THE OnEGON ST ATESMAT7; BAtM; OREGON 4' i. CLASSIFIED ADVMT18EMIHTB " " Rate per word: far tasertiea Se Se fare inssrtloes . . - 6a week (sis insert tons) Oh month JOa Sis months' oonlract. per . lSe it montus' eoatraet. per mm. af laimuia lor My advertises S5 NORWICH ONION FIRE INSURANCE SOC1ETT 4 W. H. Borghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 371 State 8t. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate . -T. K. KORD (Over Ladd Rush Bank) NEW TODAY FOR BALK -r- riYK nwii .nwuna, block from -city hall. Phono 1554 W : evenings. , TE-NT HOUSE AND GOOD CORNER ' lot for tale. Heavy, new, large lent. ' $15 down takea immediate possession. '-' and $15 per month for 23 month gets fall warranty deed and abstract. No Interest. - Why pay rentt K. A. Rhoten, 84 Rural Avenue. FOR RENT $35. LARGE STORE space in Central Stage Terminal. Eur ene. Suitable for merchandise busia esa. Sue Mr. Hoffman, Central Stag Terminal. Eugene. STOP AT WALDO PARK AND YOU'LL see that "the beat is the cheapest." Lota essr walking diatanc of state house, university, schools and down- ' town at $500 to $1050 with pavement paid and sewer and gas maiae every lot. Terms. Beit building restriction. Beck Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank boilding. FOR SALE DROPHEAD WHITE SEW l ing machine, cheap. 688-W. ww. niivwv rkirvtf , a vrt rz k v v.a I fh,. o Commercial and other in front f ; Cherry City Garage. Return to Btateamao. HAVE CLIENT9 WHO WANT LOANS from S500 ui on good security. Jonn H. fleott. Phone 264 or 622. MODERN HOME OF ROOMS MUST ' be aold now. Owner leaving. Furnace, :. fireplace, barwood) and everything, Immediate noa session. S2000 ran t ' handle. Becke Hendricks, 205 U. : ; 8. Bank Bldg. , 15 ACRES 4 MILES FROM SALEM 1 acre cultivated, balance aecond irnvik fir. MDriars: runnine? water. $2000 cash. Bee Harris; 624 N. Cp- itol. 1942 J. . WHAT ABOUT YOUR . HAY AND grain f Are they fully covered, by . insurance I If not, phone Stand lev k Foley, ajgenta, 847 Bush Bank Bldg Salem, Ore. . ' MANAGER WANTED FOR 75 ROOM , hotel i located in lively Oregon town Moat bar reference and some rash Good nroDOsition for riaht party. Ad . dresa Central Stage Terminal ami ' Hotel' Co.. Salem. Oregon. NEW UPHOLSTERED COT 8 FOB " rent. H. I Stiff Furniture Co. YOU RENT rtTKNISHED AND UN- furnished-. rooms and an apartment. t Hhone 1647 J. HOUSE, FOR RENT SEVEN ROOMS. $35 aer month. One block from car , ; ' line, i 1358. Chemeketa. FARM FOR EXCHANGE 106 ACRES, i"' all good level land. 90 acres under aj . cultivation. p arrea seeded to wheat. ' 1 acre wainuia yeara oia, lauiuy orchard, a) a room houae. fair barn. ' located on good graveled road ana mile . . from a railroad town 18 milea irom L Salens. Price $140 per, air re. Will I consider Saiero property or aereAge near Salem, - . . R, Tandy, Jefferson. "Ore, FAIR EXHIBITORS DECORATE YOUR booth with Giant Astern, all shades. Cut flowers keen all week. 25c 4 ' dos.. Sire. Early Roberta, 480 N. 1 3rd. t street.! f 125 , PES MONTH LEA8E8 A -RES- taurant and dining room, together with I . . . ! l I 4 . . 1 1 1 I J ' S ix teres and furnishing, fully eqnip- , bed and new doing a good business, ' .Looatotl In lively .Oregon town and in 'a 75 1 room hotel. Addrea Central '. Htage , Terminal -A Hotel Co.. Salem. ; Oregon. . : M TO RENT ROOM 8, OL08E IN. 67 8. - Capitol. ' ROOM'S . t i FOR RENT PHONE 1130-W. FOR SALt 80VT AND SIX PIGS. 8 r week old. Route . box 18AA. Phone . , u I 24-LOTS WITH HOUSE, BARN AND ; ffaraga. Lot of fruit. Will trade for smaller house and lot. ' Call after 8 p.m. 17th and Market. TOMATOES 50c BUSHEL. 5 BUSH - els 92. ' firing "boxes. -One mile north of bridge on Wallace road. Mapes. 1SAVB A FEW NICE TIGS LEFT FOR aake. Phone 2S4 or 672. FOR SALE. SCHILLER PIANO PRAC- tically new. S20O. Phone 1044 J. or 6?5 Union. , . ' 100 PER MONTH LEASES A CIGAR. newa stand, confectionerx. soft drink and check room concession located in a 75 room hotel at a Central Stage Terminal. Addrei Central Stage Terminal Hotel Co.. Balem. Ore. ROOMS AND , fair weak. 1982-J. BREAKFAST On . oar line. DURING Phone UNIVERSITY BOY WISHE8 PLACE 1 barn or garage for Ford aedan during .school hours, flam Chapi Phone 17 in. WANTED LADY DEMONSTRATORS .for Mate fair. Phone 1820-J. LOST A ROUND AGATE ON GOLD , chain. -Reward. Return to Statesman office. WOULD RENT FROM 40 TO 90 ACRKS of new land near Salem to responsible ; party who will purchase my farm out- fit. Jotia 11. Kcott. phone 622. EARLY 1922 DODGE TOURING A private party mutt tell this Dodxc right away. Ik has five nearly new , cord tires, spotlight, sun visor, license. and the finish ia just like new. Terms. CaU Bligh Hotel. Mr. Emery. FOR BALE GROCERY BUSINESS IN permanent" corner in Salem. $250u , ;will handle it. Socolofsky. 341 State. WOMEN WANTED TO HELP IN KIT ' rhen. Gray Belle. - LATE 19201 HUPMOBILE A HUPMO- ; bile is seldom offered for sale. This one- has five good tires, spotlight. thumper, motometer, rut out snd far- ttory finish. , Privately owned. Will aell reaaoaable and accept terms. Cal! .Bligh bole!, Mr. Jack Hrhioler. FOR SALE $1100. RE8TAURANT doing good buainess. Location Central Stare Terminal. $6UO will bundle tdeal. This is a money maker for man . and wife'. Address Mr. Baird, Central Stage Terminal, Engene, Oregon. 11 (Meet me at the Fair.) $3700 BUYS 8 ROOM MODERN MOST , i ly suitable for rooming and boarding OUT FLOWERS ' Garage and barn. Garden. quick ' possession. Becke k Hendricks, 205 GLADIOLI ASTERS, ZINIAS, CUT - 17. , 8. Bank Bldg. flowers. Phone 1700. " Snap On of the best 100 acre farms in the FOR SALE PIANO, GOOD SHAPE, valley for aale or trade. 60 acre priced right. Phone 90F22 or write under cultivation. Balanre fine oak Route 5, Box 87. Salem, Oregon. 'timber and pasture. Running water, food house. 7 rooms; barn and out U8ED CltlKKRINO GRAND. IN GOOD .building. All fenced, woven wire. On shape, '"ill give soaie terms. H. L good rock road close to Sublimity, good Stiff Furniture Co. school, rhurrh,' rorsl route. Will tske Vcily property as part payment. Easy FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY : terms mi balance. piano left us to ec-U. Price $SOO, t: Childs & Bechtel .tdp.rt8ti,, Pnn,,tw - i " 540 State atreet - ::v-wuxumuJmucrurw-:r Read the Classified Ada NEW TODAY i:m:ial propos rriONS io pi.aht- ered modern rooms, full cement nan men I, furnace nd 3 acres. Barn, sheds, shop, berries, lota fruit. All for $4500 now. Appraised 'or loan ai $55JO. This i bargain and pos session October 1. Some terms. In Halem. No. '1 Another of ten plant ered roomi for $30OO or with quariei block for $47t0. Term easy. No. 3 6 targe rooms, plastered, niolern fireplace, fruit. All for $3500 and bonus loan will handle. No 4 8 lota aoihh for $730. Terns $100 down, $10 a month. No. 5 7 room house, with 2 lot laf.'. hot water, barn. Price $1800 and $400 down, balanre $20 a month will take. No. 8 We have aeTeral brand ne-v luoin that owuere cannot use or handle that you might like. Come in. !;-rke Hendnckl 205 U. S. Bank l.ldg. 1120 KPrX'IAL SIX STI'DEB.VKER Five good cord tires, two bumnen. good condition. Front seat can be lowered to make feed for camping 70o 1920 Ford Hedaa. Fine condition. Much extra equipment 550 1920 big Mix -Studhbaker, extras: best condition $1100 1920 Oldamoblle 8, 7 passenger, newlv fimshed SHOO 1920 Mitchell, splendid car for ... Sf.oo 1VZ0 Elgin, excellent condition: newlv finished 65o $913 Studebaker, good little car but not re finished 125 1916 Stidebaker Four, newly iinianea .. . 27 1818 Studebaker our. fin condition $295 1917 Oakland, good mechanical rondi Hon .',o 1919 Chandler Chummy, good tire; good condition t;od These cars are being offered at unusually attractive prices. Liberal terms. MARION AUTO CO. Open day and night Storage Repairing SuDulif 233 241 8. Commercial St. 1-hone' 3e2 Money Maker 4 room house, paved street, citv water. $800. $450 cash, balance 115 month. 3 room house $800. $200 rash, balance $15 month. Compton Real Estate 469 State street Special To "change. 10 acres; 6 acres of prunes. 2 acres of strawberries, fair set of buildings, good dryer, place ia fully equipped with itock and tools, feed for winter. '-4 mile from rood school on good rosd. 12 miles from &alm. Will trade for good Salem property. Ihomason 3311.4 Ktate street- - Special Bargains on the. following properties with easj terms : $1600 Bungalow; 4 rooms; terms. $1700 Bungalow; 3 rooms. $2000 Bungalow; 6 rooms; 3 lots. $2500 Bungalow ; 5 room. $3150 Bungalow;' 5 room. $4200 Bun-alow 6 rooms. $5000) .Bungalow ; 6 rooms. feooo Bungalow ; 6 rooms. tine 70 acre farm, well improved. 40 acrea in clover, good aoil and location. Snap. $7500, terms. A dandy close in tract on paved street, nearly six acres for lio if sold this. week. Childs & Bechtel 540 State street FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street. Price $'200. See KruegeF Oregon Bldg. fhone 217 ! EMPLOYMENT FEMALE TOUNO LADY STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper desire position. Phone 1757-M. WANTED WOMEN TO DO FANCY work at borne. Good pay. Materials furnished. Self-addressed stamped en velope brings particulars. Plorenf Art Good Co., Cambridge, Ohio. WANTED MEN TO WORK ON HIGH way near town. Apply State Highway jiaomne onopa. WANTED BOYS FOR , MORN I NO routea in different part of city. Ap pty circulation Manager, Oregoi Statesman. WANTED ETTKltenmC YOUNG MAN L L I 1, . .,. hat bad experience selling llf Insurance, ttocka or advertising. Mull b able to dsvote his entire time and bo ambitious for advancement. Meat have the courage to preeent enaineas proposition to merchant and profet atonal mas. Aniwer la your owa hand writing, stating are. educational oaali fieationa, experience as solicitor, etc. A4reee 11. - utateamaa tWM AGENTS WANTED AGENTS ' WANTED TO SELL THE finest all-wool tai)ored-to: measure suits at $21. 50 ' and up, which includes ' a good "profit for you. You get your profit In advance. Fall sample sow ready.. Special proposition to men writing immediately. John Bond Tail oring Co. Denver, Colorado. JUST OUT NELKA WATCH GUARD. 8aappieat, most novel, useful invention. Demonstrator carried on watch chain. 14 karat gold plated. Guaranteed. 50 cent. Every watch owner inter ested. Every store a prospect. Vir gin and exclusive territory. Send for particulars. Nelka Mfg. Co., Inct., 1579 'Milwaukee Av. (3rd floor) Chi cago, 111. , NO DULL TIMES SELLING FOOD People must eat. Federal distributors make big money : I30O0 yearly and up. No capital or experience needed. Free advertising, guaranteed sales; unsold goods may be returned. Your name on packages builds your own business. FREE -SArMPIeKS and rook book to customers -epeat orders sure. Ex- elusive territory. Ask now! Federal Pure Food Co., 2309 Archer. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED BY OLD LSTAB- lisnied snd reliable firm, ma-icfai-tnring exriuaive and copyrighted line of cal endars, fans and blotters for adver tising. Complete iine leather goods. signs and specialties. One of the strongest and must up to ihe-iuinute lines la tne industry. Literal com mission and exclusive territory con tracts now being . arranged (op the balance of this yesr and for 1923. Experience in this lfnfc "not necelakrV. but applicant must .be .able to jro successful sales record, uive age and business references to receive corn-Id- eration. Address Merchants rubiifch- ing Co., Kalamazoo. Mich. MALE AND FEMALB MAN OR WOMAN WANTED $40 weekly full time. Si 'an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to I wearer. Experience UAneeesaarv. In ternational Hosiery Mills, NorrKtown, Pa. i WANTED HEN AND WOVEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A r'"u proposition to the right people Address tne raotne Homestead. la team an Hllg. naiem. . .re FOR SALE BIRDS AND DOGS FOR SALT; YOUNG PARROTS. E. B. Flake, Birds, Flowers, Pets. 273 State. FOR SALE Nimil OPPORTUNITIES FOR 8ALE OR RENT- WELL EQCIP ped machine and automobile repair ahop Inquire at OUoa Asto ticburt, Salem, Ore. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fans paper, aeDd 15c to the Pacific Horn eat ad, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. GOATS FOR SALE GOATS. PHONE 117F21. MILK GOATS BR J.O DOES $16 Tu $35. Milk Ooat Cheese 60e pat lb. Fannie Branson, Dallas, Oregon. POULTS'! 100 2 YEAR OLD 8. C. born hens, $1 each. Umatilla, Oregon. WHITE LEO W. A. ford. POULTRYMEN SEND fc.GHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for the best and oldeat journal in the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com meretal street, Salem, Oregon. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS. ALSO DRESSED hens. Phone 44F14. GOOD TEAM AND HARNESS TO LET to right party for the winter for their keep. See Brophv at LadJ k Bush Bank or phone 61F12. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ELrXTRIC MOTORS. 3, 5, 10 horse power. Oregon Wood Prod ucts to.. West Salem, phone 1476 R. GOOD TEAM OF 8 YEAR OLD BAY mares, 1200 each, sound; and good aet of harness, for $175. O. V. Badley Co. Phone S7S. 8alom. FOR BALE HAU-BREED SCOTCH Coolie, cheap. Phone 128, 1030 Chemeketa street rOR 8 ALE OLD JtEWSPAPEllS, 10 eenta a bundle. Circulation depart anent, Oregon Statesman. FOR CONCORD GRAPES PHONE 1135-W. Fine for canning and juice. Cheap in price. Write G. A. Millers 260 Marion. THE WQMAN WHO NEVER USES anything eventually will look older than her year. Ask Mr. Belott, how to - attain and retain youthful charm the "Esprit d' Amour" way. 115 N. Liberty street. SUMMER LUGOAOl, REDUCED WALL ner remnanta, - plaater wallboard. vet atair carpet, $1.25. Endur ance high grade houie paint, i Kaleo aarne, lOe pound. Cotton mattresses, S8.50. Steel springs $5.00. Mm '. Burns, 179 N. Commercial 8k BUYING A USED FORD FROM US IS like buying any RKLLABLK merpban dise from a real RELIABLE store. You may pay more, just a little n.ore; but you get more, lot more. And when you come back in 30 60 day or even a year, we will (till be here ready to serve you. "Used Fords at a Greater Value" "Our Service Satisfie" Valley Motor Co 260 No. High Phone 1991 "Beautiful Oregon Rose" and eleven other Oregon songs, together wua a una ooiioction oi patrtouc onga. sacred aonga and many eld-time favorite ALL FOB 25e ( Special nrieea In quantity lota) Eapoeiallr adaptable for eehool, comma iiy or noma singing, mn tor The Western Songster TS pageat, bow in ita third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Balem, Ore. WOOD . BEST GRADE MILL WOOD FOOT and 16-inca. Prompt delivery. Keaa cmable Price. Fred E. Wells. 805 8- ;Chnreh. Phone 1542. : PERSONAL CHARMING GIRI.. 19, WORTH $18, not), dasire marriage. B310, Club, Cimarron.. Kana. .ViTRACTIVE BUSINESS GIRL, 20 worth $-40,000. Wants kind helping husband. Write muck for standinc pie ture and description. Box 223, Los Angeles, Calif. IF - YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG wife write me enclosing stamped en velope. Violet Rays, Dennieon. Ohio. FREE YOUR HOROSCOPE AND I.E8 ton in Crystal Gating. Send stamped self addressed envelopee. Give nonth and date of birth, Zancig, 1400 L St. N-W. Washington, D.C. GLANDS FOR ALI NO COSTLY OP eration. Enjoy life again. Write for full information to Import Dept.. Saiyrin Inc., 61 Broadway, Suite 2322, New York MARRY IP LONELY: FOR RESULT8 try me; best and most succeaaiui "Home Maker"; hundred ricli wish marriage soon; strictly confidents! ; moat reliable: years' experience: de scriptions free. 4 The Successful Olob." Mrs. Nash. Box 556, Oakland. California. MARRY -i WORLD'S LEADING COR reapondonce . Club for lonely people. Msnv rieh. Quick results. Lists free. Honorable Ralph Hyde (106) San Francisco. IP YOU WANT A WEALTHY YOUNG wife, write, 'enclosing envelope. V tolet Ray, Dennison, Ohio. - GET MARRIED "BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. FREE for stamp Correspondent, Toledo, Ohio. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT 1132 Center. MOD URN FIRNISHED APARTM EJNT for rent. Phone 1109 J. FOR SALE A SNAP. FURNITURE of three room apartment. Apartment for rent: very reasonable. Apt. i 265 N. Commercial. BOOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 242 Center. FURNISHED ROOM BREAKFAST IF desired. 253 N. 13th. 35 W. THREE NICE. MODERN ROOM8 TO rent. 324 N. Capitol. Phone 20C9 J MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Must give name aad reference. Address A. ear Statesman LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST -4 SUNDAY ON RIVERSIDE Drive, brown bsg containing little boys' clothes. Finder pleaae return to Statesman office. Keward. LOST AFTER THREE O'CLOCK TUBS- day, six weeks' old airodale pup witn collar. Return to S49 Ferry or call 878. WANTED MZSCaCJaJTEOTj. WANTED 1000 LBS VETCH SEED Phone 1776 J. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, ETC, Phone 51 L OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phone 19. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- ware and furniture. Best prices paia THE CAPITAL HARD W AVKSl A FURNITURE CO. 2o5ir:'CouerciaI 8l Fboaa 947 WANTED MISCELLAHEOUS WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR DRIED prunes. Call ua 'up if jrou havra'1 Phone 717 or 1291. Manila Bros. WANTED rCRMTl'RB. TOOLS, Ma ehiaery. stock, etc Will bay for rasa or sell cvmmiaaioa. Phono Sll. Woodry. the auetwaeer. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIOHEXB AUCTIONEER P. 2. WOODRT. HE livestock, furniture, real estate auc tioneer. Phone 511 for aaie dates, Rea. 1610 N. Summer. Col. J. O. GABLE AUCTIONEER, farm and city sales. loo b. riif Phone 1446. O. 8ATTERLEB AUCTIONEER. FARM and stock s-iles. F bones Kmdenee 1211 J; Office 1177. Salem. Oregon ACETYLENE WELD WO IRON. 8TEEL. BRASS. ALUMINUM Bring the pieeae. Ozo Gaa Heating Co. 837 Court. Sato RAD R FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, made or repaired. J. U. Bear, 444 Ferry. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, itaxter and generator work. 171 8. Commercial. PRE8TO - LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and elertrica: work. F arris Bros Phone 1803. 41 Court. AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROU ble hooting. 218 N. High. Pkoa 20$. BICACLES AMD REP AIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT dee and repairing. 887 Court. HARRY W. MCOTT "The Cycle Man" 147 S. Com'l. - Phone 68 USED CARS BUYING A USED FORD FROM US IS --Hke . buying any RELLABLK merchan dise from a real RELIABLE store. Yon may pay more, Jutt a little more; but you get more, lota more. And when you come back in .30 60 dya-r-or " even a year,' we w"ill atill lieKera ready to serve vou. r - . . "Used Ford at a Greater Vahit" . ".Our Servire Satiafies" ' i 280 No. High Phone 1995 0LE80N USED CAIt EXCHANGE. Cars bought and aold. Guaranteed re pairing. Waaang., Polishing. BUYING A USED FORD FROM US IS like buying any RELLABLK merchon dise from a real RELIABLE store. You may pay more, just a little ii-ore; but you get more, lots more. And when you come Lack in 'f 60 days or even a year, we will still be Lere ready to serve you. "Used Fords at a Grester Yalua" "Our Service Satiafiea" Valley Motor Co 260 No. High Phone 41115 BEAUTY PAKLOK8 NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial street Phone 956. carpet Aim sua wxAvma CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAGS tvad. fhona batfnre a. as. fl4F31 OANDT 8H0F8 AOME CHOCOLATE SHOP "JUST Commercial. tltnil AUXO rXTJTT RTJOI NOT Id TO THE PUBLIC WE HOW wesve flan logs made out of old ear pets, any length or width yon desira. We also re-fit. re-sow and sua carpets Feather renovating and mattress steam Ing and remaking. Sslem Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rag Works. Phone 1154. CHINESE PHTSICIAlf DR. L. If. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN 1(4 ft Hiah 8l Ohoa 888 diaeaaa CLEANERS AHD DYERS SPICK. N. SPAN CLEAN KR3 AND 544 State. dyers. ELEOTRIOXAJf S SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC Building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC 8H0P -r JCLEQ iricai macaina repairing, contracting! 897 Court. Phone 488, . ' AiRCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN Hooaa wiring by tvonr or contract. Esti mates furniahel. Phone 980, 414 Court St. SRTa STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial street, phone 167. BREWER DRU0 CO. 405 COURT Phone 184. FINANCIAL WANTED TO BORROW $6000. AM pie real estate security. Address B. care Statesman. FEDERAL FARM LOAN'S 5 TO 34 years it 5 per cent interest. F. E. Mangis. 512 State street. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plsn, pre-psyment provisions al lowed. We will finance yon for a lea rate of interest than any firm on the coast. Private money to loan aa either eity or country property. R. W. Marsters 411 Oregon Build ia LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY Plenty or money; no delay. Call 83 ltt State street. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN associstion hss money to losn at o percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. 80S Ral- Back of Commerce FURNACES SEA0R0VE FOR FURNACES 198 S. 12th atreet. P U BAN 1 TURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 373 Court. Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture. 371 N. Com mercial. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refinishing and np bolstering a specislty. Phone 1743. Brown sad Groves. 1201 Booth Commercial. FLORISTS BEAITIFI'L ASTERS 25c DOZ. ZIN nias. 15c dos. 801 Locust. Phone 1(24 W. CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. C. F. Breithaunt. florist. 12 North Liberty street. Phoaa 880. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING RUTH Mc ADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 Sooth 12th. Phone 1824-M. SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDF.B Dressmaking. Carrie Fisher, MeOor aack Bldg. THE AD81TT8 ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladiea tailor- . ing... for old -aad-bow customers, 852 N. 12U 8t. TaWa 3085 B, BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory ADTUaCaUIXS j I MAXWELL GINGRICH i THE GOOD Motor Co. 171 Cosri. 1 TIRES AND ACCESSORIES C8ED PARTS 1 $ TO OFF. MIKE'S An to Wrecking Hoaso. 424 KarU CommerciaL Phone 528. HEMSTITCmKQ MRS. B RECK EN RIDGE HEM STITCH - ing. Mail order solicited. Pfroae 174 M. 175 8. l$th SALEM K.1.1TK be.M 81 MX Ml Nto. 1 pleating, buttons, a tarn nice and need!- ; wren ping, rnono aii. ; MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttonv Room 10. over Mtl lev's store. . Phono 117. HEMSTITCHING AND PI0OT1NG AT tachment; superior device; fits ajiy machine; attained firaily ; earn iiy : eaily aitjustert ; Price $1 ileuv ered, with complete instructions and samples of work. Orders filled promptly. Superior Hemstitching At tachnierit Co.. .'h9 Starr St.. I'orpra Chri-ti. Teas. MILLINERY HATS FROM $1 U? MRS. Grimm 519 Court street MACHINE SHOP a a. THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam Boilers, vulcanisers and tube plates. Perry C. Campbell. 17 V Liberty. H. AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND era and welders. Automotive aerriea. 40 retry. Phone 004. MEN'S STORE -e- El. CHASTAIN'8 UPSTAIRS MEN'S ahop. Suite and overcoats. Use my atau-s. it pa) a. 121 S. Commercial. MUSICAL MRS HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. 1221 N. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted. .Jo R. Sites. Director. 1287 Ooart Phone 626. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 leasons guaranteed. Waterman System. F. B. Clark. Mgr., MoOor nack Bldg. MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL P1AN08, PHONO r. graphs, sewing machinea. aheet music. 1 and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs snd sew in a macainss. 482 State, Salem. PIANOS TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Music Dept. SHERMAN CLAY A CO. PIANOS Stelnways Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House. 415 Court street sad Masonic Tempi. DANCING PRIVATE - daoce LESSONS IN ALL LATE Mrs. White. Phone 279 J. - HOTELS U CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATC AND V Commercial. Phone 630. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN COSY; 60c up. 462 State. TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano toner. Leave orders Will's Vtnsie Store. xssuRAircai TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. LIFE, accident, auto and fire insurance. August Huckestein, agent, Room 1, Patton Bldg. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN8URAJ.CE company. J. 0. Balch, agent, room 8. MeCornaek Bldg. Phone 96. FOR Fire Insurance, Auto Insurance, Life Insurance, Indemnity Insurance; Accident Insurance. Farm lands and farm loans. See A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 107 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. r JEWELRY REPAIRINa AMERICAN, 8WISS JEWELRY REPAIR ing. "If ws cannot fig it, throw H a war.'. 179 South High, next Oregon depot. " LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Phone 85. Oldest-, largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1364 Broadway. Phone 165. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM CO ud-H ktaOaia Phone 517 W. MACHINISTS WECHTER SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding service. Pboae 562-845 rsr ry. PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaaa work for oarticalar ooodIo. L- I. Brandon, contractor. 865 North High. Phone 645 J. NURSERIES FRUITLAND NURSERY WILL HAVF sales yard at Chorrv Citv Feed barn 544 Ferry street. About Nov. 1, See me before buying. Phone 1140-M erUBSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES 8MAL1 fruits, ornamentals. Cspital City Nor aery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg. Phoaa 75 PLtrjasnro PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COI1 work. Phone 1397 J. Shop. 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PBIKTXffO ROWLAND printing. PRINTING Patton Bldg. CO. JOB RESTAURANTS HUB RET A TTRANT MOST REASON able oricea. Johnson-Barry. 159 8 High. ACME RESTAURANT DINNER, FAM ily style. 45e. Short order, popular prices: neat. new. clean. - 121 South Commercial. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. Ferry. 489 BIN 8IN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP ney. 40e: Buffed rice. 30e: noodles P-'-Oc: fried aoodlea. 60e. 189 8. Lib arty. - SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of sll kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned the 167 STOVES AWD 8TOVE REPAIRING STOVES R FBUTLT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National feneo, alses 26 to 38 laches high. Psints. oil and varnishes, stc. logsf hrrv sad hop hooks. Sslem feo-e snd Stove Works. 350 Court street. Phone 1-4 SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ene a 4 -nea. B' pr'eeo M. Paii ital Exchange. 842 N. Commercial. Phone 1388 W. Read the Classified "Ads. BUSINESS CARDS j TatAMtTER KATJUHQ 1CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO 32. j rfcjtio 8c Fhoawr VSS.. Dwtriaatiau forwarding' a4 atairaga aar epweiahvy Oil eir rtlea. WE MOVE. 8TORE ASD SHIP HOUSE bold gooJa. War specially a puuie and furniture moving.- We also eaakr ooumtry trips. We handle the boat coal and wood. Call on aa for price. We give good measure, good Quality and food service. Lar-aer Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRAM&POKTATIOM PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Maaaffar Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon 6 ALEM SILVER TON DIVISION l..,., 8.lomi Central Stage Terminal 7 a.m.. li a.m.. 5 s.m. Leaves Silverten. Newt Bland : 8 a.m. 1 p.m.. 6 p.m. Salem-Independence Monmouth Diviekaa leaves Saieut Ueotrai Blage Terminal: 7 am. B a.m. 1 1 a.m. 3 p m. 5 p.n Leaves Monmouih, Monmoath Hotel: 8:15 a.m 1 p.m, 8:15 p.m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:90 a. ia. 10 am. 1:15 p.m. p,io. 0:90 We make cooneetioaa at Salem to hi' parts of the valley. Extra tripe by appointment. J W. PARKER. Geaeral Mgr. , WAREHOUSES WAREHOUSE WE HAVE SPACF for bops, prunes and miarellaneous storsge. Corner Trade A High Sta Phone 717 r 121. Mangis llroa WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 301 South Com'L St. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid ia advance. No deductions o usance or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS WtXJD SAWING PHONE 1181. country. Ed. Sproed. C1TT WOOD SAWING CITY AND COUNTRY.. McDonald k Anliker. Phone 11F11 or 1525 J. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phono 2048. Fishsr Bros. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE. Commercial. Phone 1277. 152 N. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND U. 8, Bank Bldg. MARSHALL 206 DR. F08TER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 756. 2024 J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Kirksvilla graduate. 404-405 U. 8 Natioaal Bank Bid. Phone, office 919; rea. 814, ' BROKEN ARCH I 8 AND OTHER DE form 1 ties of 'the feat corrected without loss of time from your occupation Dra. White Marshall U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phvai'-ian and Surgeon 403-404 Ore-.. mn Bldg. Phones, office, 1894: rea. 58F5. CHXROFODISTS DR. GEORGE F. II I NER, FOOT . 8PEC- lalist, modern equipment ; arches made to order. Room 8, Patton ' Bldg. Phone 957. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOUS ea, ingrowa aaila, all foot troubles. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR, 475 8. Commercial, raone DR. O. L. 80OTT. P.8.0, CHIROPRA0 tor. 414-19 V. b. nana BWf. raoae 87; rea. 82 8-R. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Suite 801 Ore goa Boilding. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR- dett at the Bow Optical Company. 825 State street, opposite Ladd aad Bush Bank. P0MER0Y KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 State. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseasea. 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5. Armory. First third Mondays REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY A SMALL HOUSE from owner. ill psy cash. Address "B-75," care Statesman. FOR SALE BY OWNER SIX ROOM bouse, new snd complete in every de tail. Large or small lot. Terms. Will take amaller bouse ss Dart payment. Phone 1589 J or call at 1190 North Cottage street. Best Buys 50 acres, 26 acres 6 and 7 year old Italian prunes. 3 acres timber, fenced. 1 "A miles from station. This orchard must be sold st once. $7500. $5000 cash, balance to suit. HO room apartment bouse. 1 '4 blocks from Dos of f ice. bur now and mate the money during the fair. Will take acreare or residence. Price $16,000 3 room bouse, price $925. $100 cash. balance $10 monthly. Socolofsky 341 State Wanted Small farms to lint of five to ten thont snd dollars in exchange for city prop erty. Fleming 341 State St. S750 Cash 9 acres with rood buildings, water sys tern, frmt, on good road. Just the things $2250. for a poultry ranch. - Price Easy terms. Fleming 841 State St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property, ten or twesty arrea. Good buildings, Italian prunes and wgaa berries. 700 N. High. IDEAL IRRIGATED LAND. LOCATION for orchard, berries, potatoes. 10 a-res uncleared. Hood River valley. Liirht phone, mail, on gchoal, bus lines, rock road, his-h school near, ienns. uesi Psrkdale, Oregon. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE LARGE COR ner lot, abundance fruit, good location partly furnisied. $1700. 6 room modem house, furnace, garage $4oOO. Will take vacant lots s part payment. On paved street. 6 room modern home, fireplace, Dutch kitchen: built in feature? very fine psrt basement, fine construction, ex cellent view, Fsirmount park addition two rood lots. S4800. 6.88 acres. 1 '4 miles from South Com mercial street car line, all in War ing prunes, cherries and apples, fiv room bouse, smau barn. iSAvO. tea terras. or will take medium prited oroperty in Salem. Owner has left here and wants to sell. Winnie Pettyjohn 3314 State street WORTH WHILE 192 sere farm to exchange for city or suburban propertv. 4 room bouse and two lota: garage; Some bearing fruit. Price $1100; $250 cash, balance $15 per month. Te have $850 and $1500 to loan on good real estate security. We make a specislty of writing prune dryer insursnce; best of terms. MILLS & COPLEY r 331 Vs State street - REAL ESTATE . EVEN ROi.Ua. HOURS., MODERN EX cept !. m at ' $5500. ftvo Mwis, toua.- full basement. "91S00. Ei-ght rooaa aoeae. t4 6yxl'ia; fruit saw shade Iras $37. M. J, Hunt . ;? LaJd A Bush Bldg. " Why Pay Rent? When with a small installment eqai j to the rental value, coupled with i4i Ctrst paynieat yvu can owa out right r your own little' cottage. lor particulars see Fleming S41 State t. ANDERSON k RUPERT 8ucressors to l.aflar A Latter INSURANCE HEAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406 7 Oregoa Bldg I WISH TO EXCHANGE MY HIGHLY improved farm, including equipment, some stock;, for Portland or Salem in come property. Price $20,000. Write owner." .C.W.E.. Sria. Oregon. Good Buys, on Easy Terms ,100 down. $10 per nionta, buya 10 ' acres of fine fruit land, all cultivated Pric $1250. 150 down, $10 per month, buys 14 sere near Etiglewwad rhwol.. Price fl-OO. $80 dowu, $13 per mouth buys 90-100 of aa acre- oh. ear b south Price $M0. Real Estate and Fire Insurance W, H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. U. 8. Bang Bldg. ON CAPITOL, Sl'JJM ER. WINTER. COT- tage. Church, north, we have lota for sale. Houses for trade, farms for trade. Beautiful new bi ngalowa. on Liberty. North Church and State streets. A large hotre on St.tte street at $7500 Apartment house, fully equipped. $4000. Apartment bouse in best location, all furnished. $14.0041. 5 room house. $1450. 8 room house $17oo. Small payments down on both. Large corner and six room bouse, f.20 cssh. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage- 3 Blks. N. of Wood's Bargains - Good five room houae, fine lot. with bearing fruit trees, $1600. Ten acre ( tract close in, running water, small house. $2100. New bungalow. $1050. eay terms. Small boi'ae, good corner lot. some furniture only $500. For rent, five acres. 11 acres, 190 acres and a 200 acre farm. F. L. Wood, 341 State street. $3250 BUYS THIS 6 ROOM PLA8TER ed bungalow- electric light, fireplace, Dutrh kitchen, full basement, garage, lot 50x100 yes, Wie bath and toilet ' are there also. And $1000 ('own, balance like rent. Bee L A. HAYFORD 305 State street FOB RENT TARM8 FM FOR RENT 340 ACRES. 150 Sin cultivation. J. W. Mr hi in hey, Tur- - . 1 k T . ., ier, urrKvu, uuk o, rouie it. FOR RENT 20 ACRE TRACT NEAR Salem. Five Poland China gilta for sale. W.- H. Ilumiureya, Macleay, Oregon.- Phone 22F5. FOR RENT BRAIN AND DAIRY farm, already stocked, ' improvements good, running water piped to build ings, silo on place. Inquire of R. P. Boiae. Breyman block, Salem, Or-iren. FELT SHARPLY Good Buyng Tends to Check Decline and Cause Slight Upturn at Close OLIICAGO, Sept:- 23. Wheat broke eharply today as a result of news from abroad which told of a more favorable political situa tion and becauee of a decline at Liverpool. There was general selling at the start and some atop oss orders were caught on the vray down. The finish was weak. at a net toss of 1 7-8 to 2 1-4 cents, with December 31.05 7-8 to 11.06, and May $1.10 to $1.104. Corn was off 5-8 to 1 1-2 cents; oats declined 1-8 to 2-4 cents and provisions were unchanged to 62 Vi cents higher. Cable news and trade reports were of a more peaceful nature This caused some selling of long wheat by the "war'' bulls,' and prices slid downward - before thi demand became broad enough to absorb the offerings. There was some good buying on the breaks which tended to check the declln ing tendency, and toward the fin ish, week-end evening up 'by horts gave the market a slight upturn. Corn and oats were affected by the action of wheat and averaged lower, although the inside fig ures were not maintained as local sentiment was inclined to the bull side and on the breaks numerous small buying orders were brought out. Provisions averaged higher with renewed buying of nearby deliv eries of lard by leading packers. STOCK PRICES SHOOT Trading Proves More Mod erate in Brief Half Holiday Session Yesterday NEW YORK, Sept. 23. Stock prices moved to higher ground In today's brief uo'.idaj session, largely in response to short cov ering operations. Speculative interests who had sold for the decline, apparently were disinclined to remain un covered over the week-end In view of the more faHontble situation in the Near-East, early development! WHEAT BREAK HIGHER wrhtch wer ntl aa au excua.for tear attacka. -i , . Trading was more moderato. " Slrel on Itrcllist Golf Stats StWl wa& th Indt vldual feature. bclnK pushed p to a net gain of mot than four points. Much of the recent .buy j Ing has bee rifc-.UesJ to a eronp 01 ui "ni np nam Miners and ta j lulilsh operations nave? been aid ed by the I'm ted floating supply for trading purosc. Standard OH of New Jersey was pushed ap to a new high. Rails advanced ith the rest. of the list but ga!n ver generally within one p "ni StHis and rom pers were virtually , unchanged but St. Joseph advanced I 1-4 points in respond. u further in crease In prices t"ard Iraproted trade conditions."' ,tnUJ sales ap proximated 34&.000 pharea. PorHgti Kxcliatuff Flnsiee; A slightly firmer tone prevail ed In the foreign exchange, mar ket, but the volacH. of bQsineaa was small. - The elearln hpunc statement showed an inclose. o f 59,Q5S,900 In loans, df.-cmmts and Intest ments. compared with an Increase of $13,710,000 the week before, but the reserve of member banks in the federal .iere bank de creased $9.I4S.OOJ and net de mand deposits decreased $ S3 4 SI,. 000. The aggregate ieault was I5S9.377.O0O or bO.804.610 be low that of last week. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND. Sept. 2S. -Pottery Prints extras, 46c: cubes extras, 41c: prime f I rata, 4 0c. B'ltterfat.' Portland delivery: No. 1 soar? cream, '46c. ' Potatoes: Buying price, locals 31 at $1.25; selling price. 11.25 nt $1.50. 't : I REALTY KXCHANCtEJ i IReported by Union Abstract I Company 1 J Ella M. Punel to J. W. Down- and wl'e, lot R. block 1 In Pleaant Holfte' vldit'.on to Salem, $1800. ;.i O. .L. Alrick and" wife to Larf Onedai and wife, land In ac. 15, 6-l-W,' Marloa cnuniy. Oregon $62.50. . Attle Lee to O T, Wre an .... lfe. land in Sec. 28 acd 19 6 ; "W!, Marloa cauniy, Oregon SSOOdu ', Ole O. Opahl to c S. Shattn nd wife, Marloa county, Oregon $1600. - M. E. Blarney et al to N.W.'V Phillips and wife, Und In 'see.. 7a' v 8-3-W, Marlon county. Oregon $10. a E. V. Grenebaum and wlfs to. IX D. Huntley and wife. cUt rfi Salem. Marlon county, Oregon. $10. ' . , L. K. Wolcott tnd rlfs to D. H." Upjohn and wlf. lard la cl. Bt,. 7-3-w. Marion county. Oregon? $10. - . .. . .. .. , Hibernia Commercial and Saw Ings Company Dank, a corpora- tlon to C. Derring. land la cl. 46f. --w. warion county. Or,. $10. A. S. Thlelsen and husband y D. R. Peterson, part of lota 5, 0." nd 7. Moralngsid) add. to Salem.-: Or . $10. . y N. W. PbSllons and wife to H. Mlnch 'and wife. 1-nd tn V. 4. 8-3-W, Marlon county, Or.. J $10. , " Valley Motor Corn, to II. It. Hawkins, part of let 8, block 6. and part of lot, block S all in city of Salem. Or., f 10.000. : J. Welnter and wife to W. W. . Weinert. part of lots 8 and 9 la " La Dish Logan ltfnds, Marlon coun- ' ty, Or., $10. r s University Career of v; - Miss Cook Halted by Bee .' RIDGEPIELD. Wash., Sept. It , -Wh'Ie Mr. and Mrs. Walter : Cook of Rldgfef'sld were acconV panying their daughter. Mlsa MarV Jorle Cook, by automobile SundaV io-Salem, where she was to enter Willamette university. Mlsa Cook - was painfully alung by a bee. n- eessitating the services of a phr sician and delaying her enroll- : ment. f I Portland Baying Prkea , I i a EOOI. POULTRY AXD KEATS BL'TTERFAT STEADY. HIGHER. No. 1 churning cream, 46c f. a. k. '.' Portland, 43c at stations; andeTgraAee. t . 4J45e. I. EGG 8 HIOHKR, RCARCE Current receipU, 80 ci t; white hea- 4 neries. 84 & 85c delivered. (These Sjao- ' tatioas are based on prices paid for the . olk of receipU by local lob berg t 'reameries.) i I LIVE POULTRY STEADY (I-css comani.sion) Heavy hens. 20 , ne fb. do light. 13 G 13c; broilarau 1 Rocks and Reds. 21 ft 22c; LegaomaT tOe; old roosters, 10; dueka. wLite Pa-' tia, yenng. 20 H 22e, old dactts. nomlaaL DREHMRI) it EATH QUIET ' (Less camsaissioa Cnoice light hawaL' ' ' (5 15 He; aodrrgrades, 12 Q f vesl, Up grades. 15i, Q 18; aaiea? I grades. 12 14e. ... ) HA aan nWAUT i ft 1 HAY FIRM 4I (Delivered. Portland) Vatler Tin , , othy, I8 18 ton; Eastern Orsgoi - ? Timothy. $20 & 81 ton; alfalfa. I & $18.50 ton; clover, $17 too; oats aae vetch, $1 9 17 ten; stnw. $g 6 f toa; grain hav. $17 6 IS. (HI GRAIN 8TKADV I HI (Track- portlsnd, in csr lots) VTheei option. $1.27: Bart or Hlne.tem.;. oats. $29.50 g 31; Eastern yellow Cora." $2. , FRUIT r, , FRUIT STEADY i ;' i Karly P' ache. 4Qs50e; apples, 8149 1.25: huckleberries, lee lb.; pears, $1 (1.25 VEOETABX.ES VEGETABLES STEADT Kew potatoes. 0ce$1.05 ewl.: Or-- egoa cabbage. 1 le lb; parsnips, V le lb.; carrots, 25e dos. buncbee; greet ontoaa 25e dos. bunches; cream ssjoasaj" nominal; onions. SOc Q 1.50 cwt: aeW tm 10 15c davear tnmstoea, $5 , 10o box; broccoli, l.7S(43 w aocea. WOOL STEADY Half blood aad fine. 80 0 85c: th elrhths blood, 30 0 82c; a.uarter bWL 15 27c: low easrter aad braid. 20 6f 11c- ntted or eotted wool. 18 0 1 So. (NOTE Eastern Oregon. Wathfcngtaa aad Idaho rasre clips bring S to eaau lees thsa Va"- -ol HOPS QUIET 1021 crop, nominal, new crop, 8 3 1 0a-- ra, .."T z i ' -J 1 X ! I.