THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 16, 1922 r Bj MARGUERITE CLE ESPN t Toe women ol "the W. K. C. ; will sponsor a allver tea this "afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ar thur T. King on Capitol street. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. pr.' Everhardt, Mrs. Robert Hen derson, Mrs. W. M. Short, Mrs. f Nora Robertson, Mrs. Nora Royal, J:, Mrs. W. J. Hagerdorn, Mrs. M. Lickel and Mrs. J. Crossan. , The women of the Hal Hibbard Auxiliary of the Spanish War Vet- erang will be at home at a tea V this afternoon for the wltes of Spanish War veterans.. -Tie. at- . fair will be held in thr'annory. ? Mrs. W. C. Kantner Is spend ing several days In Seattle. as the juest of her daughter, Mrs. Thom as. Mrs. John Carson is going to - Portland today and will return Friday. H v The Salem men! and women in terested in the organization of Salem Symphony I Orchestra aaso- ' elation will meet tonight at ' o'clock in the Chamber of Com j meree rooms ta consider org&niz I tag. All Interested are Invited! to t attend, according Jo - the small Mtmmittea sDohsorln? the-meet- X lnr this eveninc'l Tha Salem AdoIIo club sane delightfully entertaining jrosrm tt" the-alem Electrie -store last sight which was broadcasted by :the local t station. t. This Is the r f.rst time such a large group has ang for the. radio near here. F. 8. Barton sang for the radio audi- . t j xt. . t - . 1 t ; ence earner. jwie wees. L- '" I ; - The women ' of the Englewoqd 'r district of the Jason Lee church V met , Tuesday with - Mrs. John Barker, Jr., and organized the . .' East Circle of the Jason Lee Aid society. The other. group will bo "."known now as the West circle. V- A number of ! members of the i west circles were present for the '. organization meeting. Mrs. Al i'. bert Fuestman was chosen presl ? dent, Mrs. J. Morgan, yiceprest i dpntr! Mrs: A. W. Rook stool, sec l retary, and Mrs. William Pur- bnck. s treasurer: Mrs. FurbrieK 8 CLUB CALENDAR Today W. R. C. with Mrs. Arthur T. King, 463 S. Capitol. Chapter G of P.E.O., with Mrs. D. X .Beechler. Symphony Orchestra Associa tion meeting in Commercial club. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary tea, at Armory. , . Friday' .", Woman's Alliance pt Unitarian church with Mrs. J. R. Pol lock, 602 N. Winter. :.. Woman's Union of First Con gregational church, all day at church. k P.E.O. meeting at Chemawa. St. Paul's Auxiliary with Mrs. Frances Newberry. Faculty Women's club with Miss Richards, Lausanne HalL Jason Lee Aid Bociety at the church. Saturday A.A.U.W. in public library. W.R.C. at hall. cipLenta of many beaatiful and useful gifts. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. Otto Legard, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Court Land Roe, Miss Clarice Steen. Tom Cor house, Miss Marie Corhouse, Har old Larson, Alvin Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torrend, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lar son, Miss Marie Tinglestad, Mrs. Iverson. Mr. and Mrs. Jalmer Refsland. Mrs. A. O. Legard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sather, Rer. and Mrs. George Henrlksen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Holland. MisS Eva Rue, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hatteberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Satern, Hen ry Fluher, Willie Hatteberg, George Ilauge. Edwin Hatteberg, Elmer Johnson, Melvin Reviness, Axel Larson, Amos Benson, Clay ton Benson, . Willia Thompson. V r ft will entertain the group at her home December 1. . -Mrs. H. J. Clements and Mrs, C. S. Weller entertained the Leis ure Hour club Wednesday at a one o'clock luncheon at the Pied Piper Tea rooms. The occassion was in honor of Mrs. T. H. Ray mond, who expects to leave soon for California. The guests, other than the Club members, wert: Mrs. J. H. Albert, Grs. George H. Burnett, Mrs. J. A. Churchill, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. A, F. Marcus, Mrs. A. N. Moores ' and Mrs. Willis Moore. SILVERTON. Ore., Not. 14. (Special to. The Statesman) The beautiful Hamre home on North Water street was the scene of a gay surprise party Monday even ing when 76 friends. met to ex tend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Legard, who have just returned from their honeymoon An amusing and pretty feature of the evening was the serenade which Trinity band gave the sew lyweda, Tom Corhouse also gave a few TocaJ aoloa. He was ac companled by Miss Esther Larson Mr. and Mrs. Legard were the re- Hacs Hansen, Miss Dora Henrlk sen, Walter Toft, Harry Larson, Mrj. Orscar .Bentson, Mr. -4 ajad Mr3. Helmar Bw, Lewis Bue, Lewis Rue, Miss Mabel Evns, Mrs. Clara Boltimore. Miss Nettie Benson, Mrs, Hans Jensen, Miss Elvira Vikstrom, Mrs. Esther Weaver, Mlaaf Kette Hatteberg. Miss Esther Larson, Miss Lillie Madsen, Miss Cora Satern, Miss Ruth Ormbreck, Miss Aide Jen sen, Alfred Jensen, Chris Halvor- son, Percy Shenander, Edwin Hamre, Mr. and Mrs. G lady a Hamre, Miss Edan Johnson, Miss Lena Barenett, Mr. and Mrs. W McDonald, Mr, and Mrs. Nye Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. Helge Rue eater talned at a family dinner Thurs day evening, the occassion being their fortieth wedding annivers ary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Helge Rue, Mr. aad Mrs. John Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Helmar Rue, Lewis Rue, Torkel Dukken. all of Silverton, and Mrs. Clara Baltimore of Corrallis. convention will be held in lied- ford, the remainder being: "When yon mention Medford you think of pears, gateway to Crater Lake and the 1923 convention." Several pages are devoted to the reports of the various offic ers and committees given at the Tillamook convention. The club roster at the end of the book shows there are 136 clubs in the federation. Dr. Bellinger to Address Women oi AA.U.W. Saturday The second meeting of the women of the A. A. U. W. will be held in the auditorium of the public library Saturday after noon; ; Following the expressed desire of a number oi the mem bers at the last meeting, the pro gram committee has arranged for a speaker, Dr. Grover C. Bel linger of the state tuberculosis hospital, to address the organiz ation on "Hygiene and Us refer ence to Tuberculosis." Doctor Bellinger is superintendent of the state tuberculosis hospital. An appreciation of Edward Llv- RUB RHEUMATISM Pi F OM SORE u J iagston Trueau will be given by Mrs. Viola Price Franklin. Mr. Truean is known for his work for tuberculosis. Mis3 Frances Richards, presid ent of Salem branch of the Amer ican Association of University women recently received a letter from the committee on eligibility for local membership within the northwest district, saying that women who are graduates of Willamette. Oregon Agricultural College. Linfield and Pacific col lege are eligible to local member ship. Former students of these colleges are eligible to associate membership if they have had two years of work there. This ruling admits to associate membership women who have at tended any of these schools for at least two years, while before only graduates were admitted. The graduates Agricultural college were not ad mitted at all before because of the technical ruling of the national organization requiring a bachelor of arts degree, which is not con ferred by O. A. C. An invitation to all women eligible to membership to attend the Saturday meeting is being ex tended by the association. I NEW CORPORATIONS 1 : a Articles ef incorporation were filed yesterday by the Smith Jk Woodburr company, a new mar. chandising firm of Portland,' cap italized at 9100,400. Ward C. Smith. Sidney F. Woodbury and George Black are ' the Incorpora tors, Other articles were filed as fol lows: -r Sable, Obertueffer, Peterson, Inc., Portland: incorporators are Delvln L. Peterson, w. G. ObJ tuetfer, Jr.. N. Sable;, capftalixa tion, S2M06: automobiles. Hygienic Humidifier company. Portland; incorporators J. O. Wren, E. A. WjJd. Jr., Blaine B Coles; capitalization. $10,000. Falconer-Hoke Trading com pany, Penaieton; incorporators. Fred W. Falconer, Mae Hoke, Donald Cameron; capitalization, $25,001; live stock. tat and nam of the dlsedTerer of Uesa Itlaada U mnctrfai. It la. eoneedet! th name was dtea i rani at the number of hawks flT- tug about. Acore signifying- haw is Portaguas. , ., XanMMl for the Hawks The first name gtren to the Atores was Acores, and while the NSI LITIS Appty ttuckiy over throat covet with Dot ftanftal i Vapo Rod Cpct 17 M-' W an Umi Ym CUT TUTS OTT--IT IS WOKTII MONET M : Cut out thla allp, enclose with 5c hi man it to Foley Co... t 25 Sheffield Ate.. Chicago. IIU writing your -nam aad addreaa clearly. Tou will recette U. t- turn a trial packtg oa tattle g Feler'e Honey and Tar Cotnpean for ourta. cold and croup: Fo ley Kidney Fills tor tula ta Hda and back: rheumatism, backache, kidney aad bladder ailments: and Foley Cathartic Tablet, a whole, some and . thorontaty cleanslag cathartic tor constipation, blliona ness, headache,, and sluggish bowela. i Sold verywhere. Adr. 1 I CLUBS AND WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES The year book of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs for 1922-1923 is Just off the press. The book contains 120 pages ot readine matter and advertise ments, including greetings from the president, Mrs. Ida B. Calla han, of Corrallis, also the mes sage given by her at the annual convention at Tillamook. There is a directory of each of the six department and division chairmen and their sub-chaUmen- One page is devoted to remind ing the club women that the 1923 What is rheumatism? Pain only. St. Jacobs Oil will stop any pain, so quit drugging. Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub sooth- ilng, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil directly upon' the tender spot and relief comes instantly. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your druggist, and in Just a moment youll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Ke lief awaits yon. Old, honest St. Jacobs Oil has cured millions ot rheumatism sufferers lmfVk4amt half century, and Is Jnsf as kood for eciatica, neuralgia; lumbago, backache, sprains aad swellings. Adv. .... " RAORDIN ART At 10 o'clock A. M. 66x80 Double WIEEISTON AND LAUREL BMNKEE .-' "-.:,--4; At a j s 11 4 ; "(Tlu was written by a woman) V , Whv I Use. Ad a- 'i In my capacity lis housewife I am the general manager of a household. Upon me devolves the duty of making rather 'large purchases which leads into an other duty that of the economical ex penditure of the household funds. My husband reads very assiduously what the calls "trade papers." These papers pertain almost entirely to his business.' ; He says he could not get along without them because they keep him posted on matters which come up. " in his business life every day. In running my household I find that the Newspapers 'and. the magazines are mytrade papers." The advertisements , " tell me ne'ariy everything I wish to know about the purchases I should make, like my husband who spends hours upon hours engrossed in his trade magazines so that he may conduct his business more successfully, I study with care the advertisements in the newspapers and the magazines which I have found out enable me to conduct my business, which is my household, more economically and successfully, In doing, my neighborhood buying I think that I am able to choose the store that gives mo the greatest value for my money My choice is always the one where I am sure to gethe advertised goods I ask for and where I am not told : "Here is something' else just as good." I buy advertised goods because experi ence has taught me I save money . thereby. It has been my observation that the storekeeper who handles advertised ar- verhsing as g Guide tides sells more goods and it isn't hard for me to figure out that if the dealer wants to make only a fair profit he can sell me goods cheaper if he sells a great many goods than if he sells a smaller amount. Coincidently, I have noticed that dealers who do handle articles which are advertised seem to grow and expand. I have often wondered if it isn't be cause the goods which they see on their own shelves remind them constantly of the forward-looking work which is be ing done by the manufacturer of those goods, thus setting an example for - greater industry. I know that if I want to buy a barrel of flour or a very large sack of flour I can buy it cheaper than I can buy a ten or twenty-five pound sack. My store keeper can do .the same thing in buying his merchandise. I have heard ray hus gand talk of ten enough on the question of small profits and rapid turnover to know that it isn't the dealer who makes the long profit" that gets ahead but the one who makes the small profit and turns his capital over and over. But .Jhis is not the only benefit I get in buy ing from a storekeeper who "sells his customers goods which are advertised. The goods I buy are fresher and newer and I feel that because many of them have been advertised for years they are more dependable. For how could people continue to buy them if they were not? And. how could the manufacturers continue to advertise them if they did not buy; 1m im-fw .sjtsr' This unusual blanket offer should appeal toj every- faiiiilyWilliston and Laurels high grade cotton blankets nf wau Iacc flian vnii wonlrl nav fnr nrA'nai -clifib seconds Remember the size is 66x80 and ridt jyia smaller size usually offered in 64x76. i r This offer lasts until they are all sold Get yours early Tan Grey Whiie White with The American Association of Advertising Af endes Published by the Oregon SUtesinan in co-operation LJU1 Tan. Grey Per Blanket Until Sold None Reserved; None Sold Before 10 o' j rim ir mm' Jk 11 'r-