TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER. 14. 19: r k . t 'V By MARGUERITE GLEESON VyjHE third of a series- of pretty f7 I bridge parties was given yes ! terday by-. Mrs.. W. IStaley K'end Mrs. Frank GBowersox. at Htif beautiful ncwStaley home. MTcb tables of bridge were included t Wednesday, Friday, and yester .' I 4j witk more than 100 women patertained,attlthe series. li ilTbe,1beaut4XutliTing.room of I lihatStaiejr1 home was'lovely with great brbnr.e and yellow- chrysan 1 ' tijemums while! the djning room J,f&- decorated 4a vivid colored j J-fcerr&a and autUMnaJ'.follage. ; : It 4Hign..w:eA.veasclay went to " ( l(ri-JtJ R-WoTtb. illra. G rover C, ; v.Beiuigw won nigHyscoreon Frh 'day iodt'Mrs. jfotae C. Hunter t'- " 'M ' . Iha hostesses J Vr juuuated in pWMr bytBfTJVJlh' barby, j lit C.Robert Fleming arid MJss i.CflalnjwsCaxcisiioRoI Aurora; The i Salem Arts league will present; a program of nnmbers se lected from: the-best, work of each 4 of the sections, tonight. The mod- ; erri? Writers will contribute plays, poems.; stories while the story i teUlng' section' win have an im portant part. The 'Civic art sec tion afid the photograph section i via "also exhibit work. ' " Tie dues of the league have re cently. been, reduced from 12 to fear; and. If is , anticipated many more , members of families will join? the league.- Mrs. John Wallace Harbison Is president of tht?agne T,,.v. , ;; - '.;7'-.-' , ; ;;,;; ' ' : ' 1 -A, . Utile ' daughter i was born ' Sunday, Afternoon toMf - end ;Mp. ti Kenneth Cel." '! at the! Court tfe; 'naterrilty home The.jBells live. aju 4y,.,Nortn vpttage, The lUtle girl weight six pounds, and ' l ;to" bayethe name of Barbara i . .The Eastern -Star -Social club will hold oneof Its afternoon af fairs jtoday in the Masonic Tem- FAT THAT SHOWS' w i SOOli DISAPPEARS '.A Premlnant fat 'that romea .and atayi vhere it is not needed H a bnrden, a . aindranee. to activity, a curb upon pleat are. Yoa can take off the fat where it howa by taking after each meal and at bedtime, one Marinola Prescription tab- , let The little tfbl'U are aa. effective and harmless aa ttte fajinous prescription from -wHlch ther tak,f) tlu-ir name. Boy and try a eaae today. All drugeinta the world ever sell them at one dollar, for a ease or yoa ran order them direct from the Marmola Co.. 4012 Woodward At., Detroit,- Altch. Yon can thns say good uple. Hostesses' for the afternoon are Mrs. A. M. LaFore, Mfsl Wal ter M. Smith. Mrs. V. V nihr Mrs. Harry Styles. Mrs. V., E. Kuhn Mrs. SkJpton, Mrs. King. Mrs. Percy Cupper. Mrs. BieweV. and Mrs. Ida. Babcock Mrs. Ida I.. Niles an.l her daughter. Miss Guasie Niiea spent the wpok-end in Vancouver, Wn., as the guest of Mrs. C. U Btowb. Mrs. Nih-s also attended a'meet- Ing of the Eastern Star whlle in Vancouver. Mrs. George A White spent Part of the last week in Portland where she went to attend th j horse show. - , 1 Stayton, Noy 13. lione P'ne Farm was the scene. of a pleasant Gathering Saturday when 32 rela tives surprised Mr. . Jacob Sieg1 mund In honor of his ninetieth birthday. At noontime the happy party gathered about the festive tible in the center of which was a large cake adorned with 90 can dles. The. day was pleasantly spent and will long remain a pleasant memory to the numerous members of "the family, Those present besides the guest of honor were; Mr. and Mrs. E G. Siegmnnd and children Merta and Lawrence of Lone Pine Farm, Mr. an Mrs. It A. Siegmund and children. Kenneth, Ralph. Alta and Alma, Mr. F. A, Siegmund and daughter, Frances, Mrs- J. M. English and daughter, Mildred, all of Stayton ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Siegmund and son, Floyd, Mr. and Mrs, L. K4 Ciegmund, Mr. W. M. Siegmund and daughter, Eu eena, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Sigmund and children, Edward, Donald, Wilson and Margaret of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Siegmund of Gerrals; My. and Mrs. F. M. Sieg mund and daughter, Jean, of As toria. Observing two birthday annl versarles within tbe family. Mrs. Theor M. Barr was hostess Friday and Sunday evening for a series of delightfully- informal parties. Friday night was Mr. Barr's birthday and -the evening hsmrs were spent playing five hundred at 12 tables. The guests for the evening In cluded MJ andyMrs. Frank Davey, Judge- and Mrs: John R. Rand, Mr. and Mrs.- A. A.. Michel, Mr and Mrs. Martin Pedael. Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs Frank Aldrltfl. 2Sj. an4 Mra, EUA, English. M,r. and Mrs. Carol Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaskosky. Mr. and Mrs., Stephen Brltensteln, Mr. and "Mrs. T. K. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Le bold, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ecker linf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Verbaag, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meiring, Mrs. B. F. Dlmler,. Dr. John L. Lynch, Mrs. Lynch. Ausiacst Huckestein, Charles Lebold, . Miss Mary Le i.oid, Mrs. H. Hartman, Otto Hartmand, Mrs. J. H. Nadon. Mrs. Josephine Suing, Miss Mary Schottle, Dr. M. T. Schoettle, Rev. J- R. Buck and Rev. J. Scherine. of Shaw. Mrs. Bair was hostess Sunday evening on the occasion of her son, Henry's birthday. The guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gay O. .Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tbonu-son, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. HucLf-stein, Mr. and Mrs. G. Schuneman. Mr. and Mrs.- Fred erick Brock. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed v urd Donogalla. . Silrerton; Mr. ai d Mrs. M. PflefXer, Mr. and 'Mrs. M. Lane. Mr. and Mra. J. Karst, Mr. and Mr9. Raymond Ifartman. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jas- kosky. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ann- riest, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stlf, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Suing, Rev. J. Moran, Woodburn: Rev. Sniderhorn, Rev. Scherbring, Ms Mary Schoettle, Mis Leona Weld mer. Mis Thresa Albrich. and Mis Leah Suing. I CLUBS AND WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES CIXB CALENDAR Today Junior Guild of St. Paul's church, with Mrs. Geo. A. White at 2:30. War Mothers at Commercial club rooms. Englewood women of Jason Lee church, with Mrs. John Bar ker, 1220 N. 19th street. W.C.T.r. in hall. Bazaar club of First Congrega tional church with Mrs. J. J. Roberts. Y.W.C.A. board meeting at as sociation rooms. Salem Arts League at library. ' Etokta club with Mrs. F. N. Toothacre. iv ; Wednesday Circles of First Methodist church aid society. Thursday i Chapter G of P.E.O. Friday St.' Paul' s auxiliary Frances Newberry. Faculty Women's club with Richards, Lausanne hall. Jason Lee Aid society at church. , Saturday A.A.riW. In Commercial rooms. , , W.R.C. at hall. with Mrs. Mis generously to the scholarship lean fund. Miss Jessie McGregor, chair matt of the board of trustees, re ports that the trustees have had great difficulty this fall in meet ing the requests that have been made for scholarships, and that several worthy arwlicants have been refused because of lack of funds. At present five most appeal ing cases are being filed and the applications are being held in the hope that some cash may come in either as repayments of loans or as donations from clubs. . Mss Mk-Gregor suggests that clubs hold benefit teas or enter tainments to procure money for the scholarship loan fund, that they materially Increase their do nations this year and that, if pos sible, they send in their contribu- tions'-before red letter day so that the board may know before the first of the year about how many new applicants it can take care of the coming semester. Checks, should be made payable lo Jessie McGregor, chairman of the board of trustees, and mailed to her address. 1S09 Klickitat stret, Portland4 the club Miss Iris G. Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Page, became the bride of Nuraa J. Arnold at a pretty home wedding Monday, Rev. R. L. Putman officiated at the marlage service, which was held af 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs Arnold left on the morning train for Newport. They will make their home in East Salem. Mr Arnold is an employee of the Salem Gas Plant. ! Miss Eleanor Huckestein left Saturday evening for . Honolulu, where she will -visit with -her brother for several months. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise and Mrs. Frank Sneadercor spent part of last week in Portland where they attended the stock show. Miss Mary West spent the week end at the University of Oregon as the guest" of Miss Nellie Rowland. POLK GROWERS OF .CORN TO EXHIBIT (Continued from page- 1.) Ml&g Anna Porter and Emil Gliding were married recently in Junction City. They plan to make their home near there. The bride was formerly a resident of Salem. , . The Merry-go-Round club will be entertained this evening by Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Dedication of the giant boulder in Willson park will probably take place November 25, according to Mrs. U. G. Shipley, regent of Chemeket chapter of the D. A. R. The organization plaecd the boul der, in the park during the late cummer. It is to be dedicated to the pioneer men and women of Oregon and is placed as near as was possible on the location of the old pioneer trail down the river. Miss Anne Lang, state regent, will probably be present for the placing of the marker on the bounlder an dit is hoped that the final service may be held a week from Saturday which is the regu lar meeting day of the local chap-" ter of the D. A. R. The Faculty Women's club of Willamette university will be en tertained Friday at Lausanne hall. Miss Frances Richards and Miss Helen I. Hanna will be hostesses for the occasion. The group in cludes women members of the faculty and the wives of faculty n-. embers. The Auxiliary of St. Paul's church will be entertained Fri day by Mr.s Frances Newberry. An urgent appeal is made to 1st, $10 in "Nest Egg savings ac count; Farmers State bank; 2nd, J 6 In !Nest Egg" savings account, Fanners State bank; 3rd, $4 in "Nest Egg" savings account, Far mers State bank;, 4th, J3 in "Nest Egg" savings account, Farmers State bank; 5th. $2 In "Nest Eggl' savings account, Farmers State bank. Lot 15. 6 Oears dent corn 1st, $10 cash, Independence Na tional bank; 2nd, $6 cash, 'Inde pendence National bank; , 3rd, $4 cash, - Independence National bank; 4th, $3 ash, Independence National bank; 0th, $2 cash. In dependence National bank. 1 SWEEPSTAKES Lot 16. Best 10 ears in show, $5 cash. Best 50 ears in show, $5 cash. Best single ear in show. ribbon. POTATOES Class 9 Lot 17. Halt bushel Earliest of All 1st, $7.50 cash; 2nd, $5 cash, Independence Sand & Gravel Co.; 3rd,. 30x3 H Goodrich Silver- town tube, $2.80, M. J. O'DonnelU Half bushel American Wonder 1st, Reed chair, $9, Moore & Ad dison; 2nd, Large" ham ,$4,. City Meat Market; 3rd; $2.50 cash. Half bushel Burbank, 1st, $7.50 cash; 2nd, Auto robe, $5, Inde pendence garage ;3rd, $2.50 cash. Half bushel White .Rose, whRe -or purple nowerea, isi, .ou casn; P. R. Alexander, Halt bushei any other. 1st. $7.50 cash; 2nd. $5 cash; 3rd. $2 in trade. Model Barber shop. " SWEEPSTAKES ' Lot 18. Best half bushel elig ible for certification, $5 cash. Best half bushel irr show. - IftO pounds best granulated sugar, Calbreath k Jones. VEGETABLES t-Uaa 10 Lot 19. Table squash. 2 speci mens 1st. $2 cash; 2nd. Pair half sole put on, $1.50. Broadwell Shoe shop; 3rd, $1.00 cash. Stock squash, 1 specimen 1st $3 cash; 2nd. $2 cash; 3rd. Clean and pres9 suit. $1.75. Mrs. Bul loch's cleaning parlors. Table pumpkin. 2 specimen 1st. $2 cash; 2nd. $1.5 cash; 3rd. 2 pairs rubber heels put on, $1, Electric Shoe shop. Stock pump kin. 1 specimen .1st.. $3 cash; 2nd, Box cigar, v $2.50. Palace Cigar store; 3rd. $1 cash. CVLIXARY Has 1 1 Lot 20. Lua otq bread 1st. Nickel plated chafing dish set, $9, J. D. Hibbs & Co; 2nd. $2.50 cash. Independence Steam laundry; 3rd, $1 cash. Loaf Boston brown bread 1st. Universal percolator, $6, Sioper Bros. & Cockle; 2nd. Casserole, $3, Sioper Bros. A Cockle; 3rd, $1 cash. Plate corn meal cookies 1st, $3 cash; 2nd, Oriental vase, $2, E. E. Tripp, real estate: .3rd. $1 cash. Plate corn meal gems 1st, $3 cash; 2nd, Set of knives and forks, $2, Stevens & Co.; 3rd, $J. a?h. , PIiU hominy , 1st, $$.rcash; 2nd. $2 cash; 3rd. Potted plant, $!., Independency Floral .. Co. Plat canned corn lst, $3 cash; 2nd. Set hand painted cups and saucers with fancy market basket; $2.50. Quartier's 5. 10. 15c store; 3rd. Box candy. $1. Violette's Cigar store. Pound dried corn - lst $S cash; 2nd. $2 cash. Dr. R. E, Duganne; 3rd. Fncy, imported cup and saucer, $1.50.Max Gold man, Lot 21. Bst individual dis play of culinary entries Silver teapot. $10, A. L. Kullander. OUCH! BACH RUB LUMBAGO OR Pi FROM BACK Bank of Sherwood Closed By State Superintendent The Bank of ' Sherwood, at Sherwood. Washington county. was closed yesterday by Frank C. Hramwell, state superintendent of banks. - The failure is attributed partially to had loans. The capi tal stock of the bank is 125.000 and th urpltt $10.0. C. I. Calkins is president of the bank. L. D. Leedy, vice-president, ana Earl Reiser, cashier. ih nremn VArioration of WoJ.2nd. $5 cash; 3rd, 100 bars men's clnhs to respond earfy 1 ahdft's Kife laundry soap, $456, Ah! Pain is gone! St. Jac obs Oil acts almost like magic. Quickly? Yes. Almost instant relief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain- follows a gen tle rubbing with St. Jacobs Oil. Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right, on your painful back, and relief comes. St. Jacobs Oil Is. a harmless backache, lumbago and , sciatica, cure which never disappoints and doesnt burn the skin. Straighten up! t)uit complain ing! Stop those torturous stitch es. In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it wont hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a 6mall trial bottle of old, honest St.. Jacobs Oil from your , drug ging now and get this lasting re lief. Adv. 4 u- Salem's Greatest Department Store OFFERS SOME SPECIALS Groceries Crown Flour Blue Ribbon, guaranteed 3 llit. Economy Coffee 5 can Milk, tall 5 caniTAmericah Sardines .... 3 , ....... ..$1.84 .$1.55 ..... ,3o ; .20 55c . .i.i5.63'i ..25 ' mm k - 4 m . 4 i M 1 K 5 cans Salmon, tall J5feBrMm;..r..:: I plug Horseshoe Tobacco . 8 5c Cigars ....,..J.L 1 box Spitzehburg Apple; tfeUYercd.;.: JJfl.50 1 sack best Potatoes i.JS$. ask for our pmutjii COUPONS O I National Goods--Knowri for QaalitY- Priced Vowtr ; ' --- " " '- ..',... i,,!' f. -v.V I.. ' .... lWnUj''l 3i.lfflcrl iii 1 1 ' . 77v rr-r- 7 r : : ; 1 : ' " r--- , : 1 . - r 'a." I - 'v . .f ' r,'. r' ft ' . ' . ' ' . . - t ' ' ... 'i -'' . MMMMMMM,MM,MMMaMaaaaaaaMaMalaMaaMaMaMa . aaJB T 7.. ,. s h., 1 I if ' ' ANMOIJBCEMEN'T , ' ' .vr.'.;'"7-'; , 7- II i III -2S - ' II I & 1 Ox - ! Dr. L. R. Burdette, Optometrist We wish to announce that we have purchased the entire equipment and stock of the Hartman Department: This equipment will be a Optical dded Co. to our own which will enable us to render an optical service second to none anywhere Ml Records and Optical rescrlptions 1 ? Dr. Carl Wonncr, Optometrist ' , ! .' 1 - - 1 n-" iv - - ' L j IT IS with a considerable degree of pleasure that We make this announcement, as it-was in this location I firstbecame acquainted " with, my many friends while attendiag to their optical needs. It was my pleasure to have charge of this optical department up to about a year and a half ago. So now this reuniting' of our present splendid optical establishment with my former practice is very gratifying and we sincerely ,. trust we will have the pleasure of again serving you. are included in the transaction ahdWe take this opportunity of ex tending to all former patrons of the Hartman Bros. Optical de partment' a most cordial invitation to call on us and get acquaint ed. We really have a very excellent optical service. The prescrip tion for your glasses as well as the record of your examination will be in our files, so that any replacement of broken lenseS, repairs or adjustments can be promptly taken tare of For Your New Glasses Gall 327 for appdintmeiit or go to IT IS the desire of our organization to build up and to per fect an optical service of the very highest order. "We main tain examination rooms and grinding department equipped with instruments and machinery of the very best. We do not hesate to add to our facilities at any time if by bo doing we can in any '-way give to our patrons a still better eyeglass scr- .. ... !' vice. ' . ! V- - , ',''' - - ' "We can and will give satisfaction to each and every on. coming to us fyr relief from eyestrain and to have glasses, fitted. ' fn) he 325 STATE STREET Our Portland off ice JS Ji Vis-Li, JJL N- O , .r OPPOSITE LADD & BUSH BANK is located at 257 Morgan building at the corner of Broadway and Washington streets: , B ow (T(n ft : -r-.-"1