The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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' M.
r -
- Xltdts Son H
' . JimM Henderson. Ttnutmajsl rr
of Cascade Locks, and!, president
" of the Postmasters League of Ore
gon, is spending a few days vis
iting, his son, W. II. Ilenderson.
of 13-40 Madison street.-:
Dinner ServeV ' .
All day today, at the Gray Belle
Laura Grant, Teacher of piano -
A 28 . rj.;. Cottage. . Phone 1709J.
James Oliver Curwood's
"Valley ofSfltnl Hen"
"GOLF' ' M v
Our store will, be closed all day Monday,
on account of Jewish holiday
The Day of
'rill beclosed all day Monday on account of Jewish
' ,vi Holidays ' 1 ' '
Day of Atonement
v V. vkt
Grocery Section
X00 lb. sack Oregon Potatoes.....$15
100 lb. sack Berry Sugar ..$7.15
; )Good grade of Bulk Coffee ... .25
f fancy Fea berry tOiiee, iw... . .
, l4 lbs. S. W. Beans. , .25
1 can Dulcb aeaner T .07
'4 lb. can White Carnation Shorten-
. . mg rr )
4 lbs. Snowdrif t Shortening.;.. .. . 77
. f 11 Tlma ftfff . LjLJ.: 1.9
1 lb. Hill Bros. Coffee
1 sack Waldo Hills Flour. -J: L35,
' - .. ' ' " ' '
1 Above are a sam ple of our grocery prices
let us quote' you on any or all your
' supplies in groceries; . ,K
Experienced Waitresses Wanted
At The Gray Belle. Adr.
Divorce Is Granted
Application of Rath Gay for a
dirorce from Harry Gay on the
grounds of desertion was allow
ed by Judge Kelly In circuit
court yesterday.,.-. The couple mar
ried In Vancouver October 9,
1917. '
Chicken IMnner
' Seryed ail Jay at The Spa.
Adr. ' .
Pauline Frederick
One of the finest emotional
actresses, on stage or screen
in one
I ' of the Greatest '
"Dramatic Productions
Ever Filmed-
. . also
A. Kid , and Dog Comedy -r
To make yon laugh .
Capital Hardware
& Furniture Co.
I. Saffron.
The C. and C. Store
Men's storm4. .
Men's heavy
Come to the
1 :
Eat Chicken Dinneiw-
At the Gray Belle today.- Adv.
October Victor Records "
Hate Just; arrived. ! Hear then
at Moore's Music house, 415
Court streeti Adr.
Marriage licenses Issued
The following marriage licens
es were Issued yesterday by th
county "clerk;, William E.: Estell
and Emma G. Johnson, Falls City;
L. ft. Keal and Era McClellan.
West Stayton; W. 1 Moorman
and Lois Hinsdale.
Chicken Dinner
Served all day at The Spa.
Adr. .
$0.50 for 4.30
Or SS for $5. Cosmopolitan
Magazine and Good Housekeeping
for. one year to one address only
$4.50, Cosmopolitan and Hearsts
for one year S5. Phone or write
or call for our "Last Chance of
fers" catalog, and save money.
Harold Lloyd
I. In
"Grandma's Boy"
Katherine MacDonald
" '-In i '
The Beautiful Liar
279 p. si.
To Carry Morning -Routes
Splendid, opportunity
to) make some money
while attending school.
Apply Circulation Man-,
ager, Oregon States
man. Increase Your Earning
By increasing your physical
efficiency. If you are suf
fering from improper rision
you are aot 100 efficient.
That you are not uncon
sciously struggling under '
tis terrific handicap.
SO 1-5 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon's Largest Optical ,
Phone 239 for appointment
Monday and Tuesday Only
Children's fine ribbed Buster Brown
hosiery, white cordovan and black in all
sizes, per pair.. .19:
Ladies' Buster Brown, regular 50c
lisle in cordovan and black, two
days selling at, per pair.-...... .39;
Values to $1.50 in Ladies' silk at 8
Our regular $1.95 blanket, ,two
"days only..!.,.. . ,1.79
."-'.i'"--!;'-'V''"' ,' : siK t-"-' ' f "'
Hood's best quality. , This Is the way
. they are priced: .' .
Ladies toe $ .65
Ladies' storm 1 a '.90
i rhiH'a Klnrm - : 1 - .65
storm ..
C. C to save your dimes
and dollars
The Ace. Masonic Temple, , phone
839, Salem,- Or, Adr. :
Come In And Hear
October Victor records. Moore's
Music House, 415 Court street.-
Adr. ' ;
Lena Belle Tartar-
Teacher of singing. Pupils now
enrolling. See display ad. Adr.
Declarations Filed
Two declarations of , Intention
to become citizens of the United
States were filed with ,'theV coun-
7 clerk yestirday. The appli
cants are Maurice E. Ftacqnetr lo
cal student and native of France:
George P. Faulkner, farmer ' of
Stayton and natire of Npra Ceo-
Cblcken Dinner
Serred all day at The Spa.
Make Tomorrow- Yonr Red Letter
Day by starting a course in the
Capital Business college. ''New
classes In all subjects. Adr.'
Come tn Here ... r -
And hear Octoher Victor rec
ords wnicn hare lust atnrea
Moore's Music House, 415 Court
street.-? Adr., '
Chicken Dinner
Serred all day at
The Spa
Adr. ,7
Rettort Two Robberlce
E. B. Taylor, 1795 Fairgrounds
road, reported to police yesterday
morning that an unidentified
prowler: had stolen . considerable
wearing apparel from his. home.
Mike J. Kippenger reported cloth
ing ana jewelry missing from bis
residence. :
Bertha Junk-Darby Teach.
Of Piano and "Oodowsky. Pro
gressive Series' class work in
Junior Course" on fundlmental
work. Studio, 679 North Cottage.
Phone, 1950W.Ady.
Mr. J alia M. Weiael Plan
Studio 260 1-2 N. Liberty, rus
Idence 1S60 S. Church." PL one
1391-R. Adr.
Emma Weiler
Teacher of piano, and Dinning
System of Improred Music Study.
695 N. Liberty. Phone 1351.
Adv. -
Reception For Pastor
A reception to the "new" pas
tor and his wife Is to be given
Tuesday night at the First "Meth
odist church. The newcomer is
Eev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick. who
for the. past two years has trade
such a phenominally successiu
record tor the church. In member
ship and in general missionary
work both home and abroad. The
reception is to be held at the
church parlors, from 7:30 o'clock
onward. ' -
Chicken Dinner
Served "all: day at The Spa.
Sfrs. Strle'a Music Ktnriin
859 Center. High school crei!
its given , in, piano and voice.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank all who as
sisted by word, deed or thought
during our sad bereavement
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnett and
family. Adr.
Dm. White and
Ofteopathlo payiicUnt, 0 I BL
Fire Alarm Heard
A fire alarm from South
Twelfth street, at Leslie, ' railed
i the fire department for a mile run
yesterday. It prored to be only
a flue burning out that did net
I Beware of Imitations
Their salesman now in Salem
Fuller brushes are guaranteed
Phone Crimes 1137-J Adr.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
'an expert in -the business. Adr.
Dr. Hiner, Foot Specialist
322 State St., phone 957. Adv
Woman Run .Orer
Mrs. ' M. Feeiey, residing at
1249 Center street, was struck
j and knocked down by a Larmer
Transfer company .truck Saturday
afternoon at Church and State
streets. Mrs. . Feeiey was cross
ing the streets as the truck came
from the north of Church. , .
MacDonalds Farmer
At Tyler's Drug Store. Adr.
i -I
Struck By Avto
Oliver Knpper, 340 Leslie
street, vWas hit and knocked to
I the sidewalk about 10 o'clock yes-
terday morning by an auto driven
, by a man claiming to be C. S.
Johnson. 1192 South Liberty
I street, according to a report Kup-
per maae to ponce.
Lesral Blanks Z---Z . I
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.-
AQV.-- -- .
I Broken Arches
And other deformities of the
feet corrected without loss of time
from your occupation. Dra. White
and Marshall. U. S. Bank bldk.
Adr.:. V,..:..",: : w : .. i
I Chiropractor, Dr. Lena A. Boontf
I 47S 8. Commercial. Hours 10
Rainy Weather During Fair
ween cuts Down Crowd
V By Big Percentage
A n estimaf ed more than 75,000
people attended the state fair
this year, including che attend
ance last night. The rain that fell
so shockingly on Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday, cut the at
tendance rery greatly; it is ho
llered that the total for the week
would bare run anywhere '.from
125,000 to 150,000 if the
weather had been good for all the
fix days. Previous fairs have run
as high as 140.000.. ,
But despite the rains that made
the track a Quagmire on the bad
day erery, race was run. The
lair beard , didn't '"welch on a
single Item, aad.while the didn't
all appear exactly according to
the original schedule, the fair liv
ed up to the last word and letter
of Its contract with its patrons
Everything that was promised
was performed. The concerts, the
races, . the horse shows, the spe
cial days, all were given as prom-
tsedV. -That .of itself was a re
markable teat.
! Railway Has Big Traffic
The Southern Pacific handled
an immense number of -passen
gers during the week. One day
there were 18 special trains. Col,
John; I. May, train dispatcher,
was on the job in person at' the
Fair Grounds station and the way
he ran the service was wholly
v The several car-loads of horse-
show stuft went out early Satnr
day, having finished its. work Fri
day night. . A number of cars of
stock from Tillamook county and
other stock that Is to be shown
there this coming week went out
early Saturday night.
Big Time Stuff Leaves
Twenty-five cars of big-time
stuff went out- tor the Pujallup
fair Jater Saturday night. Twenty
cars are to go early this morn
ing for the Linn county fair at
Albany. Sixty-five cars will, go
home today and Monday to var
ious points in Oregon and other
near-by! states, after having fin
ished their exhibition work for
the rear Hundreds of animals
came in on foot, or by truck, that
never saw the railroad; but these
listed above make close to 125
Traffic arrangements were
never, better than they were this
year. The city police handled
all the traffic outside Jibe grounds
and of course down in the city.
The traffic worked smoothly and
there was no confusion.
All Police Efficient "
Inside the grounds, the f special
police gave excellent service, and
erpn on me rainy , aays, when a
crowd might be expected to be
.grouchy, everything went beauti
fully. Wrecks and accidents and
quarrels were, wiped clear oat of
tne lair dictionary
Much of the prize fruit is be
ing sold, rather than to haul it
hack! home. Most of the display
staff! is already dead ripe; and
would hardly be worth a plugged
nickle by the time it reaches hoifie
after another packing and ship
ment. Much of this fruit was al
ready bargained for before the
fair closed. The counties that
Drought cheese have closed out
practically every pound of. their
show, though at no cut rates.-
,i r. and Mrs. CnarTes Gentry
of Silverton were among those at
tending the state lair.
Louis E. Bean of Eugene, speak
er of tha house of represenUtlves
and member of the state emerg
ency boardi was in Salem Tester-
day for a meeting of the com
mittee.! ?. , . ' . . " ;
Dr. Anigelina MeCulloch had as
her gueht tlifs week - Mrs. John
Mount. 5 ; (
R. Alexander of Pendleton, for
mer: member of the state fair
board, attended the fair yester
day. ; 1 l, -
Artnur Rosebraugh - has re
turned to Engene for his senior
year's work at the University of
Oregon. - I
Lavida V. . Gillette of Grants
Pass was a guest at the 9. B. Gil
iette home during . the week. He
i a student at Stanford and has
returned to his work in Palo Alto.
Prof. Lee H. Baker and wife of
Portland are visiting friends in
Arrival of Power Boat
Arouses Much Curiosity
' ANCHORAGE, Alaska! Sept. 16
The arrival here of the 60-foot
power boat Nile has aroused con
siderable local curiosity as to
whether its owner. Cant. J. A.
Johnson, intends to use it for
rold-huntinx cruise to Siberia,
Many adventurous spirits hare ap
plied to sail with him, hoping to
become modern' arronauts, -' but
f - Prune treesV" t) IL M. BlrdsaH,
phone llFJ 1 Jtosedalew N
babr. ' Apartment 6,' Baker
Captain Johnson steadfastly bias I
reiu$ea lo.uiTuige jus aesunauon.
From time to time letters have
beea 'coming! from former Alas
kan living ia SHeria telUng of
gokf 'possibilities and assuring
frjeflda that It la possible for Am
ericans to live among the bolahe
rtkl although thiy mutt rely on
their Own tact and abUfty to steer
safe course between warring
Red- and White factions, if they
hope to take any gold out of the
- The Nile la driven by an 80-
iorse power distillate engine and
Is so constructed as to be, able to
accommodate a small gun on the
after deck.- - , v
; . " : .
It used to be that one run In
a pan game looaea use a moun
tain.. Now it the team doesn't
pile up a half-dozen runs in a sin
gle inning there is complaint that
somebody Is lying down on the
Job.. i- ,
j Where to Eat Your
j I Sunday Dinner
hicken dinner serred ail day
at j The Spa,
) JACK'S CAFE5 -f;
16 South Commercial. A good
place to eat. . Chicken dinner ev
ery Sunday. Short orders alt d-7.
Sunday special. Baked Virgin
ia ham and mashed sweet pota
toes and many, others. ; It's the
I The little restaurant with .the
big eats. Try us.
PARKS Mrs. C. tl. Parks died
at a local hospital 'September
30at the age ot S2 yeara. Is
survived by het widower C. H.
raras, two . sons, . aiuan ana
Hapald fcerry, ahd one sister.
Mii. ifattle Rieke of CinctnnatL
Bojly is at Webb & Clongh's
and j announcements for senvdee
wlHi be made later.
WHITfB W. W, WhHe passed
awy at Enterprise, Or., SepU
j28J at the age of 80 years Is
'BUfsived by his widow, Mrs.
W.j W. White, two sisters, Mrs.
W, '!.. Kantner of Salem and
ifril F, E. Starbuck of Port
lanjd. and one brother, Millard
F. Y.hlte. Funeral services will
be ! held today In the Zena
chilch,! 2 p. m. Interment in
Zeii cemetery. All friends who
wish to; accompany the body
wiiilmeet at Webb & Clongh's
funeral' parlors at 1 p. m.
r!S! 1'-- :
ROBINS On the Robins farm, B
mile? south 01 Saiem. sepiem
ber 29, Mrs. Ray Bucy Robins,
abates vears. wife of J. H.'-Ro-
biha. mother of Mrs. A. E. Nor
wAttd of Redlands. Cal.. and
Mts! M. J, Martinsen of Sail
patria, Car. Survived by three
sisters; one,, Mrs. Sarah : Meyer
ofiiLos Angeles. Funeral ser
vices will be held Monday, Oct
2 at 2 p. m. from Rigdon's mor
tuary. Rev. A. Wells officiat"
lnfej interment Salem ' '
Rigdon & Son's
Uneqnaled Seryice ;
Webb & Clqugh
Leading Funeral
f Directors f
Expert Embalmers
fThey're soft and warm
Without being heavy. :
Full in skirt and
"Aioulders for style and
ddmfort. , Belted or not,
-asi you prefer.
Our pricing will please.
l .' .
97;00 to $27.75-
a: a. clothing co.
t7 No. Commercial SL
r , , j
g" 1 1 f r " ' 1 " . 1 -'
Fan hM. Oveteseta. BVms. ate. Wa
carry n a-i uss it aau fries.
. W aiaVy sQ kiaas f clMhtag
Ml . OMSMBcdal i raaae 13S-w !
Hartxnsn's Glaisei
Wear them and sec
Easier . and Bettd i
Phone 1255, Salem, Oregtt
SAVE $ $ $
by bayins your . Hird ware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co, 2S5 No.
Commercial St v Phone 947
Capital Junk .'
ZCoZ ;
All kinds of jank and
second-hand goods.
pay full value.
, 215 Center Street
Phone 393
The : pencil i. with the
BAUV. A Deuer pen
cil for.the same, price.
r Tyler Drug
Store .
157 S. Com'L Phone 35'
Classified Aas. In The 1
Statesman Brino Results
f' f V " - ........ i , ; 4
EsUblished 1868 1 '
General Banking Business
Office Hours from
J. A. Donaghue
, . . . i - - . -, . i .,..
Veterinary Surgeon
545 Ferry Street, Salem, Oregon
. Phone 1360
'H the "Golden Ride" policy.
Fitting gocd
material made
. Makers h the
of busmess. One price to aQ at
all, tfaes. Sale prices are car
eyery daj specials. .
Ko-Rec-Toe I
Shoes .
General O trice Practice
Caneera Treated
Offlee, TyleVe Drug Store
157 & Commercial Street
The J. It. TTatXlns rrodacte
'Z-t City Sales Manager
241 LatalU Street. Salem. Or.
Phone 17S4W. Goods delirered
Fall Term Begins I
-s Tomorrow ,.Z
Plan to start your business
course right away, ; Every day
that . you postpone this ' train
ing places success ' Just that
much further away.
A few months of intensive
training now will do away with
the necessity of years of prac
tical experience. A new and
increased v opportunity awaits
the young man or woman who
Is competent to fill an office
position. s
A few months work will pay
yon surprising dividends.
Register tomorrow . tor the
new classes.. . .
Capital Bnshess CcIIcge
rc ): : '. - v
Do you know that we
serve the most wonderful
specials at oar fountain?
Carefully mixed by
pdnstakinjf experts for
the particular , public's
palate. . ' .
Follow the crowds to
Sole Aren't Garden Court
' Preparations
135 N. ComT Phone 197
"Try the PenslarV
Drug Store First" .
Read the Classified Ads
10 a. m. to 3 p. ml
V. L Donglai
sices cf honest ;
by Reliable Shoe
policy cf this place
167'N."Coml' if-'"
, Wa!tca
Shoes :';
1 f
4 .
254 North Commercial
Apartments. '
M.iito is; x to o. rnrae Jin. aui.