M OVIE GOSSIP Rex Ingram, whose $1,000,000 production of "The: Prisoner ol Zenda" It at the Oregon theater belongs to an artisticarr creative fs.mil.. His half-sister is Nina Wilcox Putnam, wbpse contribu tions to The Saturday Evening Post have 'made her well known. Vr. Ingram's production of "The Prisoner of Zend a' was made for Metro. The photoplay is founded in " Anthony Hope's novel. Ed ward Rose dramatized it. Pre vious -Ingram successes' on the screen! were "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," "The Con quering Power' and "Turn to th3 Right." "Perfect Understanding." I What a sooimng feeling it can! give one even a horse and this Ih not exaggeration. We site an instance herewith where a horse and man understand each ether better than most humans. ; The Horse his name is "Brownie". The man he is Pete Morrison, movie actor ,and they both appear in "Danger,' the wes- EXTRA EXTRA SOLVE YOUR TROUBLES SAVE YOUR WORRIES BUSINESS OR DOMESTIC Ask BAE PIERRE Brookhart The French-Indian Mentalist Assisted by PRINCESS PARILLA They Will Answer All Questions "Golden Voiced Holly" , , Songs and Stories Herbert Rawlinson W in "DON'T SHOOT" i Comedy and News Neal Hart in "The Getaway" Today Tomorrow BLIGH THEATRE i i 5 , ' 4Tfc f xx Mtl Herbert Rawlinson in "Doa't Shoot," and Vaudeville. ohi:; "The Prisonr-r of Zenda.' Jane of 1.IHKRTY Novak In "Colleen the Pines." GRAND Maclyn Arbuckle and eJan Price in "The Prod gal Judge." AT THE LIBERTY TODAY i b ed by Oae Pierre Brookhart & Company, the man who tells all, assisted by Princes Parillo, who :s known as the psychic marvel of the age. It was Brookhart who predicted the World war in Win niieg long before it started. Brookhart sees and knows all. If you are i ndoubt about oil or min ing investments, or if you wish to find out about your love affairs, or if you are full of questions which .seenVngly, no one can ans wer correctly, ask Brookhart. Ap pearing at the Bligh theatre to day and tomorrow, two days only. Bea Pierre BrookfcUrt and Princess Parilla, the French Indian Mentaiists appearing at the Bligh Theatre today and tomorrow tern proto-novelty which is the feature attraction this week at the Bligh theatre, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Iewis Stone, who plays Rudolf Rassendyll, the fighting hero of the Hex Ingram J 1,000.000 pro duction of "The Prisoner of Zen- And why shouldn't they under--! da," now at the Oregon theater stand each other. They have been pals for a good many years and that marvelous vein of sincere afefction that exists in each other's heart for each other has gained unusual fame and honor for both horse and man. Neither is selfish and this.i proven in the fact that Pete Morrison holds Ro deo charm p honors and you all know half of hi3 success in this line of endeavor is due the horse. is himrelf a veteran of two wars. When 19 he enlisted with the 12th New York volunteer infantry at the outbreak of the Spanish American war and served in Cuba. In 1917 he attended the first re- erve officers' training camn at Plattsburc and served as an in fantry captain. .'r a fine serlea of scenea In Chicago all of wh'ch are most Interesting. The fir.t run production which opens today at the Liberty theater u said to be a play that i very well suited to ,ane Novak, the jpretty blonde. She surrounded jhemelf with a very capable caM ot performers and us is generally jthe case with a"l northern storie. the scenario catled for plenty of thrills and heart stuff. Miss Xe- has been in mauy ucceea inc her first big part Ik 'The Tye ot. the World. Sn Teponwble for the mccess I moj .w Hart s best pictures andla rated- a one of the most uu-atoavwom- ; en on the screen. , .v Love, pcrhapa, will find wTt but it's quite another matter to pay the way. -,; - '- o At The GRAND Today "Holly", known as the "Golden Voice": portrays a small-town hick' character. Holly has been ident'fied with such well-known stage successes as ''Pegg$ from Paris", "Woodland" and the Prince of Pilsen", possessing a double-voice with the unusual combination of Baritone and So prano. Holly has a voice remark able for its power as well as its musical qualities, vibrant with the element, which sends a song theme to the heart of the' listener. Suf fice to say it is a number that will enthuse one and all who has the pleasure of witnessing his per formance. On the vaudeville bill at the Bjligh today. The lure of the mysterious is the power back of the tremen- tstartinir n new lifo which in this case was "Brownie." dous success that has been achiev- times aimply the fact that his for- Who makes it "hot" for a crook when he tries 4.o reform, "i. The honest people, who look down -on -'him and refuse" to i rust him in legitimate occupations or the men who worked with him itt crime? "Don't Shoot!" the Universal screen story starring Herbert Rawlinson at the Bligh theatre today is a story by George Bron son Howard which clearly illus trates the fact that it is not always the honest people, the "better-than-thou" element in the popu lation, that keep a criminal from It i smany jjane Novak in "Colleen of The Pines" f mer "aceomplices in ' crime can't get alog without him and will do everything in their power to drag hfen back into lower chan nels. Joe ugust has done some of his bes work as the cameraman of "Th Money Corral". William S. Hartfs newest ATtcraft picture, whicjji (jomes to the Bligh theatre next' F-fiday, particularly in the rodeo Scenes which required ex pert w-rk to get the fast action of the Ibroncho busting, roping, shooting ,etc. There are also some splendid interior shots and C$0. C. WILL Clolsiri? Out Piano and phonograph Stock New (Phonographs i. Price. down, $1 week" up. j i Pianos $89 up;?terms r $5 down, $5 month up. See Ad. on last page of second section Scene From THE PRODIGAL JUDGE" o O; n - ... 1 Jr I . V ' I! TODAY Matinee or Evening 50c and 25c If HE PICTURE THAT YOU'VE BEE Monday-Tuesday Matinee 35c and 25c BRING THE OLD FOLKS TODAY j 2, 4, 5;45. 7:30, 9:15 p. WITlillFQRr Monday-Tuesday Evening 50c and 25c m. ,r r V II !-h, ft-.'". II Qhe RomamtLc HaU of holds no more vivid or beloved characters than those in aiB. Production jop 1 Rupert of Bentxau, whoae villainy was so perfect it raa anncuvc a L m i m & m m w sm. m. i Antoinette de Mauban .! yenturees and noblewor.. :i. reckless of all save CL.- Micliaers favor. Rudolf RassendyU EngliaH adventurer, who so loved life that he naked it dailj. y Princes flaviti, whom Ru dolf loved and-, came dan gerously near marrying. Black Michael, who hated Rudolf and loved Flavia with equal intensity. Love, Danger, Gaiety, In trigue, beautifully por trayed in Rex Inngram's, Version of Anthony Hopes romance. 0 1 m All the Gorgeous Glamor and Fascination of the world's most famous ro mance depicted in a vividly beautiful j setting. i m T