The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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-info, Society, Clobs, General Jlaa
cid ClzszUitA Y,
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Pleasant Trip of 3000 Miles
Is 'Made In Gardner. Toiir-
v ' ing Car .
" I. S. Ramsey. 124 North Win
ter street, -who left 8alem on July
17, has lust returned, from a
"little 3000-mile jaunt" with his
Gardner touring car. Mr. Ramsey
if -went f rom Salem to Portland and
tnence. overdue uoiamaia river
'htrhway'lo ",Hood Hirer, v From
Hood Hirer the trip was made
l through Baker, Boise' and' Pc
... telfcr to Salt Lake City1. ' Prom
9 Salt Lake, the party went' through
am an'd'OzdYn to Reno and
Carson City; Nevada. Prom Car
son City to Xake Talcoe and then
through Sacramento home, the'
trip was completed. Mr. Ramsey
reports that roads in Oregon and
Idaho ere good but says that the
Nevada and, Utah roads are not
much to speak of. In Nevada the
party made one ldng drive through
the sage brash where there was
absolutely no road.
.'Where everyone was having
trouble And getting stuck on all
sides we went "right on through
with the Gardner," says Mr. Ram
sey. One stretch the sand was
hub deep and for 60 miles, the
Gardner pulled through with the
axles dragging. The weather was
terribly hot, but in spite of this
and the fact that the roads were
very rough, not a tire change was
made throughout the whole trip.
The Gardner ,1s evidently very easy
on tires. ' Mr. Ramsey had neither
puncture or blowout all the way.
, . Another shipment, consisting of. 5Q pairs of .
received this week; which we will place on sale at
.00 Each
Why fool with old, tires when you can feet new. Ones at
this price Get our prices on Bicycle repairs and acces
soriesyou will find them lower,
. ' ' .
"The Cyclt Man"
Fire imore Harley-Davidson Bicycles left at $35 each.
Better get yours now? v.
The 'car had to carry load enough
for a truck. There was 800
pounds of baggage besides . four
persons, but the car performed
beautifully. The trip through this
part was the same that Mr. Ram
sey took with a team and wagon
45 years ago, "and the roads
aren't much better now than they
were then,", says Mr. Ramsey.
Mr. Ramsey, who is a lover of
the open range and the beauties of
nature, was greatly Impressed by
the grandeur of the Rocky moun
tains. His Impression was made
deeper by the thought of the rich
mineral deposits lying therein.
This was In Nevada near the rich
Silver and copper deposits.
Mr. Ramsey considers Salt Lake
City' the 'cleanest; in the world."
The long, straight " wide streets
and beautiful buildings in the city
set It out as individual among
cities,, Points of interest which
were visited by the party, in Salt
Lake, were such as the great pipe
organ, where they listened te the
choir of 500 voices, the Mormon
temple, and the museum.
Upon his return from the long
trip Mr. Ramsey visited the I W,
Pettyjohn company from whom he
purchased his car, to," say. that he
had never had better satisfaction
or service out of anything than
he has had from his Gardner car.
Nevy Fool-Proof Device Elim
inates Constant Inspect
tion and Expense
Dallas Collects Money
For Relief of Widow
Important Announcement Is
Received by F. W. Pet
.tyjohn Company
The Mac-pry fcattery Is a revel
ation in storage batteries for an
fcomobile use in so far as it elim
inates the -constant inspection and
attention necessary with the wet
or acid battery.' In outer appear
ance it is Identical to other types
of batteries, but, within, it has
a greater supply, of energy due to
Us simplified construction. No
separators are tisau, instead, the
composition which is poured in as
a liquid, thereby penetrating ev
ery creviced forms a concrete sep
aration between the plates which
prevents the "plate from back-
ling or shorting in any wayi
There is no possibility of a plate
shedding its. material if it is con
stantly compressed by a solid sub
stance. That the composition can
withstand the heat is readily asr
certained by applying- a torch to
a particle and veen after this se
vere test it is possible to pick up
the particle without any danger of
burning the Another im
portant feature is the -f act that
the Mac-Day battery can be re
charged at any service station, in
the event this becomes necessary
due to a faulty generator or other
abuse, the same as the average
wet type, and 18 hours Is usually
sufficient tltme to Vring it to full
charge. This lnaureu considerable
saving on' rent battery charges.
DALLAS, Or., Stpt. 9. -(Special
to the Staterman)- A' fund
has been started among the mem
bers of the Are en can Legion of
this city and other ritirens for the
relief ot Mrs. Glen II Price whose
husband was killed last Saturday
night by Phillip Warren, an in
toxicated Indian" at t$e reserva
tion several miles northwest of
this dty. Already the subscrip
tions have amounted to a neat sum
and an effort will be made by Le
gion members to bring the am'
ount up to the nunc reds ot. dot
lars. A move is on foot here to
give some' kind of ah entertain
ment, possibly a dance for the
benefit of the fund, the members
believing in this way to enlist the
support ot everyone in the com
ing the fight which preceded the
shooting. V
The man is conflneoVTn the
Polk county jail where he is re
ceiving the attention of a local
Since the shooting a number of
different stories have been- circu
lated about how the affair start
ed and it is expected that some
startling evidence will be brought
out at the trial which will be held
in this city during the October
tterm of circuit court. '
'It Is now possible to send a par
cel post package from Salem to
Abyssinia. Remember .how Dr.
Samuel Johnson described Raaso
las, Prince of Abyssinia', who "was
the fourth son of the mighty em
peror, in whose dominion the Fa
ther of Waters begins his courfee;
whose bounty pours down : . the ,
streams ot plenty and , scatters
over half the wor:a the harvests
of Egypt." " -
412 Oregon Ilklg., Salem, Ore.
' ' . '.- Phone 457 '".-. v
William UeU Sheldon Sarkett
Indian Who Killed Two
v . Officers is Recovering
DALLAS, Or., Sept. , 9. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Phillip
Warren, the Q rand Ronde Indian
who last Saturday night shot and
killed den H. Price and tlrover
& Todd in the town of New Grand
Ronde is recovering from the ef
fects of the shot' fired into his leg
by -Deputy Sheriff E." W. Holden
of Tillamook and the scalp wound
received when he was hit over the
head by the revolver ot Price dur-
" ii A
; Utility" and Comfort
' U Happily Combined '
The Gardner BusineWtpope is a beautifully
finished aiwl completely equipped car in which
utility and cotbiort are happUy combined.
" It ia equipped 1vith full coupe body, a vast im
provement over the ordinary. combination coupe
top and roadster body so comnonfy twnd in car t
selling at about the same price. ' ,
The wide roomy seat is upholstered in straight- . s
' .grain, genuine leather. The angle is restful and
J there is plenty of leg-room; A convenient com4
partrnent just b"-k of the seat affords ample "
carrying space for suitcase, tools, extra tubes, etc.
In the rear there is a large compartment; with
hinged top so constructed as to be easily removed,
for carrying trunk or sample ca ,;
v Rain-proof windshield rotary-type window lifts ;
f cowl Ventilator -- permaneht metal sun visor -;
I heavy.-' beaded J crowti 'fenders drum-type
I headlamps 32 X 4 cord tires.- Complete in
J every., detail a stuidUy buSt, finely toished car
designed especially to meet every ' business or
professional requirement. .
$1345 ,
F, O. B. Salem, Oregon , t. . .
The new F-50 Mitchell is soon
to make Its appearance along
Auto Row. according to advices
received from the F. W. Petty-
Johil Co., local, -distributors for
Mitchell, Jordan V Gardner cars.
The new. model Mitchell is on the
same ; chassis as .-' the : eighty-five
"White Streaks" which have been.:
ublicly demonstrated, ' over nearly!
a million mnes in a iew monins.
Two of the cars oempleted runs
of 10,000 miles each, with sealed
hoods, making motor adjustments
Impossible. The new Mitchell will
be officially shown in Salem for
the first time at the State Fair,
September 25 to 30,
A ' glance at the . Phaeton De
Luxe reveals the grace of design
and harmonious, . dignmea ap
pointments which lend the car Its
unquestioned air of distinguished
(beauty.. It posses to an unusual
degree those Qualities of grace
dignity and charm which result
from Inherently 'good design.
I Windshield wings; visor, bumpers,
stop light, step plates, spare tire,
cowl vent, rear view mirror, and
motormeter give some Idea ot how
I the car Is equipped. The car is
readjr fo the. road when it leaves
the Mitchell4- factory, r The new
F-50 Phaeton De Luxe like all the
I P-5 0 models possesses r all the
easy riding qualities which have
llways' been characteristic of
Mitchell construction,
A great deal of interest has al
ready been shown In Salem, and
not a few Salemltes are waiting
to see this "wonder car. when it
I appears in the city,
J. H. Milsom and Lee Eyer-
ly to Conduct Institu
tion jn Salem
Are Dallas Visitors
DAIXJLS, Or., Sept. 9 (Special
to ; th Statesman): William
! Sproale, president of the Southern
Pacific railway company, accom
panied by John M. Scott, general
passenger' agent, and J. H. Mul
chahy, general freight egent, were
In Dallas for several hours this
week inspecting the property of
the company , here. The.X'J'arty
traveled by peoal train. E. U
King,' general superintendent of
the road, was also a member ot
(the party.'"-' :J 'i -
and Rim. Parts for all Can
v ; Free Expert Afirlee
ISO South High Street f'
Salem Is to have a pretentious
school of automotive engineering.
this fall, opening about October 1
with J. H. Milsom and Lee Eyerly
as Instructors and the whole
United States board ot vocational
training to back them in theii
work. ,
Mr. Milsom carried on a very
successful school last spring and
early summer, on North Liberty
street, hut the quartern were in
adequate and this year he has
seen enough demand for a bigger
better school te branch out Into a
real institution. .
Lee Eyerly, a skillful. auto me-j
chanic, whose work in rebuilding
racing cars has marked him as a
real genius In this line, is going
lniwith him to make the enter
prise a success. The two men
hare been taking a course in ad-1
vkneed teaching, mechanics at the
O. A. C. summer school this sum
mer under the tutelage of the
state and federal experts from the
board of vocational training;
A. R. Nichols, sfate supervisor!
ot vocational and industrial work,
with headquarters at Corvallis,
was in Salem Friday, partly to ar
range for the carrying on of this
work in Salem. The location of
the school has not been definitely
decided, as two or three .possible
sites are still under consideration.
Airplane construction and op
eration I may be taken up later.
They have in sight a plane equip
ment that.wonld 'give them a fine
teaching layout. Tint for the pres
ent, they will specialize on auto!
mechanics' and they will have suf
ficient equipment, to carry on
this work., " v. -
The. chool is to be conducted
under the provisions of the feder
al vocational training act; whereH
by the -government says part of
the expenses of approved schools
where the-, conductors qualify to
receivesuch assistance. This the
saiem school ha alreadr done,1
and the place and the extent of
Not too much or too
little but just the
right quantity of water,
ought to be kept in
your battery all the
time. (
The water does two
things : it keeps the bat-,
j5tery solution over the
'tops of the plates so
that the whole plate
- surface is used; and it
gives proper - strengtn
of solution.
- ,-..-.-
Don't hesitate to ask
us, for water service
eyen if yours isn't a
VHllard Battery. The
TOlard Standards of
Service are the same for .
every make.
238 N. High' Street,
Phone 203
the new school, Is about the only
i 1 JZ& retSit S!
t279 North Commercials Street
-Salem, Oregon
important detail yet to be settled.
The directors expect an attend
ance of from CO to ?5 or more
: students,' part or all tlme- The
eourse. is "especially arranged for
the part-time' man who owns and
drives his own car and who is an
xious to learn more about its "In-
nards" and how they function and
how to make 'em work when they
! want to balk. : .
256 State.SL
Statesman Brjrjg BesiJts
Mac Dry Stora
Water r
r WilhNot Disdharge When Idle . ,
i i -- - - ' - :-..,''-.' - . . ",: v , i- A '
A battery you can put in your car and forget about
- v ..-..-:-:,.- IT 'i --' SS . .,-...
See us for farther information and prices
j . . - , : ,iHf , ' t ''..,.
' ; ' . , - .".''..- r - '
' j r . ... . .-.. '-
' ;r- -.- "
- Dealers
Trade and High
" Representing the
i. - - - ' ; " ' ' "
j , -" ' ' '
ii n mil I j in .'' in .jar" '
... T-.K ; f
We have Eight Roadsters all with starters and'
in good shape from:.. . ... ... . ..$285 to $350
1920 Ford Coupe,' $50 worth of ne'w: accessories,
newly painted, mechanically perfect. :$500
1921 Sedan, newly painted . . . .... .550
Two 1918 Tourings. .$175 4
Two Chassis, 1919 models. . . . . ... . . MS0
(These will make some bugs)
One 1920 jruck. A .$350
You make the terms
260 North
High -
Phone ;