The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    I- " . -
;g 11BEEB . -ei)ii:"GR4TITUOg!
Statesman rub Co,
Salem, .Ofegcsvi
i Gentlemen
t n
By Prize WSmWm Fotmet Ipipzle
Ask Theimey Will TeU Yk
j Portland, Oregon,
May: 143922.'..
Thi It a little late, but I Wish totale that I re-
' nvo4 tW,kwk XI Slrf a third riz th coriteat'of The'
,7 Iaclf kf 4IdnrtStead,t 1 was somewhat surprised when'youTinfermed
me 1 waiia prize winner. 1 guess I must Have pdt in about thirty
minutes wofM and consider I miadf at ; theate of $30.00 an hour.
Wish 1 could .always be paid hat well for ray, work. r .
' - Thahkrhg ypu lor same TreMain a welj jwishet forThe SUtes
jnaa Puaiifibiif Cbapaay. -ruj .fsr '
r ; Respectfully, . fit
, ;'A Ken Wood HoeyPortland,Oreegon.
4 M" liiaT6ri; jaH: 1922.
Mori Conteat Editor. M v I i v
8alem, Oregon. .1
(ear Sir: j
) iii rteelTed your caih prixe df $200.00 from your recent Morie
tytery Conteat. 1 with, to thank you Terjrmuch. .
;3 I find that the eonteata carried on by you people are not faltea, ,
i fut' just "What ;they are repreaebted to. be. . . k
V: ' I may use (his wonderful caka prize to help finish up my edu
eiitkmal--idealar - u" . ... .- . ...... . . '
-Thanklnt yH ajain, I remain " Yours sincerely,
- tj' VAv:' :!lh-TV.uis.',;'C-i:, - -' ANNA KIRBY.
V ' : - j": " : rV"
Puyallup,.Wash Jan. 9, 1921 ,v
The Statesman Publishing Co., ' ,- ' '
215-217 South Commercial Street,' Salem, Ore.
Dear-Sirsj' -' ' ?y'W f '
-M I aeknowledge with thanks your letter of the 4th, inclosing
check for $25.00. I also thank you for yoiur kind consider
ation and promptness in answering my letters concerning the eon'
test, You are to be congratulated on your fahnes in judging
and awarding the priies. ' 'j '" j ' !:'' :' - -
I wish to say that this was the easiest $25J6 Uaf' ever
earned; at first I just; did it for fun, but after receiying your
L encouraging letter, I got busy in earnest.-: I, never dU believe iu .
puzzles, I thought they veere all fakes, and I still iruily belteTe
that The Statesman Publishing Company is the only fafr eompan'y
$500.00 IN CASH
! I .
Mr. Hugh A. Ross won the Ford Touring
Oar given as
beck for the cash
khe Ford touring
prize in our contest, but at his request SNt him $500.00 in
cash in its place. Read what he says:
.' Gentlemen: t am in receipt today of "your
prize you have so kindly given me in pl4ce ofi
car, which I won as first prize in your recent
The cash is made doubly acceptable by the promptness with
which you have sent ifj and you re to be congratulated on the
courteous, fair, and efficient way in which yqU have conducted
.your contest. I have entered a great many contests, but never
expected to win' such a prize as this. , ; j
' t would like to acknowledge my appreciation of the very evi
fdeht fairness to contestants with which yop con Med'this contest,
and trust you will realize sufficiently ia adyertis pg and circulation
concerning nuzzles.
t aL L. . x , .. ' . ' t kl s - of your excellent magazine to repay your 'outlay in furnishing
I was verv hannv to receive tb todtipv. Tt w 1ilc tf otfk J f .if
" . .. -T. . . ? wrv-interestine and entertaining pastime tof your numerous
wanted for a long time. The Statesman; made mer liamDv io.I
meone. else happy. If the wayto
real aueceaa is in making others happy, -your company- should be
thought1 it only fair to make someone. else happ. If lbmrtMfV. mef" w me' ; , U..T"
t , ixi. . -v ' r. every contest aa every one oomg bo is ceruumys
very successful the. coming year of 1922.
X wish to remain your evef grateful friend, and again thank
ing you -for the prize,
Yours very truly,
repaid a hundred
V times over for his trouble.
Yours truly.
NOTE. Mr. Ross secured only four subscriptions in qualifying
his entry." .
WON $10000 CASH PRIZE f? I V
ina statesman ruuuning uo, ,
CkletB, Oregon,
- tr
. Dear tlrht :Ji'-MS ':' T
i Only too gladly do I acknowledge' the receipt ot th Check for
one hundred dollara" awarded tee as second prixe in, your recent
Contest. .To opponents, .thlf spptecistory leUer kasH sext4 ai an
evidence of . your upright and; fair dealing, with your contestants
itn securing, subscribers for yemr useful' publieations X hat
little dirncHnyalthough there were several contestants-. in "our (
town. The work? was a pleasure, a welj as pastime, and I iope ''
to aeiicit in'orst mbacribers-jn the future ; I, too, met wtth, opposi-K
iwn,-Lui did not let; myself be dissuaded front carrying-out-that
Up6n.whichlla.d det6(mine4 and beUeved 1a succeeding. .v,.;4:;j
: J-r6m,lth( very .flist I resolved to use' the priti mney, "should i
. 1 be 'sq'forluriate : as to Win, for purchasing or Contributing to thai
turchve uf an felectricyoning machine" so that the work In our ,;
"Uuhdry could be minlmiied. . . ' ; : r" " ;'.
'. r In, conclusion, , I thank yoti most sincerely for your courtesy
and promptnesi and extend my appreciation to the worthy, judges
f Wishing you a very successful and prosperous year I am
u ; - ' WON $50.00 CASH PR
r ViBOS Cross Si, Salem, Ore Jan. 10, 1922.
atatesman xusning Co, :;
Salem, Ore.
' Dear 61rs: :v :
i After nterins? the Movie Mvetarv- ContMi I.vaa nml im4f'v
. prised when I was notified that 1 was the winner of a $50 prize.
I wish to thank, you for the same and for the receiving of it so
; promptly when I stepped Into your office. ' 1
. Tours truly, ' :'
--;'y. ed. SPSOCD! 'V (
. '- i am pleased be'yond measWto' iclmowiedge VetoerpV of your;
wire of the 5th insti, informing me that I waa the successful win
ner of the first prize in the great Puzzle Contest! It would be.
: Impossible, gentlemen, for you to visualize my complete happiness
in the receipt of such glad tidings, sufficient to aay that I was
, absolutely dumbfounded with Joy. i Please convey to your judges: -my
sincere appreciation, and'thanka for the great honor -which
they ...have bestowed upon my work, '-fi M-' r " ' ,l
v In regard to the magazine, I consider it an excellent publics-
ttMU In tact, f 6 Its coat, I think tt lxca anything clUkia&
published, It seems to jmprovo with.tvery. issB'a8sttredi
. that I ahall do all that is possible h the way l increasing ita,
popularity fa thia city. f-.f ' K " -
ff I only hop that my great success in this contest wiH be an .
inspiration aa well as an inducement to others to try their luck. 1.
v Tor such that may seem so inclined I would' say, keep hammering;'
if; you fail fa 4je 4ry;the next Keep at it; Patience and perae-
J veranco overcomea many, obstacles. As to .getting subscriptions, '
. Ct wme sampU opies and diatribute them amOnfst your friendsiv
The' rest Is easy. In other words, wEcitmi subsptions.beconies
a 7lessure fastesd of a task. , Follow advices as I have done, and
auccesa aa it has mine, will erown your effort. ' Before closing, I
wish to thank you for your courtesy , and hoping to hear from
You Can Qualify Yoiir Entry Quickly with this Official Automobile Road Map and 1920 Census.
Aitomobifle'Road Mate
-1 ' " i-;"v ' ' ' i'
Complete 1920 census of
each state, printed oh good linen paper in three colors (blue, yellow;, and red graveled
roads in red i. This mart is unauestionaMv the best auto road mar of these states ever published and
" given to Pafeific Homestead subscribers absolutely v . j
Every person needs a real
is-, t r -,v 1
up-to-date auto road map of their state so you can understand that this map will
eat majority of, people .
"be hailed with delight by the great
: ' ,! . " frr: -' ; p ' ' - ' ' .... .;
Everyone who subscribes to The Pacific Homestead will receive tbiese splendid maps absolutely free. This
' "is en added inducement for your friends ind neighbors. They wiU make qualifying easy. These are the ideal auto
road maps for every home.
ortant Information
. . v. mim9 ay eta was receivea, contanung tne good news t
d my.succeas fa your rWar Proverb Competition, also letter of
, recent foU-ficnBml yj- ,-;IAV-X VKi-
' t more than thankful to -you for your kindness to me, also
the-r competition. i In f act I feel as if you havt taken a personal
interest in ma all thnmch. n: .Jt-. '.H r k.-i..i4-i.: v--, 1
Wiaoing your magaaane every auccesa Sad certainly the Con.
tet Manager, I beg to remain.
r i h--Vr- . u THOMAS nTTWPWPTr.Q
i JUHOW'SPLE Cdft: ' .tIl .
j No Difficulty Getting Qualifying Subscriptions to 1
IJl found practically no difficulty in persuading my friehds to
subscribe to your magszine after I had shown them my sample
cpy, and I may say that they are all highly 'pleased with the
magazine,, t- , k .
..T I am' a-lad that I won tha Itntk-nri.. 'i.'n. "ai..'iLr-.
Yours respectfully,
; Read Every, Word of If It Will Helri You Win
- 4 , the Big prize . i
A .xew good pointers that wiU help you qualify quickly. You
will qualify your entry, most, quickly and easily if you try among
your own. friends and neighbors first. Give folks your confidence.
Tell them frankly that you are trying to win one of the big prizes
inrthe great eontest and they will be glad to help you.
' ?Wherit you show your friends the copy of The Pacific Home
stead, show them also the big list of prizes you are lining up -to
win then open up the prise list and let them read all about tbe
'great features that have made The Pacific Homestead the favorite
fa so many thousands of Western homes. j
v Remember that The Pacific Homestead costs only $1.00 for a
whole year's subscription, all postage paid. : That means less than
2 centa per week. It is a marvilously low price Jn Consideration
of the vast amount of good reading matter in. the fifty-two splen
did magazines it brings, 't'.--'
If any. of your friends are subscribers at present try to secure
their renewals, which will run on from the expiration ef their
present subscription. A renewal counts the same1 as a 'new .sub
acription for you. l . ; )
BE PROMPT! ' ') ;
'Attend to your qualifications t once. Do not put off until near
the end of the contest. If you do you nfay find that some one else
in your district ha seised tbe opportunity and has qualified his
entry by sending subscriptions from the very people you intended
seeing. . ., --. t j $ . j '
,1.J :
-one of : the
Lorne Hicks a busy boy on big farra, whowon
finest Drires ever awarded. 'j .
Lorne entevd one othe recent puixle contests,. aod.tialiried
his entry promptly by securing only five subscriptions. -Ilfa entry
waa awarded first urize bv.the ludces. and LOrne and i father
came to the city and drove home their magnificent prize. ! ji
He wrote us the following letter in acknbwledgmejki ' ':of
prizes , - -.; " "1 r-"-1 "-- "te-- ? rs- -v .-i
Dear Sirs: The Overland nve-nassens-er touring car has! ar
rived and I must say we are all greatly delighted witty It
seems a wonderful prize to win with so little effort. Have re
ceived many letters from readers of your magazine from different ,
parts of the country, some congratulating and others asking1 Was
it really so, that 1 received the Overland car, " :' f .
I must say that the management of your magazine have been .
prompt and courteous .to me throughout the contest, and I Vtsh'
his. v
your management every success in the future.
Yours truly,
, - -. 1
Dear Sir:: Your letter was certainly a surprise for me. You
don't know how happy I am that I was lucky enough 4o win the V
third prize, $50.00. I took ill some time ago, and couldn't get any k
more subscriptions but two, but I am up and about now and I
expect tdet some more subscriptions as soon as possible. . ;
I think everybody should -read this beautiful and great -maga- .
sine. I certainly enjoy rewling"itv1'" ""- - ...--
" Yours truly.-. ' ' j. V " -' "
; ' -THE ENTIRE CdNTESfj . ' ! ' r
I beg to express my sincere appreciation of ;your payment of
$20 in full settlement for Seventh Pjize in your recent great Mov
in g Picture Contest, and to thank you for the courtesy and prompt- '
ness throughout the entire time I worked for you. f ' j
I 'did not send a great number of subscriptions, and was sur-
prised that this did not affect the awarding of the prizes as is
frequently the caser.with other concerns. 4 . t-. y- ;
'' '.' Yours very truly, H.h
' - : ,. y--- -. . .; 1
Your telegram and also letter of the 5th to hand, and may I
say it is hemost agreeable surprise that I ever received.
It Was with many misgivings that I entered the contest -but ,8s
it wasnryardrraecTm to send the reply. Regarding the '
qualifying jubscriptionsv I iound them. very easily; secured. i
Accept 'A vry, sincere, thanks ".for awarding me second place "
in your recent' contest,' and wishing your company every; success
in the future, I remain.. J ' .j.";-. j.. vi
Yours sincerely, , ' 1
; g'maitldheron. .
, Promptness in qualifying earns the great appreciation of the
Contest Manager, because it aids and facilitates the work of both
primary and final judges. Be wise and you will be prompt.
If you want extra sample copies, order forms, or any informa
tion regarding the contest, address The Puzzle Contest Editor,
Pacific Homestead,, Salem, Oregon. '
The Publishing House j
Behind You
Some Facts You Should Know
, The Statesman Publishing Company are the owners and pub
lishers of The Pacific, Homestead. The company has a capital
ot $100,000 and is One Of the strongest and best known publish
ing houses in ttie Pacific "Northwest, j
This great magazine the oldest, brightest and , best in the
Pacific Northwest, and -the company publishing it, have been
built by the gobd will ot the people of the Northwest. The com
pany's solid foundation and continued prosperity are tributes to
its policy ot public service Of promises honestly made and
honestly kept of its determination to publish only the best
and highest In literature and art.'
v V Fairness and Impartiality Will Guide the Judges
- When They Make the Great Prize Awards
The final fudging and 'awarding of the prizes in the present
contest will, as in all preceding contests, be entrusted to a com
mittee of three judges who have no connection whatsoever with
The Pacific Homestead, or with the Statesman Publishing Com
pany, and no personal knowledge 'or acquaintance with any con
testant. iach individual entry is assured of fair, and unbiased
Judgment when It reaches the final committee of Judges.
Your telegTam of congratulations certainly did delight me
beyond expression. . I felt that it was almost' too- good to be true,
and could scarcely realize that I had been awarded such a beauti
ful prize for the small amqunt-of tune it required, to answer the
Proverbs and secure the necessary qualifying subscriptions, and I
wish to thank you for the kind-assistance and encduragament you
gave to me at all times throughout the eontest. 1 "V ' i I r
I cannot' let this opportunity pass without expressing! my '
opinion and approval of your wonderful .magazine, whichls grow
ing bigger, broader and better as all, the worthy things should.
All who have seen and read the magazine express .themselves as
pleased with it, and I found it an' easy matter, to get the Sub
scriptions which,I sent in. t ,' 1 i
Thanking you for your kind and courteous treatment at all
times, and wishing you success without "measure, L assure, you that
I will always have a good word 'or the ' magazine and company.'
W. F. Geddes won the Ford car given in our (19 14-contest.
This was the first car we ever'gave away, and after the judges
had awarded Mr; Geddes' entry first place, he asked us for Cash
in place of the car as he was attending college and needed Ttm v
money, to complete his course. He promptly received our -check
for $550.00. He writes: j '' ? . -v-f :- ' ' ' :" '
Your letter in regard to first prize which I won' in 1914 is to
; hand. I received the check for $550.00 on. the exact date as prom -ised,
and the money I received has afforded me no little pleasuree,
besides helping me to defray my expenses at this -college, f I am
now in the Agricultural department for the summer months! I
shall be very pleased to answer any letters from your contestants
which I received regarding the winning of first prize. '
, . , " 1 VW. Fi GEDDES.
Dear Sirs: This being Thanksgiving Day, I can think of no
more' appropriate time in which to acknowledge and thank you
tor the delightful information which yotif letter contains, Inform-
ing me that I have been awarded Special First Prize in ."Percy's
Puzzled!' contest, of the Ford Touring Car.
Indeed this was entirely surprising and unexpected. I can find
no expression of my thanks to the judges and the Publishing
Company for awarding me such a magnificent prize. "
I wish to assure you that it shall be my dearest desire to do
. all in my power for such a splendid, wide-awake, up-to-the-minute I
magazine as it is a veritable pillar of inspiration and helpfulness
to the people' as whole. . .
.Again thanking youj I beg to remain , !
- . Yours very' sincerely, v
ROY 'C. McGRATH. . "
Letfes. Are,. Guide. Posts i"o Your Own Brilliant Success