ttnd ay: morning; October i; 1922 THE OREGON 6TATESMAN;ALElC0REG0N GIANT BOMBING PLANE AND PILOT TO DOER PULITZER RACES OPPOSED BONUS BILL., rpp LADIES - Suits - essfes Superintendent Hug Calls Teachers Together for : i Final Instruction, Reduced 15 Per Cent Less i- r- - --- " - " . i; ft Goats i' On Monday, the .Salem public schools will! open for their 1922 23 season. A meeting: or the M teachers -was held Saturday, called ' by Superintendent George Xtur. to see that everything ,ic In readiness for the big- start..; The , registration Is to be mtde In all the departments. Thi Up per grades will require )re7 fit tie', classification, and te lower grades still leas. The Junior. hiRb students are to hate their wqrk assigned go that they can taiy their books Monday before noin. It's Time for Yoiir Fall Suit ! $Mto$5a These suitg are just the kind you wantT-jtheyre made to measure they ar4 up-to-the-minute . in style and the materials we show are high trade,; : pure wool and most at tractive , patterns,, Lin- ings and trimmings the best. , - .::':': They're tailored to your order and . high grade in, every - respect. Tf.';;,;- - T ' 1 3 II I j. . ' l This view of the Omal, the largest bomblag plane In the United States army, shows to advantage Its three enormous Liberty motors, which hate a combined strength of 13.000 horsepower. It weighs twelve tons and has a speed of 110 miles) an hoar. It Jtlso has a capacity for two 4,000 pound bombs. In the circle is a photograph of Lieut. Melville, who will handle the big plane In the Pulitzer races to be run, in Detroit. He hag already put it through a aaUsfactory trial flight at Mitchel Field. t Scotch Woolen V 426 StatrSL The graded pupils are to have the afternoon for especial book-pur chasing period, and the high school will get its books Tuesday. The grade students are all .sup posed to be ready to recite from their new books Tuesday morning. The bookibuying problem, -however is goingto be serious. With more than 4.000 children to serve from the 4ne ' selling agency, St promises to be a busy day for both sellers and buyers. , The city teachers' association, of which Miss Mary Rausch was elected president last spring, will function during the year, on all sdjrtg of . school problems There is an executive council within this body that will handle some of the detail woric of the organization. A proposal was made at a re cent meeting of the school board that the; board give a reception to all the teachers, and establish a closer j acquaintance and person al relationship between board and teachers than has heretofore ex isted.. The date has; not yet been announced, but this' reception Is one of the social-business engage ments that 1s likely to come In the near future. ' 4 - ' "-i '; The boundaries of . t the city school districts are; here given, showing all ' the school patron Just where their children are to report for their 1922 schooling. Grant school First, seconi and third grade pupils living within the' following boundaries will Jit tend Grant school: iBegnnlng1 at the Willamette rlvef on Shipping street; east o, roufth,; north to Norway, teast to Chiirch, north to Jefferson, eaBt to I Fairgrounds road; northeast 4o ' ladison. ea.t to Southern Pacific, 'south to Par fish, West to.Mill creek, along Mill creek west, to river. Washington school First and second grade pupils' living within the following boundaries will at tend the I Washington school: Be ginning at Summer street on Par rish street, east to Twelfth, south to. B street, east to Eighteenth, south toi Center, northeast to Twentyrfjrst, south to. State, west to Seventeenth, south i to "Trade, west to Summer, north to Par.rish street. With the above exceptions all pupils of the first six grades will attend the school in the dis trict in which they live. These districts are described below: Englowood school Beginning at the north boundary of school district No. 24, on Southern Pa cific railway, south to Shipping street, west to Capitol street, south to Hood, west to Summer, south to Parrish, east to Twelfth, south to Mill creek, on Mill creek to Fourteenth, Bouth on Four teenth to Mill.creek, on Mill creek to Chemeketa, east on Chemeketa to- district boundary. ' Garfield school Beginning at tha Willamette river on Belmont street, east to Summer street, south to Parrish, east to Twelfth, south to Mill creek, on Mill creek to Fourteenth, south on Four teenth to State, west on Stato to Winter, south on Winter to Trade and west on Trade to Willamette river. Highland school Beginning at the Willanlette riyer on Belmont street to Summer, nortti to7 Hood, east to Capitol, north to Shipping street, east to Southern Pacific railway, north to district boun dary. Lincoln school Bpgpnning at the Willamette river on Trade street, east to Church, south on Church to creek, along creek to Winter, south on Winter and through Bush's pasture and Da vidson street to Howard, east on Howard to Berry; south to Rural, east to Twelfth; south to district boundary. Park school - Beginning at f Trade and Church, Btreets, going east on'Trade to Winter, north on Winter to State; east on State to Seventeenth, south to Turner road, southeast to district boundary. Be, ginning at district boundary on South TweUth street, north lo Rural avenue, west to Berry, north to Howard, west to Davispn, north on Davidson through Bush's pasture to trefek, on creek to Win ter, ' northwest along creek to church street, north" on Chur.-h to Trade. " Richmond school-i-Beginnins at the district boundary on the Tur ner road, northwest to Seven teenth, north to State, west bn State to Fourteenth, north on fourteenth to Center, east on Mill creek to Cnemeketa and east on Chemeketa to district boundaries. Boundary between Grant Junior high school and Washington jun lor high school Beginning at the Willamjette river, go east on Di vision Street to Cottage then north on. Cottage to Mill creek, follow Mijl creek to Parrish, then east to Twelfth street, then nprth on Twelfth street to p street, east to Fifteenth street, then north on Fifteenth street to Nebraska ave nue, 'then east on Nebraska to Seventeenth street, then north to Frickey street, then east to dis trict line. - Boundary between Washington junior high school and McKiuIcy Jdnior high school Beginning at the Willamette river, go east on Mill street to Winter, then scuth to Mission street, then to Creek on Mission street, along creek through Bush's pasture to Cross street, east on Cross to Turner road, southeast on Turner road to district boundary. Senator John Sharp Williams (Miss.) opposed the bonus bill, cuiin2 that it would make proCtests out of brave soldiers. real musical temp;e, as he is do ing. He Is looking nor a name for the new place. Professor Roberts, for the past 15 years the organist at the First Methodist church, is gratified that the churcch board has sanctioned some organ improvements that will add a vox human, an oboe. flute and perhaps a tuba stop to the present organ, the additions to cost! about $1000. This will make the organ one of the best in the northwest, outside of Port land or Seattle The old instru ment is of especially fine, tone, and- the new stops will be only more comprehensive additions and combinations. Professor Roberts promises a public organ recital as soon as the new equipment ii put in. Pick yW choice of our entire stock of Coati Suits, Dresses at 15 per cent less than regular prices. This in view of the fact that our prices are very reasonable, quality considered, makes this an ideal time to purchase your fall apparel x Coats; $11.7S to $50 Suits, $18.S0 to $60 Dresses, $11.75 to $35 OUR PRICESf ALWAYS THE LOWEST Gale & Goip)jaii Court and Commercial Streets g&Jem, Oregon STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. BRING RESULTS .11 - .' - - -- . V , . ' t I ts gf-ta. w- - -- Iff ... I V ROBERTS HAS FINE HOME : . !. Salem Music Teacher Mov ing Into Combined Studio and Residence X r ; t Book ousaiic onss a ho Songs of 4he People. Containing More Than a The World's Largest Collection' of! Thousand Old and New Favdritesi1 v , feditcll by Albert E. Wier The purpose of this book has been; to assemble; withiw its covers practically every ;song, old and new, which by reason of its merit deserves a place in the hearts of music lovers. The more than onj thousand songs which it contains have been se lected with the greatest possible amount of careful discrimination and it is the sin cere hope of the publishers that iinusical collections for the home.! 31-1 t will fill a niche all of its own in the domain of Our Grea t Coupon Offer Makes it Almost a Gift H Publisher's Price $3JOO n Yours for only 79f an ' H hd three coupons MONEY BACK Take this book home, ex amine it carefully. If you are not satisfied-return it within forty-eight hours and this paper will refund your money; -: Clip Coupon Today Prof. T. S. Roberts is just mov, tng into about -the finest home studio that any hard-worfcing, aTn,bitlous musician ever dreamed of possessing-. It is at 505 North Summer street, and tas ben building for a number of months past. The downstairs 1s the .home, with every comfort that modern designing ;and electrical ind plumbing service can provided for comfort and convenience. But the upstairs, the music , depart ment, is the real joy for any art ist. The stairway leads up from a large hall, so that students and business .callers do not enter the home department at all. Auditorium Is Iloomy Upstairs, , there is. a reception room, then the private teaching rqpm, and these open off from the main auditorium by wide folding doors that make all the space available for concert use. The auditorium, approximately 22 by 40 feet, i has a round vaulted ceiling, is oak-floored, and Is al together the most charming lit tle muc hall imaginable. It is finished iift green Ktain and white that harmonize perfectly. There will be a piano there, and eventu ally, a $4000, pipe organ especially built for home or seml-puWic use. With the organ installed, the room will be && perfectly appoinU ed for recitals as anything there is in the northwest. It will easily seat 1 00 guests after the big or gan Is set in, place. With the aux iliary rooms it would now take care of neairly 150 guests. The auditorium ;is for concerts, re citals, try-outs for pretentious ap pearances, nd will be more or less a musical home for Profeajsor Roberts' countless musical asso ciates. Plare to Have Xaiic .. Professor (Roberts had the whole home especially built as a perma nent conservatory plant. Ho has been teaching in Salem for many years, with (notable success as a teacher, and even greater success as a good friend, who makes mu sic wholesome and pood to take. Ills friends will . rejoice- that he has decided to honor his profes sion so thoroughly aa to tmild a I -w"'; r- - A Big Week ofj Big Bargains in America's Most Popular Flppr Covering October 2nd to 7th GoldSeal 1 V V LVJii Coegoleusm tins Tom(mm& A Six-Day Bale of America's Most Popular Floor Covering . .3 Note These Low Prices 6x9 ft Genuine GOLD SEAt CONGOLEUM RUG ; only,: r li l- - -$7.85 Regularly Priced $9.30. . I 7x9 ft. Genuine only...: ........ Regularly Priced SI 1.60 GOLD-SEAD 9x9 ft. Genuine only...., Regularly Priced $13.95 GOLD-SEAL CONGOLEUM RUG, -. -X. i 1 $Q 8A t.. CONGOLEUM RUG, .$11.70 Beautiful, Harmonious Patterns, Congolenci patterns are the. mqst artistic you can possibly imagine. There are snhple tile and woodblack t patterns for kitchen and bathroom elaborate floral effects for bedroom, dining-room, and living room. ' Easy to Clean. No tiresome sweeping or beat-. ing is necessary.;' A damp cloth removes every speck of dust and dirt in a jiffy. j j Waterproof and Greaseproof. Tbe firm sani- 9xl0i2 ft. Genuine GOLD-SEA CONGOLEUM RUG, 9I:: J - - -!".- - $13.75 Rhularly Priced $16.25. 9x12 fp. Genuine, GOLD-SEAll CONGOLEUM RUG, only 1 .... ...; I . j - $15 95 Regularly" Priced $18.60. .1 i Other sizes xanginp down to thejlxS fti Rugs 49c Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the-Yard, only 74c ' Per Square lard, 2 yards and 3 yards wide. No factory left-overs or "seconds," but fresh new de signs of rare charm and beauty. . Every one in perfect condition, just received from the factory. tary surface is waterproof and rot-proof, ing narms 11. Noth- y r No Fastening Required. Congoleum lies flat on the floor. It will not curl or "kick up", at edges or corners. No tacks, nails, or cement are needed to hold it in place. Economical Low cost and long f wear make Gold-Seal Congoleuf the most economical floor- covering it is possible to buy. At regular prices it . ...IL....:. Ai. iL - 1 s H m. 1 icdi udTguio. ai mc iow pncei prevauinsf all wis weeK it represents unprecedented value. SEAL J V CUAWANTTE I SAXISEtmOM AAKTEEO i c. I i . . 1 . ; s. to MILTON Good Furniture ; 340 Commercial Street 9 h h -S J u J 7