Oct. - 212 A 105-yard; run by Minnesota Held 1o Tiev " : by Northwestern Team t EVANSTOX, III. sensational Chuck Palmer, Northwestern's higi halfback, upset ! the dope bucket here today and the Purple keld Minnesota to a tie, 7 to 7, i railing what first looked like an easy game for Minnesota. Pal mer s feat was all the more sen Rational because it climaxed a ser ies t pile drlTlng line' bucks and beautiful forward passes which bad; taken the ball id tforthwest etrn'r two yard line. It was fourth dowfi and Mitchell, Minnesota full' back, burst through the line and was! on the point of downing the ball when it slipped , from his '"bands and rolled to Palmer. Palmer dashed wide around his Own) right end and the Northwest rnlteam rushed In behind for In terference. Every man but Mar tfimtm was boxed out of the play before Palmer had reached the center of the field. Martineau made a - great effort but Palmer turned and stiff armed' his way Just as. the two crossed. North western's 35-yard line. TOE TERRIBLE RIOT AND FLIGHT AT SMYRNA. Ikitl w w3 , xs-gsss&iss ST. MAR S n us'iiea wita terror Uuiusaiua'ot retugsi na iron, uie ui , wiica. -u.t r- v famine aid masr? at tl bands of the Turks. Photo shows them rushing to be ..taken off to places of safety. ' wtianwif.iffl mm m m m ntmmmm uwmvmmmi Say It With Flowers Knights of Columbus Name New Officials NEW YORK, Oct. 21. John li. I Keddin. supreme master of the ! i Fourth degree, Knights of Colum bus, today announced the appoint ment of three new vice supreme masters, Michael K, Reilly, of Fon du lac. Wis., Jere E. Shea, of Butte, Mont., , and Dr. W. J. Mac Millan of Charlotetown, P. E. I. HEAD OF IRISH FREE STATE. or Whether it's Hello Good Bye, ' '-'Say it with flowers;" ; Flowrrs-cheer the heart, A souvenir to sweetheart or wife, i "Say it with flowers." j Briiif? peace to the mind So "Say it with Flow l; ,' crsi". '. , The heartstrings Ito hind.' : t ' ; VC.f.Breithaitpt ; Salem's Telegraph Floriit f 123 N. Liberty Street ; L Phone 380 Pead.-the Classified Ads Shopwalker She complains that you didn't show her common civility. Shop Girl I showed her ereryi thing In my department sir. Announcement H. Maizels has estab lished a new and sec ond hand store under the name of "SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE" rf j 320 North Commercial street We will . pay n highest cash prices for ' second hand goods' and junk. .r Wherecty?HONE 492. . Nothing too big or too small 3 J. fc . , W A? :a- , -, , r " S r. . - . , ... P f .JIM tT v fr ST 1 TOO the ends for the scores, cotmpleting snccessf ally i gains around three attempts in five times Stan- -Cardinal;:. - ford drove within 15 yards of the . .... . .,v Three Place Kicks is Best Uuniversity Can Do With Small Opponent , far j, i,v Xt; n. z Xki : .km;- II i'lf ' S1 t-y-r!!Mft ;::..! . William T. Cosgrave. Minister of Local Government, who has been elected president o the Da!l Eireann by the new Parliament, an office which makes him head of the Free State. . rr i w The ; .v esferii Pipeless Furnace 2 . ' 1 h f f i t I r1 L ' t!':-iif a vl I tiF fJt !'. S t, ... fc- - t : r-. - j Is guaranteed to heat yorn in a pipe -f urnacewhen others, n are :1 tearing j. them out;'? The West- fT' crn iipeiess.' xurnace takes large sticks" ''of Mrood, delivers the heat 1 where you want it, and a saves onQ-unra ine .fuel wlucliaiptpe iur; VT 1' ZJ Jt ale. ran . - . . v nnil lot na rlmrvnBttQtn Kitchen Complete , A complete kitchen outfit, consisting of one range, kitchen cabinet and 16. yards of Gold Seal Congoleum all fot $68.34., , Dining Room Set Qaarter-sawed oak Table, 6 solid oak chairs, with leather scat and buffet to match only $79. Hamilton Beach Br . . i EFectrie Vacuum Cleaner, with motor driven brush. ? ;In the II. B. sweeper you have all the Ixest-ipoints that f. are to be found in all other cleaners ombined in one J fine sweeper. And best of all it costs no more than the ' ordinary sweeper. , I . ' '; - c " , - ' ' - ; f 1 " ) ' 1 II I i, . ... .... ... J..1. . .. , America's Most Wonderful Kitchen Convenience . . ... i .f.: ; $1 Delivers Your Hoosier i The; IIofi4er f'abiu-et is without question the greatest labor-sStVtftg convenience you could put in your kitchen. It does "isd-niucb. more to make your work easy than any other cabinet t hat there is no comparison. For instance, ou a work table. 1 if a s less iai-igue at Ums' end of tfie day. !t is just one of the many ways in which the Iloosiqr reduces your work and worry. Come in for-a,.eoinieelIoesiCT demonstration. rioisieBistlte only cabinet that gives yi iljusta!7e "tft"' your height. That means V4a Tt 'if'' 1 li a. -ff 1. " ' Living Room Suite Complete One oak bed Davenport, one oak library table, 2 solid oak leather seat roejkers, for only $85. 7-Piece Bedroom Suite In beautiful ivory enamel, consisting of dresser, dres sing table, chiffcrobe, bed, stool, chair and rocker, all for ' . , America's most' beautiful Wedgewoqd Ranges ran pre, finished inJ hltfe, ; gray, black and white enamel. Made in cast or steel. Burns wood, coal or "gas, or straight wood and oal. Every range is fully guaranteed. Priced from, $59 and up. ; . G.S. HAIVHLTON STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal. j Oct. ,21. St. .Mary's college presented an unexpected line in i today's football contest with Stan- ; ford and the best the Cardinal rould do was to drop over three place kickSi FInaJ score 9 to 0. Cuddehack iad - all three cO'ilegians' ii e. St. Mary's offense never was si threat to Stanford. Wilcox and "oachty made great i GCK)F PIAXO S59 Only 1 5 'down, $3 month We are closing out our entire present stoc of Pianos. Five pianos for almost half price. $3 down, buy's any piano. Come now. they ars going last. See ad on pa je 3, second section. SILVERTON. Ore. Oct. 21. (Special to The Statesman.) The Oregon City hifrh school football team defeated the Silverton high team Friday with a score of 10 td "1 can tell you. h taiA, "how much- water runs. over NIa gara falls to a quart,. "How much,' she asked. . "Two pints. .., M. . XKW PI?OXOGRPHS IIAfiF PIUCK ! Geo, C. Will closing old nat'or.-i ally advertise'. 1 i n fit phono-! graphs at ha3f price." .down.' $1 week up. .-j S ad on pan 3secod section.' i 0 The DistiUed Motor On . THE GREASE SPOT Hudson and Essex Service MB 1 0) JU n n Ccrzi 7n LTU The Mornong Oregon Statesman and The Pacific Homestead 0 m m 5.R r? n uu Tuesday READ THE BARGAIN OFFER , AGA I N . THE OREGON STATESMAN (Daily and Sunday) one full year by mail. Regular price . $5.00 THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD one full year (52 issues) by mail Reg ular price . .... $1.00 THE AUTO ROAD MAPS of Oregon and Idaho and latest Federal Bargain Offer All Three for Only Census of Oregon and Idaho. Total ar price $1.00 3.75 New or Renewal in Advance. ... $7.00 Now is the time to subscribe SUBSCRIBE NOW! This is a real bargain, because you save $3.25 or 46 on regular prices. Money saved is as good as xnbney earned save the money. Remember the close hour of this bargain offer 6 pjn. Tuesday, October 31st, and be sure your remittance is in this office or in the mail not later than 6 p.m. of that date. This great bargain offer positively closes at this hour and will not be renewed. It is NOW or Never. What you can buy now for $3.75 will cost you $7.00 after October 31st. Sincerely Yours, THE STATESMAN PUBLISHINO CO. NOTE This bargain offer is for mail subscriptions outside the, City of Salem and does not apply to;carrier sub scriptions in the City of Salem. . rtf f .: ; i , Use These Coupons Pin this to a $3.75 Money Order or Check and Send TODAY COUPON No. 1 ; THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO., Salem, Oregon. Enclosed find $3.75 for which send me The Daily and Sunday Oregon Statesman for one full year by mail, The Pacific Homestead for one full yearby mail and the Auto Road Maps of Oregon and Idaho and the latest Federal Census of both states to be mailed postpaid to my address. Start Papers Name " " ............. - r . iliiit V"" Pst Office m P. O. Box or R. D. Route No Stata COUPON No. 2 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO., Salem .Oregon Enclosed find $ to pay for arrears subscription to-The Oregon Statesman and The Pacific Homestead and one full year's subscription in advance for each of these publications and the Auto Road Maps of Oregon and Idaho and the latest Federal Census of both these states in accordance with the bargain offer herewith. . Post office ;..iHs;.c...;; ::.i.. Tnde ta your .Old Furniture' "33 part payment .Save J4 by Furnishing your home from bur " Exchange Dept. ' Good Furniture on new i r. I 340 Court Street P. O. Box or . . . .. .. Salem, Or. R, D. Route No:. St??