THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 30, 1922 7 ' t ,1 J CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEMIXTS Sam Mr word: 'r tassrtioa 3 s Insertions nak diz insertions). 8 Oaa month- 20s ia Maths' contract, per bo. 15 IS moatna contract, par " atiaimasa for say advrtUm't NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE 80CIETT W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 371 State 8t. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd k Bash Bank) NEW TODAY '.vTrTO-ACRE TRACTS NEAR CITY UM m , B II 1 nip ru t-u . , Ideal suburban homes. 3'iOO an sere. Term. Sec Harris, C24 N. Capitol. . i 1MU ' WANTElv-A FARM FOlfc RENT. AD ' dress B-77. tara Statesman. 'rOR RENT 4 OR 5 ROOM . APART vnent, first floor; two block from tniversity. See Mr. Horton at Worth k Gray". ) I I FOR ALR OEXTLE RIDING POXY, Li ,. Inquire F. E. Shsfer, 170 8. Conimer- cial. CARRIER WANTED FOB THE ORKOO aian, W. II. Burghardt, 371 State. ASK HOW TO 8BCTRE ESPRIT D' Amonr Hygienic Toilet requisites at a discount. Alao Flower in the Bottle Perfume and , toilet water. 115 J. Liberty. Representatives wanted ev- y erywhere. JLA0E8 ARE READY FOR WEU. f trained people. Start training in the clauses opening at Capital Business Col lege next (Monday October 2nd. . GOOD COOKING APPLE'S FOR HALE, 8 Wee $1. Bring boxes. Phone U&F22. "ANTED CARE FOR CHILDREN afternoon and ingots while motnevs are away. Address "B 78." States man. "WIDOWER NEEDS HOME FOR GIRL I 11". Any light work, 1245 Madison evenings.' FOR RENT TWO ROOM UXFCRNISH - ed apartment- and a three room fur , nished apartment to reaponaible people without children. 743 Union St. .'.J51GHT HEAD CHOICE HIGH GRADE Jersey eow and heifers, to freshen eoon. T. B. tested.. . Morion Loouey, Jefferson. Pnona 7F43. VoOKfVO APPLES THREE BOXF.S f 1.50, delivered.. Ward K. Rirfiard- son, Phon 494. ; BARGAINS IN REAL EST AT B- -FOB good buy, and real -estate anapa it wis pay you to see ue. Lite Keslty Co., Ptton Bldg. ; FOR SALE GOOD ; HOUSE OF ' 13 rooms, iCIose in. A real bargain. ; 4?ric $4500. - Kruger Oregon Bldg. Phone 217 Special i room , plastered house, chicken house nd won shetf; good buy for a 10(H) and 20O eawh- will handle, rooms, lanre lot, on paved street; bar gain for 31200. With 8200 rash, room - modern except basement, cor ner lot, paved street and car line, ' 83500. With 8500 eah. room house, wire house snd 0 rots in Brook a, 44 acres of timber land 9 miles from Salem. . Trade for small tract. Thomason 331 4 State Street $ FOR 8ALE NEW iSTRICTLY MODERN - five room bungalow. Cement walk and " paved street. - Vacant now. 1 You can move rigfrt in. Prieo 83700. 8750 i . an, Daianc to suit. V- Kruger .: 308-209 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217 : ... f Experienced Cook and: Housekeeper Wanted 1 At one. Good salary and ex cellent conditional, out must have some body who ia nleaatnc and well experi enced. Apply at once. Bring your reierenee wita you, at the PEOPLE'S CAiSH STORE Ask for ,tMRS. SOLOF v V $400 Will duy ' A fin comer lot on a - paved street, close 'in, all assewmemta paid, clear , title, if sold this week. Another snap 8500 down, and 820 per month, in , Pluding Interest vrtH buy a cosy 6 room bungalow. With fireplace, elec . i tnleity, city water, gorage, vroodsbed, two and half lots, with- bearing fruit, trees, garden. Price 82000. Let us , know your wonts. , .Childs & Bechtel 540 But street f Maa of good standing between ages 4 rll Preferred. Most u typewrit ;.r and write good hand. Permanent ' DOelUoa Afferinv Hntimitl U;K1I11U l ' "II. ran produne the goods. 425 Marion hotel , ' wn car. an as room ' I W eJ EMPLOYMENT MALE: WANTED ENBrUrtrriO YOUN0 MAN : wuo aaa sad sxperieae selling lif . Iniuraaea. suutka a .ja.:.i Mu. k V able to devote hi entire tins and w bo aaahiliaua t sj have the courage to present 'bnlneaa i FivpoBiiion t mercnanu and profea smbsI mn. Amwer la yoar own kaa'1 r1","1 Ststiag age. educations) uIj esporteneo a solicitor, sic Address i-no. l Btstesmaa office MALE AJTO FXmALB fRUNE PICKERS WANTED GOOD picking, rood ramp horoes. good ages., Picker Hvmsrrorted to nd Irom .orchard. W. F, Irsger. 211 S. ign street. ANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO farm paper aubaeripuona. A ra proposition to th rigHt people Addroas aummveso, etateamaa uiug Sslem. Or FOR SALE , BIBDS AND POOS FOR SALE YOUNG PARROTS. E. B . Flske. Birds, Flower. Pet. 273 Stst v Mt m at th Fair.) PIANOS USED CHICKERIN0 GRAND, IN GOOD )t hp. will give some term. H. L. i otin rurnitnre Co. FOR RAl.a- nnnn rsrn umnnivT pino left as to 0. Price 8200. . tyrai. tt. it. null Furnltoro hi - ' aie department. BUSINESS , OPPORTUNITIES . FOR SALE OR RENT -A WELL EQUIP- t. pen macnine and - aototnobii repair . w,,v inquire at viaon auio cacnaage. 8alen. Ore. MANAGER WANTED FOR T5 ROOM . hotel . located in lively Oregon town. .K Mast have referenca and om eaxh. Good propoaition focjrighA party.Ad ; rrM -Central ' Stage Terminal and Hotel Co.. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE btjedtesi orroBTuvmza $100 PER MONTH LEASES A CIGAR, news stand, confectionery, soft drink and check room concession located in a 75-room hotel at a Central Stage Terminal. Address Central 8U(e Terminal k Hotel Co., Salem, Ore. FARM PAPER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pscifie Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTET- 100 3 YEAR OLD S. 0. hora bens, tl each. L'ma'illa. Oregon. WHITS LEO W. A. Ford, PODLTBYMEX 8EXD EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three raonths trial for the best snd oldest jourasl in the west. The article and. adver tisement are of special interest to the poultry breeder of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. Ill Com mereial street, Salem, Oregoa. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD JERSEY COW JUST fresh. 3 years old. 2005 Ferry. St. GOOD TEAM OF 8 YEAR OLD BAY mare, 1200 each, sound; and good set of harness, for $175. O. V. Bsdley Co. Phono 7S. Ralem. FOR SALE HAI F-BRfcED SCOTCH Coolie paps, cheap. Phone 1280, 1030 Chemeketa street FOR SALE OLl n EWSPAPEttS. 10 cent a bundle. Circulation depart ment, Oregon Statesman. FOR CONCORD GRAPES PHONE 1135-W. Fine for canning and juice. Cheap in price. Write G. A. Miller, 260 Marion. SUMMER LCGOAGli REDUCED WALL paper remaanta, plaster wallboard. Velvet Stair carpet, 81.85. Endur ance high grade house paint. Kalao mine, 10c pound. Cottoa mattresses. S8.50. Steel spring 85.00. Mas '. Bursa. 179 N. Commercial 8t. MISCELLANEOUS "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad eleven other Oregon songs, together witn a lino collection ot patriotic ongs, acred song and many old tim favorites . ALL FOR 25e (8noeial oricea in ausntltv lota) Eapocially adaptable for ehooi, eommat tty or home itnging. Bend lor The Western Songster 78 pages, bow ia it third aditioa. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 318 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or WOOD BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 4 FOOT and 16-me.h. Prompt delivery. Koaa onable ' prie. Fred E. Wells, 805 8. Chnreh. Phone 1543. PERSONAL GET MARRIED RKST MATRIMONIAL paper paniiiarn r zvr.r, lor iMuiy. Correspondent. Toledo. Ohio. FOR RENT' APARTMENTS FOR RENT THRF.K ROOM APART ment, complete with new furniture. Vfth, beat, water free. 1207 South Commercial. BOOMS MODERN. ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Muat give earn and reference. Address A, ears Stateemaa FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 451 Mill St. - During business hours call 373 State. FOR RENT 335. LARGE STORK space ia Central Stage Terminal, Eug ene. Suitable for merchandise tmvin ess. See Mr. Iloffmsn, Central Stagr .Terminal. Eugene. m . LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST AFTER THREE O'CLOCK TUKS day, six weeks' old airedale pup with collar. Return to 349 Ferry or call 878. FOUND FOUND AUTO CRANK. OWNER IX quire at Statesman office. Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Phone 511. OLD MATTRESSES MADE Capital City Bedding Co. OVER Pbone 19 WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST MAR ket price for dried prunes, call ua up if you haven't sold. Phone 717 oi 1291, Mangia Ban. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furnitur. Beit price paid .THE CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 28S N. Commercial St. Phone 847 WANTED FURNITURE, TOOL8, MA chiaerr, stock, ate. Will bay for each r sell an commission. Phoa til Weodry. th anet loner. . i BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. Jr. WOODRY, THF livMtock, fnraitnra, real aetata aue tioneer. Phoa 511 for aal data 1610 N. Bummer. Col. J. G. GABLE . farm and city tale. Pbon 1446. AUCTIONEER. 160 S. High. G. 8 ATT E RLE B AUCTIONEER, FARM aad stock sties. Phone Residene 121 1-J: Office 1177. Selem. Oregon. ACETYLENE WELDING IRON. STEEL. BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring, th piece. Oxe-Gaa Heating Co. 337 Court. RADIATOR k FENDBB REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, made or repaired. J. O. Bair. 444 Ferry. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN R, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tsrter and generator work. 171 Commercial. PRESTO -LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and work. Farri Broa. Pkoae 1803. 41S Court. ttTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROT, hi .hooting. SIS N. High. Phoa ftS. BICYCLES AND EEPAIBINQ l,tITO V.. RAM8DEN elee and repairing. -DAYTON BICT SA7 Court. HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man 147 8. Com'l. Phone 68 USUD OARS DODGE GOOD '"NDITTON: RACR1 fiee forqniek Bale. Call 2600 Fair grounds -road. USED CABS OLESON USKU CAR EXCHANGE. Car booght and sold. Guarantaad r pairing. WMn. Poliahinsj . BEAUTY FAJUVOBS vow nprnATlNG i- MODEL-BRA UTY Parlor. 110 Nortk Commercial straaL . Paon S5S. .--. -------- UM SUta ClassUiatt Ada BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND KTJQ WEAVING CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAGS dyad. Paona before a a. am. S4P31. CANDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE 8H0P "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 8. Commercial. CARPEcai AMD FXiTJTT RUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave fluff toga made oat of old car pet, aay length or wldta yoa desire. We alao re fit, re sew and sis carpet. Festher renovating and msttras steam ing and remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Bog Work. Phone CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. dtaeaao. HUM CURE8 ANY KNOWN If J a Hush St. phone 3AS CLEANXES AND DYERS SPICK. N. SPAN dyers. 544 State. CLEANERS AND EXECTMCIAJrS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC Building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. Phone 1934. 222 X. Liberty. HALIK'fl ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trieal machine repairing, contracting. 837 Court. Phone 488. AsRCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Esti mates furnisheL Phone 980, 414 Court St. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS.' 175 N. Commercial street phone 187. BREWER DRUG Phone 184. CO. 405 COURT FINANCIAL 20 YEA It FARM LOANS. ON RURAL credit plsn, pre-payment provision al lowed. W will finance yoa for a less rat of interest than any firm on th coast. Private money to loan on either eity or country property. R. W, Marstere 411 Oregon Building LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY Plenty of money; no dvlay. Call 831 V State street MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at 6V percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treas urer, ana Bslem Bsnk of Commerce. FURNACES 8EAGROVE FOR 12th street. FURNACES 198 8. ITJBNITTJRE STORES GIESK FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for les money. 873 Court. Phon 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE 8TORB NEW and second band furniture. 271 N. Com mercial. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OB MADE TO fder. Refiniehing snd upholstering a spaclalty. Phon 1743. Brown aad Groves. . 1201 South Commercial. FLORISTS CUT FUOWER8 AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. O. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 North Liberty etreet. Phone 880. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING RUTH MeADAHS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phon 1824 M. 8PENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dreaamaking. Carrie Fisher. McCor ' nack Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinda of ladies' tailor ing, for old and new customers. 352 N 12th St. Phone 2085 R Auto Directory AUTOMBILES HE GOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Co. 871 Court. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES U8ED PARTS 1-8 TO OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking House. 424 Aorta Commercial. Phona 528. HEMSTITCHING) MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing. Mail orders solicited. 176 8. 19th Phone 174-M. 4ALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. stamping, button. Room 10, over Mil ler'a atore. Phone 117. i IsTLLINXKY 1AT8 FROM 81 V? MRS. a A Grimm 519 Court street. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam Boilers, vulcsnixera and tube Elates. Perry C. Campbell, 17 N iberty. H. A$iD M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND ers and welders. Automotive service 490 Ferry. Phone 864. MEN'S STORE ED. CHASTAIN'S UPSTAIRS MEN'S hop. Suit and overcoats. Use raj stair. It pays. 122 N. Commercial. MUSICAL aRS HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol Phone 1017-W. 1231 N SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught, aipiomas granted John R. 8ita. Director. 1237 Court Pbon 626. Sin AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 leasona guaranteed. Waterman 8ystem. F. B Clark, Mgr.. MeCor aack Bldg. MUSIC STORES E0. 0 WILL P1AN0& PHONO graph, sewing mschioe. sheet music aari niano studio. Repsirm phono arsons and sew ma '. machine. 48? Stat. Salem. PIANOS rRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick, H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Music Dept. jttruifAN CLAY k CO. PIANOS Steiaways Duo-Art and other. Moor' atmaia Honae. 418 Court atroo aaa afaeoale Temple.. DANCING pntVATK LE880NS . IN ALL LATE dances- Mr. White. - Phon 17S-J- HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATE AND Commercial, rnoae oau. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN COSY; 50e ap. JLtiLr TUNERS sriWARin WELP EXPERIENCED tnaer. Laavs orders Will's Masifl 8tor. JEWELRY REPAIRING AMERICAN. SWISS JEWELRY REPAIR l. "it we eano f is - It. theow h away!" 179 South High, seat Oregoa depot. LAUNDRIES ail tru t.ATTNTtRY COMPANY. 138 i.ikaetv street. Phone 25. Olde Urgr-at heat Established 1SR9. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY alit work, prompt servic. 1364 Broadway. Phoa 185. Read , the Classified Ads BUSINESS CARDS ! DTSTTBASCB TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. LIFE, accident, anto and fir insurance. August Hockestein. agent. Room 1. Patten Bldg. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Batch, agent, room 6. McOoraack Bldg-Pnoas . WHAT ABOIT YOUR FIRE IS9UR ance! Don't risk your business and life savings, without adequate protec tion. Insurant r is too cheap. See Standlej- & KoVey, aje-ots, phone 347. Buah Bank Bklg. FOR- Fire Insnrance. Auto Insurance, Lif Insurance. Indemnity Insurance, Accident Insurance. Farm lands snd farm loans. See A. C. BOHRX STEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem. Ore. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. MACHINISTS WECHTER SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welder. Heald cylinder grinding service. Phone 562 345 Fer- PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH e class work for particular people. L. D. Brandon, contractor. 865 North High, rnone n5-j . NURSERIES FRUITLA.N1 NURSERY WILL HAVE sales yard st Cherry City I'eed barn, 544 Ferry street. About Nov. J, See me before buying. Phone 1140-M. NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Cspital City Nur sery Co, 425 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75. PLUNIBINQ PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pbone 1397 J, Shop, 131 Union street. A L. Godfrey. PRINTIKO ROWLAND PRINTING Pattoa Bldg. CO. JOB printing. RESTAURANTS HUB RETAURANT MOST REASON abl price. Johnson-Barry. 159 8. High. ACME RESTAURANT DINNER, FAM ily style, 4ac. . Short order, popular prices; nest, new, clean. 121 South Commercial. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 Ferry. BIN BIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP oy. 40e; puffed ric. 80c; aoodle. 30e; fried noodle, 60c 189 8. Lib erty. SCAVENGERS 8ALEH SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RB fuse of all kind removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phoae 167. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 inches high. IS- Paint, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry snd hop hooks. Sslem fence and Stove Worka. 350 Court street. Pkoae 134 SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shues. Best price psid. Cap ital Exchange. 842 N. Commercial. Phone 1366 W. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 983.. Distributing forwarding and storsg aar specialty. Get onr rate. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- soid gooJs. Our specialty is piano and furnitur moving. We also make country trips, Wa bsndle the best cos! and wood. Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good terries. Lamer Traasfsr Co Phon 930. TRAKSPOBTATTOB BARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon 8ALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leave Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a.m., ii a.m., s a.m. Leave 8ilvrton. New Stand: 8 a.m.. l p.m.. 6 p.m. 3a!m-Iadependenee-Monmouth Division Leave Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 8 p.m. 6 p.m Leave Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a.m.. l p.m- 6:15 p.m. Leaves Independence, Besver Hotel: 1:80 am. 10 am. 1:1 p.m. 4 p.m. 0:80. We make connections at Salem to all part of th valley. Extra trip Ly appointment. J. W. PARKER General Mgr. WATE3 SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 South Com'l. St. Ten pet coat discount on domestic flat rates psid in advsnce. No deduction for absence or any causa unless water is shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWINfJ PHONE 1181. CITY country. Ed. Sproed. WOOD SAWING CITY AND COUNTRY. McDonald Anhker. Fbone 11F11 or 1525 J. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 3046. Fisher Bros. VARIETY STORES 4ALEM VARIETY STORE. Commercial. Phone 1277. 153 N PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ORS. U.. WHITE AND 8. Bank Bldg MARSHALL 80S tR. FOSTER 404 OREGON Phones 754, 2024 J. BLDG OR W. L. MRCER OSTEOPATH T Phvsiriaa And Snrgeoa. KirksvllU graduate. 404 405 U. 8. National Bsnk Bid. Pbon. office 919; re. 614. BROKEN ARCH 18 AND OTHER DE fortuities of th feet corrected without to of tim from your ocmpstion Dr. White k Marshall U. S. Baak Bldg. OR JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physieisa and Surgeoa. 403 404 Or foa Bldg. Phones, of flea, 1394; res CHIROPODISTS DR. GEORGE F. KINER. FOOT SPEC islist. mod er n equipment: srrbe msd to order. Room 3. Psttoa Bldg Phone 957. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUS es, ingrown nails, sll foot troubles Price 8Ko Co. Phone SIS. DR. S. F. SCOTT, 8. C. GRADUATE of the National University of Science Chicago. Scientific Chiropody. Suite 3o 1-303 Masonic Temple. Phone 610 for appointment CHIROPRACTORS DR LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. 475 S. Oommereisl. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone 1415. DR O. L. SCOTT. P R C. PHTROPRAO tor. 41419 U & Bank Bldg. Paoee 7: re! S28-R NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic ri meases. 415 Oregoa Bldg. Pbon 110. Read the Classified Ads. PROFESSIONAL OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO.- -Suite 101 Ore gon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY PR L. R. BCR dett at the Bow Optirai Company, 325 State apposite Ladd and Bush Baas. POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optnmetrista. 388 State. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp S. Armory. First, third Monday. REAL ESTATE A SNAP FOR SALES 5 ROOM PLAST ered bungalow at 1138 South 13th. Rev. Bates. Warrenton. Oregon. 1125 PER MONTH LEASES A KES taursnt and diamg room, together with fixtures and furnishings, fully equip ped snd now doing a good basinets. Located in ively Oregon town and in a 75 room hotel. Address Central , Stage Terminal Hotel Co, Salem, Oregoa. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. MODERN EX- eept basement. 82500. Five room bouse, full bssement, 81S00. Eight room house, lot 69x128; fruit and shsde trees. 33750. M. J. Hunt Ladd k Bush Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER, NEW Bl'NGX low house with large living room, fire place, kitchen with eupboards, cooler, ironing board, woodlift, breskfsst-nook. Five bedrooms and closets, bath, ce ment basem-nt, laundry-trsys and ga rage. 724 N. High and 940 W. , FOR SALE 81100. RESTAURANT doing good business. I -oca t ion Central Stage Terminal. 36(H) will handle deal. This is a money maker for man and wife. Address Mr. Baird, Central Stage Terminal, Eugene, Oregon. A REAL INVESTMENT TWO CHOICE building lots near car line; paved street, east front,' cement walk. All improvements paid; clear deed and ab stract. Quick saJe by owner. Ad dress or call at "589 North High St. Good Buys, on Easy Terms 100 down, 810 pej month, buys 10 acre of fine fruit land, all cultivated 1'rice I12..0. 50 down, $10 per month, buys acre near Englewood echool. Price $00. $80 down, $19 per month buys 90-100 of sa acre on car line south Pri- $900. Real Estate and Fire Insurance W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 SUte St. U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Wood's Bargains Small house, corner lot, $500. New bun galow. $1050. Good house and two lots, $1500. Seven room modern house on psved street, good location. $3500. Choice 5 acre tract clnee in. small house, a snap at $1500. 10 acres, small bonne, close in, (2100. Wsnt a good small farm, mnst be well located. Restaurant for sale. A good house and cash to trnde for small fsrm. For rent, 5 acres 1 1 acres, 'in acres, 190 acres and 220 acres. 16 acre ranch to trade for hoim. F. L. WOOD 311 State street WORTH WHILE A nice lot 50x75 concrete walk close in, 3450.00 A nice lot on Winter street north, $469.00. A nice lot in the Oaks addition, pav ed street sewer snd gss, $821.00. $850 and $400 to loan on good se curity. A neat shingle bungalow. 5 rooms and basement, corner lot 4 blocks to car 3 blocks to school. Price $3,000. Ask about our 8350 house. It's not very fine but worth the money. 8150.00 will handle it. $1200 house of 4 rooms has city wster, toilet, electric lights two lots. ?200 down and $15 per month. You will be stsrting your winter fires soon; better let us write you some in surance on your house and household goods. MILLS & COPLEY 831 Vs State street FIVE ROOM COTTAGE LARGE COR ner lot, abundance fruit, good lootion; partly furnished. 81700. 6 room modern bouse, furnace, garsge. 84500. Will take vacant lots it part payment. On paved street. 6 room modern home, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; built in feature; very fine part bssement, fine construction, ex cellent view, Fairmonnt park addition; two good lots. 8480O. 6.86 acres, 1 V4 miles from South Com mercial street csr line, all in bear ing prunes, cherries snd apples, five room Aouse, small barn. SJdOO, cesy terms, or will take medium iriced property in Salem. Owner has left Here and wants to sell. Winnie Pettyjohn 831 SUte street FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH basement. Paved street. East Salem rnce f 30OO. Terma. Krueger Oregon BHg. Phone 217 Money Maker I room house, paved street, city, water. $80Di $450 cash, balance 815 month. 3 room house $800. $200 cssh, balance lo month. Compton Real Estate 469 State street $3250 BUYS THIS S ROOM PLA8TER- ert bungalow: electric light, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full basement, garage, lot 50x100 yes. the bath and toilet are there also. And $1000 down. oaiance like rent ee L. A, HAYFORD 305 State street ANDERSON A RUPERT Successors to I.aflar k Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406 7 Oregoa Bldg THE GREATEST BUY IN SALEM TO day is a beautiful home on State St. Io not fail to itre us about th. S mm new bungalow, east front; all kinds of fruit and nut trees. room house, corner lot, $22X). S room bouse, including street paved. 1 I 'Ml room hmioe. $1450. GERTRt'DK J. M PAGE 192 N. Cottage St. 4 blks N. of PO Best Buys and Exchanges Grocery store and apartments, doing good business, well located in Sal-m, price very reasonable. 5 room new modern bungalow, wood shed. garage, $2.U)0. $1000 cash; balance $25 monthly. ISO acre ranch, good improvement, 32 head of cattle, implements, tools. 7 per acre. Wit! take small business or acreage to $5O0O. Confectionary in good location, rent $10 per month. Stock and fixtures $1700 cash. , Socolofsky - If Re? "y To trade roar place, je In and see us and talk it over. A fitting exchange .is the next bent thing to selling, and we aim to help the Realty situation In that way We are working np e changes for Portland property, particu larly; at this time What have yoa to offer., 841 State street Established ia Salea 1909. . The Fleming Realty Co. Use itaa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB CITY Eroperty. tea or tweety acre. Good ildings, Italian prxaea and Vsgaa bernea. 70O N. High. Wanted to Buy Small bouae of 4 or 5 rooms. Will pay J' down and J0 per month. Thomason 3SlVi Stale street FOB BENT FARMS FARM FOR RENT INQUIRE AT 140 Sou eh High street. FOR RENT GRAIN AND DAIRY farm, already storked, improvemeat good, running water piped to build ing, silo on place, lnouir of R, P. Boise. Breymaa block. Salem. Oregon. Attack Against High Prices of Stock Sends Them to fjew Low Levels NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Jtear traders conducted another suc etsiful attack against prices in today's early stock market, using the unfavorable over-night news in the Near Eastern situation and the abandonment of the Republic Midvale, Inland steel merger as an excuse for their assault. PWcYj ."were forced down', lo new low levels On the current re action before the shorts ran Into substantial buying power and the extent of this caused a scramble to carer, starting a rally which carried a number of issues above yesterday's closing figures. Indications that the abandon ment of the Pteel merger was un expected were seen in the sharp j break in Republic, which wa; car ried down 4 4 points before re covery set in. the net loss for the day being 2 points.. Midvale of fered a little more resistance to selling pressure, yielding only two points United States Steel com mon, Bethlehem B, Vanadium and Crucible steels were weak in fm- pathy, but all rallied later. Oil (ialns Point Equipment shares led the rally in the final hour. Motor shares showed some improvement. Standard Oils of California and New Jersey moved in an erratic manner. They strengthened later, each showing a net gain of more than a point on the day. Mexi can Petroleum fluctuated within ratlfus of nearly four points, closing at a net loss of 1. Tobacco shares were under. pressure, Ldggett ana Myers tt dropping six points and Ameri can tobacco A and B declining two or more points, but reciver- ing later. Improved metal trade conditions were reflected in the better) demand for copper, sine and lead- shares, most of which showed slight gains. Total sales were 1,050,000 shares. Sterling Ixwer Call money opened and re newed at 4 per cent, and ad vanced to 5 in the early after noon, holding at that rate until the close. Time money continued quiet with an appreciable change in rates, but there was a good demand for commercial paper. The feature of the foreign ex change market was the quoting of the Canadian dollar at a premium and unsettled conditions in the foreign market caused a sharp break in sterling in London which was reflected here:, de rnand bills dropping to $4.37 but rallying somewhat later. Cont nental rates eased in sympathy but letts sharply. J IS UNSETTLED Changing Aspects on Near East Situation Bring ruse and Fall in Prices CHICAGO. Sept. 29. Influenc ed largely by changing aspects of relations between British and Turkish forces at the Derdanel les, the wheat markt today d clind after on early advance. The close was unsettled 1-4 to 2 3-4 cents net lower, with December 1.04 to 1.04 1-S and May 1.0 ; 5-8 to 1.07 3-1. Corn lost 5-8 a 3-4 cents to 138 cent, oats finish ed unchanged 5-8 a 3-4 cent off and provision? unchanged to a setback of 15 cents. An advance in Liverpool quo tations today despite an easy close here yesterday had much to do with the upward tendency "which for the first two hours this morn ing, characterized the wheat mar ket In Chicago. Many traders construed the Liverpool advance as reflecting news that British forces had been hemmed in at Cha'nak. A more peaceful view of the outlook appeared to dominate the market during the last part of the day "however, and trading ended "before word , was received of a British ultimatum to the Turks. Owing to tack of any aggress ive support it took onl a moder ate amount of selling to bring about the late decline in the wheat Ml TRADERS HAVE SUCCESS n MARKET market. Liquidatioon on the part of holders of September delivery was a feature. Corn and oats -- paralleled the action ot wheat. Crippled trans portation facilities had some bear ish effect on corn. Provisions were governed by f iuxuations in hog valtK-s. FRCIT NEW YORK. Sept. 29 Evap orated apples dull. Prunes quiet. Apricots steady. Teaches dull. HOP MARKET NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Hops steady, state 1922, 21 a 24c: 1921. 15 a 16; Pacific coast 1922, IS a ISc; 1921. 14 a 15c. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. Or.. Sept. 29. Butter: prints extras 48c; cubes extras 42c; prime firsts 41c. But terfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream 4 8c. Potatoes: Buying price locals $1 a 1.25; selling price 1.25 a 1.50. II dele Oaniaoa'B Near pbavM tat REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 133 THE WAY MADGC CONVEYED A HINT TO HI f A DROWN. The same sleejty-toned, pomp ous servitor who voice I had heard before, answered my tele phone call at the old Paige mansion. I asked for Edith Fair, fax instead of summoning Rita Brown directly to the telephone, for I knew that the devoted sister must be anxious concerning Leila. Yet I hardly knew Low to frame my news of Lo'la'j being with me, not knowing jmt what the hys terical little bride-to-bc had told her older sister. I found myself unaccountably trembling as 1 wtlted for Edith's voice. Ever since s day long dis tant, when she lashed me with her scorn for my lack of trust In Dicky and at the eame moment betrayed her own deep, though helpless, love for hlin we have tacitly avoided acu other as much as possible without causing open comment. And while, when oth ers are present v! use the famil iar "Edith" and "Madge." which the intimacy of nr little group demands, when we are alone a sort ot mutual, unspoken agree ment always constrains our speech to more stilted phraseol ogy. There are thre women against whom. In my life with Dicky, I have felt the pangs of Jealousy. Lillian my cheeks aflame with hot humiliation when I remember how ridiculous was my childish resentment of the friendship which had been one of the best influences my husband ever bad, and which has never failed me! Grace Draper, whom I still fear and hate; snd the girl for whose voice I waiter!, whom I neither fear nor hate, but in whose pres ence I can never feel at ease That she has the tame feeling concerning me, 1 can well guess There is a gulf between us, the memory of a chasm cut by words, which can never Le bridged. Her voice, as it came over the telephone, was rnol, unruffled; and I sueased thai others were In the room with ber. Edith Is Quick. "Mrs. Graham. Ij it not?" she asked. "How do you do? - I sup pose you have Isd a busy day talking. Leila an nor need this morning that sht; thought it was her duty to corn over and aee that you didn't over-exert your self. I tried to tell her that In au proDSDiiuy rna wcuia wear you out with her cliatter, but she couldn't see It that way. Aunt Dora would have accompanied her but her rheumatism is troubling her today, but she bids me give you her love. r3 Leila ready to come home? Aunt Dora will send the coachman affec her If she is.' It was perferMy done, and 1 was sure that the people In the room with her nve- t-usnected the strain undemeatn lier words. But I realized that sh kiicw of Leila's suffering, and n keenly anxious to know what her idolized little sister meant to do. f resolved to go straight to the point. "Miss Fairfax." 1 said quickly "Is there an ext?nsion telephone there?" "No." she an-5r;red laconically "Then I can tell you. what I am sure you know a'ready that Lei la Is much upset, and that she has come to me with the determ inatlon to stay the night at least Do you know tje reason for her despairing mood? You see 1 am asking you questions which can be answered yes or no " No." she replied again, and then added hurriedly "Thank you so much for the invitation, but I couldn't possibly et away. But there is no reason why Leila can not stay the night with you If you wish her to. I know how. fond you are of each other." Madge Throws Bomb. "You are tery utck." I saM with a genuinely abmiring note In my TOlce. ,-"And 1 mil Jell yoi that the cause of Leila's mocd is Rita Brown. I must speak to her. 1 and your quickness has give, ns art Idea. I thall Invite her to take tea with me over here at Betty Kane's. The invltH'Hi wl!l b8 one that she mil not refnse" . there was a grim une in mr roles "and if you will say that the Ja vttation I Just gave you s v "Unfortunately Aunt Ior caa't Mir cut." she said, "but ! am sure Rita would love tc come. ' I envy you! Tea xt Betty Kane's used to be one of my delight v Please remember rne to her. and say that I surely will be over to see her soon. Rita, dear. Mrs. Graham wishes to speak to you." There was sa edge la Rita Brown's voice as she tKk ap the receiver "Hello. Made;" the said, snd I knew from her toio that ' she suspected my errand was nota peaceful one. "Hello, Rita!" I returned cas ually. "I called up to see It you -wouldn't come over and take tea with me st Betty Kane's little shop in Cedar Cre t. But Edith and her aunt cannot accept. I do hope you can run over to meet Leila and me." "Awfully .orry." she began, -but I don't see" "Oh. but I mnst In.lit!" I said silkily. "Indeed, ft is you I especially want soe." "Oh. I guess you!! survive she laugiied defiantly, I'm afraid you'll have to "I'm afraid you don't quite un derstand," I retorted, purposely stressing my first word. "I hats message to deliver to yoa which I believe yoa would rather receive by yourself a message concerning a person a certain man named Lichnowaky. (To be continued) , Cut This Om it Is Worth , Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley ft Co., S835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago., I1L writing your name and address clearly You will receive In re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley. Kidney Pills for pains in sides' and back; rheumatism, backache. kidney and bladder ailments; snd Foley Cathartio Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing' cathartic tor constipation, bilious ness, headaches and sluggish bowels. Sold Everywhere. AdV. REALTY EXCHANGE . Reported bj Union Abstract I r Company; J C. K. Spauldin.t ud wife to I S. Griffith, port of lots S and 4 Blk 1 Edea add to Baiem, Or., $10. J. F. Hackett and wife to N. Hackett. lots 10 end 20, Clover- dale, Or.. $10. . F. D. Bowman and rlfe to IL s Tade and wife, let 10. Garden Fruit Farms, Marlon county. Or $10. , J. K. Webster to MY M.'.Forbes V part ot lot 5. blk R, Yew Park add, to Salem, $3000. H. Woolery arid wlfo to F. II. Cutsforth, land In cl. 84-5-2, W. Marion county, Oregon, $700. ' P. K. Murphy and wife to I sale Mitchell, land in - CI - 54-5-1-W, 4 Marlon county, Of..' $75. ; Hammond Lumber company to - J. B. Patrick, land In sec. 11-10-5 ' E. Marion county. Or.. $10. - Hammond Lumber company to School District No. 123. land In " Sec. 1J-10-5-E. Marion countp. $10. V. Lyle McCroakey snd wife to E. Harrington and wife, land In sec. 8-9-1-E, Marlon county, Or., t , $10. E. Harrington and wife to V. ' L. McCroskey. land In sec 7 and.'. 8-9-1-E, Marion county. Ore., $10. E. M. Harringtcn snd husband to V. L. McCroskey, land In sec 7-9-1-E, Marion county. Or.. $10. . E. Horton by sheriff to E. A. Hannah, land In Oaks addition to Salem. Oregon and In Parrish cl. 61-7-3-W, Marion county Or.. $10. ; The figures show that the hens of the country laid 10 per cent -more eggs the past year than the year before. Indicating that Bid dy was willing to do her share to ward restoring normalcy. Exchange. f Portland Baying: Prices , , EOOS. POtTLTST AJfD MEATS BLTTEREAT STE4DY, HIGHER No. 1 churning cream. 48 f. a. fc. Portland. 43 at atottons; undergrade. 4ft45e. rXiCS IirOHER. SCARCE Current receipts. 30 32c; whit hen neries. 34 3S delivered. (The quo tattoo are baaed oa prices paid tor th : hnlk of reeeipta by local tobh-r aad creameries. UVE POtTLTRT STEADY ' Ies commission) Heavy ben. 2ft 0 11r. lb.; do light, 13 6f 13c; broiler Rocks and Reds, 21 r 2c; Leghorn lOe; old roc-ater. lOe; dock, white Po kin, yeong. ?o 0$ 21. old deck, aoralaal DRESSED M EATS QUI ET (lss commissto) Obolc Kfbt bhga IS 6t 15V4e: nsdergredes, 13 & 14a: veaH top grade. IS Vk O ISc; aado ' grades, 13 1 4c. HAT A WD OSAOr - HAY FIRM (Delivered. Portland) Vslley Tlav thy. 818 10 ton; Eastern Oregoe Timothr. 330 C 21 too; alfalfa. 811 0 3 IS. So ton; clover, 817 too; eat 4 vetch. I8 IT ton; trw. $8 0 1 ton; grata hay. 817 0t 18. - GRAIV STEADY " ITraek- Portland, la -ear lots) Wheat, option. 81.27; Bart or Blsestem. 81 oata, 129.50 ft 31; Estra allow rare, 329. rOTT FRUIT fTEADT Esrlv p'srbea, 4f(Sf50e; apple. 81 1 3S: hackleberrie. 18a lb.; pears, ft.00 1.35 EOETABT.ES VEfiETASI-Ef STEADY Kw- BoUtoes. 90r9lXi ewi.i Or ' -roe cabbage. 1 fl 1H l! pamnlp le lb.; carrots. SS do, fcaaeb; gree aioas. 55 os. boats-; croons sqasah, nominal; oaiona. 80 0 I -0 ewt: aow -r 10 Ifte ; t-esatoo. 8 tj 10 bos; broccoli. 31T500 dose a. WOOL. STEADY Half blood aad f. 80 0 3Sc; Ihreo rtgath blood. SO 0 32e: aoertor blood. tS 0 S7: low ooertor aad braid, 30 33e: watted or eettod wool. 1 0 Se, : - (KOTE Eaalera . Oregoa, Wabiaa sad Idaho virrHp briar 3 to 8 :ds W.taaaT-vV'e-''e Vt HOPS QUIET , 1821 crop, awsaiaal, now crop, 8210