The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 24, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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School1 Work Show-i n ; T
- An outline for the public schools
of Marion county for the second
quarter of 1922-23, U being pre
pared In' thj office, of the county
trbool pucKr'n lenient, and Is to
ie mailed out to 'all ti.e school dis
tii:ts within the ritxt few days.
T s inrt cates the progress that
th? schools tkmitl bo making In
tl ir regunr clans work. In gen-t-
, the' Mario? county schools
rr doing ey'tM im accord
lK to Mm. Mary Fulkerson. coun
ty superintendent. ?
Klwanians Meet Today
The Klwanls club meets today
as usual- for the weekly luncheon
at the Hotel Marion. It will be
mostly a business session, with
some important matters- to be
brought -up for discussion. All
House Peters,
Claire Windsor,
Rosemary Theby,
; Gaston Glass and :
Baby Eichard Headrick
"Rich Men's Wives"
1904 , . ; , i M .' ' 192S
J ; That's why they never get any place they
never get started.
' living money is a matter 6f "cutting the cp'r
; ners ' every day and bankin g the difference -"
. : Start today- keep it up for 30 days and you 11
never stop saving. ,
At this bank v
v United States National Bank
; ; The Bank That Service Built"
rv v Member Federal Reserve System
dnesday, Oct. 25
1:30 p. m.
280 Richmond Avenue
: ' -EAii mciiMOXD school -
Wtoomed Slodern Bungalow. 1021 Ford no;
VirtrcJ, lllgh Grade Furniture, lings, etc. This ideal home is
a 6-room.ed modern bungalow with reception hall, back and.
front porches,' double consiruciea luirwurenw
place,! built Ins, fine bath room, fixtures, newly tinted; has S
lots, 100 ft. frontage, and garage; only 2 blocks from Rpnd
school and 2 blocks to State street car. If you are looking for
a good home; well located, you need look no further.- Terms
made known on day of sale. . At same time and place I will sell
Sf the rurnishings, consisting of 1 large cabinet Tictrpla. fumed
oak case and about 126 records, like newr l Remington up
Tlht Piano with bench. In golden oak. like new; 1 roll arm
W'SedPoak dlvenport in genuine leather; thU is the long style
and makes a very fine dining room suite consisting of.
fumeSoak buffet, 64-inch top. the Sheridan pattern. J
cabinet to match; Ui Inch solid oak extension table. 4 8-inch
?op and t Mk dinero to match; 2 waxed oak rockers, leather
T ft " 7 -v .'Ar.t- i-hiM' rockers and toys: waxed
Sk ibrarT laMe;' S extVa waxed oak diners; telephone table;
.riax'oTkireclining chair in J-;
Inrlamn: 2 Axminster rugs axis. n --o
9x12 tow design; some small rfigs, window curtains and sun,
fast slSdrsperies. cedar chest. 64 inoh copper bound; fireplace
Ween' an" Vndlrons; 2 beds, - spring. k floss d cotton
mattresses: looking glass, new Seth Thomasay clock in
rose wood, sewing table, ash dresser, "-piece
dinner set drop head Singer sewing machine. 7 drawers, like
Jiw 1 Monar?h malleable T6-hole rajige. kitchen table, kitchen
Srs. alSum ware, granite waVe. dishes andglass ware,
home canned-fruit, garden tools; electric Iron, willow clothes
bTket!" Srdold,fIc and oak 16-inch dry wood;, swinging
door; keg vinegar.
1921 Ford sedan with all extras, like new; waxed oak roll
top desk and chair, like new; 1 good 12x14 linoleum.
' , ' Terms of personal property, cash
Owner, 280 Richmond Ave.
the delinquent attendance-prize
orators ace to be rounded up for
three-minute orations on what
they find In their visits to the
business houses of the prise giv
ers. Several of these speakers
are due for this meeting. Miss
Kathleen LaRaut is to sing., and
John Carson gives the attendance
prize for the day.
Member 'Initiated- .
A beautiful ceremonial Initiat
ing the new girls of Willamette
university into the Y.W.C.A. of
the institution was held Monday
afternoon at one of the society
rooms in Waller hall. Ninety of
he new girls were received into
the association with a regular
c-iremonlal that marks "Recogni
tion Day" for each successive
year. The new members, clad in
Monroe Salisbury
"The Great Alone"
A story of a half breed
Indian in college and the
far north.
. We always have a well
balanced program.
Vn&u V. 8. Omtunt Snparrisloa
Some People
Do Their
i The Auctioneer
1610 N. Summe? street
white, marched into the darkened
rooms, each with a lighted can
dle on a blue holder, the colors
of the association and, the emblem
of unselfish helpfulness whever
the Y. W. is found.
Loans on Good City Property-
Plenty of money; no delay.
Call G. W Laflar, 417 Oregon
Bldg. Adv.
Bible Clas to Meet
Mrs. C. A. Park's Bible class
will meet this afternoon in the
Escapes from Hospital -
Fred Perry, a patient at the
state hospital for the insane, es
caped Sunday and has not yet
been recovered
Few Cases Filed
Not a single case was filed in
the circuit court Saturday and on
ly three papers of all kinds on
Monday. This may not be the
absolute minimum record for the
same length of time, but officers
of the court say that it approaches
the record if it does not certainly
constitute the the smallest filing
for two consecutive days. Only
one marriage license was issued
Saturday, and none Monday
Card-of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends
for their many acts of kindness
during our bereavement from the
loss of our son and brother, Dav.
id S. Goode. Mrs. M. M. Gdode,
and family. Adv.
Two Students . Resist
Miss Mae Beissel of Wenatchee
registered Monday at Willamette
university. She is a senior, who
was in the university last year.
Miss Emma S. Shelbourne of Am
ity also registered the same day
in the junior class.
Is Literary Attraction
Vachel Lindsey, "the tramp
poet," is being billed as the star
literary attraction of the year for
Hartman's Glasses
Wear them and see
Easier and Bettel
Phone 1255, Salem, Oregoi
SAVE $ $ $
by buying your nardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co.. 285 No.
Commercial St Phone 947
Beef, Hogs,
Sheep, alive or dressed.
Also chickens, eggs and
butter. Best cash prices
People's Meat
155 N. Liberty Street
-Phone 994
Capital Junk
All kinds of junk and
second-hand goods. "We
pay full value.
215 Center Street
Phone 393
Be Honest With
If you know there is some,
thing the matter with your
eyes don't pretend to your
self that there isn't.
You know perfectly well
that the longer you neglect
your eyes the worse they
Have them examined at
once. We have the experi
ence that comes from ex
amining thousands of eyes.
SO 1-5 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 for appointment
Salem. 4 Last year It was Edwin
Markham who was hailed as the
literary lion of the year, and now
Lindsey is coming with as differ
ent a line as could be imagined.
The Lindsey appearance is afTa!-
er hall Friday October 27th. un-?
der the auspices of the nniTersity
and the Salem Arts league.
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Mrs. Davis Freed
Sarah Davis was on Monday
given a decree of divorce from
Doris Davis, with the' custody of
their two children and 1 30 a
month for the support of the
children. Brutality and non-support
are given as the grounds for
the action.
Building Near Completion
All the moulds and false work
have been removed from' the new
Bonesteele building on South
Commercial street and the hot
stuff roof was being put on Mon
day. The building is fast ap
proaching the completion stage.
It has three full stories, with an
elevator running to all three
floors. The building will be of
fireproof walls, concrete reinforc
ed with steel, and the other con
struction is of such kind as to be
slow-burning if not actually fire.
proof. It win be one of the not
able automobile houses of the
Willamette valley.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.: Adv
Speakers Coming-
Election day is only two weeks
off, on November 7. Up to date
there has; not been a political
meeting of any kind held in Sa
lem. Several meetings are sche
duled for i later in the campaign.
however. I Walter Pierce is to be
here the night of October 27, and
Congressman W. C. Hawley may
speak on i political subjects, be
fore election day. .
Letter is Stalled
Somebody, unnamed to - date.
will be expecting a letter address
ed to "245 St., St. James Hotel,
Room 7." The St. James jhotel
failed to get its name down in
the Salem directory when it last
moved, and the postoffice doesn't
know where the letter belongs.
Experienced Waitresses Wanted
At The Gray Belle. Adv.
Vote Counted Again
Another count of the straw bal
lot on governor at the Tyler drug
store was made last night., a It
gave Walter M. Pierce, Democrat
ic candidate, 214 votes; and Ben
W. Olcotjt, Republican, candidate.
78 votes. A ballot was taken
last week at the barber shop of
Newberry & Tumbleson, 173 N.
Liberty street, at which a total
of 74 votes were cast for the Re
publican: and Democratic candi
dates for the governorship. ' The
box was opened, and the votes
counted ' when the shop closed
Saturday , night, the result show-i
Ing 21 ballots for Olcott to 63
for Pierce.
W. A. tPettlt, who has been
with Governor Olcott in eastern
Oregon tor the last week, re
turned to Salem Sunday evening
and left again yesterday for St
Helens where Governor Olcott
spoke last night.
Dr. Carl O. Doney occupied the
pulpit in the Ashland Methodist
church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of
Dallas spent Sunday in Salem. ,
Another Oratory Class
May be Found Necessary
The threat that Salem would
soon be. "lousy with oraiors-
I promises to be fulfilled in the very
i near f uture. So fetching has been
the idea of the Y. M. C. A. couree
in public speaking, that not only
was the first class of 25 filled
within one day, but enough other
applications have been made to fill
almost a whole second class.
The hooe is that instead
classes of 25, two classes of 20
ERICKSON Mrs. Mary Erick-
soh, 72.- died early this morn
ing at the family home, 2660
Oak street. Besides the hus
band, August Erickson, the de
ceased is survived by three
sons, Ernest, Victor and "Rob
ert, and one daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Stlffler. all of Salem.
The body is at the Rifdon and
Son mortuary from where fun-j,
era! announcements will be
made. - "
Rigdon & Son's
; Uheqoaled Service) :
Webb & Clough
Leading Fcncral
Directors J
Expert Embalsiers
each',-can be arranged, tor. and
K&m .to every applicant a little
fcfcre individual opportunity. The
fellows who have been bottling up
and strangling and biding their
words out behind the baxn for the
past. 10 or 40 years, are fairly
quivering over the chance to speak
to an audience of their own kind
who win laugh' with and not at
Prof. W. C. Harrington of
Portland, the head of the new
oratorical college of Salem, is to
be brought here two nights in the
week, if it is possible for him to
arrange his other appointments to
fit the needs this second class wilt
be organised at once.
The executive committee in
charge of the membership cam-
paign for the, first class had so
many applications that tkey had
to settle the last few places by
lot. i
Extreme changes of weather
during Fall cause many coids and
coughs. For quick relief from
throat, chest and bronchial trou
ble, coughs, colds and erouD ui
Foley's Honey and Tar. Contini
no opiates Ingredients printel oi
the wrapper. Largest selTin
cough medicine in the world. "Fo.
ley's Honey and Tar it the most
pleasant and efficient remedy fot
coughs and colds that I ever saw.'
write Wm. Jones, EL Dara. llli
nois. Bold everywhere. Adv.
Articles of incorporation were
filed yesterday by the La Grande
Building A Loan association of La!
Grande, capitalized at (100,000.!
The incorporators are A. E. Bill J
William Miller, J. F. Phy . and
Other articles filed were:
Francis Brokerage company
, ; lAy;3jee1t Ii Show
Have you noted how most picture how
show pretty teeth? And how countless peo
ple, wherever you look, show beautiful teeth
when they smile nowadays? ;
Those axe result of this new wV of teeth
cleaning, which millions mow employ. Now
we urge you to try it at our cost; and to start
today. J
Try combating filrn
Until late years, nearly all teeth were kept
clouded by a film. And 49 in 50 people suf
fered from film attacks. .
" Film Is that viscous coat rem feel It
clings to- teeth, gets between the teeth and
stays. It forma the basis of dingy coats, in
cluding tartar, unless you constantly combat
it Stains are absorbed by that film. : .
It also holds food substance which fer
ments and forms acid. It holds he acid in
contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs
breed by millions in it They, with tartar, are
the chief cause of pyorrhea. : '
V til
.. . - f . .
' J-4
i 'ThcNttA-
Now'aviseby leaiii;
Baker; incorporators. Oliver
James Francis, John Wilson Fran-
cis, John Lutman Soule; capital
Uation. $5000.
Oregon Good Government lea
gue. Portland; incorporators. W.
E. Allen, Mv D. Bartlett. H4 M.
Robinson; assets, $50.
School District Bonds
Bought by Commission
The state bond commission yes
terday Invested $25,000 of .the
funds of the industrial 'accident
commission in Oregon schools dis
trict bonds. The purchases were:
School district No. 21, Wallowa
county, $12,000. at 5 pr cent cash
less a discount of $6 per $1000.
School district No. 12, Morrow
county, $10,000 at same figure as
School district No 8, Malheur
county, at S per cent, lea one-?
fourth 6f 1 per cent.
Three Rushing Parties
at Willamette University
Three different rushing parties
were given Saturday night by the
Chresto Literary?- society ol WIN
lamette university. One was at the
Chresto hall, one at -the home of
Mr. an4 Mrs. J. B. Littler on
Chemefieta street and the -third
at. the Chestnut farm. -
Halloween decorations w ere
used at the different places.
Thirty couples were entertained
at the Chresto halls on the 'Wil
lamette campus where games and
acquaintance forming plays were
held. Merle Bonney was director
of activities. Miss Grace Jasper
receiver of guests and Miss Irene
Berg . in charge of the refresh
ments. ' '
The Littler home on Chemeke-
ta street was attractively decorat
ed with fall leaves, red buds aad
berries. The unique feature of
the evening was the auto-service
: . .
In pictrtahd everywhere
Millions are removing film-
Thus most tooth troubles are now traced
to film. And all those, troubles, were con
stantly increasing, despite all care of the
teeth. - . i 'V-t'tf'V -
Old ways inf ecre
No ordinary tooth paste efeetitely fights
film. In fact, tooth pastes baaed oh soap and
chalk even make the film, more clinging. -.
So dental science has for years been seek
ing film combatants. Two effective methods
have been found. Able authorities proved
them by many careful tests. , And now lead
ing dentists almost the world oyer advise
their daily use... ,. , ..
A new-type tooth paste has been created,
based on modem research. The, name is
Pepsode nt In that tooth pasts are embodied
those two film combatants one , to curdle
the film,' one to remove it ;
Careful people of
using this new method, largely, by . dental tectioa. The) benefiU ,witt be . le,-lastinc.
advice., To millions of homes it is, bringing Tooth coftditionl trhole races sxs
a new dental era. ' " being altered by thli laethod. , ; 1
Brings Added Chcurms
and Quickly f
. . - - .'
I . - Yon will tee the Pepsodent ef
. fScts, amazing and delightful, after
; ytry little use. '
Present the coupon for a id-way
Tube. : Note how clean the teeth
feel after using. Mark the absence
0 ths viscous film. See how teeth
:. whiten as the film-coat disappear.
New beauty, new charm, comes
; with those whiter teeth. AUo'new
', safety, new cleanliness. Not by
; scouring teeth in any harmful way,
'hut by fitting the film for easy
) removal.
' T .Thl meins too much to you and
; yours to be longer overlooked.
I Cut out this coupon now snd pre
fect It at your store.
rtVi-a ..r.'.i -
tuts the world orer.
v f - 1 ' 11 1 '
station.. ftTUt,rTv0youugk men
dressed la the Regulation serritf
station' costume gave the guests,
favors of autolike design.
A hay-rack party was given the
guests at; the Chestnut farm.
Thirty couples .were transported
there from. Lausanne hall. The
decoraUons were of cornstalks,
autumn, leaves pumpkins, and dif
ferent harvest, pffert&gj. H&ilow
eea features were also in evidene.
Miss Helen Hoover was In charge
of this -group with Albert Logan
director, of activities. Edward
barren entertained with a tola
Bramwell Brings Suit
Against Defunct Bank
On behalf of depositors of the
Lafayette-State bank which was
elo ;by the "tate banking de
partment in August, 19Z1, Frank
C. Bramwell. state superintendent
of 1ank,7esterday filed; autt
against the directors of the bank
to recover $70,000 from the
commercial and savings depoft
ments, The 'complaint ' alleges
negligence on the part bf the AW
rectors. The directors named in
the . complaint are Z. E. Perkins,
A. Ik Denny, Charles Peters, J. J.
Walker aad W. G. Courtney. Wal
ter is now In the state penitentiary r
serving a .five-year sftnteuce for T
arson. ' '
; ' . ... ,t- . i t -.m: -
This -ill he the third Movie . Rotogravure section to
appear in the Oregon Statesman. "
Thus to
fifty, nations are now
-a rv
(Only one tubtii to iv family)
Insert your nam and ad-
dress, then present this cou-
pon this week to any store
, named below. Yon win be
presented with a 10-Day Tub
of Pepsodent
If yeu live out of town, mail
coupon to The Pepsodent
Company, 1104 So. Wabash
Avenue, Chicago, and tub will
be sent by mall.
. a
115 S. Comtoercialjs'tr "
Ussy fat pfJ fr artistry bi
far radteiaf laair vaichu ia as
aitraordiaary ato4. Estraerdiaary to
aa a wail pcrfaetlr karaUaaa; aa dlrt
inf r uUM ara mat ary. Mai muit
Fmcript Tablets ara m4a tartly lr
seeordMea wita taa taaioai MaretoU Fr
ari ptiam. Taa radae aaa4ily a4 aailr
wi-a. M 1U, affta. Praeara taaa f ran
rur draffist at dollar far a aat
or saai prW dirart X taa SfarasoU
CoaipaBjr. 4611 VTodvar4 Avaaaa, Da
trait. Ui'm "
, 1C24 Commercial Street
,Un(3erlner. mantgenieat
CLorj "Saer nd Koodlea '
Airafrieau and Chinese Dishes
GetYqur Fxco Tahc
At tores named bebtir ;
Thli week oriijr, "thy itori
named below will hand you
a lODay Tube of Peptodent
if you present the coupon.
Oo et this tube. Its use
will bring you a delightful
. r v .t
Two ether sew effects
Pepsodent brings two other effects which
dental science has now proved essential ' , .
It multiplies 'the starch digestant in. the
saliva. That is there to digest itarch depot itl
on teeth which tnay otherwise lermant and
form adds. -s . . : 4. , '- . .
It multipHes the alkalinity of the saliva.
That ir there to netttrtUxe the sddl which
cause decay. ; V. -r.. ut
The ordinary teoth'patte brinti just oppo
site effects. It. decreases 'these two great
tooth-protectmg' agents' which; Nature has
provided. Pepsodent, with every use,' fives
them manifold effect. . ;
millions of people la eyery cljme
has troucht herr beauty, new pro-
tectioaw The) benefits '.will be lif coasting.
Your Kim
V; .-V ?
A'ddrets ' ;
coupon to
- a
i v
1 '