4 r fHE OfUSGON STATESMAN, SALTO, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1922 OLIBSmXO 1DYUTI8X1CXXTS fbM bo war it aSeertioa. So So j Throe iaaorfloaa BO VMk (tlx Insertions). Oae mo at a JO Si utki' oaatrmet. Mr aae. 16 II SBeatbe' ea tract, par mo. (ialn-aos for any advertlse-n't SS J' NORWICH UNION ITIRB INSURANCE SOCIKTT J W, XL. Burghardt, Jr. Resident A tent 371 Stat BL MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd Both Bank) NEW TODAY AfTER OCT. 21,-1922. WILL NOT BE responsible for outstanding bills- edn-tra-rto y-.Nen.k.ng Cafe.- Jong. 8iog, Mgr. tflaaaghal Cafe, Joraerly Momklag. SHANGHAI CAPE. FORMERLY THE aNomkiog. 162ft ff. ComacreiaJ. Bew . managemeat) Merchant' a Lunch 25e from II a. m. to a p. nt- every -.ay. Choice Chinese, American dUb.-Chop Suey 45e. Noodles 25c; Sunday Chicken Dinner a specialty. Open Iron 11 a. . M t. m. C IX BOOM i. HOUSE. - WELL- BUHT, jfina een'itoa 135x110 eoraer; full basement ; bsth. - Fine fruit. $3400. Jay lika rant. See Harri. 624 N. Capitol, 1842-J. . , SHOW CASE TOR SALBL CALL 10 A 11 a ja. 85 Btate Bt. - JOB BALE TURN IT USE, f CANNED fruit .and dishes. 2161 Korih Front. THREE WORK HORSES, ONE SADDLE . poor.' Sell heao at the Aaetloa Sales Wable. South. High. j W anted two on three more man to plant tulip bulb. Phono S2T14. W.-Franklin.-- TEA.CT S ACRES WITH FAIR 5-ROOM home, barn, chickta and bog hoot. Mutt acrific now at 12000 over all. Immediate possession and 409 - will - . handle.,. Back at Hendricks. .205 U. a Baak Bldg. t -' . kj'j . LOST COLLIB DOO ANSWERS TO aaroe i "Laddie." . License number 1885. I Notify. Lloyd A. La. Frnlt land Road. Phone F21. Reward. , WINCHESTER AUTOMATIC SHOT GUN lor Bale. A-l eoaditioa. Pr. Fre4 Elll. FOR SALE Six-room noose and two lots on south Liberty' street,' . Frio 13150 $500 caah, balance terms . 1 : , Krtfegter - ' Oretoa Bid Paoae 21T. - THE FIRS INSURANCE AGENT' IS "A rpeeialist is hia line eonaolt him as ' yon would your lawyer or doctor. We , welcome inqntriea. No obligations. Wo render high cists ferrlcej tLow Coat. Sundley Foley, Agta. WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FUR hiture, tools, mUeeUaneona articles. Phone 1446. ' . , . ' . BEATS PAYING RENT ' FIVE ROOM plastered bangslow oa pavement ears. Has . berriee, , fruit, 2 lots. Bath, not water, fireplace Prloa $8200, and v $600 ; down, balaneo like, rent will ftandle. Beck Haadrlcka, 203 U. S. Bans: Bldg. . -. r. . .. . t . s - . PRESCOTT'S APPLES, tte BOX, while they last, at orchard,' 2 Hi miles ta Pels; county. Bring boxes. LOST-JOLD LADIES FOUNTAIN PEN. f Reward. Call 891 or leatt at, 6UU- Btlf V ;''V; ' '!: 1 " j" j. V 8 E.00M COTTAGE CLOSE IN, MODERN oaTBUnee. pared , street, and alley. -3300.00. This location cannot be e- aellad. J . r . ': . ' A room strictly moderB hnngslotr, jnst . completed, ia East Hatem, aaooo.00 ,Winni6;Pqntyjob 831A State St. FOB RENT ROOM IIOU8F. ON paved street, watllng dlstsnce,' $23 a : M Jr Hunt Ladd Bnah; Bldg. : ' FOB ' RENT Old 6 room house well lo . itd'B . North-tmlr i. Bocka m ' Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. NOTICE OF SALB OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER.. ', - Oetmral Land Omce.' Washington. D.. C r aeptemaar- 3i IBia.- Notice Is hereby given that subject to th conditions and limitationa of tbo aet o Jane 9, 11 (29 gut. 218) and In alrBetiona of the 8ecreVry of the In terior of September 15, 1917 fid L. D. 44T) the timber oa Ria following lands wia bo sold at 10 o'clock a. m. Norent br in, 1922, at public auction at the United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder st not less than the appraised valne as shows' by hm Botieo, sale to bo tnbjeet to the ap proval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price with an additional sunt of one-lith. ot ona par-, cant thereof being eommiaaioBS allowed, mast be da fytiedat-.UiM o aaiavaaoaoy to be re turned if sale ia not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which, must bo removed within ten year. Bids wia be received from eitiieaa of the United States., association of -such citi sens and eorporalioaa orfanbted under thai laws of taeiUaited-btato or ony state, territory, or dlatriet thereof only. Upon application of a qualified pur purchaser the timber oa any, legal sub-, division wilt bo offered separately before being included la any oiler of a larger at. t. r .-- ' - ---.. - ., T. T S. R. 1 E See. 15. NE NE4 red- fir, 640 M.; 8W NEi red fir. 1745 it.; NE& NW'K, red fir. 1230 M.; SWU NW14. red -fir,-780. M. SW SJWtt. red fir 950 M.; 8Efc W, red liA -1T0O M.f SW. red fir. 20to at.; 8W, red fir. 1150 M. ; 8W awU,' red fir," 795 M.; SZ 6WU. red fur. 1690 M.: NWH SEU. red fir, 2460 M.; none of the red fir timber on these tracts . to Da sola lor lea than $2. DO per M. ., ... -. . T.48.BI 2. Seel S3. 8WU NW. red fir. 1090 M; aooe of the red' fir oa this tree to bo BOUt for laea than L50 par M. (Signed, WILLIAM SPRT, Commissioner, General Lead Office. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WANTED A MAID AT DEAF SCHOOL. - i'Bona 040. . V i i (WANTED 9 OR 4 MEN OR LARGE i ; , boy to- piek. walata Jf A. Oboajp- t man. itoute . rnone 17 1 a. ".TOUNO MAN WANTS WORK-. IN Eiaiem xor winter, jtaaxeta at, care b talesman. , ',- : 4l f ,. WANTED EITBawrBXlO TOUNO MAN - who baa bad experience aellinf life insursnce, ftocka or advertising. Matt . bo able to devote) bis entire time and bo embiUoaa - fox jvdTaaeamaat. . Mast have the oourage to present basineea propeaitioa to mercnsnu and preiee aional men. Aaswet ia your own hand writing, atatlag age. educational auali t ieatioaa, exparience oa - solieiter, ate. jl a areas "i-fco, L" ,Statamas offi 5 r KALB AND FEMALB " si WANTED MEN AND WOMEN ' TO i i teka farm paper eoberriDtiooe. A road i proposition to the rigat people. Addreee ; h Paeifia Homestead, 8 la tears aa Bldg. Him, ure, . . . f . ; i j PERSONAL' GKT MABRIF.D BEST MATRIMONIAL rPr .pnuiuhed. FRF.K. for stamp. PERSONAL1 WOULD TOlL.r WRITE ,A- WEALTHY, L retty girl! .Starapeil envelope please, ilian Hpront, Cleveland, Oh to. ' FOR SAL BUSOTESS OTPOXTUXTTrXS GROCERY AND LUNCH ROOM, MOST aelt Soeolofsky. 241 Stat. FOB BALE OR RENT A "WELL EQUIP pad machine and automobile repair hop . Inquire at Olson Ante Exchange. Salem, Ore..-. .. . BIRDS AMD DOGS FOR 8ALK-4.YOUNO PARROTS. , E. B. J lake. Bird. Flo were, fetav S7t But. KAiroa- U8ED CHICK BRING GRAND. IN GOOD shape," Willrsif aosae Urate. H. L. Stiff Faraiture Co. FOR 8 ALE GOOD JJSEDuJI AHOOANT piano left as to sell. Price $200, terma. H. L. Stiff Faraitar Co- An sio departaaaat. m.-' FARM PATER IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, eead IS to tbo Paeifle HomeeUad,, Salem, Oreroa. for a Wire snaths' .-iriaj - aubacripUoa. Heat ion thia ad. f ZJTX8TOCK FOB SALE GENTLE RIDINO PONT. Jnouire F. E, Sbafer. 170 S, Commer cial.; - -. , i -. FOR SALE HALF-BRM5D SCOTCH Coolie papa, cheap, i'bona 1230, 1030 Chemeketa atree. . . ; . , . POULTTr 100 2 TEAR OLD 8. a WHITE LEG-: bora heaa f aaeh. . W. A.- f ok ! Umatilla. Orecoa. POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent stamps for special three saontna trial iar the bs and oldaat Jonraal in the west. The article and adrer tisemeata re of apeeial intereat to tbe poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Joarnal, 211 Com mercial street,. Salem. Oregoa. XJVli' STOCK FOB SALE PURE BRED, JERSEY heifer. 4we-y ear-old ; -will freshen abom .; Jan. 15.; alio apan of 10-yaar-old If ray moles. Weight about 2000 pounds. L. 1L Bates. Rt. 3 or Phone 36F23. MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE. CONCORD GRAPES, f cheap. Phone 1U5.W. FOB SALE SHEPHERD AND COLLIE pups. Dr. Andrews. 420 South CorsV mareiaL . ; . -- - ,t FOR SALS OLU HSWSP1PTS 10 . cents a bundle. -. Circulation , dap art- unit vnps PEBiosman. THOSE BIG BLACK GRAPES. TO .i... ' Mn j -' j . i . boxes. Fiala's Tinerarda..- thrao . miUa north ta Polk County. APPLES. $1: PEARS. $1: TOMATOES T5e; cabbage for kreaC $150 per' f nnnarea lb.; potatoes. 61.25; onions. ai.ou. is lbs. for 25c; grapes, 5o lb.; quinces delivered. Phone. 494. Ward K. Rlchardsosu. it r. - SUMMER LUOOAGi SEDUCED WALL paper remnants, piaster waliboard. Velvet stair carpet, $1.35. Endur ance high grade- bouse paint, Kalso mine, 10e pound. Cotton mattresses, 8.50. Steel springs $S.0O. Max O. Baron, 179 N. Commercial St, ASK HOW TO SECURE" ESPRIT D Amour Uygienio Toalet t requisite at a discount. Also Flower., in the Bottle Perfume and toilet water. 115 N. Liberty. Repraeentativee wanted ev erywhere. . . '-'X; I f'BeautifuHOreohiHose'! H. aieran eiaar vregon aonra, vogstner jt witi a line eoueetwa of pstrtotie Bonn, aaerad aonea and anaa ld-lim. ALL" FOB 25e i Zapacially adaptable for aehooL' oommnm '. ty or home singing. Send for ? I ne western bongster 76 psgM, ,r in Jta third, edition. Published by 3 OREGON TEACH ESS MONTHLY 315 8. Commercial BL Salem, Ore. WOOD BE8T GRADE MILL WOOD FOOT i and 16 inch. , Prompt delivery, Reaa- vnauio prica. m reu E. n sua, u o. Cbureh. Phone-1A42." --. .... ... FOR RENT 1 .. APARTMENTS -4 t, FOB RENT FOUB ROOM FURNISHED apartment. 303 8. Winter. FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment 1132 Center. ROOMS FOR RENT DKSIBABLE SLEEPING ,, Toom, 1 hloakt from piper mill. Call aoo-senevue tsi. -- j.- - MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN . Centrally located. Moat give name and reference. Addrea A. earo Btateeaaaau FOR. RENT TWO FURNISHED SLEEP-. tngrooma,. hat and eakt water' m one. Doard close by. 964 8. Liberty, phone 1700. ... w ... . BOOM. AND BOARD: WANTED-i-ROOMERS AND BOARDERS. v Ano have, nice eleaa room with kitchen privileges.' Close to state bouse and university. Phone 1534 R. 1334 Ferry. LOSTir AND FOUND LOST LOSTJERSEY COW WITH CHAIN around bora ; and. , trailing. Phone l7-lt. - - - .. -, WANTED KXBpxXJLBZOVB f ANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC, Pboae S1L, . -v OLD MATTRESSES IUDI . OTaTB. i Capital City Baddiag Caw - PkoM 19. LADY DRIVING OAR TO LOS ANGELES Nov. 1, want lady companion to share oxpeasec (Jail evenings 139S B. 12th. WB ARE PA YIN tf. THE -HIGHEST MAR- t ke price .for dried prases, aall oa up I if yoa haven't sold. Phono 717 or WANTED EVEBTTHTNa IN HARD 1 ware and furniture. Beet prices paid. J t THE CAPITAL HARDWARE 77 L.l ' "URNITCBE CO. $85 N. Oammareial 8 Paona 947 WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS,. MA ehinery, stock, etc. Will hoy for cash or , sell eommiaaioa. Pboae 611. Woedrvt the auetionear. . . . ;v,v BUSINESS CARDS' AUCTXOBXER AUOTIONKER - . w. WOODRY, THE v iivaaiocs, inrniinre, rent estate aao- tor aai uatee. Re. 1610 N. 8ummer. Ool. J. . G. GABLE . AUCTIONEER, j farm and eity ale. : 1M 8, High. I Phono .1446,; .,"! ' so ? 0. 8ATTERLE1S AUCTTONEER. FARM 3 and stock le. ' Phone Resideac f rtf;u ivr o.i . - - -- . -- W . . , . I ! aw. . vr. ACETYLENE .WEXDDTO IRON. STEEL, BRASS. . ALUMINUM , Bring the Bieeee. . Oxe-Gao Hoatiag k sTimw sw aft. - ' - anmaii-Bj. . . . . v s t. , g . BEAUTY PARLORS KOW OPERATING - MODEL BEAUTY - r-arior. iiw ortn vommsrcml street. x-aon vso, - - . BUSINESS CARDS- :Avx6 - Directory AUTOKSILES THE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Jietor Co. 171 Court. TRACTORS FOB SALE ONE CLETRAC TRACTOR Just overhauled, a bargain at $tKK).00. 349 Ferry , Fiona 375. . . TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1 - TO if, OFF. MIKE'S Aato wrecking ueuao. aorta Comssareial. Phono 62S. , , I BATTERY AND EXECTRICXaJT R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES. tarter and generator work. 171 d. Commercial. . PRESTO-LITE BATTERY. - SERVICE Station. Expert battery and etoctrteal work, Farxia Bros. . Phoae 1803,. 418 Coart. - . . AUTO. ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROC- bia . frbeouaav St . xuga. x-aaae 20$. RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, maa.or .xepairaa. rf. u. . mk. Forry. - BICYCLES AND REPATETNO LLOYD E. BAMSDEir DAYTON BICY- clee and repairing. 887 Court. f HARRY W. SCOTT : The Cycle Man" 147 S. Com'L i Phono 68 USED OARS . OLESON USED CAR EXCHANGE. Care bought and Bold. .-U-aaaateed re pairing. Washing. Poliahiag. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CARPET "AND RUG WEAVING RAGS dyed. Phono before a. m. S4F.IU CANDY SHOPS . ACME CHOCOLATE SHOP "JUST - Candy." ' Strictly homemade. 121 8. Commercial, . , caepEi-s and rxtrrr rugs NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW ; weave fluff xega made out of old ear ' patu any . length or width, yom deairo. ' , We also ro-f it, re-sow and aisa earpeta. Feather- renovating and mattre! ateam : teg. and re-msking. Salem Carpet 5. Cleaning and Fluil Rug. Works. Phone . 1154. - - I- ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CUBES ANT KNOWN ' . diaaaso. l 8. Hue- BU Phona -oa OLEANBRS AND DYERS SPICK. N. SPAN CLEANERS AND , dyer. - 544 State. . - . DANCING PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE j daasea. . Mr. White. Phone 27I-J. DRUG STORES WM. NSIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." i 175 N. .Commercial atreot. paoaa 107. BREWER DRUG CO. 40$ COURT , Phone 114. ; XUUBOTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO., MASONIC .Building. Phono 120O. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. Phone .1934. 222 XT. LiDeny. ' HALTRS . ELECTRIC .fiHOP ELEO- tnoat macsuio repaiciusjt - w.-e 837, Court. Phone 488. xnnaiK . rxiEKEiL - electrician House wiring by boar or contract. sti- ma.es inrniaaea. - xavss , wqv, u- Conrt St. FINANCIAL 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment provisions- al lowed. We will finaaoa you for a leaa rate o$ intereat than any firm on the coast. - Private money to loan oa either eity or country property. . . R.rW.'.MarsterS'. ; u " '4 11 Oregon Buildlnk' - - WRITS WARREN ARMINGTON, 243 North Summer street for information I regarding the new apartment house to : ' tm built en Thielsoa lot,- eornar Court f and Capitol St. Stock will pay 17 ' , .,, . a , i i .. a . W . Mien wm. nave i -resiue n inn .iw v urer. Quick action ii yon want A-l investment. i - - . LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY jrienty - ot , aaoaay ; no , aow, s- vau OMH-H1W1, ... a .MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM. LOAN . association haa money to loan t 6 pereeat.. W. 1). tfrnitn. aeeretary-traaa-nrar. 803 8alen Bask of Ooaomarea. FURNACES , SEAGR0VE FOR FURNACES 198 S I , 2th street. rURNTTURB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. . 843 .Court, phone 464., PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture. 271 N. Com- i mereiaL :'-' FURNITURE 'HOBPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO r order. Raf inishing and nphoUtering I a specialty. Phono 1742.'': Brown and moves. 1201 south uommereiai. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. 1 Delivery.' C. F. Breitbaopt, florist,-128 - North Lfberty street. Phono 880. Ladies'.. Wearing ' Apparel DRES3MAEINQ RUTH Me AD AM 8 DRESSMAKER,. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. SPENCER 00RSETS..TQ .ORDER DressmaUag. Caxrio ,-Fiah-tu . MeCor ? nack Bldg. EEMSnXCHXsa SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, i pleating, rmttoBaK-atampiaw aaeV-ovoedlo-1 work. 829 Oregon Bidx Phone 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, a stamping, button. Room 10. Over Mil ' ler'a store. Phono .117. ,, HATS 1TWM $1 UP --..MRS. CvA. ,- Grimam. 619 Court atroei.' UtSURASOB. MUTUAL BENEFIT - LIFE INSURANCE , company. J. O. Balch, agent, room tj. . MoOoxnack Bldg. Phone 96. V . . . . . : HOTELS j CAPITAL- HOTEL CORNER STATE AND : OommoreiaL Phono 630. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN OOST; ; 60o as. 462 State. . .... - ME3TS STORE ' EDI CHASTAIN'S UPSTAIRS MEN'S - shop. Suit and overcoat- Uo y aUir. it pay. 122 N. Commercial. MACHINI8T8 WECHTER SMITH MACHINISTS, v. oogiBoera, welders. Haa Id cyliBdar x griading; erviee. Phono . 6-S45 JTer. -ry. . KXTSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PTAN0S.. PH0N0 - graph, eewiag machine, sheet mnsic, i and piano atudioa. Reparriac boao- arapha and aawina aaaehdaa. 482 " 8 lata. Salasn. . - j Classified Ads. In Jlie Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS LAUTDBIXS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8. aUiberty street, rnon 25. Uldaet Jargrat beat. , EaUbUahtd 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt arv.ee. 1264 Broadway. Pboae 165. MACHIKE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC feteau . BoiiertA) vtUcsiuter and tab plate.' Perry C. Campbell, 17 if. Liberty. U: AND M. Co. SPECTALTY GRIND- cts ana weiaera. Auuimouvo aomco. 90 Ferry; 1'booo 64 . MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY lhOB0 S1T-W. MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATOKT OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas greeted. John K. Sites, Director. 1237 Coort Phone C28. RAG AVU JAZZ PIANO pT-ATTNG " 12 WsaoB guaranteed. Waterman Sysum. F..B. Clark. Mgr. MeOor aaekiBldg. NOODLE PARLORS WA nONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry. , . BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP suey, 40e; puffed rieo, 20c; noodjee. 20c; fried nooil.ee. 60c 189 S. Rb erty. NURSERIES . FRCITLAND NURSERY WILL HAVE , sales yard at Cherry City l'eed barn, 544 Ferry street. About Nov. 1. See may before baying. Phone ' 1140-M.. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL . fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nor sery Co, 426 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 75. PAINTING , CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. . L, D. Brandon, contractor. 865 North "High. Phone 845-J. PLUMS TNG PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOIL work. Phone 1897-J. Shop, 127 Union atreet. A. L. Godfrey. . fRlNTiact ROWLAND . PRINTING ' CO. JOB printing. Pattoa Bldg. PIANOS. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A SEW Victor or Brunswick,. H. L. Stiff Fsr nUure Co. - Music Dept. SHERMAN ClAT; CO. PIANOS .Steinway. Duo-Art and others. Moore Musio House, 415 Court atreet , and Maaonle Temple. . RESTAURANTS HUB RETAURANT MOST REASON able.-price. , Johnsoa-Batzy. : 169 8. High. . ACME RESTAURANT DINNER, FAM ily style, 45o..-. Short order, popular price; neat, new, clean. 121 South Commercial. . . . . SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVER YTHTNG IN CLOTH ing and shoe. Best price paid. Cap ital Exehang. 842 N. Commercial. Phone 1368-W. SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fusa of all kinds removed. . Cesspools - cleaned. Phone 167. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National : fence, si tea 26 to 28 inches high. .Paints, oil and varnishes, ate, logan berry and bop book. Salem fence and . Stove Work. 250 Court atreet, Phone 124. TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED i piano . tuner. Leave . orders Will's Muaio Store. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 , State St. Phone 933... Distributing t forwarding and storage our specialty, t Get oar ratos- WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- bold goo. .a Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make 1 country tripe. We handle the beat coal - and wood. Call on n for prices. W , five good measure, good quality and food service. Larmer Transfer Co. hone 930. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES -. J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALEM-SILVERT0N DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Leave Silverton, News Stand: ' , 8 a.m., 1 p.m. 6 p. to. Salem-Independencd-Monmontl. Division Leave Salem Central Stago Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. Leave Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: . 8:M a.m.. 1 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leaves Independence,- Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m.,10 a-m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:80. Wa make connections at Salem to all t parts of the valley, ' Extra trlpa by appointment. J..W. PARKER. General Mgr. VARIETY STORES J. SALEM VARIETY) STORE. lit N. , Commercial. Phone 1277. , WAXES SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. : Office, $01 South Com'L St. Ten per cent discount on . domestic flat rate . paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water la ; shut off .your, premise. .- . .-. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING PHONE 11$1. CITY, i country. Ed. Sproed. WOOD SAWING CTTY AND COUNTRY. , McDoMtd Anlikar. Phono 11F11 or ! 1525 J. , CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 5048.- Fisher Breo. PROFESSIONAL CHTROPOSISTS DR. GEORGE T. HINER, FOOT 8PE0 ialist, modern equipment; 'arebes made I to order.. Room 8, Pattoa Bldg. Phono 957- , . . . . CHIROPODIST! DR. WILLIAMS C0RN8. CALLOUS- , ea, in grown nails, all foot trouble. Price Shoo Co. . Phono 616. . . - DR. S. T. SCOTT.' S. O, GRADUATE of tbe" Natfcmal Univewitjr of Seienee OhicagoJ Seientif io Chiropody. Suite i 301-302 Msaoaie-Temple, f Phono 640 t for appeintment. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. j 475 S, jCbmmereiaL Hour 10 to 12 ; ? I to 5. Phone 1415. DR. O. Li SCOTT, r.S.G, CHIROPRAO tor, 414-19 U.- S. Bank Bldg, Pboae $7: rea. 828 -R. , DRUGLE8S PHYSICIANS DR. A. L FBANTZ AND WIFE. SUC i eeaaor to Dr. fiemuel ' T. Roirer. "Wooder ' Doctor.-? v Drurless Physi cians, over People's Cash Store. Phono 788. "' I '. T" OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Suite 301 Ore- a goa Building.,. , . :.-s, i. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co.. 325Suto atreet, opposite Tadd Busk Bank, "Use Quality - Proven Shur-ene." . . L Haw PROFESSIONAL NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER' ACUTE AND , rhroaie? diaeaaea, 415 Urogoa Bidg. Phono 110. v . OSTEOPATKIO PHYSZOXAXS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL S0 U. B. Ban Bldg. I)B. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. v Wone. 756. 2024 J. . j PR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Kirksvitlo graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bid. Pboae. office 919; rea. 614. BROKEN .ARCHES AND OTHER De formities of the feet corrected without loss of time ' from your oceopatioa. Ira. White A MaraaaU. C. S. Bank Bldg. 'f DR JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phraieian and Ssrreon. 403-404 Ore- ?na Bldg, Phoaaa, oifleo. 1394: raa. 8F5.i L0DGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camn 5. Armory. First third Mondays. REAL ESTATE ANDERSON ft RUPERT Saeeeeaora to laaflar a Loflar I INSURANCE I REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406-7 j Oregon Bldg. USED CAR WORTH $300 AS FIRST payment on good 6 room house. Price SSrSOO, balance like l-ent. See it today. A; W, ESTES REALTY CO, Patton Building SEW BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS PLAS tered, . douile constructed, on paved street. 2 blocks to street car price only $3500. Cash to handle $1000. Balance to suit. See L. A. HAYFORD 303, State street FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CTTY property tea or tweity acres. Good building. Italian primes and logan berries. 700 N. Hie fa. THE GREATEST BUT IN SALEM TO day is beautiful homo oa State St. Do not fail -to se as about tha. 6 room new bungalow, east front; sli kind 01 fruit and nut tree. 6 room house, corner lot, $2200. 6 room bouse, including atreet paved, 1700 . . ., ... 3 . room house. $1450. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Cottage St. 4 blk N. of P.O. Good Buys, on Easy Terms $100 down, $10 per month, buys 10 ! acres of fine fruit land, All cultivated Price $1250. $50 down. $10 per month, bays 4 acre .near x.ngiewood achool. . Price $000. $80 down, $10 per month buy 90-100 , of an aero on car line south Price $900- Real Estate and Fire Insursnce ' W. H; Grabenhorst & Co. 27-6 State St. U. S. Bank Bldg. Another Good Buy One of. the best 6 room' cottages almost new), modern and close in. The cir cumstances will make it a very good purchase. Must have a few hundred rash. . Nice corner and property. See Wra. Fleming for verification. 341 State atreet. PORTLAND TRADE A $2500 cottage with garage for 5 to 15 acrea berry land, up to $3500 in value. See Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street. For Sale 20 acre farm 8 miles from Salem; easy terms . . $2000 41.75 acre farm.' Good bbngalow bouse. J-.speeia.ly adapted to poultry, fruit, berries or nuts. Easy terms. Price $2000. A. C. Bohrnstedt 407" Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon FINE PORTLAND RK8CDEXCE In Laurehurst, in exchange for a i-mall full-bearing orchard, ten to fiteen thousand dollars. Portland noose is a , fine one. Value $80uu. Act prompt- The Fleming Realty. Co. Sale-a SALEM RESIDENCE ON RANCH AND caH$y for difference. Socolofsky, 341 State. Worth While We have nice lot on Summer Street with east front, paved sidewalk, gas sewer and water in $821. . A neat 6 -sovn cottage on a paved street and ear line $2650, $1000 down; has .basemert, stationary tabs, gas, no furnace Arg M 75x150. We ..still have $800 to loan on good neetoritv. Have you forgotten- to have your house inanred or your household goods. We ; will be pleased to write it for you. 331 Vh fttats St. Mills & Copley 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. GOOD AS NEW. modern, garage, fruit, nuts,, corner lot, $3100. 't cash. Sorotofskr. 341 State. : Wood's Bargains . New five-room - bungalow. $1900; easy terms; seven-room house, plastered i good plumbing two lots bearing fxuK ; trees good location . on paved .street $3560, easy terms. Seven-room nwxb era bungalow close in on paved, street, $4200, easy terms, a fine home well lo cated to, trad for elose in acreage. Five seres with house barn and berries V for rent. F, L. Wood, 341 State St. GROCERY, DOINO GOOD BUSINESS really want to sell.-Socolofsky, 341 State. FOR SALE ON PAVED STREET ONE - story house, five rooms; east front, modern; woodhous and gsruge; good oterms, $1800. Phone 1917R. Commis sion to agents. FOB SALE EIGHT ROOM MODERN house, woodhouso and garsge at- , taehed; includes 6 lots covered with ' good variety of fruits and berries; . good terms. Phone 1917R. Commis sion to agents. Special . Nice little four room house for $800, i with $150 down and $10.00 per : month. 10 acre most all in fruit; - fair buildings, stock and machinery and feed for 35000 will trade for city property or larger place aame value. Thomason 331 Stats Street. ' Are You Happy? Sot if yo pay rent t Why . sot own a : home of your ownf s Here are a few : bargain. Cosy cottage for $300 down, balance-$15 per month; and a ; bungalow for $500 down, balance $20 : per month including interest. Some choice lots on easy payments. Ton can get oat of the rent habit. If yoa listen V Childs & Bechtel 543 State Street. OWNERS SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE t 40 acre good farm laJt near Ger . Tain, good fences but no .building. also have several tracts -. of land for ; rent1 from 15 acres up. or will sett ' any of these tract on easy term. Ail of these lands are within half mite X from rood public frhoo.; two miles I from Union hUgh School, paved road, i Rural Route, Rural Telephone. Catho ! lit and Presbyterian churches. G. 3. ! Moisan, Gervaia. Oregoa. . FOR RENT FARMS FOR RE.T221-ACRE FARM SEVEN ; mile north of Salem on Capitol higa - way. Mrs. S. A. Hackett, Sal? as. Ort, i RaUlO 1 I.. . L I. --im m :- mi mm Heavy Buying of Industrial Comphny Shares-Main " TefeultYesterday i- NEW TORN, Oct. 11. Heavy baying pi chares of industrial conipanies holding large - ar- Muses on further reports of mel on cutting again featured - the stock market today, the main ten dency in wVhlca was again upward. Kails, which have- been la&glBs behind in the last few days, be came qsiie- active today and some subktantiai gains were re corded by the high grade shares. Immediately after the-market closed, the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, -announced its in tention ojf declaring a 400 per cent stoclt dividend, payable In shares ofi the present $2IT par value, the jcapltaliaition of the company jto be increased from $lld,000.hoo to $025,000,000. Th6 stock fluctuated tcdiy with in a radlas of 8 points, closing at 22e4 a net gain of half a point in the day, but 14. & below yesterday'Is high. Mexican Petro leum closed at 189, a net gain of 5 4 points, after having- estab lished a jnew bigh for the year at 205. Both Pan-American is sues alo created new tops on rumors ot extra ; dividend distri bution, pther oils moved within comparatively narrow llmjts, Qrernibt announcement of a 75 per ceht: stock dividend In na tional biscuit .was about as ex pected, the stock closing at 208, the same las yesterday, after hav ing been j run up to 211. An nonneemant of a 50 per cent stock dividend in American Radi ator apparently was disappoint ing to speculative interests, that Flock showing a aet loss of more than 3 points on the day. r Shares of coal carrying com panies benefited most from the buying demonstration staged la rail shares, gains of - 34 to 16-8 beign mad by Lackawana, Read ing, Lehigh Valley, Norfolk and Western, j Granger also made good progress,' notably Union Pa cific, Canadian Pacific, Atchison, Southern I Pacific and Great Northern preferred. Steel prices j were forced down during the afternoon reaction but rallied fractionally later; in re irponse to publication' of weekly trade reviews showing a steady Increase in production. Equip ments also sold at slightly higher levels. ' Sugar stocks responded favor ably to the Increased prices for the refined product. Total sales were 1,188,000 L An easier tone was noted in all the call money market,, the open ing and renewal rate of 5 per cent easing to 4 before tha closing. Time money and com mercial paper rates were some what firmer. Foreign exchange rates were bettr, demand sterling improving a point at 443 VI Can adian dollars were still selling at a premium of 1-8 of one per cent. America's Export Business Drops Several Millions During August WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. . America's export trade with Eu rope suffered a marked decline in August, dropping to $155, 000,000 as compared with $305, 000,000 in August 1921 but the value of goods imported from Eu rope jumped upward as Import ers hurried shipments across the Atlantic in a race against final enactment of American tariff leg islation. The imports total for August as announced by the com merce department today .along with other trade figures was 135, 000.000. against $59,000,000 the same month last year. Trade with South America In creased, both imports and ex ports showing a gain over August 1921. Exports to South America were (19.000,000 as compared with $14,000,000, a year ago. Im ports were $27,000,000 as com pared with $24,000,000 lajt year. ; Figures for the eight months ending .with August show that gradual progress , is being made toward a balance of - trade with both Europe and South America. Exports to Europe for the past eight months were $1,310,000,000 against , $182,000,000 : in the firlt eight months ot 1321 and imports from, Europe were $601, 000,000 as compared with-$432,-000.000 tor the same; period of last year. V ' Exports to South America for tho, eight months period this year totalled $141,000,000 against $215,000,000 - forthe same , per iod last year, - Imports from South America have totaled $214,000,000: Bp toUhe-end ot last August whila last year they had aggregated . $207,000,000". EUROPEAN HE SUFFERS DECLINE ( -w1t.-,j.-S.:.4n, WHEAT fiDVAiiCE i IS IEXPECTED Buying on Large Scale Js Cause of Upshoot in Chi-, cago Prices Yesterday;-, CHICAGO, Oct; 11. Buying on a larce scale led to an unexpected advance in wheat prices today af ter a moderate decline, due to the signing of the armistice- with the Turks. The market closed on settled S-4 to 1 l-4e. : net higher. with December' 1.0 S 3-4 to 1.0S 7-8 and May l.l0 1,- -s-Corn HnUhed 3-8 to 5-8 su S-4 rent up; oats. at. a shade offlto 5-S cent gain ... and , jwovlalons down 15 to 32j cents. ; ' ". Most of the' hesfry buytng -of wheat was ascribed to v oae big trader here; but whether purchas es were to cover prevtous sales or were in the nature of an Invest ment, remained an -open 'question. Bearish effects of the etoppage of hostilities in the Near East failed to extend beyond the first 30 min utes of trading in the wheat' pit. Then buying of sueh volume eets in as to encourage the speculative rank an-l flle to take to the ball side ani there were assertions In some quarters that peace was to be regarded as an aid to an ad iVance rather that" the reverse. The strong upward movement of wheat : - prices - continued - until thei last, hour of the... board",; of trade sessioa. .Something of reaction took place in the final transactions ' appeared to : be brought about chiefly through profit -talcing on the part of early buyers. A good deal' of i notice was taken also of bullish est! mates of the world available supply; - ' Corn and oats paralleled the action of wheat. Provisions were lower In line with hogs here and' lard lard at Liverpool. NEW PRUNE. VARIETIES ARE NOW ON THE WAY Continued from page 3) tiplied, grew splendidly and strong, and from this he has de veloped the now famous "Coates 1418" sweet prune. Many in Oregon Oregon already haa a lot of these Coates prunes growing; more than 6,000 in one series of orchards, of the Pheasant Fruit Farmscompany,at St; "Joseph, near McMlnnville, Tamhfll county, and H. S. Gile and W. T. Jenks have nearly 1500 of them grow ing near Salem not yet In bearing. The prune is handled from the Oregon Nursery, company at Oren co, after a series of Investigations that satisfied the orchardists ot the state that It Is really a very wonderful find: Some of the trees at Orenco Just came into their first bearing the past season. What It Is Very briefly, the new prune is a typical Petite, In color and taste and habit and growth; but grow, ing to two or three times the sice of the average Petite as it. is grown and ..marketed in California. An express shipment of tbe . Coates prunes to Messrs. Gile and Jenks a few weeks ago, from the original Coates orchard in California, was of prunes that dried into 20-30's, almost, every prune being of that size. They are said to grow re markably uniform in size, with few of the mile culls that cut down the price so rapidly. , The sugar content makes the propor tion of finished weight larger than of other varieties. A Pruno Pilgrimage A party of leading Oregon prune growers on September 9th made a pilgrimage to the nurseries of the Oregon Nursery company at Oren co, to see , the New Coates prune growing; Walter T. Stolz, of Salem, who was the first to bring this prune to growing In Oregon, wag present and one ot the speak ers. : : All the orchardists present agreed that, the new Coates prune looks like a comer," for Oregon. Big One in Italians A companion fruit to this won derful California sweet prune, is the New Oregon strain of the It&l ian or tart-sweet prune, developed and recently distributed in . this state as a wonder worker along the same linei as the Coates Pe tit. ,-, . a . While the Petites are e?en smaller than the average Italians, tbe Italians themselves have not been over large. This is striking ly indicated by the schedules of fruit offered for sale for ; the present season. The New. Oregon prune is the big one of the Italians, aimed to supply the crying demand for 20 30's and the other large sizes. It has been propagated so carefully and assiduously, by a series of or. chard, selections and breeding, that it can be reasonably expected to help fill the demand for big fruits at the top prices. ' It Is believed to be a great variety for green shipment; it is so firm, so attrac tive,' that it promises to stand the journey to the eastern market that clamors for green prunes In sea son. i Bill it also evaporates perfectly, and the green shipment feature Is not; its only value. In a season like the past, with! the railroad strike interfering with the west- enx' green,' fruit business, the or- chardist with a thousand or fifty. thousand bushels ofhuge luscious New Oregons that had been des tined fer the eastern -market, could evaporate them and have a fit led product' that would: still' take the market by storm." " ' i s A Datal lirprjee Prtiite It wo aid bo , at dual-purpose fruit, that none of the others are. and would be a wonderful state asset.4 It has been planted by the thousands, last year and this. In the i Willamette valley; though It has not reached' the merchandis ing; stage in any but the parent orchard. ' ':: ') , :;'l',:,.:; The New -Oregon waa originat ed ; Just outside of Salem,- across the: Willamette river In Polk county. bT .Andrew , Vercler a prominent and successful orchard 1st. i The New Oregon is 'a cross between,: the Italian- and. the Pe tite; and enthusiasts say. it . is de stined to fill a great place in the Industry. . . Jj;v Otlier Cawlidates v There are other "candidates In thla race for. tha large prime of th ' futurethe--prune- that- -will cop off the high prices.' S. 1L Van Trump. Marion county fruit in spector, has, had under his obser vation (or a few years a candidate !n a Petite prune on the Vercler farm,.in the Liberty dLstrict. aU most In the southern suburbs of Salem. The land on which this tree to growing is a part of the farm of 11. A." Wright, Routs 2, Salem. Mr. Wright realises the possible value of the find,, and la taking good, care of the tree. It is anieng a lot of trees that me up from pits deposited by gray squir rels None of tbr other trees thus started has any promise; this one, Mr, Van Trump thinks, nay de velop a strain of Petites that may be depended upon to produce uni formly 20-30 driKl prunes. If so. It Is sorely a great findr - i There are others; too; that will be spoken of. from time' to time in The-Statesman, ta its Thnrsdfiy Issuesalong, with-drying prob lems and a great deal of other In formation that could not be had in time for this issue." . NEW YORK, Oct. ll.-Evap-orated apples dull; pmnes firm; apricots steady; peaches quiet. UVERPOOL VniEAT LIVERPOOL, Oct. lli-aWheat, December Ss 9d; March 9s 5 Md: May 9s 3d; or 1-8 to 4 d lower than yesterda close.. lIXXEAPOLLS GRAIN MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 11. Wheat, cash; No. 1 Northern 1.07T-8 1.178;: Decembet 1.07: May 1.09H... Corn, No. 3 yellow, 61 61 c, . Oats, No. 3 white. 35 8-8 O 37 3-8c. , ' . . ' Barley 48 60c. , " , s 1 Rye. No. 2, 6T3-869c, ' Flax, No. 1, 2.31 02.32. j DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 11 Butter: Prints extras, 48c; ; cubes extras, 45c; , prime flrsU,, 44c. Butterfat, Portland delivery ;No. t 1 sour cream 48c, Potatoes: Buy Ing price locals,. 75c0$l' ;selUng price 90c j $1.25, ... , Is William Jennings Bryan sell Ing out the '"dys, that his broth- . er may be elected Governor ot Ne braska? It Is, reported, that ha has allied himself with Senator Hitchcock, Who refuses to say how he stands on the prohibition law. He now says he Is in favor of the enforcement of all law, but two ' years ago he declared In favor of wine and beer. What has Senator Hitchcock to say on the subject? And how" does ; Bryan jnstlfy his support of the Hitchcock candi dacy? ' .... The next annual meeting of the G. A. R. will be held -la .'Milwau kee. ... Some of the veterans will miss the staff that made UUwau kee.tavmouaCX Z'-: ;;"4-".V. , f Portland Baying Prices 1 i ... i ,. - i , EOOS, POOXTRT AJTD TtfEATR m - - - BUTT ERF AT 11 R14 ... w.o. I churning erewn, 4$49e f. . k. ffjn-W 5 autioas; aadVgradoa, - , EGOS jtirm; scarce ' Current receipt. 41 3 white hen neries 45 H 47., a 7t , , . " a LITE POULTRTSTEADT i , (Lose fmiion) Heavy tieaa. 1 & 14t tHroilera, tocka and Soda 23 etitat- - on - ... old roosteri lOc, docks, white Pes In young CatJ r.",M:"- a oe;r live tar Beys, AO 1 44 46e; goewt. nominal. i DRESSED MEATH STEADY J515e; undrrredes.12ftue veal; cf'-fEF.1 15e? ar$Ta4a, l hay aktj a a Aug - - "- HAY STEADY i2ri!r? JPrtland)-Vartey timotky, 119320, ton; East era Oren timothy SI UaJfa. $18.&0 toa; clover, $1S ton; oata aad veteh. . $180 IS " ; .rraln aa. $174 - . S ' 1 ORAIIl-LOWER P' ! Bid Prices (Track Portland, in car h'. Option $1 i,iQ. Baart or Bluestem. $1.1; -l" $92"' ,4 Eastern y ellow rorB, $2S.60 ft $0; bar S' 2S. 9 9r. Wri. 24Ji0 TRUIT FRrTT eJTEADY Pear he. 40 T4; apples, 75 ? St .25 ; ntwlaleberrie, notnlnal; pears, 4O0S5: fspei. $1.75(2 .25; Coneords, BoavinaL ' - -VEOETABLKi TEADY ' ew potatoes, tOS$l.o, cwt.; Oregon e,-HVt lb.; parsnips. le lb.; carrote. 25c doiea bonebes; green onions, Z.ie ; dozen bunehes: cream sooaab. nota ioi:. tn?' 90eil)0 : ew orB. f'iorssen0- ,r -- tr , wooi--frrEAnT ' ' ' .J'f J fioo, 0?35rr threo- J? y04 30l32e: oaarter fclood. 25 , -fS27et low qnarWr and brakl. 20422e matte of eottod. wool. lo&l ' LASjP'K'Mn.. vWasbiBgton and, Idaho ran, l,r,t bring 3 to i eeaU less than valley wool. , IforS-QITIET ' 1 oioo'iiT"2 1 trop " : Baw CTO 1 a A il tv; I r I ."4; : i .-v ' " k i K - 4 I. 4 ft