THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, UREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST SO, 1922 3 H I 9 2 I. FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS UVB STOCK CLASSIFIED ADTUT1 8EMEMT8 Rats , per wsrdi Wev haaertio. . Three rneertioae ; s , 30s Mk (U .BSertieSt) Una Boat . Vis asoBtba eoatract. r aae. 16 1 months eeatraet. per use. Mtalmam for any advertiseta't 95s BIO TYPE POLAND CHINA BKCKUIMO lock, both itiei. Match and April farrow, lor mic. popular blood Uses. Phoao 49P23. POULTRY NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident''. Agent S71 SUU . MONEY TO LOAN On RI Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ldd ft Bash Bank) NEW TODAY BARTLETT PEARS FOR CANNING Furnish your boxes aad pick them or not. aa yoa daaira. - Attractive price. Pboaa 106. FOR SALE - OOOD PONEY. WITH addle and bridle. 130. E. B. Flak.. 278 State. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. 1132 Canter. WANTED .YOUNG LADY TO CARE for email rbildroa at , deaf school. Phone 646. WANTED TO RENT BY CAREFUL tenanta. Small house cloae in. Phone 1 656. 273 State. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, wood, lights, water. .730 N. Front street. PARRI8H GROVE TRACTS CENTER f city: room jr. snady, aotning liner. North Cap i Vol and Mill creek. Act promptly, they're going. Harris, 624 N. Capitol. 1942-J, WHEN NEXT INSURING YOUR AUTO, it will be of intereat to yoa to get oar rate. We write all linea, and furnish the owner with a special $2500 accident policy. - Btandley Foley, g eat.- phone 347- . KOTICEr-BIG AUCTION SALE 8ATUR day. Sept. 9th 1 p.m. at 180 Sonta. High street. Alt kinds of furnitare. v machinery, live stock and miseellnn ' eons article will be sold at these Mies.' .WO sen oa commission oasts, 100 2 YEAR OLD 8. a WHITE LEO- noro aens. eacc. w. A. Isr. Umatilla, Oregoa. JERSEY BLACK GIANTS "THE Super Fowl." Growing, breeding, show stock, lire capons. C. M. Page A Sons, Box 777. Br In sr. N. J. POULTRY MKN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps' for special three months trial for tno beat aad oldest jooraal ia the west. The articloa and adver tisements are of special interest to the pool try breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. MISCELLAJtEOPa FOR BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a Bundle. Cireulalioa depart meat, oregoa Btateamam. FOR 8ALE PURE KEOLEANEI) retch seed, alao osts and retch mixed. Phone 35F32 Brooks. W. L. Fuller. APPLES FOR SALRr GRAYEX8TKIN8 No. 1 grade 91: No. 2, 50c. Bring boxes. Route 2, box 96. Phone 17F31. FOR SALE CRAWFORD, ALBERTAS. Charlotte and Murrers, 9 miles north of Salem i H.roou Ranch, route 8, Phone 59F14. 1 a FOR 8 ALE 54 INCH WOOD SAW. Fairbanks Morse engine. Marios truck almost new. T. J. Lnper, Woodbnrn. route 2: CRAWFORD AND TUSCAN CLING Dears. ODDOaita tha Tnlln farm M P. Adams, route 1. box 10A., Phone oeri?., BROCCOLI PLANT8 FOR SALE ST 'Valentine. $4 a thousand. Hines Bros.. bervaM. Phone Red 234. Sil rerton, Oregon. A good team for sle. APPLES CRABAPPLES, BLACKBER- , ries. peaches, pears, plums. No charge tor delivery, fnone your order. Ward n. KicnardsOaU 2395 Front street. mono 4. PEACHES FOR CANNING NOW , ready. j Freestone varieties. Two 1 miles west of bridge. Halen-Dallas highway. Uring boxes. Phone 114F14 I. H. Crawford. BATTERY AMD EXXCTXICLAJI E. D. BARTON EXIDS BATTERIES, tarter aad geaerator war. 171 8. Commercial. PRE8TO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Export battery aad electrical work. Faros Bros. Phage 1803, 418 Court. AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 211 X. High. Phase : sol. , ; USED OARS OLESON USED CAR EXCHANGE. I Cars beaght and aold. Guaranteed re painag. WaaMng. Polishing. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER FORD 8E- j dsn : new. paint, upholstery ; rxreiteat t ronditran; lota of extras. 1575. F. W. Pettyjohn Co.. 279 Ji. Commer cial street. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER DODGE 1 toonnc, fine shape. 9425. F. . W. 1 Pettyjohn A Co, 279 North Commer I rial street. HE BOUGHT A GARDNER OVEB- j land Four touring, completely ever- haaled. $45". F. W. Pettyjohn A Co. I 279 North Commercial street. FOR SALE BUICK SEDAN IX Al , condition. Or consider trade for amal- ; ler car. Apply 218 Maple street. ! Phone No. 1303, Dallas. Oregon. 1 ' TRUCKS ' FOR SALE OB TRADE REO TRUCK. 11921 model, perfect conditio. Will trade for real estate, produce or will sell oa easy terms. This la aa excep tionally good bay. If yoa waat a real FIAXOI TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brnaswiek, H. L Bttu rar sitnre Co. Mutie Dept. DR. LENA A. BOOSE. CHIROPRACTOR. 475 ,8. Commercial. : aoas 1415. SHERMAN CLAY A CO. F1ANOS Stmawaya Duw-Art aad others. Moore a Masie iieaae. 415 Comrt treat Md Maaoaie Teaspta. DR. a L. SCOTT. H SC, CHIROPRAO- tor. 414 1 U. 8 Bank Bldg. Phoao 97; rea. 828-R. DANCXbTO PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dance Mr. White. Fhoae III J, MORRIS OPTICAL CO.--8uiU 901 Or goa Building. TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED oiaao taaer. Leave order WIUI Music Store. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BL'K dett at the Bow Optica Company, (25 State street, opposite Ledd aad Bask Bank. HOTELS CAPITAL HOTEL CORNER STATE AND Commercial. Fhoae 830. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY bOt ap 482 State. INIURAjrCA MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANT company. J. C. Balck. fl, room a MeCoraack Bldg. Phoao . JEWELRY REPAIRING AMERICAN. SWISS JEWELRY REPAIR inc. "If we cannot fix it, throw " away," 179 South High, next Oregoa depot. LAUNDRIES RAI.r.M LAUNDRY COMPANY.' 188 B Liberty street. Phoae 25. Oldest largist best. EsUblished 1889. :i-.:v ztl capital itt steam laundry - sww twfvtmij. i wav i i V- w .. ....... PEACHES CANNING PEACHES et your listinga ! early ech week Crawfords. now ready at J. W. LaFol so we can odvertise them. Salea will j i.ue's orchard, seven miles north el i rt nronvDtlr at one o'clock every ' Sstardsy. For farm aale dates phono ;" 1446. Cot-J.-B. Gable, auctioneer. ennn EATING PRIDE OF MULTNO- sh potatoes for sale. 93 per Mindred delivered. Fhoae , ear aa. TOR SALE .CRAWFORD PEACHE8, deiiverea in oaieia, fi. ' Write A. Wsrnock, route 1, Salem, WALDO PARK LOTS REDUCED. THE cost of the paving, gas and sewer is ..M.N.hl nan than tha prices on many of the Walde park lots since the - last redaction of 8300 on each lot. Every lot is marked with fronUge ad price. I If . Interested in high, class lot, sewer, gst. paved and shsde, look the over, jut Inside creek on North , Bummer, f need f aw a op. . Becke St- Hendricks . N . . 265 U. B. Bank Bldg. . V Vo RALE SMALL HOUSE NEAR v lia. vol "auxisi. x-nco ev. I-MI See . Krueser . Oregon Bldg.' ' Phone 217 WANTED LISTING ON II0M.ES FOB ale. - I hsv the buyers. - 1 H M. J. Hunt v ' Ladd. A Bash Bldg. - WANTED AN UP TO DATE DRY .' goods sad notions store. Not over iao.000 for cash. ; Apply at Room Al2w at' 227H . ..Wshuigtoa street. Perttsnd, Oregon " , s - - - of Salem on river road. Marion eoonty, near Clear Lake school. Phone "Beautiful Oregon Rose" and eleven other Oregoa soars, together with a fine collection of patriotic oaga, sacred songs and many eld time favorites - ALL FOB 25a (Special prieea ia quantity lota) Especially adaptable for school, eommaa ity or home singing. Bead for The Western Songster T6 pages, aow In Its third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 315 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or. - MlgCEULAJtEOUa GOOD TEAM OF 8- YEAR OLD BAY mares. 1200 each, sound: and rood set . of harness, for 9175. , O. V. Badley Co. rnone aia, tsaiem. SUMMER LCOCAGli REDUCED WALL paper remnsnta, plaster wallboard. Velvet stair earpet. 91-35. Eadur anc high grade honso saint. Katao- mino,' 10c pound. Cottoa mattresaea, 98.60. Steel spring! $5.00. Max O. Burea, 179 K. Commercial 8t, '- WOOD BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 4 FOOT and 16-inch. Prompt delivery. Rea enable pri--e. Fred E. Wells, 805 8. Church. Phone . 1542. ,1 4 FOOT AND 16 INCH DRY MILL wood ia aay qnsatity. Trsey Wood Co. Phone 820. or ealL The People's Cash Store, BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Psrlor. 110 North Commercial street. Phoao 956. BICYCLES AMP XEFAIBCTP HARRY W. SCOTT "THE CYCLE Man." 147 S. Commercial, phone 68. LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON B1CY elee and repairing. 887 Court. CANDY SHOPS ACME CHOCOLATE SHOP "JUST Candy." Strictly homemade. 121 S. Commercial. - CAXFET8 AMD FLUTT BUGS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC WE NOW weave flaff toga made oat of old ear pets, aay length or width yoa desire. We also re-fit. re-sow and aiao earpete- Feathar renovating aad mattreaa (team ing and re-mskmg. Salem Carpet Cleaning aad Flatf Rug Works. Phons 1154. carpet" amp bug weaving CARPET AND RUG WEAVING RAGS dyed. Phone before 9 a. m. S4rzi. CHINESE PHYSI0IAM qualky work, prompt ssrviea. Broadway. Fhoae loo. MACHIKrSTS WECHTER SMITH MACHINISTS. engtaeers, welders, nesia cyiinoei griodiag service. ry. Phone 963 945 Far MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH claw work for psrticaisr people, u v. Brandon, contractor. ' 865 North High Phoae 845 J. MTJR8EBIE8 FRUITLAND NURSERY OFFICE 161 South 14th atreet. A. J. Matnia. prop Pleaae see, mo before buying. Fhoae 1140 M. i NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL frnlta. ornamentals. Capital City Bar serr Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg. Phoae 75. pLvasma PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1897 J. Shop, 127 union street. A. L. Godfrey. DR. L. M. dieeaso HUM CURES ANY KNOWN ! 16 8 Hishp BU Phone 188 PESPUME AMD TOILET ARTICLES CLEANERS AMP DYERS SPICK. N. SPAN - dyers. 544 State. CLEANERS AND CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracM. toilet articles. Mr. Atoyor. 170 South 23rd. Phoae 1224. PRINTINO PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTOR OPTICIANS REAL ESTATE 1 bat tempratnre were low sua the forecA&t suggMted eom how CITY houses city LOTS. BCNGA m. Receipts were large. arrlYRls 7-4" flT J," .zcagirru, a- I est i mated at 300 car. coealry. Brow a Magee, ever Baa- Ph. 1 mand for oats and the market 1 1 1 1 1 a-aaaamaaaajmiai 1 1 at it k am A AP-g 4th A A FOR 8 ALE OR EXCHANGE FOB CITY " " 7"" " . Tl. 7Z property, tea or twerty scree, uooaiana OCia Cioe 10 jesnriuaj 1 tui haildmrs. Italian prua berrie. TOO N. Hih: aad ktsaa POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optom strata. 888 State. OSTEOPATHI0 FHYS3CIANI DBS.. WHITE AND U. 8. Bank Bldg. MARSHALL 206 OR FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG. Phones 756, 2024 J. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physiriaa and Surgeoa. Kirksville gradsst. 404-405 U. 8. Naiioasl Baak Bid. Phoae, of fie 919; rea. 914. BROKEN ARCHIS AND OTHER DE formities of the feet corrected without loss of tieae from your occuaatasa IV, . Wait A Marshall. O. 8. Baak Bldg. OR JOHN U LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physicisa and Burgeon. 4O9-404 Oro- fnn Bldg. r bones, office, 1894: roe 8F5. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS OR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND rhronir diseases. 415 Oregoa Bldg Phone 110. LODGE DIRECTORY "KITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. I amp 8. Armory. Fit third Moadava REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 16 ROOM DWELLING. OXK block from statee hoas. laqair af owner. 1030 Lhemeaeia street. Liquidatlon la September and December lard caased a sharp de cline In provisions. WORTH MORE MONEY 6 ROOM house. 3 bedrooms, bath, electric lignu. 1 garsge. cloae in. 4-'00. 810O0 csah. balanre time. Compton Rea! Estate 22 State street Phone 768 Phone 1303 R FRUIT NEW YORK. Aur. S9. Eyapo- rated applee, neglected; prune. dull; apricots, Quiet; peaches. easy. Maciarlani, Herbert Roblrwca. Plovde Stott; capItalUatlou . 110.000. - ; ;w Oregoa Oyster company, Port land; incorporators, Louia Wach- muth, Elliabeth Wachemuth. K. . lu McDougal; capitalization 23,- 000. : " : : : Lambda Van. CorvaHUr Ineor porators, Veva Smith, president; . Vllma DoheU. view proaident; Eli sabeth Sittiemeler, manager; charitab'e- ; ' : . D0II9 Wall Paper Jfe Taint eonv. pany. Foruana: incorporwr William ,r.olla, II. S. Palmer. C E. Yeag'er; capltalixaUon. $10,- 000. ' - ANDERSON RUPERT Succeaaor to I-aflar k Laftar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE RON Hit LOANS 406 7 Oregoa Bldg. DAIRY IDTATOES I' ARM FOR HALE 200 ACRES GRAIN" aad dairy ranch in Wldo hilla, lOO arret in cultivation. Will take part Saleia nronertv. 93 Per acre. Call at 1137 Court or phoae 1403 W. Finest Fruit Land A harrain in 15 acres (no building) if aold fir&t half SeDtember. 3U mites out. rock road. Cheaper taaa anything near it. Fleming Realty Co, 341 State street PORTLAND, Aug. 23. Butter Prints extras, 44c; cubes extras, 3&c; prime firsts. 37c. Bulterrat, Portland delivery: No. 1 our cream. 4 4c. Potatoes: Buying prlre locaus $1.25 at $1.40; selling price. $1.50 at $1.75. CmCHESTERSPIlia SI Sa taeaaiaa yt r sod n taxi&sTS nininii at W REPORTS RAROAIN CHOICE CORNER LOT. good location, coat owner 6650; needs monev: anv reasonable offer consider ed, fall room 8. 34 1 State street or phone Monday. 794. BUCKS IIP MKT FOUR ROOMS, MODERN DUTCH kitchen; 91800. $600 will handle. room bnngaiow. modern; Dotrh kitch en, buffet, bookesaes. paved atreet, cement basement. 84000. 6 moms and sleeping porch, bath, good district, paved street, 92625, only down. Follrich Main Floor Terminal Building Active Issues Recover from Monday's Losses Gams One to Six Sunburn and ln. sect bites make you unhappy. THOLATUI.1 Is and sootl and gently heals. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 ROOM MOD- rn house, except furnace. fulL baae ment, larga attic. Term. 75 Helle nic, 4 blocks from postoffice. NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Kavor- ahlo interoretation of current nws developmenti Imparled : a buoyant tone to the stock market today, actire Issues recovering WILL TRADE GOOD FARM NEAR SA lera for eastern Oregon. Washington or Alberta ranch. Address owner, B 099, csre of Ststesmsu. wv aiiy WORTH WHILE ELECTRICIANS EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT AFAXTMXMTB ADVERTISING MAN WITH THOR- oogh kaowledge of printing, appropri ate disolav. illuitratinr. etc. Know- ledge of retail, direct and mail order : adtvrtisinr. seeks noaitioa aa assistant to sdvertisisg maaager. Can plan and write attractive ads, eircciar tellers. etc.. ,- ror information - write E. w. McBride, 1909 15th , Are., So. Min- neapalis. Minnt - WANTED ENesamO YOUNG MAN who kai ksd uperieaea selliag life laaarssoe, itecka or advertising. iUst . be able to devote hia entire time aad , ao aaibitioaa for edvaacememt. Must . hsve the oerag to proaaat kusinees propoattkoa to sssrehaata aad profes - siossl Aatwsy ia year own hsed wrHing. suttng age, attucatloas! aali fiestMBS, sxporieaee as aolieitor, etc Addreae "l-So. L" Btateamam office. ' - AOZXTt WANTED i AGENTS MEN, WOMEN, MAKE 940 to 9100 .weekly selling wilk hosiery direct to consumers. We deliver. Knitnsx Hosiery 83 West 84thr St., New York City. " . IF IXX)EIN0 FOB A PAYING rROP oaioa. Mil ear dependable trees. Good territory, epea aad .attractive on trie t under . which o work. Start aow. City Neraery Company. 426 "w" iog. - osieta, we. -' ' MALE AMP FEMALE HOP PICKERS, ATTTNTIOM WB ARE regisleriag for our several yard. d easap groaads, teata. Ubles. ben ches aad plenty of aawed wood far-- .isneo. . Register with Durbia Cor ''fv rr i. C. Penny store, or Adolph Cigar store oa State street. WANTED -, MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper aabscripUona. A good rj"PSWVr" to Hght people Addreaa ( the Pacific Homestead, Statesmaa Bldg. Salem, Ore, .,. - - HOP PICKF.R8 WASftlCiy-GOOD CAMP ' '"" wjoi. good water aad honse FOR RENT APARTMENT, FIRST floor. 292 N. Summer. FURNISHED VERY NICELY FOUR -room apartment. 1047 S. Commercial. Phone 1168-J. FLATS FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOM flat, unfurnished. t 897 Market at. FOR RENT COM PLETELY FURNISH , ed modern first floor five room flat. at 666 Ferry street. 950 a month. Call at Statesman business office, or phone S3. . ' BOOMS FURNISHED ROOMS 253 N. 13TH. Phone 385-W. I OR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED room, .for girl or women. o n. Commercial. Pbona 1415.- MODERN ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Centrally located. Meat give name aad reference. Addreaa A. care Btatoemaa FOR RENT SUITE OF BOOMS WITH . private bath, also single rooms. 1090 Chomeheta atreet. Phoao 1980. " PIAMOSJ SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC - Building. Phone 120O. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. Phone 1934. 928 N. Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trieal machine repairing, contracting, 837 Court. Phone 489, AiRCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Houao wiring by hour or contract. Esti mates furnisheL Phoae 980. 414 Court St. SECURE MY FIGURES OM WIRING By contract; by hoar. At pre-war prieea. H. W. Hatch. Phoae 1909-J. DRUG STORES Wht. NETMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial street, pnoae ia. , BBEWEB DRUG CO. 405 0OUBT Phoae 184. FINANCIAL 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment provision at laeml. Wa will finance you for a laa rat of interest thsa aay firm oa the enact Private money to loaa oa either city country property. , R. W. Marsters 411 Oregon Build jag .LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPERTY--- Plenty or money; o o.iar. 981 Va State atreet. UARTON POLK COUNTY FARM L0AI association has money to loaa at 5V4 percent. W. D. BmitB. secretary-ire aa sua oaiem oni t vpu, rTJBHTTTJBB STORES PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORK Ft and second Baaa lurniiura. in . vw mercial. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOB FURNACES198 8 12th street. 1 FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO otJer. Refinishing nd opholsterins a specialty. Phone 1743. Browa aad Groves. 1201 Booth Commercial FLORISTS ' ROWLAND printing. PRINTING Pattoa Bldg. CO. JOB RESTAURANTS HUB RET AURA NT MOST REASON sblo prices. : Johnsoa-Barry. 159 8 Higa. : ACME RESTAURANT DINNER. FAM ity style, 45e. 8hort order, popular prices; neat, new, clean. 121 south Commercial. I ' , BOODLE PARLORS Two room house, electric lights, sink, city wster end toilet, large lot, good location, $850; 9250 csah, S10 per month. 5 room plastered house, bath, toilet, electric light, near school snd ear line. 920O0; 14 cash, balance pay ments by the month. 2 lots. 4 room house, rity water, well and toilet. 91200; f2U0 school. Let us write your fire Insurance. MILLS & COPLEY 831 ,4 State street FOR SALE ELDON HOTEL, GLEN- dsle, Oregon, now doing good business. Twenty sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen, steam heat, city water, con tinuous electric scrvire. . Beautiful lo cation. Cost 'of bonding alone in 1914. 88300. Will sell building tar nished for 94500. Or would secept modern residence property, in Salem or Independence, Oregon. Dr. Geo. C. Knott, Independence, Ore. INVESTIGATE THESE Kit. arras toeankerriea. 3 miles from Salem eiauu 12 acres. 8 miles from Salem uauvv n acres. 8 tnilea from Salem pww Easy terms of payment A. C. BOHRSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Sslere, Ore Wood's Bargains Confectionerv. cicars and soft drinks. In cludinb futures 9900; cheap rent, liv- ' inr rooms in connection. Another stock invoice 945O0, doing good I K.- 1 no. . fli i. i . mnnAv miliar. Four mom bunraiow, plastered. brn ; Monday's losses and advancing to gofn.h.Uw.v .d iuiiK",: higher' ground on ga'ns ranging 81600. Don't tnra tbia down until from one to Six points. vou see it.- t . . ... 9A aerM ..II Wab.4 rlna. to town, fair FTeBiaent. tiaru'UR B buildings, on account of sickness tnat no immediate seizure or coal 1 pains, headache. backache and owner hss cut price to 3O0O, ana I . . . . am. I . 85oo will h.ndie it. F. L. Wood, mines and railroads was conlem- .. . acr.e. are ouidtlv re I althnnirh anthnritV Tor I .. ' - . I lievaH rw ONE FLOOR bucH action was aesirea in - "J corner. See I ---of emorrMirf. combined with reports of increasod car loadings and Chicago dtppatches which indicated the raMroad la bor board's refusal to make the 341 State street. ROOM ALL EIGHT house, inottt attractive roe about price. 6 room new bungalow. S room new bungalow. House snd lot close in for 81800, Hons and lot close in for il'IOO, House and lot on N. Cottage. 94fiOO. cash, sear I Iioaev and lot on N. Cottage, (lose in. Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. Cot tare St. so-called "living wage" the ole j try then!? IMonthly " pains, neuralgic, ; sciatic and rheumatic Dr. Mcs'M-Pain Pills Contain . no dangerous habit forming drugs. Why don't you basis for fixing the new scale of Phone 116 1 maintenance men, caused a more I ..tivo riomand for railroad sharei. PUBLIC NOTICES , I was advanced from one to more Ask your druggUt lh.ii Vi ra Vkninta. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT ' x-. VDltlRO Bill iwi ;odi TIMRRR. O F.N ERA L LAND OFFICE. Washington. D.c. July 95. ma. d the day with a net gain of 3 I SALEMIIARKETS I . Notice is hereby given th.t .nbjoct -- ."..T. , .1?! Itationa el tno I l- aiiu tuauiiu v privaw .. - . "i 191. il9 8l8,J 1-8. while gains of 11-2 points or nctiona of tha Secretary of 1 , , . f September is, ii7 (46 1 more took . place in Reading, t n- WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 489 Ferry BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP uey. 40c; puffed riee, 30e; aoodies. ; 0e; fried noodles. 60e. 199 8. Lib eTty. - 8EOOND HAND POOPS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. 842 N. Commercial. Phone 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds: pipe fittings, hsr aess, collars, collar pads, tools an chains. Fred Schladler. 959 Ceatei street. STOVES AMP BTOVB BEPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yean experieaee. Depot Natwasi fence, sises 26 to 98 iaches high Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., logsa berry and hop hooks. Sstem fence aad 8tove Works. 250 Oourt street. Phone Hi , 8HXMQLZMO RFIWINOLTNG IN CITY- OR COUNTRY. Free estimate. Phone 13F32 or write E. L. Oitergard, Rt. 4. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE fuse of all kinds removed. Cesspool clesned. Pboaa 167. TRAM 9 FEB HAULING CAPITAL: CITY TRANSFER 00. 226 State St. Fhoae Bos., uiainoonnic forwarding aad atorage oar specialty flat onr rate. to the conditions snd Ilm Act of June and the iostrn the Interior ol DS 4m)'vth'.i' . . SlZSSi Ion Pacific, Great Northern pre Rnroninc fnr Thk Wpk I ?i. 1922. at pubiie aaction' at the Uaitod f erred, AtlanUe Coastline. Lehigh DalftalllO IUI I IIIO VfCCIS. I a..,.. I-ad Offlra at Portland. Oreeoa. I .. .. a TT'.l.r- .-4 a..,. i -w -T Tizc. . itm .v.. vsiiey. pioriuia. uu .uu l l. ui nignesi oiaaer at no leaa mui - - , . the appraised value as sbowa by this bo- I r rew Oiners. tjaicago auu ahuu",'D-.b L".10 Ah.!. ""v: issues were reactionary. purchase price, with an additional aum I Public Utilities displayed mars ZlJZlV; "!!? new high rec t time of sale, money to be retaraed I ords for the year being establish if sale is not approved, otherwise patent . . , , rtronklvn Kd will issue for the timber which must be ed.ln this group Dy lirOOKljn l-i removed within tea years. Bids win be i jgon. North American. Ave.uern received from eitisens of the United ... . --t-.- .lonhnns tnd State., assertion of uch eititens and Union, American Telephone ana corporations organised under ' the laws I Columbia Gas Of Baltimore. A roed 6 room modern on ery good vsiue at ssooo. A 7 room at 93150 at 729 N. Liberty. One similar " on North Commercial and big corner lot. 92400. All are paved streets. , Fleming Realty Co, 341 State street Special TBAM8PORTATI01 i NEW PIANOS privilege price of Department. 08 FOR BENT WITH THE CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES f annlvine- rental oa purchase I Delivery. C. F. Brettaanpt, iionji, a nSwP.n.. H? L. Stiff. Musir North iiborty street. Pboaa 880. Ladies' Wearing Apparel WANTED DRESSMAKING MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, ETC. Phoae 511. OLD MATTRESSES .M ADA ova. - Canltal CitV Heading US. -. WANTED BEEF CATTLE. HOGS Teal, lamb, mutton and poultry. Will pay best rssh market prices. People s Vi.rb.t ir..i N. Liberty street, phone 994. ' - -- MAUD SIMONS. DES8MAKER 17U Bellevae Bt. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 151 South 12th. Phoae 1824 M. rvrrR CORSETS TO ORDER - Dressmaking. Carrie Fisher. MeCor aack Bldg. rrnuhed - r.ll tin v . . vr I ...nvniTtun is . . kviij mo'. wijiTEV imiiikko - ' : ware sua ! . V, - THE CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE OO. 185 N. Commercial St. Pboae 841 Hin PJC5I.Na COMMENCES AUGUST st Wilhsm's Hop Yard. Eola. 'V- PERSONAL GET! MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIA! twrveanoadat. Teledo. Ohio. . rri a is a 97 ANTED FUIWHI UnN twua l ehiTerv. atock: Will buy lor eaa JsALEM or sell oa eommiaaloa. Phone an Wood r v. the snrtioeeer. THE ADSITTS ARB PREPARED TC do any and all kinde of ladiea Ullor ina-. for old snd aew cuatomera. 86. N. 12th St. rhone 9085 R HEMSTITCHING MRS. BRECXENRIIWF. t-oiivr. ing. Mail ordera oolidted. 175 8. 19U Phoae 174 M. PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager Central Stage Tertnlnel Sslem, Orego SALEM -SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Salem. Central Stage TsrmiaaJ: 7 a.m.. 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Leaves Silverton, News Stand: S a.m, 1 p.m., 6 p.m. , 4alann.TniliMindfnc-Monmouth Division Leave Salem Central SUge Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. S p.m: o p.m 'esve Monmouth, Monmonth Hotel: 8:15 a.m 1 p.m., 6:15 p.m. (.eaves Independence. Beaver Hotel: :80 a.m. in a.m. i:i p.m. p.m. " We make connections at Salem to tU parts of the valley. Extra tripe ) appointment. 1. W. PARKER, General Mgr. - TRANSFER HATJUMO WE MOVE. STORE AND 8HIP HOUSE hold gooJs. Our specialty ia P'"' and furniture moving. We also msk eonatry trips. W handle the beat ca ml mml Call ah ai for oricea. Wi give good measure, good quality an food service. Lamer Transfer Co hn. 930. Three room house; good barn; on paved street. A snsp for 8950, terms. Some nice lots and some cash, trade for 5 or 6 room house. 2 room hopae for 8500. with 8200 cash and 910 per month. i Wc bare 2 honses and good barn on 2 nice lots, with all kinds of fruit, for 9160(1. a bsrgain. i room modem, good bsrn. Urge lot on paved street and car line. Prue 82600. Will take acreage close in. Good Portland property for cloae in im proved acreace. Thomason SjlH State street Some Bungalow Bargains (1600 Bungalow; 4 rooms; terms. 11700 llungslow: 3 rooms. t2000 B.meialow ; ' 6 rooms, 3 lots. 2500 Bungslow; 5 rooms. , ?3150 Hnngslow; 5 rooms. $4200 Bungalow. 6 rooms. 150O0 Bungalow; 6 rooms. tROO(l Bnnealow: 6 rooms. Let us show you some of these nifty bungalows on essy 'terms Childs & Bechtel 540 State street 17 ACRE CULTIVATED, 5 PASTURE; 8 acres of good timber; well, creek ond- spring wster: family orchard; place fenced ; 5 room house, aheda. r.hirken house, etc. Cloae to Salem and gravel road. Price 93800. One half cash. See L. A. Hayford 305 State street 1 WANT AUTO 9350 TO 9450 AS FIRST payment oa nearly new 4 room house i block from eourn vonrairn-m. v, m of the United States or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. Upon ap plication of a qualified purchaser, the timber en any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger aaiC T. 6 B.. K. 2 I... Hoc. 6. SW red fir 960 M- Bona of the red fir tim ber to be sold for less than $1.50 per K. T. 9 8 R. 9 E., See. 9. Lot 9, red fir 1950 M, SWV. NEU. red fir 2000 M. Lot 8. red fir 2300 11, Lot 1, red fir 2775 M none of the red fir umber to be sold for lets than 91.50 r M. Sec. 29. NWU BW. red fir 140 M.. none of red fir timber to be sold for less thsn 91.00 for M. T. 2 4- R. 4 E.. Sec. 25. NW NE,4 rod 'ir 1575 M SW14 N14. red fir 860 M cedar 180 M hemlock 840 M 8E4 VEU. red fir 810 M. cedar 60 M hem lock 10 M.. NK14 NW4. red fir 960 Vf.. NW NW. red fir 1260 M cedar 15 M.. 6W NWU, red fir 720 M.. -edar 60 SEU NW4, red fir 690 Steel shares also participated extensively in the upward move ment, United States Steal com mon making up Us quarterly dir. idend of 1 1-4 per cent on very heavy dealings. Further confi dence in the future of tin steel industry was Indicated by the ad vance in wages by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company. Indo nendent steels as a group follow ed the course aet by the premier Issues. Speculative Issues, like Mexican Petroleum, Baldwin ana stune- baker, also gained substantially nricaa ae. viva, ascent aa a.tad. -. . ,.r - . i a a... Uala. mining, an, om, vw Wheat, No. 9 .sacked 9. .Vetch sad est hy. 917. '- Clover hay, 919. .' , i Mill aa anUIf edL 8 J-I - . -EGGS, BUTTER BUTTEEFAT . Eggs, .retail. 85e. - Creamery bnHor. reUll. 47 & Do, BattrUt H4 . , - Sprlag fries, large 93. Spring fries, email, 19 Q H. -Hens, light, 14e. Hen heavy. 1 e. . FOBS, farTTOM AMD BEtr Hoga. top, 911 l 11.75. . Tp veal, dreeeed. lie. " Steers, . ' Cows, t 3 .. . V FBUTTf Vt.n.naa. - tfte. " lemons, 97.75 O 9JS. Nsvsl oraagaa, 96.60 C 10. Csltforais grapajrait 8 4 AO. Melon, l.u : Casabas, 9c. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 9c Tomatoes, lub $U0,! t t Walla Walla. . Browa enioaa, 91-99 erst. Tarnipd. 98. - ; ::T Psrssips, 9 AO. , Carrots, 12. . Head lettuces. Us doa. Beeta, 99-50. Celery. 90. , . . . ... ; Tt. IS, '. Pacfcsg data, sase, 99.75. Figs 12e. - Comb hoaey. ess. 94.50. , Caooasats, dnsea, 91.75. Buaiaed honey, lb. HV4s.. "to' Vf rulir SO M hemlock ISO Af . aona I narll. In roRnnnno tn short COV- if the red fir or cedar timber to be sold I . ., - int..n I . . . . f, I... than SI fin n If., and nana af I eniJK OperailOllB. 1 u- wwovvw .. pA-fl!iflrl .TlVlnty I'TXtTS I r. .. r-. - ---- - - - -- ...... . . . .t. I I a vi w - i . . ... i , mam v ni a.rsanviii.- .. ;h hemlock timber jp be" sold for less! group exhibited marked strength I ' man ei.uu prr . Uj .nnuir. rnaa nn tha hiTh tirlC- I vuis wrtTrr.TWW AaTT) SfCATS l. is B..H. b w Bee. ai. ns ibuu wKfc"--- - - --- l - 4W. rod fir 1500 M, none of the I - n noted from the metal. I BUTTERF AT STEADY red fir timber to be sold for less thaa I A , . , i 11.75 er M. Strength of American 1 Acting Office. GEO. B. WICKHAM. Commissioner, General Land .. , ... . , , . . h Strength of American Tobacco Pa;na;cVi. sf uIgrw:, age. chicken nouae; fnut tree. laO. everal bearing A, W. Estes Realty Co. Patton Buildinc Phone 768 WHEAT UNDERTONE EASY TUESDAY which rose to a new hign. was attributed to the stabilisation of i retail prices which followed Ihe abandonment of the trade dis- count policy by that company. Special stocks which registeren new high prices for the year In cluded American Ice. National Lead and Retail Stores. Total salea approximated 700,- 000 shares. A I it fir EGOS FIRM. IICARCE Current receipt., 23 O 24c: whit bea aeries 23 Vp 2e delivered. Th quo tation ro based tm prices paid for the bulk of receipts by local jobbers aad """UVE POULTRYJ-8TEADY (Lett ommissloB Heavy beas 91 0 22e lb.: do light, 19 9 1 4e ; broilera. Rocks and Reds, 22 ft 95e; liOfhorja. 20c; old roosters. 10c: d.cka, while Pe kin, young, 20 22e. old decks. aoaninsL DRESSED MEATS FIRM. SCARCE (Less commission I 4;etee ngai anas. andeagradea. 12 ie; FOR SALE EVEN ROOM STRICTLY Lower Hrmirrn uTinaruw --- . I " f . . . . Sis-? "j'h Ti- I i nrougnoui session un- T v"". v- as. v . (p, . t v-w Building. Phone 217. ItU. hit 1 c inn arlflM. 1 Sw a. luc. . u The money market adhered, to J crade, 12 I4c v ' Liverpool Cables movements of the vrejiox hay-steadv 'f s-i.lTie HEMSTITCHING pleating, butions. aUmpiag and aeedle work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Phono 879 VARIETY STOBES ialem Variety storf Commercial. Phone 1277. 152 ' FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER MRS. C. E. MILLER HKM.s 111 v-iiif.. stamping, buttons, ttootn m, kvr'a store. Phone 117. ; MACHINE SHOP WAREHOUSES BIRDS AMD DOGS PLPPIE8 FOR BALE FOX TERRIER a Airedale. Agent for KprMft v i, V hir1 'd nd remedies. . E- B- r,. 973 8tate, Salem. CUT FLOWERS 0lnJLl2tl rr ASTERS, 7.IXIAS, CUT nowera. Phono 1700. 1UCTT0NEEB F. K. WpODRY. THF livsstoek. fsraltara. real wU - aae .tkaaew Phoae 611 for sale dates Rea. 1610 N. Bummer. . 1. SATTERLEB AUCTIONEER. FARM and atock sties. Phoaea Borideeoe 131 1-J: Office 1177. Salem. Oregoa. Auto Directory . H AND M. CO. SPECIALTY GRIND ert and welders. Automotive service 490 Ferry. Phone 864. -. WAREHOUSE WE HAVE .SPACF for hops, prunes snd miaciianco.j atorage. Corner Trade A Hieh Sts Phone 717 or 231. Msngis Bros. WOOD IAWS Best Buys and Exchanges S acre. 4 clcsred. 1 oak grove; 2 room shsck: 3 1 mile to station. Good wstl. 900- cssh. .8l acres.' cleared. Price $S25 terms. H40 acrea " North Dakota, for Oregon ranch Price S38.400. 131 acres. Albert stock rsnch ; a first cLia. nronoKition ' well fenced: hou barns, sheds, living wster. cleared 1. acatterinr timber pasture. Price 815.0O0. Will take Slem property or acreage fos all or part. j 140 scree well improved for Portland nronertv. Price 924.000. Call in. We may have what you are looking for. .Socolofsky Sit State settles Markei day. opening at..3 3-4 per cent tout advancing to 4 per cert in the H1" er part of the session. Leading foreign exenanges Nhowed further steadiness on the ea. n ... : . . 1 .. was sieany aenyne n-r-ij MILLINERY WOOD SAWING PHONE 1181. coon try. Ed. Sproed. CITY CHICAGO, Aug. 29. Wheat showed an easy undertone today In September with lower quota- j tnK8 0r commercial bill?. French Hons at Liverpool and on local francs were substantially above and commission lioue pressure, previous days rinse and the Ger- , vswl ,a. , , "i.w man marx rainea snarPM a V iuotju a YlS a-u a -A l" vi f vwsvu September $1.02 and December Jl.02 to Jl.02. Corn was town IVa to lhc; oats were un changed to 4c off, and provisions generally lower. Liverpool cables were lower othy. 918 19 ton; r.astera Weo Timothv. 921 t 23 on; alfalfa, 919 (A 16.S0 ton; clover, 914 tonj oaU and vetch. U 0 16 tea; straw. 6 0 9 too GRAIN NOMINAL J - ll 1 t14las,J aa aarnaP laUjfa 1 higher range for thene rrmltlanc- I WhtpM- $1.01 & i.o: 5u. $ao q 2; uoted by London. Sterling i Ktm ,l0 w' - 7 I NEW CORPORATIONS BATS FROM II CP MRS. a A Orimm 519 Omrl atreet. MEM'S STORE FARM PAPER AUTOMBILES .JU WAST TO GET THE BEST r SflfatTT? OrvMrraea. tor a three mntbs trial aubscription. M entioe tntS . BO. - - .f " - .;. THE OOOD MAXWELL GINGRICH Motor Ce). 971 Court. - ' - - ED. CHASTAIX'S VP8TAIB8 MES shoo. SCItS. and overcoaia. . ae mj ataira. it pays. - - MUSICAL Commercial. MRS HENRY LEE PTA NO. 1921 M Capitol. Phoae 1017-W. F1AM0S USED CHICKERINO GRAND. IN GOOD t Stiff Famitur Co.. . . k, r0Jf..8ALJrT,O0D UFD MAHOGANT I ...' " Price S2f". i :. OOAT8 - . ; nor" Tf . t -i Mi.,V " e per lb. , FsBBlo Brssson. Danaa. Oregoa. , AOETYT JMB WELPIMO a-n nmsa ALUMIKUM- Rrlat '. Oso Gas Heating J SA, rj, CONSERVATORY OF MC8IC-- fin 997 Court. Ian kr.aehea taurht. diplomas granted Z I l.aa R 8 tea. Direeor. joun TIRES AMD ACCE OM" phwo- M 'IITY AND COUNTRY WOOD 8AWING Phone 2046. Fisher Hroa. . WATER 3AI.EM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO Office. 901 South Com I. m. ' " P" coot discooat oa domestic flat rales paid in advaaee. No dedamon o abaeace or any esass unless wster is hoi aff nnr premise PROFESSIONAL " Articles of Incorporation were filed here yesterday by the Non Fcul Oil K'ng cpmpany of Port- throughout the session there andliand canltalrzed at $30,000. The this helped to unsettle the market incorporators are Irvln A. Car- J eighths blood, ao 92c: hA. FRUIT t. FRUIT STEADY ' Early peacho. 50 60; raapberrie. I J i 10; applea, 91 .'-"i1 .''ST Hea 91.75 bos; wild black berrJ. 1S lh.; blueberries. ISc lh.; eaatslMrpae, 91.50 4 2 crate: b.ckleherriea, 18 lh.;, pears. 81-35 I '- ' '- ' "Tl . VF.RFTABI.F.S HTEAOT It New potatoes. St.50 9 1.60 ewtt Or- I ..Lt.... a a ce tn Ik ! earauaa. lie lb: carrots. 85c doa. buache; greeo pea. 6 T 7s lb.! groes oaioas. 3S dot. bnache; cream Squssh. .'"''J onions. 81.50 cel.: new corn, S.5 tj 0 deaea s Semetne. 85 40e oa. U'fWIt STEADY - " Half blood sad fine, 80 95: three- Good Buys in Houses and Bungalows i room bungalow, modern in every wr y, slde of the Atlantic. The penter. Allan F. Metcalt and Er- lL?nU Zr "l4 wool. 4 tsZ tl'tTn rfioSr demand for wheat, for export was neat L. Lynch. Otherartlcle. J-?: 'a Unu IjlllHI oh 1 room bouse close in on South Com mercial street. Trie $150(1 cash. T room bonse with baaemenl ' on aoutn tuga strcei. inn .vuy rash. S Toora home, lsrg" lot, st 1G80 Mouth Hish street. Fnce 40O0; 2UI down. . Xearlv new room plastered bnngaiow fair, but most of Use recent bnsi- j were filed a3 follows: ne- has been for Manitoba, j Macfarland - Robinson, Country offerings of ppring wheat Portland; incorporators. were lioeral but there was no great pressure of winter wheat There was fair buying by houses with eastern connection early 1 Vallev Wool 1 '" v I ItOPM STEADY I 1 P. osnlnaL aew eoarract 11 CHTROFODISTS USED PARTSl 8 WVgl RAO AND JAZZ PIANO, TliriVO-- A.tat Wrecking viioaso. r- CommorciaL Phoae 599. RADIATOR , FXMDEB .REPAIRS RADIATORS FIBERS,. BODIES, made or rensiraa. . . Ferry. 1 S lessons 8vstm. F. aack Bldg. marantoed. Wst B. Clark. Mgr.. MeCor MUSI0 STORES ClassitlcrJ Ads. in Tne . Read the Classified AOs, Statesman Bring Results OEa C. WILL PIANOS. PHONp ersphs. sewing machrnee. sheet maaio. - aad ptaa at. die Repsiri.g phono rrafiha and sewiaa machiaes. 683 Slate. Sal. OH ItaiagaraS CllHtnH Ada n-o nrnncr Hrvr.R FOOT SPEC- ialut. modern "equipment: erches in order. Room S, ration oio. -Phone 957. " ' : DR. Wn.LIAM8 CORNS. CALLOU8. ea. InrrowB aaila. all iw uwaoava. Price Shoe Co. Phoae 616. Classified Ads. In The : Statesman Bring Results ritk niula nlnmhiiir. Price 821SO 8360 down, balance payable 825. per which led many of the pit traders month. l.c tel n Miri r-ara Rest Estate and Fire Iasurance W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. !?5 State St. V. R. Bank Bldg. I WILL FCH ANR8 14 ACRE ".R near Eugene for house and lot or small ecresre near Salem. Fine - -farm with forest reserve raage Joining farm. Price 830". Winnie Pettyjohn 331 H State street Uis Statasntaa uiasslflsd Ads to, support the buying, but they found support light when they tried to take profits. " Lack of outside trade counted heatily against the market. Scattered liquidation was en in corn and at no lime was Decem ter as high as yesterday's finish. Drought dpntinued over the great er part ol the west and southwest COMING! K SCREEN SCRAP BOOK WATCH FOR IT i ..' ." - .... : i ; . 1;-'i:vs',:. ;-: '