The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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'TATE FAIR visitors and aetivl
t ? C ties bavl occupied, the Tnter-
' J erts of Salem ; society during
the Jast j; week, - ; Social actiYltles
f will resume with' Increased inter-.
est dnrinjf the coming weeks.
J ? .The beifinning of school tomor-
. row will .fcrlng back to town the
' last lingering vacationist, Includ
l ) ing the Instructors, and work tor
the coming months win begin in
' The bridge clubs nrHl resume
f f regular meetings within - a' few
j! weeks '.while the variom dancing
"VcIuds baVe arranged dancing par-
lies -for the winter, beginning dur
ing ktObrV ?
The Monday Night Dancing elub
; will give their; first formal dance
j .' a week from Monday and others
f will follow durjng the month. The
. second Monday of the next nine
: . months wil) be the night this pop-
o'a'r club will give oyer to danc
; '. Ing parties. ! ; .
. The UplTerrity of Oregon re
Z , 'iumu work this week which will
take a number of popular Salem
': maids from the younger social
set The Oregon Agricultural cql
l lege and Willamette university
!; .bare taken -their, share and are
;now well started on the year's
; activities. -Y; ; ; ' - ; cVv '
Tha informal party, given at
Willamette " university last night
started the social activity for the
' year. The various societies bate
numerous parties " scheduled for
the coming weeks and a number
of all-nniverslty affairs will be
' given tn the near future. ?'.' -" -:
October wjil bring to Salem two
musical events; Cyrena Van Gor-'
den, well known to those who at
tended the Chicago grand opera
lust year In Portland, and Mar
guerite A'Alxarx. November's
musical calendar , has even jnore
attractions In f tore. Including an
organist , whose fame Is interna
tlonal. v ,
; s .
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cupper,
who were married In England
October 1, 1873. and who pioneer,
i ed In' eastern Oregon more than
40 -years ago, will observe their
.1 i
Yt: 1
,We know full well that
ths best asset of any bus-!
iness is satisfied patrons.
You can ..rely absolutely,
on the' (Juality o our
flowers, the distinctive
ness of special desirninsr,
and the punctuality of
our service. : '. 1 ;n:
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123 N. Liberty St.
k Phone 380
Salejn Telegraphj
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In The Fine Art of
; v "Dress" I
the corset Is all Important.
Style, ipomfort,' proper support,
correct lines, freedom of move
ment Mc, .all depend upon the
corset U is good to KNOW
jtha4 you can secure all of
the-'e corset essentials la FRO
LASET CORSETS. ; Special at
tention to-fitting. T i 1
Renska L Swart
Corset Fpcxlallst r r ..
115 "Liberty Street
Golden wedding anniversary : to
day. Their four children and
eight grandchildren are In Salem
for the 'Occasion and a family
dinner will be given at the horn?
on North Thirteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Cupper came to
Oregon direct from England in
1877 and located in Klamath
county later spending one. winter
In Ashland. They then went to
Grant county where they were in
the stock business for 40 years,
moving to Salem four years, ago.
When they first went to Grant
county they had a number of en
counters with Indians and once
were forced to take refuge In the
old fort at Heppner. ,They wtht
to Grant county In 1878 living
there until 1918.
Percy A. Cupper, state engin
eer for Oregon, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cupper is the only one of
the family living in Salem, the
other three .residing In Grant
county. They are Mrs. Ethel
Shafer, P. W. Cupper and Morton
C. Cupper.
Their grandchildren are Mar7
and Mable Cupper of Salem, Vera,
Vernon, Wayne and Margaret.
Henry A. Jr.. and Ethel Cupper,
all of Grant county.
All members of the family will
be present for the reunion having
arrived yesterday with the excep
tion of Mrs. Shafer who has been
id Salem for the month of Sep
tember as a guest at. her parents
home. 1
-Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallls,1 Sept. 29. Salem has
several representatives among the
101 pledge announced this morn
ing br the 14 sororities on the
campus.! ; Emma ' Hewlett was
pledged to xl Beta, Jessie Taylor
to Gamma Phi Betai and Letha
Wilson and Dorothy Patterson to
Kappa Aupha Theta. -
Hazel Calbreath of Independ
ance was pledged to Delta Delta
Delta and Clara Mlelke of Stay
ton to Delta Zeta. (
; ; !'-: i
Virginia Weaver,! bride-elect.
whose marriage to Richard Tates
of Woodburn, will be , an event
of the . month of .October, was
niguiy nonorea at a. Kucnen snow-
er given her at the borne of her
mother, Mrs. Margaret Weaver.
Bhm was the recipient of many
useful and lovely gifts. The eve
ning was spent with music and
games, followed by; a dainty
luncheon. f
Th03& present were the Mfcses
Hattle Pierce, Bertha! Harvey, Or
pha Hanvtey, Margaret Crosean,
Norma, Crolsan, - Verda Hammaa,
Gladys Hamman, Gwendolyn Hal
tort. Mercedes Millerl Ruth Weav
er; Cladys Weaver, I Mrs. Harry
Woodward, Mrs; - Roy Rae, ;Mf-
Henry Busey, Mrs If. A. Lowrey,
Mrs. H. O. Miller, Jirs. E. Kirk,
Mrs. Margaret Weaver and Mrs,
E. A. MSller.
Those Interested! In Smith-
Hughes work; may see Mrs. F. E
Barker, : Jnstxurtor,' 1 at the Red
Crostf rooms Tuesday at 2:30 in
the afternot and bftween 7, and
8 in the evening; Those interest-
ed in afternoon or evening ciass
es. In . either ewJngoi millinery
may make arrangements at this
time, Mrs Barker states.
. Regular classes . is.' well as
number i of . new : classes, will take
up work this .week following the
ker states. r"..'J;H- ';;r';', :-
i Classes- "wilt hegm- it 'Aurora
Thursday ! and: Mrs.l Barker wll
be in! charge howling classes
morning, afternoon iand evening.
Ihla work i8ttBderthe direction
.f the Aurora Womtn'B club.'
Classes ln,nutrltln will be or
ganlzed' if enough 1 desire the
work. i .
The Marion couniy federation
of Woman's club's will meet in Sa
lem October 24. Mr W.'E. Kirk
of Salem is president of the coun
ty "organization. , I . v
Miss Laura Grant, will he host
ess? for Chapter G of the P. E. O.
Thursday afternoon sat her home.
- f' -
New members or pe Y. W. C.
A. board of director have been
announced by Mrs. W. I. SUley.
president. Mrs. Eval Scott Myers,
former girls' work secretary oi
the local 'association will take
the place left vacant by lhe with
drawal of Mrs. H. S Gile Mrs.
Myers will be ; chairman., of tthe
girls work committee of the board.
Mrs. Harry Styles will take the
place left vacant by? the 'resigna
tion of Mrs. T. Bj Kay. Mrs.
Styles .will also be a member of
the girls -work committee, Mrs.
P. E. Graber will take1 the place
of ,Mra. William., Fleming who re
cently resigned. I
A new secretary for the local
association has not f yet been se
cured by the board of directors,
according to Mrs. Staley. It is ex
pected' that an appointment will
be made within the next few
weeks., : I
- I
The American Wa Mother? will
hold their regular meeting in the
Commercial club Tuesday after
noon. ' Mrs. John. Carson, presi
dent, has asked that there be an
especially good attendance at the
meetlnc. .
f An t ,
4 feooJWShtto-a9WU:
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t:i,?.:-yf .
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Miss Rita Blanchet, representing Evangeline in the pageant based
on Longfellow's poem, produced by the townsfolk of New Iberia. La.,
on Bayou Tech. "When she had passed It seemed like the ceasing of -sweet
music." - ' - ,
The Duchess of Atholl. who has Inst announced her candidacy for
the House of Commons from the district of North Edinburgh. She Is
the wife of. King George's chamberlain and a leader In British court
whenever she appears on the stare
or on the street. ; '
Miss Van Gordon's face and
figure are in keeping with the
gorgeous quality of her voice, a
a combination which has proved
of peculiar attractiveness to aud
iences during her:, concert tours
and which have been of inestima
ble value in the opera house
when she has been called apon to
impvrauuaie mo : prieste&set of
princesses of Italian opera or the
goddess of Wagneriaa tiBBsie, !
drama. ' :.;
Miss Van Gordon's concert i4'
Salem, as the first of the Salem
Artist .series, is only three
off and it is anticipated that aa
will attract a large and enthus
iastic audience. i ! .
Miss Margaret Fisher
Teacher of Piano Alchin Harmony
Specializmo; in the training of children
High School Credits Given
Phone 2041.M
Studio -790 N. Church 'St
Specializing in Artist Tone, and Touch, through the mod
ern, weight, relaxation. .
The Dunning System of Improved, Music JStudy
The only, system endorsed by the world's most renowned
musicians, such as :
Leschetizky Bloomfield-Zeisler
- , Dd Pachmann - Carreno and others
Studio: 695 N. Liberty if ' Phone 1351
also attended the state fair yes
terday. Mrs. Betty Barker of Portland
and Miss Mabel Temple of Leba
non were other guests at the Gil
lette home during the week.
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Meyers
have returned to their home in
San Francisco after a three weeks
visit with Mi's I Meyers' parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' 1$. A. McElvain.
Miss Vivian Marsters, a senior
1 nhome economics at the Oregon
Agricultural college is spending
the week end 'tyith her parents,
Mr. and rMs. Rl W. Marsters.
Friends accompanying her for
the week end are Miss Jeanette
Rice, Monta Little, Miss Eleanor
Anstey and Miss Marion Bonney.
They are sosorlty sisters who
came to attend the fair and are
being entertained at the Masters
hdmo. ' 1
Mrs. N. C. Kafoury has had as
her guest during the week, Mrs.
J. J. Wood of Hood River. .Mrs.
Wood, will bo in Salem part oi
thff week. I
Miss Pauline Gardner, of Sa
lem and George jDoggett of Lewis
county, Idaho, Were married Fri
day at the parsonage of the First
Congregational church-.
.Rev. W. C. Kautner read the
impressive ring ceremony The
mother and the grandmother - of
the bride were present to witness
the marriage. They will make
their home in Idaho.
Miss Catherine Barhyte, a phy
steal education major from the
Oregon Agricultural college, la
spending the w4ek end with her
parents, Mr; and Mrs. C. D. Bar
byte. I
Miss Emma Hewlett, a fresh
man in music at Oregon Agricul
tural college,' came over from Cor-
allis to spend the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Mlns Dorothy Turner and Miss
lone Leurs of Ontario, Or., were
among those" attending the state
fair yesterday. Both are stud
ents at Oregon Agricultural col
lege. - !
Prof, and "Mrs. J. H. Bacheller
of Corvallis with their three sonsr
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Clifford for the fair. Mr. Bachel
ler Is inst-uctor In mining en
gineering at tbt college.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearcy en
tertained Prof, and Mrs. Morton
E. Peck of the Oregon Agricul
tural college, at dinner Thursday.
Mr. Peck is head of the floral de
partment at the college.
Miss Helen Mclnturff entertain
ed at. a pretty dinner party for
university students Friday eve
ning at the home of her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bishop and
daughter, Elizabeth! of Portland,
are visiting for the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gillette. They
giving amp!
buat aad ab-
for Women
shows these Eight Points
of Excellence which mark
the difference ; between
R. A. Underwear and just
- t. Long. w!dJ mnred gut
iTi"S room whw room
ia iMtded. !
1 Scat rcmaitu closed and -
. - tannest wiU aot creep
Op. r
i. Full front,
room over1
4. Slopiac aleercs with tail
ored armhoHea that do aot
biad. j -
t. "Fatioaed to fit" to fat
aura comfort aad long
5. FUttock" teams which
li t as loaf as the fabric
7. Finest, whitest cotton
""Purity"- bleach,
a Correct in tut and every
R. A. Children's Under
wear Is warm, durable and
comfortable. Seat is full,
has special button holes
that stay buttoned.
Buy of your dealer. Asks
the clerk to show you the1
Points of Excellence.
Mrs. Earl Pearcy. The table was
prettily decorated with roses. The
guests included Miss 'Pauline
McClintOck, Miss Grace Brainard.
Verne Bain, Willard Lawson and
Bruce White'
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmdler
were dinner hosts last Sunday,
honoring Mr. and Mrs.- Everett
Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pike
and small son, Harold of Port
land, and Mrs. J. E. Allison of
Eugene. Besides the . honor
guests, covers were laid "fdr Dr.
and Mrs. Frank E. Brown; Mrs.
D.; H. Craven and Ronald Craven.
Mrs. James Allison has return
ed to her home in Eugene after
spending the week visiting friends
and relatives. She was the guest
of her sisters. Mrs. F. E. Brown
and Mis. D. H. Craven.
Mr. and Ms. Mark Hathaway,
former residents of Salem, are
guests for the week end, of Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Hoffman.
.Salem Music Teachers' as-
sociation with Miss Joy Tur-
Modernl Writers with Mrs.
F. W. Fargon North Church
War Mothers, Commercial
Club rooms, 2:30.
St. Paul's Guild with Mrs.
Ruslel Catlin.
First M. E. Home Mission-.
ary rociety, with Mrs. Blaine
E. Klrkpatrick.
' Thursday
Chapter G of P. E. O. with
.Miss Laura Grant, North
Cottage street.
W. R. C. at hall.
Even, In this land df beautiful
women Miss Van Gordon, prima
donna contralto of the Chicago
Opera association is said to bring
forth exclamations of admiration
Miss Elizabeth Levy '
American and European Study
Orchestral Training Ensemble
Classes in Alchin Harmony, Ear Training and Tone
thinking applied especially to violin students
Accredited by State Board of Education
Phone 244-J
Studio 563 Court Street
LENA BELLE TARTAR- Contralto Soloist;
Teacher of Singing S.-
Precentor First Church of Christ Scientist, Director of
Music Salem High School, High :School Credits in -Voiced '
Fundamental principles of Vocal Technique, Breath Con
trol; High Frontal Tone Placement, Diction, Artistic Phras
ing and Interpretation. F . '!:t.;i?j:I;.;i;
Studio 164 N. Liberty St V ; Eesidence 507 Center St.
Phone 334 Phone 1483-W
Now you can buy your New Suit early in
the season for much less than youwould
ordinarily pay, and wear it much longer
These noteworthy values embrace hand
some, wjell made suits in every style .
dressy tailored 'and sport. You will be
correctly dressed when you buy one bf
these suits.
Never have we offered our customers
such a big value so early in the season
We Guarantee the Styles and the Quality
And We Guarantee the Prices to Be Really Reduced
Mm A
3Iaterials are Jersey, Poiret
Twill, Tricotine, Suede Velour,
Chamytex, Tweed, Mannish
Mixtures and Marvella.
Every Suit in Stock Is
Included in This Sale
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Alder SU
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