The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 24, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Avsrara for HapUmker, 1023 ;
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The Oregon Statesman
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Prohibition Agents Free to
f Put Into Effect Bone Dry
- Ruling of Attorney Gen-
eral Daugherty.
Whiskey Held as Hurtful
Outside as Inside of
Ambrose Lights
j NEW YORK, Oct. 23. (Bythi
Associated Press) Federal
Judge Learned Hand today held
I that steamships carrying liquor
and serving It to passengers and
- . members of the crews were guilty
of violations of the prohibition
; laws.
lie made this ruling in dismiss'
,'" ing the motion, of foreign and
.American ahlp t companies for a
j ; permanent injunction restraining
federal prohibition agents from
putting Into effect the bone dry
? ruling of Attorney . General
j Ration Eatet Stands
' ' He issued an injunction: against
- Interfering with the carrying of
stock necessary for, the crews' ra
. tions bn the. eastbound voyage,
. however, pending ' immediate ap-
.peal by me steamship companies
to the United 'States supreme
. ' court. .
"The plaintiffs must each give
; a bond ot $25,000 conditional
against the use of such stocks for
y any other purpose than. as crews'
' rations." he added, dismissing all
Li other motions tor injunctions.
, , Citizens Inhibited
"Ignoring for the moment, the
crew," said, .tall of .the stocks
are avowedly Intended , for ' the
consumpton of persons who are
now within the United States. But
substantial number of these
persons' are residents or , citizens
of the United States, the very per
sons whom it was the whole pur
pose of the amendment to prevent
drinking liquor. , f .
I ;; ' Hurtful Anywhere
"Naturally l I have . nothing -to
: say about the wisdom of the
amendment or the law, but, wise
or not, one thing is clear, that a
drink of whiskey is as hurtful to
health and morals outside as in
side Ambrose light." A '
) Death Penalty to Be Sought
for Mrs. Mabel Champion
. at I Cleveland
CLEVELAND, O., Oct., 2 3.
Four Jurors three women and a
man were . tentatively selected
today in the first degree murder
trial of Mrs. Mabel Champion, 22,
alleged slayer of Thomas O'Con
nell of New Haven, Conn., In a
restaurant here early In the morn
in? nf Julv 27.' 1 i '
County Prosecutor iStanton has
announced he will seek the death
darrKv for Mrs. ChataDlOn.'
Mrs. Cham Dion is charged with
shooting O'Connell following an
argument between him and an
other man in a restaurant here.
According to witnesses, O'Connell
followed Mrs, Champion '- and a
man, who later ald he was. her
husband, into the 1 restaurant
O'Connell was heard to exclaim
"l am going to get a drink from
that fellow," witnesses said. There
was an argument and O Connel
was knocked o the floor. When
tin arnia the shooting began. t A
witness told .the police that Mrs
rhamninn fired three shots from
under her husband's coat but she
denied this next day to the po
OREGON Tuesday occasional
rain. ' .
Local Weather
Maimum temperature, 64.
Minimum temperature-, 43.
River, two feet below normal
level. Stationary.
Rainfall. .02 inch, i f
Atmcsphere. cloudy. j
Wind, south, i t h v:
Sheldon Sactyett Relates Un
pleasant Experience While
. Motoring to Salem
Sheldon Sackett. recently of Sa
lem, now an Instructor and debate
coach at Adna, Wash., high school,
relates an unpleasant experience
ot Saturday while motoring with
a party from Adna, to Salem before
reaching the Oregon line.
A large dog suddenly ran into
the road, from behind a wagon.
The automobile struck the dog,
one of the wheels running over its
body, and the car was diverted
from the highway into the ditch.
Fortunately no member of the
party was injured, but the auto
mobile was damaged considerably
and the dog was fatally Injured.
In the party besides Mr. Sackett
were Miss Esther Temple, a teach'
er of Adna, and George and
Ralph Toung and Sylvia Lehman,
students. The party camei to Sa
lem on instructions of the school
superintendent to' look up matter
n the state library on a question
soon to be debated by the Adna
team. The three students in the
party were debaters.
J. C. Perry Tells Why Cham
ber of Commerce Needs
Local Support
President J. C. Perry ot the Sa.
lem Chamber of Commerce has
some definite ideas of what a club
should be, and do. Here are a
few of them:
"The modern Chamber of Com
merce aims to work toward de
finite and concrete objectives,
carrying: out . in its -.activities a
well considered program of work.
The Chamber that does not ' do
this tails in reaching its greatest
possible usefulness to the com
munity, fails In real effectiveness
as a force for good because . it
does not get anywhere in its ef
forts. A program of work to be
effective should reflect the de
sires of the membership of the
organization, express the. out.
standing needs of the community
and be an inspiration to those
who have faith in their ' home
town and' hope for Its best de'
.. Questions Answered
"The question has been asked:
'What does the Salem Chamber of
Commerce want more members
and more money for what is it
going to do?' As president , of
the organization, I believe there
are many things we might do dur
ing the coming year, but the fol
lowing things appeal to me as the
things we should strive for and
make our program of work reach
"1. Clean' up our indebted
ness. The Chamber has some
debts that were incurred for mer
itorious objects, activities that
have brought returns to the com
munity in many ways. Notably
amorfg these was the installation
of the Tourist Auto Camp which
has enabled the city to care for
so many visitors in the year past
We want to start with a clean
slate as fat as our finances go
and throw off the load we have
been carrying, .
Industries Important
"2. Industrial development
Salem, has at the present time a
well developed industrial life. It
is one of the gTeat fruit packing
centers of the Pacific Northwest
This phase of our industrial de
velopment should be fostered. An
effort be made to induce new in
dustries to come here; such indus
tries as we have the raw material
for and can take care of. There
is no reason why our industrial
payroll cannot be increased.
"3. Agricultural development.
Salem Is' In the center of a won
derfully rich agricultural section
The development of whih means
much In the. commercial and in
dustrial progress of the town.
Special attention should be made
to the needs of the farmers and
fruit growers of Marion County.
The Agricultural Committee oi
the Chamber should work with
the canners and packers of fruit
and with' the growers of fruit in
an effort to stablize the fruit in
dustry and bring about such; con
ditions as will be for, their mu
tual profit and prosperity. Every
existing agency that is working
for the development of better
methods and better returns to th
agricultural section of the County
shonld have the support and as
slstance of the Chamber..
' "it Commercial development
United States Invites Rep
resentatives of Central
American Governments
to Get Together.
acts Signed at Washington
in 1907 to Be Bolstered
By Conference
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. The
United States has invited the gov
ernments of Guatemala, Nicara
gua, Honduras, Salvador and Cos
ta Rica to send plenipotentiaries
to' a conference in Washington be
ginning December 4 for a discus
sion of measures looking to the
well being of Central America,
the "results thereof to be embod-
ed in a treaty for the permanent
regulation of their mutual inter
ests and relations."
The state department in making
this announcement tonight saicf
the American legations at the cap-
tals ot the five Central American
republics were instructed on Oct.
21 to extend to the presidents of
those countries invitations to the
Peaceful Relations Object
The conference, it was explain
ed, was expected to - negotiate
treaties making provisions of the
treaties signed at Washington on
December 20, 1807 which exper
ience has shown to be effective in
maintaining friendly relations and
cooperation among the Central
American states," to consider
measures for the limitation of
armaments in Central America, to
attempt the working out of a plan
for setting up tribunals of inquiry
for the adjustment of disputes unr
der certain circumstances between
two or more of the countries, and
to take up any other questions
which it may be desired unani
mously to consider.
Cruiser Meeting Preliminary
Call for the conference was is
sued as a result of the meeting on
August 20 last, of the presidents
of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salva
dor, on board the U. S. S. Tacoma,
n Fonseca bay, at the request of
the Nicaraguan government, look
ing to the establishment of more
peaceful relations between the
three countries and resulting in
the signing ot an agreement ac
knowledging the general treaty of
peace and friendship, signed at
Washington, December 20, 1907,
by the five republics ot Central
America as being in force between
Well Being Object
It was stipulated in the agree
ment that the Guatemalan and
Costa Rican governments would
be asked to adhere to it and that
a preliminary conference would be
called' in December to discuss fur
ther measures looking to the" well
being of Central America.
John Tuke of Vancouver is
Cooked to Death When
Truck Overturns
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 23
-John Tuke, 5o years old, was
killed instantly and Andy Jensen,
aged 30, was Injured today when a
truck loaded with "hot stuff
used in road paving overturned.
Tuke was covered and cooked
with the hot material when he
fell beneath thCjlruck. Jensen, the
driver was not found until tonight
when he appeared from the brush
a short distance away badly
Victor H. Limber, coroner, made
an investigation and announced
that an inquest will be held Tues
Domestic Offenders Are
Subject to Extradition
OTTAWA. ;Ont.. Oct. 23. Un
der the terms of- the convention
concluded between the- British
and American governments in
May wilful deserters or wilful
non-supporters of minor depend
ent children are, beginning tomor- sewer problem will be cared for by
row, subject to extradition be- the city in a general tax exten
tween tho United States and Can-Uion, and the only thing left is to
Attorneys Appointed B y
Court in Marion-Linn Dis
trict in Unique Position
The Marion-Linn judicial dis
trict of the Oregon circuit court
is said to be the only district in
the state that makes no payment
to the lawyers appointed by the
court to defend a mfcn accused of
crime, who wants legal counrel
and protests his inability to vay
for the legal service himself.
Thi is said to have started
through an interpretation of the
laws by Judge Burnett, who said
that "every attorney is an offi
cer Of the court," and as such is
obligatedi to see to the proper
conduct of the court business.
The right of counsel being guar
anteed eyery man. he beld that
the court had a right to delegate
to any attorney within reach the
protecting of the legal rights of
every man accused.
Some of the young lawyers
used to be willing enough to take
cases even on these terms for the
practice and court standing that
a a. an could get by a good show
ing for his client. But alter a few
such, they learned that the fish
ing or the wood-cutting or any
thing was better on criminal
court arraignment day, for they
were liable to be picked out to
defend cases that couldn't pay
them even tho filing fees.
One Salem attorney tells of a
time when the judge said to a
stranded ' culprit who needed
counsel. :
"Now the court will give you
an attorney to look after your
case. Over there are Attorneys
Doe and Roe, and out in the hall
is Lawyer Boe take your pick!"
The accused studied the beard
less faces before him, and then
with a shiver turned to the judge
to say:
"Well, Judge, if it's all the
seine to you, I'd rather taSV a
chance on Boe; he can't be as bad
as these." The legal historian de
clined to te'.l their other names.
Colonel Henry E. Morris Be
gins; Membership Drive
With Big Bang
"I don't know whether that
Chamber of Commerce committee
that asked me for my signature to
a new membership card, and then
filled it but for 7 1-2 new mem
bers for , the .coming year were
Christians or not, from the way
thev juniped on to me, but I'll let
it stand,? was what C. P. Bishop
said at the Chamber of Commerce
dinner Monday.
The committee that had man
handled him had Rev. Ward Willis
Long, pastor of the First Presby
terian church, as one of its mem
bers, and the chowd ot 70 guest3
voted that it was a most righteous
act. Mr, Bishop was toastmaser
and chairman for the day.
Morris Reports 70
Steward Rundberg had provid
ed for about 60 guests and there
were 70 i who flocked in. They
were properly and sumptuously
fed, but drifting in late as some
of them did made their individual
dinners a1 bit late. It was by far
the biggest meeting of the year.
Col. Hprnry E. Morris reported
that his trusty financial warriors
had already captured 79 new mem
berships for the Chamber. Of
these, 25; have taken more than
one membership.
Col. R; C. Snelling reported
that his force had been a bit late
In organizing, and had no numeri
cal census to give out at the pres
ent time.; He professed that he
himself was solely to blame for
the dqlay. but they expect to
make it up.
No Lunch Today
There will be no luncheon today
but on Wednesday, noon the work
ers are tq meet again at the club
rooms and compare notes over the
dinner table. The Rotarian lunch
eon for Wednesday is to be held in
the evenihg, instead of at the
noon hour as has been the custom,
so the two engagements will not
conflict. '
New Addition Presented
Fred EHxon presented the case
for the new Highway Addition
lots. The committee has already
sold 15 lots, leaving 19 still on
the market at the time the report
was made. The wate rcompany
agrees to install water mains. The
Considerable Doubt Thrown
on Question at Meeting of
Authors in London
LONDON, Oct. 23. (By The
A jf-ociated Press. Have wom
en souls" was a question placed
before the Authors'; club tonight
1Y George Harveyj the American
ambassador, who was the princi
pal guest at a dinner given at the
Mr. Harvey delved deeply fhto
the Pentateuch, the Zendavista
end the Talmud, pointing out that
there was no recognition in the
decalogue of the possession of
souls or inherent rights by wom
en and that 10 commandments
were written for men and apply
exclusively to men. '
The ambassador asserted that
thoory and practice, as well as
logic and reason "drive us to the
:onciusion that either the com
mandments should be revised to
:iuet the requirements of modern
renditions or a specific decalogue
should be constructed exclusively
for women."
As theologians apparently were
unable or unwilling; to undertake
this, Mr. Harvey safd he com
mended the solution! of the whole
fascinating proposition to the
Authors' cltjlb. !
Texas Complainants Com
mended for Opposing
Unamerican Ideas
NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 23.
Supporters of George E. B. Peddy
lost their fight today before a
special tribunal of federal judges
to force the use of his name on
the official Texas ballot for United
States senator in ' opposition to
Earl B. Mayfield, Democratic
nominee and reputed Ku Klux
Klan candidate.
The judges held that they were
without jurisdiction.
Vse W ill Go l p
The coQ was transferred to
New Orleans after an injunction
had been filed in Mobile to com
pel the secretary of state of Texas
to put the name of Peddy on the
ballots. Judge Erwin, of the Mo
tile federal court, declined to
hear the case on the grounds of
no jurisdiction.
Attorneys for the plaintiff an
nounced they would carry their
fight to the supreme court of the
United States if necessary and
those representing, the slate of
Texas heralded the decision as a
victory for state rights.
National Politics Involved
National politics became in
olved In the case today when At
torneys for the ntl-Ku Klux
Klan or fusion faction, announced
that R. B. Creagor, one of the
complainants, had received a let
ter from President Harding in
which the national: executive was
declared to have commended
Texas Republicans for aiding In
dependent Democrats ''in coali
tion against all groupings and
classes attendant upon dictation
contrary to American ideas."
Testimony Completed
CORISCANA, Tex., Oct. 23
(By The Associated Press) Tak
ing of testimony in the injunction
suit seeking to keep the name of
.Earle B. Mayfield off the ballot
as Democratic nominee for United
States senator, was completed this
afternoon and both sides announc
ed they would rest.
Mike McNamara .a witness for
the plaintiff, who testified he sent
Mr. Mayfield 1 200 and which the
latter denied having received, was
the last witness.
- A sample ballot, alleged to have
been distributed by the Ku Klux
Klan in Dallas, carryings the
names of candidates for various
offices, was Injected into the trial
MayfiHd at Meeting
The ballot was headed with the
various things the Ku Klux Klan
purports to stand for and then
followed the names of various
candidates headed by Mr. May
field as candidate ; for United
States senator.
L. M. Ballowe, defeated candi
date for congress, testified that
he had seen Mr. Mayfield at three
meetings of the'Ku Klux Klan in
Dallas, and that Mr. Mayfield
made sneeches at each of these
Mr. Mayfield was introduced' at
two of the klan meetings. Bal
lowe testified, as good klans-
man and the next senator."
All Theories of Prosecutors
at New Brunswick Fizzle
Out and Attorney General
Sends Deputy.
Members of Mills and Hall
Families Welcome Change
in Personnel
3. (By The Associated Press. 1
The Hall-Mills murder investi
gation halted today for a change
of pilots and with Wilbur A. Mott.
deputy attorney-general, at the
helm', it will start again tomorrow,
practically from the beginning.
The long-heralded change in the
personnel of investigators came
this morning when Attorney Gen
eral McCran, at Trenton, notified
County Prosecutors Beekman of
Somerset land Strieker of Middle
sex, that he "had granted their re
quest that they be superseded.
Hot Clue Fail.-
The request was made through
Supreme Court Justice Parker
early last week but was with
drawn temporarily when the pros
ecutors found what they thought
was a hot clue.
When this line ot investigation
failed to provide them with a
clear-cut case, they repeated the
The two prosecutors quit work
on the case as . soon as news of
Mott's appointment reached them.
They will step out formally tomor
row after they have told the dep
uty attorney general all they know
about the case, taking with them
their respective county detectives
Mott's Tactics Watched
Just how Mott will attack the
mystery remains to be disclosed
He said today he f.-xpected to
"start from the beginning" and
that one of his first steps would
be a careful analysis of all the
klove letters and the diaries ex
changed by the minister and the
choir singer.
State police also are expected to
continue their work, reporting to
Counsel for Mrs. Hall and for
Charlotte Mills said members of
the two families affected by the
double slaying welcomed the
change in investigators.
Mrs. Ollie Blowers of Klam
ath County Accused of
Killing Montoya
23. Mrs. Ollie Blowers, proprie
tor of a roadhouse near Crescent
in the extreme northern part Of
Klamath county, wnt on trial here
today for the alleged murder o
Tom Montoya. a sheep herder
last September.
A woman s footprints leading
from the roadhouse to where the
body was found formed part of a
link in a chain of circumstanetial
evidence otfered by the state.
William Metcalf of Albany
Drops. Dead While Shoot
ing Wild Birds
ALBANY, Ore.. Oct. 23. Will
iam Metealf of Portland, a rail
road employe, dropped dead near
here yesterday while hunting with
his son, Leo Metealf.
The elder Metcalf shot at a
duck and then started running
down the bank of the creek.
The younger man, following his
father, found him unconscious.
Efforts to revive him were futile.
A coroner's inquiry resulted in
a verdict of death from heart disease.
1 nrrrk DPnnn
Less Than 8 Per Cent of Total
Levy Delinquent Penalty
Date Approaches
Marion county taxpayers have
already paid in $1,556,094.60 on
the 1321 tax roll, out of the total
tax levy of $1,685,936.92.
This leaves but $129,842.32 de
inquent. or less than 8 per cent
of the total levy.
The first half of the tax, if un
paid until November 5, draws in
terest at the rate of 1 per cent
per. mouth, and the second halt
at the ame rate and up until the
same time. If the tax is not paid
on or before November 5, the in
terest charge stands, on the whole
assessment, and a penalty of 5
per cent is added also. Thus, a
tax amounting to $100. if paid in
two equal installments, on April
and October 5. could run until
November 5, when It would
amount to $104 if paid by that
date. It would be $109 on Novem
ber 6th, and would continue to
draw Interest at 1 per cent a
The tact that less than 8 per
cent, of the 1921 taxes is now de
linquent, and still has the chance
to Ue paid up before November 5
and avoid the penalty other than
the interest, is considered a re
markable showing for this year.
Some of this money Is due from
prune growers, who have sold
their crops but have not yet been
paid. They may hava their money
before the penalty date. Some
taxes go delinquent, every year,
but this year there is no more of
a shortage than there was a year
ago, accordiug to the sheriffs of
fice that collects .the taxes.
A report from Columbia county
says that out of a tax roll of about
$750,000. or less than one-half
that of Marion county, the delin
quency up to the present time la
about $100,000, or almost twice
as great a percentage as that of
Marion. Even poorer showings
are expected to be made by most
ot the farming sections, especially
the- portion of Oregon east of the
Ponzi, Armed With Many
books ana rapers, Says
He Will Defend Himself
BOSTON. Oct. 23. Charles
Fonzl, whose scheme of quick
riches for all investors In Inter
national, postal reply coupons two
years ago resulted in a federal
sentence for using the mails to
defraud,--became a defendant in
superior court-today on indict
r.ients alleging larceny and con
Ponil came into court with an
armful of books and papers and
announced that he would con
duct his own case. Ponri, who
is serving his five-year federal
sentence in the Plymouth jail,
nill spend each night in his cell
Five of the dapper financier's
agents in the sale of the coupons
were placed on tr:al with him
charged with larceny and with
being accessories before the fact
of larceny.
Ponzi, looking considerably
older than when, two years ago
he travelled in an expensive 11m
pusine,, prer-ented several motions
to Jiidse Fosdick. Moving that
the indictments be quashed, he
contended that his trial would
constitute double jeopardy in that
the offenses alleged were based
on substantially the same evi
dence a3 those upon which he was
held in the United States district
court. A jury was obtained late
today and the state will begin
presentation of evidence tomor
row. Dennis Culmer Heath
Dies at His Horrie Here
Dennih Culmer Heath died last
night at his hofne, 2310 High
street. He is k arrived j by his
widow. Mrs. Dorothy Heath; a
daughter, Kva May Heatbi 5 years
old; two brothers, C. O. Heath of
Enterprise. Or., and Porter G.
Heath of Salem; and one sister,
Mrs. Phoebe Stillman of Seattle.
The body is at the Rigdon mort
uary. Funeral announcements will
be' made later..
SPOKANE, Wash:, Oct.! 23.
(Special to The Statesman) , A
marriage license was issued here
today to W. Roy Daskjns 28, of
Spokane", and Inez M. Houts, 20,
Bonar Law Takes Reins of
British Government and
Is Expected to Announce
Cabinet Today.
Question of Coalition is Main
issue Before Electorate
of Country 1
LONDON. Oct 23. f Dt Tha
Associated Press) Andrew Bon
ar Law today in th traditional
Phraae of the , "court circular
"kissed hands upon his appoint
ment as prime minister aad first
icra or the treasury,? and tha
"becomes England'! Ilrst Can
dlan-tam premier.
Today was devoted to th far. "
maiities necessary la a monarchlal
country to a change in the gov- C
ernment, The king. In th mora- '
ng gava an audienca to and took
formal leave of the outgoing min
ister, Mr. Lloyd Georra. Then
cam the Unionist meeting In the
miernoon when Mr. Bonar Law;
was unanimously elected leader
of the party. This was followed!
by an audience at i Buckingham,'
Palace when Mr. Bonar Law at
the king' Invitation, . undertook;
to form a new admintatrattnn
KlertJoa date Set 1
The king will hold a arlr
council probably Wednesday if the
prime minister has by then com
pleted his ministry for the swear- '
iftr in of the new ministers. Th
king will on the advice of 'th
prime minister proclaim the dis
solution or parliament Thursday
and, according to present arrangei
meats, elections will be held Nor
vember 15. ,.-.; .
Mr. Bonar Law Is understood
have his cabinet Hit idmAri 4
completed and It is epected the
composition of the ministry will
De announced tomorrow. It Is the
almost universal opinion that he
succeeds to a most difficult and
onerous task, and many misgiv
ings are heard ae to whether his
health wilt stand the inevitable
train, but he has made It' quite
clear that If be flnda his health
unequal to the task ha shall be
allowed quietly to step aside.
situation Unprecedented
The situation la unlqae In the
annals of British politics, Inas
much as only three weeks before
election date none of the leader
nas ye$ announced hia noliev:'
each side appears to be waiting;
on the other; Mr. Lloyd George'
opponents are maklne mrrr
with the suggestion that the
sword he announced himself a
brandishing when he left London
Sunday must have been losfc
somewhere on the way to Leeds,
The only real question before
the electorate Is whether they
wish to be governed by a coali
tion. But that cannot properly be
described as an election plank be
cause of the lack of evidence of
a tremendous landslide in favor
of one particular party, It Is al
most certain that no party will "i
be returned- strong enough to
form a government without the
cooperation of some other party.
Ireland Xot Issue
Mr. Bonar Law confirms that
Ireland is an agreed question and
he further intimated clearly and
frankly at the Unionist meeting
today that tariff reform or pro
tection would notform an Im
portant part of his policy. And
since Mr. Lloyd Ceorra hie an.
nounced himself as a free trader
this question cannot come to the "
front as both the Liberal and La
bor parties are in favor of free
trade. The prime minister prom-
ises to define his policy in hi
coming speech, but Judging from .
his remarks today it will not be of
an eventful character. ' -
Previous to the breakdown of .
his health which forced him tem
porarily to retire from politics,
Mr. Bonar Law was a very close
friend of Mr. Lloyd George and
was identified with the entire
coalition policy. It is therefore
practically impossible that he can
in any important measure reverse
this policy. Thus, unless - Mr.
Lloyd George should take a strong
turn in his policy, there will be
little difference between the poli
cies of the two men. '
Contewt Mainly Personal -
The contest seems likely to be
one of personalities of men,
rather than measures, so far as
these two parties are concerned.
The Free Liberals and the Labor-
(Continued on page 6).
ada. . , sell the last of the lots. -
(Con tinned on gag? 61
of Salem,