The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 08, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Atm-( for Aornst, 1923 ,
' 8undar - 1 5814
.Daily tod Bandar 5407
'ATrir for iu swaths aodiaf Jaly 30,
1922 - " -'
Sunday nlr 6852
' iJail and Sunday , ., -
- XX tot CTTT ot tiTxa
al aiarvtara is,
ataxias M Pal Caultaa
Kaarty araryaody into
The Oregon Statesman
thb jtoica nnnm
. rnwccncww k
r Resolution introaucea Tes
5 terday 'v Proposes - Jhat
, New Limits.
, Numerous Addresses on
"Variety :of Subjects' Heard
. in Session Yesterday -
. 8:30 a. m. Devotional service,
"Bishop W. O. Shepard.
; 9:00 a. Business session.
2:30 p. m.- Anniversary "ser
vice deaconess board, Mrs. M, S.
Hughes presiding. Annual report,
Miss Nellie M. Curtlss. Address,
the Rev. D. W. Howell, D. D.
3:15 p. m. Annual missionary
sermon, the Rer. Clarence True
Wilson. D. D.. presiding. Sermon J
the Rev M. T. Wire, pastor or ax.
-church;: Astoria.-' f . 4
4.p. in. -Evangelistic hour, the
Rer. Thomas Acheson, .presiding.
AdfresaEyangellsm's Cross and
Crown;- the Raw JLoren. M. Edt
wards, D.D. ",, . ' ; '
6 p. m.Luncheon and meet
in g of the Deaconess , Jjoarfc, at
The Spa. . ' r" -
:45 p. m. -Open air evange
listic servfce. ; Address Rer. C.
E. PowelL D-D. Vff
7:80 p. na.--WJllamette univer
sity night, Edgar -B," Piper; edi
tor, the . Oregoulan. -presiding.
Brief addresses by pishopl Wil-Ham-
O.' Shepard. -President Eu-
gene , Chrlstlia jnckmWi ? Presl-I
deht Carl Grerg --Doney,;. Princi
pal address. Senator TU K "Cootli
of Eugene..: :?xr-b.
' All Oregon Methodism fin a sep
arata, .iodrrlsable .(conference up
ion, is the effect of tho resolution
presented; to the ethodlslT con
ference Thursday; My Etr. JR.:
Avison, of Forest Grove.
For geographical reasons .'that
seemed good years ago when the
arrangement was made, eastern
Oregon attached- -to . the Idaho
conference dot . administration.
This might apply logically to the
Snake Rirer valley proper that
Is a geographical unit with Idaho,
hut It might - not seem so- logical
for the Blue , Mountain .country
and Interior Oregon and now It
,1s proposed to make the Oregon
state lines . the permanent boun
daries of the Oregon area. The
brSnglng In of The Dallas 4Istrlct
comprising ,11; counties. yti the
conference, action of Wednesday,
apparently' has given- rise.vtprAhe
later, bigger ambition, w , ,
The action, however.,' Is not
quite tie w. It was brought " up
three years ago, and In negou&t
ing with the Idaho ecclesiastics.
reference is made' to' this earlier
t desire for an ll-0f!gon . admlnl&v
, tratlve district. : A" committee is
to be appointed by Bishop Shep
ard to wait on the Gem state con-
t ference at Caldwell, Idaho, next
week, and present tba matter. Al-
e so, they will discuss certain terri-1
torlal adjustments with the Co
lumbia River.- conference from
which was secured the 11 counties
of The Dalles district.
'.- Bishop Shepard, 'la a brief ad-
dress, asked for the Oregon bre
thren to be as magnanimous and
tchlvalrie as -were the Washington
cclealastie. and this 'will be done
In a spirit of brotherhood,
. Uhrelty Program Today :
f Willamette university is to have
the center of the stage for today
as part of the regular conference
scheduleur. The whole grr up of
Specialists who come v from the
board of education at New York
City, arrived yesterday, and were
In 4 attendance at the conference
and looking1 around the university.
The coferenco Is to 50 e masse to
the university .today at 1:15, for
once-over of the hole grounds
and buildings, before the bJg cam.
palgn Is formally launched later
' in the day. Tha greater nart f
the day will be devoted to the
regular Duslness program but the
Bight service for Willamette, is
v reckoned. as the one rreat nnt.
standing event of the whole year's
meeting.- , t
? .j Routine Matters Cleajvd
A busy bnstnea session, of the
. conference Thursday forenoon
(Continued, on page 6).
' liUMiM oil
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. (By The Associated Press)
Legality of the order obtained by the government from Dis
trict; Judge Wilkerson at Chicago, restraining the striking
railway shop crafts and the railroad brotherhoods from in
terfering with transportation in prosecution of the shop
men's strike, was assailed today in a suit filed in the supreme
court of the District of Cduirfbia ;by the international broth
erhood of electrical workers, one of the organizations on
strike. The question of jurisdiction of the Chicago court was
also raised by the petition which denied that the plaintiffs
had been guirty of any illegal act "before or since" Julyt 1.
. , The electrical , worKers. asked. ,
permanent Injunction to prevent
United States Attorney Gordon
and United States' Marshal Sny
der from: enforcing locally the
provisions of the Chicago order.
Within two hours after the ClUng
ctf the suit which wap eet if or
hearing- next SaturjIaytMr. Sny
der had served formal notice - of
the Chlcaf o injunction on ,J P.
Noonan, president of the Electri
cal Worker, on most of the other
local leaders named as defendants
before Judge WiIkerson; and was
Instituting- a search for William
H.- Johnston, head of the Machln
ista' vjsaocsatlon, who wajs said to
have "disappeared again" after
vlsiUngshls .office.
' .. "WHt JIas WWe Scope
The machinists leader, accord
ing., to some ot his assistants,
however, bad left for Chicago be
fore .Mr., Snyder -started out with
the official coplea of the reatraln
ing order.' ; ; ' -'
c. Wihllo Jthe el:trlcal workera
petition was said to have been
filed solely, on their own behalf
and.arithout reference to the other
six. uniong ion. strike, Mr. Noon an
said they expected both the tem
porary order," ; which they hoped
a oum be issued Saturday and the
permanent writ .to have a nation
wide 'scope.' --t"w '
v.iOfttelals. Qt -the department of
justice., would jxot comment for
publication on the recourse of the
strikers, to -the courts, but unof
ficial .they -expressed the opinion
that if the supreme court of the
District of Columbia should grant
the temporary restraining order,
it would .open wide avenues lead-fng-to'
possible upsetting by the
courts of other jurisdictions of in
junctions and restraining orders
granted try the "district supreme
court, such aa those Jn various
packers and other important cases
under ihe Sherman andClay
ton acts. '
- Legality In Doubt
The entire question, it was said
unof Ciclally, centers on section 15
of the Clayton act, and section 5
of the Sherman Jaiw, which pro
idde that in suits brought there
under the judge of and federal
jurisdiction. If in his judgment
It Is deemed necessary to protect
, the. government or. the purposes
of an Injunction, ; may have the
power to subpoena witnesses and
defendants in other jurisdictions.
Whfle reference to alleged se
cret 1 negotiations at various un
named places looking to separate
settlement with individual roads
continued to be heard throughout
the day, these still- remained to
night in the status of uncon
firmed reports." The forthcom
ing meeting in Chicago of the
strikers general policy commis
sion, aceording to his information,
Mr. Noouan said is for the pur
pose of discusjdng the strike eltu-
(Continued on page )
' One couldn't drop into and see
the Methodist conference, not
knowing the names or the occa
sion, or hearing a word spoken
on any subject, without knowing
that It was really an assemblage
of notables. . -v . - -
Not everybody Is a notable, per
haps; not the sort ot social lions
thjiit Mrs. : Ootror, the limlMir,
would pick for her prey, at any
rate. NSfture never made all
men from the cam generous
mould, or gave to all the - sama
understandmg,' the same charity,
the same big courage that is seen
In some of these ; visitors. But
many of them are outstanding." "
Many of these men are old, or
at least elderly. There Is tone sur
vivor of the - Civil war - -where
Chance of Finding Any of 47
Entombed Men Alive is
Held to Be Meagre
JACKSON, Cat., Sept. 7 (By
the Associated Press.) E. A.
Stent, vice president of the Argo
naut Mining company, believes
that the 47 miners entombed in
the Argon&ui. .nUne here .have per
ished, he declared tonight in the
first .offldaU atatemont (lo haa
Issued since the men were trapped
by fire a week ago Sunday night.
"I eadly tear that all we can
do Is to bring out tho 47 -bodies,'
Mr. Stent told; the Associated
Prestv "I do not hold out any
hope for; the rescue of many.
If any of the men. I do not plaee
any credence in the, alleged re
ports of signals from the entomb
ed . miners." ,; ;. 1 -
Vice President Stent, 'who for
30 years had been Identified with
the mother- lode of Amador coun
ty, declared that despite the be
lief on the part of the company
officials that the interred miners
are dead, every effort would be
put forth to reach the men In the
quickest possible time.
Today less than 20 feet were
cleared on the 3600-foot level of
the Kennedy mine from which
rescue crews for 11 days franti
cally halve been burrowing toward
the Argonaut shaft. This leaves
approximately 260 feet yet to be
tunneled before the crews will
strike a solid rock formation
which wdll require at least 36
hours of constant drilling to pene
trate. Muck, charred timbers and
rock on the 3900-foot level held
today' j progress there down to
about .12 feet.
v Crews on both ' the 8600-foot
levels are working in clay and
muck.' Engineers say faster time
could be made through solid rock.
Men are working ankle deep in
mud which la . so thick it sticks
to their, shovels like glue. ;
In his statement tonight, Vice
Fresldent Stent added: .
"It Is barely possible that a
few of the older mining; men had
the presence ;.pf mind to seek; the
lower levels at the start of the
fire It they did and If they bar
ricaded themselves in, it Is barely
posrible that a few of them are
alive sow;
"However, the Argonaut has an
emergency exit through what is
known as the fttaldoon shaft.
This emergency exists for the sole
(Continued on page 2.)
there used to- be" rcores.'" The- con
ferences In the, northern border
states- for the first, 2 5 years after
the -great rebellion, used to look
almost like Grand Army reunions,
so generally did the Methodist
clergy respond to J the Lincoln
There are a few young veterans
of the great World war. Some
of these quiet men have gone
through as much hell of potaon
gas and shot and shell and peril
by land and sea and air as any
men that live. The profession of
a Christian faith does not neces
sarily make of any ; man a molly
coddle :.KV.V. ; ; ' '
. There are saintly old faces that
l,. JContlsu?d. pa jage $1
Crack Northern Pacific Train
Crashes Into Switch En
gine Near Spokane Six
Persons Injured.
All of Injured Were on Pas
senger Train Pulling
Into Parkwater
SPOKANE, Wash.. Sept. 7.
Four men were killed and six
were injured when Northern Pa
cific passenger train No.' 41, west
bound, collided headon with a
switch engine at Parkwater, four
miles east of here, about 7:30 to
night. At least three of the dead
and all of the injured were train
men. The dead include: O. W. South
ern, engineer of No. 41; Ed
Hodous, engineer of the switch en
gine and the electrician of No. 41.
The, body of the fourth man was
found beneath the trucks of one of
the baggage cars on .No. 41 after
the work of clearing away the
wreckage had been started.
Injured in Hospital,
The injured, all of whom were
taken to the Sacred Heart hospital
here are Joe Carlson, fireman on
No. 41; Joe Butts, Spokane, and
C. Pruit, who were declared to be
seriously Injured and Whltt Kerr,
J, M. Corbett-and E. H. Atkins,
not sb seriously hurt. Butts was
unconscious .when taken to the
hospital. I
According to L. S. Newton, of
the western division of the North
ern Pacific, the switch engine had
taken four coaches of .guards from
this city to the shops at Park
water and had started to cross
over to the west vound track for
the return trip when No. 41 struck
it. The switch engine had just
pulled onto the' track in front of
tho passenger train.
Four Coaches Derailed.
The first baggage car of No. 41
was turned on its side, the second
baggage car and four coaches were
derailed but remained upright,
and the four rear coaches kept to
the rails. J One of the coaches at
tached to the switch engine was
demolished and another was tel
escoped and derailed. '
"No. 41 had the right of way
and could be seen for five miles
on the straight track," Mr. New
ton said. ; "Its headlight was shin
ing brightly. I am unable to un
derstand I why, the crew of the
switch engine, crossed over to .the
westbound track in view of these
Police Doubt Truth of Clara
Winborn's Confession of
Seattle Crime
OAKLAND, Cal.; Sept. 1. The
Oakland police have begun search
ing for a man who they believe
must have bean an accomplice in
the slaying of Ferdinand Hoch
brun at Seattle Ust lall with Mrs.;
Clara Skarin Winbora, who eon-'
leased to the killing here yester
day. f Jlochbrun, a .vrealthy re
tired realty dealer, was found
dead in his apart.nent in Decem
ber and Mrs. Winborn told Lieu
tenant William II. Kent o the
Seattle detective force yesterday.;
that she shot him in self-defense
against his advances.
Police Seek Motive
James L. Drew, chief ef the
Oakland 1 police, said he believed
Mrs. Winborn was trying to shield
some man, and stated he was try
ing to learn the motive for her
remaining !n San Francisco and
Oakland for many months despite
the danger of being recognised.
She-was arrested here Sunday.
Several things have yet to be
explained ' about the affair, ac
cording to Chief Drew. One is
the fact that relatives received
letters after Hockbru n't death, he
(Continuad on page 2.X
Ought to Talk Louder-Great
American Cud Not in Evi
' , dence. Says Observer
Somebody could perform a not
able public service by training
more pf the preachers to speak
louder and more distinctly.
" Many seem to have operated in
little buildings, where a speaker
can perhaps be heard in any tone
of voice. But the piping voice or
the husky whisper or the mumble
that would get across the small
decorous building where there is
nothing else to do but to listen,
Isn't worth a nickle in a big room
like those needed for the Oregon
conference, with so many buzx
buzzes going on in committees
and - group consultations. The
spectator would wonder if the
state of Oregon were short ' of
air, some of -the speakers from
the floor are so sparing of Its
use in telling their story.
But that's a wonderful audience
In one respect there isnt a
single gum-chawyer In the bunch!
There may be poorly thatched
domes, and butcher-knife-trimmed
rhi$kers, and last year's coats.
ana even an occasional appalling
celluloid collar, but there isn't a
single , smack-chomp-gurgle-and-
fQueak of the great Anferican
fud. There isn't A single eet
Of bnlcinr laws muscled no Hk
i prize-fighter's biceps, built up
from everlasting devotion to the
squeaky cud. After hearing and
seeing the average street car and
lecture, and committee meeting
and convention. - and seeing the
usual percentage of chawyers on
the streets, it's almost like heaven
to step Into a congregation where
they masticate absolutely noth
ing but the occasional rag and
seldom even that.
Says He Represents School
Board, But Inquiry Shows
He Does- Not
A young man claiming to rep
resent the Salem school board,
visited . several homes, on South
liberty street Thursday, gather
ing statistics as to the number,
sUe, kind, pitch, cost n everything
of the musical brie a brae of the
city in the name of the school
'At seme places the - residents
told him they were not so sure
that it was a matter for the school
board to know or be Interested in,
and they told him what - they
pleased. What he gathered might
be more interesting than reliable
as to Salem's musical aspirations.
As a matter of fact, the school
board doesn't care a hoot: whether
any one plays on a jews harp,
scrapes a horse fiddle, sguawki
a saxophone, beats' 4" -tom-tom,
rattles the bones' or tickles; the
Irorie3 on a grand piano "or the
toes of a pianola. It doesn't
give a continen tab dog-gone if one
could or could not carry a hog
Ued tune in a steel bottle or bal
iance it ligbtly and' airily on the
bridge of one's noso. It recks
not whether a person dotes on
goggly "Vogoer" or goes batty
over wild-eyed, jazz; whether he
sings hymns or cradle songs or
Krazy Kat roundelays.
, If the visitor represented that
the school board. wanted to know
all the fqddles and flutes and or
gans and banjos and hurdy-gurdys
it wasn't so. The school board
hasn't the honor of his acquain-1
tance. As already stated.; tho
board simply Isn't Interested in
the private musical vices of Sa
lem. Anybody can sing, or play',
or deliver pantomime songs with
out either words or music.
The statistical visitor didn't
kick the dogs or steal the peaches
or trample on the flowers of any
body's home, so far as recorded.
Nobody lost anything but two or
three minutes. But the school
board, according to reliable in
formation, doesn't belong in the
statistical Inquisition. It has
enough real troubles of its own
HELENA, Mont.; Sept. 7. The
first snow of the season ell today
In the Elkhorn mountains, south
east of Helena - and was visible
from this city.' , t-.. ..f,.
Malheur County Youth' to
Pay Penalty for Killing
George Sweeney
Notwithstanding a move that
developed yesterday to save him
from the gallows George Howard,
25 years old, will pay the death
penalty at the Oregon penitentiary
at 8:30 o'clock this morning for
the murder of George Sweeney of
Vale, Malheur county, in Septem
ber, 1920.
Governor Olcott took the case
under advisement when a petition
in Howard's behalf was presented
him, but last night let It be known
that he win not stop the execu
Many .Names on Petition.
Two Portland attorneys, B, P.
Mulkey and Charles Garland, and
Father J. R. Buck of Salem, the
latter representing Archbishop
Christie and the Catholic people
of the state, went before the gov-
rnor with a petition carrying 1321
names asking that the death sen
tence be commuted to life impris
onment. Howard's family is of
Catholic affiliation.
As an argument In Howard's be
half the attorneys averred that no
evidence was introduced at the
trial to show that the murder was
premed Itated and argued that
only premeditation should con
stitute cause for a verdict of first
degree murder. They held that
Howard had killed Sweeney in an
altercation and that a verdict of
manslaughter would have been
War Record Cited.
They also called the governor's
attention to the prisoner's youth
and to his war record. Howard
was in the transport service dur
ing the war and made a large
number of trips across 'the At
lantic, FEH PARSON
Four Men Killed in. Two Air
Accidents at Vermont
Fair Grounds -
RUTLAND, VV, Sept. 7. For
a crowd of 30,000 people assem
bled at the Rutland fair grounds
this afternoon, a flying circus
staged with airplanes and balloons
was turned into a tragedy, four
participants meeting death. An
airplane crashed from a height of
2,000 feet, carrying to their
deaths the pilot, mechanic and a
passenger. A few hours later an
aeronaut leaping from a balloon
1500 feet in the air, was killed
when his arachute failed to open.
The dead:
Lieutenant Belt in W. Maynard,
(Continued on page 6)
Prune Picking 'JobsT " v VoC
If Sajem doesirt ftelp save the prune crop, in the next two
or three weeksi It won't be saved and everybody loses. It's
everybody's business to help pick -and save this one great
money crop that will save, the Willamette valley from next
thing to bankruptcy, this year. ' ;
The Statesman publfahes; free, a directory of all the prune
nvnors u-Vin txnll-n1 in tVioir rwrnpafa; fnr hpln. fiiv the
VS VT k7 VI III ,V U JAM ... .
good people of Salem a chance
if they don t know who or where you are 7
These are the newest applicants:
H. E. Bolinger has 24 acres of prunes ready to begin
picking now; wants four or five pickers or one good sized
family. Phone 13F22.
R. V Bates, seven miles south, phone 107F13, has 55
acres ;want3 15 or more pickers, families preferred, fuel
and water free.
Wanted Six more prune pickers, 64 miles south of Sa
lem, at Rosedale, commence Monday, 11th.- Phone 12F6. ;
G. E. Farnsworth wants man for. shaking and driving
team; and wife and two children for picking. Can camp
comfortably in garage. To be on the place, near Liberty,
Sunday, Septpember J.0th. ; Call evenings at 1739 Center St
MARION, 111., Sept. 7. (By The Associated Press) Five
of the 38 indicted men in connection with the Herrin mas
sacre, slept in the county jail tonight, ; Otis Clark, the first
man to be indicted was joined, by four more this evening.
Leva Mann, miner of Herrin; Charles Rogers, miner of Her
rin; Phjlhp Fontanetta, miner of Marion and James Brown,
colored, deputy of Colp, were arrested tonight. They are all
charged with murder. The officers had no trouble in mak
ing the arrests. Colonel Sam Hunter of the adjutant gen
eral's office here, representing Governor .Small says that ev
erything isquiet throughout the county. ; He-arrested Phil
lip Fontanetta within ten minutes after the names were given
nu.:rr ij j ..l: - r . . . . . .
i.w uuc auciiij. uu utpuuea.
4"Vtw rtvnvw
Jim Sovereign, Hears Strange
Voices Nabs Both of 'Em
Ere They Are Aware
When Jim' Sovereign, linotype
operator on the staff of The Ore
gon Statesman, entered his home
shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday
morning he discovered two prowl
ers who had sneaked Quietly Into
the house a short time before. .
Lights were burning la one
sleeping room and the kitchen.
Sovereign stealthily circled, the
houhe to see If he could get a
view of the invaders. He could
hear muffled voices, but the
prowlers were not to be seen. ;;
With grim determination ts
give battle he softly opened the
front door and passed through the
living room. The early morning
visitors were discovered In the
sleeping room, and James cap
tured them In his brawny arms.
The supposed burglars were twins,
boy and a -girl, making the sec
ong pair of twins to visit the Sov
ereign home during the past few
years. . "" ,. '"
House of Deputies in Confer
ence to Consider Amend
ments to Constitution
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 7.
Adoption by the house of depu
ties of the Protestant Episcopal
triennial convention of a new
prayer for the president ot the
United States to supplant the one
in the prayer book, which was
declared to have been an adoption
of the prayer for the King of
England, and rejection by the
house of bishops of a constitu
tional amendment which would
have given suffragan bishops the
right to vote in the house of
bishops were the outstanding de
velopments of the afternoon ses
sion of the convention today.
The motion in each case, fol
lowed sharp debate. In the house
of deputies there was lively dis
cussion of he new prayer for the
(Continued on page 6)
v " tT - . .
to help, you how can they,1
ieuiy arrests are expected early
- -i-- ' .-T-- . .- -V- ---- - - .-
Attorney General Brundage in
.AIM M A M (In . m a 4 . . t - .
the grand jury said that "this spe
cial grand ; jury of .Williamson
county has shown' j:h rough this
partial report what the. law abid
ing people of this country think of
this massacre and of law entorce-
vrnicers Ana inoictea .. '.
! j. as -incuc(.msais -cover a large
territory in . both . Adamson land
Franklin counties, and, included
in the Hat are at least two offi
cials. Constable John ; Kelly of
Zeigler. In Franklin county an
Constable James Brown ' of Colp.
colored,, and . who is also ' deputy
sheriff and chief of . police In that
colored mining camp. - -t
The lint Indictment accuses six
men of the slaying . of , Howard
Hoffman of Huntington. Ind.. la
the Herrin cemetery. He was one
of the six captlva ho escaped
the massacre at the barbed wire,
fence ta the1 timber. They were
recaptured and led back to the
cemetery. There they were shot
down. One of them lived and the
other five died. The men named
lit flit. ffn. Kttt . a t).iu
Clarence Rogers, Lsv Mann, Jo
seph, Carnegh!,. Percy Hall and -Bert
.Grace.,, ; . y.
Ktne AecuWfl vf Hanging -The
second Indictment namet
nine men in connection with thf
hanging of Robert L. Andersos
Sparta, Mich,, at the Southers
Illinolg strip mine. His body was
riddled wiith bullets after be bad '
been hanged. In the indictment
there are two counts, one charg
ing the shootiug and the other
the hanging. The men accused
are Nava Cannady. Herbert Rush.
Ing. Clyde Lee, James GaUigan,
Bert Grace, Dallas McCree,. Otis
Maynard, Joseph Rhodes and Wil
liam Stanfty. , . - f -; . .
The third Indictment concerns
the slaying of John Shoemaker,
son of Mayor Shoemaker of
Charleston. 111. He and 12 other
of the non-union mice employes .
who "had surrendered under - a
flag of truce were killed at the
barbed wire fence in the timber
near the power house. '
27 Charged Vith Xining 13 " '
fn fila lrA IkIt...i " ' ....
made co-defendants. ; Five of
them ,rs' jiamed In other true
bills. '. The accused men are:
John Kelly, , Hubert Walker, r
James padj Norris, Roy Pen
nington. Harvey Perdue, Charles
Rogers, John Rushing, Dallas Me
Cree, Otis Maynard, Aivln Stew
art, 'Joe Murray, Campbell lively.
Wesley McPharon. Frank Adams,
Aivln Lollesi, Floyd.' Stokes,
George Anderson, Fred McGongh,
Fred Travetstcd, Phillip Fontan
etu, Tom Weeks, James Brown
(colored deputy; sheriff), Otis
Clark, Lee Howard, Tony ,
Louis Corbett and Bert Graes.
The fourth Indictment is for
the slaying of John Shoemaker
and charges Hubert Walker with
committing th slaying. H Is
the only one named In the indict.
: Many Are . M iners
Hoffman's body was shipped to
Indiana and never -was' burled la
the potters field at Herris.
Anderson was alleged by the
miners at the time of the massa
cre to have tired a machine guo
and he was hanged for that,
Shoemaker was the father of
three young children aad was a
brotherin-law of W. J. Xster,
owner ot the strip mine. He was '
acting as assistant mine superin
tendent at the time of the massa
cre. " ' .
Many of those indicted are min
ers, but a few are engaged In oth
er occupations. Special deputy
sheriffs are now out arresting the
men who were indicted today. '
Fair and warmer,