapato today, went on record in favor of . the 1921 apple grading and packing rules, and urged that these rules rbe made permanent for five years. Harry Hones was elected a dele gate to the , Spokane grade and pack conference early In Decern - 01 VITAGRAPH GO. BIGS SUIT FOR 6 MILLION Famous Players-Lasky Are Charged With Conspiracy to Control Motion Picture Industry. ALLEGE "KEY HOUSES" UNFAIRLY MANAGED Concerns Profits Said Cut from $750,000 Yearly To $106,490 NEW YORK, Nov. 28. T h e Vitagraph company of America today began suit for $6. 000, 000 in the United States district court against the Famous Players-Lasky corporation and a doz en individuals charged a con spiracy to control the motion picture industry of the nation. The action was begun under the section of the Sherman law which provides for the assess- lment of triple dama8es when in- Completion Restricted The Vitagraph company alleges that since 1919 the defendants have interferred with the busi ness of competing producers and distributors. The complaint describes the stages between the filming of a picture and its final exhibition In the 14,000 leading theatres of the United States and Canada. All of these theatres the com plaint states, .are divided into three classes first run, second run and third run theatres. In each large city, the complaint avers, there are what are known as "key theatres" exhibition in which is essential to the success of a picture. Profits Cut Down The Vitagraph company charges that the defendants, through control of a large pro lortion of these "key" theatres, caused the profits to decrease from a previous average fit $750,000 yearly to 110C;490 in 1U21. The capital of the Vita kiaph company is put at $2, 176,000. OF T Sister of Professor's First Wife Keeps Reporters Mystified SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 28. The attitude ol alienee maintain ed by Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tier nan since the arrival here of Mrs. Tiernan's sister, Mrs. Frances Pulaski of Chicago, was continued today. Not a single statement either over tho telephone or by direct interview was isswed from the Tiernan home during the day. The announcement Sunday by Tiernan that he would withdraw his divorce complaint and that the appeal in the paternity case would be officially dropped has not been carried out. His legal marital status, according to Indiana laws at the present time Is just the same as before his cross com plaint for divorce was heard that he is the legal husband of Mrs. Augusta Tiernan, and fight ing her complaint for divorce by a counter complaint. TO INSTALL AEKO SERVICE WALLA WrALLA, Wash., Nov 28. Establishment of airplane stage service between Yakima ar.d Walla Wclla with a flight schedule of two hours will he Inaugurated within the next few months, according' to H. F. Knlinng of the ' Clark Aviation comyary, who arrived here by plane this evening. PROFESSOR'S WIFE DIES EUGENE, Or., Nov. 28. Mrs. Anna. Clark, wife of Professor R. C. Clark, head of the department of history at the University of J Oregon, died hero tonight after NEWS HI CASE OUT EUGENE YOUTH FOOLS POLICE, ROBS HIMSELF Odjs lie iiuuiiu aim t, vv. Self to Get Money From Mother Goes Too Far EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 2$. R. K. Bushnell, Springfield. Or., youth who last night told the police here that he had been held up, bound, nagged and robbed of $400 by two men at the Southern Pacific sta tion, today admitted to the offi cers that the holdup was a fake and that he bound and gagged himself. He said that he tied bis hands so securely that he was un able to untie himself, and had to call for help. He told the officers, according to their statement, that he wanted to go to San Francisco and, hav ing told his mother that he had several hundred dollars when he had no money at all, he staged the fake holdup so that his moth er would supply him with funds with which to make the trip. BOGE POIS01E SELF. BELIEF Police Locate Drugstore Where Stuff Was Purchas ed Inquest Uncertain LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28 De spondency because of ill health was assigned by the police today as the motive for Vaden E. Boge, 22, of Hillsboro, Ore., committing suicide by taking poison here yes terday in his room at a fashion able hotel. Was Despondent Mrs. Ida Lingenfelter, who is a distant relative of the dead man, told the police that Boge arrived here November 23 from Portland and came to live with her while he looked for work. She had never seen him before .that time, she said, although her daughter Nadeen, 17 years old, had corre sponded with him for more than a year. Both Mrs. Lingenfelter and her daughter told the police that the correspondence was wholly of a friendly nature. Boge had appeared despondent since his arrival, they said, and they believed he had recently been ill. Boge wrote a long letter last Sun day to his mother, Mrs. Edward Boge of Hillsboro, Mrs. Lingen feiter told the police. Declared Suicide The attempt of Boge to add an element of mystery of his death by registering at the hotel for himself and wife and later or dered lunch for two served in hij room, was cleared up today when the police located the drug store at which the dead man purchased the poison. From the druggist's description of the purchaser and a comparison of Boge's signature on the hotel register with that on the druggist's sales record, the police declared it their belief that the case was one of suicide. It was undecided late today whether an inquest would be held. Embassy. Announces New Officers Under Leadership of Colonel Gonatas WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.- A new Greek cabinet under the lcrdership of Colonel Gonatas has been sworn in. the Greek embassy announced tonight, sue feeding it was said, that of M. Cronkidas. resigned. The mem bers are: Colonel Gonatas. president ol the counsil of ministers; General Pierrakos Mavromichalis, minis ter of interior; Mr. Prekas, min ister of finance; Colonel Sakella- ropoulos. minister of communl cations; General Pangalos, minis ter of war; M. Sideris. minister of agriculture; M. Rentis, min ister of Justice. The remaining portfolios have been retained by their respec tive actual titularies. The min lster of foreign affairs has been provisionally entrusted to M Bsntla, - . GREEKS FORI NE1 CABINET BUDGET GIVEN APPROVAL AT DALLAS MEET Polk County Seat Has Total of Over Twelve Thousand Dollars to Work on For Coming Year. BIDDING SPIRITED FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS Dallas City Bank is Highest Bidder for Securities Sold Monday DALLAS, Or., Nov. 28 (Spe cial to the Statesman) At the meeting of the Dallas city coun cil last night the budget as pre pared by the budget committee was passed without protest. The following citizens and councilmen composed the committee: August P. Risser, N. L. Guy, C. B. Sund berg, F. J. Craven, J. R. Allgood, C. N. Bilyeu, R. S. Kreason, C. L. Crlder, M. L. Boyd, Conrad Staf- rin, W. E. Ballantyne, J. R. Cra ven, A. W. Thornton, G. O. But ler, Charles Hayes, Carl Gerlin- ger, R.' R. Van Orsdel and Walter S. Mulr. Totals Announced The total estimated expendi tures for 1923 as prepared by the above committee are as follows: Auditor and police judge, offi cers' salary and expenses $950; City treasurer's salary and ex penses, $335. City Attorney's salary and ex penses, $600; Payment of outstanding war rants $2000. City marshal's ' salary ' and ex penses pertaining to his office, $1225. City hall, maintenance, fuel and Insurance, $125. City library, $1713. City park ,$250. City lights, street , lighting system, $3055. City water, fountains and fire patrol, $120. Fire department, salaries, equipment and miscellaneous ex penditures, $750. City streets, cleaning, street Iflu8her, repairs, lumber, rock, equipment, construction 1920 ce ment sidewalk construction and miscellaneous expenditures. $5803. City sewers, cleaning and mis cellaneous expenses, S30n. Incidentals, emergency fund, $500. Direct lien bonds, water de partment $500. Sewer disposal plant, 51,0 00. County fair and city park, $600. An estimate for the probale re ceipts for 1923 is placed as fol lows: Police court, $100. License fees. $200. Rentals, real estate, $150. Road district No. 7, $3000. Total of $3,450 which together with the total estimated tax levy for 1923 makes the total amount to be raised by taxation $16,376. Takinz from this amount the di rect lien bonds.and the city library funds which are raised by direct taxation leaves the city $12,563 to work on for the coming year. Improvement Bonds Sold At last night's meeting of tho Dallas city council hids for the $39,317.13 worth of bonds for the 1921 concrete street improvement work were opened and the bonds sold to the Dallas City bank as the highest bidder. Seven bidders were on hand at the opening of the bonds and one bond buyer of Portland reached the city hall just 10 minutes too late to get in his bid. The bidders were as follows: Freeman. Smith, Kemp & Co., with a premium of $102.30; Dal las. City bank, premium $104.87; Lumberman's Trust company and Western Bond & Mortgage com pany, premium $102.64; Cyrus Price & CO., premium $102 70; Ladd & Tilton bank, premium $101.8 Ralph Schneelock & Co., premium $101.45 and Robertson Ewing & Co.. premium $101.53., Bidding Lively The bonds were of $100 and $500 denominations with an odd bond of $107.13. The lively bid ding done by the bond buying houses shows that there is an in- (Coitlnne $n Pt ! GAME WARDEN HEARS MOTHER GOOSE STORY Tuts Porcupine Yarn in Class With Deep Sea Tales He says To Tell Judge WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. 2S. Lack of "imagination and a knowledge of animal life on the part of Deputy Game Warden Van Ausd'e is the reason for A. L. Maxim being admitted to the ranks of the local "Raspberry club." Maxim was arrested near here today for hunting without a license. Asked why he carried a gun but no license, Maxim de clared he was "after porcupines who were blocking up his irriga tion ditch." BANDITS KILL I Authorities Shoot One in Capture, Catch 2 Others, 1 Still at Large COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 28. (By the Associated Tress) From the recesses of a stolen automo bile four bandits early this morn ing shot two Columbus policemen, killing one of them. Tonight, one of the four ban dits had been shot dead, two had besn captured following gun fights with police posses and one was still at large. 2 Dead, 2 Injured The dead are: Patrolman Granison P. Koehler of the Columbus police force. A bandit, known to his pals only as "Bill." The injured are: Police Corporal Roscoe C. Friddle, of the Columbus force. James, Martin, 35, one of tho bandits, who attempted suicide when about to b6 captured by a posse. The dead bandit was found in his gang's abandoned automobile this morning near West Jeffer son. 15 miles west of Columbus. He evidently had been struck by bullets fired by Corporal Friddle as the police officer lay injured on a sidewalk emptying two re volvers after the bandit's fleeing car. One Still at Large Two of the bandits, Martin and "Loomie" Cummins, were cap tured this evening following a gun battle in the woods near Lilly Chapel, about twenty miles south west of Columbus. The fourth member of the bandit gang, de scribed by Cummins as being Ed ward Lewis, a noted postoffice robber, was still at large. Cum mins told police that Lewis was a member of the gang who had shot the two policemen. Scene Dramatic When a posse of Columbus police officers closed in on Mar tin, he dramatically pointed a re volver at his head and fired in an attempt at suicide. Physicians said that Martin and Corporal Friddle will live. Reports were received tonight that the fourth bandit had been captured by the posse, but at a late hour he had not been brought to police head quarters. Scores of Columbus and Sprinc field police and deputized citizens were scouring the woods and hills southwest of Columbus tonight for the one missing bandit. State Real Estate Law Is Held Constitutional Constitutionality of state laws improving licenses on real estate brokers is fully established by the United States supreme court in an opinion that has just been issued, according to information received by C. V. Johnson, manager of the state real estate department in the state insurance commission er's office. At the legislative session of 1921 the state of Tennessee en acted a law similar to the Oregon statute. It was assailed by the broker in the federal district court, which held it was not con stitutional. The state appealed It to the United States supreme court, however, which holds it constitutional. The opinion was vrritten i hy Justice McKenna. pouch CHARRED BODIES MOT YET IDENTIFIED, 12 SERIOUSLY INJURED COVINGTON, Ga., Nov. 28. Three children were burned o death, two are reported dvincr. 30 burns, and are now under care of physicians and others had narrow escapes from a fire that destrovorl th TTtoh Plnf school about seven miles south iwene 01 me children on the injured list, physicians say, are suffering from broken bones and internal injuries, but m ret-in er. rracucaiiy an of of age. TO CLOSE TODAY Variety of Program Arouses Extreme Interest in Ses sion of Teachers The second day of the Marion county teachers' Institute showed an interest and a variety of pro- gram that has made the session a delight to most of the teachers attending. It is not asserted that every body is alike interested in all the same things at the same time. One charming lady educator has a Western Stories magazine thril ler which she reads at opportune moments when her nieghbors don't Joggle her elbow by their handclapping, and If the insti tute fails to be a perfect vacation it will be because the magalzne is printed in too large type and won't last it through. But every body is Interested and interesting in some way, and it's the biggest and best Institute in the history of Marion county. Program Closely Followed The regular program as pre viously announced, was carried through Tuesday, with separate diversions , both forenoon and af ternoon, for the presentation of departmental work. Some re markably fine presentations were made of applied teaching meth ods. One of the most effective in the whole institute was the oral English class of high school students, under the direction of MLse Hazel Brown of the Salem schools, who gave a sample class lesson that opened many a teach ers' yes. The students them selves are the critics ot them selves, in whatever any one may say as a critic recitation and the class is said to be making ex ceptional progress In English work. Other excellent specialized teaching methods wereshown by other teachers who have been placed on the program. Dependent Child Studied Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh ot Portland gave a talk on "The Problem of the Dependent Child" that was especially well received. She showed that of the 2400 chil dren that pasa through Judge Kanzler's courta of domestic re lations in Portland every year, fully one-half are not In the least delinquent, but are the vic tims of marital or social or financial poverty. The speaker "got a hand" when she said that the way to train these children was "not to take them to any form of paternalistic hospital-home-school institution to mix their ideas of allegiance, but to some form of a home, large or small, that turns their education over to the public school as the only safe place to teach 100 per cent Americanism." New History Pre-jejited Dr. H. D. Sheldon of Oregon university spoke on '"TIhj New History and the Teacher." out- ' lining the various forms that hls j tory has taken since written or spoken speech began. He c'.assi j tied history into seven forms: J natural history, literary history j like Gibbon's "Decline and Fall J of the Roman Empire," or Mot- ley's "Rise of the Duth Repub j lie," economic history and cultur i al history. In the chronological order of their development. The speaker urged the import ance of making the study of his tory broad and fair enough to see the intermingling of the clas sifications. The historians that are concerned only with the argu ments of economic lose sight of (Continued on page ) INSTITUTE of here today. the children are under 10 years , ' The charred bodies of thre children have been removed from, the burned building, but a yet have not been Identified. They appeared to be less than 8 years or age. The injured are being cared for in homes and some are being prepared to be sent to At lanta hospitals. 12 StUI Mlsfting School officials stated tonight that two of the dead bodies re covered are believed to be the children of J. J. Steele "and Charles Bachelor. Both Mr. Steele and Mr. Bachelor have reported that iwo more of their children are missing. The authorlUes also have a list of six hoys and six girls who were missing at a late hour tonight. A careful recheclc of those on the injured list wai being made at midnight In hopes of reducing the missing list. Many Jump to Safety Mrs. Oscar Grant, who had charge of the pupils on the npper floor of the' school was so se-' verely burned in directing the es cape of the chlldrea that fears are expressed for her life. ; When it tm discovered that the fire had cut. off their only means of safe exit, Mrs. Grant gathered the children about win dows and directed a number of them in Jumping to safety. Sh then Jumped through the flamtf and was seriously horned. Ex-Greek Cabinet Officials Convicted of High Treas onOrdered to Die ATHENS, Nov. 28. (By -the Associated Press.) Official an nouncement has been made of the execution today of ix former cab inet officials and army officers.' They had been convicted of high treason, In connection with the Greek military disaster In Ada Minor. After the execution the following official announcement was made: Sentences Vary "The Bentence of the court martial was delivered thU morn ing. Messrs Gounaris, Baltaxxls, Theotokls, Protopakakis, Stratos and General HadJaneetli were con demned to death and were exe cuted this morning. "General Stratigos and M. Gou das were sentenced to penal serv itude for life. The military de fendants were also sentenced to degradation and the following fines were Inflicted: "Gounaris. 200,000 drachm asp; , Stratos. 335,000; Protopapakakla, $00,000; Baltazis. . 1.000.000; Thotokis. 1.000,000; Goudas 200 000 drachmas." . . Relations Broken ,1 The British minister F. O. Lind ley, has notified the Greek gov ernment that Great Britain baa broken off relations with Greece and that he is leaving Athens to night. C. H. Bentnlck, British member of the financial control, remains here. Judge Edwards to Sit at Trial of Robertson OKLAHOMA CITT, Okla , Nov. 28. Judge Thomas A. Edwards, of Cordell was assigned today toy Chief Justice John B. Harrison of the state supreme court to preside at the trial of Gover- nor J. B. A. Robertson of Okla homa on a charge ot accepting a bribe. The trial Is set to be gin at Ada, t December 12. ." EXECAUSEIBIVEH