I FIRST SECTION fttztM 1 to 6 7J70 SECTIONS 12 Px . SEVENTY-SECOND YEAE SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1922 PRICE: FIVE CENTS l L .... ....... . .. ' ! : ' " - ' ,, - 1 - r- i - ; ' ". ' ' - - ;.-, v JEM laid n : I1ED SON President Pays Respects to t;: Unknown Soldier Accom panied by Groups : Who v Journey from Afar. HERO'S COMMANDER UNABLE TO ATTEND thousands! of Other War , Dead Sleeping Among Hills of Arlington WASHINGTON. NOT. 11. president Harding' laid a wreath if remembrance today " on the tomb ot the 'unknown soldier at .Arlington national . cemetery. .. It v sset there as a wordless greet ing from the hearts ot America itb valorou, honored' son and c amemorated the first anhiver i ry of his. homecoming from I ance. ; . r . fremony Sin , , And the utter simplicity and i certty of the tribute today -was lis way a gripping to tie few sio saw It as ,the day 6ng tide c! emotional ; f aror that marked V i homecoming". It set a custom t t the .'national observance of Armistice day- in the future that 41i 11 make the unknown from franco the keeper of America's nnnsl ' aTftvaesiAn r twl A a f lory in her son who fought in France be they lUlnc or dead. there ' were '. many tributes ,rought to the tomb during the cay. Some times little groups ot men and -women from distant 'cities made the 'Journey to, lay bright flowers on the . moulded tone work ' that- holds the body cf a nameless American for whom no honor has been too high: .sometimes the blossoms were laid there by men moTed to lndlTldual tribute to the aeaa. it was thus that General Pershing's offering Tarf placed ; ; t ! Coknmander A.beent ; The man who eommattded ;thts ncfmblei": sleeper and the surging , ranks of his comrades In Europe alone to carry his tribute to th? fallen hero In the 'tomb, lint he was called elsewhere to ta'.k with patriotic men on )img issn'cs In ttha nation's lite and reluctantly assigned to his aide to go aner ail others had come : and gone ith their flowers, and placo his dl'ering there. ; , k 1 .jy) ; Few Attend ' A mere haudful of speca'ors ' and a little detachment of armed , ..men made up of soldier. anor and marines to reprfesen. the three fighting serrlces of the na- St on, were at band'when the pres 1 :ent appeared with Secertary Veeks and Secretary Denby . to i iy the nation's honors .to ' the fead. ; Cavalry, had escorted , the vtresidentUI party from the white House but f had . turned aside be tyfo the tomb was reached. ..There tas no word spoken on the ter raced sweep where the tomb lies tzcept'the commands that moved .to salute... .ti . I '- ' : The president seemed to : feel ,4 deep significance In the mo toent, as though he sensed the solemn approval tl the hundreds ft millions of his countrymen. fn hat , he did fn their 1 nme. V H placed the , great wreath against the stonework of . the tomb, thtsn stepped back o pause moment looking down on the plain block H masonry , that , covers, a plain soldier chosen to typify the greaU est among jthe- nation's heroes. -, Slowly, almost as though .. un consciously, the -president: raised bis; hand In military Salute to the dead, his shoulders straighten lngi Then he turned away and a oiient later' was speeding back to ,1usy affairs In Washington, behind . the trotting 'cavalry.! C; There are ithousands of other (Continued oa page 4), the WeAther KEGON--Sunday fair. I '( Local Weather Maximum temperature, 53, , llnlmum temperature, r42.. " ifvcr, ;0. Joot below - normal. Stationary. , "x alnfall.01 inch. ' mosphere, partly cloudy, Ind, south. - - ' QUA! ft AT ANTAFOGASTA. Chile, KILLS HEAPED Press) Upwards, of 100 persons were killed and many ser iously wounded by the earthquake which overturned many buildings early this morning in Copiapo, -capital of the pro vince of Atacama.' i t The first shocks were felt minutes before midnight last night. These were prolonged and very severe. The citizens were greatly alarmed and al most immediately the telegraphic lines that connect the north with the aouth were broken. .. .... - . .About 1:30 this morning a the city, flooding scores of bufldmgs close to the beach. The radio station was completely, away the radio machines, surging for more than a mile over the dunes. Then the waters v . "V.. ! , Alarms v were sounded by the maritime;, .authorities and fire men and workmen were called out to assist various craft, from their dangerous position, save quanti ties of valuable, goods stored In the customs house and rescue the occupants of .threatened dwellings. . Copiapo Suffers Most V Despatches from the province of Atacama says that the center of the earthquake was an area deslgnted Copiapo. Ovallefin the province of; Coquimbo), VallenSr, Chanaral and San Fernando. Of these places . so far as Is ' known, Copiapo suffered most. At Chan arael great tidal waves swept over the commercial section of the cityt wrecking the postoffice : among POUOB HDOSEVELT STATUE Message from Nation's ftead ;uedicates Hider to unu- dren of America PORTLAND,- Ore., Nov. 11.-;-I hereby formally - dedicate this statute of. Theodore ROOsevelt, i Pflnvh nidftr to the children ot America," said. President War ren G. Harding in a messasB read Wa todav at the unveiling of a bronze equestrian figure of ' the former president. , . ' :.V v 'As the years pass, the .mes- eage read, "may this statute serve to remind the youth of our tano nr-'the leader who was unairaia and whose love for children In spired in them an affection that endures to safeguard the Repub lic. Himself an exemplar ot aii the civic virtues, Theodore Roose velt could have no finer memorial than tliA .Indication of the Rough Rider in bronre to the children of America,. ' 'v-i-5 The unveiling ot the statute was the climax ot the Armistice day celebration here including and i a military "parade thla aft- . ... - ernoon. . Product to Have Place on Menu at ; IChamper ot Commerce Luncheon NTt week is to be observed in Oregon as Houey week, the dates being "November 13 to 18..".H 1 conducted by the Beekeepers', As sociation of Oregon, the purpose beng to increase the uae of honey end further the betekeeping busi ness. Several Salem stores will have elaborate displays Of the pro- Anrt in their windows, and at tne Chamber of Commerce .luncheon Monday, noon honey wni nave a place on the menu. About 2.000 tons of honer r produced in Oregon annually., ... - .... f ' , ., 'i mi " V. -- ' IOWA 28, MINNESOTA 14 . IOWA CITY, la.. Nov. 11. (By the Associated 5 Press)rightlng gamely" against a team ; that jwas Mriv annertor in every dr??art- .nt Af thA rame. the tjniversity of Minnesota's football team went a wnr the University ' oi inim'i hlr ten champions by 28 to 14 on Iowa field this afternoon. " " - fin. paf (a HONEY WEEK TO BE61 IffllY It put towa one conference championship. WPO? 100; CITY IS m RUINS fcov. ll.(Bv the Associated in Antafoeasta City a few tidal wave inundated part of flooded and the waters cut ebbed several hundred yarasv other buildings. ; ? It is reported that the city has been virtually abandoned by the residents. All the affected areas are bad ly in need of relief. Communica lion with Santiago, Calparalso and. southern Chile is interrupt ed. Panic Seise People 1 COQUMBO, Nov. 11 I By the Associated Press). One hundred persons were drown d here when a tidal wave coming after the earthquake, swept In ;wlth a great roarr. The- inhabitants were panic-stricken and ran to the hills. The advance of the sea' was ac companied by electrical discharg es. : ' ' - " . ;, Capital Apartment Company Vill File Corporation Papers Monday Tncnraoration DaUers ' for the Capitol Apartment comany are to be 'filed Monday, with Fred yD. Thielson. E. Wilson and "War ren Armlngton as lncororators. I The structure, as proposed, wUl cost 1200,000. I Plans and specifications for ). t rnnltnl ftnartments . to be built on the Thielson corner at finntt and Canltal streets, north ot ttltU UIVDQ W" w - r building, have been let by contract ek riri TJnde of Porland. Mr. linde is well know for his spe- ftWoi nnnrmet house work, nav- iig orawn the plans for the Port land Electric building, costing 20u,uQu; ior tne mowuruf Regent apartmentsT Costing s&we.- ODO ans 1450,000 respecuTeiy, L11 it... - A mK.iBQiin. anarti ixnenls In Seattle. $450,000. J f Some hangei Th design from I. A r - - ; . - - !klt tbe plans at ursi -BosKeieu, wm make the bolldlng L-haped, with all its rooms open to all outdoors iUtPl nf. nart of them to an in- atA onnrt. Th cOnStrUCtlOn iS td be of relnTdrced concrete, with llWht hrlck facings. It b td be M.. .tnriu tm 1 Aip-ht -with EllS OVWI au " C - basement which will con t.ie a erllle. .39 hr; 8a feet: for tie convenience hi the atroas, f or state capital etntrfoyes, and the general public. . All Convenience Added ThArA are to be 70 apartments electric stoves. dfsappear&igJbjSdX ahd .all modern, conveniences. rooms and-sOme 'Ot three-. The two-room apartments have each ai i2. by 9 living room, with dis appearing beds. buffet kitchen 6 by 9, and breakfast, room, Sjlxy i Wtan bath and dresslnr room. The three-room suites will be the same, with the addition of a 10 by 12 den. vw. .. . . ; Karly Tleglnnlng Promised Th bnlldinr is to be heated bv oil fuel, and a modern electrical elevator and every other", modern structure will be fireproof Ac tive work is to begin soon, and T'r effort will be' made to com plete' the place ready or speedy dcennancr. ' ;- J . Mr. Armingtoh. who came here rom Denver, has stuck, to the Job of fconvlnc'ng the, people o-Salem Vhit thn cltv 'heede such an en terprise, and that it ; Would pav theBK tol ueip jkuk 4Uift, own u. He Mi sald-'td be Investing heav- II frkr filmanir. hnt MTi Yin tfAt (hit he -good faith and the fixle B51li (Continued cn page f ) ILSOi.TALKS TO HISTIGE Ex-Presidenf Cheered By Crowd which Packs Stand and Overflows on Nearby Lawns and Fields- U. S. SENATORS WITH PERSONAL AIMS HIT Lauds America' and Warns People With Puny Weak nesses to Stand Aside WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Woodrow Wilson told a host ot friends and admirers who made an Armistice day visit to his home here today that world peace could be brought about Only by "active cooperation tor justice" and "not by amiable phrases." America al ways has stood for justice, he de clared, adding that the "puny persons" now standing in the way would find presently that "their weakness is no match foi the strength of a moving providence." , Third Public Address Thef former president spoke standing on the portico of hlk S street residence and without manuscript or notes. His remark! consumed about fire minutes. They were the first he had made on public questions since he was stricken on T his ; League ot Ma tions tour of the west .two years SgovThIs was his third pulflleEp- pearance since he left the Whit 3 House on March 4, 1921. ' The appearance of Mr. Wilson; who was assisted to the portico by a negro servant was the signal for prolonged cheers from the crowd that packed the stand overflowed on nearby lawns and a vacant field. The war-time nresldent re sponded with a smile and raising of his conventional-silk hat. Mrs. Wilson : did not accomOanv him. out. as she appeared to assist him indoors at the conclusion of his address, she too, received an ova tion. V Lacks Old Time Force Mr. Wilson's address was in response, to one delivered to him by , Henry Morgenthau, former ambassador to Turkey, who de clared that the principles enun ciated by Mr. Wilson during the war -would prevail nd that on last Tuesday It had been demon strated that "the people of Amerl- car are escaping from material Jsm and. selfishness and are pre paring -again to recognize their solemn and inexorable duty to wards their "feTTow Stations in Eu rope." . , "This reference to the elections brought a smile and a low cry of "here, here" from the former chief executive. Mr. Wilson spoke clearly -and - distinctly and with much of his old time rapidity, Necessarily, however, there was lacking the one characteristic vigor of deliver and Tils voice carried only slightly beyond the Inner' e'dges ot the' er&wd. ' " Raps Senators 'I am very much moved by this wonderful exhibition of your friendship and ' approval and have been reflecting today that Armistice day has particular Sig nificance for the United States be cause the s Chlted States ' has re mained contented with the Arm istice and has not moved forward to peace,'' he said. - -..., "It is a very serious reflection that the United States, the grSat Originative nation , should remain contented with a negation. Armis tice is a negation; it is a stand still of arms; it is a cessation of fighting and we are so bent on a. cesastlon of fighting that we are even throwing our arms away. "It is a singular circumstance that Mr. Morgenthau. has in part imparted that while we prescribed to the conditions of the Armistice we did not concur in establish ment of permanent peace. That, of course, was brought about by a group in the United States senate wbq preferred personal partisan motives to the honor of their efcuhtry. and "peace of the world, t . Sounds American "Principles "They do not represent the u nited Stages, because the United i tates is moving forward and they ure t sKpping - backward. Where aheir slipping' will end -God only (Continued on page 6) OF 16 LOOKING FOR FARM HOME Lad Who fs Fond of Livestock Wants To Go Where He Can Learn More of Them Here 4s a chance for some irood fatheT and mother living out on a farm to do good and be well paid fOTrlt. Walter Siegrist of Alblna, aged 16, 13 a natural-born farmer and stock man. He has lived with his mother In the city, where the rest of the sruggling family have man aged to find enough to -do to keep themselves alive. But he wants a home on a farm,, where he can learn mOre of livestock, and plan i.o make of himself a real farmer. The lad fs in the care of Judge Bushey of the Marion county court, where his 'mother "placed him for safe-keeping. He has ho desire to grow up a city dpek rat. He wants a home out in the coun try, and his mother earnesly hopes that Some childless or at least child-loving farm family will take him In and give him his chance.. Starting In with a boy of 16. al ready passionately fond of ani mals and wanting to live on a farm, some farm home, Would have a Eplendid chance to make itself happy and proud for life by open ing Its doors for the youth. Outlook for Peacfc Declared Dark and Standing. Army ofl 50,000 Advised NEW YORK, Nov. --Main tenance of a strong army and navy as the only means of assur ing the safety of the United States under present troubled World con ditions was urged in resolutions adopted today at the closing ses sion of the National Civic Feder ation of International Affairs. . Outlook Declared Dark , ''The outlook of the four years of peace is daYk indeed," Baid a declaration drawn up as a pre amble to the various resolutions adopted. "With one accord we turn our attention to the problem of how civilization can be saved from impending ruin. "The fourth anniversary of the Armistice is a significant time for the holding of a conference to consider the question of America's international relations and Amer ica's military policy. America too a leading part in the great struggle and must bear her share of the responsibility for the set tlement that followed. America Most Play Part "That settlement has not brought peace and the states of Europe and the Near East so far from composing their difficultiss and reconstructing their commun ity life, are trembling on the edge of the abyss, threatened wi t bankruptcy, mutually suspicious and itorn by enmities and dissen sions. "The conference recognizes that the United States must play the part in the world to which eminence its cultural, political and , "Navy Must Be Increased The resolution dealing with the (army commended the present na tional defense act, but urged that the standing army be increased to 150,000 enlisted m"en and 13,000 offfcers as advocated by Secretary of War Weeks. , , The navy, said hhdther resolu tion, should be maintained in every way on a basis of equality wun that Ot ureat Britain ana five-thirds the strength of that of Japan. , . The conference also advocated adoption of a consistent American policy in international relations; divorced from partisan politics and bringing to bear upon the other nations the influence of AmeHea for justice and peace. Should Accept Obligations While warning against attempts to secure world peace by artificial organization, "susceptible to poli tical intrigue," the conference recommended "Cooperation with the league of nations 'in all lines ot humanitarian endeavor.' " "The conference," it was de clared, "holds, the Monroe doc trine to be an outstanding1 feature pt sagacious American policy and believes that this country should accept and fulfill the obligations and responsibilities., well aa the ngnts invoiv 7 CICWE URGES AGTIDN MGOMROG'COIiMYMWII BURNED TO GROUND OF $30,000; CAUSE M WM Til WM PLAYS Ten-Crafts Washed 0ut to Sea Sunk and Beach Is ' Piled With Sampans HILO, Island of HawaU, Nov. 11 (By The Associated Press Tidal waves swept Hilo Bay from 8:36 o'clock last night until 1:10 o'clock this morning, piling the beach with sampans and washing ten craft out ,to sea. No lives are believed to have been lost. Those living on the waterfront packed their belongings and fled - inland panic stricken. HILO, Island of Hawaii, Nov. 11. Coeoanut Island In the har bor opposite the city is under water. Other .tidal waves are ex pected before the marine distur bances finally subside. This morning the Wailoa river, emptying into Hilo Bay, was a Lscramble of wrecked sampans, the staunch boats used by the Japan ese fishermen. Then, ten crafts which were washed i out to sea Were suftk, but U is believed no body was aboard them: The rush of water worked through f the breakwater and came back with a wash like a ) moun- tain horrent. " S v Nnmbera ot seafish we"re cast up on the heaoh and were" gather ed by the Japanese . children de spite the danger. , Oregon Wood Products Co, Adds New Equipment to West Safem Plant , Improvements in the Oregon Wood Products company factory in West Salem are going to speed up its production, tremendously. They have Installed a steam en gine and a large enough boiler to use most of their waste, with blowers from all the saws and lathes , to carry .all the refuse right . to the boiler room ready to be burned. Rearrangement ot the machines makes the footing of the work much . more economical, and the disposal of the waste far easier while the use of (the waste in the company's own steam plant In stead of paying high price to have it hauled away, makes a great saving In labor, as well as all the saving in electrical current. Rearranging the machinery along one long line shaft, 90 feet Iff lenrth.' sires them' much better storage and working room (SO ioai ooin tne uuipui ana ine storage after material is work L-1V A L A a. M A ed up, can be Increased. A new 30-inch saw has been installed, with which much of the stock from logs can be cut that will be bought in the open market. A siding has been graded in to the plant, and a passing track also between the company's siding, and the main, track' of the Southern Pacific. The rails win be laid soon. Some catting of oak logs has been done, the work proving en tirely satisfactory. The Oregon oak is one of the best hardwoods la the American market, tor many hardwood uses. It Is'. not suite as springy, but it is as tough as the best second growth white hickory, and it does not warp nearly as much for handles. The company. has two lathes for turn Ing handles and other irregular shapes, and expects to get into the oak business this winter. I More orders are piling up for broom handles, paper roll plugs, and a score, of wood novelties, than the company has been able to ycare for... Greater factory capacity .has been urgently need ed until the company has finally begun to expand and really meet the demand. " ' About 20 men make up the present working crew," " 1 PRODUCTION IS GIB RAPIDLY I A fire that is a mystery slroyed the Ancora Ruir coraDanv at 1230 Ferrv street with" a loss of $30,000 and only $2,000 insurance. Chris Lachele was proprietor of the factory. i - ,.v Ktut .-i ' ; , The first alarm sent down said that it was the city barns that were on fire. The barn are next door to the tug factory, with only an alley between- Many hundreds of people hearing that it was the city, pro perty burning, hurried to the fire. The city, however, suf fered no loss, though it was a within 20 feet of the frame sheds belonging to the city. The city horses were led out at the first alarn, before they had become frightened by the crowd or the fire, j They were re turned after the fire had been brought down, to ashes. Tribute Paid Salem Com manding Officer in Ad dress of Gen. White Four years ago. at precise!" 11 o'clock on November 11, the whis tles of Salem blew just as they did yesterday. , 1 T ome of the edge of memory h'ai been dulled by. the passing of the years but ., most .of, those who heard the Whistles yesterday knew that it was not a fire," a riot, a holocaust but a (glad memory of the peace, that, dame "when the clock foiled out the agreed hour of eleven and the nations might pack up their ttred-to-death living soldiers, and their shot-to-death soldiers who had already fallen, and reurn to their homes. , They knew then that the war was over; they knew It yesterday," and they rejoiced at the din for , it meant peace and safe homes and friends. Column Blocks Long The whistles blew and the bells rang to usher in the observance of the day. . The. first- of the real, public services, however, was the parade, that formed .at Marlon square and marched . south to Court, then east to Church, then south to State,. then west to Com mercial, and then to the armory. The marching coltmn, : covering several blocks, was beaded by the Oregon national guard, followed in order by the American Legion, the Salem Indian school band, the Grand Army, some of them 6n foot and "others in autos, the United Spanish War veterans, the Daughters of Veterans, the Sana tion army, and others In line to make an imposing showing. Old Veterans Given Hand What a hand tne marching Grand army men got along the crowded streets! Some of them were pretty unsteady; some were bent, with years and with wounds; and the pace was bard for the 80-year-olds. But they were as game as in the days when tney ran wua wun snerman or Grierson . or "fought mit Slegel and the miles were easier than the blocks of today. Armistice day was theirs, for most of them had sons or grandsons in the World war, and they followed the war story unerringly and with poig nant interest- until the last gun was fired and their own boys came home Guard at Salute At the ' armocy, the national guard stood; at salute while the rcet of the marching column came up. The armory was quickly tilled to seating and almost to standing capacity. ; After a brief introductory piece by the Indian school band, ir H. C. Epley took charge' of the sing mg, ana lea tne audience :n "America." Dr. W. C. Kantner delivered the invocation. Follow ing thfs, the audience enjoyed a special favor in the appearance of me Apono ciud. The stage was still as the singers had used it for their concert the night before. witbr its great canvas reflector that gave he sound to the whole of the building "without diminu tionj They sang "This IsThe Lord's Own ; Day, Smllln Through,' and The Stars and Stripes Forever." all with snlen did effect. -The last piece was the (Continued oa pact 4 J. Will as to its oricin last nhrht de town, at about 8:30 o'clock narrow escape,! as the fire was The building! occupied by the rug works was1 an : ,4 old. . frame structure that had stood ' many years. It contained a very large stock ot new Angora goat skins. as well as many other ' furs of various kinds, brought there tor tanning, storage or sale. There is not one of all the thousands ot skins ot all kinds Undamaged by the fire; everything is listed as t total loaa. f.; . : : Contents all Destroyed. 1 Mr. and Mrs. LachcTe. who lived, in apartments adjoining the fae-l tory, had left the place about halt, an hour before the first alarm; to go down town, i Their son Albert is a musician at the Liberty thea. ter, and they had gone there to see the evening show. When they , were called out and got back to the place the building was. hope lessly enveloped in f lames, 4 Mr, Lachele succeeded in getting in and saving some or his books, but they, represent more of keepsake vaitte4thaa, anythWelse. . The furniture, including a magnificent piano which Mr. Lachele said was valued at $ 1,000. .was a', totaf ' loss.; rV;,1r ; r;:.'"-.-"-::-'' '' :m Insurance Rate nigh ' : " " Because of the nature of thl building, and JU ...contents, the insurance f rate was yttj high, 4 per cent, and. Mr. LacheH carried only 12,000 in policies. The rest ot Che loss he- wilt bare to stand himself. .. "It puts us right back where we started from, with nothing, 20 years ago," he said after the fira last night. . V; : Conflicting opinions aa to Che possible starting of the fire make it seem difficult to sift out the real cause. One of the first ob servers claimed that the .first blaze cami up through the roof. about the middle of the 'long building. Another said the firo seemed to start in the living rooms at the front. , . - , ? ; Plans Not Aftnouncrd There is a smalt steam boiler In - the factoryf. portion that has been in use, but there was no un- usual condition to make it seem, more hazardous than usual. Mr. Lachele has aa yet no an nonncemeivt of his plans for con tinuing the business. ' :r Student known Here Dies at Stanford University Henry Burcham, 1 9-year-old Stanford sophomore and a son of Uu and Mrs, J.- T.. burcham of . Spokane, died suddenly Thursday night following an accident In the college gymnasium . two weeks ago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burcham are former Salem residents now living in Spokane, where 1 Mr. Burcham is a prominent attorney. ; Mrs. Burcham passed through Salem Friday night on her way to Palo Alto to bring the body home with her. The boy was hurt two weeks ago in the gymnasium; but the injury waa ; ; not considered dangerous and the news of his death was the first Intimation to his family that the accident. waa at, all serious. He was 19 years old. Mrs. Burcham.. his mother, was formerly Mias Emily Henry. Portland Woman i killed ' When Hit by Automobile PIRTLANB-, Or4 Nov. 'it. Mrs. Janice Phillips was killed late today when struck by an auto mobile as she" was '" crossing' a ttreet intersection with an. Infant in a babycarrlagei- J5he jwas thrown 35 feet and died on the way to the hospital "Her baby wis only slightly hurt.'"-; . iThe driverof, the - automobile which hit Mrs. Phillips, Matt Paul etch, was .'arrested, and- leld on f 5.000 bail on a charge of man slaughter. .;..:jiJ r