FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1922 f 4. tjljc Oregon Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVKKTUIMXHTa aBTenJ; . . . ward - Far taeartioa Skree iesartioaa , e wk iU iuwtiMi). 60 8 . ,20e fes moatba' contract. Mr ma. lie bmUi' watrut, par me. ,3s a wr u; aaverusem t lis NORWICH UNION ; ' FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. IL Burgbardt, Jr. . ; j- Resident Agent 371 State BC MONEY TO LOAN v ' . On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over Lad d ft Rush Bank) I NEW TODAY ' WILL PAY CASH FOB WINTERING I bora. I.eeve phone Ka. at Area HoteJ Drior iu ttataraay. - MONEV TO LOAN ON T ARM 92500, Int. 7 pr feot. Berko tt Jiendrirk, TERMS 6-KOOM 1 BUN6ALOW, MOD era exrept baaeraeDt. farniahed: S2500. , 5(M) rash. - Beck HcnJrlcki, 203 1 UVB TX THE COUNTRY AND ECON. uw acra, o-rvoia aouaa, far- . are. poultry roopt; on Pacific Uiglfe way, cia in. AiUbt ia aold today. sornioiRcy, oi Biata St. FOP. RENT SICELY FURNISHED apartment, outaida entrancar 555 Martoa. H.. ., TRY CHAPMAN'S JONATHAN APPLES. .No worm, no anato. Twia Oak rami, phore 17-K2. PRUNES ARE GOISO'UP. IT WILL pa, you to bold on to them. In the meantime earry a little inatiranra on . them with th McMinnTilla Co. Low rates. Htandley ' -Foley, Agents. WANTED WORK BY AN EJJERLY aisn. -an experienced poultrymsn, dsirjrman; ejn do air kinds of lifht farm work. 'A'bomo for tho winter. AddreM " Poultry aian." ea Htatesaiaa. BARRKD ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE, t. months old. East "D! St. J-4 , aula from town. ft. A. Bounty. FOR RENT FURNISHED SIAEPING room.. 838 Cantr Si. . FOCKU TWO KEYS ON LEATHER itrtBkr. Owuer may procura them at thit offic. . . 'i LOST-ON COURT ST. GOLD NECK- lara. Leavo al, 98 Coo rt. Reward. HAND PICKED .APPLES. , flPITZEN- v "rf, Roma Beauty, Wiretap. Three - "noxea for 2. fiva for t. t n for Sfi. -. Dehverad. Wark. K. Richardson, 230$ ' a. rroat. raona a. i 15 4 MILES SALEM.. HALF MILE fine macadam ta pavemant , Silvertoai way 1-a. ealtiTatod. bal. second arowth fir; sprinjs, ranniaf water; fin soil, 92500; tarma. Harris C24 N. CapitoL , ' 1V42 J. - ' FRUITLAND KUASERY HAS A. SALES yard at Cherry City Feed Barn, 544 Ferry Street. ..Tract ready for plant- Iniv See. me; before' baying. '.,Phon USED FORDS AT PRICES YOU CAN afford, , j- Fords from 9UO Bp.- Phone 861 0.1p33'Rv f - . WILL TRADE IiATE MODEL AUTOMO- i bile' ea ft or room honson ' bolaae I monthly. A. L. -to Stateaaian, . . JVANTElK-FURSISIIED OR.' TJSITR- . aishad apartment, by young married " eeupio. ' No akiedraa. ; A. W. JL, o 1 , t Statesman., r V - v - - ; Janitor Wanted FOP. TEMPORARY. JOB MUST BE I willint; ta work.?; Apply T. -M. A . 9:30 this morain;:. - . -4- EMPLOYMENT PEMALS : OOLOREI .WOMAN -WANTS j -DAY Work. Phohe 78S-J. , ; . ' . '' " MALE AMD IXKALB " ( J f I BJ I I - - , II WANTED 1 MW AND WOMEN TO taks farm paper sabaeriptieas. A rad L ra wo 1 tiua to the riant people. Addraea . tae ractne teemaeiaao, N " Salem, Ore. V - Bldg. ,' v-r- SALESMEJ " WANTED "i - ' SALESMEN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR- fi , tanity., Hustlers' earnings big. - Write McCleery Ctlendar Faeaaryi Waahlng- . . tan. Iowa,- -' -FOR SALE 'piAiroa USED CniCKERING GRAND, IM GOOD Ik spa. Will give saaaa aerate. v H. L. -Stiff FuruiUre Pay; y IOE MAt.K GOOD USED MAHOGANY plese.lert aa a eelL Price 9300, lerme. H. L. Stiff Furaiture Go, Jf aia aWpataaaaA,i 1 -,.; - LlVa, -T OCX FOR 8 A LB OR EXCHANGE. FOR DIG team homes.. Federal 1 to traoa. aver- sited iwvodd. running order. Model 1915. .Phone 871. "i J.', TASM PAPER ?. IF TOIL - WANT TO GET. THE BEST farm paper. Bead 15a M the Pacific - Homes tead. Salem, Oregon, far three monUs' trial sobecriptioa. Meatioa 'this. ad. .;- . v POULTRW mo a Tin ot.n a. A.-WHITE LEG . bora bene. 91 teach. - . W. A. - Ford. Umatilla. Oregoa. - snm eDTuev aevn. V..'3trF TWO east iiMni for aaaeiat three anonth . trial for Iha beat fi eldest Journal 1 la tii. .hi The artiolea aad adver tisements are of BPaeial latarear ta the poaltrv breedera af 1 ha Nartkwaat. N art k vast Poaltrv Jaaraal.. Ill . Com ! martial straat. Salem. Oregwa. . v -;' wood f - ; WOOD FO SAL. --LAROB SECOND "' growth. . Wall lioi. BEST GRADE MILL W0OD--4r FOOT , and 16 ia4h. Prampl deHvevy. - lUaa enable prices Fred B WeUa, 105 . I lnl FMM IDtl. - 1 BIRDS AJTD DOGS ST AKDREASBURG ROLLERS ''THE canary with a college aaueatioa - woijr- i snteed. Former price n bd. e En..;.i n4e 810. ' Order aew. -E. R Flake. Birds. Flowers, aad Peta. S78 State Salem. Ore. - I ICSCELLAHXOTS mi tin fir.H wrWS PAPERS )f . eesu a. Traadle. Cirealatiaa daaar - ajant. Oregoa wataamaa. , FULLER BRTJSTIE3 ' IOCAL REPRR aentative. Primes. 1937J. . ' FOR SALE DANISH BALDHEAD CAB bage; pie pumpkin and netted Oem ' potatoes. Phone - 81-F13.-- " 'IHoqi iibUUUIUI Wljvn and elavea at bar Oreroa eoara. together 'IF rith a naa eaiieeiiaa '"TVr."- tenga. saersd eonge aad aaaay eio w-a fsveritaa ALL FOB tsa , r V Special prices ha auantity lata) - ai..i.iiw ul.ntahla tor aebaoL eaaaa ity ar hams aingiag. Bead tar - Vt The Western Songster , 79 aagea, aw ta Its third edlttem. Published by ' - OREGOIT TEACHERS MONTHLT 219 a OaauaareiatSl. - aTalaaa, Ore, FOR SALE sfiSCfcLLAJTEOTJa FOR lALE-r-OXE f 9 BT 14 KOTAL Kha-Rhae Wilton; rag; eaeelleat condi tion; phone 103. or MS 4 Court Apart- BlOtB. THE SMART SHADE ROCGE. "TAX- t ""rini 91 ine uraart, newest of tho new, at "The Flower in I ha Bot tle 'Perfume Shop, 115 XorthW.iberty Street., .v SUMMER LCOOAGa, SEDUCED WALL WT ramaaata. plaster waJlboard. v.' V)TalK etau- carpet. 81.85. Eadnr- Mfa -' graoa a ansa paint, Kaiee : i ! ' 0e aaaa, Cettsa matlrsse. iB 0 oleel springs 95.00. Mas P- S.iraa I7t H Oeeameeeial H EOR RENT. APARTMENTS I FURNISHED APARTMENTS AND GAR- age at 1132 Center .St. ' BURNISHED APARTMENT FOB RENT oat aorta uommereiaL IX4T FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT AT e4 K.rry street. 950 a monta. " 23. ar apply at Stateemaa bosiaesf offiea. PERSONAL CEX MARRIED BEST MATRIMTNIAI. pvuimnen. r reo lor lump Correspondent, ToicCo, Oliio. WANTED M3SCXXAjrBOtia WANTED 1 OR 2-TO TRUCK. 803 JV. Liberty 8t. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, ETC, raoae ait. WANTED LOGA.NBF.RRY TRANS plants. Phone 6F-21. J. P. Asp In wait. Route 2. Gervaia. WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR a 1 tare, tools. aiUeaUanaoaa artiolea. Phoeo 144S. - .. APARTMENT WANTED BY REV. THOS T. Bennett for Irrialative aeaaoa. Two mr three roome furnished for bonae- keeping. AddrtM E-02 eo Statesman, IF YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NUMBER one potatoea. we eaa handle them. W are alae baying small aise prunes. ai angia Bros., Baiem, uregon. WANTED EVERYTHING IM HARD- vara and farnitura. Beet prieee pmti. - ini vartTAu hakdwau Jk rUKXITITRR OO. 288 1C. OanuBercial St. Phaae 4T WANTED FURNITURE, T00L& MA eaiaery, stack, ate wui bay lor cask or 'sail-en eommiaatoa. Poena flL. Woodry. the aaetioaear. BUSINESS CARDS AOOTIOaTEKB AUCTIONEER J'. H. " WOODRT, , THE t)vestock, rnraitnre, real aetata aae .- tionaer. Pbona Sit far aale 1810 N 8n miner. COL. J. B. GABLE AUCTIONEER, farm and rit) sales. Phoae 1448. JbO 8. aiigh; O. BATTERLElfi AUCTIONEER. FARM aarf stock silos. Phooea Reeidaaee ltll-J; Office 1177. Salem. Oregoa. ACBTTL2NB. WELDIVO IRON. STEEL, BRA8S. ALUMINUM Bring the piaeea. . Oze-Hea Haatlag Oe S97 Canrt. - . beattt parlors t ROW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY rarior. iiw nana ueouaa rciai etrees Paeea 958. V f , .f ' . .AQt6; Direct6ft ATJTOMBILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GIMGRICP Meter oa. 871. Goart. BATTERY ARD DX0TRICIA1I 2 R. D. BARTON EXIDE 'BATTERIEr- atarter aad geaerator, wark. v 17 1 Oommercial. -. , . v. PRESTO. LITE BATTERY 8ERVIO atattea. axoari eastary aaa eiacirtce work. Jarria Brea, Phoae 1892. 411 irVBIll . .- - .-V " I AUTO -ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU- ble -abeeUag. 118 mga. . raea tu9y T . -y '- ' . V TTRES AMD AOCESSORTES 1 , 1 - - USED PARTS 1-2 TO H OFF MIEE'f Asto Wrecking uaaaa. J4 nam OommarelaL Phoaa C2S. BICYCLES AMD ' REPAIRING - j VLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON 8ICY eiea aaa repemea. aoi wr. .. Auto. Directory HARRY W. t - SCOTT The Cycle, Maa" .147 8. Com'L . Phona 68 . OaSD CABR FOR SALE-4-FORD TOURING, SAXON 6 tearing.. Ford roadstef MaxweU tour ing, Ford chaasia. 1 803 N. Liberty. St OLE8ON USED r CAR EXCHANGE. ...Care beegst and sold. Gaaraataed re pairing. wsajg. . rowaaieg. RADIATOR FEEDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FKfDXRS, BODIES. mads - ar rspaiiaa. 4. u. sair, aae Farrf. ",';, - .-" AUTOMOBILE PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING OO, 219 State St- ear. rrent. voiaaei 4. uuar ateed, agf. - "-."' ' ' ' L BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AJTP RTJO WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAGS jidvedX .raoae aernra a a. as. suit. OAXDY. SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATR'BHOP Vi.08 vaauj. - - CammerelaLi " . ; ; f 'j -- ; OARPBsw avaP TXiXJTT ROOS SOTTCS TO TUX PUBLrOWE weave Halt ags maae was e wa ,- peta, aay teegtk or width yea das Ire We else re-f iW re-sew aad else earpees ' Feather reaavating aad mattress ftaaaa v, lag n aa . ra-making. 8 si em Carpet , Olesaiag aad Flail Bag WerkavPhear " lit. - " ' :- ' ELECTRICIANS : : ' ' .'v' 4ALEM ci crrrRia CO. MASONIC ifL Buuawg, Pisss 1SO0. ' v ELECTBI0 FI XT 0 RE AK D 8UPPLT OO f Phone 188a. SSS N. Ubarty. ' IALIK'8 ELECTRIC SHOP ILEO trieal machine repainag. caatractiag 887 Court. Pboaa 489. - , VRCHIE FLEENER. FLECTTUCIAN u-. n.. a kaar or eaa tract, Rett ..tM furakbei. - Pheae 980, 414 .C St. .' '---" -i- FINANCIAL MARI0N-Poi.h; .t'OrTT FARM LOAN . aaaaeiatinB "aa moBeyr iw "tb ereeat. W. D. Smith secretary traea . w rn.SL.rn 4BaBB. Baab aavAT ... V' FARM .LOANS- : YEARS - t --i . aj PER CENT-i'.'iy. Kit COM MISSION. f ''-.i;i' a A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Tearple, Salem, Ora. ; I iff 'V'-'' BUSINESS CARDS CHIMirET SWEEPS- CHIMNEY SWEEPING PGRMACB cleaaiag. CeacilmaB. Pnoee 1 J7; 20 YKAK FARM tOa! OJT'KUatAI. credit ptaa. pre-pay stent prevteaee al lowed We will tiaaaca yea far a ha rata af iaureat tkaa aay firm'ea Ua roast. Private aMr ta leaa est either eity ar eeaatry property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregoa Baiidiaa CHOTE8S FHY8IOIAJI DR. L. - M. HUM CURES ANY HE OWN diaeae II- R Hick 8t- kae SM9 111 a" ' DRUG tTORSa WM. MEIMETEK "JUST DRUOS." 178 M. Commercial atreet. pbeee 17. BREWER DRUG CO. Paeac 14 CLEAbTKRS AMD DYERS SPICK. N. SPAN CLEANERS AND dvers. 544 State. DRVOLESS PBYSICIAXS MAGNETIC. HEALING DR. A. I. Frants. Acuta and ehroaie diaeaaea. Phone 780. 25-28 Breymaa Block. FURRACES 8EAGR0VE FOR FURNACES IBS 8 12th street. rVRKITVU STORES GIE8E FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less sooney. 878 Court. Phone 484. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW ! and second head furniture. 271 a. Gam mereiei. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECE8 Delivery. O. F. Breitheapt, ftoriat, 12S Bortb Uberty a tree t- fbaaa 880. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKTWO 8FENCER CORSETS TO ORDER . Dreaaaiekiag. Carrie Fisher, MeOer- aack Bldg. HEMSTITCHING SALEM alaati ELITE' HEMSTITCHING. pleating, battoaa, stamping and aeadle- and aeedle Pheae 878. work. azw urrgaa Bid. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, I . atampiDg, button. Room 10. aver Mil ter's stare. ' Phoae 117. am.i.nm HATS Grim FROM fl UP MRS. bb. 519 Court street 0. A HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATE AND . Commercial. Pkoaa 030. ARLINGTON HOTEL -60e n. 42 State. CLEAN COSY. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State Si Phoae 0S8 Dietributiat forwarding aad atarage aar - apecialty. Gat aar rates. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold coada. Our eoecislt aiane aad fnraitare moring. We alae make country trips. Ws haadla the beat coal aad wood. Cal) aa us for prices. We give goad measure, goad quality and -goad service. Larmer xraaaiar Go. raoae-bbo. TRAKSPOSTATXOR . PARKER'S STAGE LINES - J. W. Parker, Geaeral Maaagar Caatrsl Stage-Term raal Salem, Oreajao 8ALEM-8ILVERT0N DIVISION Leaves Salam, Central Stage Terminal: ; . a.ia, 1 a rn 5 p.m. Leaves Silverton, News Stead: -... 8 a.m 1 p.m 8 p,m. . -a--alem-Independcnca-MoBmoath TJ(vtsl6a . leaves Salem Central Stags Terminal; .. 7 am. 9 8.B. 11 s.m. 9 p.m. I 9J1 vejres Monmouth, Me amenta Hotel: 8:15 a-m 1, 6:15- a.m. . ' .eaves Indencndrnce. Beaver Hotel: 1:80 am. 10 am. l:i p.m. 4 aja, 8:10 "e make eaaaeetiaaa at Salem ta J: oarta af tke valley. Extra trips li appointment. J PARKER, Geaeral Mgr. ' LATJEDRIES M.W.M LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 8 Libet-ty street, Phoae ga. ofdeav- Jargst beat, SaUbHebed 189, CAPITAL CITY STRAW LAUNDRY quality, werkj"-prompt earviee.--,1164"! treaaway. raene too. SOATENQERS SO0S - SCAVENGER 8ERYICFrr(PlT ' censor ta Nasi Scavenger) Garbage and ref one of all kinds removed rbf th moBth. Reasonable rates. ' " Pboaes ' Oftiea 528. resid.pea 2058. vf iALEM BCAVhNGERSGARBAOC. RE me a'f aiaaa. nsmtm es leaned. PaOBa 1S7 "av 1595W. 'rrj SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM. BARGATS HOUSE BUYS AND seus Hisaeua .isniinn, . loom aaw WANTED STERYTHtNG IN CLOTH . In, aad 'aBaaa. Beat arises Bald. Cap ' itai Exchanre. , 949 ,21. OommereUl -paaae taaaw. . TTJVERS EDWARD WELP SXTERIENCID piaaa tdaer. Leave ardera Wiu Maaia Stare. .. STOVES AND STOVE ,: REPAXRTJf Q STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED . 49 Tears expericaes. Depot National leaee, aisaa ,28 Va 29 utckea high Paint all aad varalakea. ate, wgaa v berry sad bap boobs. Salem feaee aad Stove Werka. - S&O Ooart atreet. Paea. - tsa.- " '-- , K . KEDI0AX. '. MOCTNTAtN BALM OODGH REMEDY Pbeae 81T-W. - - MACHINB SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELRCTRK Steam Boilers, valeaaiaera aaa wo Elates; Parry a Campbell, 17 Jt Iberty. " "'.V . . 3. AND M. CU SPEC7ALTT wND ere - aaa weiaere. ; anwnmiis swiw 40 Ferry. Phoaa 864. y HE2TS ST0SB ED. CHASTAIN'S: CFSTAIRS MEN abap. . Suits gad -averceata. Use m stairs, it pays. "Ill B. Coassarcial. . NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG - BOODLE HOUSE 48 4PerFt. .y-r BIN SIN NOODLB HOUBK CHOI aaey, 40; paffed rica. soe; aaodies loV; tned aaodaa. 0a 198 8. U vertyv" 7 -. :n .-;-'" " 8CA0HXVX8TS WXCBTEB SMITH MACHINISTS 5 engineer, welders, Heeid eruadat griadiag aervira. Pbeaa 561 845 Far - ry.--- - TaTUSIO STORES tEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphe, eewtag Bmaebiaea. aheet "tel . aad ptaaa atudiaa. Repairing pbaaa grapha aad aewtas maehlaea. - 4i naieaa. - .. v - . JCTJBIOAIi SALEM 00N8ERYAT0RT OF MU8I0 .- All braachea taaght, diplomaa greatad rJoha R. Sitaa, Diraeeet. 1887 Caart Tf Pbeae 626. ' RAG AND JAM PIANO F'JlTTNG - 19 leeaoae ? cuareateed. Watermaa System.. F. B " Clark. Mgr, MeOor- ... neck Bldg.", VARTXTT STORES SALEM - VARIETY- STORE. CommarsiaL Phoae 1277. 19S V. BUSINESS CARDS SALEM WATER. LIGHT It POWER CO. Office 801 Saatfe ,Ca I. Bt. Tea per caat diaeeaat aa- dameatte Cat rate ' paid, ia adeaaca. No dadaetiaaa aaaeaca ar aay camaa ealaae sraae la aea aff yaar premises. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 1181. crrY. CMOtry- Spread. CITY AMD toUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Pk.M itIL .Fiaaer Braa. . REStAtrRAJfTS HUB RET AC RANT MOST REASON able priaea. dekaeea-Barry. . 168 &- High. - PRTJrTXR ROWLAND PRINTING Pattaa Bldg, CO. JO priattag. P1AX09 TRADE YOUR OLD PfANO FOR A KEW Victor ar Breatwtca, n. U. ttttfi aar mitara Ca. Maaia Dept. SHERMAN CLAY CO. PIANOS Stetawaya Daa-Art aad etacre. Maara a Maaia Heeaa. 418 Maeoale Temple, Oeart straat sad TtntSERXES QOMPLETR LINE TREES 8MALI1 frulta, araameatala. Capital City- Har aery Oe, 42S Oragaa Bldg. Pbeae TS. FXmtAD'a PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1897 J. Bhep. 127 Uaiaa LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR .TETERANR Came 8. Armory. First third Men leva. PROFESSIONAL H2ROPODIST DR. GEORGE T.VHINER. FOOT SPEC ialiat, mod era aqnipmeat: arches made - ..j.. V a t- tAm fbaa. 857. . , DR. 8. F. SCOTT, S. t?, GRADUATE of the 'National TJalverafty of Sdeace Oaieaga. Scieatifia Cairapady. , Suite 201-802 Masonic Temple. . Phoae 840 for appointment. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 8. R. SVITH. CHIROPRACTOR. 23 Oregon Bldg. Phoae 864. DR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR, 475 B Commercial. Honra 10 ta 12; 1 ta S. Psoas 1415. DRS. SCOTT 8CO FIELD. P. 8. C. Chiropractors, 414-is U. . Bank Biag. Phone .87 ; res. 828-R. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO.-8lte 801 Ore- go a Baildiag. ' , GLASSES FITTED BY TOR BOW OP tical Ca 825 state street, oppoatie Lidi a Baah Bank, .f "Uae WaaJity Proven Shnr-ons. aTATUROPATmO PHYSZOXAVt bR. 1. RLtCnHTKR ACUTE AN 'ehroaie- diseaeea. 415 Oregon Bldg Pkoaa no. 01TE0PATB30 PBTHCIAKS DRS, WHITE AND U. 8. Baak Bldg. MARSHALL 208 OR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG, Phenea 74,.2024-J. DR. W. L. MKBOER OSTEOPATHIC Phyileiae aad Sorgeoa. Ktrksville trad n ate. 404-405 U. 8. National Baak ' Bid. Phoae, offiea !: re. 1A nrta-W AumrltH -AST OTffCBt 1 fertaitise af the fast aorrected witaoe wat. af tuts 'fraoi your occupatioa. Dra. White MaraaatL U. 8. Baak Bldg. . .; i : 1 - Da JOHN L, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyalcian and anrgeoa, aoa-eoa ura gon Biag. x no Baa, amee. aie; 58F5. .REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DESIKABLK CLOSE IX - -acreage by ewner. Dlenn Adams. Phone MiOOM HOUSE, -.MODERN CONVENI eoeea, corner lot, five blocks from eea ; ter af city, paved street. Weald make " 4 goad, income .proposition. $3300 I cash 91000, balaase'920 and interest a fiM eaftt- i- v Winnie Pettyjohn ; : '--4 ..... 831H Stale 81. Z USED CAB WORTH 1800 AS FIRST paytpeat aa goad a-roonv aou aaaoO.. halanea like rant. ' See ouse. prtea ee it today A. W. ESTES REALTY, CO. j 4 PattfTQ - tiajwiag ANDERSON A RtTPERT ' Suctassoes vo' Tflar h Laflar - . "iINSORANCE - - REAU ESTATE r BONDS. LOANS 408-7 . - - Oregoa Bldg. Worth-While; GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE AND large lot on paved street, bearing trail, ia a goad location, aad i" good condi tion. Price 84,200; H eash. A .dandy lot in the Oaka- AAition. all clear, with abstract 9594. A lot an 23rd St. Just ofttate. t25025'dowa , and 810 month. A atrictly mod era home with garagk 7 ooms'and base- mens lor rem. .tA n-a w-rawm wu ' pbutared; baa bath, toilet and electric .lights; sear aenooi ana ear one. rrwr 82008 wtth -f 800 dowa. :' Mills and Copley . v SS1V, State St. '.,-;. . . i ABSOLUTELY THE BEST HOUSE OX the market, today for aale at the rigai t, ligure.- , Hfirtmfift . M. Pase 492 N. Oottage St. t FOR SALE -STRICTLY MODERN FTVE- - - room bungalow ia North 8alem. Cor- ner lot and garage. Price $40Q Mueger 3 Oregon Bldg,; Phone 217., The Owners .leaViiig the VI 9, V i I ACRE,. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, GARAGE mops, family fruity 93200. 92200 rash .balance te suit. This ia eurside tfc aity. " - 4 ROOM MODERN. , PAYED STREET dote in. a 94200 property, must be - sold at once. 93700. 9500 cash, balance to be arranced at 6 Ber'ent.-'5-ROOM MODER.R F1REPLACF large porch, wood shed, 93400. 91300 ' ' rah, balance at 6 .per rant. OAKLAKD- SIX TQCRIXG AND CASH - tor rekideaeei-'V.' " v , ASocolofsky: ,--- v?' 341" State - ' - ' " m'BSU.- ni . a . 1 ' VC - Wanted : v 5 ' OTtS ROOM HOUSE WITH SOT 4 leis than 2 lots 'and some fruit; .eat eve f 2.5O0, . . . . WE HAVE A GOOD 2-TOX TRUCK TO trsd ostnall hane portb.-.' : A GOOD HOME CIS SALEM r-PRICE 83.500. Will trade for amaU imprered tract same value. ; ,: k GOOD I IGHT CAR TO TRADE FOR email bouse In north Salem. ' , r - .Thomason s .-331 K State: St. rhona.175.. REAL ESTATE 23 ACRES. MILES OUT. NEAR ORE- gea etectrie R R atatioa, haeaa. bare, 'harks a aad bog hease. 1 acre peeck e other fruit. 20 acres ia ealtivattea 81500. 9875 IB 4 years at 6 aar rent. Wril'take light car. soma cash far e-juiu. :v-.M.j.Hunt. T Idd Buab Bldg. SITwo Real Snaps SfrALL HOUSE AND BARN, OOOD w BI :ai S targe lata, cerarr of block, aa ear hae, aad beta- streets are aavaaV Price 91200; terms. Alae a beautiful 6 -acre farm with very best of blarl loam soil aa pavad reed, rleae tal price S30O0; terms; might consider trade fur feaaae ia 8alem. - ; Childs & Bechtel .640, State Street. Wood's Bargains 30 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM LAND. House, bara and orchard; a snap at 1500. ROOM HOUSE 'NICE LOT. BEARING trait trees and berries.: good location: 81700. - ? 40 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM LAND elate m, for about the price of the aaUding. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. .Special. Terms OX EXCHANGES WHERE ROTH properties are listed with as. Bring in your : trades if you have anything of merit. v The Fleming Realty Co. 341 State St. Ad Unencumbered Farm rOR SOME. BUSINESS. WHAT HAVE you - -. The Fleming Realty Co. , v 341 State St. Good Buvs CLOSE IN BUSINESS PROPERTY 82 a 100. -i-riee f 11.000. 7-roem modern Bongaiow, nrepiaee, ram ace, cement basement, garage, paved street. If you want a snap sea tbia. Price 9S0O. terms. 5-room bungalow modern ta every way ea N. Com'L St. Price 94000 terms. 6 room boagalow with basement, near School. Price 93 ISO. eash. 6-room bnngalow at 31 S. 25th St. kasemeat. Price 93675. V4 cash. Good 7 -room I ft. mnn XT . . o. , I mj w 1 t.w imnnr jh. xtiob 98150. 91000 eash. 6-room cottage aa Mill St. modera ptSmbiag aad lighu. Price 92200. 91000 cash. Real Eaute aaa rire insarance, Wi H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 'State 8u U. 1 ."UnV Bldg. NOTICE OP SALS OP O0VXRNMENT ' TIMBER . GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington. J. C, Kevember 6. 1922. Xotica is hereby given that subject ta tke conditions and limitations af the Act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions af the Secretary .uf. the In terior of .September 13, 1917 (40 I.. O. 447). the timber on the foll-iwinr iadn wilt be. told at 10 o clock a. 01.' oa Decent- ber 19.' 192, at public anctien at the United States, land office at Portland. Oregon,, ta tits highest, bidder at, not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice sale to be subject to the Approval of the Secretary .of the Interior. , The pruehaee price, with ad additional asm of one-fifth of one per- cent, thereof, beln commiiiiont allowed, tnust be depetitei at time at aale. money ta be returned if tale ia .not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will- be received f rem eitlsene ad corporation! organized under the laws of the United States or ny -State. Territory or District thereof only. ''-- Upon application of a oalified purchaser, the timber ea any legal subdivlaioa will be offered aeparate- ly before being included in any . offer of largo anil. i T; - R 8 W.t , See. 1. N. E. 4 S. E. VI. yellow, fir i0 U.t X. W. U K. . k. yeGow fir 140 M. ; none of the ydlow fir on these tracts td be sold far less lhan 92.25 per M. ' a. T.. 5 S.. K. 8 W. See. 33. . E. A s." B.-fl,-yellow fir, 1250 M red cedar :,! N. W. N. E. U, red fif. L13V0 M yellow fir 2S0 M., red ?daf 50 I Mvi . ,-R. . la . N. E. . yellow fit. 242AMVred cedar 150 M .; 8. W. 14 N. B.'-U. red fir 275 M yellow fir 860 rea Cedar 25 M-; X. E. Vi S. E. VI. yellow fir. 1390 M.; N. W. tt S. E.H. red fir. 675 M.. yellow fir 275 M . red cedar 50 M.: 8. R tt S. E, H. red fir 100 M, yellow-, fir 180 SLtS. W. 14 H. E, , red fir 578 U ..Haw Cfl I . A ..1.. .r ' Xr. . none af the fir or cedar' en this' area to be sold for less than 92.25 per M. - ;-T. 9 8, R. 3 E See, 23. 8. g. $ i. V. 1. red fir -4.20 M.; aono af tlfc fir oa this Bract to ba sold for less than 11.73 per ST. - - . . f UU1 K. WICK HAM. ' Acting. Cammiaalsaar '-. General lAai affidl. " ' -";Vrf"V, i '.. " FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT COO ACRE FARM WITH ;s approsimateJy 15 acres ia eulHvetloa--.oauira Ma H. McN'ary. 8alam. . Dividends Declared by General Motors Thursday 'NEW- YORK, -Nor: it. Divid ends on General Motors were re sumed today, the directors declar ing a disbursement of 50 cent a share on the common stock. It was announced that this payment lis , not to , be regarded as a quar terly dividend, the directors hav ing decided not to put the stock On -a regular quarterly dividend basis until -the result of future operations -eaa be satisfactorily ascertained. - , 'The directors announced that net earnings Tor 1922. after de ducting depreciation charges and federal -taxes will approximate $55,000,000. ' FRUIT - .7 NEW-YORK. Nov. 18, Evap- ormted 'apples quiet; prunes, ar- rivals small; apricots and peaches tirm MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS, Not. 16: Wheat cash: No. 1 northern 1.17 1-4 0 l.MU.: December 1.15 1-4; May, 1.14 1-4, K , LIVERPOOL WHEAT LIVERPOOL. Not. IS Wheat: closing l-2d higher; Decemiber 10s'. ' 6d.: March 9s. lid.; May s. 8d. BlNOS AIRES WHEAT BUENOS AIRES. Not. 16. Opening: wheat, December 1.15; 4alf iigher; February 1.11 r half igher.: DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. Ore., Not. 16. . Butter: prints extras; 48c; cubes. extras, 45c; prime first. 44c; but terf at. ' Portland deliTerr. No. 1 sonr: cream, 48 49c Poutoes: buying price, locals. 60 70i selling price 90c Q $1.25. thus AS DAY CLOSES Heavy Profit Taking Sales Bring About Reaction on Board of Trade" CHICAGO. Not. IS. Although broadening of general speculative interest today led to the highest price this season for all deliveries of grain except the December de livery of wheat, heavy profit tak ing sales brought about a subse quent reaction. Wheat closed un settled at 5-8 net decline to 3-S advance, with December 1.19 4 to 1.19 3-S and May 1.16 ft? to 1.16 5-S. Corn finished unchang ed to half higher, oats unchanged to 14 off and provisions Tarring from 2 cents lower to 15 cents gain. , Selling of wheat in the last part of the session appeared to be based largely on gossip that after three days advance some setback was to be looked for.- Be sides, export conditions at the east, ewere said to be bearish There were Indications further more thaf grain loadings on wests era and northwestern roads were increasing as compared to last year. Of f eriags here, however, were ICttuwjr ubviir. -l..nKn Commission ttoutes , teported the largest general speculative interest in many months .and te 1 fact the decided upward swing of the wheat market dur- Inr tho first half nf the Av was " ascribed. Strength in corn values had an additional stimulating ef fect and so too did reports that flour mills were picking up cash wheat and working full capacity to get supplies east before the close 'of navigation on the Great Lakes. Assertions that rural holders of corn were showing an increased disposition to await higher prices gave the corn market. Impetus upward. Oats werS eased a little by liberal receipts. Sharp reduction in - stocks of. lard here tended to make the pro vision market average high. A Adele Garrison's Ttew Thase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE chapter How Dicky Received the. News Mad re Gave Him. - bicky smiled at me engfaffluiy. but tberewas a look In his eyes which told me that there was be hind hU smile a determination td get at the reason' for my trip, to Betty Kane's. His attitude irri tated me slightly, yet, after all, I told mfsalf, to confide ray erraifd and its surprising outcome td hJpi was a thing I had already decided upon. Therefore I c6ncealed 'ml resentment aad smiled back . at him. " : :, "There's no deceiving ytm, Lord Sherlock, is there".' I asked, sweeping him an elaborate curt sey, "But don't you ' think "I'd better stage my explanation? a leas public place" . - ' t c Distinct surprise gleamed In Dicky's eyes for a moment. He evidently had expected resent ment instead of jocularfty from t- - -. . . . me. His words, however, showed billy., instant acceptance of my suggestion. " t "Right-you are, old dear, as Usual," he said, rising,, and ex tending his hand to pull me up. "Suppose we adjourn to our just ly famed sun parlor, pull, up the windows, and' turn on the .light. Or do you prefer a darkened room for your confession?" f Dicky Stammers. "No, I need a light," I returned. "I have something to show you." He glanced at me sharply, but said nothing more until we were finally established in the sun par lor, with the light turned on. Then I took from my dress Grace Draper's letter and handed it to him silently. He took it, glanced at the superscription, and gave a violent start. MWhat the devil!" he ejacu la ted. I .thought,-a little grimly, that it was probably 4 - most . appro priate-exclamation under the cir camstances, but I said nothing, probably because I saw Dicky was on the point of saying much. "Where did you get this?" he demaadc-oV holding the- envelope rather gingerly In his fingers. I told 'him, circumstantially. omitting no detail of my visit to Betty Kane's, not even th arrival upon tlka-acene of Maj. Grantland, though I nervously expected an explosion from Dicky at that' part of my. story. But, though ; his face darkened, he contented him. self with' a single comment, ii "Yes, I'll bet Faithful Fidql was on the Job ! " he gibed. - f For 3 brief instant l saw red. and closed my lips stubbornly. determined to tell . him nothing more. . Then the memory of the vow. I . had made to myself came back to me, and I forced dowa my gorge and calmly went on with what I was saying. UN HUSBAND So I brought the letter to yo for your decision I Italahed, leasing back ta my chair and told- lag- my hands demaraJy in my lap. 'My decision?" Wtr sum mered. "Why, what have I Dicky Defers Decision. J "Suppose, you read Inter posed, quietly enough, but my fingers were clenched Into my palma, aa he followed my sugges tion, took the letter from the enI t elope, and Ut his eyes run over the writing which I knew was all too familiar to him. How would he take this appeal for pardon from the girl who had in the past wrought havoc with our happiness, who had meant' I never dared to guees how much to him Sitting tease in my chair. I tried to read his face, but, whether Intentionally or not, he bad ahielded it with the letter. - Finally he laid the letter down. with a single ejaculation -Poor devil!" he said roughly, unevenly, and though his face showed no particular emotion. I saw that the appeal had touched him. - I made no answering comment, chiefly because I could not speak without a betraying tremolo In my voice. But I don't think Dicky noticed my alienee. He was -staring straight before him. evi dently weighing the matter, ?Poor Oracle!" he aa'd at last. "I fSon't believ she's aa black "aa she's painted. I forced my voice to calmness. "Then ypu think she's sincere In this?" I asked. Over his face an odd look flashed,- - , 'That'a another story, to plag iarize dear Rudyard." he said. hesitantly, "although there's no particular reason to think differ ently. What answer did you iaf yoriBeBt hhrr. ."That I would have to consult with my r husband concerning my reply."., ; t . ;- .. Another Inexplicable . look, i startled one. this time, then hi face cleared, and h-3f- snrans: ud and clapped me Rlthe shoulder ligMly. , , .ThaV right', , he sarld.; pal pably trying to speak lightly. "Just follow your, Uncle" Dudley and you can't go wrong. I'll tell you what this isn't off so much importance that, we cannot lay k aside until after Leila's wedding. Then "we'll talk Jt over,. There's no hurry.1 v . ':-A. ;v . .j And there was something In the careless, indifferent : ' way S in which he spoke which, comforted me immeasurably. - ' To 1 be Continued.).- ; , I v Ots Horrors ' ' " 4 ' : Slndtairtlwl8; r the novelist, while brdaoTV. took tt furnished flat la London, where he- enter- Uined the Bohemians of the"elty,i,r lavlshlr. - - j . T All At one of his supper parties' young art student said to hint: ' Well,' do yott flkar prohibition or hot, Mr. Lewis?; "?' . f ' "How. can I tell you??, the nov elist answered. ; "Yoti1 see," he added, "we're not so dry yet we have to ;pln on- our postage stamps. ' t- : . , ' . " I' U . ! i ; SALEM MtlKETS. rnees sasttf an . owii, a Wices received by fermere. . - No rate ,rtffr P tlveii. eteepi aa noted. ' NO. 1 White wheat 81.2. ' Ho. ' Wheat S7 Na. S Red wheat (sacked) 9Se. Cheat hay 8lf. : - Oat hay, 830. 1 Clover hav, baled 919(920." : : BOGS. ROTTER RQTTBRFAT Ecru, reta l. 50c. . - . Creamery butler, retail 9Q50. Butterfat fdattveradle 4S. 7 Milk 92.25 cwt. , POUXTET i -Old reostere. 6vl0c,t Broilers. .18 020c, . Hens, lights, 12e. - . Heas hesvv. lie. PORK, WT7TT0B ASm BEET , Hoga. top. 210 10.2$. Dressed hoga, 14e,- '-' Top veal, dressed 12c. Steers. 66e. Coa-a, 2 4 1-4 si" FRUITS Bananas. 10a. Lemeas, 99.00. Navel eraagea, 99.75. Califoraia grapefruit. 97.50. Yeqbtarlrb- Tomatoea, 50o ba. , . Carrots, 92. Head lettuce, 82 25 crata. ' , Caeambera. 40e des. -Beets. 92.00 cwt r - v .. Molasses Dried, BeetPiilp - . ' : i .; - t- am , ... 4 ' J ' iC Just received a carloatLof Juried Beet Puln., Place your order now as this car will not last long-. - . KERR'S DAIRY CHOP $33PeTpn This Dairy Chop is giving; good results and is bettor than other Dairy Feeds offered by other dealers at high-' er prices. -- - - - v " . . "We bought at the lowest market and are able to make this low price for that reason. - Selling fast and .will be unable to sell at this low price. very long. Buy now. D. A. White & Soii : Phone 160. DEPRESS Oil IIET-01CD1 Further Recovery Reported Yesterday After Active and Varied Dealings ', NEW YORK, XoT, 1 Th stock market made farther recov ry from Its recent acute depres sion: on the early part of today's active and varied dealings, bat fell back sharply laterv Dealings , were largely ; profeaaional , and suggested a more general . read justment ot traders contracts. ; Sentiment in speculative circles seemed to b sustained at the, outset by yesterday's . many . de clarations of dividend disburse menu, maintenance ot dhe h'gh rate ot production In baste Indus trH and cumulative; evidence of , Increased actltity in many lines ot business. A -; ;. I, . Money conditions also favored the market's constructive s'de. Call loans opened at 6 per eent but eased, to 4k per. cent before noon and 4 per cent in the final hour aa a result ot the flood of offerings from local and Interior financial Institutions. . Rates for time accommodations . were ua- . changed, but funds, especially for the shorter dates, were In good supply. - -Leaders of the steel, equipment and motor divisions made their usaal substantial contributions to the session at forenoon fains of I to I points, but these were mor than cancelled later. - ' Rails did not figure do an Im portant extent. !, . , Movements of oils were eon f 08-; iatr. General Asphalt, for example, being the objective ot another so- 1 vere drive, on rumors of adverse financial conditions. Other for eign oils were Irregular or unco, tain, with many t the domtla group. Shippings ; represented Jb market's weakest side, , . " 'The tone of the market at tho close was heavy,' .verging , upon weakness.' I3ale8 amounted to 1.100,000 shares. ;v ,; : , Pronounced- ' strength . .was shown by European currencies, sterling . rising more .' than one cent,, presumably on the outcome ot the 'British election. Th 'ParU rate was' at Us highest leyU cf more than a fortnight. . Italian and Belgian. remittances rose ap preciably. . 'j - . ' ,.'. 'I,: t. The Vacuum Oil company has declared a. dividend of 340 per cent. f Bvt that -Is not the brsvail. ing Idea of vacuum tt aft - 1 ),G08l pO3XTRT ' AJTB ' Ksitt, wNa. 1 aharalaf crrsm, 4l(3Sa tf. Portland; 45a .at UUoos;. sedsrfrea HQ 47s. X . - - r. , . . . . EGGS STEADY ' ,- ."Current recefpta-45046a; white aaa h cries, 508H3 deHvarad. . , . VLeaa mbbIuiosI Hau, k.k. mt 22 lb,; daight, 13c; springs 1 8 l.; akl reestersf. lOe -decks, aihitd Fskla, l-oung -tut I aid. duets somJaat; live titr-keya,-Ne. 1 dreset-4. 88c; i-da. 'live, -r 80; geese, Bpaitnal. V '.'V'-T-'r- J , f . DRKS8ED ' MEAtVrEf bt .U i iUtt eeunaisslca) Cbols light fcega, l4e; Baderrradea ltOlSe veal -',,frd' QWV .adi-raradea, 8a p V , n WAT' AW'-masx v f -::.!' UnBai.- saAVct - ; .; i (Delfvered PonUad) Valley tlmetby, 21; Eaatent Oregon timothy, 9ll( 3-teat alfalfa, 91.S0ftfl9 ton; clover -1 1 9 r"iB 1 1 8 fct I ; esu aad , vateh 9203I -Ian; ateaw isiyg. . GRAIN HIGHER Bid prices (Track Pertlaad. la - aar " Iota) Wheal eptiees 61.04 tt 1.21; BAarC ar blaesteaa 6r.86t oats 688.75; ICastera yellow eora. 93284; barley ISla3.7A; -mlllraa .930.50 C 31. ... . r " FRUIT i- - J - . . i - - - - FRUIT STEADY i Apples lOrG$Z,tl accord ieg ta via- V riety and paakH burklaberfiea. aamlaati 'VEGETABLES errEADY ' ' Ifew potatoes, 600654' awt Oraras ' eabbaga. lle4 1 aansi ufSi . carrels. 2 Vo desea bunehat: new an'ene 81.0A 1.25 cwt.; era am suata, aaminah tamatoea. namiaalcaalif lower, lljsa -1 1.60 doaea. r -w it ' . - ' v WOOL ' V W0)L -STEADY' - i .Half oleod and -flae, latScl rtree-1-' ' 87a; low garter' bad braid. 20Q22r ' f r eolted-waal, i6a6e. f . OTK7-Fatera oreawa. Waeblagtaa aad Idaho reach ellpa brtag S ta 9 teats laaa thaa valla r wooL) - ' , i i HCaW4jrrST- -ij. ' ; tw 261 State Street : 11!