The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Autos, .Society, Gabs, General Utcl
and Classified
I 1
'if f,
Y' World
ih.f ; tiOl
! . . .
Record For Produc
tion is Announced by
Maxwell company
?n .
. DETROIT Mich., Not. 1.8 Max
well Motor corporation's closed
ear production, which has shown
; ijtaady gains throughout the year,
i, kas now reached a point higher
- than ever before in thVhlstory of
the company, and the unusually
-large buying i demand is forcing
the Maxwell factories to work day
and night. '' There are also sub
1 ffantial Indications that erea the
present high mark may be exceed
ed within the next few months.
" ':'('.' Strong PoolUon Held
For the past year Maxwell
, closed models' have held an 'ex
ceptionally strong position la a
market ruled by Intense competi-i
V tlon. Sereral times it was found
. aecessary. to increase production
materially in the company's large
body plants in Dayton, Ohio. And
recently additions were made in
. the Dayton nrnnortloa whirls ' nor.
'mltted the Maxwell organization
to shoot at a manufacturing sched
v.ule that would more closely con
form to the steady and Insistent
; buying demand.. The present high
i Closed car output is the direct re-
milt of the greatly expanded re
1 sources for fine close car manu-
future, it is pointed out by Ar
thur E. Barker,. vice-president of
, the company, but even with this
tremendous schedule it has been
found necessary, to make further
Increases, and in the. past week
the: Maxwell ' factories have been
m operation nignts as well - as
days. There Is every "evidence
that Jhis condition jHU continue.
Ftans Are Ambitious '
- "Our - la creased facilities for
building closed cars, have made
possible the attainment ot what
Is believed to' be the highest pro
pbrtlduate closed car production
ever record d for a car of or above
the Maxwell price," said Mr. Bar
ker. "And our plana for the next
few months call for even more
remarkable closed car manufactur
ing developments in ouf fac
tories. .' -'
"The Maxwell i club; coupe, a
two-passenger enclosed Vehicle
that has, found instant favor in
the leas than. 1 1000 class; is be
lng turned out . in . Increasing
quantities each day. As soon as
s i we are able to realize our prOduc-
uon requirements in UUs model, I
Teel certain that. our closed cars
i ,s will represent an even greater pro
portion of our total schedule.
; Public Response Great
' I "The publle response to this
Shield hasj "been so wonderful
r that w are already warning deal
ers and motor, car users to place
. orders well in- advance.
,ir t was also stated that all club
coupes that could possibly e Jmiit
4J in the; first two months" of, Its
manufacture we're old;".ln les
than one week after thenar was
. aanounced. ."
Many who have traveled on the
great , trans-Atlantic steamahiDa
will' appreciate certain compari
sons which an enterprising ohserr-
er has figured out, regarding their
enormous size. For example, the
space inside the Majestic, the larg
est of these vessels, ia the equiva
lent of 4Q0 detached suburban
residences of eight rooms apiece.
while her single tonnage more
than equals the combined tonnage
ofthe entire fleet of the Spanish
Armada, which was atself more
than double the combined tonnage
of the British fleet which sailed
against that invincible array. Will
the time ever come when vessels
of the size of the Majestic will be
Bonsidered almost insignificant, as
are today the mighty galleons o
Queen Elizabeth's time? Chris
tian Science Monitor.
New York Branch Gets Sev
eral Carloads to Satis
fy Growing Demand
Pxince of Wales Brings i
r .Cabaret Back to London j
Ijondon, Nov. IS. The pc-pu- j
lajrity of tho vaSaret and the eve- j
nint; dances in Li.TirieVs fashion- I
a'.le West Kil rst aura lit.? Is re-:
j ii i ii iitf.: , lit!
iwrns to ho in no ?mall measure
dne to the Prince of Wales and
his brothers.
Immediately aftef his return
from the Far East, the Prince ap- The Ilendeo Manufacturing com
peared at svrral well known res- I'pnny announces a new super-pow-.aurants
for the late supper and eivl model, the Indian Big Chief,
dance, accompanied generally by ! of 7 4 cubia inches piston dls
the Iuek of York or Prince Henry , nincement. The original Indran
and.a party of friends. Also since ( Cnief of 61 cubic inches brought
the return of the Prince from , out in 1921 made a decided hit
yith the motorcycle trade both
in the domestic and export field,
but there seemed to be a demand
from those interested in the trade
For a machine for side car use
with greater power and speed, but
embodying the same engineering
principles of the original Chief,
and this new model, a heavy duty
plugger, is the result.
The Big Chief 74 has been uu
dergoinlng development for a year
and over 50 of these machines
t- rea.-.n rnerefor. I tic! i Lt ii Motorcycle ConiDanv
Announces New Machine
For 1923 Trade
Klan Takes Credit for
Defeating Mr. Olcott
The Ku Klux Klan, through
L. I. Powell of Portland, king
kleagle of the Oregon domain'
of the invlnsible empire, takes
full credit for defeating Gover
nor Olcott and electing Walter
M. Pierce on November 7.
"Your condemnation of a
truly 100 per cent American
organization, composed of many,
many thousands of Oregon's best
citizens in every walk of life is
the direct- result of your sad de
feat politically," says a letter
Powell writes to' the governor,
gloating over the defeat of the
"As a York and Scottish Rite
Mason the writer sincerely hopes
that you will seriously endeavor
in the future not to condemn
without first carefully investi
It is seldom that any automo
bile company sends automobiles
by express, and it's the first time
In two years that the Oakland
company has sent cars this way.
Their models are being shipped
to New York by express because
the first orders were received from
the New York territory where the
cars were shown for the first time
at the New York Closed Car show.
The first two models built were
shown at the New York show,
Sept. 23 to 28; at the Montreal
show Oct. 1-7: Pittsburgh, Oct.
14-21, and Washington, 21-28.
being shipped from city to city by
W. R. Tracy, assistant sale3
manager, . states that the new
closed models are now in full pro
duction and will be shipped on
regular schedule starting next
week. Both these models of the
1923 Oakland line are entirely
new an dhave Fisher-built bodies.
.... Senator, Stanley is campaigning
through the middle .west, and -one
of his favorite expressions is that
''a growing wave of socialization
is infesting all the governments
of the world." It must be some
Bight for a "wave" to "infest"
anything. Watson, call Mrs. Mal
aprop. But O. Owsley Stanley is
fropi Kentucky, and there are not
so: many-red schbolhonses on the
219. State St.
Cor. Front St. Phone 937
To satisfy the demand for the
1923 Oakland Sedan and fivn-pi?-eenger
coupe in the New York
territory, the Oakland Motor Car
company of Pont lac, Micii.,
shipped several carloads of their
models by express this week to
t Vi a Vpw Vnrlr Kraneh fnr rllatritin-
tion to consumers and Oakland i Scot,and he has heen.seen at sev-
have been plugging good, bad and
indifferent roadj In ail sections
of the country since early sum
mer. These were factory pro
duction machines, regular stork
models and not specially con
structed experimental models.
The company is greatly pleased at
the uniformly good reorta from,
dealers and riders which are tim
ing in every day on the splendid
performances of this new addi
tion to the Indian family. The
Indian Big Chief Pells for $34 ,
f. o. b.
Judge Campbell Assigned
to Try Case at Moro
Judge J. U. Campbell of the
circuit court for Clackamas
county has been assigned by
Chief Justice Ceorpe II. Burnett
of the supreme court to conduct
the trial of the case of the state
avainst Walter Uivens at Moro.
Sherman county. Uivens was
indicted on a charne of embez
zling ever 112.000 and affidavit
of trJudlewer tld 'r al
attorneys against Judge .DavKt
Parker of the circuit coart at
Moro: : V ' f
d Rim Parta rot an Can
FTee Expert A vie
ISO Sooth High Street
eral of thes.-? dances, and so have
his two brothers.
The Royal visitors applau 1
heartily the entertainment and
music, but only occaslonalyy taHe
part in the dancing. The mere
fact that they are present, how
ever, is enough for the West
Ender. and the places are crowd
ed nightly in the hopes that some
member of the royal family will
be present.
The men of the M. E. church
congregation will hold a frolir;
next Saturday afternoon at the
church for the purpose of putting
the graveyard In order. All are
invited. Hackettstown, X. J.)
The "wets" in this country will
probably overlook' Ahe . statement
that when the people of Cuba
wanted a peaceful election they
suppressed the use and, sale of
Intoxicants. -What-blow that
was to "personal liberty." Ex-
For The Kiddies
Who are too small to ride one of our Dayton or Co
lumbia bicycles. We have -provided a line of Kiddie
Kars, Coaster Wagons and velocipedes that is second to
Bring the sparkle to the eyes and the roses to the
cheeks of the children with one of these health produc
ing toys.
37 JCourt Street
Phone 1687
HdarJ I the Classified !Ads.
-'."Aw .'
AUtO tops
256 State St
' 80x3V& Maxi Mile Cord
S0x3V4 Heavy Duty Cord .........
ua vuru .... ... -..
33x4 Cord
34x4 1...
; 32x4V& ...
...J. ..$255
, .132.40
i S3x4U ..:..-.: .
34x4 ....iwl. U-
These tires are fully guaranteed by factory with oar
. persona 1 service back of then?.',.
As tire prices are on the iricline-ft would be wise v
to take care of your' Tire Needs now.
;: Vulcanizing and Retreading
Federal Tire Service
I 4 none 4 ix j , wutu wuuvvu.a .
I , Katty corner from, Marion Hotel
iw Biirrsr. Aatonatic
MadaUctd wtpr.
At its newlow'price of$1275the Studebaker Special - Six Tour
ing Car maintains Studebakerideals of quality and performance,
with added features that make it even a greater value than before.
It is known for its striking beauty just as it is for its thor
ough dependability. Luxurious comfort is assured by the nine
inch seat cushions of genuine leather and the long semi-elliptic
springs, front and rear.
' Power, flexibility and. ease of handling are combined to
make the Special-Six the most highly regarded five-passenger
car on the market. "
By manufacturing complete motors, transmissions, bodies,
tops, castings, forgings and stampings, middlemen's profits on
such items are eliminated and one profit only is included in
Studebaker prices. Highest standards of workmanship are
maintained and materials are the finest the market affords.
In the Special-Six Touring Car you will find such value and
satisfaction as only Studebaker can offer.
The name Studebaker is your assurance of satisfaction.
? StsVt-Aor dock. TbitJ-
I lack. Tool
t ia heft front
11 tdednor
. - MOUKLS AND PRICKS f. o. b. Salem
S-Pm.,ttrW.B. 5-Puka.,lir W.B. 7-Paaa., 136' W. B.
40H.F. SOH.P. OH. P.
Tonrinjt $1190 Tonrirs f 1325 Touring 3200
Raadttr Rod1ef Suwdt"?
S-Pm 1190 2-P.) ... 1495 " (4-Pus.) ...2130
- Roadste.' Coope(l Hss 2780
CoupRodstr (I Pisi.) ...1524 Conpe (5-Pj) 2935
U-Pis.) ... 140 Conpe (4 Pss) 2195 Sedun 2850
Sedan 1795 .Sedan 2375 Sedan (Spl.) 3155
Non-Skid Cord Tint, Float ad IZar, Standard Equipment
235 S. Commercial St. Open Day and Night
Tires at price. that are right.
Alemite Greasing and Oiling Service.
Wc give your car our personal attention.
219 N. Coml.
Phone 28
Dodge Brothers
Many who could well afford more, expensive cars,
are showing a marked preference for Dodge
Brothers Sedan. '
They find it easy to drive, economical to run,
and comparable in beauty and elegance with cars
much higher in price. '
In the vast amplitude of Dodge Brothers closed
body plant, this sedan is constructed with all the
studious precision that marks the work of the
finest custom builders. '
Eighteen days are devoted alone to the . 1 5 rub
bing and varnishing operations which are respon- Vi
sible for the unusual brilliancy of its lustre.
Months of seasoning precede the use of the fine,
critically selected ash which gives the body its
rugged firmness.
The interior fittings, too, are chosen with thought
fulness and rare good taste. The upholstery is
covered with genuine mohair velvet of a singu
larly rich and beautiful pattern. Thereat are
roomy and luxurious. .
Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) harmonize in
a most effective way with the new grace and
smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently
brought to the lines of the body.
The price is $1655 delivered
Bonesteele Motor Co.
Ford Prices Greatly Reduced
Read the Salem Prices Then Act
Chassis Complete $420.32 Touring Comp. ...
Roadster Complete $462.56 Coupe, comp .
Track Chassis, comp $471.52 Sedan, comp.
Tractor ......$484.60
Each Model Willi AU the Latest Improvements
. $635.20