The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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'l-:'WfeULUAN G1SH V n
fB&$WAV DOWN Jis&0
t ; . i ; . '. ,
"LetV get aj still: says the
director o ;
In a studio, the word "still"
refers to a photograph made with
an ordinary plate or film camera,
as distinguished from the cine-
matograph made by the motion
picture camera. . , , J
' However, In "Over the Border,"
the Paramount" production featur
ing . Better' Compsoa and Tom
Moore, coming to the Liberty
theatre today, the other kind of
"still" figures also, as one of
the "props", used in the action
This picture deals in highly dram
atic fashion with the activities of
bootlegger and the Illicit traffic
in liquor across the Canadian bor-
. der,' , The cast Includes Casson
Ferguson, J. - Farrell MacDonald,
Sidney D'Albrook and other well
known players.
It has been said that an Irving
Cutnmings cast Is. practically flaw
less. - Not only are the players
"The. Storm" - with -House
Peters and all stars.
Betty Compson and Tom
Moore - in -"Over
the Border"
and a fine Kid Comedy.
"Too Much Business,"
A big laugh show.
Hoot Gibson - in -"Trimmed,"
Another Western feature
and Vaudeville.
conquers all things but which is
retarded for the time being by
gossip and thrilling adventures
prompted by the stern dictates of
a simple peopl who have but one
code" of honor. ( It progresses
charmingly and with those inti
mate touches of Griffith beauty
which makes ml his works stand
out oo appealinr'y to a ciimtx
in sight was a sleek little mule
with the devil in its eyes and an
annoying 'sense or humor. Ed
(Hoot) Gibson, as the sheriff,
starts out on this male to bring
back a desperate murderer. He
brings him back, too that is. the
mule doe. There's some delight
ful comedy that doesn't spoil the
drama of the story at all in
which ij the greatest scene ever : "Trimmed." Gibson's latest Uni-
depicted within the lour walls of
a theatre. "fJbe audiences are
thrilled and thrilled until they
fairly gasp for breath and find re
lief with the termination of the
suspense in great outbursts of ap
plause and cheers.
vehicle, "The Yellow Stain,"
starting Wednesday. The story
has a singularly stirring dramatic
VJn "Grandma's .Boy," Harold
Lloyd is supported y an excep
tionally good cast.. It is beaded
by Mildred Davis, his sweet little
leading woman, and numbers also
Charles Stevenson, Anna Town
send, who, though 79 years old.
gives a wonderful performance as
the grandmother; Charles Steren
son and Dick Sutherland, who
plays the Rajah in "A "Sailor
made Man."
finished artists, but the typify
their roles in the picture. Irving
Cummings has graced the screen
long enough to understand Its
demands. His work is conse
quently of an exceptional order
Supporting the star in. "Man from
Hell's River," which comes to the
Liberty Theatre next Friday, is
Eva Novak, remembered as a
leading woman and star of many
screen successes. Of long stage
and film experience. Wallace
Beery portrays the role of
"Squint" Gaspard, the villain, in
his, superb manner, giving the
character a personality and vigor
which endows the story with vi
tality;, while other important
roles are in the capable hands of
William Helford, Robert Klein
and Frank Whitson.
, Eight canoes were wrecked dur
ing the filming of one of the thril
ling scenes in the screen presen
tation of "The Storm," the Universal-Jewel
production which is
now being shown at the Oregon
theatre. Miss -V am and Josef
Swickard were in constant perils
as they shot the rapids in their
fragile crafts. The picture
throughout is a thriller.
John Gilbert, the star who won
noteworthy praise in "Shame" and
"Gleam O'Dawn," is coming to
the Liberty theatre in his latest
'V. '"T.?yl'f"'-' .uVI'liy.Mliil,l,ir..uy1.:, '-nriln m MI, - ,
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Parameunt's "The Loves of
Pharaoh," has been set for gen
eral release. This subject is pre
sented by the Hamilton Theatri
cal corporation, and its all-star
cast contains some well-known
European screen players, in
eluding Emll Janmngs, Paul We
gener, and Harry Liedtke. Dagny
Servaes, a blondevbeauty new to
American audlence&v is "seen in
the role of a slave girl. Much of
the action of the photoplay re
volves around this part. Ernest
Lubitsch directed the production
"The Loves of Pharaoh", is a
spectacle into which a dramatic
and fervid love story has been in
jected. The picture is notable for
its massive sets, including a re
production ot an ancient Egyp
tian city for which 50 masBive
buildings were "built. - The spec
tacular battle scenes between the
Egyptians and invading Ethiop
ians are also a feature of the
production. . Thousands of players
appear in these scenes. The his
toric value of the picture has
been widely commended and the
lighting effects and handling of
the crowds are acknowledged as
distinct achievements.
The picture played to big bus
iness at the Criterion - theatre,
New York, for more than threo
The new oldier-sheriff strode
from his office and shouted
Shakespeare's famous line: "A
horse, a horse! My kingdom for
a horse." But the only mount
versal picture, which will be
shown today at the Bligh theatre
D. W. Griffith's wonder spec
tacle, "Way Down East," taken
from the famous New England
play of that name will be seen at
the Bligh for three days begin
ning Tuesday.
In "Way Down East" the mas
ter of the silent drama has ex
celled himself. Grirflth has taken
this simple story of plain people
and infused into It the charm of
New England homesteads with
their quaint surroundings, dreamy
perspectives of enchanting road
ways, meadows and hills; old
fashioned sleighing parties, barn
dances and bucolic humors In a
manner which creates a new art
form. It Is a tale ot the love that
Get your FREE or Discount Merchants Tickets and follow the Crowd
Three Days, Starting Today
Betty Compson
Tom Moore
tiki "
A thrilling Romance of the North, Raging Blizzards n everything. It's
'": ;. ' A some story. You know the stars, "Nuf Sed!"
"' . -! t ,..:
; We must mention our" 2-reel Comedy "Hello Mars"
- Cominjt . w
The Star of -Shame"
; s in
tThe Yellow Stain"
The Cozy Show
Good Music, Comfy Seats
'Lots of Service
Two Acts
& CO.
Electrical Novelty
Electrjce & Co. In an interesting
spectacle of mirth and science. Well,
that's exactly wnat you will se
Electrice do at the theatre this
week. Electricity has no terror
for this pirl. She lights candles
with her finger tips, the toe of her
shoe and holding a carbon In her
mouth, becomes a human arc
light. There is enough voltage
and light comes through the car
bon to illuminate the largest thea
tre in the world. On the vaude
ville bill at the Bligh today and
cast, judged as good enough' to be
named by Universal City execu
tives as one of the threa best pic
tures ever made there.
Opposite Miss Prevost J. Frank
Giendon is seen in the role calling
for that manly dignity an I pre
possessing seriousness which has
made his personality on of the
outstanding ones on the screen.
In an Arthur Somers Itoche
story that provides exceptional
opportunity for the expression of
her unuual talent as a come
dienne of the higher order, .Ma
rie Prevost comes' to the Bligh
theatre soon as the Btar of
"Kissed" was directed by King
Baggot, director of the first pic
tures with which Miss Prevost
marked her change from the bath
ing suits to drama. He also has
gained additional standing
through the drection of "Human
Hearts," a Universal-Jewel spe
cial production with a blue book
Jackson Sr Arnold, a youthful
couple with a lot of pep, plus per
sonality and humor, offer their
laughing success entitled "Non
sense DeLuxe." Both Miss Arnold
and Mrj Jackson have been musi
cal comedy favorites for. the past
five years. Miss Arnold is noted
for her pretty figure and shapely
limbs which have adorned various
"magazine covers," while Mr.
Jackson is a nut comedian of the
nuttiest sort. His keenest delight
is feeding the squirrels. On the
Vaudeville bill at the Bligh today
and. tomorrow.
Four a. m. and the Stanlaws
company had been' working all
night in a snowstorm near Truc
kee, CaL, making scenes for "Over
the Border." Sam, an Italian
teamster, has to move the big
eight-cylinder aeroplane motor
which makes the "wind;" it is all
his horses can do as they struggle
in the deep drifts. Sam is en
couraging them with all the Amer
ican profanity at his command.
g --------- j i .
! ?!" he shouts. "Pull, you blank-ety-blanked
Betty Compson and the other
women present put their fingers in
their ears, but no one wants to re-
I - ( s
I V Nnir
U 51
m r
This exclusive and hitherto unpublished picture shoft the chil
dren of Mrs. Vcre Sinclair, recent bride of George Gould. They
are George and June Sinclair, recent bride of George J. Gould. They
Island at Rye, N. Y. This is the most recent photograph to be
taken of the children. '
prove Sam for fear he'll quit and
go home.
"Hey, Sam." remonstrates
Charles Boyle, camera man,." won't
you oblige us, and the ladies, by
swearing in Italian?"
"What's - a - da - use," excalims
Sam, "The horse, she's-a no under
stand Itallenne!"
"Over the Border," a Para
mount picture featuring Betty
Compson and Tom Moore, is now
showing at the Liberty theatre.
There Is a song of peace and ' T7m suttn ClMstrt
love "worth hearing ; In the Universal-Jewel
feature attraction at
the Oregon theatre, "The Storm."
A little French-Canadian girt trie
to keep two men feeling toward
each, other as brother, while they .
are secretely hating ,each other
and willing to do murder over
her. House Peters the atar, and
Matt Moore are the men; Virginia
Valll adds a notable characterixa
tion to her screen successes as the
gin. . . , ; s .
To-day Only at the Grand Theatre
The Show You'll Like
With one of the screen's greatest character actors
Tully Marshall and All Stars ;
Practically one continuous hearty laugh, not giggles
The Big Joy Show Don't Miss It . .
Children ..-....10c
Adults - 33c
War tax paid
."The Queen of Shcba
nil? i III I I " L-
Hoot Gibson
1 rsj.uiui.vjLy
A Snappy Western
Great as a plat - Greater as a picture
Neal Hart
"SquaM It"
Where You Get Your
Money's Worth
Coming Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday
The Talk of Salem
The Greatest North Woods Drama
of the Year
Diiected bq Deginald Bavkev
who madeThe Old Nest'
The Parson of Panamint"
-j : : '
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