The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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FlrU United ' Brethreo Twelfth and
Vinton. C. 8 Johnson, paitor. Sunday
acbool t 10:00 a. m. O. B. Bowmu,
tprtridrat- reaching at '11. Subject:
"l'k Greateat Sebool and St'e Teacher'
Junior: C. E. at 5 p. m. Mist Barns, 8opt.
ftenior 0. E. at 6:30, Hilda Berkey, pres.
Preaching ; at 7:30. Subjact: "A fthort
.Bed and a Narrow Cover." Prayer
Meeting, Wedneadajr evening at 7:30.
You are Invited, j
Castle Chapel United Brethren Seven
teeata 8U aad Nebraska Are. Sunday
School 10 a m. There is a data for yoa.
C P.": WVlla. I. ruperistendent. Moraing
worship 11 a. In. Sermoa by pastor. Eve
ning service inrutiaa Endeavor Topia
"ttrverenfe and Worship." .Leader Edd
Weigle. 7:S0 Woman's Missionary in
charge 'of eerricea Mrs. "E. B. Ward,' a
rrtarned Missionary from China will bo
the apeaker of the evening. Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening it 7:30. A my
cordial welcome to all rom and woe
ship wtta us George Chapman.
ponrt Street Cbriitian Xorth mn
teenth and Coort streets Nest Lord's
Day is Rally Day. Everybody get ready
for it. We want S7S here. Will yon be
one I Bft vray is to atart early, com
today. Be there at 9:45 a. m. This it
Orefon Mission's Day. The pa tor will
bring a special address on ' 'Oreron's
Challenge to Christian Stewardship."
Brine an offering for the state work, In-
rtennediato C. E. 5:30 p. n. Senior En
deavor 6:30. Eraarrlistie aerviee 7:3')
Senium: '.'Toe Divine Flan f Ssiratioa."
A straight from the shoulder Xev Testa
ment message. Ton can't of ford to anise
it. All preparation for the bia meeting
est month mast be made in next two
we-ks. If yoa ran help Jet a know.
Hear (II about it today. Tneaday 7:50
p. as. Ir. Epley wilt oondnct chorus
practice a rain. Good attendance last
time. Do yon aingf Then by all means
come and enjoy the sing, Thursday 7:45
p. m. Personal Evangelism lecture by pas
tor. A welcome for yon,1 yoa will always
find at tb Coort Street church- Be sore
and come. Saturday the ladies wilt ton
duet a rooked food sale on State Street
in at electrie store. R. L. Putnam, paa-
" -
'''' '
Buflt right Pricsd right
The Gardner Business Coupe individualizes a
unit of transportation for the business and pro
fessional man in which style, utility and comfort
are happily combined. 4 , C - '
The wide, roomy seat is upholstered in straight
grain genuine' leather. Two handy compart
mentsone of generous size just back of the seat,
and the other, extra large, in the rear deck
afford ample carrying space for all sorts of travel
ing requisites. ':
The body is full coupe type, a vast improvement
over the ordinary combination coupe top and
roadster body so commonly used in cars of this
, price class. The interior is draught-proof and
weather-proof. Ventilation is controlled by ad-
jus table windshield, cowl ventilator and rotary
type window lifu.
A permanent metal sun visor greatly increases
the safety 'and comfort of driving by eliminating '
glared.-It has sturdy drum-type headlamps and is
equipped with 32 x 4 cord tires. Sturdily , built
and. priced right, it is the ideal car forthe man
who demands dependable transportation with
. comfort the year around. ; ; , '
Coupe $1345 - Sedan $1595 F 6. B Salem
Sermon snbject : 'The Spirit of Modern
Reltgioa." Evening i meeting st 7:30.
8b bject : "The Opeafoate to Christian
Life." Ton will nJo.T these ineenn
and the good fellowship in our mid.
(Vent, and find thrt ; which makes Ufe
finer and more worth; while.
Xeihodist Episcopal State aiuf
streets. Blaine K. Kirkoatrirk.
First Christian Center and High
streets. J. J. Evans, minister. Oar rally
day last Sunday was a great success. T
day'a program , wiU be Joit as rood and
tho atteadsace should be even larger.
All classes and departments of the school,
which meets at 9:45. are filling np rap
idly. There is a suitable place for all
aires. The mnsie for the church services
wiU receive new spirit by the use of now
song books jnst received. Several spe
cial numbers by large cnotr and spirited
eonrregatkiBal singing will feature the
programs. The evening mnsie will b-
particularly attract it. Anthem by tho
choir, violin "solo with organ and piano
accompaniments and solo by Mis Tnsta
Wonger. At 11 a m. the pastor wilt
speak on the topic "Like Christ." Eve
ning, - "Building Faith." Tig) young
people wiU meet at 6:30.
8ooth 6 stem Friends Corner of S.
Commercial and Washington Sta. Nathan
Swabb, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. m.
Junior church 10:30. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Eve
ning worship 7:30. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30. Carl H. Miller,
aprTintendest of 8. S. Eva Kigbtliuger,
president of C. E.
Cise T jo steal wheel nutriment
applied at email antra charge.
... ST. LOUIS. U.S. A..-
279 N; Commercial ' Phone 1260
Open eveaiiigi' Tuitil 8 for your convenience
. Seandinarian Methodist Episcopal
Fifteenth and XUI streets, avid C. rXasset.
pastor. Sunday morning worship at 11
o'clock; Sunday School at 12 o'clock.
Gnat Anderson, superintendent; evening
service at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting and
Bible study Wedneaday eveenlng at 8
o'clock. Tho Girls' Club will meet at
tho parsonage Thursday evening, October
26th, with Mias Andrea Ipsen aa hostess.
cuts in catechism wjll meet at the
church , every Saturday afternoon at 2
'clock. Von are welcome to these
meetings,- -t-jvi
Jason Leo Memorial -tforth Winter and
Jefferson Sta. Thomaa : Aohesoa, pastor.
Earl Officer in , charge -of the Junior
Church. We are always glad to have the
public well represented in our . services,
and special efforts will bo.made to make
the services worth -while to all who at
tend.' At S:45 a.m. Sunday school will
convene with three aeparate departmenta
functioning. , Ve are., sparing neither
time pr psina In the . interest of the beat
results. We invite yon to join us in the
study of God's word. Two services at
11 a . m. Rev. Officer' will preach to the
Juniors in the primary department room,
n the auditorium at the same hour the
paitor will preach. The membership of
the church is. requested to be at home
to receive calls from representatives of
the church -in the interest I the work
in the coming year. Calls will be made
between 2. p. m. and 6 o'clock. Epworta
League service 6:0 p. m. Informal meet
ing from 6 o clocc. Uur attenaanco is
targa and meetings are aplendid. vange-listie-
meeting at 7:30 p. m. Subject:
tho third in a series of in Those iay
"la The Dare of the Holy Soirit." There
will bo good music good christian fellow,
thin. . and a hearty welcome lor you.
Bring' your friends with you.
v Leslie Methodist Episcopal South.
Commercial and . My era street. H. F.
P ember ten, pastor. - .You are cordially In
vited to attend the follow log services
ia thin church. Sunday school at 0 :43
E. A. ho tea, sup t. Well graded and ei
fleienttly taught classes for every age.
Ton will-find a place lor yourself ana
children. . Epworta League meeting at
6 :S0. An inspiring hour for - young peo
ple; Morning worship at 11 o'clock;
mi sister. Class meetinr. 1:15 a. m. Gr
P. Litrhfeld. 1 tdtr. Sunday sebool. 9:4o
a. m. II F. Shanks, acting superintendent.
Rally day attendance was o40. Tiut
should not be the topmost limit, hut
the atartine; point 'far the development
of the year. Wilt yoa not help us j to
make it so. Come out thla morning, sjnd
then plan to mak- it a habit. Morning
worship, 11 o'clock. Today is being
oi.crd inrrafbout the Oregon Confer
ence as " Launching I Sunday " for tii
pr-at ' ' Wiliimei u- J-drward Movemeat.V
which is the greatest Christian enterprise
that Oregon Methodiidn has been called
upon to apunaor. The; pastor will preach
on tho subject. "Tho Christian College
and the Kingdom of God." It is not t'ae
plan to take any public offering at this
time, but to interpret the meaning or
this movement iri terms of tho Kingdom
of God. There will be special music ly
me i-hoir under the i,Ctrec:aa of Prof.
E. W. obson. Epworth League social
hour at 5:30. Class in evangelism at the
Parsonage at 5 o'eloclt. Devotional lerv
'ice of the Epworth Leagues at 0:O. tre
eing service, -7 :30 o'clock. There -ail!
be a "Gospel Sing" at the opening serv
ice, and the pastor Will preach on the
subject. ' 'The Refuge f Lies.' The pub
lic u weleome. Church night on Thurs
dsy evening, 6 and 8:30. Attendance ts
growing. Largt si crowd yet lait Thura
aay niht. Classes -under Prof. Mat
fliewn, 1'rof. Hauiraond, Paul Burkley,
and Miss Hale are alt intensely inter
tilling and worth 1 while. j
Center Street Methodist Xorth 13t?i
and Center Mre ts. : Sabbath school 1"
a. m Teachers for German andt English
classes. Rov. . J. Weigle, former pas
tor of this church Will preach morning
and evening. The male quartette wilt
sing. Margaret S"Unof will lead the
Epworth league meeting 7 o-cocic, and
W. S. Boeder will play a cornet solo. A
cordial welcome. G S.i Boeder, minister.
v- i i f
Christianity to the world. -.He will ar.s- jet of lesson ' sermon : '"Probation After
wer the qoestioas as to whether one may ' IVath." Sunday school st t:45 a. m.
rlatm to have Jesas as his "Personal-. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting
Si vat" and the a persist in a feeling oi t 8 o'clock. Beading room Maeonit;tul supremacy. M hat i th? value J 'I euiph-. opea every la ex"vH hjlitiays
ci the teacbinrs Jmii ti I May we ; artt muo?s rncim 11:15 5:.10 p.
Evangelical Obemeketa street F. W.
Launer, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m. Sub
ject "Jesus Teaching.? Sermon 7:30
m. Sunday achool at 10 a- m. Some
thing new every Sunday, every body ; is
working; the achool is growing better.
The Young People's AlKance will soon
go by a new name, tbe new Ern
gelical churches are inow in the Gen
eral Conference at Detroit, Michigan. The
new name for the young peoples socio
tiea is The Young People1 League of
Christian Endeavor. The Y. P. A. or ntrw
the Y. P. L. will be at 6:30. Wilaon
Launer wiU lead. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening. Special music at all serv
' Geo. C. WiU closing old nation
ally advertised 1 i n e of phono
graphs at half price. 1 down,
IV weelC.up..
See ad on page 3, second section.
; Only. 1 5 down, $5 month
IWe are closing oat our entire
present stock of Pianos. Five
pianos, ; for almost half price.
$5 i down bays any piano. Come
now, they are going Jast,
See ad on page 3, second section.
The good, Maxwell is outselling for
the very excellent reasoii-; tot it is
' a better car. The'smartef.s
. . . tifiil finish and1 finer iittingstafe
1 f siinply an added measure4 of lvalue.
. . Cord tires, non-skid frost and rear; disc steel wheels, demountable
'"-v, i at rim ana at hnb; arnm type lam pi; Alemito lnbricaUon; motor-
H. ' j driven aleetrie korn; nntunally long tpriagt; sew type vater-tlght ; .
----'. wiadabiald. Prices T. O. B. Salem, revenue tax to be added: Tour-
rV' , lW Car. 1000; Boadatec (1060; rour-Passeager Oottpe. ; I143B; -
' ' : h rS. Sedan S1&&0.
'-K. . ''
371 Court Street
Telephone 635
Tht Good
..." ." , ' ' ,' 11 "''''l?iiiWiilJi "TTiy-- - ,", ..rL--T--.fuJ..a--..-n aagji
... . i'1' "' ('' '. '' '.;':..-''..'. j .
' ' ' . ; - - . -'t ...... , ... ..p if. . . . , .... ; .l;r i " -" ' , ' l - - - - - -
First United Evangelical North Cot
tage street, near Center. Usual services
this afternoon. Sunday achool at 10
o'clock. Miss Paulina Remington, super
intendent. Preaching at 11 by Rev. M.
J. Ballantyne of Dallas. No eveninc terv-
Rev. J. R. Buck, paster. Masses at
6:00 and 10:00 o'clock. Benediction fol
lows laat mass. At 8:00 o'clock mass the
reception of boys into the Altar terving
bociety will take place. The 10 :uo o ctocn
maaa it a high masa. Everyone welcome
to ail services. '
Central Congregational Nineteenth
and Ferry. Clayton Jndy, minister. Sun
day achool and church, a combined serv
ice, at 10 a m. Mra. B. E. Edwards,
superintendent. This is rally day for our
school. Every pupil should be there a
little ahead of time to help welcome the
viaitora and new pupils. A iplend d pro
gram hai been prepared. Christian En
deavor Juniors will meet at 4 p. m. ana
the Intermediates sod Seniors at :30.
Vera MeCnne, president. Come and en
joy this service by the yonng people.
Evening service of song ana worsnip at
7 :30. The subject for the sermon is
True Contentment.-' based upon Ps.
2:12. Midweek services on Thursday
evening at 7 :30. Thirty minutea for tne
devotional service and thirty minutes for
the question box. You are cordially ta
vited to all our aerrices.
First Congregational Liberty and Cen
ter atreeta. VY. C. aKntner, minister.
Sunday school with i classes for all with
rood teachers and well eauiDed plant.
FMinie primary department for the little
ones. Auditoriam class m me mam
room. Drop in any time. Interesting
Boys' class. Cass for adults in Sun
day achool room. H. M. Mead, superin
tendent. 1J. a. m. preacning ny tno pas
tor: "Living the Whole Life. ' Story
aermonette tor the ) children : "Finding
Out a Secret." pi m. Intermediate and
Junior Society, C. B. Hugh Shattue, prea-
tdent; 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
Good meeting, interesting leader, warm
welcome for all; 7:30 p. m. aJdrett.
"God's Message in; the Clouds. Motion
picture: Immigrants in tn-e flew Land.
Oood music by chorus choir under direc
tion of Mr. McGururist. Everybody welcome.
First Baptist William T. Milliken.
minister. Bible achool at 9:45. Graded.
Classes for all agea. Edward Schnnke,
superintendent. Morning worship at 11.
Evening worship at 7:30. Morning sub
ject: "The Baptist and tho School Ques
tion.' Evening theme: "The Best Place
in the world to Live." Teacher Train
ing class on Monday evening open to all.
B. T. P. U. clasa Monday evening. Thurs
day evening prayer and praise service.
Topic: "The Two Covenants Made With
Abraham" Visitors wleomed at all
First . German Baptist Rev. John J.
Lucas, minister. Bible school at 4:43.
Moraine rship at 11:00 and evening
worship at 7:30. Prayer meeting at
7:30 on Wedneaday evening. Dan Srhor-
man, Bible acnool - superintendent. Visit
ors cordially greeted.
apply them to tho problem confronting
as. Mrs. M. Keriaiiiaa will sing. Mra.
V. A. I;&tom at the organ.
i All are cordially inriied to oar services
; and to our reaCtn room.
KjlsI State uud iChienth streets G.
Koehler. minister. Sunday school at 9:43
a. m. Preaching enrice in 0'erman at
10 :u a. m. Young people's taeetins at
2:S0 p. m. Evening serric- in Entctish
at T :3C P- n- Bible study and; praj-er
meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Bible
school every Saturday from 9 to V2 a. m.
CCatecheticat instruction for tateeha
BieBS oq Saturday from 1 to 3 p. m.
Everybody is invited to our serTitea.
L B. 8. A.
International Bible Students' Assorts
tion Meet, every Sunday in Derby ball
corner Court and High streets, upstairs
for Bible etudy. Hours from 10 to 13..
All interested in Bible study welcome.
Meet evtrry Suniia; at U :30 p. m. and
First Church 4-10 Cbemeketa street
Sunday morning services at 11 a. ni. Sub-
256 State St
, BICYCLES, v;.:.
If it is a Columbia or Dayton you will pot roal Moycle
Satisfaction. j-- .v..!.t. , t? . '
Fix up that bike a"J ride it to school.
3S7 Court Street
Phone 1687
First Presbyterian :4S, Ssbbata
school. Mr. ii. E. Barrett, sunerintendeat.
The business men's bible clasa with Mr.
Long aa teacher ia growing in numbers
and interest. The clasa ia two weeks old
and has a membership of above thirty.
"100" by Cnriatmaa" la their goat A
large enthusiastic Woman's Bible class is
taught by Mrs. C. A. Park. The Young
People' Bible clasa, known ai the " Tri
e's' ' and taught by Mra. R. M. T. Hes
ter ia doing good i work. This claaa ex
tends a cordial, invitation to all young
people above the High achool age. Classes
throughout the Sunday school for chil
dren of all agea. 11:00 a. m. Infant
baptiem will be administered. Thocis de
siring to have their children baptized
ihould call the ; minister beforehand,
phone 1480-M. Sermon: "The Strength
of the Burden-Bearers" by tho pastor.
Anthem 'Resignation" will bo rendered
by the choir. 6:30 p. m. Christian En
deavor Societies, including Junior, inter
mediate. Advance Intermediate, and Sen
ior. 7:30 p.-m. The popular gospel serv
ice is growing ia) attendance and inter
est. The live opening; song aerrice is aa
enjoyable feature for all. and the short
spicy Gospel" message ia being well re
ceived. Remember this service ' doers
promptly at 8:30. Bring the whole family.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Mr. and Mra. H E. Caswell. 425 Nortu
Winter street. leaders. Tel. 921-J. Serv
ices aa usual thia afternoon at 632 South
Commercial street. Sunday school at . 2
o'clock, followed by preaching at 3. Keg
ular Thursday afternoon meeting On next
Thursday, Oct 26. at 632 South Com
mercial, beginning at 2:C0 o'clock. All
very cordially welcome.
St. Pauls ?The Little Church
Around the Corwr' ' Rev. H. Duncan
Chambers, rector. There wmi tie the usual
services Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m.
Church sebool at 9:45. Morning prayer
with sermon at 11 Young Peoples So
ciety at 6:3(X Mra. U. G. Shiply, leader
Subject: "Missins" ,AU most oordiully
invited At the 11 a. m. aervice Mra.
Kiddle wilyl 4ing .a solo.
Cottage and Cbemeketa streets. Tiev.
Martin Fereshetoan, minister. Church
school at 10:00,. a. at. Graded instruc
tion. Claaa for adults in tne Psychology
of Religion. . , Mr. . Fereshetiah conducts
this clasa in person. Lecture and discus-
sum. Devotions! aerviees at
m. , Subject , of the aeraon :
ity and ProTiucialism," Mr.
tian will trace the hiatorical
J9 AeaJ aMtavaSaattaistKa
4o-t aw .ttf t L 4c -.ytryatSi ' "yiyiy
mm m .
W ttSaaaaasa. a.3 . : " 5 fj. A
2 ii
Don't let' the tire .question botiier C j
you. The, solution is simplicity it- ' 3
self. Get your tires at "Western r' -i
Auto' where you can get just the Ji.J
style of tire you prefer, where you
can save money and where guar- J; ( .
antees mean what they say..
Western Giant Cords
12,000-Mile Guarantee :- " ' 2 ) Z
Conceded by thousands' of motorists4 ti 4
throughout the west to be' the acme J
oT tire-construction. Tremendous piti
mileage is assured by quality jrrate-. 1
rial, superior desism and over-size . 1 1 .4
construction. Freedom from skid
ding is assured by the high bars and
suction cups. Guarantee is backed
by whole Western' Auto organization-
adjustment" made at any of
our 60 stores. )' j ,
. Inspect this extremely beautiful,
super aervice tire.
t i
t i
32x3 12
m 33x41a
f3 35x4Va
f 6.85
$ 7.55
Western Standard Cord, 30x3 V, $12.40
$ 9.45
Spot Lights
Make night driving safe. You pick out ditches, turns and
read signs conveniently. I C
See our bis display. .. . tpOitu
to $12 35
Stop Signals
Keep th man be
hind from crash -Injt
into you by
letting him know
when you are going-
to- stop or slow
down. The cheap
est insurance vou
can 4 f
buy .... s I iQU
Windshield Wing.
Possibly the
most beautify
ing accessory
on the market.
Useful as well
aa ornaroentaL
Protect paa
engera from
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Several styles
to choose from.
Western Giant
The more you know
about tires the more
you will appreciate
the quality and value
in Western Giant
Fabric Tires. Fleavy
cleated tread mean
mileage and "non-skid-ability."
Fabrics ;
Don't forget that a
tire ia only, as good
as the service it
gives. We otter
Pharls on this basis.
Eight years of satis
faction to car owners
through "Western
Auto" is" the, Pharls
record In the west. -
Give closed car com
fort to the occupant
of the rear seat aa
well as adding dis
tinction to your car.
Made of heavy dou
ble thickness glass,
with nickel-plated
frame, com- 0Qfl
plete pZU
De Luxe Model. Bevel Plate Glass, aolid brass
rrame. nickel finished
The glare of sun or head
lights never annoys the
driver of a car equipped
with a visor. This positive
danger Is eliminated and
greater driving comfort Is
enjoyed. These visors also,
aid In keeping glass free
from rain or snow. We hare
a type to nt your ' car In
$3.75 to $20.00
either glass or
metal ..
a. poanive nt-caalty for every ear. We tarry itr!or type, ea
allows. r exterior types la aaay stylea for ?Ca J 1)C
either open or eloaed cara.... -., ,l3Cte)4iZ9
De Luxe and Loclwig Radiator Caps
Oroatly kiss
tlty fomt ear
a n 4 m avk e
eaaier the all
lag of the radl.
Uenil e a p a
ranOar taaft of
metometer 1m
poaaible. Very
boaatltal. too.
Price 95c to $1.8V.-srice $2.85 to $3.85
Nebraska, ff! 1,
-Tires:- I I
The exceptional co- J;r
Incidence where reai T 1 ,
quality and. remark-, 1 - .
ably low prices meet I J ;
Before buying be , ! t
sure ' and Visit our j' ,
store and inspect this m t 1 .
pride of "the Corn - i -"
huskor" stauT j I .pi ft
m sMHsaMasstl L -
I i 1
For. Fords
The last word
In class for
Fords. Big
nickel and
black drum
head lamp
similar In de
sign to those
used on i the
moat expen
sive cars. . A
set of these
lamps will
make your
Ford look like
a million dollars.
Price $9.00 Pair
jlWmi '"a Jj I '
1 lilt
Xl-.- Ct a?
new aiiiDiTieiai n'
Just Received
Warmth, comfort and Jlatlnet(vmn
are exprcaaed in every Vatra
Ante - robe. Ne - expenee bae be n
aparod In proenrins tho verjr nnast
train wool Is tlck to.faaaion taeaa
wonderful comfort provider ta nuf
attractive-- and , .distinctive designa.
We carry a large aaeortment and you
should visit our store and prck aut
one or two from our Bumoroes boaa
tlful patterna. .i -
m -w
125 North High Street Phone 796
l 11:00 a. -a arl r, 1 ej as- a." ' 1 ll T M 1
t mtificUT OttUibutwna
-- .- --. .sv-jt vv'-5ii..'.iir,.'t. ts