The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    SSI?, f-
ATerr for AagmaW 122 - -
Hanimy . "If . 5814 "
Daily d Sunday 6467
Average (or six moBthi ending July 80, ;
. 122 . ' . ,
fianday ent - .. 5853
' Pily and Sunday 5494 -.:.. .
or thb citt or aausf
- ai lae-a'kor iat
SUriM til OoaatUa
The Oregon Statesman
- . .
Youth of 25 Year's Swings to
, Death from Gibbet at
v State Penitentiary Early
; Yesterday. . .
1 ; Affability of Prisoners Wins
Friendship of Officers w
" ; . At Prison ' :
r . , George Howard, .youth Of .2 ;,
though doomed to die In the early
v . mornlnig:. slept' like a child In hlfl
narrow cell, at thestate peniten-
Two hour bef or the execution
: he talmlr t Ms breakfast of bam
f-and' and cot fee.
- ' At 8:30 o'clock yesterday morn
- ne coolly,' almost cheerfully,
but without bravado, , Howard
' walked unassisted up the IS atep3
- to the death trap. ' v '
- Doomed Mnn a-iys V.ciod-bye .
At 8:31 an unseen hand press-
i ed the trigger and Howard's body
swung beneath the flbbet. Ten
'minntai'ini IT KACondr. later Dr.
w. Carlton Smith. prteon . phy-1
n aictan, and Dt. Earj i?mith, coro-
' ner pi MuitnomaH-county, i pro-1
nouncea mm aeaa, ana nw u
had met hla ' punlshraent f or the
' . S, r - eoiM A XT a la
Killing Oi. UBUrgO i cjicj vii.
4 nriVan. nntv ': TIiai crime
was committed
- . 1920. ) -i
i .Howard ; did not; flinch - on the
scaffold, i and without halting
speech Jspoke,hI$ lat,words
t , "la there anything you want to
aay George V i astoed Warden
. James , Lewis.
j "Nor
much. mt. Lewis," how- Jrayer for Early Strike Set
wered. , ?i m aorrr, tor . , tiement Given at' End off;
4 . ' ard answered.
. what 1 hare done. I.forgire er
l eryone. t Good-fcya to you all.' .
' , . ; Stlemt SI scnal GlTen
; Then the black cap was slipped
over the youth's bead and the
. noose adjusted abont his ; neck,
The executioner silently gave hj8
. timI . wtfii'. mtifefti timoinlftti.
. -rTn-o.T- ,.,rAninini n.lhouse of deputies of the ,txien-
- tA Bteno. yf iha Wr two
t prison of Ucera and by Father.Ru-
' x bla of Lebanon. ; Father . R.
Buck of Salem had dmlnistered
to him at his cell before he was
' led to the death? chamber. . '
.Theiboy was freshly shaven and!
- hla hair newly cut. and he was!
. dressed neatly In a black suit,
dark tie. and wh'te collar. When
the doctors opened the shirt front
"to apply tthe stethoscope itol the
nuttenng neart a - a malt. ,erncuix
was revealed, suspended from the
neck and, against tbe broad, bare
' I chest. ,...! ;(, ; . v :;
j ' ITanffmAn's Nboso Slips f
There waa only one unusual de-
tail about, the hanging. t The big
knot of the noose waa' properly
adjusted ! under the left ear. , As
l : the body dropped. It slipped , be
Vy, neath the, right, ear, ; However, It
r A. number of officers , from
, about the stati " attended "d-a
present.' Incidents to attract par.
tlcnlar, attention were not numer.
ous. . ,f " :
One prison officer. Teald:,, , -r
y Veteran Sheriff Faints .,
Howard ha ten writ; nice
H t t Mm .V.
He left'the charter two;m!n-
Yntei before Howard waa brought
j v i . ,
m - A grizzled sheriff' from an east-
; em Oregon county fainted after
the drop ' ' ' :
One man inadvertently exposed
a pint bottle in hi, hip pocket. He
w tnvn' - ii.- i.
Some bf those who were' prev
Tt .. m .
nft p,,i 'c;iik'-.i: w.k
noraah county, Deptuy sheriffs
Christofferson and Beeman A of
Multnomah : coun.' Assistant
Chief of Police C. r. KUngen-
smith nfPnrtior t
'of Malheur county, Sheriff Chris- nvestigatlon Is planned by Superr
mau of Morrow county. Chief of efldent J. L. Deforce for tomor
- Police II. M. Robinson of Denton ro morning, and the ether hear-
. county,' Sheriff Frank Ferguson
: of Yamhill ; county, Pity Marshal
Farmer of Ontario. Sheriff S. M.
Warfield of Denton county. S. S.
Harralson of ConralHs. Manager
Paul Nobler the Liberty thea-
v ter. of Portland;. , I. Jordan, of
! j:
I '. '::h
; 4 ' ' ; ; ,
----- - ' . , I i
; ' ''Ji
! - ' ,;vl 1 "? 1
l l "-I- ;
if .-
it k-
ii i n . - nn
. Senator David A. Reed, Pennsylvania legislator who haa
jjjj appointed to fill the unexpired terra of the late Senators
Knox and' Crow, He served as a major in the world.war.
: Active Day
PORTLAND, Sept. 8. Prayers
for peace In the - railroad ahop-
r'a strike were . aald at the loe
the .house ot j. blshopa and the
nial conTention'; of the Protestant
Episcopal church here today. The
aotloa waa taken as a resuU of
a resolution indorsed by Courtney
Barber, af lay delegate from Chi-
.Mr.: Barber 'a resolution called
for prayers by both houses of the
I conventiott tomorrow at 1.0 o'clock
I, but under- the Impression that the
prayer might then be too late,
j the suggestion wai made that they
(Continued on page 6)
TWO Off ICial Investigations
rfc Be Held in Spokane TO-
day to Find Cause
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept.
I Three Investigations of the wreck
of . NorthWii;clfic'tvMisit
; slppUVafley llmuea nere last
night are-pUnned tor tomorrow,
two of them nndtr tto anspiceaot
the county coroner and Interstate
commerce commlssioa held
?TT'A ' ,v , , ,
With the death tonight of.Eu-
?okr' ftE?t(l."V ffSp5ka,e:
totality Mat totalled six.
There are still four injured men.
tbPee fhP rk"a 'nd
I man, in the hospital. They are
I expected to recover. .
f11"4 examination, of
th VZT mt ill
nnouncemenM-f the pi
was made. The officia
ln "7" "TT V .
The liaitted, a fast train from
St. Louis and-Kansas .City to the
coast; collided with a .work train
carrying shop workers, at Park
water, four miles' from Spokane.
Both engines and 4 foveral , cars
wer ewrecked and both engineers
- i '
Coal Agreement Reached
IflVUIVIIiy ruur,lWHHiuu iuu
ri mm ill Am I aaj A
Henrys Agenxs biieni -
CINCINNATI, &pt. 8. Accord-
ing to a . telegram given out here
late today by Ernest F. Peaslejr.
president of the American Export
and Inland Coal company, with of-1
rices In this city, an . agreement
;iAr inin'withrTPnVe-
sentatives of Henry . Ford of - De
trolt by which a sufficient amount
of, coal, will be forwarded to the
manufacturing plants of the Ford
company to obviate the shutdown
that was scheduled for Septem
ber 16.
Agreement Accepted j
Representatives of Ford Inter
ests came to Cincinnati yesterday,
acceding to Mr. Peaaley. jan.d
hinu) They were j; r, Cochran
and Mr. 1 Moore, the laUer In
charge of the coal purchases, he
said. ;'-'--.:-;'"-."'.l"$ :i.
They returned to ieiroii laaii
night, and 4he telegram nbtifyihg J
Mr. iPeaaley that the tqmauve
agreement had oeen accepieu was
received late today. This,,, uie
telegraini etated, had been agreed
to by Mr. Simmons- one . of . Mr,
Ford's' confidential men. .. , .
' The telegram, which bore the
name of J. R. Cochran, gives an
Intimation of the volume 'of eoal
that is to be forwarded under the
agreement, that has been made.
lo Jl-.8' if voir Rhin- Mra.-;Wlnborn has taken Lieuten--Simimons
says if y0.,8"0-L., int, v..
menu go strong. jmmeaiaieij nis ;TT.TJ7T--order
will be increased with Jou f?1 J
from.250 to.300 cars a da, Mr. i,.f
Moore aska no conflrmatioa.ior
.mt with Ton.'iM ka
oi marS:
nere.BarV. .Simmons and .Moore
ship cars as fast as you can
car numbers and weighU. , This
. M.a.AM Me -riri rnnw inn t:i-
possibly, more,
Nothing oouM be learned of the
prices naaaed in the contract that
was made nor was there any n-
timatJOti3 given a me oiutw. ui
- . - mt. '
the American luxporc ana inisna
Coat company. -
' r- -eaey auoui vub
scram i was received, left for !
diaAapoUs and expected to be aa-Ell2abeth"- Skartolla be
away for a day or two, so that u mant when ' e
there was no amplification of the menUoned -vfrrVftn a1 telegram
telegraa felfirred Jo.' ' .
--,- t i-
Kick-off for Wilianieitd Unl
. i versify ' Endowment ' Fund
at. First Methodist Church
. Ust Night. - -
Booth, Piper, Shepard, Don-"
ey and, Other Speakers
... Reveal Pfans ,
' Appointments at visiting
Methodtat preachera for the
rarlou8 churches of the ,city -for
Sunday are aa follows:";
First Christian church,,
fter Clarence True Wilson
o . Washington D. C. ' i
- "First Baptist church, Rev. ;
C E.' Powell,' formerly of
India: - V ' - - .
First Presbyterian church
Rev. J. H, Secor of Pendle
ton. iV"
- ' First Congregational,' Rev,
IL T. Greene of Portland
' . C e n t ral Congregational,
South - Nineteenth street.
Rev. N. W. Byars of Port-
land. " ': r -ti
i Bungalow Chrteattn
church. Seventeenth etreet.
Rev. J.R.; Jeff fey of Seaside,
i Highland Friends church,
Rev. J.'; S. .Pettlx.',,,'i;'.i
. South , Salem Friends.
' church, Rev. "R. S.' Blahop.
. Nazarene church, Rtjv. S.
- Ilamrich.. y..'?- i'-;2 :v
Chemeketa , Street Exan
gelical church, Rev. Thomas
Tames. ' -
a new endowment fund of
oooo: ; i - . -
A new gymnasium to cost $50,-
1 The"balance"6f the' total earn
palgn fund of $1,250,000 for
buildings 'and .a working fund, to
I ut uniyeraity uPto Its p
ei: jainion-dolbi' stride. 1 . v
, The money to be subscribed be-
j "re wcwemoer u,
These are the general condl-
. (Continued on page )
Mrs; Card VVinbOm BelieVed
to; Have Had Accomplice
? fl MUfder 0T Old Man
, OAKLAND, ' Cal., Sept. 3. In
tunation, that Mrs.. Clara E. Ska
$in winborn, confessed slayer of
i Ferdinand Hochbrun, Seattle real
estate dealer, has disclosed to
tJat. W..B. Kent of the Seattle
police, informtation concerning;, a
supposed male , accomplice in jUie
crime, and. that Lieutenant Kent
U conducting . an independent
search for the man believed to
be Involved, la. the case, .was" given
- today by Chief - of : Police - James
" uw-.
W reSB- ' ' . i
the Oakland, depart-
raeni 7 Tf""1 IOI "e ."PTt
mB . ,ise.
said : Chief
i ' . sr- ,
uia ova t 41010
rWsa IfoKnr TravKArf Vr5fs nt ft
eM,.i." a., -J. f
here laX0 tonght f or tomorrow
Ing Vuh extradition papers
, - Vl..n,.m , tft
I i...a a ? aa m a v m
Portland Police Called
SEATTLE," Sept: : Enoch
,,n,, w. wtu-mi
J 'XCoaUane on page 6).
Seven Persons Are Severely
Beaten by Pervert Follow
ing Outrages Against
. Mother and Daughters.
Posses With . Bloodhounds
Lose Trail of Suspect Short
way from Scene of Crime
OLYMPIA. Wash'..' Sept. 8. A
masked man who perpetrated a
brutal attack on the O'Hare fam
ily,' eight miles" west of heVe last
night, beating aeven persons Into
unconsciousness,.. - was , still at
large , late today although armed
posses were scouring the hillsides
and bloodhounds' had arrived from
Seattle. The dogs were put on
the scent and followed' a , trail
leading from' the house across the
pasture and through ifti der brush.
but lost It on a paved highway
and were unable to pick it up
agaln.:--.--:V.' ;-; J
t Only bneof the assailant's sev
en victims is now reported in a
critlcaL(con.dUIon; although . .all
were more or less seriously In
jured. w ,v , 4
i , Younaj Girl Mny Die
The report tonight was as fol
lows:' Mrs. 'Kate O Hare, widow,
54, .possible skull fracture and
bad, bruises; ; Agnes O'Hare, 25,
severe head and body bruises; Te
resa. O'Hare,' 2 i, badly beaten
About, head and .body;. JFraaces
u'Hare; 14, still! unconscious,
sfcuu proDaoiy rracturea ana may
not Jive; Emma OHare, llalso
In serious condition; Joe O'Hare,
14, -severely brplsed; Joe Dobson.
21, badly bruised, about head. All
of the victims, except Joe Dobson
and Teresa O'Haro. . are still In
the 'hospital, :
c A report x that a man answering
the ( description of the assailant,
had' been seen in Maytown, seven
miles from here was received by
Chief of Police Troxeil and an
other, from a resident a few miles
south of the city, but no further
clues were available. If the man
had a, car, the chances of capture
are ; Bald to be considerably lea-
i (Continued on page 6)
Attorney General Rules That
property of Church of
. Hungary not, Attachable
WASHINGTON Sept. r 8.r (By
the , Aasoclated Prese.l-Holding
that'.ln' the finaj analysis title to
church property Is vested 4n Go.1
and that it would be eacrillglous
to hold , this an enemy interest,
Attorney General Daugherty in a
formal opinion has acquiesced In
the return by Allen Property Cus
tbdian Thomas W. Miller of prop
erty seized by a former alien pro
perty custodian from the Reform'
ed Church of Hungary In Ameri
ca. IV:---'- - -s-.,
-''Who holds the beneficial, in
terest in this trnstt" the attorney
general asked. "If it Js held by
the deity then surely it would be
sajcrlligious to hold there Is an
enemy lnteresL"
The question before the depart
ment, he said, waa whether church
coulji have its property returned
to ir could the cnurcn, he assea
be considered an enemy-under he
trading with the enemy act and
did the fact that some of the eon
trlbutora' to the ehurth are ene
mies "taint this church property"
to the extent that there could be
no return of the iproperty ?
..The property, amounting to. ap-
5woxJmfi(tey $ 2 0,0 0 9 in. mort
gages and certificates of indebted
ness to the mother eh'urch in Hun
gary, secured by church property
here, was seized at the outbreak
of the war from the Hungarian
general credit bank at deland,
acting as agent for the church ta
all financial matters. The decis
ion in this case will serve as
precedent In other church, prop
erty seizures, i
Mrs, Warren C Harding
Wife of , President who is dan
gerously ill and whose recov
ery is still doubtful; ; ; VI ;
Men Working Knee Deep in
Muck in Effort to Reach
mm fa s. A a i
r I CIllUlllUcU mlllcld
t - ' -I-'' .
JACKSOX, Cal., Bopt. 8 (By
Associated ; Press.) A signed
statement WhW company, govern-
meut and state officials plan to J
make public tomorrow morning, I
will declare the belief that every,
one of the 47 miners entombed in
the Argonaut mine is alive, it was
learned lato' tonight. , The 'con-
elusion, it" was asserted, is based I
on a chemkal test made this even-
ing. ; T. V.
"We believe that every man is
the mine Is alive," the statement
will say. "Cnemical tests made
at 5 p. m. today prove this. In
substaatiation of oar belief we
now'; offer $5,000 reward to the
firsttcrew ; that breaks into the
Argonaut mine.'
JACKSON, Cal., Sept 8. Res
cue crews working to save the 47
men, entombed Jn ; the Argonaut
mine ? here, emerged from the
night after sixr hours of gmeiiing
gress toward the Argonaut on the!
3600-foot level and 20 feet on the
3900-foot level,; This leaves res
cue workers on the former level
approximately, 3 00, feet from the
entombed men and about 245 feet
on the 3900-foot level. 1 .
. Each, crew comes out dripping
wet and covered from head to foot
. I. a -
wa slimy mna. r our crews are
working. 24 hours a day in six -
hour shifts. '- Because of the in -
tense heat, foul air and working
condltions are so exhausting, each!
WfimS 'Sf fit i
wot ; v
man works only 20 minutes at a I of the senator's victory in the Wls
stretch and - rests 40 minutes. I consln primary was' greeted with
Both the Argonaut and Kennedy
companies assert they have an
abundance of men for the rescue
work. - i
Iffrc sfpnr.rlrt' fJofc
.... w ivi iv a . wi
at; - at a
Mlltnuny iruril AniSU
OAKLAND. Sept. 8 Mrs. Nel
He Kendrick, " who recently ' sued
her husband, Podney Kendrick,
newspaper artist for divorce In a
complaint asserting that Mrs. Ed
ith Sprockets Wakefield, San
Francisco society woman, offered
her $100 a month for lite if she
vnnlil iwrmff Vn TCiV.flsM tn
marry Kendrick, was granted $75
a month temporary alimony to-
Viay. The court announced, that
the date for the divorce hearing-
h?tH?in wurl r
FPRINCE rtjpert, B. c, Sept.
8--The . body of, Joe Lapple, an
u.t t;r TL
Muwt. i v.. aAiloi prunes.
aaaii wim .tiitm.t ij.nni.
believed to have Jost hia way on
4 trij cut ot Jerrace
WASHINGTON. Sep 8(By Tlie Aiatea Press)
The condition of frs. Harding, wife of the president was so
serious tonight that "recovery is not yet assured, a statement
issued at the White House at 9:30 p. m, tonight by Brigadier
General C. tE, Sawyer,, the family physician said;
Complications which developed yesterday and last night,
thestatement said, makes Mrs. Harding's condition "criti
cal!, it was added. . ' . v ' '
r The statement; timed 9 pV nW issued by Dr. Sawyer, fol
lows : -.'.'.', , , ,
. "lira.', Harding, whose illness, is a recurrence of attacks .
experienced before coming. to the .White House, developed
complications, Thursday and Thursday night which make her
condition critical. These complications are so serious that
recovery Js not yet assured. Dr. John Einney of Baltimore,
was called in consultation tonight, and Dr. Charles Mayo is
enfoutG from Rochester, Minn, Dr. Carl W. Sawyer and Dr. -Joel
T. Boone have joined in the attendance on Mrs. Harding
today, i -. : , " V- y; " " 'Vi V
. "Dr. Finney, reached the AVhite' House at 9 '.o'clock to
night.? . v w:v-'- -
George Strauchon " Confesses
in Letter That He Was Not
.. Entitled, to Pay ;
Because he has been converted
from his old manner of living and
is connrlancA trlkn flanrrm H
Strauchon of Seattle has Intorm-
r J""?". S
vvaumiaotvui iy .ua aa acv
the state out of 1 2 si .6 6 after ah
talB1Tin xiLana wisnes to mate
Strauchon, according to his IeU
ter, was working In the Northwest
5hip yards in .Portland. On No-
vember 23, 1917, after .Working
hours : he was. .doing some work
for himself about the yards and
accidently cut off a finger. He
swore, says ' the letter, tat he
was working for hi employers at
the tlmeof the accident, and as
a result drew'two months compos
sation at $45 month from the
state and $191,156 damages.
I The commission: will i .s inform
I Strauchon that his check for the
full amount will be P"ceptable.
J Predictions Are, Made That
Senator Will Be Candidate.
tOf rreSldent in 1924
1 ATLANTIC CITxY Sept.' 8.
J Predictions that United States
(Senator Robert M. . LaFollette
1 would be organlted labor's candL
I date for the presidency: in 1924
I were heard in labor circles here
1. ... . . .. .. ..
1 tomgnt as in-3 exacuuve council
1 of the American' Federation of
1 Labor gathered, preparatory to the
I formal opening of the councils an-
nual session here tomorrow. News
I satisfaction at convention head'
I quarters.
Samuel Gonpers, president of
the American Federation of Labor
declared that while "discussion of
benaiot-Laroiietta in this connec
1 flnn 1 h,Amfn.A 1 vnM
I .. " - w
that the Wisconsin senator is a
great American." i
Fair and warmer.'
Prune picking begins in
some. others it would begin if
V -'It's every body's business
money crop of the year. These calls for help are free. Tell
ple' the office when
man nave ms cnance.
G. H. Wolfe, a half mileeast of Liberty hall, route A, box
32, phone 108F31. wants1 a dryertnan, . a trayer and eight
R. A. Aiifmru-. ' mik
66F3 wants f0UT Pickers, or a
i.l R. V. Bates has all the
I ; . J. p. Alexander, route 4,
prune dryer,
Mrs. Harding felt the first ef- 1
foots of her present Illness near!
two weeks ago' while on a wk
end cruise on Che Mayflower. Last
week she was reported to be suN
ferlng from a severe cold, and
early this week felt suf Hciently
recovered iobe again about the
White" House. A setback" occur
red with' complications.
f During the paet two days Dr.
Sawyer has been in almost con
stant attendance at her bedside,
his son, Drt-Carl -W. Sawyer of
Marion, Ohio, arriving today for
consuUation. Dr.' Joel T. Doone.
naval medical officer on the May-
power, a staff of laboratory tech
nldana and two trained nurses aV
so have been In attendance.
The president rpeat part of thi
morning ttoday at Mrs. Harding's
bedside. ; After the cabinet meet,
lng he again' left his office to be
with her, and late in the after
noon laid aside ibis official duties
to return to the sick room.
President Harding remained
continuously x at the bedside to
night, never havtnjr left the sick
room since late today.
Secretary Christian and several
attaches remained at the White
House tonight where there was
evident a feeling of apprehension.
It waa the impression that a defi
nite turn to the illness might be
expected within the next 24 hours.
BOoze Hound Uncovers
Moonshines After Chas3
BILLINGS, Idnt.. Sept. 8
While assisting in a search! made
by a posse and police officers fa a
weed encumbered field near here
today for a man suspected of be
ing an auto thief. Al, the new po
lice, bloodhound, struck a trail
which led into a thicket of sun
flowers. From the midst of the
weedy Jungles an exuberant howl
suddenly arose above the tumult.
Officers hastened to the dog's side
to find that he was standing over
a sack. Within the sack. the of
ficers found a gallon Jug -partly
filled with moonshine. ; , The man
sought was picked up later in the
day in another part of the city.
Boy Second to Die in
Week from Bug Bite
- TJKIAH. Cal., Sept. 8.-Robert
Waugh, 7, Is dead today, the sec
ond boy to succumb In Uklah
this week to poisonous insect bites
the nature of which is puzzling to
physicians here. The child, son
or Mrs. Stella Waugh, was stung
on one of his knees and died of a
Tlrnlent blood infection which at
tending doctors said they were
unable to diagnose. Last Tuesday
Jack Ley; 14, expired after being
bitten by an insect while hunting
near here with hi father, Carl J.
Ley. . '-,,''.:" V!.:"t ""'"
mitny orchards riext week. In
the crowers had Dickers.
to helo harvest this only real
you're supplied and let the next
wist nf the crkitentkrv. nhoT.a
family to camp. ISas 12 acres
pickers wanted.
pnone xzrt wants two men ic