The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Latest Investigation Into
New Jersey Double Mur-
der Said to Lead Into
; prorpinentHome .
Cousin of Mrs. Hall Seen
Leaving House Morning
f Bodies Were Found
19. (By The. Associated Press.)
The latest investigation Into the
double : slaying .of the. Reverend
Edward Wheeler Hall and Elean
or Relnhardt Mills, chc4 singer.
which the, authorities have been
guarding with such secrecy, that
they have considered it essential
to remove their official head
quarters , to bound oroolc, N. J..
leads' directly Into the home tot
''one of the leading t amilies of
New. Brunswick a county offi
cial said tonight.
; 1 This official,, who declined to
permit his Identity to be revealed
Is known to be in very close touch
wlth the county prosecutors. I
,. Secret Closely Kept t
"The authorities are In posses
sion of something with which the
public has . not been Acquainted
. and which is being jealously
guarded, he said. v"We all sin
cerely believe that it contains tho
solution of the crime.
Less than 24 hours after it be
came known that the county pros
ecutors, through the. obtaining of,
signed, statements, had built up a
. theory that the couple were slain
-in a vacant "shed.rm ore than four
miles from the spot where their
bodies .were found,'1 the author!-,
ties were ridiculing the story. ,
Examination of the floor of the
building which was said to have
formerly been used as a school,
is 1 said to have, failed " to reveal
any trace of blood stains.
Dairy :1s ' Perused
The authorities admitted that
they were. attempting to trace the
diary of Mrs.' Mills, which it is
said, Bhe gave to the rector in ex-.
. change for his.. '
They : also.' said that considera
tion was being given to the poss!-
btllty that Mrs.; Mills diary in.
possession, of the rector., had been.
a starting point of the crime and
that the establishing of the ae-
ial timeof its discovery among
i4 papers is considered of great
value in the case.
Cousin. Was Seen
..In tracing this clue, the auth
orities learned, today that a man
Identified Is Edward Carpenter,
a cousin of Mrs. Hall, was seen
leaving the Hall hom4 on the
morning on which the bodies were
found carrying a, tray, filled with
what Were said, to be papers,
LONDON, Oct., 19. (By , the
Associated Press Like President
Roosevelt David ; Lloyd . George,
speaking . as prime ; minister of
Great Britain, . would gladly af
fidm "I like my Job.
This has been-the attitude of
Mr. Lloyd George ; when ' friends
told him during the last stages of
i bis seven .hard years as head of
the government that.he was car-
man to bear; this has been tne
face he has J. presented to his
countrymen, throughout the four
1 years of after war construction.
His attitude has been. that of a
f man seldom tired and never des-pondeat.--
He was ; essentially a
fighter, who always took the of
fensive against his enemies when
they thought they '. had driven
him Into a corner. .. And, through
out all he was taking everything
that came with pure enjoyment
Greatness Recognized
v This was Lloyd George Journey
ing on the continent from confer
rence to conference,, always (l by
common consent the great, figure
among t the allied, .statesmen,, re-
' turning to parliament, to face an
other newsnaDer-heralded crisis.
usually creating an International
. ' T ' '"i .
I '
United States Senator Charles L. McNarv retumprl last
night from Washington, D. C
on Court street.
The, early 'Dart of Senator
be taken up with a sneakine tour throughout the state in be
half of the Republican state ticket and the national adminis
tration, then after a brief rest he will return to Washington
for a special session of congress that will be called by the
president the latter part of November. .
Senator McNary visited with President Hardinar the dav
before he left for Oregon, and
he will visit Oregon and other
State Bonus Commission
Fills Places of Two Oust
ed Officials
Deschutes county again has a
full quota of soldiers' bonus land
appraisers. At its meeting in Sa
lem .Thursday, the state bonus
board approved the selection of J.
A. Estes of Bend, Frank E. May,
also of Bend and W. E. Van Al
len of Redmond, to Berve for'
Deschutes county, in lieu of the
board of appraisers, two of whom
were recently deposed.
White Makes Inquiries
. George A. White, adjutant
general and a member of the
state board, is still over in the
Deschutes country, investigating
bonus land matters, and.waj not
present at the Thursday meeting
: The appraisers who were oust
ed . in Deschutes county on a
charge, of padding real estate
values offered for security on sol
dier loans, were H. J. Overtnrf
of Bend,, a member of : the state
legislature, and O. B. Hardy of
Redmond. Fred N. Wallace of
Tumalo, the third , member, had
resigned some time previously for
personal reasons.
Loans Approved
The .board approved of 152 new
loans yesterday, aggregating
$275,000; passed for immediate
payment, 50 loans already ap
proved , and . the warrants are to
be drawn today for $125,000; to
pay, them; and allowed new cash
claims aggregating $7,200.
Molalla Farmer Found
Dead in His Stable
MOLALLA, Ore- Oct. 19 Gus
tavo Johnson, 40, a farmed living
east of j town was found dead in
his barn tonight. It was thought
that he had been kicked to death
by a,horse.
Mr. Johnson had been working
at the barn and his death was
discovered when Mrs. Johnson
went to call him to supper.
incident through photographs of
himself teaching M. Briand the
former French premier, to play
golf- leading a song festival
among his r fellow-Welshmen, or
gathering non-conformist clergy
men around the breakfast table
in his oficial residence in Down
ing street. I
Llovd George's trait ( Oi oouy-
ancy, never was more appealingly
Manchester last week. He enjoy
ed;the cheering tor him K the
railway station ms tace ovuxw
over it; he welcomed-the .waving
of handkerchiefs by families
along the roadside as. ne movorea
into Manchester I mosi , o an, u
enjoyed his . peech. u , caraiy
carried conviction to his auditor
when he protested mai no ou
would welcome his i retirement
more than himself., ,
The Otler Aeted.j ,
A friend asked, the premier pa
Monday. what he purposed ,to :do
now, .The-premier's reply .was'J
am see .whatUle others
wMWv: ;'. , -
The others - acted today.. What
ever program may, result tor .the
premier, he tonight gave no sign
of " embarking upon it as. a tired
and is at the R. P. Boise home
McNarv's time in Orpcnn will
was told by the president that
coast states next year.
The first part of Senator Mc-
Nary's speaking tour will be in
Eastern Oregon, and will besiu
next Tuesday night. when he ap
pears at Baker.
Other Iato Arranged
Other speaking dates in eastern
Oregon will be at La Grande, Pen
dleton and The Dalles, and he will
next appear at Astoria.
After the Astoria meeting the
senator will go to Medford and
from that place will work up the
west side of the state, appearing
at-all the principal cities.
Along with hi3 boosting for !t
U&publican victory in Oregon
Senator McNary will emphasize
the achievements of tho Harding
administration, and will touch
strongly on what the administra
tion has done for the farmers.
Other issues will be brought out.
Reclamation To Come t"i
The $500,000,000 reclamation
measure fostered by Senator Mc
Nary, and which was made a part
of the soldier bonus measure that
was vetoed by the president, will
come up as a separate measure at
the next session of congress and
the senator believes its success is
The reclamation measure, with
its provisions for district organi
zation, Senator McNary declares,
would work wonders for the
Willamette valley. Its need, he be
lieves ,hag been shown particular
ly during the recent dry growing
season. He avers that under the
provisions of the proposed act
agricultural and horticultural
production in the Willamette val
ley could be doubled.
Bodies of Lost Hunters
Found in Pine Tree Canyon
MOJAVE, Cal., Oct. 19. The
bodies of Henry Aerick and H.
Frietag of Los Angeles, who had
been missing since they started on
a deer huting trip a week ago,
were found today in Pine Tree
canyon in the southwestern sec
tion of Kern county, by a party of
searchers from Mojave. There was
a bullet wound In Aerick's head
the searchers said, but no mark
on Frietag.
PARIS, Oct. 19. -(By the As
sociated Press) The Chamber of
Deputies this evening gave a vote
of confidence to Premier Poin
care's government.
man. On tomorrow night's pil
grimage .to Leeds, six addresses
from the rear platform of his
train have been arranged by Mr.
Lloyd George at various points
en route.
- It is at campaigning that Mr
Lloyd George is most effective.
May Roll Vp Sleeves
If he goes into the country sb
th English phrase has. it, his
present form promises to show
In the belief of many persons, in
a spectacular effort approaching
Gladstone s wonderful Midlothian
campaign. So many years have
passed since the retiring premier
rolled up his sleeves and went on
the stump as a candidate for of
fice that the people will watch to
see whether and how far he re
verts to bis old forensic style
which gained for him the name
of "Limehousing." Most of the
premiers of Great Britain have
been , aristocrats and however
sharp the dash of political. arms
they .have kept scrupulously with
in the rules of their caste. Lloyd
George. prides himself. on beinj
man of the world, and never was
he more so thas when playing
Continued on gags Q
Prison Population in Port-
land Reduced, However
lllU n, r-!,, ir
When Proper Conduct is
Proved by Some.
Alternative of 90-Day Term!
on Rock Pile Not Invit
in to I. W. W.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 19.
Arrests of men arriving in town
and suspeeted of affiliation with
the I. W. W. and the Marin
Transport Workers' association
continued throughout today,
Today's arrests numbered about
SO, according to the police and
sheriff's offices. Most of the men
were taken from incoming trains
as soon as they reached the city
limits and some were taken by
sheriffs' officers before arriving
in the citj
Jail Census Reduced
The population of the city jail.
which at one time Wednesday
night numbered more than 300
men, was reduced to about 200
today. A considerable number
had been released during the
night, or as fast as they estab
lished to the satisfaction of the
police that they had no connec
tion with the present strike on
the waterfront or with the I.
W. W. i
Forty Will Move On
In police court today some 40
men were given choice by Judge
Ekwell of taking a 90-day stretch
on the rock pile or leaving town.
Unanimously--they chose to leave!
town. They will be escorted to
southern city limits by police de
tails early tomorrow and started
on their way according to Chief
of Police Jenkins.
Federation Backs Strike
Officers of the staXe and city
federations of labor tonight is
sued a joint statement denouncing
as untrue a declaration in the
proclamation of Mayor George L.
Baker Wednesday night that the
present strike on the waterfront
was wholly backed by the I. W. W.
and not by the federation of la
bor organizations. The statement,
signed by Otto R. Hartwlg, presi
dent of the Oregon federation of
labor and G. A. Von Schritlx,
president of the Portland labor
council, says in part:
"The mayor informs the public
in a statement that organized la
bor, as represented by the unions
affiliated with t&e American Fed
eration of Labor have not sane
tioned the strike and that the
strike 13 not in the interest pri
marily of better wages and work
ing conditions. That
is untrue in every particular.
Conditions Held Bad
''The employers on the water-
front have, since the settlement of
the 'Btrike last summer, continued
to force upon the workmen wages
and working conditions which fin-
ally became unbearable and as a
result of this arrogant and arbi
trary attitude on the part of the
employers, the members of the
iongshoremen's union affiliated
with the American Federation of
Labor to the number of 635
ceased work last Friday About
275 I. W. W.'s, who had been em-
ployed by the stevedorine com-
panie3 elected to quit work at
about the same time, resulting in
a complete tleuD of watprfrnnt
Father and Son Found
Guilty by Eugene Jury
EUGENE, Ore., Oct, 19. E. C-
Rudolph and his son. Dulbert Ru-
dolph. today were found guilty by
a jury in tne circuit court of the
crime ot arson. They were ac-
cused of burning a farm dwelling
uu oarn at cimira, L.ane county,
last spring to obtain the $6,000
insurance carried upon the build
ings. Testimony introduced by
the state indicated that the build
ings and contents were not valu
ed at more than f 2.000.
Lynch Bound Over on
Non-Support Charge
On .a charge of non-support
oased on complaint of his divorced Urover Lybch was yester
day bound over to the grand Jury pany and the Central Pacific Rail
by Justice of the Peace Unruh. way where dissolution of the
His bait was fixed at $500. Lynch
is the. father o two children.
Valuable Articles of Wearing
Aprarel Missed; No Clue
To Offenders Found
SILVEKTOX, Ore., Oct. 19
The disappearing of laundry hung
wn outdoor clothes unes has be-
Mime a ncjueni uiic'iise uur-
tne past few weeks in certaln
districts of Sllverton.
Several women report the dis-
ppearance of whole washings.
Others say that all but the tow
rts have been taken. Some again
report that the washings seem to
iiaic been picked over and only
ferta'n articles were among the
One bride of a few weeks re-
if.rts that a valuable hand-made
(ispread and a luncheon set were
;to!cn this week. She said that
-ho clothes line was back of the
house and in a place she had not
hought that the lives would find.
As yet no trace of the theives
i.;:. ui'.cr found.
Moffitt Will See That Port-
land Deportees Do Not
Stop in Salem
A special, detail of six patrol
men will be ordered to watch for
the appearance of 40 I. W. W
who will be shipped from Port
land this morning, Chief of Police
Moffitt, of Salem, said last bight
Two men carrying I. W. W. lit
erature were taken into custody
by the police here late this after
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 13
Determined that no suspected
Industrial Workers of the World
shall enter Vancouver, Sheriff A
W. Thompson today stationed dep
uty sheriffs at the interstate
bridge here to turn back any men
driven out of Portland by the po
Question Arises Whether
Wilson and blaszyk Oan
Be Executed
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 19. The
death penalty may be asked In the
ease of Herbert Wilson and Adam
Blaszyk, convicted murderers and
under life sentences, who with
I Guido Spignola, an alleged ban-
Idit, esca,ped from the county jail
here Tuesday and were recap-
tu red Wednesday.
That announcement came late
today from the district attorney's
office where section 246 of the
penal code was quoted as ground
for the possible action. That sec
tion provides that any person un
der sentence for life in a state
prison, who, with malice afore
thought, assaults a prison officer.
ntay be punished by death
The three men in making: their
escape, assaulted and painfully if
nt seriously injured Henry Pur.
rier deputy sheriff and turnkey
Other officials declared the law
was nt tpplicable to Wilson and
Blaszyk as they were in a county
.'ail and not in a state prison at
ithe time of the attack.
Motorman is Held up
and Change is Taken
C. E. Miller, motorman on a
South Twplflh .troot rar. renort-
ed to the police Wednesday night
that two masked men had held
him nn at tha on nt tha r lino
and taken about $5 in small
change from him. The robbery
took place about 11:30 o'clock.
Officers Branson and White
were sent to the scene, but could
find no trace of the robbers. De
scription furnished the officers
was meagre. The men were said
to be young and roughly dressed.
19. The mandate of the United
States. supreme court in the case
of the diSouthern Pacific com
I roads wat ordered was filed to-
1 day.
Resolution is Adopted Sev
erely Criticising Brigadier
General! Sawyer, Presiden
tial Physician.
Thompson of Pennsylvania
May Come in Strong
When Vote is Cast
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 19 (By
The Assorted Press) The Am
erican legion after a long busi
ness session in which a resolu
tion was 4Pte(l criticising se
verely Brigadier General Sawyer,
in spito of the protest of the
legion's hospitalization commis
sioner, A. A. Sprague of Chicago,
tonight entertained General John
J. Pershing, head of the army In
France and made last minute
preparations for the contest to
morrow for tho selection of its
national officers.
Out ot the names of the multi
tude of candidates for the nation
al commandership, those of Wil
liam F. Def gan ot New York and
Alvln M. Owsley of Denton, Tex.,
stood forth most prominently if
the gossip jof the lobbies and com
mittee rooms was any indication.
Both Candidates Confident
Both assert confidence that
their campaigns will be success
ful, i
Neither jmau had anything fur
ther to add tonight to his earliei
statement :on his stand on legion
policies. I
Owsley, in his report as head
of the legion's Anrerlcanization
commission, had laid stress upon
what he termed the necessity for
"100 per bent Americanism, total
pxclusion bf immigrants from this
country for an indefinite period,
correction! of alleged deficiencies
in text-books dealing with the
rar, with ithe result that the Ger
mans havje been given too favor
able a report."
MacXkler Endorsed
has chosen as his prin
cy continuation of the
cipal pol
honus fiebt. Both endorse the
policy and the record of Hanford
MacNiderL the present comman
Another name which continues
to be discussed is that of Joseph
F. Thompson, a former state
rnmmander of the legion in
It was hinted tonight that
lesolution calling for definite ac
tion in behalf of universal peace,
might be introduced tomorrow by
legionnaires who are also mem
bers of the Inter-allied veterans
Although the lnter-allied vet
erans formally concluded their
convention Monday, an executive
committee of the organization
empowered by the convention to
tftk what action it deemed ex
pedient toward forwarding world
peace has been in session all day
today and is expected to make a
statement shortly covering us po
A resolution attacking and de
manding the removal of Rriga
Hior General Sawyer, President
Hardliner's personal physician
from the post of chief co-ordina
tor of the federal hosprtaaiiza
linn hnini sit adoDted by a vote
of 601 to 375.
Major A. A. Sprague o: Chi
met), mentionea ar -a. wnuiunc
ll J n (A
for the position of national com
mander, vainly tried to stem the
tide against Dr. Sawyer. Spragu
p.tarted theh issue several weeks
ago by a bitter attack on Sawyer
but pleaded today wit the conven
tion to give Dr. Sawyer a chance
on the latter's recent promise of
cooperation with the legion's re
habilitation committee.
The suggestion by Delegate
Pettman of Ohio, that a repudia
tion of Dr. Sawyer would hurt -the
cause of the disabled veterans and
make President Harding "sore
was greeted with hoots and jesrs
mingled with applause.
OREGON: Friday unsettled:
threatening weather with
probable rain.
Jxaral Weather
Maximum temperature, 65.
iMinnimutn temperature. 50.
River. 1.9 feet below norma!
level; stationary.
Rainfall. .05inch.
Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, southwest.
UUimiV Lfl V V 1 H 1 UlUVa
LONDON, Oct. 19. (By the Associated Pros) After
holding the office of prime minister through seven of the
most critical years of British historythree years of war
and four years of reconstruction David Lloyd Georse went
into tha wilderness today.
I This was the description in his Manchester speech of his
position if the Unionist wing of his fathers should desert him.
unionist withdrawal from coalition was decided upon today
by the meeting, which Austen Chamberlain had called at the
Carlton Club and which was attended by the coalition mem-'
Ders oi the house ot cornjnons
were enrolled in the cabinet
The vote was 186 to 187
of pledging the party to sustain the coalition and in favor of
a general election to confirm its course. The meeting was
followed by a succession of swift events which carried' the
coalition government into outer darkness.
Witnesses Declare They Saw
Twin Babies; Defendant
Is Disturbed
HAMMOND. Ind.. Oct. 19.
Frank McNally. middle-aged fac
tory woricer, wno accuses ms
wife of murdering twin babies he
says were bord to her last De
cember, asserted at the prelimin
ary' bearing today that Mrs: Mc-
Nally took the children to. a hos
pital in Chicago last , January and
returned with two dolls which she
substituted for the babies;
Mrs. McNally, who claims that
the twins never were born and
that she hoodwinked her husband
and neighbors by using dolls ! In
order to satisfy her husband's
ambition to be known as a father,
was unperturbed by her husband's
Date of Birth Named
McNally testified the twins
were born December last, as
serted that he had seen them and
that they were alive.
Miss Catherine Griffiths, 17-
year-old daughter of the nurse
who attended Mrs. McNally was
an important state witness today
She said she learned Mrs. McNally
was to become a mother when
she accompanied her to a bath
ing beach in the summer of 1921.
She asserted that after the time
McNally says the twins were born,
she had seen the babies in bed,
alive and kicking and also saw
one of the babies nursing. ,
Merrit Methz an acquaintance
of the McNally's, said he had seen
Mrs. McNally early last Decern
ber and that she was approaching
Test imony 1 1 amis Woman
Mrs. Anna Hartman, a neigh
bor of Mrs. McNally, also testi
fied she had seen Mrs. McNally
in December and that she was
soon to become a mother.
It was expected that when Mc
Nally concludes his testimony to
morrow, the midwife who McNal
ly says attended his wife when
the twins were born, would i be
put on the stand,, possibly as the
last witness for the state. Mrs.
McNally, who appears to consider
the affair lightly, was expected
to be among the first witnesses
for the defense.
Mrs, Delbert lrvln of La
Grande Risks Life When
Home is 'Burned
LA GRANDE. Ore., OcU 19.
By crawling Into a burning house
through the bedroom window,
Mrs. Delbert Irvin of La Gtando
saved her little children from be
ing burned to death early today
The residence, a six-room
frame building, caught fire whn
the household was asleep, appar
ently from an overheated stove.
Mrs. Irvin awoke to fin'l Her
room full of Bmoke and was un
able to reach the children's bed
room while, in the house, so she
ran outside and forced j entry
through a window. Then she car
ried the children ouC ' T
; The, bousg was destrpjredi
and a handful of lord3 who
. .
aoainst the Chamberlain rmlirv
' Andrew Bonar Law will put on
the premier's mantel tor a short
term or, office. The king sum
moned him to Buckingham palace '
tonight and invited him to form
new government which Mr.'
Bonar Law will undertake, Al
though the state of his health,
which compelled him to withdraw
from public life a few months ago,
makes it a risky venture.
Unloniflta Most Meet b
Rsfor Mr. Bonar Law can
formally accept the premiership,
however, & meeting of the Union
1st party f must be held to elect :
a new leader to carry 'onti the
policy to be decided by caucus.
This .meeting, will be held withia
a few day s when Mr. Bonar Law
will bo chosen,;, , ;
Between the Carlton club meet
ing and Bonar Law's . visit to the
king, it was a seethipg afternoon
of rumor and of group gather
Ings among .the political, factions.
Austen Chamberlain first Visited
the prime minister's official resi
dence as had been expected, . tt
offer his resignation; several un
der secretaries and this chief coalfc
tion Unionist whip. . Lieutenant 3
Colonel Leslie Wilson, had alreadf
Informed trie newspapers that the! '"
had. resigned - and t within ' twe
hours Mr. Lloyd George was in
possession of the resignations of
practically aH the members of the,
cabinet,. He then drove to the
palace to tender them to the king.;
Ousted Prnnier Cheerful
Mr. Lloyd George advised the
king to summon Mr. Bonar Law,
and, according to custom, this
was done. While Mr. Lloyd George
exhibited cheerfulness to the few
who saw. him and cheered him on
his journey to the palace be could
not but feel deeply . the verdict
that he no longer commanded the
support of the majority of the Un
ionist party, which for the past
few months had furnished the
strongest material for his cabinet.
It was. Mr. Bonar LaW, more
than any other 1 man who Infltt
enced the Unionist caucus to se
cede from the coalition. He bad
been a sphinx whom the rank and
file of the Unionist commoners
were waiting to hear. He Is a ser
ious and unemotional man with a
quiet manner. His opinion that It
was more important to keep the
party together than to win the ,
next election and -whether by his
own fault or the force of circum
stances, Mr. Lloyd George has lost
the confidence of the country" de
cided many votes. There wta al
so a strong feeling In the party
that the ChamberlainTilan which ;
gave the party's destinies over to
the mall faction representing It
in parliament was not a fair de
vice. ' ""''.
Newport Election Last Straw 4
The last straw weighed in the
scale was the Newport election, in.
which a straight Unionist candi
date, won on a platform of opposi
tion to the coalition and all its
works, although the politicians
thought tbe labor party had a
safe. prospect, in that constituency. :
Mr.' Bonar Law will have Lord
Curzon for one ot the pillars of
his cabinet. Curzon remained
away from the caucus today, but
sent a letter of protest . against
the exclusion of the Jords. I .
One result of today's upheaval
is a split In tbe Unionist party '
which makes its fortunes doubt
ful. A strong group of the old
cabinet unionists remain trtie to
their leader. M,r. .Chamberlain,
the Earl of Balfour. Lord Birken
head. Sir Laming Worthlngton
Evans and Sir Robert Stevenson
Horn follow Mr. Lloyd George in
to the wilderness and many work
ers In tbe party ranks are likely
to go with them. '
Chajnbeiialn Hooted. - 'A
The precincts of the solemn
gray old Carlton club, which has
sheltered much history making la.
. IContlnned, on pagf J
I -iv: