The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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    T7 9 -
i .
py BL'IC
, I will cell at public auction at pty farm 2 miles
west, - 2y2 miles south of Gervais, and 2 miles north
of Waconda, known as the old Eldriedge Ranch, on'
Friday, Sept. 1 5,
Beginning at 10 a. the following described property:
, 7 houses 7
l Span ,
One black mare, yrs old, wt.
1700 lb.
One black- hone. 8 yrs. old, wt.
1T00 lb.
f Span '
One bay hor, 5 yrs. old, wt.
-1700 lb.
One bay horse. 7 yra. old. wti
1700 lbs.
1 Span
One bay mare, 6 yra old, wt.
1450 Ibi. " ;
One bay mrc, 6, yrs. old, wt
1400 lbs. ' -:' '
One bay horse, B yrs. old, wt.
1150 lbs. --, ; '
These horses are sound and
free from any blemish and the1
Terry best of draft stocky-good
for tana or any heary work. ;
, 33COW&
1 black Swlas, 3 yrs. old.
6 red cows, 5 yrs. old.
2 spotted cows, 3 yrs, old. .
1 spotted cow, 5 yrs. old.
1 spotted! Swiss cow 3 yrs. old.
1 Jersey cow 5 yrsV olfl. 1
1 ' red" cow 3 yrs. old. '
1 roan Durham, 5 yrs. old.
1 brown Jersey 3 yfs. old.
1 red cow- S yrs.' old. v, ' - ' ;
1 roan Durham 5 yrs. old. '
1 Holsteln yrs. old,
2 HoIsUlna 4(yrs. old
1 Jersey 5 yrs. old.
1 black Swiss 4 yrs. old.
1 Holsteln 5 yrs. old.
1 1' fcrindle Cow 7 yra; old-
1 red cow 7 yrs. old: . v ; ; ;
1 Durham co w 5 yr. old, fresh
aoon. '! ' ? '-v
3 roan eowr 6 ym. old, with
r young Calf,---- I w
1 cow 4 rear old. . V ,
2 black cowa 6 years old.' with
TOU BE Calf. -';.-'.---V -"
1 black Jersey , yrs. old, with
young calf. , ; "v ;
:l Jersey cow S yrs.' old;
' A treat' many of these cows
. will be fresa' during fetrand
winter. '., A -; -A V; ' - ;
1 red heifer' 2 yrs. old." "
3 red heifers; coming yearlings.
2 black: heifers coming: year:
-'ingsv . k: vl .
3 spotted helfera coming yearly
'3 red yearling belf era. :;
roan yearling heifer. .
black heifers, 2 yrs. old. '
spotted heifer 2 yrs.' old. .
black heifer 3 yrs.' oW. '
11 spring calves.
Some of these cattle are rat,
enough for butchering.
hcx.h and figs as
1. registered O. I. -C: male, 3
yrs. old, wt. aboutSOO lbs.
registered O. 1. C. sow, 4
yrs. old. wt. about 300 lbs;
sows, 2 yrs.' old, wt. about
259 lbs. each.'
bows, 2 and 3 yrs. old, wt.
200 to 300 lbs.
brood sows with 21 .sucking
Dies... .. . '-
Other -sows will farrow in
about 4 weeks. These sows are
all' from registered stock.'
7-foot JdcCormlck binder,
used 3 yrs.
5-foot McCormlck mower.
hay rake,
14-inch P. Sr. O. walking plow
1 16-lnch OliTer Chilled walk
ing plow; .
1 Tandem Disc.
1 Tandem corrugated roller. (
V 4-sectIon spike tooth harrow.
1 "spring-tooth harrow.
1 16-diso Imperial drill.
3 lff-lnch J. ' I. Case ' riding
Blow. -
2y3H-!nch Studebaker wagons
with wide tires.
112-inch wagon.
2 extra well made hay racks.
3 . sets heary leather work har
ness." ' . :; .' -
3 sets plow harness.
1 platform . scales.' . t .
i450-galloa oil t&nka.' ,
4 50-gallon oil tanks.
I 15-gallon' oil "tank ' - ,
I aa laaiern.
15 gallons tractor oil.
I hay f ope. ; ' " u i
1 cook stove.
1 heating etoTe.
About 100 grain sacks.
2 0 tons wheat hay.
7 bee hires) Including 3 stands
of bees. ' "
Shorels, ' forks, , axes, , saws,
bucksaw, block and tackle,1
nd other things too numer
; ous . to? mention. All the
' abore implements; etc.,
-c the beat of repair. ' ,' -
th Biki Er. Inriaf Joksrtm. O.D,
pwirap oi.votoiao. m tb prccber.
Bishop Jhnoa ta th tdtUr el The Wit
ur. . cfcnrcfa ; Dobhr, tion. mud lm mtt
f tik aoted 70kerm of the piopl
cfcorfk. lit It lomctimr, rUed a "Sharn
nlKtT." It k not aftea that KaUul
iviVABraiTTQVlIi in tk, ODDortant i, f It.t.M tn
Ontral Cfr8o"l MneteBtt I Imi l ti rIibr. Old St. Psul's
ad -FcrtT. Clyt" - Jojr. miiuwr. i isouia M mien u bear tan -a, a aa4
rhooi sufc ekardk. 10 .m. " I der special music.
came in contact with a cutoff saw 'storm ' raged i- and
Csy rkool
The choir will raa-
ar s-cttnc ear 1aases in hap tor tne
n.v aaarter aao wiawr . ...
ran are iookinr for a plara ceaie and I Iaii Uetkodiat JpMropal Huath
riiiit r ictiool is aearfen. Sps-Jial j ComtMsreiai ana Mjm streets. II. i
Thr skrn war torn from the "bone
tar several inches end at first it
was thought that . tho bone was
njored. The man was brought
to thhi city and taken to the Dal-1 The Hotel- Claridge , in Kew
las hospital where the wound wasi York? has 'collapsed, but the prlc-
dTessed. Nickels had been em- .ea escaped injury.
ployed; at the mill bat a short
time. - .
..4 an inaniratioa ifl'lM for T B
iMniM. Clrriaaiaa ' rndeaTjr I a-
ineaa aieetint- at pjsa. followed by the
retalar C.K. - dsTotwaal proyran at I
'clock. Evening senrice t sons aad
praiao with aerraon. at S dec. A
nambrr of tho M.E. paatora arho are
here attending their annus! conference
will speak is the pulpits of the cHy.
Oar charrh ts Incky is ae;riig tte
Her. N: W.. Bart. pastor ot tn.i.n
cola ebareh. Portlsod, for t;a rrening.
We rerdially invito the M.E. iwople of
our romnnnitr to hear run. A tt
Pembertoa. paaior. 8idar school will
asoet at :. : .. A. ftaotea, auaeriav
tendeat. All. wo iter xti the s-aooi are
nrged to be preaeat. The other service
oi wie oar wtu oe aeld in coaaectioa
wiw. ,uc - coauereaee seaHuoaa mt the
First CongWMtlonsl Liberty tsd
Center sUeeto. W. O. Ksntned, nohi ,tfr.
Sunday achool at 10 a.m. tth (UiH
tn .11 Ma. A fine orimarv .leoart-
ment. Planning bigger things for this I are rord-aity invited
fall. A warm welcome lor alt wno come.
H. M. Mead, saperintendent. tl a.m.
roachinc servtce, sermon by tier. Li.
'. Green, of tho Methodist" conference
now in session in the city. Good masic
by cVir under direction of WUUsm Mc
Gilchrist. No evening service for today.
eWecial - service next Sands? eveniair.
Thnreday it :SO p.m. Meeting ol all
Sunday school workers with - dinner and
coafereace. Ome help ns - plan, for the
coning months. '
TER3IS -All it ms under. $10, wish; all oyer $10, twelve
cionths time 'will be givtn at 8 per cent' interest-from
date of .sale? or 5 per cent discount for cash: All prop-
crty nust be settled for before beio& removed from the
HECii&SaiULTS.AuctionecT , -
ftcandinsvisn j Methodist Episcopal
Fifteeaais aad : Mill streets, David C.
Haaael, pastw., Morniag service at 11
etork. ' Handay school at 12 o'clock.
Evvniag service, at S o'clock. Mid-week
prar and- prmae service Wedaetday
eveniac at 8 clock. Tk l.u.' ..i
mt meet Thursday afternoon, September
It. at the parsonage. sj South 13th
arrTO.-, im aanaay scnool board wii
hold ita moathiy ... sueeting on Friday
evening eepfct I, ot the parsonage. Ym
" m in taeae meet
lags. , : ; i ,.
Liberty btreet vancelical r.t..
aad 1 1 berty streeta. G. T. Lienlng, Sr..
pastor. Sunday school at 10 .., G.
i. Hater, superintendent. Prearhinv u.--
nees at 11 a.m. There will be run.
people a meetiag at 1 p.m. Miss Ida
Vogr as lesder. Preaching services at
o ujh. umt -ana worsnin with u.
First Chriatiatk-MUsBter and High Sts,
. J. Evans, minister. Hev. Clarence
True Wilson of Waabington. D.C era
tary of tomperaace and public morals.
In attendance - at . tie otevnoaiat- eonier-
eace, will bo- the speaker at thd morning
serrice. lit message is of the freartest
hnportanca to all and be should be heard
Evangelical -ChiBeketN street, r.
ittncr, pastoev Honda y school will
HI St 1U S.Da. CverTbodv be an linn
ttertaon. kt il :un. SnbWf "rw
pecaaia muate wall be given by
Mr. Thomas Vrn of Spriagfield. Mr.
"" " wne - is attendlne ta
Methodist conference wilt nrearh
efvening services. - Professor Thomas will
lanre con rae cation. Tho nastor l.laia Lippold will lead the voana- mmU'.
apeak at the evening boar. Ths I meeting. The yocsjg people will hold
ineir Dnimess . meeting st ths home of
Osesr Strsusbstwh t' 1030 Broad.
, Everybody ; come.
the ;' orchestra..- rz. ,
played Hearta ,and ' Flowers.
Doa't you remember? '
Lincoln J.- Carter, the father of
stage melodrama, .lias been called
from! the Illinois eon ntrysld" a to
New; Jork to add a touch of his
BkilP to the tlnenia. Carter wrote
more than 100 melodramas, his
Fast Mali" being a: leader. His
rlllajns entered to the plucking of
ioin strings, wore riding boots.
bus en mustaches and natty bunt
ing coats. The vglrl always re
turned to the parental roof as the
256 State St
Ride a
To Sc;
.C .school, besjnsi- ; ;
-- How.aboot? New XiriV ' r ' '
" . Vlop'Pickers' Tape.,
' " " SW- Court SU-PhoneJ 1637
.... 1 "
mmmmmmm -mmmm aaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaawaaaasaaaMawaaaa- , , " ' c "
-. , . rn - ' ; ' ; ,
v. '.- - , I
Bible .school begins st :5. Ths ses
sions sre helpful aad t instrnctivs. Ths
young people meet at 0:80. v
i street.
Court Street Chriatian North Seven
teenth aad Court streets. Bible ichool
9:45 Everybody be s booster and
with Ursm today., i piaa
future. - Promotion day Oct.
15th. Rallr-dar wilt be Oct. 3f. Get
ready for - the' Stivere-Epley evaa-
geiiatte csnrpairn ov.-sth. 1 Ths mors
rat sermon. wilt be deMrersd by Rev-.
J. K. Jeffrey, who is In sttendsnce at
South Salem Frianda Santk rv,.
clal aad Washinrtos streets, Nathan
Swabb, pastor. , Phone 1526-J. Bible
school, 9: AS aJn. Junior church 10:40.
One of tho ministers attending the an-
ouoaiHr avpiacopau eonferenco will
praacb for -us at tho 11 o'clock service
this morning-. C.E- at 6:80, At T-30
s report st the Oregon iYouar Frienda
held at Bar . View
the tf. -K. conference. Vi im. wmA ti I cvOteroneo raeenthr Be!
tiavwa tkla vialtinv limtlm Mintab, w(k I Will bm rivtHX. Thim vill 11
S ana asked tnat he aball save a good -i warms. rrayer meeting . and short
bearing.- Tho senior-intermediate contest I stady every Thursday tvsninU st
is wsxinr hot. Letall ths jmng people I "o. j ,
who will i there tonight st 1 pjn. I f . 1
'Which, aide-is going So wiat Evangel-
iatie - service 8 pjm. . Bev. Geo. Morley
T w a
snteraational t Bible Students
will speak. Tour' psstor will be swsy I "" "ssts story Sunday la Derby Hsll.
vacation sad ws. sppreciste very I ' ,nt H,6"s strsets, upstairs.
on his
much the kindness of taeee man- in
f illinc . bis palp it. Lot there be a large
auaieneo i so - greet eeen speaker, todax.
Brotltar B. A. Bennett will preside ' in
pastor's sbteae. Mid-vssk servies
Tho radar 8 u.ra. Lord's dav Uta lTth
ia Oo-anT-avCallMa-Ilav. . Tha vannv I aympoaium.
people going away to collage rill heve ita - ferry street.'
cbarre of the mornhie - serriea. ' - I ' - 1 , -
where yon will always 1m welooma. . B.I. XTiriTED BKXTH'REM
L. , Putnam, pastor. ... . . ; v . .. , .1 - Brethren Twelfth
,'3; 'f
I I. ! il; i l cL
lr J I t VX. aTaUi
E l- ; WW
a an
4 . saria- -.r
. . 7: jl it
' - f . ak Sfaaavm H ...
for Bible study. Hours from 10 to
a.m. 'Publie always welcome - Him.
aervicoa. :-i .
Lyesum' sf Thot, ceult nhjlosont
i,-.; Sunday 2:80 and evening.
i ree lecture. ;
alo J
trT onfrtsa wiL b hld - 6atvrUy
AtMl Mnar,a : Ta.a A O Tl s
5h!lL SiS!:T7'bL1i, JEhwb PWdi-r sldrill presid."
apean Batursay evening and Sunday.
Ail members are urged to be present.
Conference st a pjn. Saturday. ) Snnday
achool. at 10 a.m. Sunday. Preaching
Jun,or Cj:. at pa and senior
J!', Prchinft st 8. Prayer
nestinc Wsdnesday mninj at 8 ,ekxk.
J . ... .
Around ths Corner." - Bev, H. Dunean
Choaxbera, rector. The nsual Eueharist
at 7:80 and Church school. at 9:45. Ths
new lessons will 4e weed for the first
aimo and tt la- hoped that ovary atudent
win do presew-vo eegin- ins eourse. At
il s.m. morning prsyer'will be ssld with
. at
Ei -v w- sv-'r .s f' "rr,
J iJfWestern Aut" is noted for its except v
H ti6nal values in auto'supplicwd.tii .
f j etc Low prices on quality, merchandise
h has beena larfee factor in the sUc?ess
rj lj of : tccmpany; " ' .ji'
l :3,Here is an example. We offer Genuine Cham-
CUI t)ion Spark Plugs, one of he most popular on the
C i)1 market and used as equipment on Reo, Pierce--1
1 Arrow, Studebaker and other 'cars, at the sur-
i. .Dnsmcriv tow nnce or ooc. inis, Diusr. Lauaiiiy
Ci 1 cdrfeidered, is ohe pf the:best;buys on the market
uj at tne regular, mancet price 017 oc:; : ;
mii umiem ioaay ana get new act ror your car. nn'
f' J Genuine Champion SpaVk Plugt ; . . . . .Vi?JOC:
1 I
- w...
. rsrsshetisa, minister. Ohuxth school
Ursdod instruction. All srej
. 1 - - aa saaaivw W1U. COn-
suet a. class -for mdvlts tn the hiatorr of
Must do sold this weet 1 Terma I ,nTKr tc"v?"" "",ce
- t ii3uujei:i oi ana aermon
only is aown. 5 a months - we I J1400-
$500 Used Marshall &
"Ths Monnt of
will , Accept : this (piano back.: in i
trade vmmnttbk prfce .nt iitS
time in one year from date of sate. I ? aermon: sbsunce.'?
.vnvm u. - weaDeauay
' 432 State St.
L- 3
r .a.v "
1!lllliiMIi"U ' . '.J.v --
A Sturdy, well-built automobile for every 'day
service. Easy, to operate, economical, easy
ritlmgar A splendid car for, all kinds of use at
i popular price
The land of a car you will be proud to own and to snoWyour friends.
Ve refer you to any Dcrant Owner
3 1.
Tl" :
S. Passenger Toin Cord "fires.1-
2 Passenger Roadster, Cord; Tires....i;
4 Passenger Coupe, Cord;Tires..l...........
5 Passenger Sedan, Cyd. Tires.:,. 1.1
evening testimonial meetinr at S o'clock-.
Jtaaoinr room. 209 Ifaaonie Ttmnh m
5I!y,,J??1 ndars and holidavs
front 11:15 ft S:30 n.m. All ar.
Ui ally invited tat tone aarvtcaa m.nA ....
rsadin room, T . - " -
f Bpscisl srsngelmtie services to 1
progress st ths Pentecostal mission, con
ducted by Kvaagelist A. E. Wiggins ef
roruana. ttaar nim Sunday- evening at
Snii!l??t '"Salvation and
Health in Jesus Christ Hs earns to Re-
av al aaSfcia . SaT & nY .a ft a - w. . .
ouia bom ana wosy." Birnday
sehosi -at 1 o'clock. Preuhine at 1 i
a J a . . - . -
Itinne wvery swetrins' next waek-
cvsrv aiternoen' from 1 s f
Kast State uk) . fi.k..i.
8""Mi"r k1 :5 n.m.v Divine ssr
vics in German at 30:80 s.m. Etenlng
ssrvics in ths English lanmaa at 1 ,zn
pjsu Subject The Diecerd Which Christ
IBrugt to Earth.' Everybody is wel-
, . a.ssawr, patsior.
. axoroiMED CHXr&CH
ISDttOl ' SSd Marion atntata 41..
school 10 a.m. Preaehln uni.. i.
i w . : -
CarlatUB Ull Uinin.n. A II.....
Mr. aad Jan. II. K. nunll -ii . w
Winter street Isaders; - Usual services
SMS afternoon st 82 South Cnnmml.1
street. Sunday school st. 2 'clock, fol
lowed by preacbiar service st 3. Alae
at the same piace on next . Thuradav
anernoon. SeDtemiber 14-. th
. .arm meetinr - oegianin at 3 jo
. u i .
. c vvj ufaiiy welcome.
First Presbrtarian On rhtirh .f..
oetween uenn anit r.nt.. nr.i
I .Willis Long, minister. Our Sabbath
enooi meets II :5 sjn. All deoart
ments are nourishtne. H. t: Ti..n
I evaperinteendent. i Mrs. 3. W. HarbUan.
vrianry soperuiienaent. Our ptstpH will
l?? supplied today by ministers of tb
hMethodist eonfereneet. , A 11 .m n.
Aviaon. formerlv nntn. A tv. iJ
M.-E. church of our city for lrf years,
will bring tho meeeage. and ia the even
ing St 7:30. Rev. N. A. Chriia.u ;n
I P"k . to us. AS 6:30 pjn. the inter
mediate and senior Christian endeavor so-
cirnea win bok tneur meetings. A41 the
young people ot our church and r.
I n-.wU n wpv w mmiij inemselves
weae socieues. It will nrsve
source ot Oleaaing to ysn and prepare
yom for serviee aad usefulness in days
to coma. You TSnnot afford to miss the
opportunity. Prayer meetiag as usual
uy as i;v p.m,
Jv. J. K. Buck, paasor. Uaases on
.Sunday at a. and 1ft .Vl-ir u
.1 . . -
tivu atiier . laat maaa. 4.l. , s
iwu;u . ... "37 ; -" - w
n'lwn mo iihbquii Jt
nraay aitemooas - at 3 o'clock. ' Coafes
aiono st 4 o'elock. ftm r.j.. olrT
I11T. hi.k -aT-
l iii r..i..r "aumeo St J thi
" v'" . v uoir practice
Tuesday evenings at 7:80.
lust a Red Good Car
. Will please us toj gite you a denonstraticn in
. ' . ;tbi$ wonderful, automobile ; .
, - ;At yur senrice
'. ;. . :-.; . ' 4 "
':.' ' f i r -v ,."
Morion Automobile Co.
0p Day and Night -1
1 1 til I I"
I M' Mil1' liHK
Phone 362
Planer Resumes Operation ;
After, Lay-off of 6 Iflonths
DALLAS, Or, Sept. 9 (Special
to the Stat eaman) The Wg plan.
r. or the Faiia Cltr Logginr
Lrtimber compartr resumed bperar
Hons thla week after a chut down
Tor atKTatTrix months! The planer
wllrget out a anantity pt lumbet
that was In' the roueTh when" the
big mill was shut down. -f
Lumber MilJ, Employe Has
1 - Arm' Manolea jrf Acciden
i l- v r- ' ..... . :
V' m-m mm ismsaW .
DALLAS. Or Snpt. S (Special
o the Statesman) Minor Nick
els, an empmployof -the Matlock
Lumber' company, at their fmttl
.'west of Dallas suffered u badly
N - Av-S' , I-..
,r- - . . .-. f' " I'" . i ! -
:lwi .iTTgyJ h .
''i - f '"A VrSorfJ .
r 1
it 1
r '
IT 1
j I
, '
"". Genuine
Shrader Air Gauge
This Week 85c
Keep the right
amount Of pres
sure In your tires at all times.
This can be done- only with an
accurate tire gauge. Here Is
the, - genuine Sctor$.der tire
gauss, ths acme of accuracy,
that rernlarly reta.Ua for f lS.
Spsclsl this week only,' 85c.
, Stop Signals;
s t
jvl;The cheapest
'' la-lnt Af 'ml.
llsl'on lrisur-"
' ntm f a; atin
' ' siRnnL SVorks
from the brake .pedal posi
tive In -'action at all times.
Warns tWe fellow behind so he
will not crash Into yoor1 car.
Complete $1.65
Windshield Wings
I T S 1
Eatra heavy
"evele4 '' plate
jlaaa, evt pat.
ra In'esrner.
Solid nraae.
beavlljr nick
elen Bnlnaa.
at a price like
this makes
tale value ex
st tka
' kast at
- SI 6.80
1 I TOtrVM?!
I , a m KuTi
"A good pump
In need - Is a
friend Indeed.''
A Bees pomp ta
the beet pwnp pes
earmbla. Clltat
set, out ef erder
aad vlU last ,ln
fieflnltelv. ' i
Price S2.65
. .oiyajr mm.! . x . I V .... a
,van Auto bea
inv "s.
Biggest value in the west on the lightest and most compart
auito canrp outfit, welgrhs but 60 Iba bed, tent, mattrosa and
all, at the ridiculously low price of ,123.50.. Investigate this
excepuonai orrer." ':. .v-v-- .
Keal paving
s on
at Western Autrf
f Western Auto," by ; purchasing tremendous
quantities of tires and distributing them through
-a. A. . a a VI I 1 V S a .
our ou scores witn an middlemen eliminated, is
able to give you tires at prices actually 20' to
30 lower than tires of similar Quality would
cost If distributed-in the usual manner. ' Vs
A new and Improved style toot
accelerator. Direct action on
the carburetor, no ball and
socket joints "to get out of or
der. It must be' seen to be ap
preciated. .. jo re
Complete f.. ... .... . v-a D
Saving Sami Sayf T
How about -be
deer season 1 Good
camptng equip
ment greatly in-'
ereaaee re o r
pleaserea while
on your kuatlna
expedition. No
natter where
you ga n year
trtD. be enra tn
drop Inte "Wr.
. era Ate',' and
vlet my men -al(t
jron tn selecting
roar., needs . to
,mili this hvnl-
tne trip tne beat
rei. .... r -j.
in tf irztr&nt aA ti c a. ii i j
111 i, -srw...----,f - III,
11 else I yebraskn 4 Pharte 1 Western eltavtt Card . 1 1 ;
l I rattle I Fabric lt.SSS Miles 1
I $6.85 $7.SS U
30x3Vi 7.85 8.80 H.S 1 1 1
iH5 m ??
II. dtxt f lrv I ia.ou 31a4 I 25.90 III
m 3Zx4 14.75 155 32a4 27.45 I
I use I teen I 33x4 I 2820 III
III r1 . 4,4 1 28.90 111
l 34x4 15.2 15.90' S24t 33.80
II 32x4 V 18.80 334a 34.6S
II 33x4 19.75 .. $5.s '
1 -34x4V, 20.60 ... 4,V 4;j?
35x4Vi 21.45 . . . 3SxS ; 43.80
.nit- r: 7a stzxtailW
III l - . I I T I I I T T A A -. j '
' 125 N. High St. " ' -
1 . i ii ' 1 1 LY-.J I S
' t - f I
Radius Rod Brace
. For Ford; - '
ateoa' vibration on
tl - front;
strengthens ra-
dlna :roT and " '
gives '.that ".
mt m billnaaa' - V
' t thS v:
t s'erlne "
that j the
nearter- cars have. Jn -other
ords makes the Ford car af e
for dHvlnf.- Mads lot high ,
quality tubular srteel similar 4
to r&dlui rod.- .
.J A: I
it-- .!
x'- "'W - W
T it I
I 1
C l3
Stewart Spee domett
$12.90 f
Thills the. I
trerr latent
model of
this popu .
lar lnstrn.
ment: Contains all tne new
est . features. Includlns; lubri
cation aruids In the form, of
colored . Airures, , , u
I Our Pricty $12.90 ;
Shock Absorbers
for FordY fA
L l
i r.
The popular dctibls-srm type
that ars ererywhpr mcilctnc:
Fords ride easlsr. Thy ars
equipped srlth rrease cups and
bronre bushing-", and st1 vur
losr prices .they represent
comfort and . pleasure at a
Terjr low cost. -. . - . .v ; c
Pressed ateel type $8.75
Superior type $8.75
clif CusK
A cushlsri to
your back
a 1 d s y o tr
sjreatly in
drlTlRR. II
rests the back
and a 1 d s la
short, person
to i reach the
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rreater -ease.
These are
strong-, well-
made cushions that will not be
damaged by molsrvrs'or vur 4
Mail Order DeDstrtment
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ot t - tae
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Just rn f
rer 1 needs
te e todar. i
. Ttiere what '
thla depart
menrs far,
eem -Will,
Ten hn4
ron're sure
to send for
i) t:
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ITT Hani sT 1 JJ 1
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