The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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now 'Silent". Dura! in "The
Great Alone," Salisbury has the
biggest. of, all hia great roles. He
comes tp the Liberty Tuesday.
v '; I I irrh w
tre. has the
the. first; star, to form, her
Clara, Kimball Young, s whose
atest.picture, "The Hands of Na-
ra," Is now at the Liberty tnea-
distlnction of being
producing company. She was al
to., member of the first organi
sed, motion picture company, and
the. first moving picture actress
to have her name in electric
Ights on Broadway, at the Cri
terion theatre. Since that time
she has been the star in a number
of photodramas, most recent of
which were "Eyes ' of Youth."
The Forbidden "Wioman," and
"The -Soul of Rafael.'
Mr. and Mr3. Carter DeHaven in "My Lady Friends.
Talk ahout the power; of con
centration! Ia the midst of the
bright lights and, jaxz music, sur
rounded by the dancing girls and
wild life- of a. cosmopolitan cafe
in the Paramount studio, sat Mil
ton Sills, reading and quite ab
sorbed in a catalogue of garden
seeds! Mr. Sills is noted for his
Interest in floriculture. He plays
the featured masculine role in
Burning Sands," a new Para
mount production of George Mel
ford which comes to the Oregon
theatre tonight. Wanda . Hawley
has a strong role in this photo
Harold Lloyd in "A Sailor Made Man.'
Clara Kimball ; Young t in
"The Hands of Nara." .
: OREGON - ' '
t . - - .. . .
Matinee only "Sonny.".
Evening performance. Milton
Sills In "Burning Sands.
.:'; . j HUGH' - ' -'
VandeTllle and Robert War
wick in "Mizioura." V
M ' ' GRAND '
; Harold Lloyd in "A Sailor
Made' Mim"jrand Elaine Ham
merstein in "Under Oath."
classification of household pets
forTinky", Is a pig and he ,1b
kept in fine "stile" on a neigh
boring .farm,, .While Pinky
stands high in Miss Walton's fa
Tor, "pigs is pigs" and as such
have to be kept in their place.
' ; , At one time in his career aa tT
foremost American . playwright
'Augustus Thomas made a resolu
v tlon to write play around every
state in the. Union. "Arizona"
1 tod "Colorado" fell from his pro-
i lific pen, bat! he saved the major
I ' part of his effort for "in miz
vtottrs," which, with the late Nat
Godwin In the steuar . roie, scor
ed a striking! success on Broad-
wayandJater. on.the-Jfoad. -This
drama. has been adapted to tne
creen for Paramount . by Beulah
Marie Dixy At the Bligh theatre
today, with Major 'Robert War
arlck , as the Car. . .Eileen Percy, is
the Reading lady and Hugh F
was the director.
Gladys Walton has added
'ewi:omer to her " menagerie
p4; : :
ff His name is "Pinky" and
blared prominent part In
mistress' latest Universal starring
vehicle, "Top O the Moning., to
he shown at the Bligh ' theatre
next Sunday and Mondav.
u ; While location, the farmer's
Tife at whose, house, scenes J for
,rTop 'O the "M6rntng"; were being
ihot, presented "Pinky" to '..Miss
Walton -as a token of her love and
- (admiration for the little Universal
Unlucky for the newcomer,. Jie
rhoesn't quite ' come under the1
The Grand theatre will offer
two feature bill today. Harold
Lloyd in "A Sailor Made Man
and Elaine Hamer stein in "Under
Oath" The .latter picture is a
dramatic subject. Miss Hammer-
stein's first attempt in a Teal emo
tlonal part and .'all. the, , critics
were loud In their praises of her
work in this feature. Mahlon
Hamilton has the lead, and Ham.
llton always registers, strong.
Harold Lloyd will convulse , the
Grand audiences again in his part
of "The Gog." "A Sailor Made
Man" is one of the best things
Harold ever did and any body
who does not want to laugh and
laugh heartily had' better stay
away from the Grand. These two
big pictures for the price of one
will be shown, Saturday and Sun,
day. .
After f !nlshing'"My Lady
Friends," in which Carter De Ha
ven is starred, and which will be
shown at the Liberty theatre on
Sunday, Lloyd Ingraham. director
of, the .production, hurried to hla
Santa Barbara ranch. Ingraham
was particularly anxious to see
the wild (coat which .won first
prize recently at. Santa V Barbara
livestock, show. The . manager of
Tngraham's ranch. ,wrpte Lloyd
weekly reports telling of the daily
increase of butting power., acquir
ed by . the : goat, and Lloyd ..went
down to investigate for himself.
the defendant., deserted her ,16
months ago and that, she is un
aware of his whereabouts. The
coupie were married in Bloom
field. Mo., December 17. 116.
and have one child. This ' child
is now in the custody of the
mother and she asks the court for
its permanent custoCj.
DALLAS, Ore.? Oct. 20.
(Special to The Statesman)
A. M. Matlock who has operated
a sawmill west of this city near
Ellendale for a number of years
past will, close out . his stock of
lumber and business and will
leave about the first of the new
year for. Tillamook county where
he will look into the lumber and
milling business.
n it il
Heavy Fines and Long Jail
Terms - Imposed Upon
Prohibition Violators
DALLAS, Ore., Oct. 20. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Sam
Gibson and Lester Keency, two
farmers of the Fafls City neigh-
borhood, who were arrested by
Sheriff Orr la a raid on their
home Monday were given stiff
sentences when tried before Jus
tice of the Peace Ed. F, Coad,
Tusday afternoon. Gibson was
fined 3rv.O and given four months
in the county jail and Keeney was
given a $200 fine and foulr roquths
in jail. j
While no; still was fouiid on the
premises of the men who were.-!
jointly operating a farm In the
neighborhood, -a large quantity of
materials for making liquor, in
cluding four barrels ot mash. 40
pounds each . of dried raisins and
dried peaches, ! besides bottles,
jugs and 4 other materials was
found and, upon this evidence
Judge Coad based his opinion
that the men were engaged in the
manufacture of liquor and meted
out the sentences. "
On th foillowingr day Paul Lon-
de also of Falls City, who was j
arrested Sunday on a moonshine
charge, was, given the most e-
versentence yet given a viola-!
tor of the prohibition laws in this
county. On one charge of sell
ing -Intoxicating liquor he was giv.
en a fine of $100 and SO days ia
the county Jail and on a charge
of manufacturing liquor he drew
a fine or 400 and a jail sentence
of five months. Ralph Thrasher
who was arrested at the time Lun.
de was taken into custody and In
whose house the complete still al
leged to be the property of Lunde
was found, was found guilty and
was fined $100 with three months
!r jail added.
"I hear that you have given up
singing to the prisoners?" 'v
"Yes. Tney coiuyiauned that It
wasn't in the penal code."
Stockholm f Kasper. ' f
' ' ' ' '
Thomas Melghan denies the
theory that big families are be
coming scarce especially In Bos
ton.. -V - U't,y '
"I was Playing in f Boston l. in
The, Family," he .says, 'and the
management advertised that , the
largest family in Boaton, would be
given free, box. That next night
there were dozens of families con
sisting of parents and eighteen!
or twenty children. The man
agement had to give one perfor-
mahce to the famjlies contesting
for the : free bores , They. were I
so numerous as to fill the entire
theatre.? -
Mb. Melghan,, plays' a featured
role m Manslaughter, Cecil . B.
DeMille's latest ; production for
Paramount, which . will be the at
traction at the Oregon - theatre 1
next Saturday. Leatrice Joy and
Lois Wilson have the principal
feminine roles, f , i ,
"Could not. stand nor sit, and
was forced to cry out from in
tense pain," writes Henry Wlll-I
lams Tarkio, Montana. P. L ."The 1
doctors said I had inflammation
of the bladder and an operation
was necessary. Tried Foley's
Kidney Pills and was relieved at
once. Tell all my frienids about
Foley Kidney Pills as it will save
many from suffering and perhaps,
as in my case, a dangerous opera
tion." Bladder and kidney
trouble demands prompt treat
ment. Foley Kidney Pills givo
quick relief. Sold everywhere,
Monroe Salisbury is well known
to screen tan's as a portrayer of
virile roles. Things happen in'
his , pictures, as thosa who "saw
him in "The Savage." "The Mil
lionaire Pirate." "Hugon. The
Mighty". "The Light of Victory
"The Barbarian," and5"The Sleep
ing" Lion" will remember. f And
AlGlonous t ,
:y -'Vacation land;-
I f&$$i ' ;' "nd ''. yWr"
1 Mrm (JWf. are soon forgotten .
V fe' Sunny
Sjaniit sidesFlowers in blos
somMiles of sparkling ocean
iat your feet, are just a few of
; life's advantages in this vacationland for everyone.
Low Round Trip Fares
' San Francisco Santa Barbaras-Los Anjeles San
j j Diego and other California resort points
I ""The California Express" has through SUndard Sleep-
v ers Portland to Los Angeles via Sacramento. !
For farestrain service, sleeping
car reservations
folders ask agents,
or Deaumui
or write .
V .
G. P. A., Portland, Ore.
Shortage of Cement is
Cause of Delay in Work
DALLAS, Ore., Oct. 20. -
(Special to The Statesman)
The concrete sidewalk improve
ments . In pallas this year have
bean seriously hampered by the
cement shortage which : has struck
the . state and J. D. Gordon the
contractor, will hardly have tim?f
before bad weather to finish the
amount of work outlined by the
city council. Mr. Gordon has been
unable to secure cement for sev
eral weeks and as. a large number
of, walk8 ,yet remain to be laid
end the wet weathe coming on
he will herdly have time to com
plete the. job in the time limit
eetby...the council. Durirfg the
past tew days however, he has
received j. some cement and if he
should be unable to complete tne
Job. this year the council will
grant him an extension of time
until next spring.
Warren's Second Trial
j Will Be Held in January
PALLAS, Ore., Oct. 20.
(Special , to The Statesman)
The trial of PhUnp warren.
Grande Ronde Indian, for the
murder of Glen O. Price at the
town of New Grande Ronde on
the night of September 2 has been
definitely set for the January,
1923 term of Polk county circuit
court. Warren was acquitted Dy
a jury last week for the murder
of Grover C. Todd, one of the
raemfoers ot the prohibition .en
forcement forces and as the jury
panel for the year was exhausted
the case was laid over until the
nxt term of court.
Polk County Registration
i- Is Over 7000, Shown
DALLAS, Ore., Oct. 20.
fSoecial to The Statesman)
County Cterk Floyd D, Moore has
just finished the compilation , of
the registered voters in the coun
ty and finds the number of voters
of the various parties as fouowii
Republicans, 4675; Democrats,
r297: Prohibitionists." 105: So
cialists. 90, and Independents,
Pearl Trevathan Brings
. Suit for Separation
, DALLAS, Ore., Oct. 20.
fSriecial to The Statesman)
Through - her . attorney Glen O.
Ifolman of this city, Pearl Trev
athan has brought suit- tor di
vorce against her husband Clar-j
9 aV
Beginning Today, Saturday! A Pre-Holiday
VS of the Celebrated $?
:M Tiliicl Pearls .
Guaranteed to Retain Th eir Lustre Permanently?
At Astoundingly Low Prices
La Tausca Pearls need no introdnctibn. They
received the goli medal at the Panama-Pacific
Exposition and also at the Paris ExpositiOQ, akid
have always bee'n the most popular pearls with
discriminating purchasers.
Each Necklace in thn WondeHM
ular high grade La Tausca strictly first quality
each put lip in a hanltlsome telyeVcase; "f
Look for the La Tausca regulation gtlatanlet
tag. ' .
To Facilitate Handling Have Grouped Them Iritb
Lot No. 1
18 -inch length.
Sale price
Solid gold, clasp.
18 and
price .
Lot No. 2
24 - inch length.
Special sale
Lot No. 3
Solid gold
24 - inch length.
gold clasp.
Special sale price
Oriental coIoV' Solid
Lot No. 4
18 - inch length. White
ond clasp.
Special sale price -
gold, diam-
Lot No. 5
24 -inch length.
ond clasp.
Special sale price
gold, . diam-
Lot No. 6
u ..
24 - inch . length. White
ond clasp.
Special sale price
gold, diam-
Lot No. 7
24 - inch length.
ond clasp.
Special sale price
gold, diam-
, . - - V .
We cannot too strongly urge you to buy NOW lor future wants ?swe cannot guarantee duplicates at
these prices when this sale is over. Sale starts Saturday.
See Beautiful Display
Direct From Paris
A MeSs8e
When pearls became so valuable that only the
most affluent could enjoy their beauty, man sought
to create something that would be as beautiful, yet
within the reach of those seeking this most lovely
setting for feminine beauty. '
In 1648, after centuries of studyahd experi
ment, a process was discovered hy which, but of
the same matter that Nature employs, a man-made
pearl could be produced. To a Frenchman be
longs the glory of giving the world this wonderful
gem that is sp eagerly sought by all lovers of the
beautifuL .".s. :A'
France gives the world La Tausca Pearl's ?
pearls so perfect that tiiey lose nothing through
comparison with Nature's most priceless gems. ,
x Therei are many kinds of La Tausca Pearls,
each with a character distinctly its own. Eack of
space prevents irs from telling you aU,so we in
vite you to visit our jewelry department there to
see, to feel, to learn, to know La Tausca Pearls.
Gifts Sup
Phone 11
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3 h ,
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the plaintiff alleges that U
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