The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    7 4
- f
Bert Lytell in a first ran clas
sic, "Thei JUght That
; railed.:-
; - k Bijcn V.
Vaudeville and Feature pic
, tares. . .,,.' v; .; u : '
, v ; : OREGON 1 '-' ' -.
Jackie Coogan In "Trouble."
s ., : Coning: Tomorrow
!-DaTld. Wark- Griffith's wonder
picture, ; 'Orphans of : ,- tbd
Ann Little, charming, heroine
of many Paramount films in sup
port of WaUacs Held, is araln hi
i LW;m WarirortfmV. w, worna. fn -The Man Prom
unerai Kange" his offering,
which wifl be shown at the Bligh
theater today and tomorrow. Be
tides Miss)- Little some part leu
In talking " otef ."The Right 1 larly well known players appear
That Failed now showing at the pa the cast. Including Tully Mar-
uhertr theater.-Bert XTteir and snail, lxutie FIckford and Georee
Bayard ,VeilIed Cwe9 ' flsca8lDg McDanie Wiis Marks, and Phil
the cnaracier oi me. nero a prize i vim.
fighter? who haa tha biceps of hla
Feet." Her classical , ind eccen
tric '-dancing is clever, . neat, and
attractive ' and full of life and
youthful vigor and is presented in
a most charmingly graceful - man
ner at the, Bligh today and to
morrow. ' - : ;;. ' t ;
Wash., received a broken collar
bone when their automobile skid
ded : from the T Pacific highway
near Gerrais - yesterday." James
Lyons of Othell and J. E. Mohn
of Los Angeles were with, them
butjnot Injured. ; ,
. The party was "traveling toward
Talem. The car is said to haTe
slipped 6a the pavement when
.he brakes were put on and turn
cd completely over. The auto
mobile war wrecked. The women
were brought to a hospital in Sa
lem and are "progressing satisfactorily.
brain well . developed; -but also
capable of" admjnlstermg a wal-
"Yon ste,Taid .&ut. Velller,
'the boy bright fighter-and
In .'nor other serial production
have the players been s0 constant
ly called upon iov .perform sftch
hazardous and arduous feats us
they are in the Universal sc'.entl-
11 that: but a chap with brains fie serial, "The Radio King'ftar-
wlth something In his cerebellum
ft .- i k '';
Lytell interrupted with a nod.
"I see sort of serebellicose,
you mean.1
ring Roy Stewart, thv fourth
chapter of which Is now' showing
at the Bligh theater, ; Sixteen
year old Ernest Butterworth, Jr.,
who plays an. important role, nar
dowly escaped death when he mis
sed his footing on the lanyard of
i : Another snecial screen crodnc-
' Hlon Is announced for the Liberty n old fishing sloop and plunged
theater Sunday when Conceit," 1 10 -ine ater many feet below.
; will begin an, engagement. ' Con-
atalf rft1rt1 m another nil.
star production from the seiznick iwo.women injured When
studios and if it measures np the
least bit favorably with its prede
cessor. "A Man's - Home," local
photoplay fans are - assured an
other splendid evening's enter
talnment. a vi .... i .'.
Auto Leaves Paved Road
Mrs. J. T. Johnson of Seattle
was geverelyvbrulsed and shocked
and Mrs. James Lyone. of -Othell,
'.' ' Jackie Coo gan bronght Joy Into'
V: the hearts of several dozen pris-
oners in a county Jail during the
1 i "prodnctlon of his latest First Na-
I tlonal picture ' "Trouble," now
showing at the Oregon theater.
1, , One of the episodes of the picture
, called for the exterior of - Jdil.i
i ( While Jackie s was enacting' hfs
Tomorrow Evening at the
-Oregon '
scenes before the camera, tho in-
i . . . J .1 L
I, heads close against the iron bars
I, all eager to catcb a glimpse of
tin little chan. .Thev all knew
mm ana wnen, ne . nan, nmsnea,
i u'led out to him.-
lThe-bestrSroteionaJrdAa uLll:.
14 Los ABgl9s(J6-ere, engaged fvr ' -;Jr-7 :"
--: v;
duetlon of Balzao'a atory, ,'Ia
Dchesse dtf Langeals, which goes
lo the screen- atr the" Oregon thea
Iri ihis week $ as 'The Eternal
The ballroom seen 4 In the Pal
ace of Versailles called for a large
number, of dancers trained to the
graceful measures of the French
gavotteTiand old fashioned! walti,
'snd It.wanssryithat therlbe
lite best, talent thevvlty. iflorded.
. . Elwood Benton and Mae Clarke.
; known 1 as the "Fashion" Plate
Pair," are a dub ot forme musi
cal comedy artists who . hare suc
; ceeded beyond' the least shadow
of doubt in convincing patrons of I
vaudeville that they are enter
tainers of ability, class, and ver
satility. They are at the Blfgh
theater today and tomorrow.
I h Billy Earle, a comely girl with'
r a beaming' smile, always on tap,
toa which .can be added, a most
pleasing . personality,- .Lotfers a
classy, singing" and1 dancing" spe- j
clalty, "the Girl Wlth; the Quick
Norma Talmadge
In Her Greatest Suceess
cars 7 ambulances and hearses,
31 busies and stages. 222 com
mercial cars of less than one ton
capacity. 717 trucks of from one
to five tons capacity amj 0
trailers of from, one to five tons,
capacity, or a total of SS4 li
censed passenger and commercial
motor vehicles.
Nterion County Statistics
on Automobiles Are Given
iTp to October 27. 1922' there
ha'r been registered and licensed
ii. Oregon 53C motor vehicle
p.-r.lers. 11.S04 chanffenra. 211.-
T'C motor vehicle operators,
ZK2 motorcycles and 131,83
rassenger and commercial car3,
from which the total license fees
aggregate 3,307,073.r8.
I- The f ees, ' less administrative
expenses, . are distributed one-
fourth to the counties from which
the registrations are received and
three-fourths to the state high
way fund for use in road con
struction and improvement
throughout the state generally.
The distribution of the regis
trations up to September 15, 1922
shows that in Marion coounty
there were registered 37 motor
vehicle dealers, 76S chauffeurs,
1833 motor vehicle" operators,
233 motorcycles, 7848 passenger
Negro 110 Years Old is
Respondent to Appeal
William Jones, colored, 110
years o!d, is respondent in an ap
peal filed in the supreme court by
Adolph Sinsheirner. In the lower
court for Mulyioniah ceunty the
aged colored man was accorded
damages as a result of 'OnJnrleaJ
received when he, was run over bjf
Sinsheimer's automobile at NintH
and Oak streets in Portland.-'
NASHVILLE, Tenn , Nov. 2
C. W. Womble, Vanderbilt univer
sity student and resident of -1'E1
Paso, Texas, w;is killed, and Ted
Clark, Livingston, Temi., was In
jured when a Curtiss plane in
which they were riding crashed
14 miles from Nashviell this af
The Associated Press) There
were 10.16S deaths-. fro,m acci
dents rancoH hv aufnmnhtlpe antl
Vbifte'riotor ? vehicles. ' excluding
motorcycles, during'1921 in the
death reglstratton area of the
lnlted states eomp'risln g J5 4 states
and containing S2 per cent of the
conntryi population, the census
burean 1 "announced today. That
was an increase of ,1,065 over
192$.' The death- rate' per 100,
OtfO population was 11.5 compar
ed" with, 10.4 in 1920.
California 4 led ail states in the
death' rate while among the cities
Special for Saturday and
Chocolate Coated Nats at
85c por pound
lOOO Center St. Corner 12tii
Radio King, Sennett Comedy
FerJeral Statistics Show Cal
f fprnla?ilost Reckless
:i State in Union
ot 100,000,, ojujnore population
Los Angeles led. ' . . .
Figures" Foir 3 Tears 5ivrn ":J
There was about 2S per cent
Increase in the automobile death
rate from 1917 ta 1921, while the
actual number of deaths, in . 27
states for which data is Available
increased 41.2 per cent. Deaths
in the registration area by years
was announced as follows:' 1917,
6724; 1918. 7525; 1919, 796S;
1920, 9103; and 1921, 10,16$.
The rate per 100.000 in the cit
ies was 13.S last year, an increase
of 0.S over 1920-. Total deaths
in the cities numbered 4415 last
year, an increase of 229 over
1920. By years the deaths ito
these cities were as follows:
1917. 3.207; 1918. 3.609;. 1919,
3, SOS; 1920, 4.116 and 1921,
Of the 34 states in the regis
tration area, California had the
highest rate of 24.4 per 100,000;
Connecticut was second with 15;5
and New York third with 15.4.
Mississippi ws the smallest rate.
2.6, while South Carolina and
Kentucky both had the n est
smallest with 4.5.
The largest increase In the rate
per 100,000 for the states was in
California ,wUh .3.1 more Iha la
JwhikTi K'r, Hampshire
showed the biggest decrease In
the!, rate with, 2.8. , Twenty-six of
the states, showed increases, seven
decreases!, and one, Pennsylvania
snowed 'no change.
The rate per and the
number increase 'r decrease In
that rate, as compared with 1920
California 24.4, increase Z.Z;
Coloradi 12.6, increase 0.2; Mo
tana $.2, increase, 0.2; Nebraska
7.9. decrease 0.1; ttah .5, In
crease 0.2 and Washington 14.5,
increase 1.0.
Thrtia h wttie uspW (Kan tlt.
int o trot Ittii HUM four tatt-
rark dy unlit j.r jhl I txlaeej t
normal. Itiat'a ail jat pBi-rasaa a ra
t Maraaa- PiM-arritMa lUrta fruaa
roar aricisi for om W)ar, the aaiaa
pr tti rort4 ,rUw iraion
ro ' atarraiioa 4tfR( 'or tirtMta xr.
m yu l-ko ami o rrliiaf Un
Mf. Aa4 tli bett part f Uarmola Pr
r-nption Vat! H 1T r kirmVti
Tint ia ;ar ahtobit frnard. Pur-"
rkaa thasa (row ftr dracctai. ar aa4
4ir To Mrntil t 4il'i Wdware
Ar.. lAn it,
. . t ' ' .
Read the Classified Ads
ssr &a:: cx: I
Bmttwr Thrnn m JhTaatarat Planter
For Coughs and Colds,, Head
ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
and All Aches and Pains
35c and 65c, jars and tubes
Hospital size, $3.00
Learn to improvise, compose, mSdulate, play chimes,
triple and double bass, sax shirs ;'deteirmihi! harmony,
improve your sight reading 100 percent Don't be a
mediocre player; a slave to the notes. Investigate our
system: be convinced then enroll.
- s , .
Waterman Piano School
Room 3 McCornack Bldfr. Over Miller's
At The liberty Today and Tomorrow
iniiiin-- .mua ..i n luminal
s a
At The
A First Run Classic
You Read it in the "Post"
Johnnj Dufley's life and
hopes were bound up in two
The JYixe Ringhit office.
Twenty - four feet ; qoaie and
imply nunlslied
.Take Salti- to1 uih Wdneys and
neutralize IrrltaUng ;
Kidaev and bladder Irritations
often result from uric acid, ays a
noted nthorltr. The kidneys ni
ter this add from the Wood and
dim it on to the bladder, where
If mar remain to Irritate and la-
flame, canalne a bornlnr. scaia-
Ing sensation, or seUlng up an lr-
rliatlon at tha neck of the Diaa-
der. obllelne you to' seek : relief
two or thrnA times during the
nlfht The sufferer Is in constant
dread!" the water Dasses seme-
ilmai Hfh irsMtne1 " aenaatlon
w ww aA aav v
and Is very profuse; again, there j
U difficulty In voiding It
Bladder weakness most ' folks
call It, becaniia they can't control
urination. While it is extremely j
ahnovin and sometimes s rerf
painful, this Is often one ofthe
most simnla ailments to overcome.
Get -abont-four ounces - of Jad
8alts from your-; pharmacist .and
tike Ttelespoonful n a glass of
water 'before breakfast; continue
thla for two or three days. This
will help neutralize the acids inj
the urine so it no longer is a
source of Irritation to the bladder
and urinary organs, which1 then
act normal again. ,
Jad ftaTta la Inernenalve. harm
less,-and is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with llthla and la used by thou
sands of folks who are subject to
urinary disorders caused by uric
SCid ' Irritation. Jad Salts is j
splendid for kidneys and causes no
ibad effects whatever.
Her you have a pleasant, effer-
lUKIa arataf drink. Which
often Quickly relieves bladder Irrl-1
v 'i U f -sx
Is superior in many ways to the average
run of furnaces. The large oblong fire-
box takes large, lasting sticks of wood
and a great saying in fuel can be made by
burning large . coarse sticks instead ; of
short cut and small sizes.
The Western is an all cast furnace and
will last a life time. It is easy to operate
and is guaranteed to neat your home sat-
isfactoriry. I
v - - . -f '.
Call and let us show you the Westerner.
A', K " - v
dc a - -. c
-- t .-. Ta .
The Engagement Ring its
diameter that of Constance Tal
bolt's third finger
Johnny's story is that of
A fine cast headed by Bert's favorite
leading lady, Virginia Valli, who was
starred in The Storm" and in "His Batk
Against the Wall"
a . ,
A clean Human rib-tickler story of , a
Hi-Brow fighter in society."
- m Always a Good Bill at
Salem 'g ' Best Where Your Elbert
Ventilated Business Lachele
lIovie , Is Appreciated Organist V
made a: good
your boy's feet
-don't spoil it
v a aMvM.M - a i v .
ixi a a uKt imows waat your. .
boy's feet have to stand
the rbmDihe the hard nlav nf
A sturdv vountTster-'iLrf .L -
a ap ' ajpr'
distort his feet arid bend txnesfj
but of shape or he will suffer loTt
later life ' with oairifirt';corril!
bunions, caUouses;ingrowuis
CLafca- - .pjK.
Give Nature a cliance-insistl
nn Pk. Hut rriira?' VtfiM-MM I i, Lv T1 jal
for your boyhustytweU-made N, '
shoes that "let the feet grow asjl?
they should.1: ' " :'7?&?'i$
Send him In' fortEducl!i5
today or come with him-thM-ei ZTr
l 1 i
' I v- StraiPhll
- 4 Bonesi
Bantl 1-hai Crwmt
SOneSl Strait IN arJ!
Tat WhJ Cduiaa If
iMsdi v ri: 4
' - .ft'
V ' ''J A
ladies and Girls' AD Wool Sveaters
$5 Sweaters . .
?3 Sweaters .
25 Per Cent Discount; ;
$3.75 J4.2S Sweaters ......$3.10
$aas $3.S0 Sweaters .... .$2.6.1
. rfS a n . . . .. - .
, , uiris coats ;
Nice all-jwool Coats, new style, very low prices.'
Blankets, All Firsl Qualify :
Our bis special 64x80 at . . . . 7 . . I',, . . . . . :$d0 pair
Big Cotton Blrfnkets 72 x 80 atU it. .$2.50 pair
Blankets at $1.59 a pair and ................... .$1.69 pair
T2 x 84 Nashua pretty plaids at $.1.00 pair
66 x 80 all-wool plaid blanket at . . . ...S7.S0 pair
S Bleached Sheets
81x90.. No seams. . . .$1JS5
Bleached Sheets :
81x99. No seam.. . .$1.39
- 3?lb. Stitched Batts 95c
Wool finish cotton batts.-72x90. Best cotton on the market
t' lib:
50cS 16s.-
f..JpWoo;Goatipgt, Suitmgs, Dress Gods 25 discourlt
Mrien -Coiadfiea'and Suitings $3.75 goods for . . .'. . . . .$2.81 '
5 6-liich Coatings and Sui tinea $3.00 Roods for .$2.25
All Dress Oobds. $1.75 up to $5 a yard, 25 per cent discount.'
New Corsets at Seduced Prices 7 ; -
..v High Class -Lire -" iv:.-:'
to.OO Corsets for ... .$3.50 $4.50 Corsets for . .. ' $3.00
$3. 7 5 Corsets for $2JS0 $2.50 Corsets for ... .$1.85
r-Blr Assortment of brassiers at half price....'. ......60c
Standard 50c braBsiers for 35c; 3 for ........ ...i .. :. $1.00
j, 27-in Outing Flannel;
good grade, lights or
darks. Yard 17o
i Bleached Sheeting,'
fair grade, yard. '. ....40c
j. 36-inStriped Outing flan
r nel, good 'grade, yard 25c
9-4 Unbleached Sheet
ing, fair grade, yard 33c
I Shoes-"? :'i'!V'
3 We sell guaranteed Shoes. Made of the best bf leather
Cost little-more than cheap, unreliable shoes. . v ' . 'V-?v
Rubber Boots
All new this season, made of fresh rubber. Rubber that
'never was used before- Beware of seconds, too many of them
are on the market. Our boots are all guaranteed. We sell
Gold Seal crack-proof boots. ' -.
rJ Hosiery
, Ladies' wool hosiery, clocked, at" pair. ......
f Ladies' Wool Hosiery at pair ..............
Ladies' best ,wool hosiery at a pair .......
Boys'- and Girls', woo hosiery, pair ,
, , Allen A Black Cat Hosiery
uaaies' pure biik nosiery at pair.
. . . . . . . $1.00
. . .75c aad 50c
. v $15
... . .60c to 75c
..$125 and $1
....... ....25C
J Ladies Silk Lisle Hose, at a pair.
I ladles' and children's cotton hose, at a pair.
. ,;. Millinery at Big Reductions
p. To clean out this season's goods we hare made big reduc
tions on all hats, feathers and flowers.
ill ' (aaecj ..aaBBaassilsicsatxali
Ul liaastSIiil iliCiiiauaaiituaiiata -
Rflicnrl liitaaiMatIli:i?IIII
sacaat3 . '
HuenJ i 'lifsi:s:aaic::su:':i3i
. . v i::::::i . ui-m::::::::::::::
rr - a'- " a if. xts. w
tatlon. Adr,
ria j5"-iS 'rT'i i3rw?4v"r& n
, r "r -f