The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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1 s
time wj&Qpn mm&sman
. .O Issued Dallr Except Monday .by
V--, . . v 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office,' C2? Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
M ''"i'vy- : , 511-93
The Associated Presa If exclusively entitled to the use for publi
cation of all newi dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local newt published herein.
R. J. Headricka Manager
Stephen A. Stone .Managing Editor
Ralph OloTer .Cashier
Frank Jaakoiki .'Manager Job Dept.
Business Office, 23 .
Circulation Department, 583
Job Department, 583
BodMtJ Editor, 10 6
" Entered, at, the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
. - "The Tariff Commission will begin hearings at once.
1 -" on petitions before it for changes in rates, according to '
V the elastic provision of the tariff laws. Some business
ttexr are asking-for a lowering of rates, while others are '
urging An increase. About 50 petitions have, been filed,
the wool schedule .and the hosiery industry being among
the more important affected. Never before has a tariff "
; act- contained, the means for making ,it conform to
' " changes as they occur in the relative cost of production at
?9Ihpme ;ad -abroad, 'The provision in the present law
nialces it the, most efficient tariff statute ever enacted."
. The'above' Is the wording of a news item coming out of
;.Vshington , ;V . "
.And it is indeed the most efficient tariff statute ever
i enacted. in this country , , ' .
rtw-But the same provision, is contained in, both the British
and ''French tariff laws; that is, the same provision1 for the
H ralsingand. lowering oi tne rates thougn m each case the
jr administration of the law iiin different hands.
y $'?&tt$'grea,t thing about our present law H ike fact that' ijt
1 will- take the tariff out of politics, if it is properly adminis-
, . terjid, and, stuck to for a considerable time.
" V t I ThjO tariff "ajcta" of no other country, haye, been,, made
I litical matters in the past few years. r.' j'J HI
'1 JJ-'c If the' tariff can be kept out of politics in thisMcountry,
and if we can have the rapid building up an efficient opera-
Vtion of an 'American merchant marine, :we are inifor a long1,
i period oftrade expansion and of home prosperity I in the1
United' States; i '. f -. L v - '' ' ''
I A; droiv-af $876,000,000 i -re-j
'jo'tiH federttMtax receipt.
U Buinejmonejr Is not i losV it 'i
L; in lnej pockets of the Uxpayera.-
! vfciVJP.r-r" : .,
' ' General 'Margula, Mexican -repel
! colttander;' haa' been" backed up
aiilaat' a atone 'wall ' and: shot,
r Re'calling now- President Torflrio
. v jv, , . i i sss , -,
- President- Harding; celebrated
;' isjsSTth . blrttlday and the sec
: oodlannlrefsarf of 1U election on
thB- 7th: H Is finding the-first
tV .
' Kfttwnlx IT . rndy-roo;iH.
lrti-ti niciad Peifi oirUy,
4 krmb,o; Yki-tUAT-'TaaBkifiriBS
pMl's Caarca. SJO, arte.
four years of his administration
the toughest.-Exchange.
Prof. BenitOj Mussolini head of
the Fascistf movement In Italy,
Is being shown In the Illustrated
news. The last time the picture
was used it was labeled Hon.. At
lee Pomerene, Senator from
C;hio. Exchange. ' : . r., ; ;
" ' - v i-'.ui .i(J ;
tv - - - ,'i !v- -
.From a bookkeeping standpoint
the government made profit :of
ever ,4 1,50 0 6 0 o". in Us prohibition
enforcement work in California
during the taonth of October. The
tines, confiscations and seizures
were "that much, 'above theu-ioost
of the "prohibition " forces. -193
Angeles Tiirfes. : - i-;
Teachers and librarians wbo
were getting together at the con
vention of the American Library
association to relect a small lib
rary for use in schools from the
first to the eighth grades all
agreed In giving Louisa Alcott's
"Little Women" as their first
choice of books. "Alice in Won
derland," "Robinson Cruso,"
"Tom Sawyer" and "Treasure Is
land" came next in the order
named. After that opinions di
vided over a wide field. It ts no
easy task to agree on the fifty
best - books for young folks. It
13 virtually as difficult as it Is to
make the proper selection for
white whiskered patriots, who are
but children of an older growth.
The selection of three feet of
books is sufficient tinder to start
a war a literary war.
A world Inhabited by women
only and these pitiless, hard and
cruel! A community Jike that of
thd bees; with every indirfdual
working furiously. to the limit of,
its power! With all ideals smoth
ered and only cold, applied sci
ence surviving! Such is the vision
of our world in the future seen
by Dr. Nicola Telsa, an eminent
electrical scientist.
And women in their encroach
ment on the sphere of man are
to blame. .
Surely Dr. Tesla is the supreme
pessimist of the ages. But If he
should be right, -what a (huge
joke it would be on the women.
. It seems more" likely, though,
that the increasing opportunities
of women will result Jn their be
ing more subservient than domin
ating in the future. , , , ..
C Women of the -more masculine
and dominating' type are finding
Increasing opportunities for their
participation in business, govern
ment and the professions.' Their
inclinations for marriage not be
ing as strong as their desires for
power and successful careers,
they will not be so pFone to mar
ry. .- " v ' '
' This should naturally result in
a selective process eliminating all
but the more feminine women
whose whole lives lie in love and
their . homes. What effect this
selective process will have on the
men of the"future is yet another
problem. - ,
The production ' of "Peacock
AHeyis being, held up in (Paris
while a once-famous dancer sues
the filmerS for 1,000.000 francs
or so of damages. The dainty
Farisienne declares that the pic
ture Is thefrated story of' her
own career filched boldly front lle
without consent or compensation.
If she had the 1.000.000 franc3
he would not grieve so much, brt
for others to capitalize her indis
cretions and make money out of
them is impossible--or words to
that effect. Does net a lady pos
sess her own fraiities? :
A famous surgeon has perform
ed more than 15,000 operations
for appendicitis in the last 25
years. 'It would seem that he
should be in a fair way to have all
the money there is in the world,
yet report says that he is. not even
a millionaire. Anyhow,' he is a
great cut-up.
Accofc-ding to this decision the
flagons would be worth Just a3
much empty as when filled. A1-.
though there are frenty of mea
who would be pleased to offer
$10,000 for the liquor taken la
this case, the court says there i?
no value in property that is out
lawed and subject to instant de
struction. If this ruling Is gen
erally established folks who still
have some nippage on hand will
have trouble in holding the same.
If rum is neither goods
tles it will at least be a matter
of finders keepers. The guy with
the jimmy and bludgeon will be
the accomplished finder.
Over 40,000.000 bushels of po
tatoes are still in the hands of
the Wisconsin farmers. In time
a man can grow weary of having
his hands fall of baked potatoes.
Residents of the state are being
urged to do something about it.
Milwaukee not drawing its ac
customed ration of kartoffel salad
and It may be that many spuds
will be carried over nntll the next
crop. ' J
The celebration of the Rusaian
scviets Is based upon the amaz
ing supposition that the Bolshe
vist have accomplished something
to be proul of. They have had
five years of power and Lenin and
are observing it by ordering that
ayard of red Hag be flown from
thefoof of every habitation In air
Russia. The red is. presumed to
represent the achievements ,'ot the
Commune. In a way it does. The
Ufe tyood of a once competent and
industrlou people has been rather-
thoroughly, drained away. . So
far as the outside world may ken
the soviet regime bas resulted in
throwing ... the nation, with the
greatest man - power" upon tho
charity of the world. No mere
war could have done this. Russia
under the czars would have been
productive and self sustaining by
this time, even after the trage
dies of the-field of Mars. Russia
may survive, but can never for
get the tragedies of soviet rule.
A judge lias held that booze !b
not prpperty that is, it has 'no
competent value.- The theft of 0
cases of Old Crovrand 20 cases nl
Pommery didnojt. constitute grand.
larceny. A charge of petty lar
ceny might lie because' of , .the
value of the glassware containing
the stuff, but' who wants to pun
ish anybody for stealing bottle's?.
Cog lUgM, lftaa, Amfieitfrt Edltora
The Blcsett little Paper la the Worid
Edited by John IL Millar
Paint-Brash Presents
r 7 A .-v. 4 5.'- ..-,.. VI . HI X -----
Christmas, gifts for the whole
. f amliyrind W your friends, too,
jar hidden In four little cans1 of
;',paldC waiting for you and your
jjbrnshv YoU dont have' to be an
artist to be. able to make attrac
j. tive painted presents. ' The cost
'is very;milL - -
Buyfonr; Q.namelac,
several randa.QtA.wbifhUrf a
jlthe market.' These will make half
U a ddzehs entire different v kinds
j of gifts; The best colors to buy
Hare-black, white, vIvM red, and
medium green. Then find a small
(jpoifefed brush and a medium atzed
-brush, which you prbably have
ln kint boxes, and you are Teady
,to start work.
Tpe quaint little ladies shown
iiinna trAa rnr Miarpr . iinv on nr
11 olniry jOft cent, pair of woodenj haTe
and her .pink Cheeks' withT red
mixed a little with white. i
- Use the pink also for the skirt,
following the diagram. Then use
white . for the . pantallettes and
stockings. Let' this get dry be
fore putting In the tiny black
slippers and the crosslacings,
which are painted across the
stockings. These are just straight
lines of black and are not nard
to paint. '
The shoe horn may be decor
ated with dots made of white and
two shades of pink, with a few
of black. These little dots make
a pretty wreath, like a bunch of
old fashioned flowers.' Now "see If
you can't find In the family scrap
bag some pink .ribbon to tie' un
der each little lady's chin and
I In the, picture are really a pair of r eacn i.iue aay s enm . ana
! t mhnm iVa fr -t.f Tt - I through the hole in the shoe horn;
A 1 a . m a
.t.nn 4Lm mnA fnt thnm (rnon , no lrceB na now
now iu go 1UUUI iuvui, you migui
make several pairs at the same
ii usink'your'' medium 4 sized brush.
"'Do not.Jaint the bairtops green,
II howevW, but eoat Uhe : front
.baltes of tbjese balla .yriXh Mrhite.
;t paitJt- The shoe horn should also
be T '."iK .reen. Both trees and
ho)-;..are . then put ' aside to dry
nMt ue the -small brush to
pslSfUhe back halt of each ball
top Jlack, ' following " the outline
r given for the hair In the picture.
After this has dried, put eyes in
time, being careful to let them
dry between the different steps
In painting them. : -'-
(Next week: Christmas boxes.)
W ; ----
Old Unci Joe pulled his Veard
and looked Cworried It waa-ihe
nrrnnH lima tin 1ial tia.,j il. black paint, lips with red, - strange word in the last five min
utes. First, as he was passing
twor girls on' the other Ide ; of
the street he saw. them point di
rectly at him and then . both
screamed ZItz!" When he look
ed, 'back, a. moment later they
turned-red and giggled until he
was out of .sight.
' Now. he hadjust passed two
high school students and hewaal
sure that he heard' one of them
excitedly whisper I'ZIfx?, as h
passed. Uncle Joe thought sadly
that '-the younger generation naraa
getting sillier every day. iBtzt
when on the next "' corner 'the
grandson of . hispid friend Sarii
Parks punched his Companion .and
they both hissed "Zitz" in Mh
other's . - ears, he decided -that
either he or all the young peo
ple of the town : had , gon crazy:
What did that mysterious Word
mean , anyway? 4 He .had t never
heard. it before., He concluded
that he Would stop in the library
nd,look it up In the dictionary.
; A group .of young people was
gathered' on the steps of the lib
rary. , As Uncle Joe passed it
sounded to him like a number
of fire crackers going off, "Zitz,
Zitx, Zltx." Uncle Joe began to
look scared. It surely must be
he. All the young people of the
town could not be going crazy
ct tho same. time.
There v was no such word in
the dictionary. Yes, It was as hot
had always feared. He was going
to get queer and childish, in bis
old age." But what" a strango way
to be affected, to be hannted by
6 'ord and to Imagine tbat;very
one was whispering it. '. Hi never
beard of such a thing. He
thought he'd better stop in and
see his old friend. Dr. Sam Parks.
Maybe he could explain it.
- Uncle Joe thought he had never
seen Dr. Sam look so old and
haggard. He sat slumped down
in his chair, dejectedly, pulling
his beard in a way bo had when
something worried ,hir.. Joe fell
Into the first chafr and immedi
ately; began on his stzange symn
toms. . Dr. 3am lumped "up In
amazement, s ' '"
"Joe,' he cried, it can't be
that. we are both going crazy. 1
thought I was cracked sure and
have been reading every, medical
book I can get mr, hands on. but
I can't (lpd a single Tecord td!
any, such cases. Even my grand-
children whisper that confounded
word when I come Into the
room." - .
- Joe was encouraged. Ithewaa
going crazjr, Dr. gam wis, too
so he would have company.
Here comes Dick now. Ask him
what it all means," he said
Dick looked embarrassed at his
grandfather's "question. "Well,
you see," he said, "It's a game
we play. Everytime - you see a
man with whiskers you yell
Zitz to the person you are with-
When you have 13 'Zitzes he has
to treat you to an ice cream
The old men (pulled itheir
beards and tried not to laugh in
And a billy goat counts the
whole game," added Dick.
t ' - -
Bwtr iymtT4yt: 'T fce xr not
erabYan Winkle, written in reply
to " n iBQuiry by Sam A. Kozer.
sec ret a r' of ktate.
The opinion points oux that
since the Oregon law exempts only
motor vehicles owned by the
United States, state of cyegon and
various municipalities In Oregon,
and does not exempt motor ve
hicles owned by oA her states or
any foreign country, it is not dis
crimination to require payment of
a 'Japanese government-owned
Carmt Thompson, one ef tfc
nine candidates for the Republi
can nomination for governor. 'U
Ohio, says he is sure to win. Aa4
in the old days back in the Back
eye state Carmi used to be'
fairly good guesser. - -
Sunshine, and fog.
The Statesman - of tomorrow"
will have the -true strawberry
mark. '
It will tell of the strawberry
Industry, and of -tbe fact that
Salem is to be the greatest straw
berry district in the whole world.
It is the biggest now in this part
of the world.
Yes, Alice, if things do not
come out right today in the Eng
lish elections, it will look very
much as if somebody had pulled
Bonar. Follce!
In the election of Friend Rich
ardson aa-goverftor of California,
another country editor comes into
h:s Own. Same thing in the4' govr
ernorof Washington. President
Harding was a counts? editor.
And the list is a long and length
ening one. a s'
It you know something for the
good of the order in the straw-.1
terry industry, It Is ybur. duty to
tell .The Statesman; and do it to-
day. t It is .fmportant. This is
one of the big things of the Sa
cra district. .
A local historian says the old
saying about women gettingeir
wires crossed dates back to the
time when ,the sex wore hoop
skirts and attempted to sit down.
The pawpaw "season is on back
cast. Pawpaws are all Tight -Tor
those who like' pawpaws. So are
birds' nests, rats, snails, locusts,
etc. ' ,
Thfs Is honey week.
honey, honey!
Pass the
Training Corps Service .
IsTJot Counted for Bonus
Time served in the student
rmy.tTaining corps by a man who
titi w e-ij. iuiu ieuiar ii my bci
rice during the war cannot be
lidded to his "regular service In
computing the amount of bonus
he is entitled to under. the tate
bonus and loan act, according to
an opinion of Attorney-General
Vaji Winkle, written for the state
zid commission for ex-service
men. , . -
The opinion is based on the in
terpretation of . the bonus and loan
act w,hich holds that'S. A. T.C.
men are not entitled to the bene-
its of the act. 1 -
Japanese Automobile Not
. Entitled to Exemption
i ' '
Neither the Japanese govern
ment nor any other govern mentHs
entitled to exemption" fronr pay
ment in Oregon of licenses on Hs
government-owned motor vehicles,
lays an opinion of Attorney-Gen-
Eat Less Meat if Yon Fwl Ifcick
achy or Have Madder
Too much meat may form uric
acid, which excites and overworks
the kidneys in their efforts to fil
ter it from the system. Hig meat
eaters can flush the kidneys oc
casionally to relieve them like
they relieve the bowels, removing
all the acids, waste and poison,
ei?e they may feel a dull misery
in the kidney region, sharp pain
in the back or sick; headache,
dizziness, the stomach sours,
tcngue is coated, and when the
v.-eather ig bad they have rheu
matic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sedimerTt; the
channedls often get irritated,
ponging one to get up two or
three times during the night.
To help neutraliez these irritat
ing acids and flush off the body's
urinous waste get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from anv
pharmacy; take a tablespoon fut
in a glass of water before break
fast for a few days and your kid
neys may then act fine and blad
der disorders disappear. This
famous salts 13 made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice.
comTI'ned with; 3itMa. and has
been used for generations to help
clean and stimulate' sluggish -kidneys
and st opt bladder irritation.
Jad Salts is inexpensive.' harmless
and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia' water drink, . which
millions of men and wpmen take
Lnow,and then to help prevent kid-
ladder disorders. Adv.
' fir TWENTY
You always knew
they were better -and
NOW the price J
is where you want itr-
Let Fatima smtlrrj
' tillyiu
Lioctrr tc Mtim Toiacco to.
H ' ft
11 (
Toothsome, nutritious nicely browned, Hillman't Health Bread,
Is a product of health containing just the correct amount of vitamine
which the human system requires.
K Months of testing and study by leading dietitians of the Pacific
coast nave resulted in this pertectly balanced Health Bread a bread
which contains grain, fruits and nuts. Its delicious quality imparts
zest to ones eating; ; k
It has an appetizing-taste that is always just as good the next
time you eat it as the last time you tasted it
... - r -
It gives the very impression of being kneaded and baked under
the most careful conditions, and that its bakers are the masters of
their art
Yours For Health
Hillman's Health Bread