-1 - ARMY C-2 FLYING J V ' . ,. .. - - ' ' . ;'- :"W ,.V . ' J.:':' . B 1 The TJ. 8. army dirigible C-2 in her flight tronv Langl--- Field; Va to Bom Field. Arcadia, Cal., naklng atop at Atom. OMe:' Fort 1 kuu una.: Broomeia. Ban Antonio and D Paso. Tex. and Ynma. Arts. , ThU above the C-2 in her flight across the Western plains ta the first fusmpc or a cingiwe to make a cross eovntrr flight. w N ati ve Riflemen Unable to Closa'One Eye Without -:t Closing the Other WIN IT : TPORT AUs PRINCE? Not. 19 Tn - preparation for the first na tional rifle-match to be heldiir v. Haiti, - this' 'American- officers of the Haitian gendarmerie are En grossed in teaching' their native . riflemen ; tow ; to r wlnk; When rifle , practice was taken njt In earnest for., the first tlm( this ; S&fkfaoftt ':iti$: nat-Jre ! (troops. their Instructors Immediately were confronted. with the 'practically unireml failure o( the gendarmes to close their left eye when sight ing along thajspringfleld barrels. Experlnients Jgliowed Jtl?t ;they . .were unable to close' one eye with-' out closing the otherr pr to open one ye without 6peaing the oth- - er ' At first tna. expedient of put ting a patch over the left eye,, or " tying a handkerchief across it, had to be 'resorted to. Ai' this did not prove satisfactory. Gene ral Douglas fC. MacDougal, chief o tbe gendarmerie,4; had a. shot of .national reputation In the United States, lnstrocted his Offi- . cert to teach .the gendarmes the" principles otwinking, . . :-- f Gold Watch Offered . v ' At , the f . recent departmental shoots; held to select elght-mah teams for the national match,; the scores made by tte leading genf darmes would haVe compared very' creditably with that of . the morfj darmes are . absorbed . In. their newly found skill, and the spirit of rivalry is 'a ke - that Presi dent Borno has .offered to the best Individual shot a gold watch and aa autographed; letter of commen dation. With that championship will'go tie unwritten title of the most expert winker In a country where' wtnkiny has been a ''lost art nntil the last few weekj. " "Case Mot Held Guilty by Jury 6n Cruelty Charge - , - ; George WC Cose, charged -frith craelty s to an animal,' was ' ac qulted by Jury tn the. Justice court yesterday, after less than ten mjqtttes of deliberation. v Case ,wa accused pt : leading a cow , from his automobile until if be- rEat Leas Meat,' Also Tak Glass of Salts Before Breakfast ' r OccmIomIIt Too much meat may form uric acid, which excites the kidneys; they become " overworked; get sluggish, ache. and feel like Jump? ,ot 1 :; lead. v , The : urine', becomes cloudy;) the bladder is Irritated, and: yon may be obliged to seek relief two ar three times, during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste' r, you'll he si real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery. In the kid tey region; you ,' suffer . from backache, sick - headache, dizzi ness, stomach gets ' sour, 'tongue coated 'and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather Is bad- Drink lots of .water; also; get from any pharmacist four ounces ' of : Jad Salts; take a tablespoon- fur in ; a" glass of water bet ore breakfast for a-iew days and " yenr, kidneys mijr then . act fine This famous salts is made from the acid of graphs and lemon nice, - combined - with lithia. and bas.been.nsfd tor generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimu late-them to normal activity.' alio to belp neutralize the - acids in urine, so it no longer is a source or lritation, thus often ending bladder weakness. ' ' ; Jad Salts' Is laexpenslve, can- xnot injure; makes a delightful : euervesceni nth, water drinlt which everyone should take now and then to help keep the kid neys clean and active. Druggists here sa they i sell U lota of Jad feaits to .'oiks who believe tn cor reeling kidney trouble while i it IS II THE OREGON STATESMAN; ACROSS COUNTRY, r came exhausted and then drag ging It Into a ditch. Case contended that the . cow. which belonged to James Felers was trampling on his eloVer and that he was taking It home when It became stubborn and refused to go further. Tie stated that he left the cow In a ditch temporarily to teek necessary help and that while he was gtne the cow was discovered by the owner. The, evi dence was not held sufficient to convict the defendant of craelty. Wrap Well, Mail? Early Is Posjlaf Admonition WASHINGTON. Nov. 16". "Wrap well mail early!" This noW familiar Christmas slogan of the postoffice department already has started across. Expecting an extra heaVy Christmas . business" this season, department "of ficiala are warning' postmasters to : lay their plans early. .1? " v J9a : well has the postoffice ' ser vice been organized of Jate years tlat no new methods' wilt be fifed this rear; Postmasters' whose 'patronage-Ms so large thit great ly augmented working staffs are needed, have -been directed4 td give-, first ' preference"' In employ ment to men with families, and those long out ol a Job. . .Christmas always costs' Uncle Sam beUeen f 6ur and fife nrii Hon dollars for extra clerks, car rfersV trahsportatlda facilities and renting of 0ttr;; qdartctrst'5' Bradstreet Report Says ' - Building Snows increase KEW Y01&C Not! 16.4-Bttlld- Ing operations show increased' ac tivity for thfs season of the year, according to .rBadstreets'a" report, Issued today and -based on retarns from .181 cities.- - For October, .building '.Expenditures totalled $ 2 0 4,2 6 0,1 S 4 as . against $ 1 9 7 62,'498 in September, 1922. knd 15 5.5S 6.555; fo Dctober,-192 . -' uniy two groups of cities,- west ern and southern, phew a decrease in building- operations in October, 1922, sis compared .with tho pre ceding month. All groups, bow ever, show an increase. In October, this year over building expendi tures in October, 1921 .- Pope PfuCondemned for Stand ln MacSwmey Case ASHINGTOC Nov itZj r , r men?, presioem; oi law .Am erican Association for the recog nitlon of the Irish Kefublic, sent a cable message to Pope, Piuel. at Rome tohlghtni: reference to Miss Mary MacSwiney, .who1 Is 4 prison er of the Irish. Wee State and on a hunger' strike 4n h Dublin pris on. . The message said:' ' "Liberty, loving people through out the world view with conster nation and horror your permitting Irish clergy to refuse- sacrament to Mary MacSwrney, thus outlaw ing to the whole world means of moral force and' leaVong no alter nativq except dependence solely on physical ' force ; Fishermen's Paradise Is Destroyed by Fire WASHINGTON. Nov, 16. An glers, guide and sportsmen gen erally, who are interested In con serration of the country's Inland game fish. supply are warned by the bureau of fisheries to take es pecial pains to prevent forest fires as these have been responsible for widespread destruction of fish. Streams that once teemed with trout now have not a single fish as the result of a forst fire, bu reau officials say. . They - believe their destruction resulted from the increased alkalinity or the watej, due to the leaching out of the ash left by the fire. - f Live Fish. Transported Over Long Distances TOKIO, Nov. 19.A method of transporting live fish ; long dis tances has been discovered by Dr. Chtyomatai' lshika wa, . jprofessor of the Tokio Imperial university. by infusing a quantity of oxygen in the water of boxes df ubly lined with sine in order to prevent any leakage. The method proved suc cessful and will be again tried with "ayn.r a kind of trout which H hitherto has been believed lm possible to transport alive. It is very important for the Japanese people to' obtain 'i fresh fish, one of the national dishes being raw SALEM, 6&EG0N. 1 . " " ! ...... t - AND TO BE Desoiate Stretch in Indian Ocean to Be Explored by French PARIS. Nov. 19. Kergnelon Land, or Desolation Island, In the Indian ocean half way between South Africa and) 'Australia, is soon to have one of its infrequent visits from the white men. Trip Opposed A, French expedition now is be Inr organized for a six month3 stay, bent on making the bigge possible killing of sea elephants and sea leopards, two types of large seals found In those waters. Opposition to the trip has de veloped among humanitarians and scientists, for the sea elephant In particular faces extinction. The last expedition In 1908 killed 2, 249 sea elephants in ten days' work, and brought back 1 50. tons, ol valuable oil. French Flag Foand Kerguelen Land has a cprjous history. Captain Cook, the Brit ish navigator, while , cruising In the Antarctic sea-suddenly came upon this dreary island, covered with moss and unproductive, al though long thought fo b under laid with coal beds. He landed and was 'about to take possession if It tn the name Of his king when he found a French .flag flying, raised byt Da KergueW shortly, before, probably about 1772. , The, British' sailor swallowed his disV appointment and in his log-book, recorded only that hie had landed on "Desolation Island," Ignoring the Frenchman's visit, " Island Identified" ' Tears-later an inquiry reached the French vtaval offices asking for information about the island or, Kerguelen. vThe naval depart ment searched Its records, high and low, but found nothing. The question was referred to the Brit- isn admiralty. wljn a request for an answer; which came in a" few days. The island was identified by the British as the one regis tered onFrench charts , as .Deso lation; island.'; . , American whalers visited the is land early in thC8th century for old blubbers stations with cauld ron's marked "New London" were' found' there in 1825 ShoDkeeDeY'5 Blamed "for-Allowing Students ;V . 'Too Much -Credit ' K-r r fj$t'htor,' 1 &--Mnch criti slsm -has been directed againsfc the faculties of Cambridge and Jxford, xas being responsible for the extravagant life led hv mm f ihe undergraduates of the vnt rersities. The subject ' sained wide-jpubllclty recently when a student committed " suicide - be Sanse of financial difficulties. Oxford ytiiyerslty, ixi his addrws ai toe opening or tne rail semesr ter,r.s.ald .he had to admit tbatj 1 compiaiptstCl occasionally - loqgQ VISITED AGAIN . ; ft Wffl Be "Ait nnnit Tomorrow When You kead Our BIG PAGp AD BATTLESHIP IOWX UNDER RADIO CONTROtJA 1 jKSrTTK-'. .. -to, . STT. i. , - ff , - - - N - - ... . . j 4! r . -a . The old United States warship i v- ... -;:'i "hi ;t.':.V in when, guided by wireless from a destroyer, she wUl become the target jf the Atlantic and Pacific fleets at the Pacific- entrance of the canal during the ioint maneuvers scheduled for February 19-Marcn S0. C against' undergraduates of extrav agant' living, were not altogether without,' foundation. He. blamed the local shopkeepers for giving students credit, and - urged ' that students be limited in the amount of money allowed them. Dr. Farnell pointed, out that Miff r'VffHif Protect Your Home From Cold ; Old King Winter may lay his icy hands on the out- ' tide of your borne but hell never get inside the bouse if you have a Sunbeam Furnace there to protect it, j The Sunbeam" ccverts the cold blasts of winter into a gentle circulate of , healthfully wanned air. No tnatter.what the Weather may be outside, it will aiaintaiathe desired temperature in every room in the house with a sxirprisingy small consumption of fueL Come in and let us shWyou why. There's still NELSON 355 CrieifleKeU no .... ' .v 3 Take our tip and 1 WabcftfoF it n ft ... :0 IMF. Is thus shown as she will appear the days of "Pendenais," . wh.en undergraduates were allowed to have parties in their rooms1 aid to be without restrictions &6.mo school hours, had gradually -come to an end, and he said that now adays cases of drinking . among students were almost unkaown. :.'.,iV...l..i....-y BROS. Phone 1906; ujusw-a ' 'inrr -., v. ill h Hr . r T't-i fsV: - J 1 '' '''-:"Sf:- v m II FRIDAY, MORNING NOVEMBER -I7.:l922 j Leeal Representative De- x; dares Combining for Ef- ficiency All not WICHITA, Kas.. Nov. 16. Op position of the national grange A to the proposed merger oi me Armour and.Merris Packing corn Denies was voiced here tonight by T. C. Atkeson, Washington, D. C, legal ' representative of the Na tional Grange and member of the executive committee. . "Our general attitude through out the history of the grange has been one of opposition to monop oly in anv form. We believe that a there is an increase in- monop oly, there must be a likewise in crease In , government control or ownership. f"or the more" the peo ple give up protective competition the more they, are glring up their only means of protection. Mr. Atkeson said: "Merging ror greater efficiency and to give the common people better prices is all rot," he declared. Mr. Atkeson made his report before the session of the work done'during the past year by the national office in Washington. He felt that the interests of , agricul ture had received much consider ation and that the farmers had been fortunate In the matter or the tariff. A tickless clock Is the latest in vention. But who wants a tick less clock? What a friend the kicking clock is in a still night. It is as if there was sbrne one else In the, room. Exchange. SERVICE A ST & MERGER oPhonbC.O.D. Orders 186-198 . & r Our regular "every day f prices kwill fsstye ymjffif Peotfie fdr miles around ire taking prices and' many pays them well tor the long distance Vim Flour. . . . :$1.85 Cipwn Flour ;v. $1.S5 , MILK Dari Gold, MM, 10c per can; ICt pans . T. . . .95c Carfiorij Alpine, Bor- derfsf llc per can, 7 .cans . , ......75c -SHORTENING ' m.. 8 lbs: Snowdrift . . . 4 lbs.- Snowdrift .... .74 3 lbs. Crisco .... . .67 6 lbs. Crisco . . . $129 9 lbs. Crisco . . . . . . . .J.87 7f hs always been the policy of the BusickiStdres to give i;he customers the best prices po6ei jf .;iWany 'manufacturers special advet- , thing allowances. ?''Mayslor(ss; do noiipass these specials on to Xheif customer;. The following items are specials forriSay and Saturday. : r t Creme Oil Soap, 3 for .15 Palm 6ir?e, 3 ar ...20 Fell Naplha, 10 for.65 Crystal White Soap 6 fcr .25 EVENTUALLY 1 II I ' " II Wl M - La3ies';New Skirts ' -Just Received - .3 I i " I ?f, it --J ; ' bs M "' T'v -X'. ' Time was when the separate skirt wis more or less a makeshift in the wardrobe, but no longer so, and the Visa of today must have at wardrobe is complete. 1 . . , New Wool Plaids and Prunella Stripes are all the gtx Two Qaa&ies-Specially Priced $3.98 and $6.75 GALE Commercial oi our customers teff''mg: Our Regular Everyday Prices 1 Campbell's Tomato ' Soap, 3 for ....... 5 JelM), 3 for . ........27 Calumet Baking Pow der .... .. .. .. .26 Clean Easy, 6 for ...1.25 BUSIGK'S I11 I least two smart skirts if her . arid Court St. ft? I DEPENDABLE they have to CANNED GOODS Fancy Maryland Sweet Corn, 7 can lie; :6 . cans . . 60c Golden Bantam, . . , . ,256 2for.. :;.7c Crosby Corn ,18c, 2 for J3 ITtahFhcyRipe'Red To maioeSjNo. 2 l-2can&al Fancy Cut String Beans 2 cans (tot . 25c Keliogg'sCorh FlalzasJOc '3 ftellogs Corh Flikes ... .. 25c Po&foastietf!i.l0c 3 Post Toastiei. . .25c PL Wesson's Oil .....25 Qt Wesson's 03 .....46 y2 gaL Wesson's 00 .89 1 gaL Amber Karo .....55 2 pkg. ' Argo Corn- , Starch .... 15 . 1 1 - t ir.'.' 1