1 ..'' , J ' . '. I - ; 7 '. V. .. . -i - ' - J- .1 .irr. i....i.-rn 1 11 v - r1" i -i n m km ii ii '" ' w . -I ;........ 3 . - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON ; iU V j - - , " K : f - -. . i i 1 . - - - . - - a wsfi i ire oniCMPC m i ..a i ip r ni.ir im.r LI I L UUILI1UL IS DISCUSSED Lecturer of Christian Science Faith Heard aMheatre Sunday Afternoon The m W mtish pid you ever ride in a street car with someone near by carrying home a bag of ground coffee? The wonderful aroma that it gave off made you h ?,ry for a cup of it too.. That was the flavor, the real life of the coffee passing into the atmosphere. Think of it, paying a good price to get a quality coffee and then losing much of what you pay for-fla' vof simply because it is not packed right i When you inxy ) Hills Bros; Coffeeyou receive all the. strength and aroma that was in. the ordinal cfee br the ; Vacuum Process origin ated by HiQs Bros, keeps j all the fiavbrin.; This Vacuum Process is a : figurative Tounteiaof ; Youth' for coffee pack edbydmethbdretains H its origmal freshness and flavor for an indefinite period There is nothing magic about the method, cn the contrary; it is quite ample. t . Coffee becomes stale on account of the pxygeti in the air oxidizing the j . essential; elements that give coffee its delicious flavor. Under the Vacu um Process the coffee is picked in airtight cans frcciwhichtheairiswith' drawn preventing all deterioration. Hills Bros. . originated and use this . niethod as; it insures the purchaser or" receiving the fine, rare coffee of , which VRedCan" is composed, in, as perfect and fresh condition as when leaving; roaster. 'A free Lecture on CarUtian Science, entitled , Christian sci ence: The Science of Life, was delWerefl by TMcknell Young:, C. S. II.. of Chicaco, HI. A member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mrfhr rhurrh. The Firt Church j Scientist, in IJoston, Mas., Sun day afternoon at 3 .o'ciock in me Grand theatre, who said in part to a large and appreciative audi ence: ChriBtian Scientists do not fail cultles which beset the race as well as the individual. They are noe engaged in any superficial. altruistic theory. They claim to have common sense; and the his tory of this movement shows clearly that, as a class. Christian Scientists are eminently practical The advantage which they have over other people is to be found solely in what they evidence of our senses gives us no hint of what Life really is, and when, from this standpoint, we consider life, we indulge in mere speculation, unless Christian Sci ence comes to our rescue and gives us the right idea. The Science of true living ant. true thinking is thus drawn from a higher source than tnai 01 mere ordinary human experien ces. To investigate it required research of the most unselfish, painstaking, and persistent na ture. Such was the research that Mary Baker Eddy; entered upoa and carried on for-years. It cul minated in the dflscovery of tha' Science which she named Chris tian Science. She! saw the vast importance of distinguishing be tween the true and the false, be tween the real and the unreal She observed the permanent na ture of divine acts, and this led who is Mind, is it extravagant or unreasonable to expect enlighten ment, and even the joy of im proved health, -through their pres ence and law? An afflictive ex perience, giving way to health and peace, or a crude invention. giving way to: an intelligent dis covery, need not be inquired into, j That which is Imperfect has no real value, no :real existence, and it never had. i The best and only satisfactory explanation of error is to showlfjtSj unreality. I ser iously ask you to consider this ex plafiation and see for yourselves if you do not find it definite and sufficient. i Droper occasions express our grat itude. loveu and reverence for the Discoverer and Founder of Chris tian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. She established the Cause of Christian Science on the endur ing foundation of Christ-healing, vhera it stands, and will con tinue to stand, a living and an ever rising monument to a char acter and to a career of achieve ment absolutely unique in history. God Is Life, and perpetuates His own creation. Jesus said, "The words that I speak, unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." Mrs. Eddy says in Science of Health (p 286), "God's here, and they have tneir neaa- quarters at the Bliga hotel. The company is incorporated for $100,00. and $25,000 of the stock is be:ng offered for sale. The managers say this will be sufficient to make a thorough test; to finish the present well and put down another well, if necessary. tion that has been passed or is in process of passing at . Wash ington, following the campaign, he is to spend a number of days at Salem, his home. Mr. Hawley has been secured as a speaker tor tl Six o'Clock club of the First ikii od'st church for the night of vember 14, the week following the election. - - - . , . Mrv Hawley to Address Salem Six o'Clock Club Representative W. C. Hawley. who is! carrying on an extensive ramnairn of nolitical education the I thoughts are perfect and eternal. for the votera of Oregon through i.. .ki.k t. vntv are substance and Life." We ih I have been considering those provements than are yet dreamed thoughts here his speaking tour of the state, is to be in Salem for an hour or two They are easy to ti,.... hotwpen trains. He of will come to light, and by the understand when sought In sin- gpend mQst of his tlme up same token, things that are now cerity. because they are more untu e!ectlon visiting the more rrfnort a. natural will vanish natural to us than other thoughts, llBBftrt,M of the valley. to the conclusion that such fact under the revelation of the true nearer to our real being than any kfn on nati0nal issues and ..." I - i. ... I Afhn. IhAllffllta flAII M 1 ' . . COMING THURSDAY ; SCREEN SCRAP BOOK i .' - This M-ill-be.the third Movie Rotogravure section t appear iu the Oregon Statesman. f ; f WATCH FOR IT constitute immorality. naturalness of S;an existence that Pther thoughts could be. All the prejudices of sectarian- has its being, function, and law in Ism were instinctively against such a proposition, am good. for the state Republican ticket and- giving a dignified, worth- the national au- The Bible is the original revel- -I - ... I ntlAn r1 iha immnrtol rftiottnTl. arrayed the uod or creator who is wuoiiy 7' " " ' , ?Z while story of , ....,.., ministration and of the legisla- vt l nrnmlMt nniitiir iM than -nr. .....j. v V4 &cence maaes mis reiauonsmu omniet. rftHnintinn tnr ha h 1 1 . . understood, and in doing this I. ii iuq viuiumj cuuivuiuiu ui school nr chIIpca tn valua Mt Mrs. Eddy's creat work, Christian and beautiful thoughts. Chrict- bcience is not universally ac- jan Science takes as much far- cepted; but the signs of the times It her. It shows ua that, really are portentous and. inspiring, great thoughts and strictly pure Why should they be otherwise, ideals in themselves constitute When Christian Science fulfulls tha acivitv of tru Science. Thus it removes condemnation and estab. lishes redemption in its stead. It shows beyond all doubt that the only nnal or possible sequence to a mistake is loving and com plete correction. We are in a new era. We have emerged from the so-called sci ence of matter and entered upon of the true Science of Life and God u infinite inaitn ..... .. k-.j 'he real Science, the Science of I I - v v.BB.vt tnoo iuvci coi auu UJ t CI UtSJ UUU I i j 1MPIIIPM7A V vapor to be found the hopes of the Christian world? it Is that the thoughts which re have gained! rjoes not its declaration thatlveat r.nri i rhH.tan - . j wa a aa yuiuiiu wkjuivo fJ ua Over 1 7 Million Jan Uted Ycarb living, througn tne stuay oi Spirit, Mind, Ufe. Love, immu- anv thoueht. that can h ntr- science ana tieann wun xvy table, immortal Principle, the tained bv mankind tne scriptures, ana omer worn., source and substance of all being. Th nower of C.nA vhiofc ..!. Man. Tl.V.li V.liAv tlldll.tl- . .. . ... I w"lK" UJ ' " . ' i laiij wun our laeau oi wnat con- acterized Christ Jesuts came to discoverer ana uounaer at w- stitutes the omnipotent, omnl- him not In the realm of matter tlan SaIohCR I nM.nnf . n J-f . nj .. k. . .. .. . i . i ui botuu Biiu uiuuiiciBDL I itxi f IT I ii ii r nr nnjiarirannin. . . w.wa What Is this Science? Do thelthe Bible and of all Christendom?! him domfnion. That is where all theories of prevailing education-j If it does, then our ideals may. I true power comes to man. That at systems maicate or reveai miinrougn (jnrisiian science, take is where all true education fits AH theories of general education on a practical value; they may be I us for Ufe and eauins na with are predicted upon the certainty brought out of the realm of spec- courage and wisdom to meet the and necessity of sin, disease ana uiation into that of actual daily difficulties of human When all the bravery of the race is enlisted in this Sci ence; when mortal men and wo men, never even tempted to lie or steal, find that they are equal- ly untouched by the fears and suggestions of disease; when they! are so mentally advanced and spiritually cultivated: that they never give any power to any de structive element or action; when neir rear oi sucn things ceases ?ec.f facts' qf Science predominates;1 existence. I ... ... . rtonth Such theories ar selfcon-1 experiment nd lfmniutntinn lin.tnnr At-.. uu meir comiaence in tne amne These definitions of God virtually sary it is for us to awaken to thp ed and tried for centuries utterly i accepted by the in vain. With circumstances all in world, constitute the fundamental pure education, w which constitute VL . ,!t -m .or un," their favor. Mil annnorted hv the I facts of th SHnn nf trn. Illn m.1 Wfc u ucioiaimiug, iueu iney win waia , ' " ' "0 I Wb.ua. uu wuuiu mm D iL .. ... - . overwhelming consensus of hu- as revealed in Christian Science. without the power to think? Sal- . H "v, Pweror cence man faith and education, they But they must be more and more vation is the main obieet u i.lf. In. domuiion of its law- have utterly failed. Under such clearly apprehended hr the tn- even thA ohio.t'f n ...-.i ine cience ana the law of God, beliefs.: and uniastructed hy dents of this Science, and mnu. aithoneh that nM-f i. ine cence ana the law of Life. Christian Science, living Is Unta-lquently Christian Scientists are tioned In the curricula of schools mount to mere physical endur-i involved in the same research and colleges.. We am n .v. rnmtvi . 1 vamcu uu. cue 1 1 us ivauon, consciously or nn.i n a j . ColoKKii bVm llonn wUk all moh MVI hat olio f..n v XA I I .. . . I "uu tuugn :r.:r.:::r.7 r" ;::: 0 ,"z .r ..." ui. rr .-uo,A'"r -.Te aroau s.my- years,- writes h. e The Gardner Business Coupe A real utility car for business and ssional men. for three Campbell, Found no GARDNER f. W. Pettyjohn Co. h 279 N. Uom'L I nnala r 4 a I crK av tmafiii (a ron.l f An Oh Intra onnta (nn1 I t.A riui- t M a son and. logic, ud educates m They may be found by anybody pear to be searching for it S SiVl I i 7 . ey New Skirts You'll be interested in these new fall Skirt J Skirts for sports wekr and street wear that are notable for quality and moderate prices. , . . . ' , . Materials are prunellas and plaids. s V : c Fashionable color Combinations in-. blue and brown, tan and brown, black and white. ; j You'll like the way they are iriade. $3.98 and $6.75 GALE &. CO. Commercial and Court Streets in tha ScioncA of Life, the Science I who. in tha lftht 'a r.hri.nt, Utmne-a w. n h. Iana Aaa- angering coughs, se- of real thinkinr. which ia the Science. looks for thm n twllnr mnr.L'1... . "lvere coJas greatest need of the age. same place. haDninesa. aatiafactinn and bronchial trouble quickly re- Wa II vln cr an1 tVlnlrtnir I Th. &W. r T.& m.i. 41. I Mra. Edlv wrltAa nn r c ft .a . .1 f.v 4. a, 1I.I.M I V- . . . Af "Cnfnnnn .HJ TT .a. ... - I lSf, auu wo iuts lu ev uu nTiuti nui iu uu suugui ana Bougnt in 1 ww.cuvc wiu neaua wua ivey 'Heaven re- croup; throat, chest neved with Foley's Honey and No. need to suffer and take chances with neglected coughs and thinkinr tn nrdar tn aecomn-1 vain, mnst ho tha fiitami w-k.V I to the S6rinturM.' Hah anvthins . whatsoever.-. Thelexnlalna th tma nnia nf nf I Presents harmonv. ni in- and colds- Free from opiates- ThU Science is obtainable. by any Science interpret the Principle '"sr601611" printea on tne wrap- person who desires to have it, 01 aeaTeniy harmony." Also in1"5'- e"s cougn meai- Cured withoutSurgery MY guaranteed cur for ;, Hies Is a nonsurgical method, eliminating knife, brrafdon, anaesthetic, pain :; and confinement. 1 have never failed to cure a case of files in the history of my practice, proof of which may be . had by obtaining the lot list of ' prominent Nprthwet poxU whom I have crcatea. TO RESUME land costs nnthinr hvnnri f.A o. the same work on num m. TnlFne in the world Hralnary steps of . equippinr one's hea,,nK the sick and sinning. wnere- AdT self with the books which, teach J 68,18 eiaoorated the fact that the! rt. These books are the Bible, neawng-errect followed the under and 'Science ad Health ,-with sUndiog of the divine Principle Key to the Scriptures" by kary 8nd of the Christ-spirit which Baker Eddy. Like other books, sovernea the corporeal Jesus. For they are mada ux" of ideas, , and tn,s Principle there is oo dynasty, this Science, like other sciences, no ecclesiaatical monopoly. Its consists of ideas. .. The difference on,jr crowned head is immortal between thls Science and- other 80TerEgnty. Its. only priest is the sciences is, however, that in other spiritualised man." it follows sciences. Ideas, ' by ' way of in- tn' we niust think our way into struction, pertain to material neaTn, and nothing can deprive Sold every- 1 OF THE OIL WEIL An Expert Driller Will Have Charge of Work Near St. Paul ..... -. Mi. r-;.-.. -. . .IHIills.lBnM ; -f V.1'. I raiva all 4bt as to noh t MrMiM to fini fmt t if I fail ! car m( rUmm. Write r call t day tmt my FREE fcaoUat. - OH. tCHAS. J. DEAN 1MB AND MOH at OH HOTtAND.earCEOa MENTION THIS PWIR WMtN WKI HIMl filUME BZST BT TEST things, or actions, or the employ- 08 ' or excuse as from that en- menc or use of material things ai"ng ana redemptive necessity, or -remedies, whereas in Christian Tnia ,8 being saved through the science, ideas themselves consti- D,00a or Christ, the life of Christ' tlltA Knf k . tK maa-nn. mwA v - v I Heaven is natural on iect of ednetn . hA to God and must b th. ..mo There is activity at the oil well I - - " - fc" "V"! - ty i . Phenomena of this Science, and ma" I "Is image. near raui- on ine oaiem-i. are the only remedies used to re- We naT learned to recognised roaa' An expert aru,er nas store health , and nrevent Hiaa.. Life eternal, and we insiat nrmn been engaged. The well is now W the ordinary human hine maintaining the fact in snitA nf aown wm, teei, ana tne men wno CI . . . .1 . 3 t 1 1 . il lis expressed in his character, that au ence to the contrary. We are on. ine 300 ciaim inere are is, in his thoughts -and education. wouia not worthy of the name ex e e 1 maicauons 01 on. iney should It to be considered incred- Bliner or unristians in the ordin- tnmK inai a nuie turiner aown ible that the divine Mind could re 6X7 ense, much less of Chris- they strike a flow of oil in veal Itself through its own ideas. Uan Scientists, if we failed to do paying quantities, and If these ideas come from God tor theory of life contrary Tne company owning the well iu eternaiuv invnivAa Att, 1 ana tne outm. tne Willamette . - - " uvam, . - which is the exact opposite of 1 Valley Oil and Gas company, has been fully organized, and has a This Science of living, this Scl- permit for the sale of stock. The ence of LVe was illustrated by seven directors are R. J. Moore Christ Jeaus; but as a science It of the Yamhill Electric company, could not be given to the world Newberg; C. A. Pclland, F R. in his time for the world could DuRette and John Marthaler, land not receive It. Jesus said. "I owners near the well; W. Y. Mas. have yet many things to say unto ters, attorney, Portland; J. E. you. but ye cannot bear them Windle, Portland business man, now." . Now this Science has and O. S. Strausburg, Portland, come. You have the privilege of ' A large number of peoole from living In the most scientific age Newberg have ben visiting the of the world, an age in, which the well recently, and have been in Science of Life has been discover- Testing in the stock of the corn ed and given to mankind. Con- Danv. believinz ! the indications skier that fact and realize its I arc cnoh tn 4at.fv a thnmnrh meaning. Think what it means test of the possibilities of finding that a person could har WnLn .1 I awake enough. ffjee enough, clear p v rnmntni, Zn w ti enough mentally, spiritually, to sayre have come to Jaiem. to act discover such a Science as thu.l- i... r the KClAnro nf all atAnn mi. 1-1 1 is exactly what Mary Baker Eddy aia. ana sne aid something' more than that: her discernment . cended to the facts of being and revealed them, but it also de scended to the Present netm nt mankind and met them. she ssw that the omnipresence of God would have to be affirmed before It could be realized and she snew and taught that the rejec tion of all other seeminjr power would have to be persisted in be fore full proof that good is all iowerrui aad Life is immortal could be obtained. Mrs. Eddy's teachings con stantly admonish as not to claim for ourselves or for our under standing anything beyond what we . can that bakes with Calumetand there aremillionsofthem has learned three im portant baking facts. First; that she never has any failures, which means no loss of time and ma terial. Second; that her bakings are always pure and wholesome, which goes a long way toward perfect health. Third; that the greater than usual . leavening strength of Calumet stands for economy be cause she uses less. , - -' j s RuHV i ThfTSiconomy Bf&KIRIG - eth;s are 150 greater than that of any tfther brand. A twnd can of Calumet contains full 16 otmcet. Some bki.n powders come in 1? ounce instead of 16. ounce t'ia Be sure you get a pound when you want it. 3 THE WORLD'S GREATEST DAIZING POWDER OUCH! LIE UK. RUB LUMBAGO OR BICKICUE AWAY Kidneys cause backache? No! Listen! Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica, or a strain. and the quicke&t relief is sooth ing, penetrating St. Jacob's OiJ. Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiff-j mm The Season's 'rediteoit See the Window displays MM See the Window displays 'I Continues Till To- Ohfy & HI $22.50 to $27.50 Values in Ladies' Silk Taffeta and Canton Crepe, All -Wool Tricotine and Poriet Twill DRESSES Eighteen New and different'styles. All Go At One Price! c J t V J X. r' Xcvpt before ttuch a DHKHS SALE substantial hr acnilness ana lameness disappears. proof. Therefore we. your friends Eon't 8tay crippled! who have invited you here to a lecture, and who welcome you up on all occasions when Christian Science is being correctly set forth, make no -claim to have at tained the fullness of this Science We are trying to be worthy of this gift of God to men! We Get a small trial bottle of St, Jacob's Oil from your' druggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the back ache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest St. Jacob's OiH whenever you have sciatica, neur- aigia, rneumaiism or sprains, as It is absolutely harmless and mm . --H----a aiaHM S -V -"-" M I I V J X. ' A Truly Sensational . bflUng, LdMt , Day Today EXTRA , Sale of Silk Umbrellas $3.95 A pure silk Umbrella with ivory handle and tips and others with new sport handles; aeh one has a silk cover. Very durably built. C i 1 J I not here and upon all - o $ h t doesn't burn the akin. Adv. -1' IT