The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Arerac o October, 1&22:
nr m cxrr or um
' Dlljr and Snnday
. Avcrac for aix meatb adiac
- Krty rwjWli mis
WOregon Statesman :
flftndy only
Daily q4 fittnd , ffgS
-i 1
7. !.
- .
: t
. 1
- k
. 1
" t
ffs - . i .ii (-
Representatives will Present
Views ot America But will
at a bp a.
Not jaice ran m peace
Commercial ; Opportunity in
Moslem Territory. Second
ly ary .: Consideration ,
j ' ' 'I ' - -
WASHINGTON, Not. 14. Am-
bassaddor Child at Rome ' ' and
Minister Grew j at Berne will be
: the' American observers at the
Near East conference at Lausanne
the state department announced
' today. - Rear. Admiral Bristol, high
commissioner, f at - Constantinople
will be named as the commissioner
, as his other duties will not permit
"him to be in continuous attendance
at the ' conference.: - Instructions
will act in presenting the view
point of the, Washington govern
tnent to the peace conference but
without taking any Dart In thelthe boys ,lnd lob' W.PO8hle,
1 . ' V ' I akl ' nan a&vt a trV tmrknaw A tttVak
peace negotiations themselves, al
ready are en route to Lausanne, -to I
; Mr, Child as head ot the group.
Instructions Not Revealed .
A number of secretaries lnclud-
ffiir ! th.
?!!t,!!l? f!hed th-
partment, - will be attached
American representatives. '
Department officials would not
ers will act.; The scope of Ameri
can participation in the - proceed
lngs at Lausanne, however, , was
quite clearly defined, by Secretary
Hughes Ja , advance of . receipt of
the actual invitation; In his com
municatlon to the allied govern
menta on October. 30, Mr, Hughes
aid: - - p
To' Safeguard Interests
:r "To safeguard such (American)
interests and to facilitate the ex
change, of views the government ot
the United ' States Is prepared io
send Observers to the proposed
conference it this action is agree-
able to . the powers concerned
Without .participating In the Ne
gotiations of the treaty of peace.
these observers' would Je able to
indicate "this government's ppsi
tion in greater detail than is pos-
eible in - thls aIdememoIre andhin- i th- mo anbeidv and other
they could also mrorm the Amen -
can government ot the attitude of
ine oiuer powers in w uoio
there are mutual interests."
Hushes Enumerate Polnta ' ',
The . further preliminary . state -
irin . nf "mMiu'ti nf nartienlArl: v . . . ....
American ijoneern" made in the
... v . , . - w
Kumtt - mmmnnieuion . ny nr.
Jlurhes show that the observers
' .. - . - ... .. .
will have to deal with matters. ot
basic importance in the confer
d ice. asiua lruui iciiiiuubi uuco -
tlons'of the peace settlements.
v The polnu enumerated ; by - See -
retary Hughes Jay stress upon
'the maintenance of capitulations
v which' may b essential to the' ap
nronriata . safezuardlnr ot non
Moslem ".interests stnce that 1 is
1 placed first, followed by the pro-
tArtinn nnder nrooer marantee
. ot philanthropic educational and
religious Institutional ..,
, Trade" Secondary V ;
American interest in b maintain
A"'." -.r r-
tunny in luraisu crr 11017
to- third nlace in this tabnlated
outHne f partloalar points of
Amriin MiiMrn. v 'V -
Involved in the ,eapitnlatlons
under their maintenance is the
whole Question of existing Turk-
. i.h l.w mi the fact thaf on all
Questions of personal .status, sach
as. marriage and divorce, and
. ,maDT other matters that touch
most closely the lives of: indlvidu-
1 ir..1. .llMlAna f a
Mn,,itJn. warn et un in their
' r . . ...
tion lareelv and to protect.-na
tionals of christiaa nations by
making them subject to trial oe-
Oregon Wednesday, fair and
'' "COld. . : ' ; ,
, (Tuesday) " "
Maximum temperature, 48.
Minimum tcmnAMtare. SO.
River, 9-10 footbelow normal
level; falling.,
Rainfall; none. "
i .... t. i 1
Wind, south. . ' 4
Cannot Meet Federal" Regula
tions at Chemawa Work
Would Be Welcome
Superintendent Harwood Hall
I of the, the Salem Indian school la
.1 UI lilt
doing one of the hardest tasks In
bls llfe ending home me ot
una a r w a vr a a m n a
:"t. "T'r
The boys, almost a dozen ot
them, from various points In
Washington, Montana, Alaska and
other states, have been-clear out
of lack In that they have been so
Isolated that they' haven't -beea
able fo make the run past the
sixth grade by the time they are
17 years old. Under government
regulations they are not eligible
fcr the Indian schools under these
Some of these boys are earnest;
industrious students, whose hard
luck is -not their own 'fault. A
one of the boys said: ' "I want to
learn, but I'Te .never beeniwhere
they bad rchools,-and I couldn't
do it alone. How can I ever catch
up It they don't let me stay."
The boys haven't v the money to
go back home, where they would
find no helpful schools li they did
go.' "The transportation fund of
the Salem school is too lean to
care , for them-Mmd they are
W" TflZT
money to go to any other horn 3-
Mr. Hall has advised some of
them home. If somebody .here
in the valley only wanted a good up to the present has been mostly
lad for the year, and would give of a preliminary nature, to inter
him a .home and schooling for est the people of the northwest in
what the boy could do in return,
It might be one of the finest acts
ot itUenship that, could be per-
formed. (i Therd . are .several of
these "boys good boys, too," Su-
a. . J
PreSIDent WOUlU rUSn Hill
IIMWHBll-WWI.a.W .P...
"Of G D P Reverses "
'.WASHINGTON,-Nov. 14. Pos-
ibl addition of railroad' leglsla-
iadminstration measures on the
I program for the coming? winter in
1 congress, was lnaicaiea . toaay
iWhitet House developments.
... .; president Jetermined '
1 ; pPl,n'''IrlnE i" said
1 nova mm u nira nnniw c&iitsrs u 1
IkiAA th hin uhldr
i Lnf -a i Vn. nt
I '"' 1 '
1 ,Mv .u hrnnrh th -enate.
1 Din KiruuKii iu uwmdw --.-
I niviv - ""
l.w m in th fAra oKdlacouraK
li n reports from Republican con
1 j80 .made an appointment with
iricMinnii leaders, inn Brauueui
1 Chairman Cummins ot .the senate!
1 interstate commerce committee
I to take up In a few days the ques-
I tloti of railroad ; legislation.
- 1 Amendment of th iscn-cum-
f mins Jaw to strengtnen tne rau-
way labor board possvwy py giTing
I it ' powers to enforce upon rail-
Iroad; officials i and employes' was
... reportea unaer coawmpiauuu.
Opening Addresa Tuesaay
- . L The president today made par
l.1 r . . 7j . " J. .""1 "
ijuonaay 01 iue wwwu
Iconicress.- His opening . message,
which probably will be in anei- nver Codd Mufder Case
fonn of a personal address at ine
IJoint session next Tuedsay F' e
very brier, it was saia, ana wui oe
devoted f principally to the fshlp
subsidy bill.". The opening
l?7."1?. -T7;n.
speedy ' topSltkTrt apt
Uon bills wUh a view to cleaning
up alt pressing business by- March
a-n.Tt and avoidance oi an extra
eiectea consr-.
j0hn Mackav Murder Trial
TA.Ctort ot Wfllla Wfllla
ilU uivui -
' "
WALLA WALLA. lor. 14.
Trial of John -Mackey, charged
with the murder oi jki idubm
by shooting him. at ,an, isolated
couitry on September 23, started
this morning.' Jtacaey, said to
have been drinking on the fateful
Ight, declared he was asleepyhen
imi rl II LUB - w mm aa ay.. .'
thenott .re
KnGQ Dy i uuuiaa viico w cvFtloi ai:j tvr wuiiu i w a vuuic
help. Ed., Weller, Mackey's com- connection wih Codd'strlaL
panion. is state's star witness, fol- Codd was acquitted of a charge
lowing his alleged statement that 0f murder in connection with the
he saw Mackey fire twice at death of Frank P. Brinton, a sol
Thomas." Selection of Jurors c- . :
cupied all morning. -
36.220 T
Response on Camptisrto Wil
lamette University Call
Shows Whole - Hearted
Loyalty. '
indications POint tO COmple-
III rlC- llCCrkO I
the Willamette endowment fund
were announced Tuesday at chap-.
elito tho amount ot $36,220. The
amounig ior eacn ciass are:
Freshmen, $6,260; sophomores,
$4,505; Juniors, $3,875; seniors,
$7,385; faculty. $13,195. The
Sigma Tau fraternity made a fiP,ejSne nag, been named Barbara
ciai girt or ii.ouv, a total - pi
e f aft A A t I
More Than Half Raised
The gifts sov far announced
amount in all to $684,000. a little
more than one-half of the total
Jsum to be raised, $1,250,000. The
lHimnalfrn la tiAW falvlv aAtU I.
en its real, work;;. what has gone
Ithe famous old university.
Some other -big subscriptions
are said to be in sight.sone being
for $100,000, and others of lesser
sums."- It is understood that the
I building sttbscrlntlons; that are
already partly promised condition.
.. .. ... ..
al on the secwrfog.of ,the new mil
lion-dollar endowment, r
J - Firt Weeks to tlo ...
The .present campaign is to end
1 December'. 20rtfi'Ve, weeks' from to
night. The work is in charge of
la peciaUy trained torps of work
ers .from the general . -board of
that .durinsr the naat
two"or three years has put on at -
most a dozen' similar campaigns,
1 17.OOO.OOO or. a little more, and
- - . 1
I r - '
KUrAlUXian. UlVe, HaSIOr
. Present for Stand Taken
EUOENE "OrT Not. 14.A
committee from th,locah unit of
I the Ku Klox Klan today called
oyiat me nome 01 itev. tu. v. auTers
pastor of the rirst ' Christian
1 church of this city and presented
him '.with two-fine i'lishing rods
1 and a leather -case. - The mem-
I bers j of the committee told the
"I. . , - .
i . - -
ninuier inii'ins kiil wub in kd-
preciation of his efforts in be-
- Hiaii or ,tne comimisory eaucauon
: ..... . i ... .
- 1 bill, adopted by the Oregon voters
Mr. Stivers is Jin ardent fisher
i iihui wwmu.
f snokesmah ' Rfiviewq Faces
-1 r- - --7 ---.-1 7
. v
SPO.KANE, .Wash., Nov. 14. -
Prnwntlne Attorhe'V W. C. Mev-
i;", CoUiernutV
secuting aUorney; W It Cowles,
publisher of The Spokane Review;
I Qeorge Cyf. Dodds.-managing eait-
or ot tne. paper, ana lwis v.
. u. iuv
answer on
1 Saturday morning an
action for
contempt of court in connection
with a news article published in
The Spokesman Review last Sun
A roncernine the trtal
I j -
of Maurice P. Codd last spring on
a charge oi muroer.
. Atrornry Files Petition ;
i-emion in m proceeuings wnitrr The have nut Salem on the Lester, p. Edgefn attorn-
I c aau waw pw
principals, witnesses and detect-
iT in the dd case, who are to
go on trial in superior court here
to-morrow. They are charged
- ivoauaaw -j.. .
Heads Object to Scene Where
Liquor Drinking Figures,
Money is Returned
; BERKELEY,- Cal., -ov. 14.
The prodduction -'of Ihe ply
'S. S. Tenacity" in the auditorium
of Wheeler hall oi the University
of California campus tonight, was
ordered stopped by the board of
regents foday because of reports
that It did not conform to the
jwhblesonieness necessary- to a
announcement of the regents. All
tick9t money ukD :n "p lto the
lime ib oraer ws miwe' nuwwu.
was ordered returned".
PVInf VIutlnii o ilia nlat
concerned a scene wherein - the
P"nPi cnaracier .iMWJ
lo.o nrhilo HHnlilni chamnarnfl in
a cafe.
" it
William fcSCn IS tieCieQ
Grandfather; Passes Cigars
i ... i v.. n vsnnil'.h Rll.
Uk vnrv rntt'.ra .tr.' arWtbe
f,,... nf h.hv danrhter. who
irlA ftt thfelr fmm last Sunday.
I IV J. 1 3 . XJCI 1 . VV AO iUIIUCIi;
Florence EsclC daughter of Mr
I and Mrs. Wlliam Esch, and the
I newlv-arrived baby Is the first
(erandchlfd of Mr. andMrs. Eech.
Mr. Eseh, who is with the state
HrMnotrlfll Mlr1P1lt t rSLTtjXtX.-
was passing the'eigars yesterday
ChefTian AJOnStltUIIOn - AIS0
: " J "nlll!. '2 .
.Missing ana tiectiorii
Ualc IS 11 cat
Some people coming to Salem
wonder Just what and i.who are
the Cherrians. Whether they are
I Worn aristocrats Vith " those im-
1 maculate white suits, . whether
) they are more polite "or more any-
'nMtlMi.mniir those" who do not
I The Cherrians met last night
at the Chamber of Commerce
T.y Hl,MtT.p men
uuiy peraapB a unit? muic ou.
They are not old-man-af raid-of-
his-tummy. When pie and cheese
was set before them, they ate it;
every crumb. There is jio bored
I what's-this expression In a Cher-
rian eye yhen he meets face to
face with a piece of pie and a
hunk of cheese; he, knows! It
is really markedly different: from
any of the other .dinner clubs or
i.. ..... .
city, some ot wnicn, 01 large
I An.
s. .u
ci Kan ute a uiic ui ine &otcu
Hundred percent feeders
The" Cherrians haven't lost
their appetites, nor their appre
ciation of Alee things- such as
sending a. gift to a fellow member
who is cooped up In a southern
Oregon hospital, and receiving an
almost tearful letter of thanks
from the grateful recipient; or
going over to Mt. Angel and boost
ing a neighbor's social game, or
praising a band man here in Sa
lem who has been banding here
for almost 40 years,
But they have lost their con-
stiution. They don't know any
more about where their by-laws
are than a gorilla knows abont
blanc mange or plckle-forks. They
ransacked every member's brain
and barn and the rat holes in
woodshed last night, and fail
ed to find the missing documents.
found y aces of what looked
like a constitution, but they were
not ear about .it! They are on
the trail of the lost constitution
however, and expect to have it
treed in time for the annual elec
tion at the December meeting.
Real JCnighte-Errant
-:Jl.r:"". "
The Cherrians have done som4
i uuQen uiijt neipiu cunimuoii)
work In their care of the city
camp grounds that have made
galem famous all over the eoun-
world map, through the showings
. . ft n h a UAln m 4 R0a fair
where the movies that depict the
Sa,em floral beauUe8 are gent to
ft .milon Americans. They
haTe ? knight8errant and
the ambassadora and' the heirs
apparent who have sold the good
spirit of Salem to the other towns
large and small, up and down the
valley. There's something. 1 more
than mere avoirdupois In every
Cherrian uniform.
1DT1' DOI' HRiWEraiiS
umnnrm nrniu i -
Onlv Small Pcrcentan Cnm
iy vuu. i ii nvii ii amcu,
Figures ShOW There's a
DnlnAn Omxo lt.
ncaduii oajd 1lclK. i
'PAllCP J ajv uhvcQ cm
Family Boss! Really Wants!
to Shoot Sheriff When
He Serves Summons
Those whpr raU at -the ; "irre
sponsibility" of women' In politics
and in general citizenship duties,
will have proved their case beyond
a peradventure on the figures
compiled by the clerk of the cir
cuit court in Marion coupty.
For the31arca term 14 women 1
were called on the first venire and
nine claimed the "Oh, just' be
cause"' exemption allowed them by
The second cajl was for 16 wo
men and JO turned it down, while
three were out . of the county,
leaving only three to serve.
Not Me, Says The Missus
The third, call was for 16, and
13 refused point-blank, while one
was away-from home. Only, two
icrrsil nr 1 S JLfc Ttr rant of the Ten.
ar I
Porlthe June term 12 were
called and eight served
For the September term only
two served out of the 14 that wer6
called on the first, panel, and only
one served out of the second call
of 15. and four served out of the
third call of, seven members
These figures show that, out of
01 woman larors drawn only 21
served, or only 22 per cent There-1
lore a woman s no to oe aepeu.
men do the' work, etc.
Liarder Cornea First Maybe
It should be noted -that the
great call for exemptions camel
right In the height of the fruit-1
canning season, wnen me winter
I a I
fruit for the family was hanging
in-the balance.. and the kids were
either In school or were just get
ting ready to go. 'Maybe there was
a real reason for their refusal to i
serve in the hateful old jangles j
where everybody loses but the
and where they waste
hours or days or weeks to make
... a . at h amI
a fellow-listen au me u""
he can't say a single solitary word,
Fye upon such inhuman, wasteiui
tuff. anyhow when the peachesl
are ripening and the kids clothing
needs fixing after the first lew
games of football and who wants
to sit away , in a measly old court
house anyhow?
t i. ha tostimonv of the clerK
of the court, however, that the
exceptiuottiijr uiuuftunu.,
. v j - ...lit i ira TraSiHfi
juavw ,
a" hand in the arguments toac ue
lawvers are trained and paid to
make, they are still content to Bit
I Continued on pare I.
Mexican Who "Gets? Leav
enworth Captain ancuvmies
Others is in Hospuai
j 4.-iJ6e Martinez, Mexican- mur
whn shortly oerore
noon today fatally stabhed A. ti
Leonard- captain of the puard at
the federal penitentiary here, was
said to be in a serious condition in
the hospital" where hewas taken
after he had stabbed Leonard ana
kntfed six other guards.
Martinez was captured by
cuards only after, he had been
hot and after he had been pelted
u-lth rnst Jn the coal bunKer
where he hid after the stabbing
Hospital authorities state that he
has a fractured skull and may die
In the opinion of Warden" W. I
Biddle. the man fancied hehad
some sort of grievance against
Leonard, fashioned a knife from a
piece of, steel and used the im
provised weapon at the first op
portunity. Leonard was looked
upon in th eprison as a fearless
guard and it Is said numerous
threats to "get" him were made
by prisoners. He is survived by
a widow and three children. v v
-i , - -n MMM'll,lllM"""MllMMaaaa1lBaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaWaMa
Staje of. Oregon; Executive
In accordance .with annual
suggestion of the President of
again will lay aside her busy cares for a day, to render thanks
ivr uic magnuiceni oiessmgs
Creator. --. '. " ':
for all of those blessings:
resources! for our-ruggediiand
Pm'e Pd true hearis in men and women, freely may we pour
f"U m?te Godias been bountifulXdeed
cut may we also ask that
Siveness. That it nfejrbee day
fnravar artir ill
"- cuy.umimcu-ianwi, u
oi me 3iate,may remernDer: above all that all are hrnthM-s
and sisters, fellow Americans.-
0 -menca gushes,
superficial flow ofactionalim or shallow feud,
May it he a day of Xhanksgiung on.which.we all
our voices m umson, remembering the time honored injunc
tion tnat we read the same Bible
- .Hours of 'tribulation and trial are sure to fall upon a peo-
w ciauieu ai tne oeuei ana
au men are created equal and
nation that ha3 strayed from
the rock of destruction or has
ceniuney 01 Diood,ravail and
We are at' the Cross road3.
,UVI. UIA11- lilt A
iV liT V1" vwunj8f
Mjjf ineuoa 01 our iainers
left hand turning.
hand turning,
Firm in the telief that our
cause for strife and stand firm,
1 Al a IL!- ill rm 1
auu mat mis wui oeka xnanKsmvinc uav vrnen a wimmnn i
I voice raise3 itself tfi reach the ears of -our comntoio Creator, I, Vellenar," la the province or Ata
Ben W. Olcott, by Virtue of the authority. in , me nested as . 'l yl' tbat 'tha Hotaleau
cmvprnnr nf fha cfnfo nf nroAnn i.AKtf i..'m recovered thus f ar at that! place
; i-AJi "i t . oww.wvyicguii. ;? - -s, .
Aiid may it bring years of contentment, happiness and
narjnony. . , " I
In witness whereof , I have hereto set my ; hand : and!
caused the fceal of the state of
uone at tne capuoi at 55aien,
vember 1922.
Clergyman ' SaysTampering
by tlne- farty SUre tO
Sound Death Knell
Successes of the Democratic par
iy m me receni eiecuun wm not
a. ai i .a. a. l .
affect tjie Volstead law In the
(opinion of Bishop Adna W. Leon-
ard of San Francisco, who today
addressed a meeting here of the
Methodist clergy.
rne -voisieaa act win never
be materially changed." the
speaker said, "no matter what
influence Is brought to bear bv
I 1 1 i -. .
i me . oootieggers. The political
i party that tampers with thislaw
wm sound its own death knell
"The women were a more imt
portant factor in the California
i elections and it was largely due
to their influence, that the boot-
i leggers were defeated."
Woolwine Wants to, Quit
But Not by Recall Route
. .
ter announcing to the Lo8 Angeles
wotud feslgn as distrlct attorney.
Lee Woolwine. recently
Democratic candidate for gover
nor, stated this afternoon he had
changed his mind because he said
he badx been informed there was a
movement under way to seek his
removal by a recall election.
Mr. Woolwint declared he
would "not resign in a million
years", and would, fight to a fin
ish to retain the office until the
end of his term two years hence."
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nor.
14. Henry Mays, 17 year old
Waitsburgj boy who fjfs shot acci
dently when, he leaned, on an "un
loaded" gun while duck huntln?
on Saturday, died this afternoon
at a local .hospital.' Mays, con
tracted ?blood . poisoning, caused'
from buckshot entering his shout-
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov.
14. Following four and one half
years -as secretary of the Walla
Walla " Commercial club, -L. L.
Lynn tendered his resignation to
the board ot directors today. No
reasons forthe resignation were
made known. ' .
EUGENE. Or., Nov.
14. TJn-
usuany com w m.a
I m . 1 it M
imonin was recoraeu iouay wbbi
I the temperature reacnea 4 ae-
Urees at an early hour this mor
a"1 i -' '?:.- '. : uV
Deoartnient.' Salami
custom' and following trie
the United States. Oremm
pestowea Dy an Qftuiiscient
for our wroeberitvi for our
our bewitchinirscpnWr frr
th is be a davflf nMrp and for.
oh whichthe people set aside
' T - A. TL - t fi
sucn exisi. marine people
That they may remember the
from a spring deeper. Jhan the
.and worshm'the sarrfe God
nuriurea unxne xnougnt mat 1
mven trie inalienable rieht tol
that doctrine has been SDlit on
toiled Its wearylway through
tears. f
To the right standi ari Am
WR x ElEi 1I1U liUUil ..1U LUC I
i j
uv irue aim uissension.
preserve us irom pursumg trie
. - r ,i ;- - r
Beople hiay thro'w
united in common Datriotism. I
. 1
Oregon to be hereunto. affixed. I
urfgon,i,tnis I4tnday of JOtraeni "ier n me oay gave in
. k . ' ; . ;.
Assistant State's Attorney
Ready to Submit Find mes
nrnrSA ' 1. ; 1 I
. tu uiajiu jutjf .
. ,t I
' CHICAGO. Nov. ' 14,-r-XVhtle a
coroner's chemist busied Jilmself I
tr How maVlitv' atratnlnovlnn I
' ' " . vriages were inundated. ' mow, nean
three bodies for tracesof poison, fo, , .rlA.PTth , diaaster.
William McLaughlin, at th;u,andf o;'AmU1 in
states attoraey,. announced-that mtu,t MW Wrv,,
th i'Xl?nt??e!
to secure7 the indictment of Mrs.
Tillle Klimek and - Mrst Nellie
Sturmer Koulik A charged with
murder in " connection with . thel
deaths by poison of former, hue-1
bands., i ' I
pAiaon '. t... rnnA "iwt h.
exhumed bodies of a former bus-
band of each of the-women, ac-
cording to the authorities, while
the bodies of two other husbands
of Mrs. KHmek are being examlri-
ed. The body of a .woman cousin
of Mrs. Klimek has also bee ex-
burned and plans' have been an-
nounced for exhuming the bodies
of two children and a grand
daughter of Mrs. Koulik. 1
Meanwhile . Anton Klimek. I
fourth husband of Mrs. KJimek, Is
in Jiospital suffering from' the
effects of poison which he claims
his' wife obtained from Mrs. Kou-
lik and gave to him in food.
Pending1 completion of the ex -
aminatlons of the exhumed bodies,!
a continuance Of the cases against
the two women has been secured
until November 23. -
All RETS 10
Pierce .Majority Cut Dovyri,
Oampbell and Churchill
Increase Leads
PORTLAND, Ore Nov. 14.
Complete returns ftom All coun
ties in tho state, but Jiot all of
them checked by official, canvass
ing boards give Waller M. Pierce
a majority over Ben W. Olcott
for governor of 33.855. . The
totals follow:
For governor Pierce 123,169,
Olcott 99,305. Pierce's majority
33,855. ' . . i
, For treasurer Hoff 130,390
TouVelle 56,568. " Hofrs major
ity 53.822. " "' ' 1
, For school superintendent -
Chnrchill 178,596; George 72.T00;.
Churchill's majority 68.859. t '
For labor commissioner Gram
135,246, Hanson 55,814. Gram's
majority 9.432." '" ;
' For public service commission
er Campbell , 1 1 0 ,9 9 1, Ericksen
43,411, Kerrigan 39,632. Camp
bell's plurality 67,50. Carapr
bell's majority over all 27,94 S.
v . . , - -
Severe Quakes Shake Prov
ince of Coquimbo . end
Strange Illuminations Ob
served at-Night.; - -
PLACED AT rl 500
Mnnv b PamWlt VJarArrn
".t..::" ' YL .
4u iwuuuui ruuu
SANTIAGO, ffov. i (By the ,
Associated i Presa.)-Each. ( hour
brings further details of the treat
disaster i to : Chile, caused by the
earmquaae. ana .no; waves, moo.
. . . . . t . . Ji
ngw . report recctyed: from
the provinces -which suffered the
Ifnti fnrc nf tiin onmlalan. adds
dead and the enor
mous damage already recorded.-
. a . - A. . M
Aavtces mis uernuon tromi
lrulnsi! th casuaUIesfnot, being
known. " ' ..'.h?..
An official compilation. by tha
ministry ot the interior, based' on
reports received by that depart-
I..v "' - - a.
number of dead In six ..towns as"
888. and 'the injured 8410. The ,
towns f affected i were valienar,
Copiapo, Codulmboi 1 - n&iseo,
Chanarsl and FrelHna.-This coin-'
ilatloa9 therefore Aid" not take In-,
to ; afceoupt ? lha U hnndreds ;. ot
smaller places within the radius '
ef the earthquake; which: are vir- ,
tuaUyishttt. off from communica
telegraph' lines." '
tion because of the breakdown of
. ' Mafay amiuee, Destitute
Twelve hondredf milea of eetst
line fell In varying degree, IM:
Ifnllnvfl rftia.Varth ahoeka. and
affvti rtf f h . Tlrtal VMM, V.Mrl .
for large proportion of the di
.. j .i.nnrt. ' towns and I
i -
Their distress 1, great; ior they
,-n,.,. !,-. m n.
hye little clothing ami few sup-.
: ': ;
New Tretnora, Felt : '
Again today severe earth trem-s
or mook- tne province ot uquiin-
bo "and other places, and strange
UlumlnaUons were bservedlUst
night over the sea off t Serena
and at Coplaiia.'. i 4 ., i
r - " ' " . - -.
V SANTIAGO,,., Chile, Nor.: 14
(By ; the ' AsisbcJated Press.) The
number of - known '' dead. In the
earthqaake disaster, as shown by
the reports thus far received by
the minister of the v interlorv is
886; rtbe Injured! number 1410.
These tlgnfes by 00 means cover
all the casualUes, as many places
which suffered severely have not,
been .heard from,, or, at .least no
details of - losses. have, come
through. , '- - -
" The reports to the1 , minister
give the following casualties: '
Vallenar, dead, 600, injured 1,
000; Copiapo, dead 150. injured
go 0; Coquimbo, dead ,80, Injured 1
500; Huasco, . detA , 20, Injured
60; Chanaral, dead U, injured
50; Frelrina, de4 IS," Injured
not1 known-, ,-. ': -;- -tr
jj r " - .-.-!
Police Gazette Publisher x;
Dies at New Jersey Home
& 1.. '.r - - ,-
REDBANK, K - J. i KoV. 1 4.--
Richard Kyle. Fox.'edltor and pub-
lisber of the Police Gazette, Inter
nationally known sport publica
tion died at his home here today.
He had been in tailing health for
a year. ;.- ' ' -; !-V ' .
" Mrv Fog was born 'ivf Belfast,
Ireland, in 1846, the son of a trie- ;
chalc. In 1875 he became pub
lisher of the Police Gacette,".(at
that time a sheet devoted to crime
and 'criminals and gradually eon-
verted it into, a sporting publica
tion . . - '-"
tie' leaves a widow; a daughter
three sons. tbe,latter:arei
dent ot Arcadia, Cat.
ALAMEDA, Cal., Not. 14-
Built at a ot-of $2,56-0.060 duf
&g jthe- war, the Liberty Shipbuild
ing plant went . under the auctio
neer's' ham mf today for $405,000
the highest, bid which was reject
ed. 1 Sale of the plant, which covers
165t acres', and was offered without
equipment, attracted 300 factory,
lumber and shipping men, .-'