The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Here, There and Everywhere
OLYMPIC DEFEATS- J SQUIRE EDGEGATE Some People Want the Ear.h With Everything antUln This Case They Get It!
Sphere ' Magnates Vote to
Abolish Bonus System in
, Vogue Last Year .
Superior Driving Power En
ables California Organi
zation to Triumph
I - - - . .. y . ; if; . ; ' . : .
i I ' l vWT TO H LOTOF ytoisWGOan ;S Hll I STuST UtfE JUST LO&t If TWT V
HUJrWy NCK f TRGUBtZ r,CMr W.J f HIGH! 'OUT IF OiJ V f THOU- HC f PLAyvTR. POT ffMO VOiltt jr , X
Vt V5vf JUL yy.FL- , 07HCR. TloR.S r J . THM Or I MO THflT THJ FlORiST i f
Ll ( I hcpe T I V ' Ten. d yojj J - GtniHfr flu.7HHtS I T?v A 7H& threw J .
" J
. Sad i Franc'uco, Not. 13. The
1923 season of, tho Pacific coast
baaeball league will open April 3!
to continue for 28 weeks, William
II. - McCa r t h jr, president, an
nounced tonight. The dates )and
schedules, of 'games for the first
four weeks were fixed tonight by
the loard of director as follows:
'.Piraf week: Vernon at San
Francisco; Oakland aT Los A nee
Its; Seattle at Salt Lake City;
Portland at Sacramento.
Second week: . San Francisco
at Oakland; Los Angeles at. Ver
non; Portland at Salt Lake; Seat
tle at Sacramento
Third week: Sacramento at
Oakland; Saltake at Vernon;
San Francisco at Portland; Los
Angeles at Seattle.
Fourth week: Salt Lake at
Oakland; Sacramento at Vernon;
Lot Angeles at .Portland; San
Francisco at Seattle.
, '. President McCarthy said the di
rectors had agreed to let Salt Lake
play, each Thursday at Ogden
when the team was at home pro
vded President II. W. Lane 'of
the Salt Lake club did not object.
. The. directors voted tonight 5
to 3 to abolish the bonus system.
Under 'the system several . thous
and dollars was distributed among
tho clubs according to their stand.
. Ing at the end of last season.
PASADENA, Cal.. Nov. 11.
Superior driving power and an
iccurafe aerial attack' enabled
the Olympic A. C. of San Francis
co to defeat Multnomah A. A.C
of Portland 20 to 0 .on the ne
Pasadena stadium gridiron today
before about 10,000 spectators.
Bradahaw and Savage starred
for the San Frariciscoana with sev
eral long runs around the ends
and off tackle. Right Tackle King
scored a touchdown in,'' the first
period after Captain Williams
blocked a .tultnorttoh puut, and
BradshavT scored another in ,the
second on a tris8-cro i run front
the Multnomah ten-yard ' line.
Both these scores were converted
Lhy drop kicks by King. A th'rd
touchdown, was made la the final
period by a forward pats over the
g6al line, from the IfuUnomah
eiht-yard line, Bradshaw to
, Coquille
Articles Are Filed by
. ' ; Capitol Apartment Co.
Articles of incorporation were
filed, yesterday by - the . Capitol
Apartment company of Salem,
capitalized at $110,000. The in
corporators are Warren Arming
t$n,,Fred. D. Thlelsen and ,W. E.
Wilson. It, Is proposed to con
struct 70-apastment . building,
four, stories high, with grille, on
the I Thielson property near - the
Slate Capitol.:' ; ' .,,, '--,.
I Otner'articlea were filed as fol-
Investment.'- company.
qoqullle; Incorporators, J. E.or
ton; Ci-T. Skeels, John E, Rossi
ctfprtaiuaTidn; ' J
naJIBnnnib- iCbltopa nJ7 Tef 6tt'-la;-
Incorporators, E. T. Halton, II.
VP. Smith, F. B. Mitchell: capital
ization, $10,000 merchandise.
i:Oregon Rubber, ft Tire Manu
facturing company, . Portland In
corporators. T.. W. Turel," P. W.
Pick, P. A. Lambert; capitaliza
tion. S30,00d.- ' l ; ;
i ; Seaside Heights' company. Portland;-
incorporators, M. C; -Ohle-
rolller ,A. D. CouchfcA M; Griffin;
capitalisation, $5.00.0; real estate.
Sorensen & WIest Logging com
pany. Portland; incorporators, N.
P. Sorensen, John W. Wiast, C J,
Soretsen ; - capitallza tion, r $.1 50,
A permit, to operate in .Oregon
was issued, to the Detmer,- Bruner,
Maaon company, a Delaware or-
oration engaged in the tailoring
business. Bay ' Carpenter of
romana is namea as attorney-in-fact
for Oregon..,! The eapitallza
tion Is ,5,000. v
Not!eo of an increase In capitaL
lzation from $50,000 to $150,000
was filed by lhe Portland Iron
SAYS D0'.f 1
Big Line of Automobiles Will
go from Portland to Game
" at Corvallis f
Chairman ( of Democratic
Committee Says Hf Wasn't
. Asked f6h Pen Job
"There1 ts nothlns'to the story
that I am slated for appointment
as warden of, the" state ' peniten
tiary, -ot tof any other office great
or email," la, ttfbass$rtion of W.
Iirnowninz. rhalrman of the Dem-
ocraUc' fentral 'committee of. Mar-
ion county, speakins oft matters
political. "
'I have aeked nothing, will ask'
nothing, and 'lothing .has been
asked, for me or offered to me.
fron the newly elected- "governor
of Oregon. Jkftr. Pierce says tint
he has gone into and through the
campaign; 'absolutely., without
pledge to any one -for any office
iui, uunuiHn lamer, uucvr&v
Downing, was warden at the state
prison '.from 1890 to 1894. Henry
Downing was a candidate for "ap-1
pointment followin the cam
palgn of 190?, when he: as cha'r-
man and A. M... Dalrymple as
secretary "put ver a g-hastly sur
prise ' on the Republicans of the
county by giving Chamberlain
majority in the county, and se
lecting him ai governor. A hard
fight developed for the warden-
ship' between Downing and Frank
Durbtn, so hot a fight; that an
outsider, C. W. James of Baker
county,-: was finally selected. 'Mr.
Downing was chairman again 1n
1906. and helped put over the
Chamberlain renomination.
.Tb . Downing predictions be
fore Jhe recent election are still
of interest' for their accuracy. On
a t statement published in the
Statesman,' election day, but writ
ten Out a week earlier, he claimed
the -county by s2,Q0O for Pierce
ind ; the s Oa t e by more than
20,000. He claimd a eubstan
Ual majority for the school bill.
He -claimed every prec'net in Sa
lem -tor. : Pierce. Thla last he
missed slightly, for three of them
failed him in the pinch. Aa a pre
dicted and apparently - as ; a sue-
today. His condition is gradually
improving but he will be com
pelled to stay at home for several
weeks before resuming his nor
mal activities.
fContinned from pae I.)
these appropriations will be made
before March 4, when the new
congress takes its seat."
Itocsevcit Highway Inipnrtmit .
The Roosevelt highway, Mr.
Haw ley cons'ders ono of thA im
portant measures up for settle
ment. The bureau ot public
roads has already authorized two
units in Lincoln and Tillamook
counties and in Curry county.
Since the Oregon state highway
department has changed its esti
mate of this road as one of prime
instead of secondary importance.
the national bureau is also wi.l
ing to do as much, "and some im
portant work ia expected. ,
Chimney Fire Threaiens
Ruin to Robertson Home
First Original Program Sent
from Salem Apollo Club
Wednesday Night
A chimney fire which broke in.
to the celling and for a time ser
iously threatened the home of C.
G. Robertson at 642 N. High
street, was extinguished in the
nick of time by the City Vr$ de
partment which was called out in
answer to the summons at 10:45
yesterday morning.
A picture and a part of the ceil
ing was damaged before the fire
waxtingutfihedi-r Tfce less-
said to be nominal, in the neigh
borhood of $25 or $3 0v
Salem sent out its first honest-to-goodn3s
radio broadcasted
concert last night from the Salem
Electric station in the masonic
block. Th's station has forward
ed phonograph records that have
tiaveled to some places that even
the mails wouldn't take them. It
has sent "The Last Rose of Sum
mer" palpitating a thousand miles
cut to rea, where never roses
grew or will grow. It has relay
ed factory-made canned music,
the plinkety-plink of the banjo
and the cat-squall of the sax and
the soaring soprano of the ambi
tious prima donna, and the oom
rah oom-pah of the big bass horn
of the canned-up band. But never
until last nicht had it sent out
m . . . . 1 1 "
genuine nana-maue, orisium
Piano and Voice Sent
The first Program con
sisted of two piano numbers
by Prof. T. S. Roberts,
Beethoven's "Minuet" and the
"Sextette" from Don!zetti's Luc'a
Di Lammerracor, with one br'ef
encore. Three vocal numbers
were given, by F. S. Barton,
"Duna," one of the newest of the
new songs, "Mother Machree'
and "Smilin' Through." Reports
and handclappings and enthusias
tic applause came in from many
local stations.
On Wednesday night, at 7
o'clock, the Apollo club of Salem
is to appear in concert befere its
new audience of 5,000,000 people.
There are really many more wlth-n
in easy sound of the s!ngers' voi
ces. Ita go'ng to be the finest
boost that Salem ever had in mu
sical or direct advertising1 way.
"The Apollo club, ,60 voices,1 of
Salem; Oregon," is some business
boost to carry half way across the
continent, fo five millions in the
same second. The singers will
make it a genuine concert, that
ought to give all the stations this
side of Chicago a whole even
ing's pleasure. it is oelieved that
no other such pretentious number
has yet been offered anywhere In
the west.
Willamette Freshmen
Beaten by Silverton
SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. 13.
Special to the Statesman)-r-One
of the largest and most success
ful Armistice day celebrations
ever held at Silverton was held
here last Saturday. The entire
city was closed for the day. The
morning program was devoted to
parade and program. In the
afternoon the high school foot
ball team met and defeated the
Willamette freshmen with a
score of 37 to 9. The first part
of the evening was given over to
the show put on by the American
legion post. This was the "Tail
or Made Man." The Palace
theatre, where the show was giv
en, was crowded by 8 o'clock.
After the show came-the Armis
tice day ball, which also enjoyed
a record crowd.
t Continued from page 1.)
scent) although the exact wording
of the various statutes was not al
ways the same." It is the Intention
of congress, the court held, "to
confer the privilege of citizenship
upon that class of persons whom
the framers knew as white per
sons and to deny it to all who
could not be classified."
Yellow Race Not Included
"It is not enough." it added, "to
say that the framers (of the law)
did not have in mind the brown or
yellow races of Asia. It is neces
sary to go farther and be able to
say that had these particular
races een suggested the language
of the act would be so varied as
to include them within its pro
visions. If it be assumed that the
opinion of the framers was that
only persons who would falU- out
side the designation 'whites" were
negroes and Indians, this would
go no farther than to demonstrate
their lack of sufficient inform,
tion to enable them to foresee pre.
ciscly who would be excluded tjr
that term in the subsequent ad
ministration of the statute.
Having ascertained whom con
gress intended to include, "It fol
lows," the court added, "as a
necessary corollary that all others
should be excluded."
The Yamshita-Kono , case was
decided upon the authority of the
Otawa decision. .
NEW YORK. Nov. IS'.-. Jala
Schaefer, three-cushion b'lllUrd
champion, defeated Eric Hagen
lacher, German champion. 609 to
328, in the first block ' played
here tonight in the international
tournament. The game went If
innings. ,;
DETROIT, Mich,. Nov. 13.
Tommy Gibbons of St. Paul
knockfed out George ABhe of Phil
adelphia after 45 seconds of box
ing here tonight in a bout that
whs scheduled to go ten rounds,
'. The knockout blow was a-short
jab that few of the spectators
saw. Ashe was out five minutes.
Gibbons weighed 174 and Ashe
ce&sful worker, Mr.
sems to hold the belt.
Down in?
COLLEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 13.
The Salem section of the auto
caravan to Oregon Agricultural
college will jo!n the ranks, of the
main parade from Portland at
&-30 In front of the Marion hotel
FridajvNov.i IT, and arrive , iu
' Corvallis in time rt sea the Hrst
event of Homecoming week-end-,
the "rook" bonfire. -; A second
section ot the caravan, will be at
the hotel at 10 o'clock Saturday.
.Each section of the caravan
will have a brass band, and every
I car is expected to bring plenty of
noise makers and orange and
black decorations. Tho Portland
- O, A. C. club Is - sponsoring the
: narade, and the, l0 cars in each
section starting from East Eighth
land Madison streets, Portland,
, will be joined by as many more
- on theroad to Corvallis, predicts
; R. E. Riley, 84 North Broadway,
! Portland, in charge.
i ' The route ot the caravan la to
jbo over the highway through Ore
! fon Citjv Woodburn. Salem land
Albany and reinforcements wiU
; he welcomed at any '; point .en
route. , 1; ; .: -. . : , ,.- ',
I A royal welcome will be accord
td the travel6rs , In Corvallis.
rians to meet the first section end
conduct the visitors to the 'rook",
bonfire wlth the entire student
body are being considered.
William T. Tilden, II, tennis star
who has been suffering from a
infection of his right middle fin
ger. wHI leave the hospital late
Chinese Mission Official
ts Kidnapped by Bandits,
SHANGHAI, Nov? 13. (By the
Associated Press) H. E. Led
gard, member of the China In
land" mission at Shangtsalhsien,
who was kidnaped by bandit for
ces of Honan, October 28, has
been rescued at Lowang, in Hon
an province, according to a mes
sage received today from Yen
cheng. The message gave no
details of- the rescue.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 13. Open
ing, wheat 12 to 3-4d higher;
December 10s 2 l-2d; March 9 9d.
rage. Well located. Phone
194 4-R.
tTndar U. S. OoTomment Snpcrrtsloa
18 Years
of Service
Since its inception back in '04 it haa
len the constant endeavor of the Offic
ers and Directors of this bank to not
only provide a safe place to .deposit your
money but to render, a service wliich
would be prompt, accurate, efficient and
a Love all courteous.
On the basis of Security and Jerviee
we restpectfully invite xou to
' with the
United States National Bank
. "The. Bank. That Service Built"
Member Federal -Reserve System
Taste lS VtY
betK tas once- r.
SeiciSSfc ti
rJJ j?
U"iggett & Myers Tobacco Co
, " - . ' : J."..
Big Closieg;'Out
Sale of Groceries at
- - ' - : . -
Capital Cash Stor
456 State Street
We are sroinir to turn this store into a Piggly Wiggly Store, and are Agoing to
move every dollar' worth of merchandise and fixtures at once 1 f
Price is no object room and room quick is our motto. We want to remodel
If You Want Groceries or Meats
Now Is Your Time To Get Them
i -
. '. i. , t
Sale is on now and will continue until stock is moved
' ,11
Albers Dairy Feed
you will readily under-
Corapare this price with the price of Millrun.
Then compare the respective food values, and
stand why so many people use Albers Dairy Feed'.
It contains Cocoa-nut Oil Meal, Linseed Oil Meal, Soy Bean Meal Mo
lasses Oat by-products and wheat Millrun. The contenU of this feed an
swers the question of Us greater food value than not only Millrun h,,t 1
other cheap feed being offered. y l,ll,un but any
Ask the man who is feeding it.
You can save money by buying now.
210 State Street.
Salem, Oregon