The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Artrar for October, 1922:
Sunday nl;y ...
- Vtilj and jBaodar -
Averse for tlx month! ending
October 31, 1022:
nr xsa citt or iazju -Utrioa
aaa Folk OmmUs
Ihe Oregon Statesman
Daily and gnadajr
, i 1
Pershing, Dawes, Mayor
; Thompson and Big Throng
' Welcome Clemenceau to
Windy City.
Will Speak to Over 5000
People Today Amplifiers
Will Be Provided
-.- CHICAGO, "Nor. 27. (By The
A sedated Press) Georges Clem
j enceau today came back to the
struggling little western town he
; had rlsited as a young1 man iriore
V than half a century ago land
V, lound that . It, like himself, had
jrwn to . great stature and In
' ternatonal fame. " -. .
? ,; Oration Great . '
He promptly dubbed America's
f second greatest city his twin.
, "I was born in the year that
this place changed from a fort
Vto a city." he said, "so we are
? twins. Yes?"
The Tiger of France, who came
to deliver the, third of his series
of American f addresses in an ef
fort to win ! American sentiment
t for his country, was accorded a
- demonstrative welcome to Chi-
- f ago. It started when his prl
i tate car, Bethlehem, pulled into
the Union station and did not
' end until the doors of the Potter
4 .'Palmer mansion on Lake Shore
- drive, overlooking Lake , Michi
gan had closed behind him. ;
' .' v. Met By Notables -:::'
, Arriving at 3:25 o'clock the
v old ' war premier was ' met by a
. committee headed .by General
Pershing and Brigadier General
Charles G. Dawes, former direct
or of , the budget at Washington.
They led him through a lane of
blue-coats to an open , car and
drove to j the City halt where
.Mayor William Hale Thompson
- welcomed him on behalf of Chi
cago. I The Tiger, Was . escorted ; up
town by a troop of artillery from
Fort Sheridan. 'Beside him rode
General Pershing. Others in his
car were Brigadier General Jacob
M. Dickinson, former secretary
of war and Colonel Stephen Bon.
Ml, tour conductor.
- Chicago lias Moonshine
1 "I am very prond to welcome
jrotf to our city," the mayor said.
. s "Thank you," Clemenceau ans
wered. - ' -; , . ,
"I am sorry to have no sun
shine for you," the mayor-' added
with a gesture to the murky
"Isn't It at your disposal?"
"I suppose they win biame me
for It they blame me for every-
i thing," ithe' 'mayor said.
- "We (have" ..plenty of , moon
nine, but not much sunshine."
nt in General. Dickinson. '
Reporters Plentiful '
; i The party remained In Mayor,
Thompson's Jftlce only a few
minutes returning to their cars
,fo drive ; to? the hotter Palmer
some, where Clemenceau Is to
stay daring his two and a halt
i oar visit.
. ? When he had been greeted by
Sirs. Palmer, Clemenceau granted
- i.k.
we army 01 newspaper writer
who had trailed him a five-minute
Interview. Entering the
'room where they were waiting
. e raised his gray gloved hands
ud exclaimed:
plead not guilty."
Jfonconunitta.1 on Senator
! After he had given his im
pressions of Chicago of today
hd compared Its skyscrapers and
rich dwellings with .the "yellow
. brick from Milwaukee" which
be remembered, he was Informed
Ahat he had been made the sub
ject of another senate . debate at
Washington today. ' !
t "Again!" he exclaimed with
a expression of astonishment.
'-When he was told that Senator
Hitchcock had challenged his
Boston statement that all black
(Continued on page Tj
OREGON: Rain west portion;
rain or snow east of Cascades.
Maximum temperature de
grees. . -v
Minimum temperature, 80.
River, J. root .above -normal
- liv4 CallinK. -
L Rainfall, .3 mch.'.
Atmosphere, ciouay,, ...
Wind,- south.
19-Year-Old Thief Discovered
in Act of Picking Sales
man's Suitcase
EUGENE, Or., Nov. 27. Wil
liam Hilton, alias William John
son, was arrested here this after
noon In the act of rifling suit
cases in an automobile on the
street blonging to a traveling
salesman. The owner detected
Hilton, and walking a few steps
to the sheriff's office, notified the
deputies, who caught him while
Btlll at work. In his room at a
hotel were found diamonds, furs
and other articles valued at sev
eral hundred dollars which were
stolen a few days ago In Port
land, according to the officers,
who said that Hilton made a com
plete confession of several -burglaries
in that city. Hilton is but
19 years old. ,
Attorneys Get 10 Day Stay
of Sentence in Vain Hope
of Getting New Trial
Clara Phillips, who was recently
conylcted of having slain Mrs. Al
berta Meadows with a hammer
here last summer today was sen
tenced to serve a term 6f from
ten years to life in the state pen
itentiary at San Quentin. The
committment to prison was de
layed, however, when her counsel
gave notice of appeal in open
court and sought and received a
ten-day stay of execution.
Attorneys said that the giving
of notice of appeal did not nec
essarily mean that an appeal
would be. perfected. They said
Mrs. Phillips -would be in Jail
here uAtll ;the ten-day "stay grant
ed today had expired and then
would be transferred to San
AIL That Vote Special Tax
Levies Must Report to
Mr, Steelhammer
There are about 140 school
districts, about 90 road districts,
and almost a score of cities,
towns and Incorporations in Mar
lon county, all of which are sub
ject to the state law requiring
all the districts that vote special
taxes to file their budgets with
the county assessor.
Not. all of these have voted
special taxes, but a large number
of them have, and until all their
reports are in the county assess
or cannot make up his books for
the. year. The last legal date.
fori getting In these reports is
December 4, though, they do not
usually all come in on . time.
Last winter, some of the reports
did not come in until after the
first of the year. Everything
had to be held up, waiting their J
arrival. .
Assessor Steelhammer has been
ready for this work for some
time. The office work has been
kept up to the minute, and in,
fact it has beat the gun by sev
eral laps. But now they have to
wait for the laggards.
Musical Writer of Verses
Leaves Pleasing Literary
State in Salem
Vachel Lindsay told his audi
ence of 600 last night that he
had probably tramped more miles
on the platform as a lecturer,
than- on the road as a vendor
of his own "Poems for Bread.'
He wasn't a ragged, more than
normally hungry tramp a-tall;
he just wanted experience, and
he got it. They stuck the label
on to him. and as he didn't real
lv care, he never tried to rub
It off.
He is a singing poet. He be-
on DistmcTs
(Contlnnel stl f 3 fil
37 Shots Taken at Unlucky
Measure by Members of
House 6 Spots "More or
Less Vital.
Fight Begins Soon After
Reading Starts Motions
Shut Off Debate
Thirty seven shots in the t.hni
of amendments were fired at the
administration shipping bill in
the house today and six hit spots
more or less vital.
At adjournment tonight the bill
had covered exactly one third of
Its tempestuous voyage toward"
the senate. Representative Gra
ham of Illinois, a Republican,
went home with three of the
half dozen amendments in his
shooting bag, all of which were
put through with the aid of He- j
publican votes.
Standard Oil Out
Early in the fight. Represen
tative Edmonds, Pennsylvania,
ranking Republican of the Mer
chant marine committee which
framed the bill, formally announced-
oh the floor that the
section, under which the Stand
ard Oil company, for example,
would share in the government
supbsidy for transporting its own
goods in its own ships would be
stricken out bodily. This in the
view of western Republicans, ad
ded to its chance of passage.
Stepping in unexpectedly. Rep
resentative Oliver, Democrat, Al
abaniaHjresented an-ameadment,
acceptance of which virtually fix
ed an upset price for the sale of
the steamship Leviathan, the big
gest of the government fleet.
This provided that the Leviathan,
now being reconditioned, should
not be sold at a price less than
the cost of reconditioning. Pre
cise figures obtained tonight from
the appropriations committee
showed that this cost was $8,166,
000. First declared dead the
Oliver proposal won 81 to 78 by
a man to man count as members
marched down the aisle.
Interest Rate Increased
The fight to riddle the bill was
begun five minutes after the ac
tual reading started. On his
feet first, Mr. Graham put for
ward an amendment to strike out
a section permitting the shipping
board to sell ships without ad
vertisement or competitive sale.
The motion was adopted almost
The other Graham amendment
increased the rate of interest on
unpaid balances for ships bought
from the government from not
less than 4 1-4 per celt. Repres
entative Frear, Republican, Wis
consin, sought to make it six per
cent 'flat, but failed.
An amendment by Representa
tive Blanton, Democrat, Texas,
provided that no 'government em
ploye should be interested finan
cially in the purchase of govern-
men ships, was passed with kittle
Constructors Hit
Out of many offered. Repres
entative Davis, Tennessee, Demo
cratic members of the merchant
marine committee, got through an
amendment providing that pros
pective ship constructors, borrow
ing from the shipping board re
volving fund should pay not less
than 4 1-4 per cent interest in
stead of two per cent, as stipu
lated in the bill.
Touching briefly on the plan to
eliminate the section dealing with
subsidy for industrial ships, Mr.
Edmonds said he was preparing
an amendment to protect Indus
trial ships.
'It will take industrial ships
like those of the Standard Oil
company, ne saia, "away irom
being recipients of any subsidy."
Representative Dickinson, Re
publican, Iowa, one of the farm
bloc leaders, failed in his effort
to have farmers exporting prod
ucts put on all fours with ship
pers receiving an Income tax re
bate. His amendment was offer
ed to the income tax rebate sec
tion, which was later voted out.
The provision in the bill stipu
lating that one half of the total
number of immigrants admitted
to the United States should be
brought over in American Bhips,
j Continued ja 553
Selections to Represent East
and West-Proceeds Will be
Given Charities
COLUMBUS, Ohio. Nor. 27.
For the first time in the history j
of American football, two teama !
composed entirely of men whose
names have been mentioned in
various all-American selections,'
will play here next Saturday. ;
The game, the proceeds of which
will be given to local charities,
will be played by teams repre
sentioK the east and west respec
tively". The players, all af whom
have completed their intercollepi-
ate competition, will come here I
on the invitation of a local com- j
mittee arranging for the game.!
it was announced.
California and Nevada Urge
Adoption While Wyoming
and Idaho Oppose
Railroad commissions represent
ing two weslern states Califor
nia and Nevada, asked the inter
state commerce commission to
day to continue the merger of
the Southern pacific and the
Central Pacific railroads which
the supreme court order has or
dered dissolved, while commis
sions of two other states, Wy
oming and Idaho, urged approval
of the separation.
Two in Favor
A group of California business
men, also appearing in the hear
ing which the federal commis
sion is conducting on the South
ern Pacific's application for re
tention of the Central system,
came forward to argue for the
merger as essential to commer
cial and civic interests along the
Pacific coast.
Representative Mondell, house
Republican leader, made the
principal argument for Wyoming
in supporting the separation de
cree. He rested his case chiefly
on the ground that national in
terest required maintenance of
competition in trans-continental
railroad service. An indeoendent
Central Pacific, he declared,
would be of nore advantage both
nationally and locally than the
present merger.
Earl W. Perkins Succumbs
to Injuries Received in
Recent Accident
Earl W. Perkins, 34 years old,
member of the state traffic squad,
died at Willamette sanitarium
at 1:55 o'clock yesterday after
noon from Injuries received a
week ago today when he was run
over near Aurora by a truck of
the Willamette Valley Transfer
Perkins was born at Traverse
City, Mich. He is survived by a
widow who lives in Portland; his
father, S. W. Perkins of Howard
City. Mich., and a brother, G. A.
Perkins of Wheeler, Or. '
Mr. Perkins was an officer at
Tillamook for a time and entered
the state service March 1 this
year, having been stationed in the
Roseburg district until recently.
The funeral probably will be
held in Salem. T. A. Raffety,
chief of the state traffic depart
ment, has sent word to all mem
bers of the squad to come to
Salem and serve as an escort at
the funeral.
Members of the department are
under the workmen s compensa
tion act, and Mrs. Perkins will re
ceive $30 a month from the state.
The accident in which Mr. Per
kins was injured took place when
he attempted to drive his motor
cycle past the truck, and the side
car caught the hubs of the heavy
vehicle, causing him to be thrown
under the truck. The wheels
passed over his legs, crashing
them badly but breaking no
LEWISTON, Idaho. Nov. 27
The Clearwater river here is the
lowest that it has been in Novem
ber for 30 years, according to an
announcement made tonight by
I Stranahan. record, keeper,
. n
Annual Institute Brings All
Grade and High SchOOl
lncfP,tnfnre TnnotHor fnr
",gu.Mlw a iui
Une Week.
Sheldon and Donev Sched-
. . , c..
"led for Educational
Addresses Today
V-What is understood to be the
laygest ""roup of teachers ever
gathered in Marion county as
sembled Monday for the annual
teachers Institute. Fully 400
persons, mostly teachers, present j
or prospective, filled the high
school auditorium almost to its
capacity seating. They're fairly
swarming all over Salem, In from
all over the county, and some
from outside as well, to get what
the institute offers of superior in
struction. The program opened at 10
o'clock Monday with a half-hour
concert under the direction of
Lena Belle Tartar, music direc
tor of the Salem higji school.
Some exceptionally good singing
was done by the school chorus. It
was enthusiastically applauded.
"Skipper Ireson's Ride," the poem
by John G. Whittier of Salem,
Massachusetts, and the singing by
the Salem Oregonians, made a
great hit.
Defective Question ;Stu(ked
; Judge W. M. Bushey of the
Marion county court addressed
the institute on the important
matter of defective children, es
pecially those of parents who can
not give them' medical attention
that might restore them to nor
mality. He, as judge, has the
authority to send such children
for proper treatment to hospitals
or to doctors where they can be
restored. The law was passed in
1917, hut is sometimes forgotten,
he said. Any teacher or school
officer can report in any such
case, and the county court -will
Churchill Given Ovation
State Superintendent J. A.
Churchill, newly elected for an
other four years, was given a sur
prise when the audience gave him
a triple "Bali-rah-rah"' as he
stepped to the;; platform. He
spoke of the need of better rural
school service, as the weakest
link in the present educational
system. The county unit plan,
made optional by the 1921 legis
lature, he advocated as proving
exceptionally successful where it
has been tried in Oregon. Mr.
Churchill gave a powerful address
on the kind of patriotism that
lives to make its country better,
iifiin the public school as the
place to teach proper ideals of un
selfish service for the good of
Music Starts Afternoon
To startthe afternoon pro
gram, Leonard Chadwick played
two violin solos, and Cecil Dea
con two piano solos, that were
joyfully applauded. A number
of excellent departmental studies
were presented by teachers select
ed for their especial familiarity
with the work at hand. The art
department, presented by Ala
bama Brenton, made an especially
interesting showing on posters.
Dr. H. L. Sheldon of the Uni- i
.versity of Oregon, spoke on f Re
cent Criticisms of American Edu
cation." The speaker went on to
show what Oregon teachers can
do to make their own schools bet
ter and more responsive to the
needs of the times to help drag
the people out of mediocrity and
banal conventionality.
Principal Xrlson Heard
Several departmental sessions
'Were held to discuss various
phases of common school work.
One of these was an excellent ad
dress on the teaching of current
history by Prof. J. C. Nelson of
Salem high school.
The last address of the day was
i a scintillating address on
"Words." by President Carl G.
Doney of Willamette university.
What he told them about the ad
Vantages of good diction, about a
familiarity with words of mean
ing instead of meaningless slang,
ought to crop out in 300 school
rooms in the county before the
middle of next week. The ad
dress itself was a mine of well-selected
The auditorium stage was
tastefully decorated with chrysan
themums from the Sliiler Mercan-
j .(ContlnuejS fl PfS X
-J- - J - - r N r 1 n
m m . ,v.,
... v.- - i
This photo of,M. Georges Clemenceau, ex-premier of
France, was taken on his arrival in America. He has come
to this country to undertake at 81 years of age the great
work of reestablishing that questioning confidence which 'ex
isted between America and France during the World war.
When he reached New York City the first time in 52 years,
he was given a reception comparable to that accorded Mar
shal Foch when he landed. Fulfilling a desire to visit the
grave of Theodore Roosevelt, the great French War premier
journeyed to Oyster Bay, L. I., and placed a wreath beside
those left by lesser pilgrims.
Wife of Murdered Portland
Man Still Missing Be
lieved Implicated
LOS ANGELES. 'Nov. 27.
Every effort was being made to
night by investigation officers to
locate the young woman regis
tered at one of the leadfng hotels
as the wife of V. E. Boge of Port
land, Or., who died of poisoning
shortly after a luncheon for two
had been eaten in their room.
Registered at Hotel
Papers and cards found on the
body indicated that the dead man
was from Hillaboro, ,Or., and
known also as Voden E. Boge and
V. Elwynne Boge.
BoRei registered at the hotel
for himself and wife about 10
o'clock this morning. He had no
baggage. Asked by the clerk
where his wife was, Boge replied j
that she would arrive later In the i
day with their baggage. So far
as known no one at the hotel
ever saw her.
Death Swift
About 1 o'clock Boge telephoned
for luncheon for two to be served
in the room. The waiter who de
livered" the tray did not see a
woman in the room. Less than
an hour later Boge ran from the
room, crying that ho had been
poisoned. He was carried back
to the room by a hall man and
other guests, but he died before
medical assistance arrived. The
hall men and guests said there
was no one in the room when
they entered with Boge. !
Was Student
On the serving table were the
remains of two luncheons. The
contents of one coffee cup had
been almost entirely consumed.
In it dregs were found traces of
a poisonous substance. The other
cup was only half empty. Two
sets of dishes and two sets of
silverware had been used.
Boge was a member of the Am
erican Legion post No. 6 of Hills
boro, according; to cards found
in his possession. Other papers
indicated that he attended a pri
vate industrial school in Portland
last August. In a motor vehicle
operators' license his occupation
was given as a student.
VANCOUVER. B.C., Nov. 21.
By a decision here today of
Justice Murphy the Granby. Con
solidated Mining Co.; Ltd., must
keep its register of sharesholders
in British Columbia and not in
New York.
1 v I,
Will Fight Action to Set
Aside Divorce Would
Live With Professor
27. (By The Associated Press)
Mrs. Blanche Hawn-Ilash-Brimmer-Tiernan,
here to estab
lish the fact that she had a
legal right .to become Mrs. John
P. Tiernan at Crown Point, Ind.,
Saturday, expects the South Bend
rrofessor to be here Wednesday
morning, she announced tonight.
"I had a long distance call
from Mr. Tiernan this after
noon" Mrs. Brimmer-Tiernan in
formed the Associated Press cor.
respondent. "He told me he
would be hre Wednesday morn
ing. "Will Fight Action
"I am Tiernan's wife and I
am going to live with him." she
declared. "There is no personal
enmity between Mr. Tiernan and
myself. He can't go back to his
first wife under the Indiana law
and I am going to fight any
action to set aside the divorce
if such action has been, taken."
Mrs. Brimmer-Tiernan said she
did not believe the reports that
Professor Tiernan and his first
wifp have settled their differ
ences and agreed to live together
She sa''d she planned to stay
in Iowa unt'l "this thing is set
tled." adding that she might re
main hre or go with her moth
er. Mrs. Charles H. Hawn to
Kansell and return here to meet
Mr. Tiernan Wednesday.
Professor Tiernan's second
wife, who was in seclusion most
of the day. said she was getting
t'red of 'being pestered by re
porters. County Attorney Hoover, who
actod as Mrs. Brimmer's attorney
in obtaining a divorce from Ar
thur H. Brimmer, says that her
status in Iowa' is legal. He said.
however, that he does not con
sider that Mrs. Brimmer-Tier
nan's status under the Iowa law
ha3 any bearing on th case as
her latest marriage was perform
ed in Indiana.
CAYENNE, French Guiana,
Nov. 26. (By The Associated
Fress Lieutenant Walter Hin
ten, the aviator arrived here at
six o'clock tonight in his flight
from New York to Rio Janeiro
He left Paramaribo at 9:10 a
m. making the intervening 250
miles In aegut nine hours,
O : "r:M
States Reports Are All With
out Foundation and Mis
interpretations by Press
Are Many.
Purpose to Discuss Progres
sive Legislation and...
Cooperation '
ator LaFollette, Republican, Wis-;
consin, declared In a statement
tonight that reports emanating
from Phoenix, Arts., concerning
a telephone conversation y with. "
Governor Hunt were "absolutely
without foundation in tt" anil
"misleading in every detail." II
made no mention of a "third
political party" In his conversa
tion with the governor, Mr, La
Folette said. v
The statement follows.
"My attention has been called
to a dispatch of this data in which
I am quoted as having stated in
a telephone conversation with
Governor Hunt of Arixena that
'the people had spoken twice ot
the majority parties and It they
had to speak again U would ho
to welcome a third party, v
"This alleged interview-' la .
which I war misquoted directly
Is absolutely' without foundation
In fact and Is misleading In every
"1 told Governor Hunt' what I
had said in every Interview given
to the press and in the letters of
invitation which had been sent out
over my signature and which I
hare reiterated la alt personal lo ;
terrtewa, namely, that the confer
ence on Friday and Saturday of
thin week will be absolutely noh-
politlcal.and bi-partisan In character-
I emDhlBlztMl tn him th-f
these conferences had been callod
for the single purpose of discuss
ing progressive legislation and
promoting cooperation among the ,
progressives In congress to the en
that the recent legislative victories
won in both parties might b
translated into effective lertsla
tion. 't :" .. :.
Misinterpreted Twice
"I am confirmed 'that this af
-0 v. wtiu UVf CI nor
Hunt is either spurious . or gar
bled. .This is the second instance
of gross misrepresentation of facts
related to the progressive confer
ence. A dlsDatch was nnbHahixf
soon after the conferenrn -
called in which Senator-Elect Dill
(of Washington) was Quoted as
expressing sentiments unfavorable
to the conference. Senator-Elect
Dill later' publicly dented' this
statement and has written a letter
and explained his whole hearted
approval of the conferences..;
Drunkenness at Armv-Navv
Clash Scathingly Con
demned by Denby .
WASH INQTON. Nov. 2 7 Mld
shipmen from the naval academy
who celebrated over-indulgently
after the annual Army-Navy foot
ball game Saturday we re held up
to nubile acorn todav bv Secrtfarv
- w .
Denby in one of the most stinging
rebukes ever administered by a
secretary of the navy." ' . :
Many members of the corps, Mr.
Denby declared in a public state
ment, not only disgraced them
selves and the uniform but py
their conduct at a ball which fol
lowed the game in Philadelphia,
brought shame on the academy
itself as it had never known be
fore- V :. s
The secretary said he did . not
know many ot the midshipmen
drank heavily, and was convinced
that the great majority conducted
themselves with' propriety. - But,
he added, enough of them had
failed in their duty "to bring
shame upon alL", He announced
that an investigation would be be
gun at once,, and that steps would
be taken to insure that "such an
ocurrence will never be repeated."
EVERETT. Wash, Nov. 27.
James JL Marshall of Stanwood
years for killing his wile while