5. HIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON- WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 15. 1922 i classified advertisements Rat ward: Pee tasCrtlOB . -- . 9e . e - U 10t fare insertioaa 0 wea liU in ten was) Oa monta U VMitti' eoatraci, par bo. 15e g moots' contract, par as. .1 HIsiaaiB for aay advartiaaaa't S& NORWICH UmQN flllS INSURANCE I S0C1ETT W. H. Burghardt, Jr. ORggldent Agent 171 8UU 8t. MONEY f(T LOAN " On Real KsUte t. icKORo ; V; i, Orer Ldd nn.h Bank) NEW TODAY JfTOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NUMB Kit I m Mtato, we ran kad) taenia NW ' - ara 1m bujinf tmall ; .prune. rfASTEU 1 OR 2 TOS TRUCK, "ji. Liberty Hi. ? --- -y- 803 fon BALK rOKV TOUKING. SAX O.N Q . laurlntt. Ford roadster Maxwell lour rd rhMu. N. Liberty tit CBSI8HED APARTMESTS A'V CAR- t(e at cenier bi. WiXT TWO PA8SEN0EKS FOR rrtaro. lara llttirsday. Addrea ! Htateamaii.i .4 tOST HEXNA AXO'BU'E KXITTING. , . Between Nor'ta, Oth and Nortlt l4tn . Call 1386 LABORERS WAXTEU NEW CON ; ttrarttoa,' paper mill, tbla morning. C. Van Patten Son. i COLOREl "WOMAN - WANTS UAV work. w Phon 7M8-J.' . . ; KfcW- 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE r I Market atreet welt ( 12th 400. W1U take boos and lot worth 8201MJ " 1 er light an to In exchange. Uarrla. ttC4 j . Capitol. 1843-J. Jjr. REXT THREE ROOM FUR a tbed apartment. &4S ' Court t. j Pbone 1057. r , yon SALE 42 WHITE I EGHORN r. ' pa'tfta. 820. Phona 1UFU. . ' - AtlXDSTORMS DO i A CONSIDERABLE ! . damage in the alty ererr vinttr. , '(wiauHrm inauranea U cheap, t, Get a pahry. otandley Foley, Agts. Phone t7... ! I HEIFER; LOST DARK HEIFKR, FROM ' I t paatura in aouth Balora, about Nor. 7. I Under pleaao phone S4H1. r' r nVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN OOOD i l j rendition; large lot, fruit, trevs, ber l irK. lawn, one block t State Street 'frarlioa. 2.500. Terms. ?,43 N. 21st f ! kt. or phojpt 578 before 12 o'clock to- : I ANDPICK ED APPLES DKLIVEREU, Y 1 Spilienberg, Northern Spy, Jted Ch Pimiin. Oano. 8 box- for 84. I .80.1 rr.A I !Arut esbbage 81.23 per hundred. Ward K. Utrhardaon. 2305 Front; phon 494. f ANTED IjOO ANBEKRY T R A N 8 Phone 5t-21. 3. P. Alp.n- p piaata. wail, Route 2. Uerraie. . 1 WANTED AT ONCEA GIRL TO WASH ajaiibea. Call at 403 X. Liberty. I FOR SALE EIGHT ROOM BUXGAlAW t ' with' baa era cot and fnrnkc, near V ' South -Uonunerrial car line. Lot 60s " j1jO' Friee 84,000. Terms. ' Krueger . ; y Oregon Bldfc'. fhene 217. Wanted af or. , c- ROOM HOUSE . W1TII i leaariuan mnm wi I !Lyi 5a00-" " i..:. I YE MAY E A UOOU J IUS .THbVA. IV I V I . . rl a mall IftAWAA fflielh A GOOD HOME IN SALEM PRICE ' 88.300. Will trad for small improved . 1 jraut same value. ' : 1 UOOU MOni' CAR TO TRADE F0,R ! tieuall hroaae In north 8a1em. - ' . Thnmflcnn y - . 1 iiyuiuuvii 881 State St. Phone 173. it .. Special Terms OX . EXCHANGES WHERE BOTH properties are Hated with us. Bring in , f ynuf. tradee it rou bare anything of . :The Fleming Realty Co. j 341 State St, An Unencumbered Farm ' 'FOE SOME BUSINESS. WHAT HAVE youf ; ' The Fleming-Real W. Co, ' ' L L . 541 Bute St. '". U'- EMPLOYMENT: ; v ; ;r . UAJUB AgD rtMALB ' .WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO p ) take farm paper aabaeTiptioaa. A '( propoailioa to the right people Addraea .' '( the Paoifie Uomoauad. Stataamaa Bldg j, j Salem. Ore. ' a- - . -- - , I;' I AGENTS WANTED .TAILORING AGENTS OUR $29.50 ALL woe) , tailured-to-order anita and nr- T roata are 820 cheaper than atore price. " i t'oonaiesiona paid in advauee. Pro i ? tected territory. Beautiful aaaortment "I 8x9 awatrhes f ree. 1. B. Simpaon, Dept. 81, 031 Adams, Chlraro. for 'Sale FTJutoa r08RO CHICKERINO GRAND. IB GOOD . ehepa. Will give eome terms. H. L , i Stiff Furniture Co. FOR SALE GOOD USED IIAHOGANT piaee left ' ao to aell. Price $300 . y terms. H. L. SUff Fvraitare Oo Ma eie department. ' FARM PAPER IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST ' farm saner, aead lSe to the Par if! Homeetead. Hal am. lira iron, ie mre- monibs trial ooboeriptioa. ateaimi ht( ad. roux.Tw .' lra vtis ni n a- cwnm LEG ' bora bene. 81 each. W. A. Ford. Dmslllla.j0regoa. V POU1.TRTUP.W SEND Ei GUT TWO :i eel a tamps for special three month, vy. trial for the beat aad eldeat journal v In the west. Tbo articles and aJver i tlsewents are of epoelal iatoraet to th. poultry bread ere af tbo North waal ' Nerthweet Poaltrr Journal, til Ooa - ' merelal street. Salem. Oregon. V WOOD For iiky wood call i F22. even $ iaga. Also milk goats, .reatonable. Wood for sal large seconi- r growth. Call 1467. ' i BEHT GRADE MILL WKn 4 FtHr" i ad 16-lneh. Prompt delWery. K-- i enable price. Fred E. WeLe, 805 0 Chnrcb. Pboaa 1548. . fX BIRDS AND DOOS BT. ANDREASBURG ROLLERS THE s eaasry with a college education Guar anteed. Former prieel anoV$20. . ik,,ui n. ato Order see. E. B. ' 1 Flaha. Bird. Flowers, aad Pet. 878 Biat 8alem, Or. ' .. ' . - - - insCEXiJsjrcouf ' FOR 8AI.K ENGLISH WALNUTS. . Pboaa 65 F13. Will dclivor la Salem. L" rot BALE OL N81WSPAPla JO ;F0R SAL QSOEUJUrEOUS FULLER BRUSHES LOCAL REPRE- MBitHTt. urunea, 137J. ' FOR SALE TAXIH BALDHEAD CAB- P pumpkin and netted Oem potatoea. fhone S1-F19. FOR HALE RANGE STnvr. on ttoTe. and heater. 1733 X. Samraer. THE SMART SHAPE RtM.GE. "TAX . I 01 lne amart, neweat u,f t '-The Flower Inihe Bof tla Perfume Shop, 115 Xorth LioertT Straei. . VA SDMHEK LUOOAQa, REDUCED WALlJ Pi" - nojaaava, blaaiar waJlboard. valval atair earpv 9145. Baaur- high gra4 kooaa paaat. ?2nA lu Pd- Cotton uiirMi, U.M. Steal apringa $4.00. Maa a Baron. 17 N. Conaaarail St. "Beautiful Oregon,Rose" aad aJaraa other Oraroa aonra. tagathei: wit a flno eallaciioa of patriot i aeaga aacro4 ooaga and aaaa aid Una laafritaa ; ALL FOB iU j (Ipoclal prieoa la qoaatttT . Wto) EapMtallr adaptable for acaoal. aaaaaaaa ityor noma singing. Bead tor .' The Western Songster , 1 Pagoa. aow i iu thl4 aditiaa. Pabliahed by ORCOOM TEACHERS MONTHLT tlS . Oanuaereiat St. Belaaa (V FOR RENT APAXTHXaTTS FURNISHED APABTilENT FOR RENT 891 North Commercial. FLA TP FOR REST FURNISHED FLAT ATI 684 Vb Kerry street. 850 a month. Phone 33. or apply at Statesman i baaineaa "office. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST MONDAY. SMALL POCKET . book containing money. - I.re at Statesman. WANTED AtXSOiSUUUrEOTS 1 1 m WANTED GOOD Phone 20-F21. WORK HORSE. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. STO, f Pboce 811. .- . ' MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co, Pbone 9'. WASTED FURNI5WIED ROOMS AT oace by young married couple. No children. Addras "AX" eo Kdjvtes . man. " WAHTED-TO BUT HOUSEHOLD FTJR- aitara. ' too la, nuseauaneens : erticlee Pbone 1448. v WASTED EVEKTTHINQ IN HARD- irre aad furniture Best priest paid. THE CAPiTAIi HARDWARE . m FUKi.ITtTKI GO. 88S BT. Oammarrlv Hi. . Phone 847 WANTED FURXITIIKE. T00L8, MA ehlaery, stock,- etc U! pay for. cash - aell oa unniMwi. Pboaa 811. Weodry. the anrtinnew. ?- y BUSINESS CARDS APOnONBEE AUCTIONEER F. H. WOODRT. THE Ireaetoek. ranitnra. real- aetata aue tiohaor. Pboaa 811 fog sale datea. 1010 M. Hammer. OOt. J. B. GABLE AUCTIONEER. farm and city sales. 1 8. High, 'hone' -1448. i G. BATTKRLEE AUCTIONEER. FARM aad' stock eves. ' rnoaae naainae ijlWl Ofnef 1177. Balom. Orogita. - ' ''' AC7ETTLBNE WXlTJOfG .. . i : fllON. BTE&L. BaVASS. ALUMINUM Brt t the aieeea. Oxo-fiaa HeaUa eg 7 . OeSrt.4 J - BBACrt: PARLOR NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 NaiU Oprnmareial street ' w ' 1 . " 1 w -' " ' Auto Directory AUTOatBrXES THIi GOOD MAXWELL- GINGRICH Motor Co. 871 Court. .-. - . BATTERT AND ElECTJUCIAB ft. 'D. BARTON EX1 OR' BATTER! KH garter aad generator wars. 171 8 inmoreiaL .,, - ,... .- -, . PRESTO LIT BATTERY SERVICE Statioa. Expert battery aa elaetrlea ' Work. Farrir Bros. Pkoao 108. 418 Court. . ;'- AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROC ble shootiag. 318 N. High. Phoa JOl . f TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 TO H OTP. MTEB'f Lota Wroektag hobso n npru smerciaL Phone 833. t BI01QXJ8 AND REPAntlNO LtiOYD E. RAMSDEN DATTON BICT , , i: ...a. LmJ . Bias - ana rarpainaiu - " . . t HARRT W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man' 147 S. Com'L Phone 8 USED OARS OLE80N USED CAR Est CHANGE. Osre bought and eoia. teueraatoea re 'paiea.w- WaarJng. Polish ing, RADIATOR A- rENDBB REPAIRS aintiTORtV FENDERS. BODIES. made or repaired. . 1. 0,'Beir. 444! Ferry- j - f.- AUTOMOBILE PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING CO.. 19 State St-, cor. Front. Uolonel J, uim tsd. mgr. s CARPET AND ROO WEAVTNO 1ARPET AND RHG WEAVING RAGP dyad Faone aerara a. m. narui, CANDT SHOPS CMR CHOCOLATR' SHOP "JOST Candy." Strictly aememtae, ui a Commercial. . v - : , OARPB xm AND TXtVTT RXJQS NOTICE TO THE PUBLfC -WE NOW I weave naff tags mad, ear oi om ear nete, aay length or width VOW Seeire We aleo re-fit. t-aaw aad ee earpata . Vaaskae veaaaatia and la at trees ateam teg aad re n tag SsT-ea Carpw Cleaniag aad Fluff Rag worta raoa 1184. -5- ELBCTXICLiNB 'At. EM ELECTRIC CO. MA80SK Rntirfta. Phono13fc0. f" . t.ECTRIO FIXTURE AND SUPPLY 00. Pheo 1984.- .822 N. Liberty. lALIK'R ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO maebioe rapalHag. ooatraetiag 8' ''"-t faaine 488. VKCHIS Ft ri.vH ELECTRICIAN n.M rinm lwM.r ar eoatrart. Et- matee fumUbal. Phoa , 880. . dl4 Canrt St. - - ' '- CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FOBHAfE -i s - fnaollmin. Phona . 177. ciems. - TTNANCTAL MARION-POLK COTJIVTY fARM LOAN asMMiatioa has ob to toaa at H - w. D. Bmita aacresary sraaa- BUSINESS CARQ3 TVAMClXh 20. TEAR FARM tOa Ot RCRAL eradit plan, pre-bay meat pre late a4 lowad Wa artU fiaaaao yoa la? a tea rata of iatareat tkaa aay firm a taa roatt. Privau atoaoT aa oa aitkar alty at caaatry proparty. R. W. Marsters 41 1 Orecoa Baiidiag CHUTE SB FHTBICXAV OR. U M. diaeaaa HUM CURES AST Klv DRVQ STORES WM. ftElMEYKK "JUST Pttpes.' 17S N. Coaoiercta) (traet pbaat 187. BREWER DRUG CO. MI DOUBT Hkaae "4 CtEAJTEEl AMO DTtM SPICK, dyara. 8. SPAN OLE AH IBS AND 644 State. DBUOLESS PHTSICZAVI MAQXETIO HEAL1SQ DR. A. I. ' Fraola. Acuta aad ebroaic diaaaaas. Pboa 780. aS-38 Breyman Black. PTJWTACES SEAGROVE TOR FCR5ACE8 lata a tree l. ,. rwnrnx stores GIESE FCRNrrCRE CO. .QOALITT larmturo lor laaa ntoaajr. Veun Phone 484. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE Nt A aad aeeoad hand turaitsra. 7r m. vom narciai. FLORISTS CUT PLOWEKS AKT FLO HAL PIECBS. Dellrery. 0. F. Breithaapt. flarlat, 18 North Liberty atroot. Pbpaa 180. Ladies' Wearing Apparel PRBSSVAKZ1IO 8FENCER CORSETS TO ORDER DrewmakUg. Carris Tisber., McOor- aaek Bidg. HEMSTITCHIXQ SALEM EUTS HEV8TTTCHINQ plesuag. battoas, stain pi ag aad needle work. 8Z ungoa Bidg. rnona am MRS, Q. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, puttona. Koom 10. eat jtu lap' atore. Phoaa llf. ., KTT.i.nrex HATS FROM ft DP MRS. Grlaj. 819 Court atreet. C, A HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORN KB STATE AND Commercial. Pboaa 880. ' ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN OO8Y tarn b . . . ' v bb. m eaa. TRANSFER HA UTJNQ OAPITAL CITY TRANSFER pa 288 State St Pbone 8.. Diftri bating forwarding sad. storage pti spaeitUy. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- bold gooit. 0r iporlsl is plfso sad luraitnrf moTjng. we sise nif eoontry tripe. We haadla the boat ooal nd'WooAr Call' oa a 4 ar prleaa. We giro good measure, gqcj Qaeltty and goaq serrice. ; iarmer YTaMiff? wo 1 TRAJTSFOSTAtlOS AB.sr'S BT1SI LIUCS 3. W. Parker,- General- Mshsger- Central Stag Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALESiLtERT0N DTTISIOSf Learag Sal em, Central Btbga TtnaiBaJ: , T .m 11 a ax. B a.m. Laavea BiWerteu. Nra-e Stand I .8 a.m-.l .: OtalamUndaDaadeana-: hMoamout DiTisVaa. taeaa Salem . Central 8 (Are - Tens iaal I T 8-m, a.m.11 Un. 8 p. i ll .eeree Monaxruin,. nrannii owi - 8tl5'a.B 1. .m 8il5- a.m. ears IndrpeadtSee, Bearer Ttotoft :8( a.u 0 a.m. 1:J pes. 4 p.m. illP Ve:ake aeanecUons : at Salem to Ul ,erte; of tb Taller, Extra . tripo by appo Bttpent. -y H 1 W, PARKtXBi GeeeTfl Mgr. LAUVDRtXI eat ru LanwrulY COMPANY, lis S LiVrty 8tiaot.no;tfC1iHW laravsr best. EiUbliskad ll$. CAPITAL 'CITY STEAK LAUSDBT quality .wara, prompt ' pervt,' -sea Bredwp. Pbene 188. ' .- , u, r . SOAVBNOXBJ SOOS 8CAVENOEB SERVICE (SUP oeasor toJCoal Scavenger) Garbage 8d -refuse of alt kinU removed by tbr , maeta. Keaaonible rates. ynones: Qfjice 52a..reaidfnce Y03...- . , 4 A LB at SCAVENGERS GARBA9& RE Mseof all ktada remove spools ilea tied. Phone 167 or ISflSW.. TUNER TOWARD WELP i EXPERIENCED - plaoo , tuaer; , Loao terdere wtM s atggie awrs, 8XO0SD HAXD ftOOSI SALEM BARGAIN ,HOUSE QUYS AND . aelle eaeend-hand, lurpirura.' .Tools ano junk. 320 N. Com'l. Pbene 493. WANTED EVEBTTHTNO) Ijfy CLOTH ing pad eaees. 1 Beet ptfrea naid. Gap ital Exchange. $48 jf. tjoatmonlsl Pbeae 1808 W. - t . STOVES AND STOVE BX?AXRJN STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years esparlfaeo. Depot National fence, siaea 36 ,t $8 taekeg high. Paiata. oil aad-varatahea, etj, kgaa haeea. aad ban hooka, talaat feaoo and Stove WOrka. 150 Oourt etreot. Pkv MEDICAL . MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pbone 81V-W. MAOHINR SHOP 4'HE OROS3 AUT0MATI0 ELFCTRIt Steam Boilers, vuleanisers na too. Llbo L AND M. CO. SPECIALTT GaUND era end weldara. Antomativ strW 490 Ferry. P-ne 864- MEN'I ST0EB U. CHASTAIN'S UPSTAIRS - MEN',t abop. t 8ite aad overeoata rte sa f gtatrs. h pays. ' 128 2T. CoTaatoreiaL NOODLE-FABLOXB VA ' HONG - NOODLE HOUSE. Forry. '".y. 489 IN BIN NOODLB HOUSE CHOP .n. so.! nnffad riaa. SOei naailea. ioei fried noodles, 00. 180 8. Ub- KACHTNISTS VECHTEB A SMITH MACHINTBTa aaginaore, weldaro, Hld wbadar grindiag aorvka Paoa 868-841 Far MUSJO STORES KO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO granbe. eewlaa maeblwaa. ehee ata. sad piaoe atadSoa. Bepeiriag phoao rrspbs aad i sewing maoMaoa, 48 St. Salem. - y MU8I0AL j a,mT-F. yN8ERVATORT OF MUSIC -All braacheg Uurbt diploma paatod. Jnha B Bites, aiiraewr. 1881 Coart .Pn 838. KO JAZZ PIANO rJaTTNG I . a Umsss a-narantasd. Watatmaa I i. i.fc WU I S TV I in. . . vnca. . I aaek Bldg. r-r,M VARIETY STORES VARIETY" STOTtE. Ill V di.b- CammareiaL Phoa 1377. BUSINESS CARDS WATTS SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Of Itea, IU1 faoutk uaai'i. Bv. Tan per taat diaooaai ea dosaatia flat rat paid 1a adeaaca. A'a oadacttaata lor abaoaco ar any eaaaa aataaa wot ia bat off yer premlaaa- WOOD SAWf WOOD SAWlxe-THONS 1111. CITY. eaantrr. Ad. rproed. CITY AD COUSTRT WOOD 8AW15U. Pbae 304A. Pahor 'tJroo- RE8TAORANT1 HUB RETAURANT MOST REASON- able prices. JakaaO Barry- IkO gv Hie. FaUSTZJra ROWLAND PRINTING Pattoa Bldg. CO. 4QI priaUag. PIANOS TBADE YOUR OLD Pf ANO FOR A KXW Victor or Braaewica- If. U. stiff Par aiture Co. Maste Dept. SHERMAN CLAY A OQ. PIANOS rJteiawaya DaeAn aad athera. atwara's Moaia Hanae, 418 Coart atreet aad Maaonle Taaipla. NVR8ERISS FRUITLAND NUHSERY WILL HAVE aalea yard at Cherry City 1 ead. barn, 544 Ferry etroet. About Nov. 1. 8-a me before buying. Pbone 1140-M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fraita, araameatela. Capital City ar aery Co, 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone la. FOB SALE THIRTEEN HUNDRED two-yfar-old California BUvk Walnut trees. A few bundr-l Italian Prune Uee. Addrexa; Route 2. Box 4.1 K Near Kingwood Park. PLOTOBorc. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pbone 1397 J. Shop. 187 Caioa atreet A L Godfrar. ' LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 8. Armory, First, third Moadavt. PROFESSIONAL CHimOPODIBTS DIC GEORGE F. H1NER, FOOT 8PE0- lalist, medera equipment; arches made to order. Boom ft, Pattoa Bldg. Phone 857. ' DR. 8. F. SCOTT, 8. 17,. GRADUATE af the National University of Seienot Chicago. Scientific Chiropody. Suite 801-803 Maeoaie Temple. Phone '040 for appointment CHIROPRACTORS DR." 8. RuaSMTTH, CHIROPRACTOR. e4 uregon nqg. rnong ooe. DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR, 475 8. OommereiaL Jaurs 10-to 12; 1 to 5. Pboaa 1415. DRS. 8COTT A SCO FIELD, P. 8. C. Cbiroprsctors, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R, OPTICIANS . MORRIS OPTICAL- CO-8oito 101 Ore gon Banding. GLASSES FITTteD BY T1TB BOW OP I ties) Co., 825. State , street, opposite I Ladd k Bush Bank. "Uas Quality Proves Sbur-oas.". NATUROPATHIC F8T8I01AVS. DR. A. SLAUGHTER r1- ACUTE AND ehronie diteaass. 418 (dragon Bldg. Pne 110. - O8TX0PATHJO . PatTSf OIAHS DRS, V. WftlTR AND XARSHAUe S. Bank Bldg. -e DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Pbone 718, J024-J. -. ' DR. W. L. MROE -OSTEOPATHIC BTedoste. d,04405 U. 8 Nstioasl Bak ajj ptvema. v. tywaa. .. sasaati acaaa 81a, FBone, oice lt; res. 81a, , BROKEN ARCH f 3 AND OTHER Dfe- form i ties pf th-iat oorrectad ' wHbeat losb of fams frpal your oeeaoattoa Dra. Whits MaHhalL U.' B. Bask Bldg. no rmrw v. t vartt ngrrneientr a' or vam 4Oa w a a' ww a w am " w Phyaiciaa and Surgeon, 408-404 Oro-i ron Bldg. Phoaea, otflea, 189; yoa. aaga.. v asaaamalaamManss REAL ESTATE FOB SALE DEBIKABLE CLOSE " IN acreage by owjisr. lnn Adams, mpne WILL TRADE 6 PA88. LIGTTT SIX Sedan;-only- beed - ran 3,600; cost $3,175; for tntsll brfate near ear line. Must have quick action oa thu. Ad dress "B BS' eo Statesman. FOR SALE OR BENT OOOD FIVE room house, barn and chicken-house. OAe acre ground, wjth fruit. Pmne ja r . . 8-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN CONVENI- eDebs, corner lot, five blocks trout sen ior f city, paved street. Would make a good "income' proposition. $3300 cash , $1000,. balance $20 and interest 6. per cenj. Winnie Pettyjohn -831; Stat St. ANKENY .BOTTOM FARM -FOR TRADE for home in Baiem. Also have a beau tiful home close in for sale. Many t- tractive lota. Gertrude J, M. Page 4f3 North Cottage Street. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 ACRES OP I J ' v i . . . . , use near xrnu, vrtivn. can nu Owen. ANDERSON i RUPERT Successors to Laflar A Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS oa-T Oregoa Bldg. V YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE EX- oeriencel in farming or fruit growlnc ca have their choice of - two Mian farms oa exceptionally easy terms. One has fine bungalw on it. Exceptionally well adapted to fruit, nuts or berries. A. u tlonrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple, Salem. Oregon. Worth While ' SIX ROOM HOUSE. HAS BATTI AND .rater system, small nam ana cniiM-ii house, quite a lot of trait. Jn ey t-rms. Price $1.700,.$500 down and $25 per month and interest. Mills and Copley 33 Hi State. Bargain Hunters 15 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND JCST outside citv limits on oared htchwoy. Must be sold this week. Writ E. B. Pengra. 1054 East Washington St. Portland. Ore. fosjall ptrticalars. Worth While . , A GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE AND large lot on paved atreet, bearing fruit, ta a good loeatiea aad in good condi tion. Price 84,200; eaah. A - dandy lot in the Ojks Audition, all clear, with abstract $594. A lot oa 23rd St, just off State. $250. $25 down and $10 month. A atrieHy modem home with garage.. 7 rooms and baae men for rent. A n-at 5-room houa. plaatered; has bath, toilet and electric II rats; near acbool and ear line. Price $2000 with $800 down. Mills and Copley - 831 Slate St. ' . REAL ESTATE' C8ED CAR WORTH 8300 AS FIRST payment on goad S room boetee. Price . ft00. balance like rut. 8e it today. AliW, ESTES REALTY CO. Pats Rolidiaa: FOR SALE i.Mn FIVE ROOM bonrelo on Soath 1'B Strwt. I'txf 2.2')ti. T ni. - Krueger Qrtgca Bldg. Phone 217. FOB -RENT -RpOM MODERN HOUSE with garare o State Street. 6 room .modern bonee, full basement, strew and alley "paved. 1,W0, fl.200 cah "form-. i 4 M. J. Hunt Ladd A Birth Bid.. 1 $500 Down AND. $48' PER MONTH JUST LIKE nt vlt? by a modern kotue, 0 rooms with bevp, toibst. elertricity, gaa. aewer conaeeHeln. paved itreet ad walk: targe la, garage, lawn, flowers, shade '""fro-l tea; eloae t at bois.-. This la o real snap Price reduced to 88.700, if sold by .ov. 10., Kee ' Chiles & Bechtel today. 540 State Street. 62 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. J-VILE irvus KixM. town in i-alk rouotT, on rock road, fairly well feneed; alsoresi dence of 6 rooms, modern, large lot, east front, family fruit, garage, price tot oth properties 87.750: owner will take 8alem reeidt nee to J4,OoO and .make easv terms on balance. Socolof sky. 341 State. Wood's Bargains NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. PAVED itre t and aidewalk. nice location: (3.650. New, four-room modern bun-" fa low. good Jocation. I2.000; easy terms. Choice, five-acre tract close la on paved highway, with new bun galow to trade for a home in Salem. Good seven-room modern house and five lot well located. l eicfeaage for . a . smaUer boose. A few pice lota on easy term. P. L. Wood, 341 State St Good Buys- CLOSE IN BUSINESS PROPERTY 81 -nc.o eiv.uuu. 7-aoom modern baogslow, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, garage, paved street. If yoa want a snsp see this. Price 8500. terms. 5-room bungalow modern ia every way 00 N. Qom'l. St. Price $4000 terms. 6 toon bungalow with basement, near school. Price $8150, rash. 0-room bungalow at Sal S. 35th St. basement. Price $3875. cash. Gemd 7-roont rriee est! beats st 18150. 1 Mill 8t. 729 N. Liberty -St. Prion $1000 ceih. 5-room eetUge oa l. modern nlumblne mmA lis-hta. Price 8200. $1000 cash. Real Estate and Firo insnraaee.. - W. H. Crabenhorst dt Co. 7 Stata , D. T. ak Bldg. Best Buys and Exchanges 6-BOOM MOWERS. G-ARAGE. REDUCED frpia f 4,200"to $3,700, $300 rash, bal ance to auit, 6 per rent. ' Owner leav inc city. 5 ROOM MODERN NEW BUNGALOW. full' baen erit. 82.950. f7r0 rath. 0 ROOM MQDERN. FINEST VIEW IN Ctr, ed.suu. pauu caan, ;Diianr suu monthly, 6 per cent. i IS ACRES ON PAVEMENT. LIGHT line. H-milo out. $3,500. 91.000 cash. ! ACRES. Vi TIMBBR. ON PAVEMENT. - i mile Ant. 11.500. tl.OOO cash, bll- ence 6 per cent. SACK K POUl.inY ranch.-on . pave- ment. 84.130. -i cash, 6 vtr cent. J4-ACRE, NEW BUNGALOW, ON PAVE- "' ment. H-mile out. $1,600' cash- Pon't eome to ue if Ton are not looking lot bargains. : -Socolof sky "841 Star?. NOTTCB Of BALI. e OOVXRltMBNT TTMBBft. Oeaeral Land Oft tea, Washington, D. O. September zv. . Notiee is hereby given tbat object .to the condltioai aad Htnltetione of tbe sot I T. o isk ea St.. .ilk A tit. j .tractions r the Seereteey of the In- 1 CiTlOI 491 OePUHasPrr i.7. AA I OUT AJ. a . - i . . . . -, a a i a 441)- the timber aa o follow in e laads ill ha aold at ,10 o'eieck a. m. Novem ber 88, 1933, at publie auction at the United States Land '.Of fie at Fortlaao, Oregoa, to. the highest bidder at not lets th i tbe appralaed .value as tbowa by this notice, sale to b aubject to the ap- pmraL of .ue.Becretary of the interior. tkt purchase price with aa additional i . , a a;oL J ""J1"" one per eeat thereof heiaa easamlasiona allowed, meat ba da- poirtt4 at tlmraf"te, money t ba ra tamed ff'balo is' net'-appro ved, othenriae patent yu isiu ler.tna timoeT waien must be ratovd within tea -yoaia. Bids wiH. b--received -from ettlaene of the United Stat, aesoesattoaa of roon dti teas end corporations orgeaiied , undef tf-law af'tbq TJnitodliritM'OT aay state; territory or diatriet thereof only. Upon appUcatfos of 0 quaitfiad pur pirrcKUer the tuaoer en-anytegat nc division will ba affared tevsrately before r - - - 7 . - - being included ta aay after or a larger unit. irT. 7 S.. B'l E.. See. 15. NE NE red -fif, 840 M.; 8W NEH 1745. M.: Ng NW . red fir, 1250 at.; NWti. NWU. red fir. 780 M.: SVfhk NWH, red fir 950 M.; ' 8E NW. rel ir, 1700 M.t NB. SWU. red fir. 200 M.t IWU BW.. red fir, 1150 & 5li SWU. red fir. 79S-M.: SEa red tir. 1690 M.: NWU 8EU. red 460 M-i nana of the red fir timber oa tbfse tract! to be aold for lea -than paoperM. . ... -r. 4 b k a e. ee. va. byv k w i Ved . fir, '1090 M; none of the red fir ea this tract to be sold for less than $1.50 or. ... i t . Oommiaaiener, Gaaeral Land Offte. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT 1 TVTJ n eV A aaa a ao-e GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington, D. C, Norember 6, 1922. Notice is hereby- givfn tbat subject to the conditiona and limitations ot the Aot cf June 9. 1916 (39 Slut. 218). and the instructions of the Secretary af the In terior of rieptember t. tun no i.. u. 447) the timber on the foll-iwine '.Ut.it ill he. sold at 10 o clock a. m. oa ueccm- -er 19, 192. at public auction at the fnited States land office at for tuna Oregon, to (lie highest bidder st not less han-the six) raised value aa shown by tbla notice, aala to be subject to the approval af.tha Secretarv "of . the. Interior. The prucaase pricewjtB ao aaoiuonai sum oi ..n,nm ..wn. .Hawed, must b dcoosite aaa.TiTth rf Ansa nani. inoroni. nnin I .. .im. to he returned if m1- ig B0 approved, otherwise patent mill itlu- -top the mber which must be rn,0,., within ten year. Bida will be eeeeired from eitixens Una corporations ersranised under rhe laws of the United States r say State; Territory r District thereof only, Upon application of a qalifird purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision- will be offered separate Urgn anil iy Pfiorf oeiag lociuaeo in any vuer W ft ! W . See. 1. . N. K. U f. E. 4. yellow fir 410 M. : N. W. 4 N. E. 4. yellow fir 140 11.: none of the f llow fir ea these trarte to be sold for ess &an $2.25 per M. T. 5 N., R. 3 W., Sec. 35, N. E. M N. E. 4. yellow fir, 1250 M-. red cedar 50 M. S. W. M X. E. 4. red fir. 1850 M yellow fir 250 M red cedar 50 M.t S. E. M N. E. . yellow fir. 242iM.. red cedar 150 M.; 8. W. N. E. . red fir 275 M.. yellow fir 860 M red cedar 35 M.. : N. E. 8. E. . . . . .oaa . v vr 1 I yellow nr. lorn . S r U nil fir 575 M.. vellow fir 278 M.. red redr 50 M.; 8. E. V S. E. rd fir 100 M.. yellow fir 590 M.; 9. W. 8. E. 4. red fir 375 M.. yellow f;r 400 M- red cedar 50 11 nana of th fir or cedar en this area to be sold for less than $2.24 per M. - T. 9 S- R. 3 E.. Sec. 33, S. E. S. W. Vs. red fir 620 M.; none of the fir on this tract to be aold for lets than $1.73 per M. ; GEO.- R. WICK HAM, Acting Commissioner. General Land Office. ron BEirx PARKS FOB RENT SOO ACRE, FARM WITH approximately 135 ams ia ealtivattoa. laqa.tr Joka H. MeNary, Salon. x HOLD II6A Adfle GmrrfetoB'o Sew rbaoe of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE What Madge FeU She Owed Major GrantLantl. It 19 an extremely rare thing for Hugh Gra inland to betray emo tion of any kind, no matter how strong his feeling may be. And it is next to. impossible to surprise him. His keen bruin usually has the mental processes and prob able movements of the person with, whom he is dealing "down to a hair," in tbe. homely parlance. But I thin kthat for once he had utterly failed in! his deductions. He evidently fxpected that I would imeindiately grant his re quest to give hifn Grace Draper's letter, and when' the seconds went by and I made no movement to place it in his outstretched hand, I saw the lines around his mouth tighten, his eyes glint, and" with amazement glimpsed a slow flush of uly brick-red covering the bronze of his face. I hastened into speech to re deem any seeming discourtesy. "Please pardon me, Maj. Grant, land," I said slowly, "but there aro reasons why I cannot give ydu that letter. It is, however, per fectly harmless there is no threat whatsoever contained in it and I beg of you not to visit any punishment upon this man for bringing it. He has been most courteous." f He stood irresolute for a mo ment, then shot a gruff command over his shoulder. "Go into the tea room and wait for me. Oh. Miss Kane!" As he called, he Btepped to the closed door of tbe tea room, and knocked lightly, I heard the whir of the crippled .woman's chair, and, the next minute the door was pushed open and Betty Kane was looking at us with bright, inquir ing eyes, in which there was a touch of enxiety. . "Yes" she84d, with an upward inflection." "Have your guests all gone?" Evidently Hugh ' Grantland was one of the initiated, who knew better than to call the people who came to the little tea room "cus tomers." " " Grantland Guesses Correctly " , "Yes. f am . all alone, and I have closed the place for the day." "Good! Then will you let this man stay in the tea room with you for a little while? He Will not inconvenience you " "No, indeed f! Come. Tim." She turned her chair and wejit back into ha other- room, Tim, rather shamefacedly, following hr,, ' As "the 'doori swung to be hind him Ma. Grantland turned to ro. ' "You say. thhj letter contains no threat T" he asked. " "None whatever.", "It is a friendly letter then," he asserted, as if to himself, then his face hardened. "Has that woman dared to send you a plea for forgiveness" he demanded savagely, and I . was conscious thathe was - watching me narrowly as he spoke. I tried hard to keep a "poker face." but evidently d:d not succeed, for lie suddenly cried triumphantly: I knew ui' Then his eyes narrowed, and he studied nie for a long minute before speaking again. There was no element of triumph in his voice now, nothing but grave) anxiety. i - - Grantland'8 Self-Oontrol. "Of conrsfl I have no right " he said slowly, "to ask your confidence, bat I fear that your charity and forgiveness will lead you 'into grave error if you are not advised by some one whose blood runs colder than yours." I gave a little start "My char. ity and forgiveness." They were the exact words used by ' Grace Draper in her' plea for pardon at my hands. Strange that within a few minutes I should be urged by one person to dee these Equalities so extravagantly attributed to me and by another to hold them in check. There wure mOre important things waiting my attention, how ever, than the coincidence of words, and one of them was the unconsciously wistful and wound ed note in Hugh Grantland 's voice when he said that he had noright to agk my confidence. I owed him an explanation,, and I braced myself to make it. "You have every right to ask my confidence, Major Grantland,' I said slowly. "The right of friendship, which I value very highly. And it it were possible for me to how yoa this letter I would give it to yoa instantly But I feel, rightly or wrongly, thai this matter is one which must lie between myself and but one other person my husband." He winced as it I had struck him a blow. M saw it distinctly But the next instant he had ad justed his iron mask again. "A very natural decision," he absented formally. "But aa I fear that he will' be Inclined to be as CfflCBWRSWLLn I il,l Aa yaaa si aa am. tm Jl C SI ae wt l ass sa 1 aesaaVl tnUs la Bad aad 4Md aaiilTAJ f mM. atatod ea tea BJbaaa. V aiaarsaauaik SCainCwSUunTiQU IKS. IV 11 j magnanimous In. tola ease as yoa are. I, mast risk your displeasure mwA TnAra kr . .Iturin rrnt ' tn have nothing whatever to do with Grae Draper, and, above all things, to keep her away (ron your vicinity. Not that she will get mnch of a chance for that," he added grimly. And I realized with a curious little thrill that even though I had denied him any confidence con cerning the letter be meant still to watch over me. (To be Continued.) Argentina Likely to Have Big Wheat Yield WAHINGTON .Nov. 14. Ar eentinaa 1922-23 wheat crop probably will be a record produc tion for that country. The first estimate of production, received today by the department of agri culture from the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome forecast ar harvest of 215,320,000 bushels, compared with 180,541, 000 last year. The acreage this year is 16,081.000 compared with 13.827,000 last year. BIB BROKERAGE E E Liquidation . by Discouraged Holders Forces Recessions on- Exchange NEW YQfcK, Nov. 14. Spec ulators for the decline forced-re cessions of from one to nearly 5 points in a majority of the Active issues in today's stock market be ing aided by heavy liquidation on the part of discouraged holders pf ong stock and the closing out bf thtvaccounts of a large brokerage house, whose failure was an nounced this afternoon. The available price of both rails and industrials in today's market was approximately equal to the bottom ot the June break, which marked the first serious interruptioa'to the bull movement which began In August 1821 for the industrials and a few weeks earlier for the- rails. As in the as yesterday there was virtually nothing in the day.' a news to account tor the acute weakness in prices. United States , Steel, which es tablished a new high for the year at HI V4 about a month ago, dropped as. law as 102 3-4 today, later rallying to 103 3-8. Cruci ble continued to yield in reflec tion ot speculative disappointment, over the annual report. Midvale dropped nearly 8 points and Lack' awanna yielded 1) ". , ; 5 ' - The sharp 9-point break in the North " Amerfn, 'nearly all. of which cams in'the first half hour, was construed a speculative dis appointment Vyer the form ? In which another distribution of treasury assets" Is likely v to bo made to' shareholders. v "; : Consolidated Gas And Columbia Gas broke more.tljan four points each for 't'b$ -same reason. . ; Low priced rails "were sub Jectfd to heavy seliing pressure on (he theory that their market con dition had become ' appreciably weakened by the recent reaction, Mexican ' Petroleum '. dropped eight points, oh a turnover of less than 1500 shares. .Huston Oil continued in free supply, dropping nearly four point while Stand ard Oil of New. Jersey.. California Petroleum and the Pan-American issues were oft 1 ; to 2 points. Total sales; were 1,296,006 snares. . pall money opned and held at five per cent throughout the Air. Time money con tinned 'at five per cent with renewals Comprising most of the business. Wide-tlactuaUons marked the foreign exchangj;iharket, early jtrength being followed by a per. iod ' of acute weakness, particu larly In continental rates. Demand sterling ruled Just under 4.47 while French francs after touch ing 6.85 dropped 'back to 6.68. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND, Nov. 14. Butter PrlnU extras. 48; cubes extras 45c; prime firsts, He. Butter- fat: Portland delivery. No.. sour cream, 4 8 at 49c. Potatoes buying price, loeals 55 at 70c; selling price, 90 at $1.25. FRCIT NEW YORK, Nov.. '14. Evap orated apples, steady; prunes and apricots, firm; peaches steady. LIVERPOOep WHEAT LIVERPOOL, Nov. 14. Close Wheat, 4d to 1 d higher. De cember 10s 44 4; March, 99 104d; May 9s 7d. MIXXEA POLLS WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 14. Wheat, cash No. 1 northern $1.154 at $1.224: December, $i.l34: May. $1.13. . . Seattle Chain SEATTLE. Nov. 14. Hay and grain unchanged. The Federal Treaarfry had to pay out $259,000,900 on August 1 That amount would .have tem i poraruy. at least, stum pea a para srapher. IIS FAILII n up 11 IfUCAT I Advance in Italian Lire m Last Thirty Days Good, for Grain Market. : CHICAGO. Nov. 14. Wheat tended upward, la ; price- today with special notice beiac; ttVen of assertions that an advanoetln Italian lira during -the last- JO day had Increased the; parcha s- ing power of Italy as much as 50 cents a bushel on wheat.. The market closed unsettled ? at ; ths same as " yesterday's finish." (to 1. eenta higher, Decerabar - at I1.17H to f .!! aad,- May $1,14 & to ll.UH,' Cornj (sined H to 146. oats H st U P H e. Ia provisions tha wteoma varied from 15 cents decjlae f to a rise of 10 cents, , -, ;" :l Strength in Italian zekanga was said to be parUeularly;aspocl tted with higher prices for No vember delivery of wlitati pu lnth and Winnipeg. In Chicago, the December delivery wilA.t In much greater request th&rlfAy or July, and the trade practically I Ignored announcements that-IUly, to curtail consumption, prtpoiei to reimpose an import duty of-s cents a bushel and also'plsee a heavy Ux on native wheaCl'BiiU-' Irh aenttfnent here was given t far ther Impetus by biff clear$niB of domestic wheat from Jtmfrldan porta today of 1.188.000 busholi. Persistent upturns In Uvfrpool ' quotations did a good deal t lift wheat values here during 'the early dealings, and so 'likewise' did continue uneasiness regard-" lug the Turkrh altuatlon. On the advance. May reached' Ubln one-eighth cent ot the high 'price . record for the 1813 crop, derplte primary receipts doub'e those1 ot year ago, and notwithstanding - favorable conditions over, the en tire winter wheat be'.t as a result ot thevVeather. ! ' " Corn A, ascended j with wheat, December Vorn going to a new high price record for. the season. Scantiness o( corn receipts here was a factor. V; . "Provisions averaged Iqwsr 'Ini response to a decline in'lne to market. , ? . aViinHoiyjiij afres37?i i VUtUti,...v. aM. 4. .rif . e t hsAtEmnKET . Prieee eratd-aro- arfsdlaaMa ,ssli 5r roei4 by farmers, . Vd.rotl WH O ,8i oapt -aoH4, ! - No, 1 Wilt wheat $1.3. -TTT. k. 3 whWL iL.zirri-'- ; KoS 'Bed" wheat (sekd) $9e, ' 5- Oat bay. 130. - -. ! , V Clover b. baled $lth. '' ' '- E008, BUTTE Si iffTTEXFAt traa. rtacL 80.. ."'r.TT. X Creemery batter, retail 49Q5P. f-Batterfst' fdolfvaradl. Use, T X . e.rrr.-esr :. . . Ofil -oaaVWj'IQiee.i Broilers, 14t?20e. ' i . Hens. Iightr.12rr . . Hens heavy, IS. -, PORic. irrrWew ira ttee i: 'Hon. tov 810 10,1,3. ''iT i ' Dressed .hogs,. 1 4: . . . , Top veal, dressed 3. f . , - Steers, fl. , " . Cowa. 2 HOI l-t e,1 . . . Bsaanas. t8e. , . . -Lem,$9i0,- --! ' I Nsvel oraagaa, 89.75. ' -CaUforaia grapefralt, ST.'RO, " Tomabe. SOe V' - m- ' ' 1 Cprrote, 33. - N -.t- Head leUue. $1.8 crate, i OOcambere, 40 d. Beets. $3.00 ow , - i f . fortland Bnytej lf-aK . . T.Cma. POTTT.TWW SWTS 7B I-. Vv- EOG8, POULTET KJS, POULTET AJT0 MUT. - , BUTTERF 'FlRHTi I eborniaa ereom. 481349 'fab. S trair DKSUp; Current rereinU 4J 4flr. whlta hen aeriea. SOWSJe delivered, V - . Lava ru u l, r r i o UT ET -7. Np. 1 dressed. 38u i dv lire. . AO:", ge, nominal. . r ; .1 - 1 , ' DRESSED MEATS WEAR " r-. tlee eammlaalaail IVlu lirks . 1 4 14 e ; anderjrradea 7 1 1 0 3 ; Aeal. gf.-Toi' aadgratles,. $ 10c. -i HAY ANTJ OBAijI' r . V HAY FIRM.' SCAReTE -.J1".?"4 PofU! Valley Mmofby. $31: Eastern OrevonX'tin-uiiiv. I'iUsi 2Y ton; alfalfa,' $18J0I$ f 9 -sa; clever' a ton; areia aay, vtefcaiu; pels gad vetch $20j 31 ton: straw e ., ORAIN fjIGHE - ' Bid tweie-Trek Ponlaod. la ' lots) Wheat options. $1-04 t 1.23: Rsart, t bluest em $ 1. 3d; eats $30.75) EasterW yellow eora. JIjt84-j harley mlllraa $30031. - . FRUIT " -" VRflT 8TEA0T , Apples S0e$2.$3 Mrrdg t -variety aad pack): buckiafcernae. aem'malrl 0 ro, 4 5er rraoes, 9L7liy8.2. I pbce lillLH . (Lost omaissioa)rHvr ha. tJCI it?.4- "fAh fP4 Jf6i9j; aid roters,-30e; docks, whit Psk'a, TOupg 0c;- oVd difeka. .aomiifal na - . . VEGETABLES STEADY - Evw. pots to -s, ioe65 ewt.; Ortirof . taUrage, KilHe .lb.: asrsaiav la 4b.: carrots. 2S daseaj h aches; eew etoa $l:O00 1.2S ewt.: epcam aanash, moiainsf ' tomatoea, nomiI; .i.Iiflparr: $1.25(3 fl.SO doaea. ' 1 T , wooc.'.- ."'"'- WOOL STEADY " -Ifs'f hlood and tine. 8pAl5; throe elgbthe bWd. 8032: enertey blood. 3 ?$.7e: low emarter aad rld. 30$; -msH4 or eotted wool. 1S&I$. f (NOTE Eetva Oregoa : -Wasblajrta end Idaho ranch rllne bnag l ie 1 cnu -laaa thsa vallev wol.) - . . HOPS QUIET C 1 jIOPB IWJ nop, nominal ; aew crop, 8 a 104 tt." . eente a OoBO I. vimiswa ent, Oregon Btatoamaa. ;- . SVS amm