The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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i K.
M Vi
Aloninl To Meet- .cal streuuosaty. While oat in bis
Marlon county alumni' of the wood-lot Friday, the day before
iTjnlTcrstty of Oregon will banquet the holiday, he stepped on a rain
together in the dining room of the I soaked stick of timber, the bark
iGrayBelle Thursday evening. Not. I of which slipped and gave him a
' ; 3,' Spce'al speakers will be pres-1 fall that rather severely strained
Tent for the evening and local ar- his left foot. Not realizing Just
" .jiDgenaents are in charge of Lylelhow badly he was hurt, he march-
Bartholomew. ,,- led Saturday In the Armistice pa
: . 1 , Irade, and the mile walk gave the
rurirain v . 'i I injured foot another strain that
. ' Eight-horse vertical type steam I has put him on crutches ever
, boiler in A-l condition, bee it at since
Infantry, 90th division, A. E. F., is jlioLbias Out of Hoepttai
to visit Salem Sunday and give his Lester Robbins wno nas dcvu
thrilling story of the war in the conrined to the ueaeoness nospu.
St. Mihiel sector where his com- for the past two week with ap
mand went in with 1120 men and pendlciUs, was able to leave yes-
came out with only 327. Colonel teraay
Smith is touring the country under
The Cray Belle. Adr.
f Celebration Draws Crowd
f .'i The Chcrrian band that attend
;'.d the Dallas Armistice day cele-
I tfatlon reports a fine) crowd "and a
v.; -wonderfully appreciative audience.'
' fhe Dallas people; turned out en
masse to. the patriotic exercises,
and then bad I football game and
; lotherJ attractlotnalmade It a
real day of rejoicing. "
t Preston Fined
1 C. B. Preston was fined $15 in
rfthe Justice court ..yesterday for
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
flee. Catalog on application.
the auspices of the World League
Against Alcoholism, and his lec
ture,' at the First Methodist
church at 3 o'clock i3 free. He is
said to be one of the most thrill
ing speakers on the American plat
form today.
To buv two heavy horses to
work single, weight not less thaa
1800. Prefer horses about 8 years
old. Spaulding Logging Co., phone
1330. Adv.
University of Oregon Exten
sion Man Scheduled tor
Federation Meeting
For Loans Sec '
O. W. Laflar. 417 Oregon Bldg.
IIi Huntley Well Agaii
Miss Stella Huntley was able to
leave the Willamette sanitarium
yesterday where she had been con-
Earl KUpatrkk of the Univer
sity of Oregon extension depart
ment, Is to speax on Community
More Tire, Thieves
Someone broke into the garage
of Louis Ash'.eman last night and
stole three auto tires, according to
lames Cane Dismissed
The case of Fred James, ac-'
cused of larceny during the state
fair, .which was scheduled for the
Justice court today, has been dis
Bonds Delivered
nanntv state Treasurer Sever
a report received at the police sta- - terday deUvered . i;5&0,000
state highway bonds, recently sold
by the state highway commission
to the Security Savings & Trust
I company in Portland.
fined with appendicitis for several I Sociology" at the Marlon County
weeks. Federation meeting at uoeny
Friday night. -The program opens
at 8 o'clock.
Itoyali Dadman, Baritone
f. This Friday, Nov. XI- 50c
i ll. 5a, S2 eats on sale Thursday.
i Armory 10 a. m. Adv.
I Judge on CrutcheM
r Jurte Oeorsra G. Bingham ob
, served Armlstke day -by taking
' tiart In. the celebration, but be Noted Soldier Coming
'f , v- A it nnn I nl Ta n Mnrrn Smith . pom-
, VlBneS lUdl oau UUUO ,v lvv w. . r ' '
f 'Heratelv. or. verbally and BPirit-I mander of "The Battalion of
? l jMlly instead of with suchphysl- I Death," the First battalion, 358th
Ilold-np Rumored
A report was circulated
throughout the northwest last
night that the Shasta Limited, fast
Southern Pacific passenger train.
had been held by robbers some
where in the Willamette valley. No
information of the kind had been
received at the Southern Pacific
depot. Both the notthbound and
the southbound Shastas pass
throueh Salem between 5 and 7
o'clock p. m.
Medium and heavy fat
Highest market prico
Steusloff Bros, market.
1528. Adv.
Three to Wed
Marriage licenses were issued
yesterday to Numa J. Arnald and
Iris G. Page, of Salem; O. P.
Thompson and Velma Jones of
Silverton; and George M. Becker
and Esther E. ' Brightsman or
Woodburn. -
c n ! .y..rr,Tii iN iatimirq nil ii uu iiiMiinr mv i
House Pctcn i 4-'
"Hunun Hekifts"
Vy . :.,'frpm v
Bal Beld'i Famous
Stage Success
Beggar Maid"
Fun from the Press
Man's Law and God's
and other subjects
- ,.-. - ;
. Nothing' but' First Run
' : Features
-Good imuaiej service And
' i Get the Liberty Habit and
Police Station fJool Hotel
The Salem police .department
rivaled a hotel yesterday evening,
a total of 14 beds being given out
to wayfarers w ho, however, were
without funds. Thosa drawing
corners for the, night were: Car)
Tevehouse, Joe Kindle, Ceorge E
Allen. L- H. McDonaldT. James
Tivine, M. S. Peyer. Joe Keenan
Charles Wiear, fed Basey,. .Wil
liam Brantner. Ray Bea. Jack
Branton, Robert Quistroe and F.
Liscske. . -1..
Mr. KilpatHck addressed the
commercial secretaries at the big
Eugene meeting during the past
summer, and it made such a a im
pression on Secretary Duncan of
ihe Salem Chamber of Commerce
that he asked the university man
to' come for the present engage
The people of Liberty are plan
ning to make this one of the-really
big events in the history of the
county federation, and they espe
cially invite the people of Salem to
come out. Twenty-three commun
ities are representedd in the fed-
Xew Corporations eration. with fully half of them
- . . m m r. r 1 -
Ufr a capitalization 01 iuv.- reDresented at almost every meet
00U. the Bontrager Motor com- lng and gotimes almost every
pany ot t'ortiana inea anicies 01 one on hand to be counted
incorporation yesterday with the - nort from tne ajrricultural
state corporation department. The I committee of the Salem. Chamber
incorporators are v. J. Bontrager, i Qt commCrce on the Corn Show
C. H. Mxon and M. O. Ott. I that is nlanned to be held in Sa
Other articles were filed as fol- i lem during December, will . be
lows: 1 made at the Liberty meeting! The
Alaska Royalties company, committee consists of ' CSrle
Portland: incorporators, W illiam I Abrams, chairman, with" Harley
Thomas A. Roberts, tracts 22 and
25, Strong Rlgss Fruit Farms,
$100. !
A. L. Seamster to Ruth Seam
ster, part ot block 66. North Sa
lem. S10.
Carrie E. Banta to Percy Pugb.
and wife, lot 6, b'ock 68, City of
Salem. $10.
K. S. Kalayjlan and wife to
John D. Anderson and wife, land
la claim 52-7-3-W., Marlon coun
ty, sio.
William A. Hart and wife to
James W. Boye and wife, land in
claim 64-5-2-W., $100.
Josephine Valentine to Paul K.
Hendricks, by admrx.. land in
claim 61-7-3-W., Marlon county.
W. H. Cook to C G. Nichols.
part of block 2, Roberts addition
to Salem, $10.
B. E. McCleery and husband to
C. G. Nichols, part of block z.
Doberts addition to Salem, $10.
Timber Iind Inspected
F .A. Elliott, state forester, and
a federal forest official from the
Portland office, are inspecting
former Spruce Production corpor
ation camps in Clatsop and Tilla
mook counties.
were "My Heart at Tby iSwaet
V1 Th Open Setrel and
iTbe Heart of Her 7 H Tic
was a aeuo sopraao of a V1"
lug Quality, and the alngln
lauch enjoyed. a .
monx Uxe artUt pianists whose
flaying waa beard at the concert
weri ilarold Bauer, ii""
Hofaikn. C,raser, Roslta Benard.
Cadiuao. Cortot. and Winifred
Bjd. The concert was well at
tn W. ttoeo present Includlnc
Jnanv pronineut Salem mualciana
The case of The Thes companr(.. .Wa inieresU-d . In music
v The Salem Fruit union and Ks-- cnrr va given- by the
Witnesses Once More Tell
Story Heard in Prev
ious Trial
Individual members, the fruit
fTh "5
! Mcor'
growers, appeared in the circuit , nu vAri pl?aiJ.
MMr siore, ageata for tha
lnnrt t n five IM imriTIV to the!
contracts that existedd bctwe uj
themselves and the fruit umou aua j T
Therhes buyers. The cou-t heldd
that tha individual prowers ouU
not be bound in the ca&. though
all testified for the fruit unloo.
The supreme court reieraed tb
decision, holding that the' Individ
uals should have, answered in the
lower court and so, now, they
are telling exactly the same story
as they told'in rbt'rt in the fruit
union trial, but this time they are
speaking .for themselves. They
are testifyiag this week in their
own behalf, since, the supreme
court has , indicated that they
should have to ue dlsmised on
their own 'evidence.
A large number Of witnesses,
more than-score, were examined
yesterday, rad several mom are
to appear Jhfs morning. The de
fense expected to ned about an
hour and a half to finish the prea-
Wife Given Divorce from
Husband ex-Asylum Inmate
Julia Lyons was granted a
(fivorce from Thomas E. Lyons
hi the circuit court yesterday and
$700 alimony as well as $25 per
month for the care of their two
minor children.
Action for divorce was brought
by Julia Lyons on grounds of
cruel and Inhuman treatment;
The petition alleges that ' Lyons
has been thrice committed to the
Oregon State hospital and that
upon his third release he began
to accuse her of infidelity, used.
prorane ana aDusive language w,fe houli,be fin-
lent introduction of testimony. The
blatntifts wftl then have some ev
dence to . introduce in rebuttal
Medium and heavy . fat
Highest market price
Steuslort Bros, market.
1528. Adv.
C. Palmr, C. C. Friable, Marvin
K. Holland; capitalization, $20,-
000; real estate.
C- F. & T. Co.. Grants Pass; in
corporators, O. A. Colby, r . L.
French, J. R. Thompson; capital
ization, $24,000; merchandise.
A permit to operate In Oregon
was issued to the Bowman-Hicks
Lumber company, a Delaware con
cern capitalized at $4,000,000. H.
IN. Ashby of La Grande is named
as attorney-in-fact for Oregon.
White, Luther J. Chapin, Henry
Crawford and Clarence Bowne as
members. Tiie committee will meet
at the Chamber ot .Commerce
looms, tonight to decide on the
plans, which will be made public
Friday night.
generally miserable.
The Lyons were married In
1898. The, cast was tried before
Judge Binghanr.
We know a certain section ot
the city where toneless pianos
would be popular. Of course, the
situation might be saved if those
who hammered the Ivories knew,
how to play.
The aa is . being trlei. .by
Judges Percy RV Kelly ., and
George . C- Bingham , sitting to
gether. There to no Jury.
' ' ' - f
for oVer 30 years
Ounces for
Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer. Adv
Meeting Called
A meeting ot the North Capitol 1
Street Improvementleague, and
of all who have bought property
In the new HlEhland addition is
called for tonight at 8 o'clock, at
the Chamber ot Commerce. Re
ceipts are to Te Issued to all the
lot purchasers, and arrangements
Will be made looking towards tbe
closing up, of the whole deal. All 1 Homc
property owners are urgea to at
tend. Chairman F. A. Erixon
makes the announcement official,
and urges a large attendance.
Meeting Postponed
The fi-cent loganberry meeting
erhfrtulf il for last nieht at Brooks
was postponed and will be held,! E. Abbott and wife, land in claim
tonight at 8. ojclock.
Reported by Union Abstract i
Company '
j :
G. M. Crittenden to. J. V. Ken-
worthyi' lot is, Jackson Ares, street Acquitted by Jury
. . T. B. Kay and wife to F. N.
Derby and wife,- part dt lots 4
end 5, block 70. Salem,. $8500.
K'.S. Kalayjlan and wile to .JV
of Assault and Battery
5 . -f
Son Is Announced
A baby boy was born to Mr. ana
Mrs. G. H. Anderson at the i:oun
Street Maternity hospital yester
day, weight six and one-nau
Eatablislied 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a, m, to 8p, nt:
, OBDEB -' .
good eoaf and right prices.
We emphasize it! It Ms these
very , essentia features that
have caused out business to In
crease to s.uch an-extent. If
you're not a customer now an
' order will make you one. Shall
we send it Jodayr
rhonc 030
Diamonds, Wutches, .
. Jewelry and Silverware.
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
hv rmvinof vour likrdware and
! furniture at The Capital Hard
ware Furniture Co., 28o rso.
Commercial St., Fhone 947
Capital Junk
Co. '
' ' " . '
All kinds of junk and
second-hand goods. "Vv'e
pay full value.
215 Center Street
Phone 398
57-7-3-W., $10.
John Koeneke and wife to W.
Townsend and wife, lots 10 and
11, block 15, 'Englewood Ad
dition to Salem, $10.
A. W. Towler and wire to u. u.
Vogt, part of tract No. 6. Jeffer
son institute addition, $10.
F. N. Derby and wife to Lenta
Westacott, part of lots 4 and 5;
block 70. Salem. $10.
G. W. Eyre and wife to W.-J.
Ettner, lot 3, block 13. Capital
Park addition to Salem, $300.
Arthur Tucker to 'Vinnie E.
m. and Mrs. D. C. Lewis re- Tucker, ion , dioc vun.
nrn1 rtrH.r from Seattl.:iaflamon l pmeiii. iv.
They attended the UnlveYsity of
Eva K. Jacobs of The New York
Life Insurance company, who has
been a patiept at the Portland
S&rgical hospital for the past
month, has been brought to ,bV
home at 606 South church street,
but may not be able to be about
ii .
iur suuie iwuc.
Henry Street, charged with as
sault and .battery on Mrs. Ger
trude Fry, was acquitted in the
Justice court yesterday by the
Jury after less than ,10 minutes
deliberation.. k
Street was supported by three
character witnesses who testified
as to the plaintiff's past conduct.
Mrs." Fry told a blunt story as to
the defendant's previous conduct
which could not, however, be sub-,
Street was arraigned In the Jus
tice court several weeks ago but
the trial' was temporarily post
poned owing to Mra. Fry's depar
ture from the city. , i j .
Numbers by Winifred Byrd
and Other Artists Heard .
on Instrument
Use Jess than of higher
priced brands.
You save in using KC
- V." -'- "
Miliioii of . pound bougtt
by tW government; ld
I -T- '
The First -Presbyterian church
was crowded . to standing room
Monday. evening to hear the con
cert on the DuoArt piano .with
Alice La vlna Andrews as vocal
soloUCi-, JVumbers were pi red
from rolls made by Winifred
Byrd, former Salem girl.
The Song ot India was. played
by Winifred' Byrd. fotmer Salem
girl, now a nationally known con-.
cert pianist and by other atiOn
ally knofltn pianists: Miss An
drews sang two solos to the' ac
companiment ot the .piano. They
2 HFAU siut-1-t.u rnuM ..'(
2 Says Cream Applied la iNostotti
Upena Air l-aaaagea w(u v
InsUnt relief no . waiting;
Your cloggM nostrils open rlsb,t
up; tje kir passages oC your hes)l j-r
clear and you can breathe freely.
No more hawking, snutfinc. blow-
Isg, headache dryness. , No strug- ,
gilng for breath at night; your
cold nr catarrh disappears., , I t
Utt'a amall ; bottle of Ely'i
Cream Bslm trop your druegiflit1
now. APDif fc llttia Of this ir .
grant, tvntlseptle.'neallng cream In ;
your .nostrils. i;"l;"peuetrate ,
through er.x j ar !" ot ths ,V '
ht-a3. soothes vtU.,lBflamBd or
hwollau mucous nembran and ra-: ,
Met c6mes f IhsUntly. ; ' -1 ;! ' '
lfs Jut fine. Don't ' iUy!.
'slu f f e4 n-Jtb ra-Tcoiarft naaty
catarrhs Adv. - . . ' .'
Read , the . :. Classified Ads.
A.-W Twler and wife td C. C.
California-University of Washing- Vogt; and wife land in claim 66
. ,.K-ii ti,.,,. Rnr.ll0-aW,,-Mrion county, $10.
YV ,7 -JV Xiniuut uu who w
Positive, flip; comparative, fliUnd ftW,, Morris land in claim
" A G. Villwock to W. C. Wins-
lowplanofln section 16-8-2 W.,
$1... "'
Arthur Tucker to Vinaie B
Tucker, land in claim 26 and 33,
9-2-W., $10,
per; superlative, flapper.
MARION Mrs. S. S . Owens,
W. O. Owens, Raymond, Wash.,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Goodwin, Al
bany; H. B. Glnns, Rochester. N.
Y.; Mr. and Mrs. B. M.Vaa, Was-
co; Louis K.napp, rorc unoru, u.
E. McMillan, Los Angeles; H. T.
Holden. Eugene; J. H. Kelly, Pen
Mitchell, C. H. Packer, F. O. Mil
John R. Cleland ana wne to
C. F. Sly ter and, wife, lots 4 and
5. block 1. Butteville. and land
in claim 39-3-1-W., $3325. -
Frank Wall and wife to Coun
ty of Marion, land In section 18-
10-2-W.. $1.
Aihtfrf-fi Rtlth to Hattle P.
( :, , ; .c k ,
Import Shipment
Linens and Madeira Pieces
lor A v. Rnhens. F. V. vireiaer. i cith nart of lot Z. mock zz. Da
-. ' i . v . i t
rw. A. Coffey, J. A. Lenaen, bcon
Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman B;
Miller K. B. Boasoll, H. E. Hen-f
lem. $1.
C. H. Grabenhorst and wife lo
W. G. Krueger. lot 6. diock o.
dry; 0. C. Auburn, Herman Luft, Richmond addition to Salem, 1,10.
Portland. . . '
BLIGH Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hart
Thomas Roberts and wife to' A.
v. Ppterson. lots 22. 23 and. 25,
. '
' i:
Save Vi Price on your House Furnishings.
We can fit you out complete from our ex
change department v
Trade In Your Old Goods 'as Part
Payment on New
C.S. Hamilton
- Good Furniture
! . -v.--j'.--"-.-;r;Ap.
340 Court Street
Salem, Ore,
l ttii.'.trifl. Mr nnH Mrs Arthur ctrnnir Sr Riees Fruit tract
I jjtiin aiij I -" - - ' nit u (- r -1 - ,
tA-- n-v raitaa n' O Miller. I n Hrdwlck to H. G
OiUI i v1" ' . ,
Uti,.nr. v Tlffanv. George snranipr and wire. ,loi i, dioch
Cmiih w W Cadmess. H. H.
i , ... -
Watts. Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Vision's Value
Cannot be measured In
terms of dollars and cents.
Yet some people neglect
their eyesight until it is Im
possible to remedy the de
fects. Your eyes may require
glasses, but It is impossible
for yon to ascertain this
.fact without the services ot
an expert optician..
Come in and let us test
your eyes by our scientific
J 01-6 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 tor appointment
Thompson, T. D. Carapoeii, n.
Pickett, Gus Mullen, R. D. ai
Heiser. A. W. Parsons,
TERMINAL J. M. Howard.
San Francisco; E. J. Brogan, B.
F. Burch, A. C. Brocken, W. G.
Howard, Portland; E. nenry.
Lyra J. Codergren, Corvallls.
3, Englewood adaiuon io ociu,
, F J. Miller and wife to Thos
A. Roberts, tract 22. Strong &
Rlggs Fruit Farms No. 1, Marion
county, $1.
Ida S. SegKcl and husband to
Extra Fine Permanent
Linen FimshlternTableclpth
Sec Oar Window and Interior Displays
BRUDER In this city November
12. William J. Bruder. age iu
years, husband of Mrs. Rose
Bruder. father of Mrs. Myrtle
Waring. Claud Bruder and Miss.
Elsie Bruder. Also survivert ty
four sisters and one brother re
siding in Missouri. Funeral
'services will be held Wednesday;
November 15 at 3 o'clock from
RIgdon's mortuary, interment
City View cemetery.
Rigdon & Son's
UnequaJed Service
Webb & Clough
Leading Fuceral
Expert Embalmers .
Frog in Your Throat?
When your throat is
sore and you ache ami feel
rotten all over want to
know what will make you
f eer like new T
. .. Try
Cold Tablets
A Remedy for the treat
iient of colds, la grippe,
and headache
25c at
Sole Aent Garden Court
135 N. toml Phone 197
'!Try the 'Penslax
" "Drug Store First"
This offering will prove of interest to jthose accustomed to use 'all linen' table
cloths. They make an admirable .substitute, being woven of An extremely lint) grade
of cotton. Handsome pattern h'aving beautiful, highly lustrous finish. - When you
see these cloths you will fully appreciate how well they replace the all linen 'article,
- - -
Other Choice Table Linens; Patterns and by the yard; Guaranteed Pure
Long Fiber Flax.
I tVar
Priced by the Yard
$2.75, $2.95, $3.49,
$3.69, $3.95, $425,
and $4 JO a yard
Napkins $8.96 and
$9 JO a doz.
Christmas Is Coming
Pattern Dinner
$8.00, $9. b0, $12 JO
Napkins !:frL00,
and $24.00 doz.
466 State St.
' 383 Alder St.
p.- ii. i i !' r .r . i
v -.-i:.