The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    cntcTJXATiox .
A?trc for October, 1922 j ,
t, Sunday only T-t fW7
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October 31. 19J8: T."' i
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Kaarty awrybadr naia ,
The Oregon Statesman
THE X03CS XEWttim i 1
: 'lN GErBy
f rentier Ebert Commissions
Steamship , Director to
! Proceed With Plan For
s' Organization.
.Cc.lsldered Novice But Said
Unencumbered by Party ?
Affiliations - -
BERLIN, Not, ie. (By the
Associated Press) The task of
farming- a cabinet to atrcceed the
jVlrth ministry has been accept-'
l ty WllhelnT , Cuno, general
icanager j ot the Ilamburg-Amer-;
caa steamship line' and one of the
wtstandlng ' Industrial figures bf
tie country, according to unef-
ftlal announcement ' today. ; r V
, 1 ',. Chancellorship Accepted , ; -
Cuno ' .Was commissioned by
Vramlea Ilbert to constitute' a
I tar cabinet ittd ' Immediately
y.crr Cnno got IntO' informal touch
wita the party leaders to ascer
U!a their , attitude towards sup
tirtlng ; f cabinet 1 . of ' work,-"
; w'Jch, ho ', proposes ', to organise.
Tils will comprise members of the
riddle 1 and socialist parties, but,
according to' Cuno, will lh( pres
ent an outspoken partisan' com-
.Jplexion. v.' ; ;
J After this advanced surrey, he
aformed President Ebert of his
r tadlness" to 1 accept, the. chancellorship.-
and then left tor Ham
tirg to adjust , affairs In connec
tion with his position , on ' the
Hamburg-Aberlcan, line, s
' " r ReerAton Cordial . '
. On his return o Berlin, tomor
row he will resume negotiations
with the ' relchstag leaders. V . Al
though the reception , accorded
film In relchstag- circles thus far
u been reported as cordial, it
is hot 'believed- he will succeed
definitely In constituting the Hew
Ministry before Monday. .'
' The opinion 'la held lii . reich
itag circles that Herr Cunoiiwho
Is wholly a notice In parliament
ary affairs, at least has the ad
vantage of being unencumbered
by party affiliations and that he
Is qualified to deal objectively
with the acrimonious situation
trowing out of the present crisis
Old might eren1 succeed in recon
ciling the warring tactions to a
patriotic program of national re
eonstruction based on mutual in
ter-party , good will and under
landing. He is determined to
take his time' In picking- a new
ministry, and so , far v has ; not
sledged himself to any specific
allotment of - cabinet positions,
although ho t is conversant with
: the ambitions ot the socialist and
' German people's party. " "
; L 1 Imminent PollUcally
Wllhelm Cuno recently haa be-
increasingly prominent in
lollUcal affairs. He has been
chiefly important in recent years
s general manager of the Ham'
Jurg-Amerlcan l steamship lines.
?urtng the V peace negotlons . at
arts Herr Cuno was among the
German technical delegates.
Herr Cuno came prominently
into political notice In UJO when
Be was nrred 'to acceDt the post
ofminlster of finance In the" re
organized cabinet Kls Refusal to
act resulted In much criticism,
"MONMOUTH, NOT." 16. 7-
Congreslscnal medal of hohor has
ieeu awarded to r Sterling More
lock, of Oquawka. and formerly'a
member of Company M, 28thJ In-
ntry, first division, according to
formation Just t. received from
war department. :
ORECON -Friday rain ' West
portion; fair in east portion.
; (Thursday) .
Maximum temperature, 35.
Minimum temperature, 37. -. .
titer, 1.2 feet below normal
. level. , Falling. ;
Rainfall, .01 Inch.
Umoaphere, cloudy. " ' ,
VJnd, south.
About Half Is Shipped Mar
ket Slow at Present Be
cause of Car Shortage
Approximately 75 per cent of
all the Oregon prune crop for 1922
1m been sold, and 50 per cent ot
1t has been shipped, according to
Fred Drager, of the Drager Fruit
company of Salem.
Tha nrnne market 1nf now ia
quret;? partly because of the short
age of cars to move the crop in
reason. The fruit has dragged to
the market like a broken leg. The
fruit Is being shipped as rapidly
as posible, but not as fast as the
market would hare absorbed it-
Work Is going on steadily to
prepare the rest ot the crop for
the market, though no special ef
fort la bein made by the coast
growers to force sales under the
present market conditions.
Government. Officials Re
serve Decision on Armour
Consolidation Plans
WASHINGTON, Nor. l.,Gov-
ernment officials reserved decis
ion' today with regard' to the pro
posal for a consolidation of Ar
mour and company and Morris
and company, two of the ."Big
Five" Chicago meat packing' con
cerns which was . plated before
them yesterday by j; Ogden Ar
mour. : It i.Waji '' indicated fchter!
would bo no tfhal opinion for
some days! - ' "-. j.-- u4t -
At the same time the various
details' ot the consolidation plati
and Its probable effect on the in
dustry as' a whole and the pro-,
ductng and consuming public were
given careful study by the depart
ment ' of. ' agriculture. Chester
Morlll, assistant to Secretary Wal
lace, who Is In charge ot the ad
ministration of the new, packing
and ' stockyards control, act, held
all-clay conferences with depart
ment experts ' on marketing and
other, related' lines.
' Armour Company Wealthy
While ' Mr. Armour declined to
discuss the projected acquisition
of Morris and' company 'by the
concern of which he Is the head,
Information from other sources
was that such a consolidation
would place Armour and company
in the front rank of the big pack."
ing concerns. This company with
its . capital of $150,000,000. and
capital assets' ot $177,000,000, has
TOTiousi pacaing jm&uib Oi cuts
country as well as In South Am
erica and Australia. Morris and
company has half a doexn packing
establishments in the : United
States and distributing stations In
the more Important cities In Eu
rope and in Cuba. Its capital is
One immediate result ot a mer
ger would be a general consolida
tion of the facilities of the two
companies, and more particularly
ot distributing agencies and roll
Ing stock. This, it was stated,
would be in the interest of econ
omic operation. This phase of the
consolidation plan was understood
to hare been dwelt upon In the
formal proposal ,laid before the
department of agriculture.
Portland Waterfront Strikers
Each Found Guilty
and Fined $15
PORTLAND. Ore.,' Nov. 16. ;
ThlrtAAn waterfront pickets were
convicted in municipal court today
ot attempting to create a near riot
nn thA rioAka Wednesday by fol
lowing a crowd of strike breakers
away from the dock-ana aousjng
them. xEach was found guuty 01
riisnrderlv conduct and was fined
$15. Attorney B. A. Green, wiro
defended the men nought to have
th court levy a fine in excess of
$20 so that he might appeal the
case but was orerruiea ; ana iwe
mn' will either pay the fine or
Kpend seven and one-half days In
Colleges and Patriotic Or
ganizations Assembled to
Plan National Efficiency
'ershing Advises Physical
and Civic Training in
Nation's Schools
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. tin
der leadership of the War Depart
ment representatives ot American
schools, colleges and organizations
dealing with the mental nd phy
sical betterment ot the race, v.-exit
Into conference here today In the
hope that a systematic method of
developing young Americans to
better citizenship could be evolv
ed. As a basis: from -which to
proceed the conference was told
by Secretary Weeks that the war
time draft system showed 50 per
cent ot the men called to be phy
sically sub-normal and disclosed
deplorable percentage of Illit
eracy. .
Fttnees Advocated
Mr. Weeks and General Persh-
ng and Brigadier General Wil
liam Lasslter, addressing the con
ference,- laid stress on the fact
that war experience had demon
strated that a great proportion of
the physical defects disclosed
could be corrected by proper sys
terns of physical training and de
velopment beginning In schools
Mr. Weeks pointed out that good
physical condition among the
children would materially aid in
their mental development and of
such Ideals of citizenship as would
go far to offset waves of popular
unrest and the work of un-Amer
ican agitators.
Draft Figures Startling
Air information gained by the
war department f ronu several
years of study ot draft statistics
in t:onnection with t actual war
experience was laid at the dispos
al of the conference which divid
ed itself into, sub-committees that
will. report at a general session of
the conference Saturday.
Gerferal Lasslter declared that
the-draft had shown that Only one
third of the men who claimed o
be Bkilled in their trades actually
possessed a degree of skill to
warrant a rating ot Journeymen.
To meet the army's need for
technical skill of this character,
he said it was necessary during
the war to give training to ap
proximately 1,250,000 men.
"Our industrial firms are be
coming aware of . the necessity of
definite preparation ot young men
to be skilled workers and some of
them are establishing their own
school .for providing such, train
ing," General Lasslter sair.
Nation Handicapped ;
"It does not appear that there
are any generally accepted speci
fications, aptitude tests or tests
of efficiency to guide schools in
training young men according to
their aptitudes. The lack of such
definite means for the adjustment
of the youth to his task in life, to
the lack of equally well defined
terminology for classifying men
with respect to physique, skill and
knowledge, are among the most
serious causes of delay in mobil
Ixlng for the world war. sx
Suggestions Wanted
General Pershing told the con
ference he believed' the hope of
all think In a- men is that "out of
this conference may come some
suggestion or plads or systems
which can be applied throughout
our public schools, whereby the
lessons ot patriotism and the ob
ligation to the country and those
things that go to make up good
citizenship may be taught effect
ively and which may be adopted
as a general procedure through
out the country."
PARIS, Nov. 16.- (By the As
Roclated Press) Israel Pasha,
head of the Turkish delegation to
the Lausanne conference, told the
Associated Press today that the
nationalists expected to obtain
reparations from Greece as well
as payments for the allied occu
Mrs. C. S. Fox Offers to Come
to Assistance of Youths
at Chemawa School
Following the appeal in the
Statesman yesterday morning for
tome way to keep some of the Sa
lem Indian school boys in school.
Mrs. C. S. Fox, of route 8, came
with a practical, heldful ' sugges
tion. . ,
Under the general Indian de
partment orders, the boys of 17
years or ever whs have not passed
the seventh grade in school are
to be Sent home usually to where
there are no schools. Superinten
dent Harwood Hall hoped that
some of the good homes of the
Willamette valley might be opened
to some of the boys, where they
could, work for their board and go
to school enough to pass the sev
enth grade, when they could re
turn to the Indian school and re
main until they are 21 years old.
Mrs. Fox, genuinely interested
in helping these lads to a better
citizenship, says that she has lots
of good house room, and that if
dome means can be found of part
ly financing thje living cost, the
Foxes will give the boys a home
and do everything possible to help
them through this year, up to he
seventh grade in school, after
which they are safe.
If some of the civic clubs, or
helping-hand organizations of any
kind, could find room in their
hearts and purses for some ot
these ambitious but out-of-luck
Indian lads who want to learn Am
erican citizenship, they would find
good field tor their endeavors
right here at home.
Hut they'll hare to do it now,
or some of the boys have already
started heart-brokenly for their
homes, and the others will be go
ing very soon.
Marshall Guilty in Second
Degree of Killing Wife
At Stanwood Home
EVERETT, Wash., Nov: 16.
James R. Marshall of Stanwood
Was convicted In superior court
here today of second degree mur
der of killing his wife at their
home October 7. The evidence
was that when Marshall came
home after drinking for severaf
days his wife told him to go away
until sober. He left and returned
with a revolver. He said that he
started to kill himself with the
pistol and that his wife was shot
when she tried to prevent him.
Indications .Point to Prob
able Decision in Prez
Loganberry Cases
Briefs are to be handed in to
the circuit court within the next
day or two cn the Phez loganberry
caseB that have been heard In thn
court during the week.
Judges Bingham and Kelly
handed out some significant
though not final suggestions in
the case that the growers who
are the plaintiffs In the case have
found full of barbs like salmon
books. They stated, in effect, that
the supreme court, in its order
for a re-trial, seems to hold the
growers responsible along with
the Salem Fruit union which is
already practically held by tho
former trial. The order for re
trial Rays, In part, the essence of
the wholet opinion:
" the growers who signed
exhibit C should account to plain
tiff for'the difference in the price
of the berries sold to other par
ties and 3 cents per pound, the
contract price mentioned In ex
hibit C; and the fruit union should
be held to a like accounting for
each of the years in which there
has been default. The impracti
cability of ascertaining the prob-
Rble profits, if anyT which plain
tiff may baVe lost., and of appor
tioning these1 among the parties,
Dramatic Appearance Made
Before Parliament by
Benito Mussolini, Policies
Socialists and Communists,
Usually Violent and
Noisy, Now Silent
ROME, Nov. 16. (By The As
sociated Press) Benito Musso
lini, In a dramatic first appearance
before parliament as premier to
day announced his foreign and in
ternal policy and warned nls ad
versaries that the Fascist! govern
ment had come to stay. He af
firmed its strength to enforce law
and order against one and all,
even against an illegal coup by
his own followers, and demanded
full powers and full responsibili
The Fasclstl leader proclaimed
a Dolicy of action, not words He
himself set an example, for he
spoke for only half an hour, and
was frequently applauded and
Op posers Silent
. The Socialists and Communists,
numbering 118 who have greeted
every succeeding government with
violent and noisy demonstrations
of opposition, sat in the chamber
today silent and subdued.
; fhe .only ' attempt at ' interrup
tion was made 'by Deputy Modig-
liani. Socialist, . who when Musso
lini threatened dissolution, shout
ed somewhat timidly:
"Long live the parliament!"
The leader Of the fasclstl merely
glared at' him,' while the right and
center sections cheered.
There are many who think that
the premier will force the chamber
to a vote as soon as the minister
of the treasury, Professor Tan-
gorra has developed the details of
the fiscal and bureautic reforms on
the fascist! program.
Premier Cheered
The premier's entrance to the
crowded chamber was hailed with
cheers. The points of his speech
meeting with special approval were
his declaration that he did not
need a majority in parliament, his
tribute to the king, his reference
to the army and insistence upon
order and tranquility in the coun
The premier then went to the
senate and delivered the same
spech, being greeted with no less
Receipts for Interstate '
Bridge Show Decline
VANCOUVER. Wash., Nov. 16
Receipts on the Columbia River
interstate bridge during the last
ten months amount to 0234,000
according to the statement pre
pared for the bridge commission
ers today. This is $23,000 les3
than for the same period of 1921
Clar? county's share of the
bridge since January 1, is $80
007, while Multnomah county re
ceived $120,010. The operating
expenses on the ten-month period
amounted to $33,984.
Four Federal Grades
Established for Rye
WASHINGTON ,N'ov .16. For
mutation of four federal grades of
rye, dependent upon condition,
weight per bushel, moisture and
other features and embodying the
dockage system were announced
today by the department of agri
culture and recommended for
adoption by trade. Because of
the lack- of proper funds for their
proper enforcement the grades
are not fixed and established un
der the United States grain stan
dard law.
16. Membership of the First Con
gregational church here have de
cided , by practically unanimous
vote to build a $35,000 parish
house which will fulfill all func
tions of the church. The First
Congregational church is the old
est Congregational church in the
northwest. The original building
here' was destroyed by; fire during
Absent Minded Tourist For
Rets Where Garage and
Hotel Are
ST .LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 16.
Walter Harbison. 25, of Looproo-
tce, Ind., last night misplaced his
wife and automobile, but today
was united with both after police
had assisted him. Touring from
Indiana to California, Harbison
arrived here last night and left
his wife In a hotel while he went
in search of a garage. He found
a garage but iorpot where tne
hotel was, and starting back to
tba garage for his automobile,
forgot the location of the garage.
He then appealed to the police, r
NEEDS 16,00
Personal Appeal for Financ
es Made by Salem Hos
pital Association
The money keeps coming In
or rather it keeps on being drag
ged in for the Salem hospital.
until at the meeting of the execu
tive board yesterday the members
were able to announce that they
lack only $6000 of enough to com
plete the first unrt.
Work has been carried on inside
the building until the plumbing
and heating and the elevator are
practically finished. The elevator
needs only the installation of the
motor and cage to, make It ready
for service, and the radiator set
ting ia almost the only detail left
of the heating plant. -
Some Faith Necessary
With the money already on
hand, or pledged, the board is
starting in to make the hospital
ready for use. In the expectation
that the small remainder will be
subscribed before It is actually
needed. The board 1b ready to re
ceive the actual cash due on the
subscriptions that are now due.
The money will be needed to pay
the bills as they come along.
Checks for either new or old
subscriptions may be made pay
able to The Salem Hospital, care
Box 344, Salem. Henry W. Meyers,
president, will receipt for the
Final Dollanr is Hope
The urgent need fr such a pub
lie enterprise as this big, modern,
fireproof hospital, where the res
toration of the sick -to health can
be made under conditions that
lessen the risk end shorten the
time of recovery, is believed to be
sufficient ground for a personal
appeal. The hospital board hopes
to see the last dollar of the fund
raised, the" hospital paid for and
set to work, and the city given
adequate hospital accommodations
for every posible emergency.
Appeal Made "Personal
They urge it this way: If it
Were your chljd. or wife, or friend,
that was the over-plus above the
present hospital accommodations
and you had to spend a lot of
money to take the patient to a hos
pital, say. In Portland, and the pa
tient died on -the way when he
would have been saved with a
good hospital right at hand for im
mediate treatment, then it would
be a personal matter. Well, they
say. make it a personal matter
now, and for a little money save
the heavier expense and the an
guish of the I-didif t-know repen
Jury Still Undecided in
John Mackay Murder Case
WALLA WALLA, Nov. 16. In
his final plea to the Jury late this
afternoon in the case Of John
Mackey charged with the murder
of Jack Thomas by snooting him
last September, Prosecutor Earl
W- Benson asked that the death
sentence be imposed. The accused
man retained his composure dur
ine the proceedings. Jury wa
still out at 6:30 o'clock tonight.
OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. 16.
Henry Hockbrunn, residuary
legatee of the $100,000 estate of
his brother, Ferdinand Hoch
brunn, Seattle real estate dealer,
who was killed in his apartment
there and for whose death Clara
Skarin Winborn was charged with
murder, died here yesterday. He
left a wfll ,hls attorney said, leav
ing bis estate to his children. He
was 4! 9 years old,
LONDON. Nov. 16. fRv
long drawn out fight between former Premier Uoyd George
and Sir George Younger has for the time ended with victory
for the chairman of the Unionist party. .
Yesterday's election has returned a parliament with al
most the same overwhelming predominance of conservatives
as the last parliament elected in 1918 on a wave of grateful
nuiusiasm to uoyd ieorge as "winner of the war.
In the new parliament. Premier Rnnr Tjiv will Mm.
mand a majority over all parties combined of annroximfltlv
80. .
Cornet Numbers Will Be . i
Heard in Radio Program
Miss Martha Swart, Salem cor-
netist. is to be one of the local ar
tists appearing on the Salem Elec
tric radio concert series. She Is
tc appear next Thursday night, as
the program now stands. The
cornet is one of the best recording
instruments, and the radlostera
all over the coast country are as
sured of something remarkably
A band concert is looked for in
the near future, though definite
arrangements1 have not yet been
made. A number of local soloists
are to be called in, and given a
chance to extend their acquain
tances as far as the radiograms
can reach 2000 miles or more.
Last night, F. S. Barton sang
some vocal numbers, and Mrs. Bar
ton read one of her verses, making
a pleasing variety for the program.
Attorney of Young Widow,
Convicted of Meadows
Murder, to Appeal
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 16.
Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted
today of second degree murder
for beating Mrs. , Alberta Mea
dows, young widow, to death with
a hammer, wiil ieek a new trial,
and if denied, will appeal the ver
dict, it . was announced1 by Ber
tram A . Herri ngton, her attorney.
"Therevis a fatal error In .the
record, and finally Clara Phillips
will be freed," Herrlngton said.
j'1111 notqult theflght until she
The motion fdV i new trial will
be made when Mrs. Phillips is
sentenced Monday.
The verdict, which is a com
promise from a jury of nine men
and three women, carries a penal
ty of from ten years to life im
prisonment. "I expected to be acquitted."
Mrs. Phillips jBaid in commenting
on the verdict. They didn't give
me a fair deal. I am going to
ask my attorney to appeal and be
lieve with another trial I can be
acquitted- I don't think I will
go to the penitentiary. 1 But If I
go there, I could' face life In that
place with the same poise I have
here. It wouldn't make much dif
ference to me. All my hopes are
crushed anyway."
The three women members of
the Jury voted the death n7ia1tV
until the final compromise ,ofi
second degree murder was reach
ed. In the early balloting there
were four who voted to acquit.
The Jury reached an agreement at
ten o'clock last night after the
judge, the attorneys and court
attaches had gone home. The
verdict was not returned until the
court convened this morning. Ac
cording to members of the jury
they did not consider the insanity
defense during their delibera
DUBLIN. Nov. 16. (By the
Associated Press) A deputation
from the Dublin corporation visit
ed the government buildings to
day to urge President Cosgrave of
the Dail Eireann to release Miss
Mary MacSwiney, now, on the
twelfth day of her hunger strike
in Mount Joy prison. Mr. Cos
grave was unable to see them, be
ing engaged in government busi
ness. . : A - - - - r ,'- '. ' -J- ,-
- " "
This cannot ho nrnnnrl 1 a
wv Wn.l ,J . . w
scribed as a landslide as the con
servatives at the same time ot
the dissolution of, , parliament
numbered about 380, it : amounts
almost to-the same thing consid
ering the? peculiar circumstances
of the time and the high hopes
held by the labor and liberal par
ties of the return of. the country
to progressive. views, and It may
be supposed that the conservatives
themselves hardly expected such
favorable results . . ,
George's Friends Many
The downfall of Lloyd George'
Is the outstanding feature ot the
election. The-Coalition Liberals
at the dissolution numbered 129.
They are represented in the new
parliament by only 44 members.
There will be many regrets among
the former premier's admirers -that
he failed to take the advice
o'f his well-wishers and retire
temporarily altogether from the
political stage. ' .
' The ''AsQultataa: Liberals lately
improved their ' position, rtstnc
from 34 Iff the old parliament to -
da'aa ti thv mmf1.: On
the ether hand,' Labor, although
It failed' to fulfill the high hopes
the party entertained at the disso
lution, has done exceedingly well, ,
rising from 76 to 136 seat. It
lei 'vmaroilw KaMavAfl a , T Va
would hare done tar, better but '
for the tactical mistake In the
advocacy of a capital levy.
Labor Second Strongest
While the. strength of conser
vatism in the country ls.a matter '
of surprise, perhaps the keynote
of the elections is the decline of
liberalism and the growth of the
labor party. This seems to show
that henceforth the struggle will
be between the conservatives
and thn lahnr nurtv.
The position is that labor is
the second strongest party In the
house and In what; looks as the.
improbable event of the present
government suffering defeat, la,
parliament. It would be o . the .
labor party that the king would
naturally turn for a new premier.
Women Voter Many
Another striking feature of the
elections is that the women voters;
have taken an unexpectedly strong
interest in the struggle, their par
ticipation probably accounting'
more than anything else for the
exceedingly " heavy polling. . But.
however, keen their Interest la po
litical life, thy do not appear to be
in the mood to elect women to
parliament, only Lady Astor and
Mrs. Wlntrlngham, already In the
house, being returned. There have
been many noteworthy casualties
mong all the parties, the most
striking perhaps being the defeat
of Arthur Henderson, labor leader
and Winston Churchill, former co
lonial secretary and the overthrow
of five members of the new admin
istration for whom safe seats will
somehow have to be found.
The defeats of '.'.Mr. Churchill, :
Sir Hamer .Greenwood, former'
chief secretary for Ireland 'and
Frederick O. Kellaway, former
postmaster general, were severe
blows to Mr. Lloyd Gorge whom
however, had the satisfaction of
seeing his son returned by a big
majority. "while both his secretar
ies, Sir Edward M. Grigg and O.
H. Shakes jeare, were elected.
Mr. Lloyd George said tonlht
that he was "quite satisfied," with
the results, but declined to be In
terviewed, Mr. Ssquith declined to
express any oplnioa on the results
now. . ;0
Labor Satlstled
The labor party Issued a mani
festo stating that they rind "abun
dant reasons for satisfaction" In
these successes and their gains at
the expense of both liberalism
and conservatism,-. and . declared
that their party will constitute the
most vigorous and efficient oppo
sition that the bouse ot commons
has seep for many years. At La-'
patlon of the last four years-
(Continued on page 6)
the summer. .
(Continued cn pags ).
J. i