The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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11 JWJL 11 1111WJ2 O.U 11VU1 1U VVJl T? vv ajiii ;
X - - -' .
Opinion of Sporting Writers
Appears to Favor State
University ,
COLLEGE, Corvallls. Nov. 15.
i Special to The' Statesman.) -The
Aggies will have' to show
more fight than they have ahowa
in any other . game thin season
If they win their annual frame
with the University of Oregon In
tlie opinion of many sport writers
wh attended the W. S. C.-Oregoa
game. . The fact that Oregon ex
cels In forward passing, the Ag
gies' weakness, is causing consid
erable worry In the Aggie camp,
t - Rutherford -will run his men
through four of the heaviest days
of practice the "Aggie veterans
have experienced this year. Dad"
Butler reports the squad to be in
the best of condition, with the ex
ception of Herb Rich, the Agglo
center, . who is, still 'bavin's; trou
ble with bad kneesrdpi
v , Gill (ioinjr. flowd '
Luke Gill, the stellar halfback,
is in the lineup and ,iv going as
good as ever., "Ev" Miller' will
play the other half, and "Reg"
T'Tousey will preside at full. Dick
Garbcr will play quarter with
Hnghie McKenna, far-famed for
his -slippery work, in reserve.
Rutherford is worrying little
.'; about the line. Scott and McFad-
den, ends, will give' Oregon the
' benefit of their two years of.ex
?.perience and 190 pounds of avor-
dupois. ' Captain Locey and Mick.
. elwaite will play tackle, and Ed
v Clarke and Ash guards,
i . , (,, j ., Center Not Placed
Jast who will ? bei the Aggie
renter; Is unknown, but if Rich
(, fails to recover in time it is prob-
- able! that JHJelte. thei powerful
C basketball star, will face the Ore-
gon line when the whistle blows.
Z Should any; of the first Btrlns
men be.lnjurcd this week, Ruther
V ford, has a combination of substi
n lute to fill their places .
'1 .Ticket sales for the game Indl
y. cate a large attendance.. Four
S- naiare lettfor ,the Bale, and a
largfc percentage of the best seats
bas-"already -ben''Rod.:- ,
- p . T 1 111 r
- - f Continued from page 1.)
officially that the lead had proved
1 of little value. ;
- T Detective Maron also questlon-
ed : 'Miss Florence North, at: one
tlmef attorney for Charlotte Mills,
ln regard to the letters and diary
i of the. slain woman which she sold
f to a j newspaper. It was said they
arrived at "no satisfactory n
,t derstandlng.w w . .
n Timothy N. Tfeffer, attorney
k for Mr. Hall, baa Questioned new
I eralr neighbors of Mrs. Jane ' GuJ-
eon, (; the state's alleged ' eye wit
ness. in an' effort to learn more
i fully her movements on the night
f September 14. He took thlj
ft etopt after It was reported that
? the authorities placed little value
4f on the affidavit obtained by him
fionl Mr. Nellie Rursell, statin?
, that; Mrs. Gibson was at ber home
at the hour she' claims to have
witnessed, the murders.
Harry Snyder of K. C. M
Maintains His Title
' - .
: KjANS AS CITY, Mo., Nov.
Harry Snyder of Kansas City suc
' cessfully defended his title as
. holder of the Elliott interstate
M flyers cup against 17 challengers
by bitting 25 Btralght on the sec
ond day of. the fall shooters' far
i nival here today. T. J. Mos of
? this , city, Phil Miller of Dallas,
;; Tex., and G. W, Warren of Chica
., so were his closest competitors,
crh hitting 24 out of a possible
What lack aro you having with
your ,' sauerkraut , Not making
f ny? The loss is yours.
1 i
Picture showi-a contingent f British -Tommies- marching to
their quarters through the streets o Consuntinople. with their bands
Slaying and their arms winging, to protect Europe from the Turks.
Roger Conti, French Cham
pion, Beaten by American
, Billiard Wizard
NEW. YORK, N9V. 13. Jake
Schaefer maintained his position
a aan undefeated contender in the
international 18.2 balkline bil
liards championship tournament
here t onlght. Ha outplayed
Roger Contl, the Frenchman, 500
to 251 points.
That was not all. Schaefer
equalled the average of 55 5-9
that Willie Hoppe set last night
as the record average of the
present tournament He also set
up a new record high run for this
competition with a massive com
pilation of 195. This run had
been immediately preceded by
129. The champion had another
run of 94. All of his play was
rapid and he favored the short
rails throughout.
Conti began poorly. He was
not in the same stroke as a year
ago-wh-sn he defeated Schietcr in
the tourniraent at Chicago. 'The
Frenchman later strengthenebis
ball to bail billiards to finish with
an average of 31 3-8 and high
runs of 107, 87 and 43.
; Standing of the players: ,
Played W. Li High Run Aver.
Schaefer ...2 0 195 55 5-9
Hoppe . . .
Cochran .
Conti . ...
" 70
Noh-Confefence Honors at
Stake in Saturday Game
""At Forest Grove ;
What will be the whole univ
ersity ;and all its traditions .will
be part of the delegation to For
est Grove, Friday, when the Wil
lamette Bearcatar go to .meet ta
Pacific -' university - football team,
. Willamette has been mopping
the. Pacifies regularly for, the past
10 years until 1921, when Coach
Frank sprung a surprise and won
a - clean" victory from the Jason
Lee lads. It was a bitter humili
ation, but ' the Bearcats had to
swallow it.
This year WJllamette. has play
ed a very, light schedule, but
through it all has had an eye on
the Pacific game. Both teams
have been beaten .by Oregon.
Pacific whitewashed the College
of, Puget Sound -and ( Willamette
almost beat Whitman 9 to 7. They
ought to be of fair equal strength
on comparative scores.. The ad
vantage of position is with Pacif
ic, playing at home. The best
of hereditry, the superiority com
plex, should be with Willamette.
.' If the whole university does go
over It will have enough yell ers
to make a formidable, showing.
A few good yellers are'; worth a
lot to a team and it looks as if
there will be enough of the. Vis
itors to' make the moral support
almost a: standoff, u l ' : - -'
The Bearcats have j one more
game here at Salem wtth' thf' col
lege of Puget Sound o'irTbanks
glving day, two weeks fronttoday.
Clara Phillips Jury
Is Yet Undecided
LOS ANGELES, Nov., 15. The
jury which herfrd the trial of Mrs.
Clara Phillips -for the mnrder of
rMs. Alberta Trema'no, Meadows,
who was ebaten to death with a
hammer July 12 last, had failed
to agree at'9r20 o'clock tonight,
ifler having been out since 10:55
o'clock this morning, and was or
dered locked up for the night by
Judge Frederic W. Houser.
SQUIRE EDGEGATE a Little Entanglement of Words That
vvtRE ffrrtty Fir THt Til
t;v, f " V - &U7 ns the: V ) i.on CR'Sr v i- Z-' t
' lLZ V ' '
Injured Arm. Threatens to
Keep Captain-Away from
e Game All Season
Some news that seems almost
too bad to be true has been hand
ed down to the Willamette basket
ball players. Albert Loan, tli
flashy forward of last year, one
of the most promising plijeri on
the" whole Pacific coast, may noi
be able to play at all this jj'sw.
Logan came in from his Hum
mer's work on the farm, strong
as a horse and active as an antel
ope. He wanted to get into foot
ball, though he had never played
the game, and Coach Bohlcr let
him in. He was fast enough and
had a good enough bead for tho
game to make the team in his
first year. But several weeks ago
be hurt his arm and just now the
doctors have splinted It, up aQ(l
told him that the games are all
off, at least for the present. As
captain of the squad, he will Ftill
have the right to order the rooks
around, but for the present, he
will not be able to play.
This is a genuine disaster to
the team prospects for the year.
It leaves " ."only J Patten' . and
Canghlin of the yast year's flying
quintet to form a nucleus of.. a
1923 team. Pattern has come
through the football season with
out damage, and promises to do
even better at the hoop game than
be did last. So, too!, bag Cangh
lin, and lie looks much 'better for
basketball than a year ago, but
the two are pretty lonesome as a
Regular gymnasium work was
started Wednesday at the new city
hall gym. on the third floor of
the city hall. Shower baths and
dressing rooms have been pro
vided, the windows have been
screened to save them from break
age, the floor has been oiled and
marked of f for the game, and it
promises to be as good a floor as
any team could wish. The light
ing is a bit garish, but the room
itself Is entirely satisfactory.
Coach Bohler has not yet seen
nearly all his basketball aspirants
at work, nor ,hd a chance to
measure their abilities. Just what
the new year hag. wrought is still
a dark problem'.. There were
some good plrfyersleft over from
varsity team but'ho practiced
fast year, who did not make the
Bteadily enough to gain some good
experience, , '
McKinneyr.Emmel, Baggott, arc
of the frosh team a year ago, who
can .be counted on as good pros
pects. Emmel' especially looks
like a winner. Irving Shepherd,
who made a great record at Che
mawa. is in to try for center. He
is said to tie fast and accurate and
with a real head for the game.
Byers Again May Head
U. S. Golf Association
NEW YORK. Nov. 15. J.
Frederic Byers. of tho Allegheny
Country club, Zwickiey Pa., has
been noni'nated for re-election ie
president of the United. States
Golf association, according to the
plate Of officers for 1923 as an
nouncf?d, tonight by the nominat
ing j-committee! of the organiza
tion. The annual meeting will
se he!d in January.;
Other officers of the United
5tate Golf association . renomin
ited for election are: Vice Presi-
lent, Robert A. Gardner, Onwent
sia club. Lake Forest. 111., and
Wynant D. Vanderpool. Morris
Country Golf club. Convent, N.
J.; secetary. Cornelius S. le.
Tuxedo Golf club. Tuxedo, N. Y. ;
treasurer, Edward S. Moore, Na
'ional Golf links. Southampton.
N. Y. V , ;
Members of the executive com
mittee slated to retain office were
Rorrer D, I ha 111, San Franclace.
Golf and Country c!ub; John R.
Lemist, Denver Country, club;
James D. Standish, Jr., Lochmnor
ciuoiueirou. Mien.; Aian.u. Wil
son, Mariort Cricket club. Haver
ford, Pa., and Thomas B. Paine.
Atlanta Athletic club.
I : SQUiKl rcur?L f MHN Jusr vrwir , ,
Miller Recognizes Pictures
of Robbers Who Held Him
up In October
Charles Miller, Silem Ftreet
car ruotprman stated yesterday
that lio rifognized the men who
held him up October 18th and
deprived "him of 1 7 as Wayne
Dimmick, alias Dave Mason and C'rabtree, alias C. E. Stev
enson. They were recently cap
tured in Portland ami their pic
tures published in ttao Portland
papers. Mr. Miller said that both
men wore masks rather low on
their face3 and that because of
this he was able to identify the
Portland pirtures.
The men covered Miliar as he
was changing his trolley at the
end of tiio fcouth Twelfth street
run at about 11:30 p. in. on the
evening of October 18th.
Dimmick and Crabtree havs
boen wanted for several years and
recently confessed to the Portland
po'ice of eight iobberies, among
them the Salem streetcar holduf
and the Hopewell .and Terrydaj'
. - : 1 , . , X-'
(Continued from page 1.)
gation to its annual convention,
which next year will be, held in
Washington, D. C," " , V
The activities of Oregon temple
have brought to rortland cnei l
the first six cr'ppled children',
hospitals now being constructed
throughout the United States. The
site for this. $60,000: hospital was
bought and presented to the na
tional board by the members of
A! Kader temple.
The occasion oi the pilgrimage
Frday i8 the initiation of a large
class In the Coos Bay city.
The Salem Cherrians have been
invited also as an escort and have
accepted the invitation. :-j
German Billiard Champ .
Defeated by American
NEW YORK. Nov. 15. Welker
Cochrane, world's star, defeated
Erich Hagenlacher, German cham
pion, 500 to 471, this afternoon
in the fourth natch of the inter
national 18.2 balkline champion
ship at the Pennsylvania hotel.
Although defeated Hagenlacher
set a record for the tournament
thus far, a c'ose'ly compiled clus
ter of 178. Hi3 other runs were
140 and 72.
Cochrane, forging from far be
hind in order to win, had high
runs of 140, 82 and 69. His av
erage ws 3:5 5-16 and irgon
lachfr's was .11 6-1 C.
( ' VOUR t71 TQlH MlltE f r&tjtt t THE. TST -TH -
Solve This Puzzle Win Fine Prize
15 I 8 251 15 21
8 5T4"l825
on. The ten figures spell three words. What are
the words ?
To Men, Women, Boys and Girls
All can share in these Easy-To-Win prizes. 3nd
ihe three words on a slip of paper with your nams
and address. I
FIRST PRIZE $200 CASH. Besides this big cash
prize we are going to give away three magnificent
graphonolas and thirty-cine ether awards. , Total
value 5614.30. Send your answer. Act quickly.
215 So. Commercial Street '
Patton and Wagar Put on
Successful Mystery Show
.Monday evening, Novt mber 13H
Patton-Wagar staged and pulled
off one of the most successful
shows ever seen . in Parkersville
community. Ths school children
were delighted with ths "ureal
tough show," and many of the old
folks who hadn't laughed iti
many years, indulged in several j
roaring laughs. Mr. Patton and j
Mr. Wagar have a way of present-!
Hit;-, mystery ana pnaiionieiii
which takes well with tho peopk".
The two-room sihoolliouse was
crowded beyond seating capacity.
After the close of the main show
Mr. Patton called for three young
men from th audiriu-o, which
was quickly responded to: then he
proceeded to give some hypnotic
demonstrations which w re very
successful, creating murb laugh
ter. B
Congressional Speech Ex
pected Ao Oeal Chiefly
With Marine Bill
WASHINGTON, Nov. i 6"--President
Harding, after a conference
today with Chairman Lasker of
the shipping board, began work
on his message to the extra ses
sion of congress.:
The message is expected to be
devoted almost entirely to a dis
tussion of the pending merchant
marine bill, as it has been as
serted at the White House that
the president's desire to havr- ac
lion on this measure expedited
was the nicfin reason for calling
congress in session two weeks in
advance of the regular meeting.
Other legislation such as the des
irability of amendments to the
tarnsportation act, may be touch
ed upon by the executive, but
it is generally believed by con
gressional leaders with whom the
president has talked recently that
presentation of detailed views on
other subjects than the merchant
marine bill will await the annual
message to be forwarded upon the
convening of congress in regular
session Iecember i.
The president in beginning
work on his message, had ber'ore
him a large amount of data sup
plied by Chairman Lxs'ner, all e-t
it t-howing the present bitiiiit:on
with respect to the goernmeni's
war built tonnage ant! t.10 neces
sity cf pror.ipt action by ronRress
in ti e matter of a . permanent
policy. Mr. Lasker is expected
to have several eonferemes with
the president during the writing
tf the message.
I ooi ;ami:k TODAY
i NEW YORK. Nov. K.. The
fhe figures represent
corresponding letters
n the alphabet Figure
I is A, 2 is B, and so
Salem, Oregon.
Finally Unravels Itself for
two billiard games scheduled for
Thursday bring Edouard Hore
r.ians. the Belgian," against .Erich
Hagenlacher, tho Oermau, in the
matinee match. Willie Hoppe
and Welker Cochran meet in the
contest at night.
Committee to Investigate
Mine Disaster to Report
The special committee appointed
by Governor Stephens to investi
gate tho causes of the Arson.'Hit
mine disaster, in which 47 miners
lost their lives last September,
and to suggest means by which
such accidents may be averted in
.1 c , . - r 1 , 1, . i , ;
uiv iiiiuie, imi:,iit"i 113 puuuc
hearings today.
Its report is expected to be
ready for Governor Stephens by
December 1. The comnifttee,
which is composed of A. I). C.
Dohrmann, San Francisco, merch
ant; W ..J. luring, owner of -large
mining interests In California,
and J. T. Williams cf Grass Val
lv representing the interests of
the miners, will meet tomorrow to
begin preparat'on of its report.
Mr. Well Dressed Man:-
Mr. Fife of C. J. Mathis & Co., of Portland will be
at the Marion Hotel, Room 220 for several days with a
display of custom or made to measure shirts ranging
from $5 to $15. These are tailored to your individual
measurement from imported English and Scotch Mad
ras, English Flannels, wool taffetas, silk broadcloth and
other imported fabrics.
Drop up and i?ive the line the once over, even if
not intsrested at this time. This service is brought to
Salr.m to give particular men the opportunity of seeing
this wonderful line without coming to Portland.
4V?ix , r.vv
on your Winter Journey to
Observation Cars with comfortabki chairs, wide win
aows and broad rear platforms; through sleeping
Cars with latest travel luxuries; Unexcelled Dining
Car culsin". and pictureMiue scenery will add to the
pleasure of your journey.
Through Standard Sleeping Cars
Via the Scenic Shasta Route
San F rancisco and Los Angeles
tleeping car reservations, train
rchedle3. or picture hooka, in
quire of agents, or communicate
General Passenger Agent,
Portland. Ore.
Ask Mother
A teacher was reviewing her
class on a lesson she had given ;
them on modern invention.
"Who can mention one im
portant thing we have now that
we did not have 100 years ago?"
rhe asked.
Tommy raised bis hand.
"All right, Tom," the teacher
answered, "what is it?"
"Me,", said Tommy.
Auto Painting Company
Is Formed by Olmstead
Automobile row is glad to ex
tend a welcome to the latest mem
ber of the automobile fraternity.
tle Reliance Auto Painting com-
; pany of hich Colonel Olmstead
! 4s the head. Colonel Olmstead
has purchased from Mr. Derry tho
painting business which he for
merly condncted at 310 South
Winter street.
The new company which ex
pects to turn out two paint jobs a
day Is located at Front nnd
State street, over the salesrooms
of the Huffman Motor company.
This commodious room when re
modelled and filled with up-to-
N -
Service Counts
date machinery will house one of
the most progressive industries In
the' valley. -M ' : '
M CC Round
tO- v.
TlurLiy, lYMay, Saturday
FiHurn Limit Monday y:
Orcon Oectrlc ' Railway
For the Annual "
0. A. C. Homecoming
Crest O. A. IV V. of Oi
FcutlMill Gaiue : h , v
Saturday, Nov. 18th'
Leave Salem, 10:10 a.m., ar
rive Oorvallis il:25,a.m. ; .
Returning after the game,
Leave CorvalUs 5; IS p.m., ar
rive Salem 6:25 p.m.
Ar. Jefferson .St. at 8 p.m ar
rives Hoy t St. 8:15 p.m. " .
, ItegTilar Dally Tralna:
Leave SaTem, $:S5." 10:ltf a7m.
12:55, 4:15, 6:45 p.m. ;
Arrive Corvallls, 9:55. ll:3t
a.m.; 2:10, 5:40: 8:03 p.m.-
Leave CorvalUs 8:24-a.m.:
12:10. 242, 410, 6:25 p.m.
Arrive Salem t:4 a.m.; 1:53;
3:55. 6:25, 7:45 p.m.
Oregon Electric Railway
.. J. W. Ritchie, Asent
' y r t ' ' ' ! 1
i.f- .. . ,1
p.-. in-STST"""""1 7 '"
t.ji.. r..t . nni m i .1 11.
For. Misses and
j . -!".,
Felt lined black "Knce
BooU" in size 12 1-2 to 2
go at ;
$145 pair
Ladies' Felt ,
Rubber Boots priced at
Gold Seal 1
Rubber Boots
Vcr Men (as good as any
better than miost). '
Kublcr ftpr the entire,
family -
John J. Rottle
167 N. Commercial . St.
Salcmt Ore. !
The Walk-Over Store
$1.75 pair