The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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J i . ;
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! ' 1
!. v Head of Chicago, Meat Pack
:!' ing House Presents . Pro
i posal to Daugherty . and
Agriculture Head.
w if ' nw riri ir-r -"n r a w
iff WI I w LniL.
t-- w - mm m u mm m w s n s
iT Visit Result of Desire to
V ''Take Precautions Against
' Any Interference
, Ogden Armour, head of the Chic
o meat packing house of Ar-
mour and company, presented to
day to Attorney "General Daugh
erty and Secretary Wallace of the
department of agriculture, ' pre
sumably for government approval,
a proposal for merging through
-purchase the physical assets of
another of the "big lfve" national
packing houses with Armour and
company, which of the concerns
the Armour organisation proposes
to absorb was not disclosed, al
though both Wilson and company
and' orris and company of the
packing group have been 'men
tioned )a connection with the
Pan. . oiuctais concerned, re
frained entirely from expressing
comment or opinion in the matter
, Opinion Not Expressed
Mr. Armour : tonight likewise
declined to make ' any statement
' , except that he intended to remain
, yi.wumngion xor anomer aay.
1 It was assumed that a desire to
" ' -'determine the legality of such
jp. merger .in advancer of taking any
steps, to complete, had led to the
1 consultation with officials,
r ' ' Secretary Wallace, after his
conference with Mr. Armour and
several associates who accompan
led him to Washington, issued a
statement saying he had expressed
no opinion upon the Armour plan
and it was indicated Ahat Attorney
General I Daugherty had likewise
withheld decision although imme
diate consideration was promised
for it.
Somewhat similar approaches
have been made to the govern
ment recently by heads of inde
pendent steel corporations, con
Aemplating merger, but- Mr. Wal
lice's statement vindicated that
the packing industry because of
the existence of special legislation
providing for Its specific regula
tion providing . for . Its specific
regulation by the federal' govern
ment stood In a different ' posi
Mr. Armour's visit was under
stood to have I resulted not only
from a desire to take all precau
tlons against possible government
Interference later but also "from
the general pollcV of the packers
Z. o keep the government informed
f . of new developments in the field
A similar course was followed two
V years ago when the packing com
panles, after Investigation had
i been Instituted by voluntary
t : agreement undertook to divest
themselves of i stockyard owner
ship and to refrain from oper
I. atlng In Industries unrelated to
meat packing. Whether Mr. Ar-
t mour Intended to take up the
questions at issue with the federa
1 trade commission was not known
f although the government agency
in contact
1 with the industry In recent years
TANSIAGO. Chile. Nov. 15.
(By, the Associated Press) The
authorities at Coquimbo reported
today that ai strong earthquake
followed by a! tidal wave was ex
perienced there at 25 minutes af
ter midnight this morning. No
4 further damage was caused. The
population" was on the alert and
no casualties were reported.
OREGON' Thursday fair
, (Wednesday)
Maxiumum temperature, 40.
r Minimum temperature, 31.
. River, 1.1 below normal lev.
eL , "
; Rainfall, none.
i Atmosphere, foggy.
Wind, southwest.
rank H. Lamb Tells History
of Organization; Service
to Youth Emphasized
Frank H.,Lainb, district gover
nor of Rotary clubs was the
peaker at the Rotary luncheon
yesterday. This district, known
as the first Rotary district, com
prises Oregon, Washington. Brit
ish Columbia and Alaska. Mr.
Lamb's term of office is nearing
its close and he is completing a
round of visits to the clubs in
the district.
Mr. Lamb recited the history
and growth of Rotary from the
time it' was first organized in
Chicago in 1910. In 12 years it
has grown from 16 clubs, three
of which were in this district, to
1260 clubs with a total member
ship of 86,000, located in 28
nations of the world.
He declared that the great pro
gram and objects of Rotaf y are
to promote better relations among
business-acquaintances and to in
troduce the idea of service to oth
ers into business relations to
make a man's word in business
as good as his written tcontract.
A program for the promotion of
International good will was add
ed at the Los Angeles convention
this year.
"Rotary must have objectives"
the speaker declared, that will be
for the betterment of the com
munity, and Rotary clubs should
be the training ground of the
yOung, who are to become the
business and professional' men of
tomorrow. ' He declared that
while contact with the boy of,
little opportunity is important, he
was 'more afraid of .'the sons of
members themselves,' or of other
business men who- are so engross
ed in !husi.hess that they find little
or no time to get acquainted with
them, let' alone guide them and
instruct, them in "the Rotarian
principles' of service above self;
Transients Who Apply At
Police Station Sometimes
- Are Well Fortified
Every winter when hotel beds
should be at a premium hostelry
owners who cater to the cheaper
class of transients bemoan the
fact that It '.Mooks like a hard
winter." In other words, when
the leaves have fallen and roam
ers are expected to flock to the
warm hotedl bed instead of the
park bench, they have been found
conspicuous by their absence.
Yet It Is a fact that very few men
walk the' streets all night. Where
do they go?
Chief Moffitt of the Salem po
lice knows all about it. ' He says
that the hay racks and depot
seats are fast loosing their at
tractiveness as winter accommo
dations and that most of the
Weary Willies prefer to register
at the free hotel maintained by
the department. And ' not only
those who are "on their uppers"
are attracted, he says, but a
wealthier class who would make
any bell boy jump, pass up the
hotels in favor of the police sta
Some transients at the station.
according to the chief, are found
to have all the way from $50. to
$5000 on their 'persons. Only a
few nights ago a roamer who
voluntarily applied for a frea
room without bath was found to
have $50 in his pocket. So poor
was his memory that the ..very
next day while absorbed in ne
gotiating nickels he struck one of
the police officers for the price
of a meal.
Over a year ago a farmer who
hailed from the Dakotas dropped
Into the -station in quest of a bed
with $5000 about his person. He
wouldn't trust the banks and e
was such a frugal man that he
preferred the "ho charge" cell to
the four-bit hotel room.
. Those gulders of humanity who
point to the successful business
men as examples of thrift and
economy should toast their toes
at a police station som night in
November. r They could gather
some of their prize examples from
the birds who "failed to fly south
Tens of Thousands Swarm
Toward Center of City,
Learn Results and Enjoy
Exciting Evening.
Dense Fog Covers Area and
Car Conductors Go Ahead
With Lanterns
LONDON, Nov. 15. (By the
Associated Press) Long before
9 o'clock tonight when it was ex
pected the first returns woutd bo
coming, all the trams and busses
from the suburbs" were crowded
with people going toward Central
London. They came partly to get
the election results and partly for
a night of general jollification.
Whitechapel and the east end sent
their tens of thousands, a majority
of them young people, in their
best clothes.
Circus Attracts
. Fleet street where the newspa
per offices are clustered, attract
ed its full share of crowds; it was
so blocked that wheeled traffic
had trouble to plough through.
Most of the revellers found great
attractions around Piccadilly Cir
cus, but the big department stores.
with various devices such as huge j
barometers and electrical schemes
for displaying the news, appeared
most popular centers. Famous'
newspaper cartoonists were em
ployed by some of these to amuse
the spectators with pictures on
great blackboards "between bulle
tins. Square Packed
Salvation Army bands took ad
vantage of the occasion to hold
meetings and street merchants
and musicians of all types were
busy almost beyond endurance.
The absence of cheering for the
parties was noticeable; party lines
are so mixed that many of the
citizens did not know Just where
they were so far as concerned par-.
Trafalgar Square was packed and
Nelson monument surrounded by
a dense mass of people. A big
searchlight played over them and
fire works were sent up. -
Dense .Fog Covers ,
Although polls were kept open
late for the special benefit of the
workers, the dense fog which cov
ered parts of east Tondon during
the last fleeting hours kept many
at home. I Busses mpved with con
ductors carrying lanterns while
tram service 'generally was stop
ped. Ebert Confer Late With
Reichstag Leaders in Ef
fort to Reach Solution ..
BERLIN, Nov." 15 (By the As
sociated Press. President Ebert
still was conferring late tonight
with the reichstag leaders in an
effort to reach a solution ot the
present government crisis brought
about by the resignation of .Pre
mier Wlrth and his cabinet.
- Nonpartisan Favored
The president is reported to be
strongly in favor of a nonparti
san ministry, composed of men
with industrial and economic
training, who might be recruited
from the political parties or 30
chosen that ther iwonld be as
sured of sufficient parliamentary
support to enable the new minis
try to carry out the constructive
policies demanded by the present
internal situation ana me re par
ations question.
Herr Ebert is in formal touch
with a w"ell known public leader
who is not a member of the reich
stag,. but who -the,, president be
lieves, meets the requirement for
the premiership. In a cabinet com
posed of experts or professional
Wants To See New York and
The Gentler Sex, Spends
Day With Passengers
YORK. Nov. 15. (By Wireless: to
The Associated Press t M.
Clemenceau today for - the first
time during his voyajte totNew
York showed himself a good
"mixer." The former ' premier 'ot
France appeared on deck at 10:30
this morning in high spirits and
walked and talked with othei
passengers, stopped and played
with various children on board
and laughed and conversed with
the newspapermen. v :
The "Tiger" bettered by half an
hour his record of TuesdayVin ris
ing, coming out of his stateroom
at 6:30 this morning. Tuesday
morning he made his appearance
at the "dreadfully shameful"
hour of seven. He ate his usual
light breakfast early and then
proceeded to spend the morning
enjoying the glorious sunshine and
the Smoothest day of the trip. Pas
sengers frequently took snapshots
ot Clemenceau.
This afternoon the former pre
mier spent secluded in his cabin
reading and writing. He received
no visitors. Fie said today that his
long sleeps aboard ' the Paris
would make him strong enough to
combat the excitement of h'tf visit
to New York which he Is anxious
to see, together with its Borneo.
Only $7,500 More Needed
for First Unit Opening
Hoped by January 1
Only $7,500 is now needed to
complete the first unit of the
Salem hospital, according to
Henry Meyers, president of the
hospital board. The hospital
board will meet Unlay at noon for
luncheon at the Gray Belle and
attend to details of executive
work. The men and women of the
board have been meeting every
week to discuss the work and re
port progress on the building op
erations. Pledges are being solicited by
the captains of the different com
mittees and every effort is being
made to secure the money to fin
ish the work in the hospital with
in the next six weeks as it Is
hoped to have it ready to open
by the first of the year.
Checks may be sent to H. W.
Meyers." manager, postoffice box
344 Salem.
Oregon Head to Go East
Regarding Fund Campaign
EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 15. Dr
P. L. Campbell of the University
f Oregon, expects to leave to
morrow for the east, where he
will confer with the representa
tives of the Important foundations
in New York, such as the Rocke
feller,. Commonwealth and Sage
foundations, in regard to possible
cooperation on their part in con
nection with the University's $10,
000.000 endowment fund cam
paign. While east the president
will visit many of the large uni
versities to obtain outlines of
plans of similar campaigns con
ducted by them.
Withdrawal of Cash Causes
Mexico Bank to Shut Doors
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 13 (By
the Associated Press) The fail
ure of the Banque Francaise ' de
Mexique to open Its - doors - for
business today, although not un
expected, was the cause of a con
siderable flurry in financial
circles, inasmuch as the institu
tion is one of the greatest in the
capital and has. among its deposit
ors some o the. largest commer
cial houses In the republic. Large
crowds gathered in front of the
building, necessitating the calling
out of the police as a precaution
ary measure against possible at
The general explanation of the
closing of the bank was the
wholesale withdrawal of funds by
depositors who had become
alarmed by street rumors. The
depositors had made Intermittent
runs on the bank in the past
Salem Electric Company Is
Sending Point for Enter
tainment of Music Lovers
Throughout West.
Vikings Brandish Swords.
Lovers Spoon, Nymphs
Dance as Club Sings
One of the most pretentious
radio concerts yet staged in the
northwest was put on last night
at the Salem Electric company's
broadcasting station in the Ma
sonic block.
It was the Apollo club's pro
gram of nine pieces, comprising
much of the concert program the
club gave to the people of Salem
last week, when Reed Miller was
with them as soloist. They didn't
have the distinguished New York
er this time, but they didn't need
him. Anybody can get him on
the phonograph any minute of
the day, but choruses like the
Apollos are usually continents
Program High Class
The program consisted of "CI
Sole MIo," (My Heart is Thine),
di Capua; Shepherd's Sunday
Song, by C. Kreutzer; "Smilin"
Through," by Arthur A. Penn:
"The Glow Worm." hv pi
Lincke; "Mah Lindv Lou." h
Lily Strickland; "Go to Father,"
by Lester Jenks; "Now the Night
in Starlight Splendor," (sextette
irom Lucia di Lammermoor) hv
Donizetti, and "Stars and Stripes
Forever," by John Philin Son.
It might be possible to arranee
a better recording room, with the
singers grouped according to size
ana on a banked stand, so that
every singer might be in full un
interrupted view of the recording
born. A reflector, too, might
carry the sound to the recording
instrument better than an open
room. But it is a good guess that
me spienaid choruses have car-
cheer to more nennlo than
could have turned out to hear the
Apollos if they had traveled for
a full year and worn out an arm
ful of trousers ariece riding
railroad cars to their various en
gagements. Real Wonder-World
When one van stretch out a
few slender wire and pluck out
of the air such magnificent har
monies as the Sextet, one has
lived In ja. Wonder-world. The
listener could almost see the fork
toarded old Vikings, eagle-crowned,
flaxen-haired, each; with
W f -1 lUUlt
I four-foot sword in his hands and
a nuge ooar hound prowling at
every heel, come sweeping down
out or the a:r. splashing gall
around like raindrops and filling
w,u air wun tne din of war and
the harmony of all the ages.
Ana, to hear "Mah Lindv Lou
the lovin'est, dovin'est, honeyin
est sweetheart song of them all.
come a-crooning down out of the
"Ky from a distance of 2000 miles
that, too, is an achievement
It. was a foggy nieht h pro In S3n
l?m, fog that one could shovel
like sand or cinders kit tn.
lovin' song ought to reach clear
out to Hawaii, where It's su
all the time: dnwn tn P,imit.
del Verde, where it's always green
and cocoanut-palmy, and every
body loves everybody and goes
out on the beach to hear it.
They'd hear this Lindy Lou song
from Salem, and feel that Salem
i a land of love let's go!
Music Every Night . .
If Prof. John Sites isn't prond
ui nis Apollonlans and of the
beautiful bouquets of chrysanthe
mums that were brought him in
ioKen or his directorship, then
he s hard to please.
some musical entertainment is
to be radiated every night from
the Salem Electric station, from
t o clock until 8. The concerts
are preceded by a brief announce
ment by F. S. Barton, telling of
the station, the station number.
the performers, and asking for
reports from those who hear tha
A. J. Edwards & Son Win
Hiirh Honors in Big Winter
Show in Portland
Thirty-four ribbons, of which
15 were firsts, were won by A. J.
Edwards and son, Ctil Edwards,
of Salem, on their exhibit of
pigeons at tha Western Winter
Poultry and Stock show which
was held with the Pacific Interna
tional Livestock show last week in
Portland. The Edwards exhibited
only 40 birds and won 15 blue
ribbons or first prizes and 13
More than 400 pigeons were on
exhibit this year, Mr. Edwards
says, including many from Por
land and Gresham and a few
from out of the state. Harold
Tomilson, also of Salem, entered
three birds and took three prizes
a first, second and third.
A. J. Edwards is head pressman
for tho Oregon Statesman.
Concert on Streets to Be
Given Local Bodies to
Form Escort
A special train will pass
through Salem, Friday afternoon
at 5 o'clock carrying the members
of Al Kader temple from Portland
en route to Marshfield. A stop of
30 minutes will be made at the
down town, depot. oi the Southern
Faclfic, during which time the
uniformed bodies, including the
band, patrol and chanters will pa
rade the down town streets and
give a short concert.
A special committee has been
appointed by the local Shrine club
and all. arrangements are being
made for. the entertainment of the
v'sitors while in this city. Al
Kader temple has done much to
ward advertising Oregon through
out North America, having brought
to Portland in 1920 the represen
tatives of all the temples of the
Uunted States and Canada and
each year is sending a large dele
iCootinusd on pare 2.)
Objects to Later Continuance
of Trial, Wants Chance
At Governor Allen
EMPORIA, Kas., Nov. 15.
William Allen White late today
blocked the effort of Governor
Allen to have White's trial on a
charge ot violatin the Kansas
industrial court law delayed until
the governor had retired from of
fice. White was arrested for put
ting a placard expressing 50 per
cent sympathy for the striking
shopmen in the window of the
office of the Emporia Gazette, of
which he is editor.
Decision Pleases
Judge W. G. Harris, in district
court today, refused the request
of Governor Allen that the trial
be continued after November 22,
as it now appears on the docket. I
The continuance was opposed by
White's attorney.
The Emporia editor said he was
pleased with the decision because
it assures him a real trial.
"Perhaps you'll end in jail."
White's attorney suggested.
Jail Xo Worry
"That's all right," the editor
replied. "I would rather be sent
to Jail for differing with a gover
nor like Henry Allen." who has the
copper lined guts of a real man
than to stick around at liberty
under a milk and water pumpkin
head like some governors. When
I think of the kind of a governor
Allen has made, the way he has
run the institutions, the way he
run the institutions and the way
he has stood up for the public,
the way he has 'fit' bled and died
for the glory of Kansas, I'm proud
to get a go at him for the eternal
rights of free utterance for the
public along with freedom from
Industrial oppression for the public"
LONDON, Nov. 16. (By
Conservative party has returned more members to pari ia-
ment man an me otner parties combined, so far as returns
completed Wednesday night show. The LaboHtes come next
and tha labor party is considered due for"c6nratulaUon3 as
ii aireuuy nas a gam oi z seats, . i nese are all in the con
gested industrial area, notably in iGlasmfw.. where Dredictions
that labor would triumph, have been fulfilled, and the results
of the last election overturned by a flood of laborite votes,'
the conservatives and Georgite Liberals being ousted in sev
eral London districts. .
Sham Battle Fought at Cap
itol and Hostile Forces
Attack White House
WASHINGTON'. Nov. 15. -
Washington was "saved" . from
"enemy" air raiders today when a
defending squadron of army
planes, warned by scouts, took the
eir and repelled the invaders In a
desperate thepretical encounter.
The victory of the defense was
complete. The entire fleet of five
hostile bombers was "captured"
and after "surrender" of the pilots
all hands went to lunch at Boiling
Battle Coniplet
The attacking force consisted of
five Martin bombers, which left
Langley Field, Va., this morning
and under leaden skies and
through obscuring rain showers,
drove toward Washington intent
on "bombing" the White House,
treasury, navy yard, war college,
the capitol and other important
government structures. Ward that
the enemy was on tbe way was all
that reached the defending forces
at Rolling field.
Three big scouting planes equip
ped with radio instruments shot
into the air and circled southward
grouping for contact with the
enemy. Low visibility hampered
their work, but finally the enemy
machines were spotted down the
Potomac river pelow Alexandria
and the word was flashed by radio
to Boiling field while the scouts
maneuvered to keep the hostile
craft in sight.
Enemy Defeated
Back at the fieid, three dimin
utive fighting planes of the type
used by the air "aces' overseas
shot up, circling their way high
into the banked clouds above. They
had scarcely disappeared from
sight-overhead before three heav
ier fighting craft followed them
into the lofty ambush that was be
ing laid for the enemy.
The distant grumble of the
planes of the enemy bombers gave
notice that they were at hand.
The five big planes from Langely
came on with the target buildings
Lthey sought ahead and began
swooping downward to the at
attack. From the clouds above
dropped the six defending planes
into the midst of the enemy and
the battle of Washington was on.
The fighters circled and twisted
around the enemy machines in
every maneuver of battle practice,
picking off the bomb'ng planes
one at a time, until the last of the
quintet had been forced to earth.
theoretically. '
The actual landing of all the
planes was made at Boiling field
where the umpires ruled that the
enemy had been repulsed and cap
tured. Daniel Dean Tompkins
Dies at His Home Here
Daniel Dean Tompkins died at
his home. S3 1 North Summer
street, November 15. He was
born August 1, 1874 at John Day,
Ore., and Is survived by his wife.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josephus
Tompkins, two sisters, Mrs. Emily
Folsom and Miss Verna Tompkins
of Dayton, Ore.; three brothers.
Jacob H. and Morton, of Dayton,
Ore., and Forbes B. of Metzger,
Funeral services will be held
from Webb & Clough undertaking
parlors, Friday, November 17 at
2 o'clock p. m.
The services will be conducted
by Rev. Ward Willis Long, of the
Presbjteri&n church. - ; '
the Associated Press) The"
, This was tha most striking feat
ure of the returns, but may t
balanced by counts to be .made
fVB A .... ILI l a
ib Asquunian Ldoerais gamea
seven seats, the Conservatives six.
mm ueorgues mree ana tne In
dependents two. Two tnembert
of the government were defeated..
Col. Leslie Wilson, chief conienr
ative whip, and Col. Stanley, nn-v
der secretary for hom affairs. s
Of all' the women ' candidates,
f A . A . 1 ft W . 1
lmu miur a iui uuiy una ro-
lurnea tnus isr.
The prlmrf m)!tOter, Andrew
Bonsr Law,' carried 'to'. Central
division of 'Glasgow by a com
fortable majority, while former
Premier Asquith had a narrow es-'
cape in his Paisley constituency,
where he Just nosed out the La
borite. :J U v '
At 4 o'clock this inornlnr the
returns showed the standings of
tue narues. as iouowa f vinaorva.
Uvea 158;L4bor Liberals 15;
The returns in yesterday's elec
tions Indicated that labor had
gained 39 seats In parliament.
The conservatives were credited
with a gain of 12 seats, the, inde
pendent Liberals with IS, end tha
Georgite Liberals 2. f
Andrew Bonar Law, .the prims'
minister, was elected -tor the cen
tral division of Glasgow.
Sir Robert Stevenson Home, -former
chancellor of, the ex
chequor, . was re-elected for the
Hilhead division of Glasgow bj
a substantial majority.
John Robert Clynes, one of the
prominent labor leaders. ; war
eteciea ior me flatting dlvlsloi
ot Manchester with 15.6SS; Franl
A. Holmes, Conservative,, 14,814.
Mr. Clynes was unopposed 4n ths
last election.
At Liverpool, Fairfield division.
Major Cohen. Conservative, who
recently attended the American
Legion convention, was re-elected,
polling 14.316. i O. Porter, labor
candidate, polled 8838. Majdr
Cohen's vote was nearly twice
that in the last election.
Viscountess Astor was elected
for .the .Sutton division of Ply-
tMwutii. uc tuh wb; liWT AS-
ior, conservative, J3.9Z4; Cap
tain G. W. Brennan, Labor,, 10,-
ent Conservative, 4 64 J.
In the bye election in 1919
Lady Astor polled 14,495; the
Laborite candidate 9292, end the
Liberal 4139. . .
r t. . ... .
me women canaiaatss
have been unsuccessful up to this
hour, but that was among -ths
events forseen.
Somerset Grand . Jury to
Hear Story of Double .
Slaying Monday
15. Cessation of all actual In
vestigation or the Hall-Mills mur
der by the force of the county
and state prosecutors tonight in
dicated that the authorities were
practically ready . to present to
the Somerset grand jury Monday
the full story of th slaying of
the Rev. Edwird Wheeler Hall
nil xr VU.ha T " trill.
James . C. Dunham, a piano
dealer, was questioned for a short
time In regard to : a statement
which he made recently that "thta
murder case Is coming to a start
ling conclusion! Special Detect
tlve Mason ' would make no com
ment on " the result of; this In
QUlrV.' but It WAX ann-,nniA4 nn
'J tor, the .winter.", . . - u
men.. . ,V
rnonto. ,
programs. - i
(Continued oarage 2. ,