mm 1 el' J f COSrOKEOATIOrfal. Corner MaeteeotA and Ferry. Claytoa nl suiter. Bandar school end ehereh. eombsaed aervire, at 10 a.m. ifnk'B. B.'Ewarda, superintendent. The new lessons befia Sondey i ao it is im portant for-all pupils to e present A baptisms) service for chiMrea will ba aeld. Ohriatiais eneeever at 6:30. lead r, Helaa Band. A (root ' ntmtinar aaanrvd Eveainc wwreee. and qaartarly romtmaotea at 7;30. nolo- by .Sire. Hasel Neureii Sermon ty the pastor. A nam- Of eew ssembers-will 1 be received lot fellowship. Yoa ere ialwajra wal ceraa at oar service. ' COVOKEOATXOVAXi lint Ooerxerrtionel-Cnter end tih ' iatrawta. W. O. Kaatner. miafster. 101a.m. flaaear i eeaeol -with' alamo -for ailiasje, n. naws, Npcnannawk lljejw enooa '"The Loaf ed-fo Pay." (:IU pA. ;oaf prople' earviee.-'Coaie anl enier it. 7:80 p.B.-eernion-( "The 'Li$inf ap of the Galea." Yollewins; tbe service pirtarea ;t Ira atre ting the life mi work e(3bakespeera. Prayer neet nf Thursday at 7:80 p.m. Further etugleaj of tte Book at Bodu, ' '- - 1 . ' .B APTIf I r' " ' : -; Vini eptis VfflHaia T. Millikeo, Maiater'.v,"'Moreif worships at 11, sab Jeet ."How Caa 1 rind dl" iEw tnr - werefifp -at 7:80.'; Sermon t "The Eternar Name." Wbla aohool .at :5. Edward BrJienke, ' superintendent. Grad ed dnparaneata and ebwsos for all area. J T.T lr. -at t:HO. T1m ymmr ' people -1, 1 ' IV 1. J ' - - i ; v . r :.w j, : ; 1; i lingr a rebuilt macjiine. We l-kayefj i . . " ' a h o" fr . " ' 1 ' ' ' f ; a large ftocK ot Guicrcnt,iriaKc$,' ; Ur .t. r 11 ." .-' - i o - T. - . ' Am 1 1 - dwnwMOAA4 ksl AVSSS .nMASS . ' C 1aa1: ranged to ss3i1iaWo 5peaal attestlcn to engraving, embossing acclsteel i , : dim WArlr I . t xrij - lOvVJ I ;; .SwiSS A I 1 - High at Trade Streets .I' 'iROApSTER;:'- V 'il I A t l it i f Itk ;:: , SEDAN - - , . ; ! VrrVX'- r-Zs- : s?iisr3 4? 4 jr" " Waav. -. : Now' j VV:;i!i ? ."" V-:. 'V-' ; . -."' . ' i f ' V'.--' '" , ' 'I' : -.' :. 1 -i' :t.;Z-V - ..!;i-uFV OB.-SAIiEM :?--v-; , . . ;' T" -l V- i-?'-.. -r -I' "-"r -------';.w;.':-.:i'" ; ; ' J -r - '- - " . r ' . -; - ; V . .. - y ; X ' " .T-i '',tr"7u 7" - '"T ' T'" "i4 i,i n w.inn immii .i i . y au.n p., a i 4 ... , . TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, ,S arc eoaaeaeaags their Iwinter'o' ' work Wxf aspect ' on entaeatistio i rally for Monday. InUllattea of the B.Y.P.C. of ficers at evening arv. On Taeeday the Brotherhood'. wM hbld . their first autatnn eeaetoa. - ThorstJsy the themo wilf bo "What la 'the arcli" This it the reruW prayer and prsise service of ! the oharch. . r'ridav, evening Bible aciboola teacher and offiiera cooneil will bo held at chorea bniidic t , rEIEiTDS Ronth Salem - Friend-Coraar (onuDercial - and .Waahjnctoai . ; atreeta. Nathan hwabb, pastor. Phone 1S20-J. boodar acoool at- :45 hJ.- 'Praaeonna serrieo at 11. Chriatiaif eadeavor 6.80 pjn. Eretiin aerrico ,f;36.- s Pray or iitetinf and monthly tnoetiof Thoraday 7 :30. , t ' ,d - . I!ie1n4 rrtaiKto JUgWand Arenua sad North ChorHt atreet. I. G. and Ida J. Lao, miaisterh. ,- BeMe achool at lO aja aifton..Roae, itfperintendent. Morn in$ worohiip aad preocfeinr at 11.-C. at 6 p.m, freachlTi(fiat-7:30. Prarer mretioi; Thursday at 7 :30. The pablto in eordiaUy iaoited to any and all aer oieoa. t . . V ( ...! - . CBKISTIAX ; ' I Court .Street Christian -Corner Kortb; flsoTenteeatk and ' Oonrt;- atreeta. ' Biblo school :45 .m. The ati-aa)oon , rep resent tWe wiH not ie with na untiil ono week later. "Ouar fall Campaign'" will be considered by ;, the church in thv Tnoming. AU comft Kyening; ser Before placing yoiir .or der for personal greeting "cards be swrg; andVe pur iline-lt id thetnos com-' lem-j-all 'mounteq for your inspection. , J - an;': - i.l.e.-ii i -j ! suit purcKa$er. ., ., a --.. v4 .g, r . at v- r gvi 4 i, ,'OREGON ires ehanao Intorsaedlato S :SO, aenior 6:30 and Tfelitie aerrica t T:30. Hoar the ! etiw of aermona on TKa X. T. Chnrch" by pastor. . Thoraday 7:30. Pereonof ovaagVliam elasa start. Willamette atodenta and friends Inrttel to the aorricea. R. L. Putnam, pastor. Firs Cbriatiaa Center and Hijh St. J. J. Erans, miniater. The Bible school ia increoaint; each Sunday and plans are being made for frost rally day on tbo 15th of October. CWsaea for all ages ia deparOnsenta and roma. Toe boor is 0:43. ; The . school assembly . period is followed tmaaodiately by ehurea wursbt at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach morning and evening: "Miracles and BpinUnal Values" will be the morning topic; eTooing, 7:80. "lasssas from the Life of Usttkew." -Mrs. Alice Weager will hare charge of the masse. The yoBC -people ieet ot 6:30 pjn. "kethodibt LeoKo .MeOsodist . Epiacopal South Commercial and Myers atreeta. H.'- F. Pembertoa, - pootor. -Bondoy acoool 0:45. Epwortn.: teagoe, :30. - A live, interest ins; - and - entbasiasaie meetlna ' for youac people - Morniag worship - ll - o'clock. Hernfoa oUDieot : ' "liJo - sJhnsttanj Ke- ligioa for onr Own Times." ' There will bo - a -cordial welcomo "for yon" at thia aerrice and aleo at tbo evening meeting at 7. - BuDject: -Tat Treaxtouu of a Lifetime Ideal." Come with us and tort onother week right; . Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal Fifteenth and Milla streets. lavid C. Ilassel, pastor. Bondayi morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12, Gust Anderson,- superintendent.- Evening ser vice at 8 "o'clock. Prayer meetiag anl Biblo study Wednesday eveainc at 8 o'clock. Monthly Sandsy school meeting Friday evening October 6 at the home of Mr. Md Mrs. G. Aderaon, 10th and Iraae atreeta. Center Street German . Methodist North 13th and Center otreeta, O. S. Boeder -minister. . Sabbath -ssool 10 o'clock. Teachers for Emclish aad Oer maa-'Brblo;--elaaeat" Preaching aervieea- H a.m.- and 7:90 p.m. I Tbo monthly meesmr of the women a Joreiira Mia siomry .society will meet at the home of Mr.- J. U. eJeethoii,-" Thoraday afternoon Joson. Lee Memorial "Methodisr Eois cbrmf i- North Winter and Jefferson streets extends a ' cordial . invitation to tbo pablie.. i Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Public service at 11 a.m. . Junior cbnroh wh Kev. Officer in chsrre: auditorinm with Rev. W. H. -Hertiog, Kimball 6ool of Theology), occupying tn parpit. -1 lp worth leasTua aervico 6:30 p.m. Meet- inca of vital interest.'. Even ins- evancel- ittie aervico 7:30 p.n. lr. Uickmaa will be present and wiH preach. Good amc by the choir and services thst are lull of interest. ' Jaaior-ond adult prayer servicea -Wednesdai evening' at 6:30 and .1 ;ou rewpecHvoiy. ! ' First . Methodist ' Epiacopal Blaine E Kirkpstrick, . minister.-' Class 'meeting i:ia m u toe northwest corner room downstsar. 8ndat school '0:45 a.m BheMoni -emckett, - aupennteadea.' - Bally day-1 ia next- Saadey, - let no get a good start vf turning out in run force,' Morn ing worship 11 o'clock. - The Tastor-will preaett ea the subject "The Tread of a Conqueror." The -choir will aing nnder tho direction -of lrof. JC. W. - Hooaon. Thia ia the caarcK of good music. ' Spec ial invitation is extended to stadeatt of the anioersity. Thia ia affiliate mem bership Sunday and opportunity will -be given to any ' who desire - to- aaito with the churcb. Epworth lcairue friendahip ihour -'at 1 5:30' o'clock -and -devettoaal meetings'" at :80; - Bruco White- leader of aenior enapter. - The rntermediatet meet - at the aame hour. ' Evening aer vice 7 :30 - pos. Hb - oermon - by - the paator will be oa the subject - "The Kurbt Time to Dig WoMa.J. There will bo an opening 'aong'terviea and special rauae. . The - new ehruch - night -program begins on Thoraday evenin with -picnic supper- at B o'ctoek. tdy' -elaaaea at 7- and ' devotional period at 7:45. 1 A largo enrollment ia 'expected. 1 ORXISTIAJr SCtENCE 'First ' Cfcurch - 44 -Ohemekota St. Sunday nserotag services at 11 a.m. Sob jeff ef lesson eemoa:' ("Unreality." Sunday sdaool at 0:45 a.m. Wednesdav evening -testimonial-moeoing at 8 -o'clock. neaaing -room, zuw Jiasonte '1 empie, open every day except htolidaya and Sunday a from 11:15 to 6:30 p.m. All are -cOr- aiaUy invited to oar reading roorn '.--';'::" r b. s. a. . JBWIintlvull .XIUI snmssu JUBDCH' ion,. meets every Sunday la Derby haH. comer Court and lfirh streets, for Bible study. Honrs from 10 a.m.. to 12. All interested m Bible atady -weKomed. i .ATiavwfiUi St. Paul' a Churoh ' Tha Little iTfinrcb Around the Oorner." -IUt. H. Soaeaa -iMmeera, , roetor. Holy endasriea 'at 7:30 a.m.. Cturrh aphnnl at O-Jt B.. end celebration of .Holy .Eucharist with sermsB-st -n -a.m.-f-it ts OTpected that , - I. . - " aii-Ktivr KING CONSTANT1NE. Ih f - ' - '- , " J & a: ..v.w'kv-i-rt. 4 W if r 1 L IS Defeat of the Greek' f Drees in Asia Minor, caused the downfall of the Greek Cabinet Rumors per sist that Constantino may be driven from the throne. It is also rumored that he will abdwate- tK Rev o. W. Taylor, rector 'of Grace Memorial ehrwh, Portkand, will be tue apeaker. The first meeting of the yoong nosia I socsety -win oe eio; av o.ou n m 'Tb nreeddent IkSs called a meet ing of the cabinet for 5:30. It ia hoped that oil young people will attend as it it desired, to arrange the season' s work. Htranrera mine env -win iuw a wel come at St. Pani c, - and all other us well. ' PENTECOSTAIi MISSION 322 State street, upstairs ia Fatten Building. Oar: speoisl evangelistic ser vices are atill cotoar on. in tuu force. bat will close with the Sunday evening service. Come and bring your lunch and stay all day and enjoy these feasta with . Daring roe course 01 tne oay -urotner Wie-gina wrli preaoh on li vine Healing and other truths from She Bible. Bring your ick. we tray- for- them God heals, Sunday school at 10 a.m. - Preaching at 11 ajn., '8 and . Weekdays: Bible study Tuesday evening at 8., Evangel iatie service Saturday evening at 8. Heat ins roodis lopen every afternoon from 2 to o. - jx iyon are aick and not able to cosno to! ua aad will let us know, wa will be glad to go and pray for your heaBng. We make ao -charge. Supported oy tree wnu oiferinga. i ah are welcome - ' ! s ' - I TJVITASIAN Unitarian Churcn- -Cottsee and Che meketa streetss Rev. .Martin Fereshetian, minister. Co arc h sohool at 10 a.m. Urad ed instruction. The reformation in Easv land will be the aubjeet of lecture 'and diacnasaon) for the adult class. Devo tional aervico at 11.. Sermon aabjeet TT Cross or the Crescent!" This is , vital odeatioa a millions of 11 oh am - medana are challenging . Ohriatlanitv nod Christian t Civilisation. Which wiH tri- wmpni Lwaat ia the eatlookt The aer moa will be urastratedv by a map and the relation, of the various nations will be pointed, out. Mrs. 31. Fereshetiaa will offer4 a a solo "The Uord ia Mv Ugbt." Mrs. W. A.' Deo to a at the organ MTJrrS"TEB.TAI. . ASSOfrrATTftW ''. The Salem Ministerial aaaariation ' will hold its first meeting for-Shis fall and winter Monday' mornina- -at 10:80 in tmo, full aueadance of all min iatera ia mrged.- Xew ministers in town are- invited- to meet - with oa- thst day Plana for the fall will be discussed., ' MISSION AXTi ATTTawrre Christian 1 and Jdjiaaion&rv . lliini, Mr. and Mro. H. E.'Csswell. 423 North Winter street, leaders. TJaual service. thia afternoon at 632 JSouth Commercisl atreet. ; -Sunday aehool t 2 o'clock, fol lowed br the rerular Drearhinr .' ei-vl. t o. aim as ine- asme piaee on next Thmreday, meeting beginning at 2 :ku. a very , cordial welcome to all these servicea. TOTTED EVANGELICAL first Cm twl iratlirml nn Vnrth Cottage atreet. - near Center. Serricet iRu rorenoon as follow: Kuiwlav aMutol at lO o'cioek aa osual. At 11 o'clock Miss Bertha 'Miiiipm. recently rtirn.,i oiissionary -from China will oecuoy she iruiyu. . ah cvruiasiy mviea. ,o even ing service. " : "LUTHERAN" East State and Eie-htenth iln.ii beo. Koehler. auoiater. Sunday srhvol :45. ' Divine service in Enelish at 10;SO. subject . f the aermon "T4i Inin4t Vahie of a Soul." , Church council meets at i:4a. . xoung people' meeting at 2:jo. 'lopic "Uetting an Education. Bible school every .. Saturday 8-13 a .in r-verj'oooy invited, - CATH0LI0 ' ReV. J. v R. Buck, psstoiv Sunday. ' low mass at. 8 and higb -mass with aermon al iu. ttenedictsoa follows last ir.ass. Jn first .Friday of the month commun- on will be diEtriboted at 7 and m win exposition at 8. (Benediction a '3 o rioca. tmiraren-s confession on Than ay. aiier smoot. - ' PEESBTTEEIAN rirst Freabrteriam :4.1 a. m ft,, smooi. Classes for all ages. 11 o'clock c-- J. hub ton. representing- the anti saloon league; will apeak on the sob ject "Saving the Nation." 8:80 BJn Junior, snterraediate. advanno Ut.m diato and aeaior C. E. 7:99 v.m. Tan "lar evenlna: service. - Good ummir md roagreaat'ional sinxinc. Short sdilm. hv toe-pastor on the topie "The Debt We Owe." Service closes at 8:80. "Come inoa wiia aa. - EVANQELICA1 CUemekcta Street P.-W. I-auner. pas tor., ecrmniv at 11 am., subject "The Workina- ChrtsF." Knrnnir ,i a n k. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Th. nniu - mr keooi: -ui rime for Keal s T? - K" Stroosbougti will fd ft'.e i.-i: aai,7 o'clock. Bible study con ducted by the president. Prayer aer. vices at 7fSO Thoraday evening, aJao t!r second quarterly eonferenea will hold its meeting. Sermon at Fruittand a a i..m. . - Black Bear Kiiied By, Silverton -Hunters .-a ;r-'-7 SIL.VERTO. Or.", SepL: 3. (SpeciaV; toTTe ;5t4tesan) A black bear weighing- 42 nound was h'of 1 and killed ) niae miles cast .of Silverton ;Th.ursday by a group of Silvertpn' hunters. For some time now the bear has been feedine on "the .fat of the -land" at night and i eluding AUTO TOPS the Silvfcrton' hunters in the flay time. - One - nlnt it ' raided the pig; pen ;belonini;to Perry -Mosr and did away witi two f ull-sized hog Another ifsht H robbed a ' beehire, and fnany nights it visited the prune orchard belong ing to William McKillop. i For some tim It seemed satis fied .with breakng a few limbs, from 'trees and picking its own fruit but more recently it -discovered the picked prunes in the box es were Just as palatable, and much more easily, obtained. S(l rerton hunters became greatly interested. Finally 10 of tb,fi most enterprising hunters got to gether and purchased the j00 hound "Traiior." from tl. A Ames, a former government hunt er of . Estacada. Early Thursday morning "Traiior" let the men on CI (a 1 )el 13 Sir: i7 fl CIi ui S a a - ! ' . . . .. " BT m as I tit n V. I fr w a J. W 'v. B - - --aVaBBia, SW ar al . . . r X aVA sr " . BBk ' aa J ' sssaaaaaaaaaaaamaasaaasaaaaaMaaamaaaaaaasaaassam V , A TITlA From " Western Autp if ti 111 Supplies It "matters not whether you ' drive a ' Rolls-Royce. Pierce. Chevrolet, or Flivver, yott will find fast exactly f ' 'l the tvoe of ecruimnent -tie! " Genuine Champion Plugs Only 38c L B at J AGAIN! we are . offering this won derful value - to ' the motorisii " A t tl etenuone Champion Spark Plogthat Uf regularly retails : tor 75c, for the t1 ridiculoosly- low sum of 38c. I Get ridiculoosly yours today I FAN BELTS Toar faa cm aft km the motor eal with worn-oat- f aa sett.' Carry ia extra one In fear car toe, for enMrawacX's aake. We hscw tbem 29C tawHSw f Master Pumps '4 t7! f anotMiaea. da to Js fvJ' I I J - Its . basssT .I bj "aelf-olllna." , kaw- i '1 J na; the pump leather 1 il V aUable. tbereb Kl I 71 f aurlBsT perfect ' oaa Zk ll II tiioo at alt tlmasv fill V .riew- aP f F am as am - - afaswa sWawaV-, w - a a UTonu - v . Sf IS UNION ALLS ?) je rj Protect your clotbee I Rad If" - Jf7-'" -tsr st bom or msk I 'sak ' 'iT V' - assv. ' f'fl OS taa- thoa. araaraw,! v7?grv, r.asi tst ttrf r-H LJk vy-" . .cK-u-. v. -r,.,. , ,-rr- . .- ll im - "TOT , -To .i?oae ''ia j wheel pises r ; ; 3 He) I7 1 I Prtee ef roor car.' Star be nendl , either - ' : i -STaSKs N " ' : Jaj : ItH l - 12 95. S3 75 -'' nWa CI -,l flv Hi; ,jjy z'aa J'?a I rvw 95C t. $1.85 ! rt-SafefeL"- I tp HUNTING SEaSON IS ji Jvlt fj4T i-r JTT 1 . V ; raaataet tlmwre ajree thawr aatla- wherla to equip rear car. Th' -f I I rfsl 77 yVl Uf. L- Tg faatlnri. Tume every atoaa of araa enarr dhau faatetr aer- ewr-th . jJ W 'ZZjL : I ' "Replacement Parts for Fprd . 1 If I Get all equipment for your et wtern Auto. ! r.rl;t-' :'Z JaaQi' fi .'If-J Goad, warm "wooty bfawkete at ,t BO Call woo. toolV tj W4-U- ..-p - Cllm Slawpinfl baoa, combined abelter, 'bed awlmatUusaj, wry .com- Here at Western Antoyou wllT find tne eoraplete line Of psvrta L j J fort&ble; complete, 2Z0. A.:,, ., ..... t for Worda. jt Tb oajajrty ta the iett 'f! (n)0 - ShPhone 796 J : (fhf : THROUGHOUT THE WEMjAr ; SUNDAY MORNING, the I tracks of the bear, j .Finally It was Voiiered; and Georfe W. Steelhammer . of SilTertoajjeot a shot which wounded the animal. It gashed for TVUi who tired the ahot which brought it , down. It i reported that more' bears are browsing in the same community. Valuable Cow Swallows Piece of Tire. Is Dead giLYERTON. Or., Sept. 30 (Special to The Statesman) A piece of rubber tire caused the death of a valuable registered Jersey cow, Oxford .Daisy Sweet Maid, belonging, to the Golden Glow dairy owned by. M. DeGuire of Silverton. J A post, mortem showed that she had .swallowed a piece of-rubber tire. sappMes mm. AT'WESTEKN AUTO" niotorists ,llnd tost pai and ow prices do go lraBd in hai can be deeded on always. In other ,wc, motqnste find 'estern: AxAsf Sho place' tomboy auto sipHes and tire& ' - ... ; 4' T2:' For lAlli you need at "Western Auto." Radiator Hose the radiator host on roar car need replactx7 Doa't try to patch It up, come in and' laUt sell yon some real prtca per ft...... ,m)h np. a. . sion i i .a' wbe aaklaa- for ta riakt Pestra-4a etsas- 441ft aWf U De Luxe il liator.Caps "'ew - U Prtaa OCTOBER 1. 1922 jDR. 8. F. SCOTT, 8. a Graduate of. and until recently in charge of the clinics of The Salional University of Sciences - I Ot Chicago ','t-J:: , .. 1" i (Orthopraxy an3 Qiiropody department) -. V jTakes rieasuw the opening of offices in Salem. YouTl appreciate the comfort of the reception parlor and the absolutely modern equipment 0f the private operating room. L " ' 1 Phone 640 for appointment kans More for m a asaa.. aua sal til i i auutu uuu i.uiaiij.uuuii From low-priced fabrics tjo Qncst quality cords you C, ,1 are guaranteed to get .quality, service and 'satlsf ac- T 1 Western GiantlCbrds , Xs,UUU.isaUeS U3f tha creat mnadea of that Gbnt of 6M. are Western' GSaat Ttrea eon? axuetvd. Rovr irpoa. vow of stlneory corhvtht glw thai utrnoet ' 4ft ; atoangth, fVrlnlltty aaid eaadtaancex. Tney -are - nuta v Uan "Jnat thesr,, they ar truly fb' r&u$t$r of the .Ura) world, ? r hi GUARANTEXS WaattavvtOhmf FWbrio. S0Q0 mil ! Wastarn GaaaU Corda, 12J00 nilUa. i " " . N eta aaaVa. eOOO milea. TAX PATO OUR TIRE AKHasAfUTJL 30x3 30x3H 32x3 Vi 31w 2x4 33x4 34x4 -32x4 ,33x4 34x4 3Sx4H BJRS 7JS6 UJ0S ia m $75 c 830 11.55 1Z30 155 15-50 14.75 143 JSJS 1&S0 1075, ' 20j60 21.45 i ? ...-' - a a v J5JQ0i "a'. 33X5 35x5 -jse!( 30x3tt Woatarsi StansWtf .Cores, 1O.0OO Miles, $12.40 NECESSITIES Do you realize' the 'number of ssccessoiiea there are for a For f ei tbaa add Immeasurably to drfetor paure? -.- " . 4 in Annooncing Suite 301S0a Masonic Temple Maesf YqmMoy ... r-" rf , Phasria, .7000 jnjUa. PRICES I AA t 1 1 PAID' 'I 1b t i i 1 i It aja KB7V OTA WT VabrW 0ae4 11435 4! 10.75; 15.95 I . aa teer w : 250 i. 16X0 17.40 ;1l&a25 - - -. ' . ,.!;. a , ' la 27.45 ;l J ' 530 iHi '34.65 f ' J 3S.4S7 (: .Hams t . i - -I Vila !"-v.i ll FOR FORDS 4 r 1 A. 1 Vwkaw fciw vtmif - - xjbv l-w s , -Vr 'I'MVm Cs ii "X. I "F - -V 1 r l i 5 ' - .i r. i "' ' , n . i J . , i . .4. - . . . i . . .- w ' ' . : -nnn 256 State St . ' -si-" - ate- !- i .V. .' . ' V ,V,;f j r